The Descendants of Luis Lopez
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Lopez Family Genealogy Forum
                             Family Group Sheet
Husband: Luis Lopez 1
born: n/a               place:Mexico 
marr:Dec.16,1850        place:Jaral Del Progreso,Guanjuato,Mexico
died: n/a               place:Mexico
father: n/a
mother: n/a
Wife: Rafaela Ruis 1
born:                   place:Mexico
died:                   place:Mexico 
Husband: Ygnacio Lopez  2
born: n/a               place:Mexico 
marr:Feb.16,1885        place:Jaral Del Progreso,Guanjuato,Mexico
died: n/a               place:Mexico
father: Luis Lopez 1
mother: Rafaela Ruis 1

Wife: Maria Flora Garcia 2
born:                   place:Mexico
died:                   place:Mexico 
Husband:Jose Teofilo Nicanor Lopez 3
born: Jan.7,1904               place:Victoria Del Cortazar,Guanajuato,Mexico 
marr: Feb.28,1928              place:George West,TX
died: Aug.31,1997              place:Three Rivers,TX
father: Ygnacio Lopez  2 
mother: Maria Flora Garcia 2
Wife: Yrene Cornelia Baladez 3
born: Sep.16,1911       place:Bee County,TX
died: Feb.22,1992       place:Three Rivers,TX 
father: Celso Baladez 
mother: Antonia De Luna
Child # 1:Florencia Lopez4
born: Dec.10,1928              place:Live Oak County,TX 
marr: Feb.22,1958              place:Three Rivers,TX
died:                          place: 
father: Jose Teofilo Nicanor Lopez 3 
mother: Yrene Cornelia Baladez 3
Husband: Daniel Alvarez
born:Apr.1,1919         place:Mathis,TX 
died:                   place: 
Child # 2:  Bernardo Lopez 4
born: Aug.20,1931              place:Live Oak County,TX 
marr: Aug.27,1950              place:Three Rivers,TX
died:                          place: 
father: Jose Teofilo Nicanor Lopez 3 
mother: Yrene Cornelia Baladez 3

Wife: Carmen Garcia
born: Apr.27,1931            place:Bee County,TX
died:                        place:Three Rivers,TX 

Child  # 3: Clemente Lopez 4
born: Nov.23,1932              place:Live Oak County,TX
marr: Feb.2,1953               place:Three Rivers,TX
died:                          place: 
father: Jose Teofilo Nicanor Lopez 3 
mother: Yrene Cornelia Baladez 3

Wife: Juanita Garza
born: Jul.8,1935                place:Tilden,TX 
died:                           place:  
father: Martin Garza Sr.
mother: Jovita Heritage

Child # 4 :Felipe Lopez 4
born: Aug.23,1934              place:Live Oak County,TX 
marr: Jan.20,1960 *            place:Chelby,MS 
died:                          place: 
father: Jose Teofilo Nicanor Lopez 3 
mother: Yrene Cornelia Baladez 3

Wife: Frances Gonzales
born: May 8,1941                 place:Beeville,TX 
died:                            place:  
mother: Geneva  Ortega           *div:

Child # 5: Dionisio M. Lopez 4
born: Oct.18,1936                place:Live Oak County,TX 
marr: Aug.6,1966                 place:San Antonio,TX
died:                            place: 
father: Jose Teofilo Nicanor Lopez 3 
mother: Yrene Cornelia Baladez 3
Wife: Irene Suraez
born: Mar.15,1941                place:Poteet,TX
died:                            place:  
father: Julian Suraez 
mother: Maria Guadalupe Guttierrez Suraez

Child  # 6:Rosa Lopez 4
born:  Dec.18,1938              place:Live Oak County,TX 
marr:                           place: 
died:                           place: 
father: Jose Teofilo Nicanor Lopez 3 
mother: Yrene Cornelia Baladez 3

