
Herein this vault you can find the worst movies of all time, as deemed by fellow Zoners* (you don't have to be a Zoner to submit). Feel free to be aghast at the horror of bad filmaking that has plagued our innocent lives. Feel free to scream at the agony of feeling each other's pain as you recognize movies you, yourself, have seen. Feel free to vote in agreement on a movie's disgustingness. Feel free to take out your revenge on a movie by entering it into the tomb of.... The Worst Movies Ever!!!

Vote on a scale of 1-10, 1 being "I walked out after losing my cookies and then was haunted by nightmares for weeks" and 10 being "I simply wished I had my money back."

Submitted for your displeasure...

Vote for Rating
Average Rating Given
The Lost World
4.6 (6 votes)
Escape from L.A.
3.7 (4 votes)
Yor: Hunter from the Future
3.75 (2 votes)
Dead Heat
4.3 (3 votes)
Nothing but Trouble
4.6 (5 votes)
Hunter's Blood
3 (1 vote)
The Offspring
3 (2 votes)
6 (3 votes)
Sleepaway Camp
2 (2 votes)
6 (3 votes)
Plan 9 from Outer Space
6.14 (7 votes)
Slumber Party '57
7.5 (2 votes)
Wings Over Alaska
7 (1 vote)
The Scarlet Letter
4.2 (4 votes)
Liquid Sky
2 (3 vote)
Star Crash
3 (2 votes)
Hercules in New York
3.6 (5 votes)
4.3 (3 votes)
Air America
3 (4 votes)
Tequila Sunrise
5 (2 votes)
Driller Killer
2 (1 vote)
2.3 (5 votes)
3.8 (5 votes)
Hudson Hawk 
(not about Rog)
2 (4 votes)
Before Sunrise
7 (1 vote)
Of Unknown Origin
4.5 (2 votes)
The Hitcher
2.5 (1 vote)
2.6 (3 votes)
The Pickle
3.3 (3 votes)
The Temp
3.6 (3 votes)
Johnny Mneumonic
10 (1 vote)
Judge Dredd
4.75 (4 votes)
Hard to Hold
4 (1 vote)
5 (1 vote)
The Pallbearer
2 (1 vote)
Heavy Metal
8 (1 vote)
Murder at 1600
3.3 (3 votes)
The Cable Guy
1.6 (3 votes)
Iron Eagle
The Conqueror
Twilight of the Ice Nymphs


Go to the Internet Movie Data Base to join people around the world in giving these movies low ratings.

So, you think you've seen a pretty bad movie, too, huh? Well then honor it by having it included here! Just fill in the little form below and send it off to me. I'll update the vault as soon as possible. Thank you, and I hope you didn't get too sick watching your horrible movie.

Name of movie or movies: 

* What's a Zoner?  Someone from the Zone, of course!  The Friends Zone started out as a mailing list discussion group centered on the TV sitcom, "Friends."  However, we started talking more about our own lives then the show and we became a bunch of friends ourselves.  To learn more, go here.

Last Updated January 21, 1999, 2:00 pm EST by Cheryl "Mad HTMLer" Smith
Thanks to Tim "Timinator" Cree for the idea of this page.