
.... purrrrrr ......

This is my homepage. I'm Bella Gatina. My 'owners' took me from the Italian market when I was very young. You've probably seen pictures of them already. They are awefully fond of themselves. Well ... What can you do?

I've discovered that the best possible tyme to get up is right around the five a.m. mark. See, at this tyme things are still pretty quiet, so I can really hear the echos from all the noise I make! Plus, my 'owners' are very slow about that tyme. They can't seem to get me if I'm bad!

I've decided that they can't put any pictures on my page unless they are pictures of me. So, look at me!
Again with the Cat! Oi!

Here are a few more that I allowed them to take of me:
Me and my Mommy I hate sharing my mommy.

Why God?  WHY?

Oh, the humanity!

Hmm...Why doesn't that Man have anything cool to read?
Don't look!  How embarrassing!
Definitely James' Cat.
Definitely James' Cat.

Here's me and Mommy again!

I'm sure they'll have more I approve of soon.

To get back to my Mommy's Homepage, click here. To get back to That Man's Homepage, click here.
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