OWEN Family Association
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Table of Contents:
About the Owen Family Association
Our group was formally organized in Atlanta in October of 1985. Individual and group efforts to learn more of the Owen heritage have been going on for generations, but our association represents the first effort to unite all the Owen branches in working toward common objectives. We welcome all Owen descendants to our group; as all branches of the Owen family, wherever they were located, are of interest to us. As of October 1, 2007, the current membership stands at 416 families.
We publish a newsletter every three months, containing analysis of various Owen family relationships as well as queries from any submitter. Biannual Reunions are scheduled for the last weekend in Septermber. The next is to be held in 2009.
Objectives of the Owen Family Association
- To establish and document as complete a listing of the descendants of Owen and Allied Families as possible.
- To collect a narrative history of individual family lines of descent.
- To compile and maintain a listing of cemeteries, homes and other buildings and sites associated with the Owen and Allied Families.
- To publish and distribute a periodic Newsletter.
- To bring members of the family association together for periodic reunions.
- To aid association members in establishing their family lines and assist them in joining various hereditary and patriotic societies, if they so desire.
- To assist nembers by offering DNA as a research tool. In 2003 the Owen Family Association established it’s DNA project, dedicated to helping members find lost Owen(s) relatives when the paper trail ends and the brick wall takes its place. The procedure is a painless cheek scraping to obtain DNA that can help accurately determine a relationship with either a 99.9% probability of YES or a 100% certainly that no near term relationship existed.
Officers & Chairs of OFA
- President: Tom Owen, 1478 Dallas Circle, Marietta, GA 30064 owenassoc@gmail.com
- Vice President: Mr. M. Fred Owen, P O Box 4805, Horseshoe Bay, TX 78657 fredowen@nctv.com
- Treasurer:George N Shirley Jr., 508 Arbor Dr., Madison, MS 39110 gnshirley@comcast.net
- Newsletter Editor; Carla Grune cgrune@epatentmanager.com
- Publisher;Margaret Owen Parsons, 10300-142 King River Rd., Reedley, CA 93654 Parsonsmgg@aol.com
- Secretary-Historian:Jane Owen 4190 Hurricane Shores, Benton, AR 72015 edjaneowen@up-link.net
- Genealogest:Josephine Moeller. 401 S. 14th St., St. Charles, IL 60174, jmoeller@inil.com
- DNA Administrator Whit Athey 2305 Goldmine Rd., Brookeville, MD 20833wathey@hprg.com
Membership in Owen Family Association
To become a member of the Owen Family Association you need to submit an Application Form
and a Genealogy/Information Record (or a regular Pedigree Chart)
showing your descent from your earliest known Owen ancestor.
Send your name and address to
Tom Owen, and he will mail you an application. A membership
includes a subscription to the Owen Family Newsletter.
Origin of the Owen Surname
The Owen name is of Welch origin. The word means "well born" or "well
descended". It was a personal name in Wales and was not used as a
family name or surname until the sixteenth century. The name was
originally Owain, Owin, Owens, and lastly, Owen. It has always been
popular as a forename, being the name of princes and leaders, noteably
Owain Gwynedd (c.1100-1170) and Owain Glyndwr (c.1354-1416).
The first of the family to adopt Owen as a surname was Roland Owen,
sheriff of Montgomeryshire, Wales in the year 1610. The Owen
Glendowers, or Glendower Owens, were persecuted by their enemies,
and driven from their estates to the mountain wilds, where they became
shepherds; their ancestral home was in Marionethshire, Wales, one of
the extreme western counties, the coast of which is washed by Cardigan
Bay. It lies not far from the port of Liverpool, and its principle
town is Barmouth.
(From "Historical Sketches of the Campbell, Pilcher and Kindred Families", by Margarte Pilcher, Nashville, TN, 1911)
Early Owen Emigrants to America
- 1622 - Thomas Owen, a Welshman, came from London to Virginia on the "Susan", first lived at Jamestown, VA, but by 1664 was living at the Forks of the Cattail Run on the north side of the James River.
- 1650 - William Owen worked his passage to Virginia while just a boy.
- 1651 - William Owen married Elizabeth Davies in Braintree, MA.
- 1658 - Bartholomew Owen in court records of Surry Co., VA.
- 1682 - A large colony of Welsh Quakers, including Owenes, purchased 5000 acres in Pennsylvania from William Penn.
- 1699 - Rev. Robert Owen, from Wales, became Rector of St. Paul's Parish in Prince George Co., MD.
- ca1700 - 3 brothers from Wales, John, Thomas and William Owen settled in Henrico Co., VA.
OWEN Mail-List
A FREE mailing list for the discussion and sharing of information regarding the OWEN surname and variations (e.g. Owens, Owin, Owing) in any place and at any time.
To subscribe to the list send the word "subscribe" (without the quotes) as the only text in the body of the message to OWEN-L-request@rootsweb.com. In response you will receive a message of welcome confirming your subscription and giving further instructions concerning the mail list.
Please join us!
Other Websites containing Owen/Owens family data
Descendants of Jonathan M. Owen, a Loyalist in Rev. War, who was transported to Nova Scotia after the war but by 1790 was located in Eastport, ME.
Home Page of Margie Pearce containing some descendants of William & Drucilla (Echols) Owen
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