From: (Robert T. Strong)
To: "Strong Family genealogy list"
Subject: SUBSCRIBERS to STRONG Mail List, 28 MAR 97 
Date: Fri, 28 Mar 1997 13:59:11 EST

>From the keyboard of Bob T. Strong, List Manager

Robert T. Strong, Jr. 
119 Mystic Way 
Madison, AL 35758-7113

                         ROBERT'S RAMBLINGS

A special welcome this week to Gelee Corley Hendrix, my Third 
Cousin and my Mentor in genealogical methods and prodecures
when I was a novice family historian, just beginning my searches.  
Her knowledge and skills as a professional genealogist and editor 
of historical publications, primarily regarding South Carolina,  will 
be an assest to our group.

It is Spring Break for the Public Schools in Alabama.  If you and
yours go on a vacation trip, be sure to either UNSUB or to set
you subscription to NOMAIL in your absence.  When mailboxes
overflow, it creates a lot of nuisance error messages for List Managers
to process.  After four days of failed attempts to deliver mail, the
messages are "killed" and the addressee is deleted from the STRONG
Mail LIst.

Remember that in order for our subscribers to quickly scan messages
it is imperative that the messages have Subject LInes that indicate
Who, Where, and When.   This will help each of us to select and
choose relevant messages to read and to delete those that are not
relevant to our interests.   When replying to a message, be sure to
modify the Subject LIne if the topic is changed.  It is very annoying
to read a message that says absolutely nothing about the Subject.
[This has not been a major problem on the STRONG Mail LIst, but
occurs frequently on FidoNet Genealogy Conferences, for example.]

There is an element of truth in the Biblical verse:  "Give, and you
will receive."  The more you share on the Strong Mail List, the
more likely it is that you will make connections with others 
researching the same lineage.  As a few  of our subscribers can
attest, making the right connection can add several generations
to your family history.

Best wishes to each and all for a meaningful celebration of this
season of re-birth, acccording to your own religious beliefs.

If you are fortunate to be going on vacation, enjoy!!  Have fun!!


If you know a Strong, etc., researcher who is not already subscribed,
please send them an invitation to join us, to learn about our families, 
and to share information about their families. 

You are invited to resubmit any queries or lineages that have not been
posted in the past month.  Just please begin the Subject Line of these
messages with "Re-Post:"  In your Subject Line include, if possible, 
Who, Where, and When.


ON THE STRONG MAIL LIST.  Do NOT request archived
mail for these dates.

25 and 27 DEC 96
7, 8, 9, 13, 14, 16, 17, 18, 20, 22, 23, 24, 25, 27, 31 JAN 97. 
1-25 FEB 97 (Not archived.  Request via message to me.)
27 FEB 97
13, 18, 20, 25 MAR 97

The syntax for obtaining archived messages for the STRONG
List from the MAISER List Server address is:

send YY-MM-DD.std


send 97-01-30.std
send 97-03-24.std

                     CURRENT SUBSCRIBER LIST

Members of STRONG Mail List as of FRIDAY, 28 MAR 97

Current number of subscribers:  53

Welcome to New Subscribers This Week: 3 (Cindy Prince)  (Gelee Corley Hendrix)
We look forward to our new subscribers introducing
themselves and their Strong, Strang, Strange, 
Straughan, etc.,  family connections in the near future.
Please tell us Who, Where, and When about your 
connections and you are also urged to post a descendancy
chart.  Please also identify yourselves, if you have not 
already done so,  so that I can add a name to your E-Mail 

The following person attempted to subscribe but apparently
gave an incorrect return address.  If you know this person,
who apparently resides in Canada, please advise me of 
their correct E-Mail address. 

Not Receiving E-Mail from Strong List (Set to NOMAIL): (Mike Strong) (Sanford B. Hunt)

To contact the above individuals, send your message directly
to their E-Mail address rather than to the STRONG List.

The following person cancelled their subscription to the STRONG
Mail List this week: (Wayne Higley, Jr.)

Please report any corrections or additions to the Subscriber
List below to the List Manager.  A migration route will be 
added to your name and/or E-Mail address if you provide 
that information.

"Descendants," as used below, includes researchers of these 
families who may not be descendants.


Strongs in England (Lise Elliott) 
           [Thomas Strong, b. 1766, East Sussex, England]

Strongs of England & Australia (William ("Bill") Strong)
            [Thomas Strong, d. bef. 1918, Oxford?, England]  

Strongs of Ireland and Canada ("Bill" Strong)  [IRE > CAN > MT, USA] (Mike Strong) [IRE > ONT, CAN] (Dave Strong) [IRE > ONT, CAN]
            [George Strong, (b. Ireland abt. 1825, d. Ontario 1893)]

Other Strongs of Canada
     Descedants of William Strong, b. 1825,  of Newfoundland
  (Barbara Pederson)
  (Gerry Strong) 

Strongs of Scotland and  Ireland and South Carolina
    Charles Strong, b. Scotland, d. 1783 Ireland
          Letitia Strong (b. 1766, Ireland-d. 1837, SC)
          m. 1778 James STRONG, Jr. (b.1749, IRE -d.1829, SC)            
          (Thomas Weir)
          (Roger Dellinger)
           Christopher Strong, b. 1760 IRE; d. 1850, Dickson Co., TN
           (Lowry Betts)
           (Jim McCuller)
Strongs of Ireland and South Carolina
     James Strong, Sr. b.1709 Ireland; d, 1779 Chester Co., SC
   (Thomas Weir)
   (Roger Dellinger)
John Strong, "Elder", of England, Massachusetts, and

      Descendants of Thomas Strong, son of John Strong
  (Cleta Terrell)
  (Sandi Strong Rowe)
  (Theresa Lang) 
  (Patt Fulton) 

     Descendants of Hannah Strong, daughter of John Strong
  [Sanford B. Hunt)

     Descendants of Return Strong (son of John) and Sarah Warham
           Sarah Strong m. 1696 (Capt.) John Higley in Windsor, CT      
     Descendant of Hester Strong, daughter of John Strong
   (Ruth Thoden)

Possible descendants of John Strong, "Elder", of Massachusetts
  (Joe Ticknor Breeze) 
           [Tabitha Strong of Salisbury, Litchfield Co., CT 
             m. 1772 John Ticknor (or Tickner)] ( Dick Parker)
           [George Strong of Marblehead, MA]

Strongs of Northeastern U. S. (Karen McKellar) 
          [__?__ Strong of Pennsylvania] (Allan T. Hackney)
          [Charles STRONG, b. 4 Apr 1778 d. 1844 in Leesburg,
                                            Cumberland Co., New Jersey] (Emmett W Bratt)
          [James STRONG b. 1727; d. 1804, York Co., PA: 
          Great Britain ? > PA > OH ] (Kelly Loveall)
          [Mary Isabelle STRONG b. 1855 Sag Harbor, LI, New York,
          d. 1892; m. Everett Alphonso HANCOCK, resided Groton, CT.  

