Day 3 - Nashville

We got a late start today because of the very full day we had yesterday.

Today was filled with enjoyment at the 27th Annual Tennessee Craft Fair. This puts our Ventura Fairs to shame. There are numerous talented artisans in Tennessee. The picture below is one of the many cute and creative displays.

And of course there was good food and great country music.

An interesting sidelight...the background on this page was a fluke. Rev forgot and left the camcorder on and as we walked around he was filming the straw on the ground. I thought that it would be fun to incorporate it into Sunday's page.

Across the street is a building called The Parthenon. It is the world's only full-scale reproduction of the famous Greek temple. This was originally built for a World's Fair at the end of the last century.

It is obvious that there was a tornado here a couple of weeks ago. In the downtown area there are several uprooted trees and windows blown out.

The picture on the left shows how large these trees are and on the right, look at the building in the middle. All of the tan colored squares is where glass was blown out during the storm.

This statue of John W. Thomas stuck me as being majestic. He spent 22 years as the president of the Nashville Chattanooga & St. Louis Railway.

The last picture of the day is titled..."MR. JUSTICE"