Child  # 7:Carolina Lopez 4
born:  Nov.28,1940              place:Live Oak County,TX
marr:                           place: 
died:                           place: 
father: Jose Teofilo Nicanor Lopez 3 
mother: Yrene Cornelia Baladez
Child  # 8:Angelita (Hela) Lopez 4
born: Feb.28,1943              place:Live Oak County,TX 
marr:                          place: 
died:                          place: 
father: Jose Teofilo Nicanor Lopez 3 
mother: Yrene Cornelia Baladez
Child # 9: Floyd Daniel Lopez 4
born: Oct.26,1946                place:Gunnison,MS
marr:             *              place:Houston,TX
died:                            place: 
father: Jose Teofilo Nicanor Lopez 3 
mother: Yrene Cornelia Baladez

Wife: Irma Olga Jimenez *
born: Dec.10,1953            place:McAllen,TX
died:                        place: 
mother:                      * div:1998

Child  # 10:Elvarista Lopez 4
born: Oct.26,1946                 place:Gunnison,MS
marr: Dec.20,1969                 place:Three Rivers,TX
died:                             place: 
father:Jose Teofilo Nicanor Lopez 3 
mother:Yrene Cornelia Baladez

Husband: Guadalupe(Wally)Reyna
born: Feb.14,1948               place:Victoria,TX
died:                           place:  

Child # 11:Santos Lopez 4
born: Nov.1,1947                place:Live Oak County,TX 
marr: Mar.9,1969                place: 
died:                           place: 
father: Jose Teofilo Nicanor Lopez 3 
mother: Yrene Cornelia Baladez

Wife: Beatrice Carvajal
born: Aug.1,1949                     place:Oakville,TX 
died:                                place:  
father: Braulio Carvajal 
mother: Juanita Carvajal

Child # 12:Baudelia Guadalupe Lopez 4
born: Jan.1,1950                 place:Three Rivers,TX 
marr: Jan.4,1977                 place:Three Rivers,TX
died:                            place: 
father: Jose Teofilo Nicanor Lopez 3 
mother: Yrene Cornelia Baladez

Husband:David James(Jimmy)House
born: Dec.4,1944             place:Three Rivers,TX
died:                        place:  
father: Hughie Elmer House 
mother: Bevie Maxine Shumate House
Child # 13: Adriana Lopez 4
born: Nov.16,1951                  place:Three Rivers,TX 
marr: Jun.5,1976                   place:Three Rivers,TX
died:                              place: 
father: Jose Teofilo Nicanor Lopez 3 
mother: Yrene Cornelia Baladez

