So you decided you would like to try His way if it works for your life ? But first of all you must decide whether you believe in the Bible as God's revealing words. If you do, you made your first step towards God's way.

Next step, realize NO ONE is good.

Romans 3:10 "As it is written , there is none righteous, no, not one".

Romans 3:23 " For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God".

Nobody could claim they are not sinners. At some point of our life we rebelled against God, in His ways. We became impatient and took matters in our own hands. We seemed alright to handle things on our own sometime but do we really??? If so, why do we have problems in our society, in our own family and ourselves? Where did it come from?

Romans 5:12 "Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for all have sinned".

That one man was ADAM (the first man created). ADAM disobeyed God, he rebelled against God. God, being just, punished ADAM. What kind of punishment?

Romans 6:23 " For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ, our Lord."

Separation from God's fellowship meant spiritual death. God brought life and restoring our God's fellowship brings back our spiritual life. How can we restore our fellowship with God?

Romans 5:8 "But God commendeth His Love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us".

Realize that the reason we celebrate Christmas is the birth of one man who is going to die to take our punishment from our sin. (With all the grievous deed I committed, I deserve my punishment). We are thankful Jesus saved us from being punished as well as restored our fellowship with God. Would you like to be restored into God's fellowship and claim His wonderful plan in your life?

Romans 10:13 "For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved."

If you recognized that you are a sinner and is not presently in fellowship with God, confess and repent from your sins , ask Jesus to come into your heart and save you from eternal punishment of God. If you sincerely prayed to God to forgive you of your sins. He is faithful and just to remember them no more.

We are free from the bondage of SIN!