Strongs of Midwestern U. S. (Mr. Terry Dearborn)     
           [Lysander STRONG. b. 1791 [CT?]; d.1837, Medina, OH]
Strongs of Central U.S. [Teresa L. Edwards]     
           Nancy Jane Strong Fleetwood, d. 1898, Douglas Co., MO (Bill Strong)
           Herman J. STRONG:  OH > IA > NE,  1822 - 1916 (Cindy Prince)
           Melissa STRONG, of Choctaw descent, m. 1855 William J. 
           LOONEY,  MO > OK or TX > MO

John Strong, Sr., of New Kent Co., VA
      Descendants of John Strong, Jr., son of John Strong, Sr.
            Descendants of Martin Strong, 1st
        (Robert T. Strong)
        ("Matt" Strong) 
        (Agness Duncan Koch)
        (GeLee Corley Hendrix)
            Descendants of William Strong, Sr., son of John Strong, Jr.
         (R. W. Moss)
      Descendants of William Strong, Sr., son of John Strong, Sr.     
    (Russell Laird)  
    (James R. Rolff m. Sandra Strong)
    (Thomas Mathews)
                  James Strong, b. KY, about 1844
                  Daniel W. Strong of Gainesville, Ozark Co., MO

Probable descendants of John Strong, Sr., of New Kent Co.,VA

     Probable descendants of William Strong, Sr., son of John, Sr.
          Descendants of Joseph Strong of Jackson/Clay Co., TN     
       (Donald L. Hendrix) 
       (Carl Cason)
       (Dave Strong)
          Descendants of Samuel Strong of Rockingham Co., NC
          and Lawrence Co., MS          
       (Leanne Dooley) 
          Descendants of unidentified Strongs of Rockingham Co., NC     
       (Francie Lane) 

     Probable descendant of John Strong, Jr., Hanover Co., VA
          Probable descendant of David Strong of Giles Co., TN
                Susan Strong Haden %
       (Wade R. Watts)
 STRAUGHAN Family researchers: (Norma Straughan Russie)       
          John Wm. STRAUGHAN, b. 20 DEC 1842, ENG > VA (Jim Straughan)
         Straughan/Straughn: VA > KY, ca. 1760s.  

STRANG Family researchers: (Emmett W. Bratt)
          [STRANG: ENG>PA;1700's]

STRANGE Family researchers:
         [James Strange of London, ENG, abt 1780 & descendants.]

Lineage unidentified or unknown or not clear. 
Some subscribers have not posted their lineage--
or perhaps I have overlooked it.        
     cathyl@TSO.Cin.IX.Net (Catherine H. Lippert) (Robert S. Strong)


---------- End of message ----------

To: "Strong Family genealogy list"
Subject: Strong look alikes and Genetics
Date: 29 Mar 1997 16:31:34 EDT

Bob... I am back from my travels, and reviewing the message traffic of
the recent past...
Referencing the following :

"If you have a physical description of your
Strong ancestors, please share that information
with the Strong Family History Discussion Group.
What did/do your Strongs look like?
Bob Strong, Manager, STRONG Mail List
Robert T. Strong, Jr., 119 Mystic Way, Madison, AL 35758

I am not sure that this is a really useful inquiry unless we get further
into the issue of where the various Strong lineages arose, who
intermingled with them, and what the effect of genetics may have been.

Just to be petulant, I think some one needs to point out that there are
short, roly-poly Strongs and Black Strongs (has anyone tried tracing
THEIR genealogies?) and Strongs of various hues and complexions.  Even
pure English stock is not necessarily tall, blue eyed and black haired.
England has had admixtures of Celtic, Roman, Anglo-Saxon, Danish, Norman
French, and various other bloodlines through the centuries.

Recently I saw an item on television about a school teacher in England
who, through genetic testing, was believed to be a direct descendant of
a prehistoric resident of Britain who was several thousand years old.
Apparently scientists were able to obtain a DNA sample from the remains
of the ancient one and were able to establish a genetic picture which
made it possible to make a comparison with the school teacher, and
establish the link.

Which gets me to a question...  Has anyone done any research into the
cost and effectiveness of genetic testing as a means of
tracing/verifying genealogy?  It might be very interesting to be able to
establish that there are genetic markers linking John Strong of Virginia
with Elder John Strong of New England and others of us with more plebian
lineages {:-)!

And just to forestall any snide thoughts... I am 6'2'' tall, blue eyed,
slim build, and when I was younger, had sandy brown hair... which now is
greying and bald (!)


Dave Strong, Port Hope, Ontario


---------- End of message ----------

To: "Strong Family genealogy list"
Subject: sub Strong
Date: Sat, 29 Mar 1997 17:15:37 -0500 (EST)

Please send STRONG mailing list to
Thank you so much....Lavonna Smith

---------- End of message ----------

From: (James R Rolff)
To: "Strong Family genealogy list"
Subject: Hi
Date: Sat, 29 Mar 1997 23:05:09 EST

I have ready the first batch of Virginia Land
Patents containing the name William Strong
of James City County, Virginia. I have to go
back to Ft. Wayne(Allen County Public Library)
to get the rest. When I went there I did not
expect them to have the original Land Patents
on microfilm, so I had to use their copy of
"Cavaliers and Pioneers" as an index, and they
could only find Vol. 1, so I didn't get those in
Vol. 2 yet. Some of you are convinced that
John Strong of New Kent County, Virginia was
an immigrant around 1680, and therefore you 
think that this William Strong of James City
County, Virginia is of minor importance. 
I THINK that he was our southern Strong
ancestor, and that John Strong of New Kent 
County was his grandson born in Virginia.
I can't prove that yet, because early Virginia
records are very scarce, but I'm trying and
these transcriptions of the Land Patents
are a step in that direction. I hope to find
bits of additional information that were not
contained in the abstracts of "Cavaliers and
Pioneers". In the first group of Patents I did
find one piece of new information. Two of
the Patents clearly mention a previous Land
Patent to William Strong. Until now no mention
of a Land Patent to William Strong has been 
found, but rather only William Strong being
mentioned in the Land Patents of other people.
The Land Patent of William Strong is first 
mentioned in the Land Patent that appear on
page 322 of "Cavaliers and Pioneers" Vol. 1.,
and there is no William Strong before that page.
I started at this page 322, and went forward to
page 1, looking at every William that was granted
a Land Patent, to see if any could possibly be
William Strong with a bad reading of the Strong
name. I found several possibilities that I will also
check out when I go to Ft. Wayne. Since I can't
prove that William Strong was our southern Strong
ancestor yet, you won't be interested in William
Strong unless I can al least do the next best thing,
which is to convince you that it also has not been
proven that John Strong of New Kent County,
Virginia was an immigrant, and that I CAN do.

