Hi, I'm Kathy and this is my place. Thanks for visiting me. I am mom to three lovely daughters (and one handsome son-in-law), Meme to the three most adorable grandsons, executive secretary at a local nonprofit, and I LOVE THE LORD! I was saved February 21, 1978, and love to talk about my wonderful Savior. =:o)
My favorite bible verse is Proverbs 3:5-6 - Trust in the Lord with all thine heart and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct thy paths.
These are some of the things I like to do: visit with my grandsons, bowl, read, play miniature golf, sing in the church choir and do special music, IM with special friends, attend church/church related activities, fellowship with other believers.
Visit some of my favorite sites on the web:

Bob Jones Univerity
- Great Christian University

- One of my grandson's favorite sites. This is a must for all who love talking vegetables to visit!!!!
- Meet people with similar interests and make new friends
- Get Yahoo Pager and we can talk
Christianity Online
- Wonderful Christian site
A Free Gift
- Do you know Jesus personally? Are you sure you would go to Heaven if you died? Want to know for sure? Check this out.
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