![]() Deuteronomy 11:18-21
The Bible is relevant to all areas of life, including (perhaps especially) our families. We believe no one can parent correctly without a proper theological view. This is a list for parenting support from a Biblical perspective. We encourage parents to support each other and share their joys and trials. We encourage theological discussion. Please read our Statement of Faith.
The list owners believe parenting is a service to God and to our children. One of the most important things we can do is
learn and be responsive to babies' cues. This is frequently exemplified by breastfeeding on demand, baby wearing, family bed, extended nursing, delayed solids, late weaning, and not forcing the child to early (and artificial) independence from mom and dad. (See Parenting Styles.) Parents who practice many or all of these techniques develop a relationship with their child built on trust that will guide them in later parenting. They will find they are better able to discern what types of training and discipline a child needs at any particular time.
You do not have to agree with everything we have written to participate in this discussion list. We welcome honest questions and seeking to understand. Proverbs 27:17 "Iron sharpens iron, So one man sharpens another." (The New American Standard Bible, (La Habra, California: The Lockman Foundation) 1977.) We even invite those who disagree to explain their views. However, we will not permit "authoritative" teaching contrary to the Bible. We have summarized some of the teachings of the Bible in our Statement of Faith.
Deut 6:5-9
Teach them the Scriptures.
Prov 1:8, 22:6
Train and instruct them in everything.
Exod 22:17
Be involved in marriage decisions
Prov 23:13
Discipline and chastise them.
Matt 28:19-20
Make disciples of them, teaching them to obey God's commandments.
Mal 4:6
Love them.
Matt 19:14
Be available, don't deny their needs for you.
Lam 4:3
Moms, breastfeed your babies.
Acts 16:14; 16:33
Baptise them.
Deut 31:12
Have them perform duties to God.
Deut 21:18; Eph 6:1
Teach them to obey.
Lev 6:18
Have them partake in the Lord's Supper.
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