First, I'll present the evidence used to promote
the theory that John Strong of New Kent County,
Virginia was an immigrant, as follows:

(This following record is my reading of the ORIGINAL
from microfilm at Allen County Public Library)
Hughes 855(in left hand margin)
To all -- whereas -- now know ye that I the said
Henery Chichley Knt. His Majesties Deputy Governour
do give and graunt unto Robert Hughes eight hundred
fifty and five acres of land lying and being in New Kent
County bounded as foll. beginning att a corner white
oak standing on the north side of the mouth of the
northermost branch of Chickahominy River where
the swamp of the said River ends thence running north
east half a point northerly two hundred and forty poles
to a red oak corner tree by a small branch thence west 
south west twenty seven poles thence west north west 
one hundred and ten poles to a white oak corner tree
by a branch thence south west halfe a point southerly
three hundred poles to the said northermost branch
thence ---- the said branch which divides this land from
the land of Coll. Thomas Claibourne to the place where
it first brgan, being bounded on all sides by marked 
trees and the aforesaid branch. The said land being
due unto the said Robert Hughes by and for the
transportation of eighteen persons -- to have and to hold
-- be held -- yielding and paying as provided -- dated the
twentieth day of April 1683
Rees Hughes Junr.
Benj. Snead
John Hiccoces
William Norris
Richd. White
Eliz. Hughes
John Kestoll
George Swallow
Sarah Butterfield
Edwd. Pittiway
James Hambleton
John Anderson
John Strong
Katharine Wyett
Richd. Thomas
Richd. Milton
 Anthony Grant
Richd. Lumly
(The name John Strong is VERY clear, no chance that it 
could be anything but John Strong)

"COMPLETE BOOK OF EMIGRANTS 1661-1699" page 203
23 October 1672. The following apprenticed in Bristol: 
John Stronge to Thomas Fisher, 4 years Virginia. (BR)

1. Does anyone see anything in these two records that says
these two John Strongs are the same John Strong that had
3 babies baptized in New Kent Co., Va.? The closest thing
to that is the fact the the land Patented was in New Kent

2. If one were to say "The Patented land was in New Kent
County so Robert Hughes lived there, and so did the 18
people he imported", then these 18 people should appear
in the "Vestry Book and Register of St. Peter's Parish", 
where is the ONLY place our John Strong has ever been 
found on record that we can be sure of. Robert Hughes
does appear in St. Peter's, as does Reece Hughes and
Elizabeth Hughes, two people he claimed to have imported.
This shows that his family actually did live in New Kent
County. How about the other 16 people that he claimed he
imported? 14 of these 16 people did not appear in the
"Vestry Book and Register of St. Peter's Parish"

3. When we claim that John Strong was a recent immigrant
in 1683, because the Robert Hughes Land Patent claims
that John Strong was "transported", we should remember that
fraud was rampant on Land Patents. Refer to the Introduction
of "Cavaliers and Pioneers" for reference to this, and following
are a few examples: "It is not to be assumed that the claim
for land in consequence of a person transported was made
immediately after the arrival of the headright in the Colony"
"The headrights may have arrived in the Colony long before
the patentee had entered claim for land thereby due. Nor
is it to be assumed that the headright is necessarily an
immigrant". "Before obtaining land for the transportation
of headrights the claimant was required to present a receipt
in proof that the passage money was duly paid. But despite
 all precautions fraud and deception were by no means
uncommon". It's KNOWN that Virginia residents who went
to England for a visit, or even just Maryland, would often
be claimed by someone for a Patent when they returned
to Virginia. 

4. Are there any indications that fraud was involved with
the John Strong name on the above Robert Hughes 
Patent? I think so!! Refer to page 314 of "Cavaliers and
Pioneers" Vol. 2. The Land Patent of Robert Woodson
and others claims importation of 36 persons, including:
Jno. Strong, Jno. Hicksoe, Geo. Swallow, Antho. Gant,
Wm. Norris. Didn't Robert Hughes claim that HE imported
these VERY SAME 5 people? This was in 1687. 17 years
earlier this Robert Woodson claimed that he imported
Jno. LeStrange. Doesn't this look like his attempt to
"import" John Strong under an alias? This is on page
73 of "Cavaliers and Pioneers" Vol. 2.

5. Regarding the record of Thomas Fisher apprenticing
John Stronge to Virginia, why didn't he claim to have
imported John Stronge?

6. When it is claimed that our John Strong lived in
New Kent County, Virginia because the baptisms
of his 3 children are in the Register of St. Peter's
Parish, it should be remembered that the complete
name of that book is: "Vestry Book and Register of
St. Peter's Parish, New Kent and James City Counties,
Virginia". I don't think it says in there where the 3
Strong babies lived when they were baptised, so it
is possible that they lived in James City County, maybe
not far from Warrany Creek where William Strong had
land, especially since a modern map shows that a
Wahrany Creek divides James City County from New
Kent County. 

7. It's easy to see that our Strong family from John Strong
is by far the largest Strong family in the south at present,
and always was the largest. Before Robert Hughes claimed
to have imported John Strong the Strong name had already
appeared in Virginia Land Patents 34 times. Where did all 
these other Strongs before John Strong go?  Some of
them must have left families here. The fact is that it is
known what happened to many of them, like Leonard went
to Maryland, James was a ship captain who came amnd went
and was  claimed as an imported, Edward left a family in
Norfolk Co., etc.  The only one I know of who lived around
where John Strong lived, and who left plenty of records that
he was there for many years, was William Strong, and those
other Strongs who seem likely to be his children, namely
Thomas and Andrew.

8. John Strong did name his second son William. His First was a John.
The indication here is that the father of John Strong may have been
a John, and the grandfather maybe a William.

9. Hiram Strong, a great great grandson of John Strong of
New Kent County in his 1888 biography in "The History of Kentucky,
Illustrated", claims that his immigrant Strong was a William.
Admittedly Hiram has many other mistakes, but he has more
things right than wrong. 

