Hi! My name is Larry Lam

Hope you're enjoying the internet! Please sign my guestbook. Hey, some new pics! Thanks

This is me and my family at a nephew's wedding, in May of 98.

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These are from our camping trip to the Lake. On Jeff's first time driving the jet-ski, he dumped me off the back into the water by jerking the jet-ski one way, then turning it back the opposite direction. Then he fell in when he tried to reach down and put his hand out to me. We were wearing jackets because it was cold. We're both wet in the second picture.

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Johnny's Graduation. This is my family
Johnny's Graduation at Fountain Valley High School in 1996




. Johnny's Eagle Award Ceremony.
Johnny's Eagle Award Ceremony. Grandpa, with 37 years serving Scouting, pinned the medal





Jeff and I on our Philmont Trek.
Hiking 50 miles with 50 pound backpacks. We eventually went over the peak just above my head in the picture.

Click for a close up.




The Salmon
I caught these from my cousins boat outside of San Francisco Bay.

Click for a close up.




Mojave Century Bike pictures  button1.gif (5632 bytes)

Boy Scout Sierra Trek pictures  button1.gif (5632 bytes)

John's page   button1.gif (5632 bytes)

Larry's Cancer page   button1.gif (5632 bytes)

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