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My name is Ka-ma-ma, which is Cherokee for Butterfly. My tribe is Echota Cherokee of Alabama, Inc...I belong to the Long Hair Clan. My husband and I were married on November 29, 1999. He is a Chinook Helicopter Instructor Pilot/ Battalion Safety Officer for the U.S.Army and now in DCD. He is called U-wo-hi-li which means "Eagle" He is very proud to be Apache and Irish. He carries much "honor" within his heart. I am very proud to call him A-qua-tse-li U-na-li-go-hi (My Mate).

We have three children. Our eldest son is called U-s-ti Ga-no-hi-li Tsu-la "Little Flying Fox". He is now in the U.S.Army as an Apache Crew Chief and stationed in Germany. He recently married a wonderful young woman. Our youngest son is called U-s-ti Ta-wo-da "Little Hawk" and our daughter is called Su-na-le-i No-si "Morning Star". On June 26, 2008 Little Hawk was signed into the United States Marines by his Father! What a proud day it was! His Great Grandfather was a Marine. Having my husband and sons in the military and each being a proud a-ni-ya-wi-s-gi (soldier) makes them in my heart a Great Warrior (e-qua a-ya-s-ti-gi).

We spend many hours learning how to live and make articles the way our ancestors did...I hope to share this with you. We are involved in learning the language of the people and hope to speak and write it fluently one day. I did live in Alabama...about 8 miles from the village of my great-grandfather.....We did live in the state of Texas, then I am moved to Michigan while my Mate was away on "tour" for the Military.

We returned to Alabama as of December 2004, and for a short time we will be living in the same home! We are very happy to have this time together. Life and Family are very important to us and we try to spend as much time as we can together as Grandfather guides us down our paths.

As a Proud Member of the Echota Cherokee Tribe of Alabama, Inc., I had the honor of attending our very first Pow Wow held in Decatur, Alabama. Living so far from home it is very hard for us to go to the Meetings of our brothers and sisters.

There has been so many wonderful things that have been done by our Tribal members and so much hard work put forth! The Tribal land has grown with the love and energy of the people. May Grandfather smile upon them! Our hearts are with all and we pray that life is good for them!

November being "National Native American" month across the U.S. keeps us busy!.... We have programs with information, crafts, and articles of interest to people of Native American background. We have a large collection of facts, clothing, pottery, drums, weapons, arrowheads and crafts on display. Some of these items were purchased from the Reservations across the U.S. as my husband travels.He takes the time to visit any Reservation that is near him. I demonstrate the making of Dream catchers, Pine needle baskets (which my mother makes), Seed Bead work, and Leather projects. I enjoy sharing my knowledge with all who are interested.

Did you know that Columbus Day is also Native American Day?


The Official Tribal Web Site of
The Echota Cherokee Tribe of Alabama

I received this Award on May 1, 2001
Wa-do Nite Owl!

Please come back to see us....I will be adding much more to this site in the come and see what we are doing......

May the Great Spirit walk with you!

May the warm winds of heaven
Blow softly upon your house.
May the Great Spirit
Bless all who enter there.
May your mocassins
Make happy tracks
In many snows,
And may the rainbow
Always touch your shoulder

Wa-do! (thank you!)

Email me at in the meantime.
Please come back soon and visit me.

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Last Updated: August 1, 2008
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