Queries since November 13, 1998

Date:                   June 10, 1999      0047

Name: John M. Lycan email: ameriwolf@yahoo.com Address: P. O. Box 337 City/State/Zip Fort Gay, WV 25514 Surnames: Sellards, Wiley
Both of my grandparents on my mothers side are decended from Hezakiah Sellards. My grandfather through Jenny Wiley and my grandmother through Jenny's sister. I don't remember her name. I have heard that the girl's mother was a Cherokee Indian. I would like to know if this is true, and if so, does anyone know her name or any other information about her? My mother Anna Ruth Lycan (AKERS) has been working on an AKERS family history for many years now, along with several other branches of the family. She has not been able to find the name of this woman listed anywhere. I would appreciate all assistance.

Date:                   June 5, 1999      0046

Name: Timothy Lee Burchfield email: timothyb@itiseasy.com Address: 131 Fyffe St. City/State/Zip Louisa, KY 41230 Surnames: BURCHFIELD, GRANT, HARLESS, GOBLE
I am researching my family tree, my father is Johnnie Lee BURCHFIELD, son of the late, James BURCHFIELD and Ethel BURCHFIELD. My mother is Linda Sue HARLESS BURCHFIELD, daughter of the late John HARLESS and Ida HARLESS, anyone with information about any of these persons, I wold be very happy to hear from you. (11/01/99}

Date:                   May 28, 1999      0045

Name: Sherrie Quillen Cooper email: ardrey@mediaone.net Surnames: SAMONS, PUCKETT, HACKWORTH
I am searching for information about my family ancestry. Even though there are five generations still living on my mother's side there is very little information except I believe there is a house on "Middle Creek". On my father's side there is practically no information I do know that he grew up in Martin, KY. I would love to hear from anyone that could help me fill in some blanks. {10/30/99}

Date:                  April 19, 1999     0043

Name: Terrie Clarke-Neufarth email: neufarth@eos.net Surname: CLARKE
Seeking information on Mary "Polly" CLARK b. in Floyd County, KY. I have two Mary Polly's in my family tree--(1) Mary ":Polly" CLARK b. 8/1880 to Alexander and Elizabeth Perry CLARK, and (2) Mary "Polly" CLARK, b. Sept. 8, 1876 to Samuel and Susanna Wells CLARK.
Do you have children listed for either of these Mary "Polly's"? I don't have spouses, marriage dates or childern names for either. Thank you for your assistanc.{10/29/99}
Date                  April 14, 1999     0042

Name: Faye Taffner email: FTaffner@aol.com Address: Box 483 City, State, Zip: Fairland, OK 74343 Surnames: HANNA, CHANDLE
Samuel HANNA b. 1805 m. Frances Jancy CHANDLER in 1825. Need names of parents of both as there were other Samuels. Samuel's father should be Samuel also that was born in Penn. before moving to Floyd County, KY. According to the book "Annials of Floyd Co.", consent for Jancy to marry was given by her step-father Hiram JOHNSON. {10/28/99}

Date                  April 11, 1999     0041

Name: B. Palmer email: wmcp3@crcwnet.com Surname ADAMS

Need help on finding info for ADAMS of Floyd County, KY also information on John HOBVS (SP?)(old John of Ken. Adams). {10/27/99}

Date:                 March 26, 1999     0040

Name: Gary T. Houck email: Address: 4225 Auburn Road City, State, Zip: Huntington, WV 25704-1131 Surnames: CONLEY, BALDRIDGE

Researching John CONLEY b. 3/1884 (86) Breathitt County, KY. Son of William CONLEY (b. 1866) and Cynthia BALDRIDGE (b abt 1866) in Floyd County. Wm latter married Nancy ? had: Cleveland, Rosana, May Belle and Kelly (per 1900 Breathitt County Census). Married Laura Bell Peters of Wayne County, WV.

Date:                 January 5, 1999   0039

Name: Judy Mauk revised 4/19/99 email: bus948@hotmail.com Address: P. O. Box 456 City/State/Zip Jeffersonville, KY 40337 Surnames: FOUCH, PLOWMAN, LOVINS

Interested in any information on any FOUCH family. I have found between 1841, 1849 in the Floyd County Marriage records a Lucy FOUCH, Piney Ann FOUCH, and William FOUCH. Also, would appreciate any information on the LOVINS and PLOWMAN families.