Husband: Edward Mendez
born: May 12,1952                  place:Three Rivers,TX
died:                              place:  
father: Louis Mendez 
Husband:Eugenio Paiz
born: Jul.12,1954               place:Corpus Christi,TX  
marr: Apr.11,1981               place:Mathis,TX
died:                           place: 
father: Evaristo Paiz Jr. 
mother: Ernestina Couvier
Wife:Natalia A.Alvarez 5
born: Dec.7,1958                place:Beeville,TX 
died:                           place:  
father: Daniel Alvarez 
mother: Florencia Lopez Alvarez 4
Child # 1: Erica Paiz 6
born: Oct.8,1981             place:Taft,TX 
marr:                        place:
died:                        place: 
father: Eugenio Paiz 
mother: Natalia A. Alvarez Paiz 5
Child # 2: Eugenio Miguel Paiz 6
born: Apr.11,1985            place:Beeville,TX
marr:                        place:
died:                        place: 
father: Eugenio Paiz 
mother: Natalia A. Alvarez Paiz 5
Child # 3: Enrique Paiz 6
born: Apr.25,1991            place:Beeville,TX 
marr:                        place:
died:                        place: 
father: Eugenio Paiz 
mother: Natalia A. Alvarez Paiz 5
Husband:George Alvarez 5
born: Jan.25,1960              place:Beeville,TX  
marr: Feb.14,                  place:Las Vegas,NV 
died:                          place: 
father: Daniel Alvarez
mother: Florencia Lopez Alvarez 4 
Wife: Shelia White
born: Sep.23,1959               place:Wichita Falls,TX 
died:                           place:  
father: Herbert White  
mother: Fay White
Husband:Daniel Nicanor Alvarez 5
born: Aug.10,1962                place:Beeville,TX  
marr: Jul.27,1991                place:Mathis,TX
died:                            place: 
father: Daniel Alvarez
mother: Florencia Lopez Alvarez 4 
Wife: Velma Jean Garza
born: Jul.28,1966                place:Sinton,TX
died:                            place:  
father: Toribio E. Garza Jr.  
mother: Juanita B. Garza
Child # 1: Daniel Nicholas Alvarez 6
born: Dec.29,1992                place:San Antonio,TX
marr:                            place:
died:                            place: 
father: Daniel Nicanor Alvarez 5
mother: Velma Garza Alvarez 
Child # 2: Devina Natalia Alvarez 6
born: May 28,1998                place:San Antonio,TX 
marr:                            place:
died:                            place: 
father: Daniel Nicanor Alvarez 5
mother: Velma Garza Alvarez
Husband:Esteban Garcia
born: Feb.6,1956                place:Kingsville,TX 
marr: Aug.26,1986               place:Beeville,TX
died:                           place: 
Wife: Carmen Irene Alvarez 5
born: Mar.27,1961               place:Beeville,TX 
died:                           place:  
father: Daniel Alvarez
mother: Florencia Lopez Alvarez 4 
Child # 1: Dimitri Sergio Garcia 6
born: Oct.18,1983                place:Corpus Christi,TX 
marr:                            place:
died:                            place: 
father: Esteban Garcia
mother: Carmen  Alvarez Garcia 5
Child # 2: Andrea Daniel Garcia 6
born: Apr.14,1987                place:Beeville,TX 
marr:                            place:
died:                            place: 
father: Esteban Garcia
mother: Carmen Alvarez Garcia 5
Husband: Mario Ernesto Alvarez 5
born: Feb.10,1966                place:Sinton,TX  
marr: July 26,2002               place:Las Vegas,NV 
died:                            place: 
father: Daniel Alvarez
mother: Florencia Lopez Alvarez 4
Wife: Graciela Vasquez
born: Mar.2,1971                 place:San Antonio,TX 
died:                            place:  
father: Benito Hernandez
mother: Maria Del Rosario Hernandez 
Child # 1:Miranda Elizabeth Alvarez 6
born: Dec.12,2002                place:San Antonio,TX 
marr:                            place:
died:                            place: 
father: Mario Ernesto Alvarez 5 
mother: Graciela Vasquez Alvarez

Husband: Antonio Lopez
born: Nov.4,1968                 place:Sinton,TX  
marr: May 12,1989                place:Mathis,TX 
died:                            place: 
Wife: Rachel Alvarez Lopez 5
born: Aug.12,1967                place:Mathis,TX
died:                            place:  
father: Daniel Alvarez
mother: Florencia  Lopez  Alvarez 4
Child # 1: Dominic Alvarez 6
born: Apr.27,1985                place:Corpus Christi,TX 
marr:                            place:
died:                            place:
mother: Rachel Alvarez 5 
Child # 2: Lisa Renee Lopez 6
born: Aug.19,1991                place:Corpus Christi,TX 
marr:                            place:
died:                            place: 
father: Antonio Lopez
mother: Rachel Alvarez Lopez 5
Child # 3: Cristan Nathaniel Lopez 6
born: Jul.23, 2007               place:Corpus Christi,TX 
marr:                            place:
died:                            place: 
father: Antonio Lopez
mother: Rachel Alvarez Lopez 5
Husband:Pedro Salazar
born: Nov.4,1954                 place:Three Rivers,TX 
marr: Jul.12,1975                place:Three Rivers,TX 
died:                            place: 
Wife: Sylvia Maria Lopez 5
born: May 11,1954                place:Three Rivers,TX
died:                            place: 
father: Bernarado Lopez 4 
mother: Carmen Lopez
Child # 1 Husband:Thomas Duane Salazar 6
born: May 17,1977               place:Beeville,TX 
marr: Jan.27,1995               place:Pawnee,TX
died:                           place: 
father: Pedro Salazar 
mother: Sylvia Maria Lopez 5

Wife: Laura Ann Alaniz
born: Nov.6,1976               place:Beeville,TX
died:                          place: 
Child # 1:Nicholas Amado Salazar 7
born: Jul.26,1995               place:Beeville,TX
marr:                           place:
died:                           place: 
father: Thomas Duane Salazar 6 
mother: Laura Salazar

