THE GANG - March 2003 - Chance, Daisy (butt to camera), Gypsy, & Autumn (red).

Prayer of the Unborn Pet

I ask for the privledge of not being born...
until you can and will assure me of a safe, loving life long home
and a human caretaker who will love me, protect me, keep me healthy and safe from harm
and never forfeit or abandon me...
until you can assure me a right to live as long as I am able to enjoy life...
until my body are precious and men have ceased to exploit, neglect, abuse or discard me
because I am cheap and plentiful,
I beg of you, please, not to be born.


Welcome to the home of Boltz' Kennels. I am proud of my small kennel. I am trying to make this site as educational as possible & over time plan to add many more features. Keep checking back, as my site will grow as my family grows. Thanks for visiting us!

My Girls

My Boys

My Past Pins

My Fosters

I do local minpin rescue & rehab. If you have a minpin that can no longer stay in your home, for any reason, please contact me. I will accept all minpins. They will be rehabilitated, altered, up-to-date on shots, heartworm free, & microchipped &/OR tatooed prior to placement. These guys will be cared for out of my pocket, unless they are turned over to IMPS. They will be adopted out using the same procedure as IMPS.

I would like to thank all of the breeders, show, & rescue people who have taught me so much. If you would like more information about my dogs, please feel free to E-mail me.

Mail Me!


Min Pins Around The World


Min Pin Club of America

Min Pin Standard


Dog Poems

Christmas Poetry

Agreement of Sale

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This Page Was Updated:
Tuesday, July 15, 2008

� 1997-2008 Boltz' Kennels

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