I love Elmo!  Can't get enough Elmo!  He's my best friend!

I'm 17 months old in all these picture.  I'm big enough to be a handful now!

Dig my rain gear!

How approrpiate is the 
placing of this word?


Am I just too cute or what?
(Note my very own Elmo keychain!)

"C" is for cookie that's good enough for me!
(Did I mention I love Cookie Monster, too?)

Maybe if I close my eyes, 
the water will go away.

Okay, it didn't go away. 
Might as well try to dip a toe in!

Mom says I need a haircut.

On my way to my first trim!

I was very good in mom's lap.

Look's good, huh?

Look, Grandpa! 
I can still wear pigtails!


Ooo!  This is an awful shot of me!

What was I saying about being too cute?

Thanks for visiting.
And remember... Kylie loves you!