Child # 2: Tanya Salazar 6
born: Oct.5,1980                place:Beeville,TX
marr:                           place: 
died:                           place:
father: Pedro Salazar 
mother: Sylvia Maria Lopez 5 
Child # 3: Teresa Salazar 6
born: Jan.30,1986              place:Corpus Christi,TX 
marr:                          place: 
died:                          place:
father: Pedro Salazar 
mother: Sylvia Maria Lopez 5 
Husband:Martin Tanguma Jr. 5
born: Jan.20,1958              place:Three Rivers,TX
marr: Jun.3,1975               place:Three Rivers,TX 
died:                          place: 
Wife: Virginia Lopez 5
born: Sep.28, 1956             place:Beeville,TX
died:                          place: 
father: Bernarado Lopez 4 
mother: Carmen Lopez
Husband:Oscar Lopez 5
born: Sep.3,1962               place:Three Rivers,TX 
marr: Jun.29,1996              place:Runge,TX
died: May 12,2007              place:San Antonio,TX 
father: Bernarado Lopez 4 
mother: Carmen Lopez
Wife: Mary Lopez
born: Mar.25,1971              place:Three Rivers,TX
died:                          place: 
Husband:Balerio Lopez 5
born: Nov.14,1953             place:Beeville,TX 
marr: Nov.27,1982             place: 
died:                         place: 
father: Clemente Lopez 4
mother: Juanita Lopez
Wife: Delia Sanchez
born: Aug.5,1956             place:Raymondville,TX
died:                        place: 
father: Leonel Sanchez 
mother: Francisca Del Angel 
Child # 1: Daniela Ruth Lopez 6
born: Feb.21,1986            place:Corpus Christi,TX 
marr:                        place: 
died:                        place: 
father: Balerio Lopez 5 
mother: Delia Lopez
Child # 2: Donica Alyssa Lopez 6
born: Feb.14,1989             place:Corpus Christi,TX
marr:                         place:
died:                         place:
father: Balerio Lopez 5 
mother: Delia  Lopez
:O'Nora Lopez 5
born: Oct.14,1954             place:Beeville,TX 
marr:                         place: 
died:                         place:
father: Clemente Lopez 4
mother: Juanita Lopez
Child  # 1 Wife: Linda Alexandra Vela Torrez 6
born: Nov.26,1976             place:Houston,TX
marr: May 18,2002             place:Robstown,TX 
died:                         place:
father: Carlos Vela + First Husband 
mother: O'Nora Lopez Vela 5

Husband: James Ruben Torrez
born: Sep.26,1979            place:Robstown,TX 
died:                        place: 
father: James Torrez 
mother: Emma Torrez

Child # 1:Ruben Clemente Torrez 7
born: Jun.11,2003             place:Corpus Christi,TX
marr:                         place: 
died:                         place:
father: James Ruben Torrez
mother: Linda Alexandra Vela Torrez 6
Child # 2: David Anthony Soliz 6
born: Oct.20,1988             place:Corpus Christi,TX
marr:                         place: 
died:                         place:
mother: O'Nora Lopez Soliz 5
Husband:Adolfo Lopez 5
born: Sep.24,1956            place:Orange Grove,TX 
marr: Feb.14,1981            place:
died:                        place: 
father: Clemente Lopez 4
mother: Juanita Lopez
Wife: Norma Alaniz
born: Sep.5,1958              place:Corpus Christi,TX
died:                         place: 
father: Jose C. Alaniz 
mother: Rosa Alaniz
Child # 1:Adolfo Lopez Jr. 6
born: May 16,1986             place:Corpus Christi,TX 
marr:                         place: 
died:                         place: 
father: Adolfo Lopez 5 
mother: Norma A. Lopez
Child # 2: Amy Rose Lopez 6
born: Nov.4,1994              place:Corpus Christi,TX 
marr:                         place:
died:                         place:
father: Adolfo Lopez 5
mother: Norma A. Lopez
:Carolina Lopez 5
born: Nov.27,1959             place:Mathis,TX 
marr:                         place: 
died:                         place:
father: Clemente Lopez 4
mother: Juanita Lopez
Husband: Hector Flores
born: Dec.10,1957            place:Robstown,TX
marr: Oct.15,1982            place: 
died:                        place: 
father: Rodolfo Flores
mother: Elvira Lopez Flores 
Wife: Norma Lopez 5
born: Nov.11,1961             place:Robstown,TX
died:                         place: 
father: Clemente Lopez 4
mother: Juanita Lopez
Child # 1: Adolfo JB Ysassi 6
born: Aug.19,1980             place:Corpus Christi,TX 
marr:                         place: 
died:                         place: 
father: Samuel R. Ysassi + First Husband 
mother: Norma Lopez Ysassi 5
Child # 2 Wife:Nicole Marie Flores 6
born: Jan.27,1983             place:Corpus Christi,TX 
marr: Aug.2,2002              place:Robstown,TX
died:                         place:
father: Hector Flores 
mother: Norma Flores 5 
Husband: Abel Delbosque
born: Feb.2,                 place:Corpus Christi,TX
died:                        place: 
father: Abel Delbosque Sr. 
mother: Esmina Delbosque
Child # 1: Isabella Cecila Delbosque 7
born: Nov.3,2002             place:Corpust Christi,TX
marr:                        place:
died:                        place:
father: Abel Delbosque 
mother: Nicole Marie Flores Delbosque 6 
Child # 3: Hector Flores II 6
born: Feb.2,1986             place:Corpus Christi,TX 
marr:                        place:
died:                        place:
father: Hector Flores
mother: Norma Flores 5

