Kylie Rose is growing like a weed... or maybe a rose that's been fertilized with Miracle Grow!  At 7 1/2 months she now weighs 19 lbs. 8 oz.  Her mother is convinced it's more like a ton.



Thumbs taste soooo good!

Petting Jack

The Incredible Shrinking Baby!

One Kylie Wrap to go, please.

Aren't I cute?

Dig my new jumper.


Kylie Rose by day, Super Baby by night!

Go Sens Go!


Plumber in training.

Oatmeal everywhere... I think I got some in my mouth!


Daddy and me on Canada Day.
(6 months)

Mommy and me on the 4th of July.

I salute the flag!
(Mommy forgot to give me my Canadian flag on Canada Day... oops!)

Peek-a-boo with the camera.

I like kissing mommy.

Trying to pet Elvis, who doesn't want to be petted.

Dusting under the sofa for mommy.

My friend Krystina thinks I'm a little angel.


Kayla and Brenda say I'm so-o-o-o-o big!

Oh, my, what big feet I have!

Where did that camera come from?!


The many faces of Kylie:




"Oh, really?"


"We are not amused."

Sitting on my own for the first time!
7 months

Playing Peek-a-boo with Daddy

I can overcome any obstacle before me!

On the other hand.....



Birth - 4 months Pictures are HERE.


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Updated 8/19/03