Date:                 March 20, 1999   0037

Name: Princess Bigwhip email: Bigwhip-1@email.man.com Address: Rt 2 Box 72-N City/State/Zip Purcell, OK 73080 Surnames: DEMPSEY, ELSWICK, ALLEN, HUGHES
Looking for Mark Edward DEMPSEY M. D. Lillie ELSWICK children: Jack, Chester, Karrie, Edna, and John Edward, and William ALLEN m. Eva HUGHES children: William Ray, Martha, Katherine, and Billia Jean. Anyone researching these two families I would like to share information that I have. Please contact me.

Date:                Jan. 27, 1999    0036

Name: John W. Picklesimer email: JPick323@aol.com Address: 2881 Middlesex Way City/State: Lexington, KY 40503-2827 Surnames: PICKLESIMER, MARRS, LONG, DAMRON
The Picklesimer family settled in Floyd County around 1809 in what is now Johnson County. Anyone have connections with this or the Marrs, Long or Damron families, I would be interested in the exchange of information.

Date:                Jan. 25, 1999    0035

Name: Rachel Harbour email ERHRMH@aol.com Surnames: EARL, BOYD, WEBB, STUMP
On the 1850 Floyd Co., KY census, there are at least 3 Earl families - John Earl - James Earl and Jesse Earl. Did John and James stay in Floyd Co.? If anyone is researching the Earl Family, I would like to hear from you.

Date:                Feb. 7, 1999    0034

Name: Linda Collins email: lcollins@jas.net Address: Route #1, Box 1026 City/State: Henphill, TX 75918 Surnames: CRYDER; CRIDER, Minnie; HURD, Marion; COLLINS, Alex
Some lived in VA, most criders and Collins lived on Johns Creek, not sure of date, but would have been in the 1800.

Date:                Feb. 6, 1999    0033

Name: Jim Hawes email: JimHawes@aol.com Surnames: HAWES, HAWS
Interested in any information on the HAWES/HAWS family in early Fayette-Floyd County, later Johnson and Lawrence County, KY. Will share what I have with fellow researchers.

Date:                Jan. 31, 1999    0032

Name: Sheila Brown email: sbrown@dragg.net City/State Russell, KY Surnames: PATTON, JOHNSON
I am seeking any information on Wesley or Willey PATTON born ca 1833, died in Floyd County in 1923. He married Sarah JOHNSON. They are listed in the 1860, and 1870 Floyd County census. I'm trying to find Wiley's or Sarah's parents. There seems to be a lot of information on Patton's but I can't seem to fine Wiley. On a copy of the 1870 Census in the library was hand written beside Wiley's name Son of Darcus. Does anyone have a clue of who that is? Please help if you can.

Date:                Jan. 30, 1999    0031

Name: Vicki Osborne email: cosborne@n-link.com Address: 3209 Spotted Horse Drive City/State: Killeen, TX 765434
I am seeking information on Epp Lafferty, Prestonsburg Chief of Police for many years. We are trying to locate a (for our family and for the historical society)a picture of Epp that was submitted to a detective type magazine. This magazine wrote an article about the murder of Muriel Baldridge and Epp's picture was included in the article. We would appreciate any information regarding this article or picture. Phone 254-690-8579.

Date:                Jan. 26, 1999    0030

Name: Sandra Merritt Barkan email: LadyGraham@aol.com Address: 4625 Hagen Drive City/State: Virginia Beach, VA 23462 Surnames: MERRITT, BURCHETTE, HARRIS, GRAHAM
I am researching descendants with the names of BURCHETTE, GRAHAM, HARRIS, and MERRITT that have lived in Floyd County, KY since its inception.

Date:                Jan. 24, 1999    0029

Name: Sheila Brown e-mail Ramp12@worldnet.att.net Address: 1600 Oakridge, Dr. City/State Round Rock, Texas 78681 Surname: PARSONS
I'm looking for any PARSONS information. However, I'm especially interested in what happened to Jesse Parsons who is listed in the 1810 taxables and the 1810 Floyd County Census. Also, any information on John H. Parsons who married Mary Blankenship in 1875 would be greatly appreciated.

