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NCS Cape Town


- 05/24/00 19:59:34


Za - 04/21/00 17:40:40
My Email:ZAZA0406@ol.com

THis is a really big help!!! Keep up the good work!

Jack - Dad - 04/12/00 19:03:54
My Email:brookes4@freeserve.co.uk


Chris Simon - 02/09/00 15:56:57
My Email:chrissandra@222hayling.fsnet.co.uk

This is my first look at this site but by what I have seen Ishall be visiting you more,being a warship buff.

William Burke - 01/31/00 08:59:33
My Email:OldBillBurke@aol.com

An excellent Web Site which is now on my favourites list and I'll spend the next few days/months reading all of it.

David Kosalka - 09/13/99 17:15:43
My URL:/SoHo/Cafe/8579/under.htm
My Email:pablo@creighton.edu

Good page, keep up the good work!

Ian Bertie - 06/18/99 18:55:51
My URL:http://www.boer-war-books.com
My Email:sw@boer-war-books.com

I really liked your web site, boer and zulu war books web site has just gone on line We specialise primarily in contemporary books and publications relating to the Anglo Boer War, together with the Anglo Zulu War, Kaffir Wars and related Africana

David Lees - 05/11/99 19:03:59
My Email:davelees@globalnet.co.uk

This is a fantastic site and I will be back to browse. My Grandfather was a regular soldier in the Grenadier Guards who served in the 2nd Boer war. I was also a regular soldier serving in the Royal Marines. So this whole site is of interest to me keep it p. Well done

Peter Worley - 04/27/99 10:37:34
My Email:pjworley@cqnet.com.au

Very nice homepage, very informative and well setout, keep up the good work

Martie - 11/03/98 16:22:15
My Email:mbohls@juno.com

Your keychain collection is impressive,as is your historical research.

10/04/98 21:36:29
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Nice page. Very informative. Keep it up.

- 09/28/98 12:01:47


Rex Morley - 09/27/98 19:06:20
My Email:styleaframe@msn.com

Quite a job you have done here. Can I ask what you did in your Spare Time? Rex

Mary Woods - 09/27/98 13:40:27
My Email:jlwmj@flash.net

Colyn, What a wonderful site this has really taken a lot of work Thank-You Mary Woods Researching:::: Carter, Chartier, Fox, Lavoie, Keough, Morley, Palmer, Peck, Pierce, Smith & others.

David R.Holloway - 09/08/98 20:34:43
My Email:david.holloway@cableol.co.uk

Most impresive

Virginia Laws - 09/06/98 16:42:59
My Email:vlaws@power-tech.net USA

Will learn much history by studying the information you have acquired. Well Done!

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