
To Cheyenne's Special Page

On the Fourth of July Weekend in 1996, my niece Patricia came to visit me and she was so happy. She was expecting her first baby in February of 1997. I was happy for her because I had just had my daughter in May 1995 and I thought it would be neat that the two babies would be close in age. My niece was attending all her prenatal appointments. Well at her November appointment the doctor did a routine ultrasound and found some abnormalities in the baby's head size. Repeat ultrasounds were done and it was determined that the baby had Hydrocephalus. But we also found out that the baby was going to be a girl. Patricia went for her OB appointment in January and the baby's head size was at 43 weeks gestation and the doctor decided that she needed to be delivered. Cheyenne Marie was brought into the world on January 27, 1997.

Oh we were so happy that she was here. She weighed over 6 pounds at birth. She had to have surgery almost right away. The doctors implanted a shunt to drain the fluid and Cheyenne's weight went down to 4 pounds. The doctors were unsure if she was mentally retarded or to what degree of retardation. She stayed in the hospital for over a month. Cheyenne had many operations but was doing so good. She had surgeries to replace the shunt as she grew. After one such operation it was noted that Cheyenne's eyes started crossing. She had surgery to correct that. Just before Cheyenne turned one, my niece gave birth to her son, Cole. He was born premature on the 8th of January, 1998. He returned to Heaven on the 5th of January 1999. Cheyenne was just learning to talk real well and taking her first unassisted steps but oh how she missed her baby brother.

On March 11, 1999, Patricia took Cheyenne to the doctor where she was diagnosed having Bronchitis. She was treated with oral antibiotics and sent home. Patricia let her spend the night with her Paternal grandmother on Saturday night the 13th. The grandmother put Cheyenne to bed without any problems and Cheyenne "slept" the night. The grandmother went to check on her Sunday morning the 14th and what she found is what every mother dreads. Cheyenne was dead. Every effort was made to revive her but nothing worked. On March 14, 1999, Cheyenne joined Cole in Heaven.

We now have two wonderful Angels in Heaven watching over us. WE WILL MISS CHEYENNE AND COLE FOR THE REST OF OUR LIVES.

We have since received the autopsy report and now know why Cheyenne died. It appears that her white blood cells took over the red blood cells and it just took her life.

And of course, Cheyenne needed to have her family on her page. So the following pictures show her with her wonderful family of her Mommy, Patricia and her baby brother, Cole. The second picture is her Beautiful Mommy, who is a wonderful and loving MOTHER!!!! Your angels love you very much.

Please visit Cheyenne's brother, Cole's Tribute Page If you click on his name it will take you to his page.

And we would like to thank Amanda B. for making this beautiful graphic for Cheyenne.

My background and graphics are from Elizabeth's Angel Backgrounds & Images. Please click on the angel below to go to her site.