: Ruben Lopez 5
born: Jan.30, 1961          place:Three Rivers,TX 
marr:                       place: 
died:                       place:
father: Felipe Lopez 4
mother: Frances Lopez
Husband:Sammy Davy Lopez 5
born: Jun.6,1962             place:Three Rivers,TX 
marr: Oct.17,1987            place:Tyler,TX
died:                        place: 
father: Felipe Lopez 4
mother: Frances Lopez
Wife: Charissa Joy Brady
born: Jul.27,1967            place:Tyler,TX
died:                        place: 
father: Ronald Brady
mother: Judy Brady
Child # 1:Justin Blake Lopez 6
born: Jul.21,1984           place:Tyler,TX 
marr:                       place: 
died:                       place:
father: Sammy D. Lopez 5
mother: Charissa Lopez
Child # 2: Jessica Cedonia Lopez 6
born: Jun.6,1988            place:George A.F.B.,CA 
marr:                       place:
died:                       place:
father: Sammy D. Lopez 5 
mother: Charissa Lopez
Child # 3: Andriana Noelle Lopez 6
born: Sep.29,1990           place:George A.F.B.,CA
marr:                       place:
died:                       place:
father: Sammy D. Lopez 5
mother: Charissa Lopez
Child # 4: Sergieo Daniel Lopez 6
born: Dec.3,1992            place:San Angelo,TX
marr:                       place:
died:                       place:
father: Sammy D. Lopez 5
mother: Charissa Lopez

Husband: John Harkrider
born: Sep.5,1968             place:Halletsville,TX 
marr: Dec.12,1992            place:Flatonia,TX
died:                        place: 
mother: Susan Johnson
Wife: Eloisa Lopez 5
born: Nov.26,1964          place:Corsicana,TX
died:                      place: 
father: Felipe Lopez 4
mother: Frances Lopez
Child # 1: Jorge Andres Elarba 6
born: Jun.11,1988          place:Tyler,TX 
marr:                      place: 
died:                      place:
father: Jorge Elarba + First Husband
mother: Eloisa Lopez Elarba 5
Child # 2: Carlos Felipe Elarba 6
born: Aug.18,1990           place:Corsicana,TX
marr:                       place:
died:                       place:
father: Thorsten  Starner 
mother: Eloisa Lopez 5
Child # 3: Gabriela Nicole Harkrider 6
born: Aug.30,1995          place:Austin,TX
marr:                      place:
died:                      place:
father: John Harkrider
mother: Eloisa Lopez Harkrider 5
Child # 4: Mark Tomas Harkrider 6
born: Apr.13,1999          place:Smithville,TX
marr:                      place:
died:                      place:
father: John Harkrider 
mother: Eloisa Lopez Harkrider 5

