Welcome to Southern Cross Quilters (SCQuilters), the online quilting group for Australian and New Zealand quilters, either at home or abroad. Others residing in Australia or New Zealand are also very welcome.Unfortunately we are not open to others, due to server restrictions.The list is a free service.
Follow the links to the area you are interested in:
Links are found by placing the cursor on a name or title...if the Cursor becomes
a pointing finger...you've found the link! Just double click and you're on your
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How to Join SCQ Mail List
FOR EXAMPLE CLICK ON THE GREEN LINE BELOW (you'll see your cursor become a pointing finger)TO GET TO THE SIGN ON PAGE
How to Subscribe, Unsubscribe
and Postpone SCQuilters Mail
This is also the site to set your email to Digest.
If you have not been on before and picked up a password this is what you
will see:-
Sorry, you currently do not have access to the SCQuilters group - the moderator
of this group has restricted access to members only.
to JOIN the list use JOIN
If you are a member of the list, please sign in SIGN IN This group is moderated by scquilters-owner@yahoogroups.com * * * * *
Clicking on either The first time you logon click on - Forgot it? - and follow the instructions
ie Here are some tips... The moderator on duty will respond to your question as soon as humanly
IF you have any questions remember...contact the Moderators
General rules:
Other stuff:
If you don’t understand something you have read on the list, you can ask
The Guide on duty will respond to you as soon as she can. The Guides are Fiona McClintock, Helen Evans, Stephanie McCarron, Henriette Wood and Chris Booth.
SCQUILTER'S FAQS....Frequently Asked Questions
Missed some SCQuilters mail?
Now, assuming you are in and have put in your password as necessary...
click on the vault option at the top.
In June 1994, Wendy Pang was a member of Quiltnet - a
US-based quilt list. Thinking it would be nice to chat to Aussies, she collected
the names of Australian Quiltnet members, and we started emailing each other.
A year later, we moved to a listserver run by Peter Lewis, famous Mac software
author, and son of Liz Lewis, a Perth Southern Cross Quilter. The New Zealanders
joined us when we moved to the listserver.
Email: michelle@acay.com.au
Host: Leah B. Hoyle
This is a universal numbering system. You download the software
and Find the "Download ICQ" button. You need to choose the software
FRIDAY NIGHT CHAT is also hosted by Bernadette .
Chris Booth
Pennie Griffiths
Donny Fernandez
Doreen Dyer SA
Elvira Richardson
Fran Williams VIC
Hilly Van Zuylekom WA
Jill Colwell She will give you her snail mail address to send a SASE to.
You can then make up the block for your own use. Please refrain from making
the block for commercial purposes.
Host:Louise Stadley
Here in Melbourne, on the first Wednesday of every month,
Host: Michelle Steel
A spin off group you might like to join.Organised by Lyn Tod
Hints from SCQrs on setting up a sewing Room
SCQers PAGES.....many have SCQ related sites
Please...send me your addresses
Registered Users: Please Sign In...
UserName Password - Forgot it?
New Users: REGISTER for a FREE Yahoo.com account. *****
Up will pop a window where you fill in your email address Click on 'send
In a few SECONDS back will come a message telling you to check your email
for an authorization #
Minimise the window you are in
Get your email and read it, note authorization #
Maximise Yahoo window again and fill in the # in the Validation box and
add a new password, type in password a second time to verify Click on 'change
The next page says:- Done! You are Signed up.
You then return to:- http://groups.yahoo.com/group/scquilters/ and click on
Sign In again,
fill in your email address and your password, this will be the only time
you need to do this, from then on each time you logon to the above URL eGroups
will know you are a member.
You can only SIGN IN if you have already been subscribed to the groups list,
if not then you will have to send an email to:- scquilters-owner@yahoogroups.com
and asked to be subscribed, remembering that this list is only open to people
living in Australia & NZ or those of us living overseas.
1. You do not need to put SCQ in your subject field. It happens automatically
to all postings sent to the list.
2. Log into the website and save this page as a bookmark or add it to you
favourites folder. When you go back online you need only to go to this bookmarked
page. There will be no need to go through the password phase.
3. Please look clearly at your "To" field before sending a reply to a message.
It is very easy to send a message to the whole list when it needs only to
go to the author.
