Welcome to my Guestbook! I love making pictures of my 6 Ferrets. I hope you enjoyed them.
First Name : Mike (Nutmeg)
URL : roswellalien47@hotmail.com
How did you find my page? : Ferret Realm
How many Ferrets do you have? : Nutmet & Pepper
Favorite Place? : Warm Beaches
Favorite thing to do? :
Other Comments :
First Name : Alisha
Your Home Page :
Your Email Address : aardruner@aol.com
How many Ferrets do you have? : 3
How did you find my page? :
Favorite Place? :
Favorite thing to do? :
Other comments :
First Name : shannan
Your Home Page :
Your Email Address : makeup_arts@yahoo.ca
How many Ferrets do you have? : one
How did you find my page? : Member of Ferret Realm
Favorite Place? : Home- Toronto
Favorite thing to do? : Wrestle ferrets of course
Other comments : Your fuzzies sure are adorable, hope they are all healthy and hyper!
First Name : KIMMY
Your Home Page :
Your Email Address : beamer@cox-internernet.com
How many Ferrets do you have? : RANDY, ANDY ,SANDY
How did you find my page? : JUST LOOKING AT FERRET WEB SITES
Favorite Place? :
Favorite thing to do? :
Gram-ma and "Count" - 12/18/00 21:36:45
My URL:/rp4861
My Email:gogramgo@hotmail.com
How did you find my page?: Ferret Realm
How many ferrets do you have?: Just one, that seems like 20 at times;-)
Your Favorite Place?: At home with my friends and family.
Your favorite thing to do?: Play with my critters.
Lawanda, as usual, a beautiful job. I really enjoy your pictures.
Patricia Mason - 12/12/00 03:54:16
My Email:ibegoodnowao.cm
How did you find my page?: links
How many ferrets do you have?: one now, one just died
Your Favorite Place?: Outdoors
Your favorite thing to do?: reading & writing
I love the little ferrets, they are so cute and cuddly. They are very entertaining and such fun to have around. They will always keep you laughing, especially when you have two of them together! I miss my male ferret, Bandit, he passed away about a month
ago. He was 5 years old. And I know Baby misses him too.
Nora Eliana Del Cul - 12/08/00 21:30:11
My URL:http://members.nbci.com/furryslinky
My Email:Slothslayer@yahoo.com
How did you find my page?: web ring
How many ferrets do you have?: 3-Prozac, Valium, and Zwitterion
Your Favorite Place?: Bed
Your favorite thing to do?: Play with my babies
I like your page-but MORE PICTURES OF THE BABIES! :)
Lisa Roberts - 12/06/00 05:50:20
My URL:/lisainky_32
My Email:lisa_in_ky@hotmail.com
How did you find my page?: browsing
How many ferrets do you have?: none at the moment...my sweetie passed away!!
Your Favorite Place?: at home....backyard with "babies"
Your favorite thing to do?: play with my 4 legged "babies" !
I just read the message you wrote in my guestbook. Wanted to tell ya that I have pics of my ferret (Jinkeez), taken years ago, but I don't have them on the site yet. He passed away about 8 yrs ago, so they are my only link to him now! I'll be making his p
ge ASAP! Hope he didn't read that you said I loved dogs more....heavens no...I love all my brats the same......HEHE!!
Nancy - 12/06/00 00:59:30
My Email:waltscharters@msn.com
How did you find my page?: ferretrealm
How many ferrets do you have?: one
good site
Lisa - 11/20/00 20:46:19
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/lisainky_32
My Email:lisa_in_ky@hotmail.com
How did you find my page?: browsing around
How many ferrets do you have?: my baby passed away
Your Favorite Place?: dreamland
Your favorite thing to do?: play with ferrets, of course
You have a great page...sweet fuzzies too!!
Robin - 11/15/00 05:46:44
My Email:ginesrobin@hotmail.com
How did you find my page?: link from Ferret Realm
How many ferrets do you have?: 1 baby boy Wicca
Your Favorite Place?: in front of the coumpter
Your favorite thing to do?: finging Ferret web sites ,games , and a member of Ferret Realm & having online friends on Ferret Realm
I realy injoyed your web site, your babys are all beautful,
Greta Hoisington - 11/03/00 19:29:25
My Email:ghoisington@hotmail.com
How did you find my page?: pleasantly interesting
How many ferrets do you have?: none of my own
Your favorite thing to do?: babysit my daughter's male, albino ferret, named Jagr
Your ferrets are precious! I enjoyed seeing their pictures and reading about their escapades.
mary k. & ken - 09/28/00 01:06:10
sena - 08/29/00 22:37:08
My URL:http://www.homestead.com/my_ferrets/index.html
My Email:sena@micron.net
How did you find my page?: link
Your Favorite Place?: I donno..
