Beth's Homeschooling Web Page

The Little Red Schoolhouse

Hi, I'm Beth Dunbar Duke.

We are beginning our twelfth year of homeschooling. Audrey and I studied geometry this summer, so we didn't have much of a break. We would like to share our experiences with you, including the struggles. We will share our philosophy of homeschooling, which continues to evolve as our children grow and change.

Our other interests are: music, family activities, dance worship, and books, books, books. I began taking dance lessons in the fall of 1997 with Audrey. Our teacher is Dana Bailey. We take classes in connection with the Homeschool Arts Enrichment Program. Our recital this past spring was entitled "Inspired by the Word." Dana believes strongly that dance was meant to give praise to God. We now share her vision.

The description of my page is:
learning at home
one size does not fit all

Links to Other Sites on the Web

Here is a more detailed description of our homeschooling experiences.

Audrey's Web Page

Christopher's Web Page

Loren's Web Page

Hosanna Sacred Arts

© 1998 Beth Dunbar Duke

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The lovely painting at the top of this page is "The Little Red Schoolhouse" by Larry Dyke. At Koshkonog Galleries Ltd. you can see more of his work, and even purchase a copy of the painting shown above.

Last Modified: December 13, 1998

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