Please consider the possibility that John Strong of New Kent County,
Virginia was born in Virginia around 1675, and was a son of another
John Strong, and a grandson of William Strong of nearby
James City County, Virginia. I will send the first batch of 
Virginia Land Patents with the name William Strong included
within a few days.

---------- End of message ----------

From: (Robert T. Strong)
To: "Strong Family genealogy list"
Subject: Was John Strong, Sr., of New Kent Co., VA, circa 1700, an immigra
Date: Sun, 30 Mar 1997 10:42:56 EST


Your message, received today, concerning your theory that John
Strong, Sr., of New Kent Co., VA, our mutual ancestor, was 
possibly a grandson of William Strong, who resided on the 
Wahrani Creek, which divided New Kent and James City Counties,
was appreciated.  

However, your Subject: "Hi!" is unacceptable.  You must remember
there are quite a few subscribers to the Strong, and related 
surnames, Mail List, who do not share your and my interest in the 
Strongs of Virginia.  They would like to skip the reading of our 
messages but cannot do so unless our messages have proper 
subject lines.  PLEASE cooperate by giving your messages a proper Subject
which describes WHO, WHERE, and WHEN!!!

As yet there is insufficient evidence to either prove or disprove
either of the two competing THEORIES:
1.  John Strong, Sr., was descended from William Strong of 
     James City County, VA.  (Your theory.)
2.  John Strong, Sr., was an immigrant to Virginia and his 
     relationship to William Strong, if any, is unknown.
     (My theory.)

Consequently, one must weigh the two theories in terms of 
which has the more supportive evidence.  Each of the subscribers
to the Strong Mail List who has an interest in this topic must 
individually choose between these two theories based on their
personal assessment of the evidence.

Two bits of additional evidence need to be presented.

First. Robert Hughes, Sr., of New Kent County, and Robert Woodson,
Sr., of Henrico County, VA, were acquainted.  This is proved by
the minutes of the White Oak Swamp Monthly Meeting of the
Society of Friends, also known as "Quakers".

Second, Robert Hughes "deserted" his land grant, for which he
claimed that he had transproted John Strong, Reese (or Rice)
Hughes, Jr., and others, who were later claimed as headrights
of Robert Woodson and his associates.  

[If anyone wants the proof of the assertions, above, let me know I 
will provide the references.]

Now, if a headright grant was deserted or abandoned, with the
land reverting back to the Crown of England to be regranted, did 
the grantee have the legal right to claim these headrights again 
or to assign (sell) these headrights to another person?  I don't
know the answer to this legal question.

Happy Easter to everyone!

Robert T. ("Bob") Strong, Jr., Manager, STRONG Mail List
119 Mystic Way, Monrovia Comm., Madison, AL 35758-7113
(c) 1997.   Permission granted to copy for personal use only.

---------- End of message ----------
To: "Strong Family genealogy list"
Subject: Land grant deserted by Robert Hughes, and etc.
Date: 31 Mar 1997 00:54:44 EDT

-------------< COMMENTS BY Dbsandmd >--------------

Bob... thanks for your kind comments re my input.  Again, I'm quite
interested in the whole puzzle, intellectually, so enjoy adding what I
can.  A couple of add'l points:
1) Jim Rolph used the name leStronge vice leStrange:  I don't think
there is a difference when you get this far back.  Spelling and Grammar
were just not as formal back then, nor were they recorded accurately all
 the time. The Norman French used "le" meaning "of" or "the"; over time
this got dropped and we were left with anglized surnames.
2) At some point in my comments I used the word "nobility"; it should
have been "aristocracy"...
3) I think you mixed "1782" with "1682" at one point in your response to
4) The date of the "desertion" of Robert Hughes claim may be quite
important.  The English Revolution of 1689 was a major upheaval.  Any
supporter of deposed King James II could quite easily have lost his land
through a number of legal fictions... A regrant by King William and
Queen Mary in 1690 to one of their own supporters seems consistant with
what appears in your situation.  Any of the under-claimants (I think you
 used the term "head right" owners) who supported William and Mary would
have likely been able to keep their claims to their lands.

Regards, Dave Strong

----------< END OF COMMENTS BY Dbsandmd >----------

Hello, Dave! 

Your message sounded as if you intended it to be sent 
to the STRONG Mail List, and I think it should have been
sent there instead of to me personally.  You have my 
permission to forward my response with your message 
to the Mail List address.

I am sure Jim Rolff was correct in saying that there were 
many fraudulent headright grant claims.  I don't believe,
though, that every instance of duplicate names on two
headright grants proved fraud.  

In the case of Robert Hughes, after he deserted his headright 
grant, I suspect he was probably still eligible to claim those 
headrights again, or to assign those rights to another person; 
for example, to pay off a debt.  I do not know this to be a 
fact, though.  It just seems logical to me.  

There are many references in the Virginia Land Patents of 
persons having assigned their grants or their land.

The 855 acre headright grant to Robert Hughes was re-
granted to Peter Massey in 1690, per CAVALIERS AND 
PIONEERS, Volume II, page 354.  This multiple volume
set of books consisted of abstracts of colonial Virginia 
land patents and deeds.  So we have proof that Robert
Hughes did not appeal the forfeiture of his land successuflly.

I did not copy the entire abstract from Patent Book 8,
Page 109, which stated that Peter Massey was granted
855 acres in New Kent County, VA, on 23 OCT 1690
which had been granted to Robert Hughes on 20 April
1682 and had been deserted by Hughes, described as
being "on north side of the mouth of the Northernmost
branch of Chicahominy River...adjaceent Col. Thomas

So we don't know when the land reverted to the Crown
of England:  sometime between 20 APR 1682 and
23 OCT 1690.  I suspect, though, that the land had been
officially deserted before the 21 OCT 1787 headright
grant in Henrico County [just across the river from New 
Kent County] to Robert Woodson, Richard Ferris, Giles
Carter, William Ferris, and Roger Cummins, in which 
they claimed 50 acre headright grants each for transporting
John Strong, Reese (or Rice) Hughes, Jr., and a couple
more names that had been headrights of Robert Hughes
in his 1682 grant.  My recollection is that a landowner
had to make improvements to the land within about
three years or else the land was forfeited.  I wouldn't
swear to that without researching it further, though.

Part of my argument is that, in the final analysis, only 
one 50 acre headright was granted for transporting John 
Strong, and that was the 1787 grant to Robert Woodson 
and associates, since the 1782 grant had been, in effect,
cancelled.  Two headrights for transporting John 
Strong were not permanent, thus there was no fraud.