4. Please DO NOT send files or any type of attachments to the list. This
includes using patterned email pages as these become attachments to most
programmes. If you have something you would like to share, send an email
asking for individuals to reply to you accepting the attachment.
5. If you are experiencing problems please send a message to
6. You can save messages into folders on the website. Use the function "Folders"
at the top of the left hand window on the website.
Every group has rules that govern the way people interact in the group.
Sometimes these rules are unwritten, and you are expected to know them.
In our case, we have a written list which we expect all SCQuilter's to
read at least once.
or the Guides
1) Include a clear and specific subject line.
2) Keep emails 'on-topic' of the SCQuilters list, which is quilting.
3) Edit any quoted text, that is, a message you may be replying to, to
the minimum. Check to see what your email software includes when you do
a 'reply to', you may need to delete parts, if not all, of the message
you are replying to. Though sometimes it is helpful to include a
sentence or two of the previous email to assist with continuity.
4) When replying to someone make sure it goes to them PRIVATELY and not
to the group - unless it is giving general information that everyone
will be interested in.
5) Do not send ONE line or 'me too' replies.
6) Keep your tagline/sigline to NO more than FOUR lines which should
also include your name/signature.
7) Be careful about what you send. If written in the heat of the moment,
don't hit the send button immediately. Think how the list, or individual
recipient might react to the message? Would you say these comments
direct to someone standing in front of you? Is it appropriate to mail
the whole list, or just the individual? When in doubt about sending an
email, go have a cup of tea, a drink, or save the message overnight, and
read it again in the light of a new day.
8) All mail should contribute to the group. A bit of commonsense is
called for here. Don't ask for e-mail addresses on the list, ask the
mods or guides. Don't send "Betty please mail me, your mail is bouncing"
messages, ever! Especially do NOT start your mail with 'sorry to send
this to the list, but ....', this shows you know you are breaking the
rules but what the heck you're going to do it anyway!
9) Don't send thank-yous for your blocks/swaps/angel gifts to the whole
list. If the senders haven't sent a legible e-mail addy, you can assume
they don't want to be thanked. Wanna know about a swap? Look at the
SCQuilter's Home Page or the web page at Yahoogroups or ask the guides,
don't post to the whole list. Thank yous for your angel goodies should
go via the Archangel.
10) Do not flame, spam or USE ALL CAPS. Flaming is sending unpleasant,
hurtful, rude emails, spamming is sending multiple emails, and all caps
is seen as SHOUTING.
11) Do not forward chain letters, virus alerts, or anything similar that
you might consider 'junk' mail. Viruses can not be sent by email, though
viruses can come in attachments to emails.
12) Do not cross post, that means posting the same email to more than
one mailing list. When someone replies
13) Do not send attachments to the list.
14) Make sure your mail options are set to send in Plain Text, no MIME,
HTML or fancy fonts please. If you see:-
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
at the end of your email that means you have sent something other than
plain text.
15) SCQuilters email is not to be used for illegal or unethical
16) Email is not necessarily private, do take care.
17) The SCQuilters list may not be used for commercial postings. Please
use scquilters-commercial@yahoogroups.com or the Scquilters Traders Newsletter.
Business people may mention their business in their signature lines,
using the guidelines in rule #6. You may write and praise a shop you
have visited, but you may not do so if you receive any benefit, monetary
or otherwise, for doing so. You may not advertise any business where you
work, or which you own or obtain benefit from. You also may not
advertise your friend's business for her/him.
18) If you see someone breaking the rules please don't post to either
them or the list reprimanding them - leave it to us. If you feel
strongly about a situation please bring it to the moderators attention.
If someone obviously breaks the rules, they will probably receive a
reminder message from one of the moderators, Michelle Watters, Dawn
Scotting, Suzy Atkins and Nola Archer. If you receive this sort of
message, please remember that these people are just trying to keep the
list on track. Pause, reread these rules and review what you do on the
list before taking offence.
If the person keeps on ignoring the rules, their mail may be set to
moderate. This means that it must be read and approved by a moderator
before being sent on to the list.
Persistent offenders may be set to read only, which means they can read
the mail but not post, or they may be unsubscribed from the list.
Generally, this is a step by step process, giving people time to mend
their ways. However, people who send really nasty flames may leap to
this point immediately!
