Known only as a "Jane Doe"
and found on the side of a road wrapped in a canvas tent bag.
Is this how you want to find your missing family member??
In 1968, a man in Tennessee DID find my sister on the side of an embankment,
wrapped up in a canvas bag...
and had to live with the horror and nightmares of that dreadful day for almost 30 years!!
She had probably been there for an estimated time of 5 months when he found her there.
Never Say Never...
and Never Give Up!!
Some of my story... of searching for a missing sister and after 30 years, it finally unfolds!! |
On the internet |
Thank You Garth! |
Still Searching for others that are of George Earl Taylor's past. |
From all over! Take a look at this one if you have missing family! |
Other links for searching for all kinds of information below!! |
DNA Action Memorial |
Unidentifieds Law |
Vietnam 1968 - 1969 Mike is searching for lots of veterans in his battalion!! See if your on his list!! |
Indian Links |
This is a lot of databases to search thru for missing persons and most of them you can post your missing person also! |
Any kind of search engine you want is in this page... take a look and see for yourself!! |
Restoration Project
{{{My page is ALWAYS under construction. So please, update your bookmarks often}}}. As of 9-13-99 I have over 800 sites linked to the tables below for your searching needs.... If you find a broken link, or if you have one you would like to add, just E-Mail Me with the URL, and which page you would like to be added to, and I will add it as soon as possible.
counter 4379
Never forget to stop and smell the roses along your way... Everyone needs a beautiful rose to hang on to for hope!! |