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Why are you taking my picture? I really want to go back and play in the jungle bush again MOM!!!
I am eight weeks old in this picture. This is my first day in my new apartment.

Ahh thats better. I love this place. The jungle is near the new place that I live.
I would rather sleep in the bushes than sleep on the couch.
Where is that stick I was chewing on?

Mom why are you taking my picture again. I want to run around the light post again and play keep away. You can chase me Mom and then get dizzy. It will be fun!!! Now I am in my Duplex. The couch here is nice and soft. Also notice my beautiful truck in the background. I love to ride in the back. I love to feel the wind run through my fur and cool my ears.
My Mom and I at Agate Beach on the Oregon Coast. Boy did we have fun that day. We took pictures on the rock, chased seagulls and even had a hotdog for lunch. I LOVE HOTDOGS!!!

Debbi, Kula and Mom are in the tent, but I will protect them from the evil that lurks
outside the Florence Oregon Tent.

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