Date:               Jan. 16, 1999    0026

Name: Judith Tickel Need e-mail: jtneed@erols.com Address: 292 Church Circle City/State: Linthicum, MD 21090-2517 Surname: AUXIER
In a 1956 death certificate the residence and name of institution where the person died is written Auxier V.P. I realize that they died in Auxier, Kentucky, but what does V. P. stand for?
Date:               Jan. 16, 1999    0025

Name: Glenda Smith e-mail glensue@sylvania.sev.org Surname: BLEVINS
Levi Blevins b. ca 1779 NC lived in the area of Lawrence and Johnson Counties, KY. Who was his wife? Known children were Nathen, James, Samuel, Margaret, Emarita, and Ellen. Levi BLEVINS is said to have twin girls born in NC. Who were they? He died after 1860 in Johnson County, and is buried at Tomahauk. Any information on the Levi Blevins family is greatly appreciated.

Date:              Jan. 16, 1999    0024

Name: Glenda Smith e-mail: glensue@sylvania.sev.org Surnames: PRICE, VANHOOSE
Richard PRICE b. ca 1801 m. Elizabeth VANHOOSE and raised their family in Lawrence County, KY. Seeking information on Richard PRICE's parents, siblings and location of birth. I have documented sources on his decendents, but nothing on his ansestors. Thanks

Date              Jan. 15, 1999    0023

Name: Rosemary Rovillard e-mail: romara@webtv.net Surnames: TIPTON
Would someone do a census lookup for me. I would like to know if there was a John Canada TIPTON in Floyd Co., KY in 1850 or 1860. His wife's name was Mary or Polly. I would like a list of their children and ages along with any other information given in the census. Any information would be appreciated. Thanks.

Date:            Jan. 15, 1999    0022

Submitter: Sheila Harlow e-mail: She-momma@webtv.net
Looking for information on any miner killed at the Elkhorn, Inland Steel or Island Creek Mines in Wheelwright or Price, Floyd Co., KY. Any information will be greatly appreciated.

Date:            Jan. 15, 1999    0021

Submitter: Oma Griffith e-mail: tomoma@home.com Address: 2304 Ozark Drive City/State: Arlington, TX 76014-1438 Surnames: BOYD, PORTER
I have a William Boyd b. 1846 Floyd Co., KY m. my grandmother's sister, Arminta Ester PORTER. I know their oldest child was named Manterville. Would like information on either of these people. After Wm. died Arminta or "Aunt Mint" remarried and married a STEPHENSON. Need any information on any of them.

Date:        Jan. 14, 1999    0020

Submitter: Doodle e-mail: Mailto:Doodle1956@Webtv.net Address: P. O. Box 879 City/State: Wiggins, Mississippi 39577 Surnames: SLONE, HELTON, SIZEMORE, WIREMAN
Interested in Morgan SLONE m. Melissa HELTON; Mary SIZEMORE m. Greenville SLONE. I am interested in all Floyd Co. SLONEs; Jack Helton m. Delphie WIREMAN. Also, interested in Allen MARTIN who had a daughter named Sarah who married Jack SLONE. Marriage record said she was born in Knox or Knott Co., KY it was hard to read. Any and all information would be appreciated.

Date:       Jan. 14, 1999    0019

Submitter: Jim W. Tackitt e-mail: jtackitt@jps.net Address: 1830 Johnson Drive City/State: Concord, CA 94520 Surnames: TACKETT, TACKITT
Thhose interested in the TACKETT/TACKITT family, and many of the other old settlers of the Shelby Valley in Pike Co., KY and the Beaver/Mud Creek sections of Floyd Co., KY may wish to access the Tackett Family Association's web site at http://www.jps.net/jtackitt/index.html. All personal queries bearing a name and regular mailing address will be answered.