What it all boils down to is that we don't really know
the ancestry of John Strong, Sr., of New Kent County,

In his own book, Jim Rolff argued strenuously that 
John Strong resided in the part of St. Peter's Parish,
Church of England, New Kent County, VA, which in 
1704 became St. Paul's Parish, New Kent County, VA,
the REGISTER of which was not preserved.  Otherwise, 
there is no explanation of why the records of this family 
end in 1703 with the christening of George Strong.   In 
his recent message Jim Rolff is saying:  well, maybe 
instead John Strong lived in the part of St. Peter's 
Parish that was in James City County, VA [where 
William Strong had resided earlier on the
Wahrani Creek].  It can't be both ways!!

So here is a brief chronology:

A John Strong departed Bristol, England, in 1672, to serve
an apprenticeship in Virginia, but we have found no record 
of him or his master in Virginia.

William Strong of James City County, VA, died 
testate after 28 AUG 1675, the date he signed his will,
and before 1 AUG 1676, the date William and Hester
Thomas assigned (sold) land that had been willed to 
them by William Strong.  No copy of this will has 
been discovered.  We, therefore,  have no proof that 
William Strong had a son.

1682:  John Strong is claimed as a headright by 
          Robert Hughes, Sr..   [There is ample evidence
          that Robert Hughes was a resident of New Kent
          County, VA.]

1687:  The same John Strong is claimed as a headright
          by Robert Woodson, Sr., and associates, of Henrico 
          County, VA.

1698:  John, son of John Strong,  was christened in St. 
          Peter's Parish, New Kent County, VA.   This is the 
          first real proof of the existance of John Strong, Sr., 
          in VA.

And that's about all we know about John Strong, Sr..  That's
why I said it is impossible to either prove or disprove 
either theory:  that John was descended from William
Strong or that John was an immigrant.  We do have some
records that purport that John Strong was transported to 
Virginia from some unknown place, presumably the
British Isles.  We have no records that purport that John 
was a descendant of William Strong.  There IS a reasonably
close proximity in time and place between William Strong
and John Strong and without the headright grants claiming
John was transported to Virginia it would be a plausible
conclusion to make, on circumstantial evidence,  that John 
was descended from William.  But we can't just write off 
those headright grants because they don't fit into our theory.

That's much more of a reply than you wanted, I am sure.
Sorry for being so verbose.

I remember that when you subscribed to the STRONG et al.
Mail List you expressed an interest in LeStrange and other
names.  I have not research LeStrange so I shall remain 
quiet on this subject.  

Before we can discuss how some of the Strongs were 
related in Britain, we first have to prove who were their
British ancestors.  With William Strong and John
Strong we have been unable to identify their British
ancestry yet.  We do know a few of the associates of
one of the William Strongs, but things get muddy when 
there is a possibility of more than one William Strong
and they have not been clearly differentiated.  We cannot
be sure, for example, that the William Strong who  
resided on the Wahrani Creek in James City County
was the same person as the William "Straunge", or 
whatever, who arrived in Virginia in 1619.

Dave, I am impressed with your knowledge and your 
expressiveness and I hope you will share your talents with
out STRONG and related Surnames Discussion Group, 
rather than corresponding with me personally.  You always
have the option of sending copies to the LIst and a carbon 
to me, or of sending a message to the List to my Attention.

Best wishes,

Bob Strong

--------- Begin forwarded message ----------

Subject: Was John Strong, Sr., of New Kent Co., VA, circa 1
Date: 30 Mar 1997 12:38:56 EDT
Message-ID: <>

I hope you gentlemen don't mind if I jump in with a question and
observation, even if it is not "my family"...  Question:  When did
Robert Hughes "desert" his claim?  Have either of you checked to see if
he may have petitioned the crown to have it reinstated, perhaps by
payment of a "fine" (read perhaps bribe).  Observe.... it often happened
in the Irish Plantations that when a planter through negligence or sheer
inability to perform was found to have "deserted" or "forfeited" or the
like, he could be reinstated through payment of a fine... it helped to
have a bit of political influence at court as well.  If this happened in
your case, Hughes' situation might be changed in your analysis.

Also, picking up something from Jim Rolff's letter about the name
"leStrange"... note this is a Norman name (actually I think it was
Breton... and dates to members of a group of Bretons from Dol, in
France, who fought as a defined contingent for William the Conquerer at
the Battle of Hastings).  The leStranges were awarded lands in
Shropshire adjacent to the Welsh (NOT WELCH!) Marches... I suspect
because, being Bretons, they knew some of the Celtic language and
customs of the Welsh.  They were thus in position to better defend the
Marches against Celtic intrusion... remember there was border conflict
here until sometime in the 15th century.  Further... note the geographic
relationship of Shropshire to Dorset and Somerset...  Possibly this
indicates something of the origin of the Strong name in that area.
Further... being a "Norman" family... they were of the nobility after
the Conquest... Primogeniture being the rule under Norman English law,
younger sons lost out on inheriting the lands and estates of their
fathers... so often were given advantages in obtaining positions with
other members of the nobility.  This custom is the basis to this very
day of the "class society" of Britain... and in 17th Century England and
Virginia may explain why the leStrange in question was Apprenticed and
given an opportunity to claim lands in Virginia..

I suggest you need to look closer at the relationships of the persons
named in your research... How were they tied together in England???!!!

Enough for now...  Dave Strong


RT>Your message, received today, concerning your theory that John
RT>Strong, Sr., of New Kent Co., VA, our mutual ancestor, was
RT>possibly a grandson of William Strong, who resided on the
RT>Wahrani Creek, which divided New Kent and James City Counties,
RT>was appreciated.
RT>As yet there is insufficient evidence to either prove or disprove
RT>either of the two competing THEORIES:
RT>1.  John Strong, Sr., was descended from William Strong of
RT>     James City County, VA.  (Your theory.)
RT>2.  John Strong, Sr., was an immigrant to Virginia and his
RT>     relationship to William Strong, if any, is unknown.
RT>     (My theory.)

RT>Consequently, one must weigh the two theories in terms of
RT>which has the more supportive evidence.  Each of the subscribers
RT>to the Strong Mail List who has an interest in this topic must
RT>individually choose between these two theories based on their
RT>personal assessment of the evidence.

RT>Two bits of additional evidence need to be presented.


RT>Second, Robert Hughes "deserted" his land grant, for which he
RT>claimed that he had transproted John Strong, Reese (or Rice)
RT>Hughes, Jr., and others, who were later claimed as headrights
RT>of Robert Woodson and his associates.

RT>[If anyone wants the proof of the assertions, above, let me know I
RT>will provide the references.]