Yahoo manages our list for us. Log into the website at www.Yahoo.com and register as a user of Yahoo. This is in addition to joining scquilters. Joining Yahoo allows you to change your mail options to suit your lifestyle. As well as individual mails, you can choose to have the mails as one long digest mail, or to read your mail on the web. This last option is best when you go on holidays or will not be reading your mail for some reason. It is not necessary to unsubscribe unless you are leaving the group.
· If you are experiencing problems please send a message to
The moderator on duty will respond to your question as soon as humanly possible. ABBREVIATIONS USED IN EMAIL
There are certain protocols on the Internet and information about
the correct procedures for Email and a dictionary of some of the Abbreviations
that are commnly used can be found at...
PLEASE Do NOT post to the whole list if you are trying to find a members
email address
The Register is a bit like the telephone book. Go to
Follow the steps.
Alternatively, if you need to ask a person about a listmember's address,
If you have missed mail for some reason,
Andrea Carew keeps copies of SCQuilters digests. Drop Andrea a note and she
will be able to help you. Give her a couple of days to respond, as she may
not read her mail each day.
If you wish to register a swap, or find out how to run one, contact Kerry Morpeth
ALL one time and on-going swaps can be found on the
The vault is a place where you can store photos, or documents etc.
OK - now, how do you access it? Easy peasy...
Go to the
scquilters yahoogroups page
Now you will see an option to upload a file. Say, if I wanted to post a pic
in the vault, I would go to the C drive on my computer - find the pic I
wanted and click on the upload button. If I'm not sure of the name of the
file I want, click on the browse option and you can tell it where to look.
For ease of finding things, I always save pics and documents to a file on
my hardrive called Fiona. Its on the C drive of my pooter. Make sure you
name your document with a name that you will remember to make life easier.
When you have found the document you want, click on upload file. That puts
the file in the vault.
Ok - so now your document is in the vault and you want to tell others about
Once your document is in the vault, you will see it on the list of things
in the vault.
Click on your document and it will open.
Copy the URL of the
document. If you document is an ad for your business you would like to tell
someone about, go to the signature file on your email programme.
Make up a
signature and paste the URL into your sig file. You could say something
like "See my specials at http://www.... "
Scquilters Commercial List
The all new Scquilters Commercial list is up and running! It is through
YahooGroups the same as scquilters, and if you would like to join please send a
blank email message to
you have joined and wish to send a message to the list address it to
If you have any problems or questions
please contact me
EMAIL:Susan Maroney
Once you have subscribed you can
then go to the web site and change your settings, eg for a digest etc, the
same way as you currently do for Scquilters.
If any of you missed the inital announcement, a new list has been set up
allowing scquilters to talk about things unrelated to quilting.
If you are
interested in joining, simply send an email to this address:
If you have any questions at all regarding this list please drop me a line
onEMAIL:Julie SCQuilters Guides
When you joined Southern Cross Quilters, did you find it all confusing?
Although we often remind you to read the Frequently Asked Questions, and
visit the YahooGroups vault, and read the SCQuilters home page, most new
SCQuilters find this all rather daunting - that is, those who read these
things. Most people don't seem to, or don't really absorb the information.
As new people join the list, Nola and the other Guides - Fiona McClintock,
Jette Wood , Helen Evans,Stephanie McCarron,
and Chris Booth,
- will be there to give them a hand. Each new
person will be greeted by a guide, and offered help and advice.
Some things guides will help with will be:
Where to find more information
What various SCQuilter mysteries like angels, BDFQs, and LOLs are
who the Keepers of the Names are, and what they do.
Guides will contact all new people. If you need to write to a guide - and
you don't have to be new to write to them - write
to them by clicking on ....
Mail for SCQ Guides
Technical questions - how to subscribe, change YahooGroups settings, bouncing
mail etc, will still go to the moderators - Dawn Scotting, Michelle
Watters, Suzy Atkins and me. Write to scquilters-owner with these
We soon had a logo, designed by Leanne McGill of Darwin. Then Loz Lloyd,of
Sydney, had our first lot of badges designed. We started swapping blocks,charm
squares and more, and we haven't stopped since. We held our first(international!)
retreat in Brisbane in 1998, attended by over 60SCQuilters. To go with that
we have Tshirts, mugs and variations of the SCQuilters logo block.