Your favorite thing to do?: I donno...
plz visit my site! its lame right now, but I'm working on it!!
Denise Brown - 08/28/00 15:13:39
My Email:dbrown@RSLMGMT.com
How did you find my page?: via geocities
How many ferrets do you have?: 7 Beautiful Females!!!
Your Favorite Place?: Many
Your favorite thing to do?: Traveling
Your design and site are just beautiful!!
I am very impressed with the layout and all the work put in to it.
Amy Goh - 07/13/00 06:27:51
My Email:amygohyanling@dog.com
How did you find my page?: when i was looking for information for may ferret called Snowball
Your favorite thing to do?: drawing and breeding ferrets
i love your page espacially Petals i too keep i albino named Snowball. i am thinking of breeding her.
Rita - 07/11/00 02:12:09
My Email:ritajj1@hotmail.com
How did you find my page?: You, dear!
Your favorite thing to do?: read all post and chat with my fert friends
This was a LOT of fun!!! And, thanks for putting this close "to home"! Too cool and I really enjoyed the pics. Almost felt like I was there! :>)
JulieAnn - 07/10/00 23:26:06
My Email:jlhirsch@mn.mediaone.net
How did you find my page?: Link from Ferret Realm
Your Favorite Place?: Kailua-Kona, Hawaii
Your favorite thing to do?: Play w/my Ferts & Cross Stitch
Thanks for the photos from Kissimmee! Well done!
Debbie and the Ferrets10 - 07/10/00 01:14:03
My URL:http://www/geocities.com/Heartland/Ridge/6386
My Email:snowy1@mediaone.net
How did you find my page?: Just checking to see if you did anything new.
How many ferrets do you have?: 10
Your Favorite Place?: Yours
Your favorite thing to do?: Play with the ferrets, making pictures of them.
Hi Lawanda,
Just checking to see if anything is new. Thought I would sign the guestbook again since you begged to have it signed. hehe
new mommie - 07/05/00 20:48:50
My Email:clmtrm25
How did you find my page?: just using that old finger
How many ferrets do you have?: two Tiger male 2 and half Gabbie is 2
Your Favorite Place?: none
Your favorite thing to do?: play with my babies
Wonderful stories pictures everything was just great.
Maritza Aponte - 06/01/00 05:59:56
My Email:nilsaimara@yahoo.com
How did you find my page?: The new rainbow bridge
How many ferrets do you have?: one;PETER
Your Favorite Place?: the beach
Your favorite thing to do?: Manualitys
You have a fabulous page.i really like you page.
Lauren - 05/21/00 11:34:50
My Email:lolly_cass@hotmail.com
How did you find my page?: just looking
How many ferrets do you have?: i really want 1
i really want a ferret but my mum will not let me have 1 until after my holiday and then i can get 2 and i will name them corey and rachel
vickie quarles - 05/14/00 22:39:43
My Email:vickie quarles
How did you find my page?: browsing
I had two ferrets but we lost one to kiddney stones. Baby is our female. We really enjoy looking at all of the pictures.
Diane - 04/13/00 19:13:48
My URL:http://members.xoom.com/devindestny/Fuzzy-greetings.html
My Email:nemesis1@startrek.com
How did you find my page?: The Ferret Community
How many ferrets do you have?: 14
Your Favorite Place?: In front of a television set
Your favorite thing to do?: Play with my ferrets
I love your site. You take some of the cutest ferret pics I have ever seen. Give them furballs a big hug from my 14 devils and me.
