SURNAMES BEING SEARCHED; Ackers, Allen, Arnette, Asay, Audsley, Bacon, Bailey, Baker, Balik, Barbee, Barnes, Bartlett, Barton, Bodnar, Bunce, Burke, Campbell, Caray, Cardosa, Caron, Casale, Cincotta, Clune, Coffelt,Coffman, Constanzo, Cosier, Costello, Cox, Coxwell, Crowley, Curtis, Cyr, Davidson, Davis, Deckard, Demont, Dempsey, DeRoo, Duffield, Duncan, Eagan, Echstein, Egan, Eichinger, Essell, Fenton, Flaherty, Floyd, Foley, Foohs, Franklin, Furbush, Gager, Gardner, Garner, Garrison, Gero, Giltenan, Gorman, Gough, Gradia, Grant, Greany, Greene, Habber, Hall, Hammer, Hampleman, Hanrahan, Hartley, Hatfield, Hefernan, Heflin, Henderson, Higgins, Hill, Holms, Holt, Howell, Hughes, Huners, Ireland, Jackson, Jette, Johnson, Kennedy, Kent, Kiasky, Kirby, Kloepfer, Krause, Kusang, Kafond, Lamb, Lamon, Lamoureux, Lancing, Lane, List, Long, Lonsberry, LOVE, MacCarthy, MacDonald, Mack, Majourau, Maule, McKay, McManus, Meagher, Memovitch, Meyer, Mormile, Mosher, Maughan, Nolan, Noto, Parker, Paslay, Patiet, PERRY, Pickering, Pietrobon, Pindexter, PRITCHARD, Quantenbush, Ramsey, Randall, Rawley, Rice, Rodriguez, Rogers, Roskar, Rozak, Rupe, Russell, Rutz, Sampson, Sasser, Scanlon, Scott, Sharpe, Shepherd, Showalter, Siebers, Siegling, Sitz, Smith, Sparks, Stainton, Stier, Strayhorn, Summer, Suteck, Thompson, Travis, Trebly, Tromble, Trotter, Tyler, Ustich, Venis, Warren, Wattenburger, Weaver, Weems, WEISS, WHITE,Works, Yatchisin, Yeaman, Zeledon, Ziegler.
This is our page of family history of the PRITCHARD/PERRY family's and every one in between, we are trying our best to find all of our family members, we have only found a few at this time but we make changes frequently so please come back often and check us out.
Below are several links to other sights that have been very helpful to us and as we find more helpful links we will add them to our page so that they might help others, like ourselves find their missing links.
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These are my family lines
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