We are like flowers, and our friends are the sun and the rain that help us grow.

These are links to the pages of just a few people that are tuly beautiful inside and out. In some way or another, they have made an impact on me. Whether it be inner strength, a loving heart, or just plain "I'll be there for you"-ness, I think these people are examples of what we should all try to be.

Tracey Kazimir I'd adopt Tray to be my big sister if I could.
Heidi Anne Duerr A true kindred spirit.
Roxanne Finch Rox rocks in so many ways.
Steve Boyko Steve always brings a smile to my face, whether he knows it or not.
John "Curmudge" MacLeod A man wise beyond his years.
Keely Burns Keely inspires me. 'Nuff said.
David and Shyla Lee Shyla was more than just my resident assistant in college, she was someone to look up to and be pals with. Then she married a great guy who also happens to be someone to look up to and be pals with.
Germ "Queen of Bacteria" Adams Actually, she's the Queen of Postcards. No matter where she goes, I know I'll get that postcard!
Updated July 15, 1997, with love, by Cheryl Smith.

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