Date:      Jan. 14, 1999   0018

Submitter: Helen Della-Volpe e-mail: Della-Volpe@Webtv.net State: New York Surnames: BAILEY, JACKSON, COMBS
Trying to find parents of Lemuel Milton BAILEY (BALEY) who was born in KY in 1825. He m. Cenia JACKSON 1847 in Wayne Co., VA. Cenia JACKSON's brother George Washington JACKSON m Mary (Polly) BAILEY in Floyd Co., KY in 1846. I have found a Lemuel Bailey who m. Amy (or Annie) DYKES in Floyd Co. in 1813. They could be my Lemuel's parents. There is some relation to the COMBS family since a Harrison COMBS stated he was Lemuel Milton BAILEY's nephew. I found Harrison as a son of John COMBS in Wayne Co., VA. This COMBS family lived in Floyd Co., Ky before they moved to Wayne Co., VA.

Date:     Jan. 4, 1999     0017

Submitter: D. Music e-mail: music@accnorwalk.com Web Site: http://www.geocities.com/heartland/woods/5564/ Surnames: MUSIC, MUSICK, RATLIFF, RATCLIFF
Hello "Floyd County". I am looking for any MUSIC, MUSICK, RATLIFF, AND RATCLIFF Family members or related to. So if you are one of these people or have one of them in your family somewhere I would like to communicate with you. Please visit my above noted web site which has more of the families that I am looking for, so take a look and if possible let me know if you are connected to any of them. Thank you very much.

Date:  Dec. 26, 1998     0016

Submitter: Lin Day Tucker e-mail: altcomm@rrl.com Surnames: DAY, LOGAN
Hiram DAY m. Lydia LOGAN 1821 Floyd County, KY. Hiram and Lydia both born ca 1799/1800. Lydia is the d/o James LOGAN and Caroline HUGHES LOGAN. Need parents and siblings of Hiram DAY. Any help appreciated.

Date:  Dec. 25, 1998     0015

Submitter: Audrey Collins e-mail: jypsie2@yahoo.com Surnames: COLLINS, JUSTICE, CRIDER, SPEARS
I am trying to locate parents names of John COLLINS, md. Emaline J. GOBBLE in Floyd County, KY. They were md. in 1846. Their children were married to JUSTICE, CRIDER, and SPEARS.

Date:  Dec. 25, 1998     0014

Submitter: Judith Tickel Need e-mail: jtneed@erols.com Address: 292 Church Circle City/State: Linthicum, MD 21090-2517 Surname: AUXIER
The Auxier Family web site, with information concerning the families of Floyd County, KY may be found at:http://www.auxier-tickelgenealogy.com

Date:  Dec. 25, 1998     0013

Submitter: Carol McCabe email: mymitiblu@aol.com Surnames: MCGUIRE, CONLEY, NICKEL, AUXIER
I am looking for any information on the McGuire family from Floyd County, KY and the relationships that they had with these families.

Date:  Dec. 25, 1998     0012

Submitter: Dolores Melby Hibbert e-mail: dmelby@prodigy.net Address: 3519 Twin Oaks Drive City/State: Napa, CA 94558 Surnames: ENDICOTT, JONES, SPAULDING
The Endicotts came from VA, but where? Can't seem to find them anyplace. Gabriel JONES is, I think, the father of Sarah Endicott b. c. 17770. He lived to be 108 and was a RW veteran. Where died? No mention of anybody of that longevity in anything I've read. Also no mention of these people as pioneers of the area and they were in KY prior to 1810 and many still live there and have married into numerous families. Would like to prove relationship of Gabriel and Sarah.

Date:  Dec. 24, 1998     0011

Submitter: Karen Adkins Scott email: garykaren@udata.com Address: 203 W. Zimmerman St. City/State: Forest, Ohio 45843 Surnames: SIZEMORE, HICKS, ONEY, MOORE
I am looking for information on William Blackhawk SIZEMORE b. abt 1818, d abt. 1874 married to Martha MILUM and the father of Susannah SIZEMORE. I have been told that he was legendary in this area. I would like to know what made him {Blackhawk}legendary. He is the son of George Golden Hawk SIZEMORE. I was told that Golden Hawk was legendary because he was to have fathered about 55 children.

Also, I would like to know if anyone has information on Douglas ONEY b. 1839 married to Susannah SIZEMORE, daughter of Blackhawk SIZEMORE. I would like to know if Douglas' first name was Willima. I have been told that it was William Douglas ONEY, but I have no documentation. Also, if anyone would knowthe parents of Douglas ONEY, I would greatly appreciate it. Any and all information would be appreciated.