RT>Now, if a headright grant was deserted or abandoned, with the
RT>land reverting back to the Crown of England to be regranted, did
RT>the grantee have the legal right to claim these headrights again
RT>or to assign (sell) these headrights to another person?  I don't
RT>know the answer to this legal question.

RT>Happy Easter to everyone!

RT>Robert T. ("Bob") Strong, Jr., Manager, STRONG Mail List
RT>119 Mystic Way, Monrovia Comm., Madison, AL 35758-7113
RT>(c) 1997.   Permission granted to copy for personal use only.

--------- End forwarded message ----------

---------- End of message ----------

From: Francie Lane 
To: "Strong Family genealogy list"
Date: Mon, 31 Mar 1997 08:58:18 -0800

I thoroughly enjoyed Mr. Rolff's presentation of his research on the
origins of John Strong, Sr.  I also found interesting Bob Strong's points 
concerning the abandoned headright grant.  Whether or not one's Strong
family has an early VA origin or not, the information and tips one can
glean on VA patents, church records, etc. is useful to all of us, and
I greatly appreciate the opportunity of insight into Mr. Rolff's research 
efforts.  I would hope that Mr. Strong's remarks as List Manager did
not offend Mr. Rolff.  Subject lines are very important for regional
lists, but I tend to read each letter posted to family lists.  More
important than protocol for subject lines is the need for us all to
remember that capitalization in e-mail is viewed as shouting, and
courtesy should be our common goal - especially on Easter Sunday.  I'm
looking forward to Mr. Rolff's continued work on the VA Land Patents
and hope that he will share more of his research with this group.

---------- End of message ----------

From: (Robert T. Strong)
To: "Strong Family genealogy list"
Subject: Counties and Parishes of Virginia
Date: Tue, 01 Apr 1997 00:18:29 EST


1.  Cocke, Charles Francis.  PARISH LINES:  DIOCESE OF
SOUTHERN VIRGINIA.  Richmond, VA: The Virginia State
Library, (c) 1964.

2.  Cocke, Charles Francis.  PARISH LINES:  DIOCESE OF
VIRGINIA.  Richmond, VA: The Virginia State Library,
(c) 1967.

3.  Hening, William Waller, editor. THE STATUTES AT 
VIRGINIA, From...1619.  Richmond, VA: (c) the editor.  
Printed by The Franklin Press.  Numerous volumes, each 
with a separate copyright date.

4. Winfree, Waverly K. (compiler).  THE LAWS OF VIRGINIA,
1700-1750.  Richmond, VA:  The Virginia State Library, (c) 1971.

VIRGINIA, 1721-1786.  Richmond, VA:  The Library Board
[now The Virginia State Library], (c) 1935

6.  The National Society of the Colonial Dames of America
in the State of Virginia.  THE VESTRY BOOK OF SAINT PETER'S,
NEW KENT COUNTY, VA. FROM 1682-1758.  Richmond, VA:
(c) The Society, 1905.  Printed by William Ellis Jones, Book
and Job Printer.

COUNTIES, VIRGINIA, 1684-1786.  Richmond, VA:  The
Library Board (now Virginia State Library), (c) 1937.


The legialative acts (laws) creating the counties and parishes in 
the Virginia Colony are found in References 3. and 4.  A digest, 
with discussion, is found in References 1. and 2.  Very helpful
maps are included in Cocke's two books.

The immediate question is:  What were the bounds of St. 
Peter's Parish, particularly between 1698 and 1703, when the
christenings of three sons of John Strong, Jr., were recorded in
the REGISTER of St. Peter's Parish. 

The original shires (counties) in the Virginia Colony were 
created in 1634 [Ref. 1, page 46]:
     James City County
     Henrico County
     Charles City County
     Elizabeth City County
     Warrosquyoake (later Isle of Wight County)
     Warwick River (renamed Warwick County in 1643)
     Charles River County (renamed York County in 1643)
     Accomack County (renamed Northampton Co. in 1643)

James City County originally included land on both sides
of the James River and on both sides of the Chichahominy
River.  Surry County was formed out of James City County
in 1652 and Sussex County was formed out of Surry
County in 1753.  A map showing the original counties
in 1634 also indicates that most of current Brunswick 
County was also part of original James City County.

There were some adjustments in the borders between James 
City County and its neighbors on the north side of the James 
River.  In 1720, the portion of James City County that was west 
of the Chicahominy River was ceded to Charles City County.  
There were also some adjustments in the eastern border of
James City County involving the town of Williamsburg in 
1760 and 1870.

New Kent County was created out of York County, formerly
Charles River County, in 1654.  On 20 NOV 1654, the
General Assembly ordered:  "That the upper part of Yorke
County shall be a distinct county called New Kent, from the
west side of Scimino Creek to the head of Pamunkey
and Mattaponie River, and down to the head of the west side
of Poropotanke Creek."  [Quoted in Cocke, Reference 2, 
page 74.]  In 1691, the land on the North side of the Yorke
and Pamunkey River was formed into King and Queen
County, out of which was formed King William County in 1702.

So in 1691 and following, until 1720, the bounds of New Kent 
County were apparently THE SCHIMINOE CREEK ON THE EAST, 
the Chicahominy River on the south, the York and Pamunkey 
River on the north, and the county extended indefinitely to the 
west toward the mountains.  

[Thus the land on the east of the Schiminoe Creek was in James 
City County at that time. The territory between the Schiminoe 
Creek and the Diasucnd Creek, including Wahrani Swamp,  is 
now part of New Kent County.  (The spelling of Schiminoe is 
taken from a highway map issued by the Virginia Dept. of 
Highways and Transportation, dated 1981.)]  As seen in the
following paragraph, this change was made in 1767.

The border between James City County and New Kent County
was adjusted in 1767.  "In that year the lower end of New Kent
County on the York River side (which was part of Blisland
Parish), extending from Ware Creek down to Scimino Creek,
was cut off from New Kent County and added to James City 
County, while at the same time the upper end of James City 
County on the Chicahominy River side, that is, all that part
of the county lying above, or norhwest, of Diasund Creek,
was cut off from James City County and added to New Kent
County."  [Cocke, Reference 1, page 65.]  

Diascund Creek was apparently formely known as Wahrani 
Creek, and William Strong resided on the east side of Wahrani 
Creek prior to his death about 1675 or 1676.  As indicated above, 
prior to 1767 , the Diascund (Wahrani) Creek was not the 
county line as it was later. 

Blisland Parish was created in 1653 and included parts of
both James City County and New Kent County.  

[The VESTRY BOOK of Blisland Parish contains some 
interesting petitions by residents, including the signatures of 
Robert Hughes and Rees Hughes (probably Senior) on a 
1677 petition.]

