Welcome to Patricia's Page

"Her children arise up and call her blessed..." (Prov 31:28)

Some things I enjoy are sewing, homeschooling and serving the Lord at our church by singing in the choir and working in the nursery. I thank the Lord for the privilege of being able to stay home and teach the kids. There is no where else I would rather be! There are days when I don't know whether we accomplished anything, and other days when we learn something we did not know and are so excited about it that we can not wait until Daddy gets home so we can tell him about it. One thing I do know is that as a Mother ,I want my children to have a strong desire to know and walk with the Lord. The Lord gave me 3 John 1:4 as my guide. "I have no greater joy than this, to hear of my children walking in the truth." The Lord has truly blessed me with a wonderful husband and great kids!

Here are my favorite links.

Abeka Home Page

Sycamore Tree Center for Home Education. This site has some good links for homeschooling software and Christian News.

Saxon Publishers Cirriculum publishers

Simplicity. This site has sewing patterns, tips on sewing and all kinds of other good stuff.

Homeschool.com This site has information and items for homeschooling families.

God's World Book Club. This site has books for homeschoolers and families.

Christian Books My Favorite site!


If you would like more information, send me an e-mail!

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