- 03/30/00 20:44:46
patrick - 03/30/00 20:43:59
My Email:pm1292
How did you find my page?: a search web
How many ferrets do you have?: none
Your Favorite Place?: the zoo
Your favorite thing to do?: play with my pets
Beth Korey - 03/15/00 21:36:20
My Email:sndwchgl@cs.com
How did you find my page?: Mary Fesender
How many ferrets do you have?: None
Your Favorite Place?: Anyplace Peaceful
Your favorite thing to do?: Enjoy life to fullest
Lawanda, glad I finally came into the world of computers. Have heard lots about "Your Page" Glad I finally got to visit. See you around town and will visit here from time to time. Beth
Bettie - 03/09/00 04:19:23
My Email:Bettie@clacknet.com
How did you find my page?: ferret pic search
How many ferrets do you have?: none anymore
Your Favorite Place?: not here
Your favorite thing to do?: spend money
Sunnyflower - 03/01/00 19:32:31
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ny/sunnyflowers2
How did you find my page?: from a friend
How many ferrets do you have?: had 2
Your Favorite Place?: DC
Your favorite thing to do?: reading
Loved the pictures!!!! Reminded me of my ferrets (one passed away in '94 and one had to give to anoter person due to moving to another state).
Debbie and the Ferrets10 - 02/22/00 03:19:52
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Ridge/6386
My Email:snowy1@mediaone.net
How many ferrets do you have?: 10
Hi Lawanda,
Been awhile since I signed your guestbook. I just wanted to let you know that your St.Patrick's Day page is real cute!! Great start. You will get it all together again so cheer up.
Happy Ferreting, Debbie
Lanise - 02/18/00 05:07:25
My Email:starlite1025@hotmail.com
How did you find my page?: ferret comm.
Your Favorite Place?: ferret chat
Your favorite thing to do?: play with ferrets
thanks again for the view of the pictures they were great!!!
Lanise - 02/18/00 05:06:14
My Email:starlite1025@hotmail.com
How did you find my page?: ferret comm.
Your Favorite Place?: ferret chat
Your favorite thing to do?: play with ferrets
thanks again for the view of the pictures they were great!!!
Jenna - 02/15/00 22:35:16
My Email:ferretlvr5@yahoo.com
How did you find my page?: Ferret community
Great pictures. I am very excited about going to this years show!
Lanise - 02/04/00 01:17:26
My Email:starlite1025@buffalocity.net
How did you find my page?: Looking to find out more about ferrets.
Could you e-mail me i'd like to chat with you.The book onthe ferrets was great!!!!!!!
C-ray - 12/19/99 15:57:59
My URL:http://www.globalnetpools.com/finspace.html
My Email:nativson@evcom.net
How did you find my page?: From the community link
How many ferrets do you have?: 11
Your Favorite Place?: at home with our ferrets
Your favorite thing to do?: related to others that have ferrets and surf the web for new friends
What can I say but "BITCH'N SITE"
Cory Williams - 12/19/99 15:40:42
My Email:cwferret2001@hotmail.com
How did you find my page?: My dad told me about it.
How many ferrets do you have?: 11
I liked the pics from the show. I was one of the judging stewards and we had ferrets in the show. I havent found any other pics from the show but now i know they are out there.
Anji - 11/04/99 22:37:30
My Email:vwpasset@aol.com
How did you find my page?: yahoo
Your pictures are nice. I love finding places that I can compare what my ferret does to other ferrets. I am so glad that Kit was found. We found our ferret and I would be lost without him.
Pat Sewell - 10/07/99 13:06:18
My URL:http://www.fortunecity.com/tinpan/cobain/380/index.htm
My Email:sewellpl@hotmail.com
How did you find my page?: through your link
How many ferrets do you have?: none
Your Favorite Place?: MSN
Your favorite thing to do?: BANG ON COMPUTER
Take a look at my new page on geocities yahoo
I am almost finish need to upload and create a link ha, ha, I hope you are feeling much better
your cyberfriend PAT
- 09/11/99 01:00:49
Lawanda this is a great little site I like the personally you have gave it with the music, the ferret show was wonderful...Thanks for the enjoyment Pat
Blackie - 09/08/99 01:36:25
Seems to be working today.
megan - 09/04/99 09:50:04
My Email:nutmeg_33@excite.com
How did you find my page?: interest in ferrets
How many ferrets do you have?: Soon to be 2
Hello, My name is Megan and i have been looking for a ferret for around a year now. I live in Australia and there is not that many places that sell them! I want 2 girl Pole cat ferrets and have already chosen names for them, Polly and Zoey. I found your p
ge very helpful and you ferrets are gorgeous especially Rusty and Lily. Thankyou.
Petal - 06/19/99 17:53:05
So, we try again
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