Comments & Prayer Requests Welcome

02/10/00 04:56:06
Name: Vincent Williams My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Location: Biloxi, MS
Request: Church info

Vince (Former Bus Kid) & Jennifer Williams Missionaries to the Military of Keesler AFB We have an Independent Baptist Church database for: 1. The purpose of recommending military folks to when they are transferred or when they exit the military. 2. To send their lost or unchurched loved ones, relatives, friends, to or to have someone go visit them for a soul-winning or prospect visit. 3. For people in your churches that are moving to areas and you can see what each church holds to doctrinally. Just send us an email and we will send you our listing of churches for any particular area. Then you can see the beliefs they hold to and decide which you can recommend. This database is on "Daytimer 98", if you have this program we can send you a copy of the database to use. We can also send it in ASCII format. We have room on the database for the following information, Please fill in each area that you would like to have available for prospects. You may fill in as little or as much as you like these are just the available areas. Please send us the info for other independent Baptist Churches in your area. I will put this information with no commentary. Our Church is an Unaffiliated, Independent, Fundamental, Separated KJB Baptists Church, but I will not add personal comments on the pages. A lot of this information I may or may not already have, trying to keep it updated (Just over 7,709+ churches at this time!). We see this mainly as a help to your church and your community. This list has more comprehensive information to help someone's search time for a home church to be kept at a minimum. PASTORS NAME: FULL CHURCH NAME: MAILING ADDRESS: PHYSICAL ADDRESS (You may add directions): PHONE #'S (Work, Home, Fax etc): EMAIL ADDRESSES: WEBSITE ADDRESSES: AFFILIATIONS & FELLOWSHIPS (Examples: BBF,GARBC,Hyles,Ruckman,Fallwell, S.Grace-TULIP, etc): BIBLE VERSION(S) PREACHED: BIBLE VERSION(S) USED IN STUDY: SERVICE TIMES: MINISTRIES: CHURCH SCHOOL INFO (Name, grades, curr.): COLLEGE/INSTITUTE (CHURCH'S): PASTOR'S WIFE'S NAME: PASTOR'S BIRTHDAY/ANNIVERSARY: CHURCH'S ANNIVERSARY: NEAR MILITARY BASES? (Which Ones + Distance): PREVIOUS PASTOR: Thank you for your help in Serving Our Saviour! Vince & Jennifer Williams & Family 3707 Hwy 90 E, Ocean Springs, MS 39564 Welcome H.O.M.E. Servicemen (Our Website) (If you have Online Bible Study info or Audio Sermons that are KJB we will add you to our links page) Home & Sending Church: Grace Independent Baptist Church, Ocean Springs, MS (We are currently are reaching the folks at Keesler and at the same time we are available for meetings & Mission Conferences--We have a great burden for winning the lost and teaching them to do the same)

01/12/00 19:26:36
Name: Evang. Andrew Hamilton My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Location: Thomasville Ga.31792
Request: Pray for our building program

Pray for our building program. We need some financial help on our building that we are buying

11/17/99 13:15:27
Name: Bro Johnny
My Email: Email Me

Please contact me and view my site thank you Johnny

11/10/99 04:17:34
Name: Johnny The Baptist My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Request: please contact me

i enjoyed your site. I need you to visit a man in knoxville. Your email came back to me. thanks bro Johnny

06/01/99 19:52:34
Name: Jackie My Email: Email Me
Location: powell Request: prayers

It has been a long time since we have asked for prayer request on here. Pray for my family. Still keep Carl in your prayers. We had a fire in May of 99 so pray that everything will get back to normal. Pray for my brothers and sister that is lost. My dad i n't saved either. God Bless you all Love, Jackie

12/22/98 02:57:56
Name: Sam
My Email: Email Me
Location: Tuscaloosa, Alabama

Great page. Keep up the good work.

11/15/98 22:30:04
Name: Jackie My Email: Email Me
Location: powell Request: prayer request

Please pray for my husband he has bone cancer. He is doing so much better then he was a year ago. Also pray for my family. The devil is working over time on us.. thanks and God Bless you all Jackie

11/07/98 01:33:26
Name: William Fred Gilliam My Email: Email Me
Location: Seymour Request: Prayer

Lovely page. I really like it.

10/27/98 00:41:43
Name: Debbie

Please pray for my daughter and for my brother there are other unspoken prayer reguest.

10/04/98 21:30:45
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Nice page. Very informative. Keep it up.

09/28/98 22:46:50
Name: rick 7448

I thank GOD we finaly got on the web so we can let the world know about us thank you so much prays answerd

09/28/98 02:20:49


09/22/98 02:38:46
Name: Alan My Email: Email Me
Location: Knoxville, TN Request: Prayer for our Revival services.

Please pray also for the sick at our church. Hope everyone enjoys this page an visits back often. May God bless you.

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