Date:  Dec. 24, 1998     0010

Submitter: Libby M. e-mail: Tipeetoes2@aol.com Subject: McDowell Orphanage
I am from McDowell, KY and as a young girl I remember there being a 2 story building on the "back street" of "Bristle Buck" (East McDowell). It was torn down in the late 60's or early 70's. I would love to have any information anyone might have about it and about who ran it. The Central force during the early years of Bristle Buck was Sam T. Meade. I am not sure if he was involved in this orphanage or not but he was a store and business owner there for years.

Date:  Dec. 24, 1998     0009

Submitter: Tami Frazier e-mail: tnt@jorsm.com City/State: Marrillville, IN Surnames: FRASURE, SEXTON
I am looking for information on Grant FRASURE and his parents (Jack & Suzy). Both men died in coal mine accidents about 1930. They lived in Stone Coal, Garrett, Floyd County, KY.

Date:  Dec. 24, 1998     0008

Submitter: Deanna (Slone)DeLaCruz e-mail: DDelac1860@aol.com Address: 827 Mosley City/State: Waco, Texas 76705 Surnames: SLONE, SEXTON, SHEPHERD, SALMONS
Would like more information on these names. I have a lot that I will share. Also, I need information on Mary Alice SIZEMORE m. William Hiram SLONE. Son Isom "ADKINS" SLONE is my family line. They settled in Caney Creek, KY. Thanks.

Date:  Dec. 23, 1998     0007

Submitter: George M. Johns e-mail: gmjohns@wwd.net Address: 2615 Lincoln Ave. City/State: Ashland, KY 41102 Surnames: JOHNS, MEAD, VAN HOOSE, LAYNE
I have files on the Johns, MEAD, VAN HOOSE and LAYNE famlies, looking for more information. Will be glad to share information.

Date: Dec. 21, 1998     0006

Submitter: Nena Reed Hopkins e-mail: grandma@pdq.net Surnames: AUXIER, REED, REMY
Looking for parents of Benjamin REED, Wm. R. REMY, Jr. and wife of Benjamin REED, b. circa. 1756 PA. In KY by 1818. Children born in VA (probably what is now WV). Any information will be appreciated.

Date: Dec. 9, 1998     0005

Submitter: Linda Groover email: griiver@scoast.net Surnames: ADKINS, HAMILTON
Seeking information on Sam ADKINS b. 10 Mar 1894 d. Aug 1970 and his wife Mary Bell HAMILTON and their children: Flora Bell, Cecil, Clifford, Garfield & Patrick. Would like parents of Sam and Mary Bell. Thanks.

Date Dec. 3, 1998     0004

Submitter: Ron Parsons e-mail: ramp12@worldnet.att.net Surnames: PARSONS
Looking for ancestorial information about a Gabriel PARSONS listed in your {Floyd County} 1820 census. He is one of my ancestors. I need to know who his parents or wife was.

Date November 23, 1998     0003

Submitter: Mike Torre e-mail: mike-a-tmat@worldnet.att.net
Surnames: GARRETT
Bernard H. GARRETT b. 5-10-1824 at Prestonsburg, KY (Floyd County). I am seeking to find out what I can about his civil war record. I believe that he was at some time a state representative.

Date:Nov. 22, 1998     0002

Submitter: Kathy Wilson e-mail:KWil394948@aol.com Surnames: NESBITT, GRAHAM, RICHMOND, HALL
Query: I am trying to find the parents of John NESBITT, m. Sophia Graham LAYNE. Also, their son Tandom Monroe NESBITT, m. 'Molly' mary J. RICHMOND (short time was m. to a Hall from VA.) b. abt 1859. The family lore is that Tandom 'Roe' caught her in the barn with a fellow and Shot and killed him. Then, showed up in Carter Co., KY with his children, James Blaine NESBITT, Florence and Joe. What happened to Molly.

Date:Nov. 21, 1998   0001

Submitter: Judy Mauk e-mail:jjmauk@kconline.com Surnames: MARSILLETT, THACKER, ESTEPP, GREER
I am looking for any information on these surnames. Do not have much but if you contact me I can give some dates and first names.

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