St. Peter's Parish was created out of Blisland Parish by
the Assemby on 29 APR 1679.  The act did not give the
precise boundaries of the new parish.

The VESTRY BOOK of St. Peter's Parish opens with a record
of a dispute between St. Peter's and Blisland Parishes, apparently
in 1682.  It is not clear whether the dispute was over the 
parish boundry or over the church building.  The two parishes
did not agree on a boundary until 18 OCT 1689.  [See Reference
6, Page 19.]  The description followed the property boundaries
of specified land owners, so is difficult to interpret.

Dr. Churchill Gibson Chamberlayne is quoted by Cocke 
[Reference 2, Page 106]:

"At the time of its establishment St. Peter's Parish was bounded
on the northeast by the ridge between the Pamunkey and the
Mattaponi Rivers, on the southeast by John's (or Jack's) Creek
(northof the Pamunkey) and by a line beginning at Capt. 
Bassett's Landing Creek (south of the Panumkey), and on the
southwest by the ridge between the Pamunkey and Chickahominy
Rivers.  There was no boundary on the northwest side, the
Parish extending in that direction, theoretically speaking,
indefinitely..."  In 1691, the Pamunkey Neck territory was 
transferred from St. Peter's Parish to St. John's Parish, King
and Queen County.  The western boudary of St. Peter's
Parish was established effective 1 JUN 1704 when St. Paul's 
Parish was created from western St. Peter's Parish.

An undated map of New Kent County in Reference 2, 
Page 298, shows the eastern border of St. Peter's Parish
as beginning at the confluence of the Barnes Swamp
and Beaverdam Creek, running slightly west of north to
the Pamunkey River.  The Diascund Creek Reservoir is 
shown to be in St. Peter's Parish.  This is not reflected 
in the narrative, however.  Barnes Swamp appears to 
be the same waterway as the Wahrani Swamp on other 
maps.  Thus Wahrani Swamp (Creek) remained in Blisland
Parish when St. Peter's Parish was formed, but was 
very close to the parish boundary. 

Further study of the VESTRY BOOK of Blisland Parish
might  provide some gleamings regarding William 
Strong of James City County.  I have looked at this book 
but do not remember whether it was indexed.  If it was 
indexed, there were no references to Strongs.  If it 
was not indexed, I did not read the entire book. 

Based on this analysis, I must agree with Jim Rolff
that in the 1690s and the beginning of the 1700s,
John Strong, Sr., could possibly have been residing
in St. Peter's Parish, James City County, VA, but 
that area is now New Kent County, VA.

Robert T. ("Bob") Strong, Jr., Manager, STRONG Mail List
119 Mystic Way, Monrovia Comm., Madison, AL 35758-7113
---------- End of message ----------

To: "Strong Family genealogy list"
Subject: Land grant deserted by Robert Hughes, and etc.
Date: 1 Apr 1997 10:59:50 EDT

Hi Bob... Thanks for your kind comments.  Here are a few additional
comments on the following, and as you may now know, this is my second
attempt to get this properly distributed.  Hope it works better this
time (!)  NOTE: I have had to break this into two parts in order to get
the Email program to take it.  This is Part Two.   Your
 response to my Reply comments on your earlier message are Part One,
which I will go ahead and Forward to Maiser.
1) At one point I used the term "nobility";  "aristocracy" would be a
better word.
2)  I think you mixed the dates 1682 and 1782 at one point below.  The
1682 and 1690 dates are quite significant, I think.  The "Glorious
English Revolution of 1689" came betwixt the two dates... King James II
was deposed and replaced with King William of Orange and Queen Mary.
Supporters of James II lost their lands and estates right and left
through a variety of legal fictions... "desertion" sounds suspiciously
like such a fiction.  Lands were regranted to supporters of William and
Mary.  Any underclaimants who had chosen the "right" side were allowed
to keep their lands and estates, even if their overlords had lost their
estates.  Hughes would not likely have made out well on an appeal if he
was in disgrace... probably instead kept his head down!
3)  I am for logical, well documented research.  However, I do believe
that we need to look at the total environment in which the subjects of
the research lived.... eg., what was their political, social, and
geographical situation, and how had history played out in their past.
If we look at the larger picture, sometimes a great deal of insight may
be gained into the research!  Even, perhaps, allowing us to make some
determination of how the subjects in the New World were related to the
Old World family groups.
Dave Strong
RT>Hello, Dave!

RT>Your message sounded as if you intended it to be sent
RT>to the STRONG Mail List, and I think it should have been
RT>sent there instead of to me personally.  You have my
RT>permission to forward my response with your message
RT>to the Mail List address.

 You always
RT>have the option of sending copies to the LIst and a carbon
RT>to me, or of sending a message to the List to my Attention.

RT>Best wishes,

RT>Bob Strong


---------- End of message ----------

To: "Strong Family genealogy list"
Subject: Land grant deserted by Robert Hughes, and etc.
Date: 31 Mar 1997 00:54:44 EDT

-------------< COMMENTS BY Dbsandmd >--------------

This is part One (!)

----------< END OF COMMENTS BY Dbsandmd >----------

Hello, Dave! 

Your message sounded as if you intended it to be sent 
to the STRONG Mail List, and I think it should have been
sent there instead of to me personally.  You have my 
permission to forward my response with your message 
to the Mail List address.

I am sure Jim Rolff was correct in saying that there were 
many fraudulent headright grant claims.  I don't believe,
though, that every instance of duplicate names on two
headright grants proved fraud.  

In the case of Robert Hughes, after he deserted his headright 
grant, I suspect he was probably still eligible to claim those 
headrights again, or to assign those rights to another person; 
for example, to pay off a debt.  I do not know this to be a 
fact, though.  It just seems logical to me.  

There are many references in the Virginia Land Patents of 
persons having assigned their grants or their land.

The 855 acre headright grant to Robert Hughes was re-
granted to Peter Massey in 1690, per CAVALIERS AND 
PIONEERS, Volume II, page 354.  This multiple volume
set of books consisted of abstracts of colonial Virginia 
land patents and deeds.  So we have proof that Robert
Hughes did not appeal the forfeiture of his land successuflly.

