GingerSnap's Cookie Jar

For those of you who know me, I've been gone for awhile but I'm back now. Sorry to disappoint those of you who hate me, I guess you're S.O.L. I'm going to be updating this over the next few weeks because, well, let's face it, it's pretty sappy. I've changed alot over the last few months, mostly for the good. I've survived the worst time of my life and most of this on here seems trite and goofy now, except for the poo list, that's a classic. So, stop back by in a few and see all the wonderful new and exciting changes to my page. *L* Damn that was shameless self promotion but I'm allowed it's my page, you can always click the little "x" in the corner of your browser. As you can see some things about me have NOT changed. But I want a page that reflects who I am now if that's possible.....maybe I should just type "Sybil" and be done with it. *L* Okay enough rambling for now, they're will be plenty of that later.

My kids
Links to my friends
More about me, if you're really bored
Recipie for my favorite cookies, Snickerdoodles
Some quick, inexpensive meals
If you grew up in the 80's, see if this rings any bells
My thoughts on being a single parent
Some poetry I like
Some links to other sites I like
The Official, er, Poo List *L*

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