Husband:Philip Demings
born: Mar.16,1964           place: 
marr: Jul.17,1987           place:Tyler,TX 
died:                       place: 
Wife: Estella Lopez 5
born: May 16,1965           place:Giddings,TX
died:                       place: 
father: Felipe Lopez 4
mother: Frances Lopez
Child # 1: Rachel Demings 6
born: Feb.21,1990          place:Tyler,TX 
marr:                      place: 
died:                      place:
father: Philip Demings 
mother: Estella Demings 5
Child # 2: Joshua Demings 6
born: Aug.29,1991           place:
marr:                       place:
died:                       place:
father: Philip Demings
mother: Estella Demings 5
Child # 3: Paul Demings 6
born: Jul.3,1993            place: 
marr:                       place: 
died:                       place: 
father: Philip Demings
mother: Estella Demings 5
Child # 4: Michael Demings 6
born: May20,1995            place:
marr:                       place:
died:                       place:
father: Philip Demings
mother: Estella Demings 5
Child # 5: Anita Demings 6
born:Oct.10 ,1997            place:
marr:                        place: 
died:                        place:
father: Phillip Demings 
mother: Estella Demmings 5

Husband: Carlos Lopez 5
born: Aug.21,1967            place:La Grange,TX
marr: Feb.22,1992  *         place:Flatonia,TX
died:                        place: 
father: Felipe Lopez 4
mother: Frances Lopez
Wife: Stephanie Kurtz
born:                        place:
died:                        place: 
father: Calvin Kurtz
mother: Jeanette Kurtz       *div: Feb. 1998
Child # 1:Jonathan C. Lopez 6
born: May 11,1991              place:Austin,TX 
marr:                          place: 
died:                          place:
father: Carlos Lopez 5 
mother: Stephanie Kurtz Lopez
Child # 2: Brenna Marie Lopez 6
born: Oct.2,1994               place:Austin,TX
marr:                          place:
died:                          place:
father: Carlos Lopez 5 
mother: Stephanie Kurtz Lopez
Child # 3:McKenna Rae Lopez 6
born: Oct.12,1995              place:Austin,TX 
marr:                          place: 
died:                          place: 
father: Carlos Lopez 5
mother: Stephanie Kurtz Lopez

:Felipe Jesus Lopez 5
born: Nov.21,1970              place:La Grange,TX 
marr:                          place: 
died:                          place:
father: Felipe Lopez 4
mother: Frances Lopez

:Loretta L. Lopez 5
born: Jan.18,1971              place:Del Rio,TX
marr:                          place: 
died:                          place:
father: Dionisio Manuel Lopez 4
mother: Irene Lopez
Husband:Lionel Lopez 5
born: Apr.4,1975               place:Del Rio,TX
marr: Aug.31,1996              place:Del Rio,TX
died:                          place: 
father: Dionisio Manuel Lopez 4
mother: Irene Lopez

Wife: Leslie T. Fernandez
born: Oct.21,1976             place:Kingsville,TX
died:                         place: 
father: Armando Fernandez Jr. 
mother: Mary A. Fernandez  
Child # 1: Loryn L. Lopez 6
born: Nov.27,1996             place:Lubbock,TX 
marr:                         place: 
died:                         place:
father: Lionel L. Lopez 5
mother: Leslie Lopez

Child # 2: Lillian Lisette Lopez  6
born: May21,2003              place:San Antonio,TX 
marr:                         place: 
died:                         place:
father: Lionel L. Lopez 5
mother: Leslie Lopez

:Sandra Diane Lopez 5
born: May 27, 1972            place:Houston,TX
marr:                         place: 
died:                         place:
father: Floyd D. Lopez 4
mother: Irma Lopez

Child # 1: John Daniel Davis 6
born: Aug.31,1994              place:Houston,TX 
marr:                          place: 
died:                          place:
father: Joe Davis
mother: Sandra Diane Lopez 5

Child # 2: Joseph Davis 6
born: Oct.30,1995              place:Houston,TX 
marr:                          place: 
died:                          place:
father: Joe Davis
mother: Sandra Diane Lopez 5

Child # 3: Jordan Davis 6
born: Jul.26,2002              place:Houston,TX 
marr:                          place: 
died:                          place:
father: Joe Davis 
mother: Sandra Diane Lopez 5