Over the years, the most enduring exchanges have been Dawn Scotting's Angel
Exchange now run by Michelle Watters and the SCQ signature squares exchange. New swaps/exchanges
arise all the time, organised by whoever feels like it.
The list grew and grew as friends passed the word around. Now, mid 2001
there are about 1500 members. Apart from Aussies and Kiwis in all parts of
the two countries, we have overseas Australian and New Zealand members from
London to Hong Kong and Denver to Jakarta. One of the most notable features
of the list, apart from its friendliness, is that people love to visit each
other when travelling interstate or overseas.
There are times when new members will feel a bit lost, especially when subjects
that have been frequently discussed are referred to by acronyms,ie: S.E.X.
(Stash Enhancement Expedition). However, just be patient and you'll soon
pick up the jargon. Jump in with both feet and introduce yourself and there
will be plenty of helpful members who will enlighten you!
A comprehensive list of Quilt Shops in Australia, New Zealand and Overseas is available at
This list has been compiled from submissions of SCQuilters and every effort is made to keep it current.
Please feel free to email Sharron Shimbel with additions or closures.
Email for Sharron
SCQUILTERS often feel the need to support a member who is going through troublesome
times or celebrating some special event. We do this by making Heart Blocks.
We ask that Hearts only be requested for a SCQuilter or their immediate family
The usual dimesion is a 6.5" block (incls seam allowance). These are usually
made with a cream or homespun bacground and if specific colours are required
this is specified by the organiser.
Scquilters Badges
Organiser:Lorraine Hartley
Email for LorraineScquilters Car Stickers
Organiser:Helen Turner
Email for Helen
Not for profit,all money donated to Breast Cancer ResearchLOGO PATTERN
Organiser:Leanne McGill
Email for Leanne
Host: Fran
The Angel Exchange is a sort of secret pal thing. You register as
part of the exchange and then for a selected period you are a secret
angel to someone, sending them pressies once a month all the while
being mysterious about your identity. At the same time, someone else
is your secret angel. It's great fun. Watch the list for details.
There is
no waiting list and you have to be quick to be in it.
**There is now just ONE email address for mortal & angel emails to each
PLEASE put the relevant Angel or Mortal Number in the subject line to make forwarding easier on the organisers
All messages go to SECRET MAIL
Email For Leah
ICQ is (I Seek You)
get a number. Once you have a number, you can join in all the
SCQuilter chat. This is "live" typing chat on line.
You can chat with anyone else who has a number as well.
SCQ has a regular "chat" session on line at 8.30pmEST on Wednesdays
Bernadette Brickley
aka bundy ICQ#112281439
is running the Wed night ICQ chat
Email for Bernadette
The software is available at
appropriate to your system and follow the instructions.
Once you have a number send it to the keeper of the ICQ names.
Victoria will then give you a list of all the SCQers on ICQ.
Chat....usually from 8.00p.m. Melbourne time onwards.
Hedr nickname is grasshopper and ICQ # 49815352
Email Bernadette for information
OUR Traders newsletter organised by Di Soupy
click for Trader's newsletter
Keepers of the Lists
Email for Chris
Email for Pennie
Email for Donny
Email for Doreen
Email for Elvira
Email for Fran
Email for Hilly
Email for Fiona
Victoria Fitzgibbon
Email for Victoria
Email for Jill
A pattern for the Scquilters logo block can be obtained from the designer
Leanne McGill
Email for Leanne
Scquilter Friendship Groups
Email for Louise
hold a Scquilters Friendship Group.
All interested - Melbournites and visiting
interstate Scquilters can contact me direct for location,
travel maps etc.
Our motto : The coffee is hot, and the welcome is very warm.
Machine Quilting FAQs
Email for Michelle
Adrienne Anderson .
Andrea Carew.
Beate Kingsley
Bev Beeson
Cathy Gale
Clare Smith
Fiona Thorne
Jan T
Jan T's Quilts 2000 page
Judie Wert Scheurich
Karen Kirk's Page, her swaps are also listed here.
Rose Francis
Natalie in Glen Waverly
Susan Korrel
Tazzie's Page
Then click on Southern Cross Quilter.
HOME PAGES are here.