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Loth picture Frame
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Loth Sister Sign

Hi there ladies!! My name is Krafty aka: Jennifer. I have been a member of LOTH for about 6 months now. And I must say, I have never in my life been a member of such a fine group as this one. In these 6 months, I have met so many really neat ladies, who are caring, loving, understanding, and very very supportive. I want to thank each and every one of you personally for all you have done for me.

To show each and every one of you, how I appreciate having you in my life, I have made a couple of gifts for you to display on your webpages if you so wish. So please, help yourself to which ever gift you would like, or you can use them all.

God Bless and Angel hugs!!

Loth Sister sign from Maureen

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Please include a link back to me when using my gifts..have them link to../Heartland/Ridge/1480..Thank You!!
Loth Gift # 1

Loth Gift #2

Loth Gift #3black border

Please let me know if you used a I would like to visit your webpage and sign your guestbook...and I would be honored if you would sign mine too!!!!!

I hope you enjoy the gifts I made for you...DO check back often, as new gifts will be posted. :-)
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Ladies, please sign my guestbook

View my guestbook

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