: Javier Lopez 5
born: Jul.3,1973              place:Beeville,TX
marr:                         place: 
died:                         place:
father: Floyd D. Lopez 4
mother: Irma Lopez
Husband: Floyd Daniel Lopez II 5
born: Jan.31,1979             place:Houston,TX
marr: Jul.26,2003             place:Spring,TX
died:                         place:
father: Floyd D. Lopez 4
mother: Irma Lopez

Wife: Erika Lynn Mireles
born:                         place:
died:                         place:

Husband: Joseph Daniel Neal
born: Feb.27,1979             place:San Antonio,TX
marr: Jul.5,2003              place:Three Rivers,TX
died:                         place: 
father: Daniel Ray Neal
mother: Vivian Faye Neal

Wife: Rebecca Reyna 5
born: Jul.17,1974             place:Beeville,TX
died:                         place:
father: Guadalupe Reyna
mother: Elvarista Reyna 4

Child # 1:Nikaya Lorraine Vickery 6
born: Dec.8,1998               place:San Antonio,TX
marr:                          place: 
died:                          place:
father: Jimmy Vickery 
mother: Rebecca Reyna 5
:Ricardo Reyna 5
born: May23,1977              place:Beeville,TX
marr:                         place: 
died:                         place:
father: Guadalupe Reyna
mother: Elvarista Reyna 4

Child # 1: Aedan Nathaniel Reyna 6
born: Aug.11,1999              place:San Antonio,TX
marr:                          place: 
died:                          place:
father: Ricardo Reyna 5
mother: Esmerelda Soliz

:Roberto Ruben Reyna 5
born: Nov.28,1983              place:Corpus Christi,TX
marr:                          place: 
died:                          place:
father: Guadalupe Reyna
mother: Elvarista Reyna 4

Husband:Kevin J.McClam
born: Apr.16,1973              place:Columbus,GA
marr: Jun.13,1998              place:Clear Lake,TX
died:                          place: 
father: James W McClam 
mother: Janie L Martin 

Wife: Serena Angelita Lopez 5
born: Nov.6,1969              place:Kingsville,TX
died:                         place:
father: Santos Lopez 4
mother: Beatrice Lopez

Child # 1: James David McClam 6
born: Dec.21,2001              place:Clear Lake,TX
marr:                          place: 
died:                          place:
father: Kevin J. McClam 
mother: Serena Angelita Lopez McClam 5

: Gerardo Luis Lopez 5
born: Oct.25,1972             place:Kingsville,TX
marr:                         place: 
died:                         place:
father: Santos Lopez 4
mother: Beatrice Lopez
Husband:Richard Ricky Torres
born: Jul.1,1969            place:Lockhart,TX
marr: Jun.23,1993           place:Austin,TX
died:                       place: 

Wife: Liza Renee Lopez 5
born: Sep.26,1970            place:Kingsville,TX
died:                        place:  
father: Santos Lopez 4
mother: Beatrice Lopez 
Child # 1:Sarah Kathryn Torres 6
born: Jan.17,1994              place:Austin,TX 
marr:                          place: 
died:                          place:
father: Ricky Torres 
mother: Liza Renee Lopez Torres 5

Child # 2: Emily Claire Torres 6
born: Apr.20,2001              place:Austin,TX 
marr:                          place: 
died:                          place:
father: Ricky Torres 
mother: Liza Renee Lopez Torres 5


Husband:Eric Carpio
born: Dec.28,1972             place:Brighton,CO
marr: Apr,1998                place:Lockhart,TX
died:                         place: 
father: Henry Carpio 
mother: Teodora Carpio
Wife: Lia Anita Lopez 5
born: Sep.12,1974             place:Kingsville,TX
died:                         place:
father: Santos Lopez 4
mother: Beatrice Lopez

Child # 1:Julia Faith Carpio 6In Memory of Julia Faith Carpio
born: Oct.17,2003              place:Pensacola,FL 
marr:                          place: 
died: Oct.22,2003              place:Atlanta, GA
In Memory of Julia Faith Carpio
father: Eric Carpio mother: Lia Anita Lopez Carpio 5 ================================================================= :David Daniel House 5 born: Dec.1,1978 place:Houston,TX marr: place: died: place: father: David James House mother: Baudelia House 4 =================================================================

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