
Hihihi Kitties, D*ggies, Bunnies, Tree-rats, an Hoomins!!!

Welcome to da Forth of Jooly Piknik Purrday an Independence Day Catnip Partee!! Come selabrate wif usn! We haf manee funfun fings planned an weze furryfurry glad yu cud make it!

Furst an introdukshun an how dis Partee came tu be. Offur da past yeer or so we, dat iz Princess Pasha an Sebastian, became frens (I fink we met at wunofda partees ware a boycat stripper was needed an Sebastian applied). As we were gettin ta know eech offur we discoffured dat owr purrdays were onlee twelve days apart on da same yeer!

Well we decided we needed ta haf a partee ta selabrate, an dat the Forth of Jooly wud be da purrfect day! Den we saw dat Vincent was goin ta haf an Independence Day Catnip partee so da kitties wud haf a safe place ta go. We fot dat raffer than hafin kitties tryin ta decide which partee ta go to, we cud combine em an haf a reellyREELLY BIG partee fur all!

Letz not wayst anymoor time...Letz Partee!

We hab lotz uf fings tu du! Thurz sumfing fur effurywon! Thurz poniez tu ride fur thoz hoo wanna lurn tu ride. Draco will be heer later tu giff lessons. Thur izza merry-go-rownd fur thoze hoo dont wanna ride thu reel ponies...see, itz rite offur thur. Yu can go fur hikes inna woods or ride da minichure train or go swimmin inna Lake Anza (speshully fur the maine coon kittiez hoo like thu wadder bedder). Dere awr effen caves ta explore!!

An we gotz Harley rides by Britches an Biker Coon. Tilden iz a grate park

tuns an tuns of fings ta do! Thu partee iz fur yu tu enjoy whuteffur actiffity yu like bestest!

We haf games ta play wif Prizes fur da winner kitties!

Mewsical chairs Egg races (kitties push an egg along a course wif dere noses!) Balloon races (kitties run wif balloons to an end spot, sit on da balloon to pop it, an den haf to run back to da startin point) Water balloon toss 6-legged race Mousie drop (a toy one) into a milk bottle Ping Pong ball walk (da ball iz held between front legs az da kitties run da course!) Tug of War An dere iz Krokey fur thu kitties who awr inclined toward more gentile activities

Da Seefud Empurrium haf owtdone demselves yet agin wif a delektable array of assorted piknik fuds anna barbeekew! We will be hafin, among offur fings dat kitties haf brot therownselfs:
Barberkewed bloo jays, skewered chippermunks, a big bowl of fryed grasshoppers an crikkitz, grilled nip leafs, liddle shrimps, barberkewed crawdaddies, sammun sallid an toona sallid, an toona stakes onna grill.

Fur da d*ggies we gotz beefstakes onna grill, squirrel kabobs, lamb patties an speshul impurrted french terlit water, an big bowls of bones an treats too.

Fur de bunnies an tree-rats we will be haffin speshul treets jes fur yu: a selekshun ov fresh natif Catifornia grasses an nuts, flowers, an clovers.

Fur de hoomins we will be haffin brussels sprowtz, tossed salad, sammin steaks an beef steaks, an a cuppla gud lobsturs inna pot.

Fur beverajis we will be offurin: Gallinz an gallinz of iced tea wif nip, spikearitas, nip juleps, shubeer, frotzbatz beer, an kitten milk!!!!
An dezzerts!!
An of course nip, nip, an more nip provided by Vincent hisownself!

Owr mewsical entertainment will be offured by da Siameze Cat Chorus an Majorcat?s Orchestra, who will be singing an playin a selekshun of smoof jazz fur yur enjoyment!

Fur da Grand Finalee we will be klimin tu da top ov Inspirashun Point ta view da Firewurks offur da lovely San Franciscato Bay. Bring yur warm furs! Kuddel up close wif yur winkwink! It gets kold in da Bay Area at nite! Da Seefud Empurrium will be providin hot nip tea an hot catmint chocolate milk wif mowsemallows.

Enjoy yurownselfs!! Happee Forth of Jooly!!

Tilden Park

Minichure Trains


Games and Rides



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