Welcome to Jonathan and Deborah Call's Home page

You are visitor number since Oct. 15, 1995.
Mr. & Mrs. Call            This home page has undergone some strange changes since it's creation. The page started out with us at school. We have since graduated and moved on to 'bigger and better things'. Whatever that is suppose to mean.
      At this time the page has become only a shell of what it use to be. Initially I had no qualms about putting things about me and my wife on the Internet. But now with the advent of identity theft and other maclious behavior that can occur on the Internet we have had to cut back on what is actually displayed here. It's sort of ironic, here we are sharing some of our interests but don't reveal much of who we are. But at least you have the picture on the left to see what we look like...

      Jonathan is currently employed as a System Engineer for a company that Dogbert believes will be one of the last 10 companies left in the world after all others are crushed or absorbed. If you don't know what that means visit the Dilbert web page. My interests include Volleyball, Basketball, Football, Swimming and Network Computer games. I am a diehard Nebraska Cornhuskers fan.
      Deborah is a Leasing Consultant for the Townhome complex where we live. She likes Network Computer games as well. Which is probably the main reason why we get along so well. She loves to cross-stitch and is really good at it. Our home is blessed by her beautiful talent.
      Both of us are members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and this is one of the main reasons that we have created this page. We want to share something with others that we have enjoyed for a long time. But our emphasis is not on preaching or discussing religious believes. Instead we wanted to focus on something that we feel is of most importance to our society and it's future: the family. Hence the reason this pages appears in the Homestead section of GeoCities.
      Listed below are some links that reflect our main interests. Some of which were listed above. Follow them if you would like or just leave us a comment telling us what you thought of this page.

Thanks for visiting,
Jonathan and Deborah


Here is our personal home page about the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. It has a personal collection of things that we think that are important to us and to others.

In addition to this Jonathan also helps maintain the Caracas West Missions Web Page. A page dedicated to former missionaries of any LDS mission with the words Caracas and Venezuela in it.

The Dilbert Zone
The Official Home page of a comic strip that points out the funny side of how most people endure the thing called 'employment'.

Calvin AND Hobbes Fan Page
A great fan page of Jonathan's favorite cartoon characters Calvin and Hobbes.

The Official Star Wars HomepageThe force is back! This is something that we are really big fans of, but then again, who isn't?

A 3D Rendering Web Page that we have really enjoyed.Some of his artwork includes Star Trek and Star Wars renderings. They are really well done

Disclaimers and general info:

This page is designed to be viewed by Netscape Communicator at 1024x768 resolution with high color.
It was created using neurons, a keyboard,a mouse, a lot of electrons and way too many calories. Some of this was written using a Text Editor on a HP-UX workstation (hence the spelling errors) while the rest was written on a PC using Notepad and a program called SpiderPad. All opinions and copyrights belong to us unless they belong to someone else.
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