I did not copy the entire abstract from Patent Book 8,
Page 109, which stated that Peter Massey was granted
855 acres in New Kent County, VA, on 23 OCT 1690
which had been granted to Robert Hughes on 20 April
1682 and had been deserted by Hughes, described as
being "on north side of the mouth of the Northernmost
branch of Chicahominy River...adjaceent Col. Thomas

So we don't know when the land reverted to the Crown
of England:  sometime between 20 APR 1682 and
23 OCT 1690.  I suspect, though, that the land had been
officially deserted before the 21 OCT 1787 headright
grant in Henrico County [just across the river from New 
Kent County] to Robert Woodson, Richard Ferris, Giles
Carter, William Ferris, and Roger Cummins, in which 
they claimed 50 acre headright grants each for transporting
John Strong, Reese (or Rice) Hughes, Jr., and a couple
more names that had been headrights of Robert Hughes
in his 1682 grant.  My recollection is that a landowner
had to make improvements to the land within about
three years or else the land was forfeited.  I wouldn't
swear to that without researching it further, though.

Part of my argument is that, in the final analysis, only 
one 50 acre headright was granted for transporting John 
Strong, and that was the 1787 grant to Robert Woodson 
and associates, since the 1782 grant had been, in effect,
cancelled.  Two headrights for transporting John 
Strong were not permanent, thus there was no fraud.

What it all boils down to is that we don't really know
the ancestry of John Strong, Sr., of New Kent County,

In his own book, Jim Rolff argued strenuously that 
John Strong resided in the part of St. Peter's Parish,
Church of England, New Kent County, VA, which in 
1704 became St. Paul's Parish, New Kent County, VA,
the REGISTER of which was not preserved.  Otherwise, 
there is no explanation of why the records of this family 
end in 1703 with the christening of George Strong.   In 
his recent message Jim Rolff is saying:  well, maybe 
instead John Strong lived in the part of St. Peter's 
Parish that was in James City County, VA [where 
William Strong had resided earlier on the
Wahrani Creek].  It can't be both ways!!

So here is a brief chronology:

A John Strong departed Bristol, England, in 1672, to serve
an apprenticeship in Virginia, but we have found no record 
of him or his master in Virginia.

William Strong of James City County, VA, died 
testate after 28 AUG 1675, the date he signed his will,
and before 1 AUG 1676, the date William and Hester
Thomas assigned (sold) land that had been willed to 
them by William Strong.  No copy of this will has 
been discovered.  We, therefore,  have no proof that 
William Strong had a son.

1682:  John Strong is claimed as a headright by 
          Robert Hughes, Sr..   [There is ample evidence
          that Robert Hughes was a resident of New Kent
          County, VA.]

1687:  The same John Strong is claimed as a headright
          by Robert Woodson, Sr., and associates, of Henrico 
          County, VA.

1698:  John, son of John Strong,  was christened in St. 
          Peter's Parish, New Kent County, VA.   This is the 
          first real proof of the existance of John Strong, Sr., 
          in VA.

And that's about all we know about John Strong, Sr..  That's
why I said it is impossible to either prove or disprove 
either theory:  that John was descended from William
Strong or that John was an immigrant.  We do have some
records that purport that John Strong was transported to 
Virginia from some unknown place, presumably the
British Isles.  We have no records that purport that John 
was a descendant of William Strong.  There IS a reasonably
close proximity in time and place between William Strong
and John Strong and without the headright grants claiming
John was transported to Virginia it would be a plausible
conclusion to make, on circumstantial evidence,  that John 
was descended from William.  But we can't just write off 
those headright grants because they don't fit into our theory.

That's much more of a reply than you wanted, I am sure.
Sorry for being so verbose.

I remember that when you subscribed to the STRONG et al.
Mail List you expressed an interest in LeStrange and other
names.  I have not research LeStrange so I shall remain 
quiet on this subject.  

Before we can discuss how some of the Strongs were 
related in Britain, we first have to prove who were their
British ancestors.  With William Strong and John
Strong we have been unable to identify their British
ancestry yet.  We do know a few of the associates of
one of the William Strongs, but things get muddy when 
there is a possibility of more than one William Strong
and they have not been clearly differentiated.  We cannot
be sure, for example, that the William Strong who  
resided on the Wahrani Creek in James City County
was the same person as the William "Straunge", or 
whatever, who arrived in Virginia in 1619.

Dave, I am impressed with your knowledge and your 
expressiveness and I hope you will share your talents with
out STRONG and related Surnames Discussion Group, 
rather than corresponding with me personally.  You always
have the option of sending copies to the LIst and a carbon 
to me, or of sending a message to the List to my Attention.

Best wishes,

Bob Strong

--------- Begin forwarded message ----------

Subject: Was John Strong, Sr., of New Kent Co., VA, circa 1
Date: 30 Mar 1997 12:38:56 EDT
Message-ID: <>

I hope you gentlemen don't mind if I jump in with a question and
observation, even if it is not "my family"...  Question:  When did
Robert Hughes "desert" his claim?  Have either of you checked to see if
he may have petitioned the crown to have it reinstated, perhaps by
payment of a "fine" (read perhaps bribe).  Observe.... it often happened
in the Irish Plantations that when a planter through negligence or sheer
inability to perform was found to have "deserted" or "forfeited" or the
like, he could be reinstated through payment of a fine... it helped to
have a bit of political influence at court as well.  If this happened in
your case, Hughes' situation might be changed in your analysis.

Also, picking up something from Jim Rolff's letter about the name
"leStrange"... note this is a Norman name (actually I think it was
Breton... and dates to members of a group of Bretons from Dol, in
France, who fought as a defined contingent for William the Conquerer at
the Battle of Hastings).  The leStranges were awarded lands in
Shropshire adjacent to the Welsh (NOT WELCH!) Marches... I suspect
because, being Bretons, they knew some of the Celtic language and
customs of the Welsh.  They were thus in position to better defend the
Marches against Celtic intrusion... remember there was border conflict
here until sometime in the 15th century.  Further... note the geographic
relationship of Shropshire to Dorset and Somerset...  Possibly this
indicates something of the origin of the Strong name in that area.
Further... being a "Norman" family... they were of the nobility after
the Conquest... Primogeniture being the rule under Norman English law,
younger sons lost out on inheriting the lands and estates of their
fathers... so often were given advantages in obtaining positions with
other members of the nobility.  This custom is the basis to this very
day of the "class society" of Britain... and in 17th Century England and
Virginia may explain why the leStrange in question was Apprenticed and
given an opportunity to claim lands in Virginia..

I suggest you need to look closer at the relationships of the persons
named in your research... How were they tied together in England???!!!

Enough for now...  Dave Strong


RT>Your message, received today, concerning your theory that John
RT>Strong, Sr., of New Kent Co., VA, our mutual ancestor, was
RT>possibly a grandson of William Strong, who resided on the
RT>Wahrani Creek, which divided New Kent and James City Counties,
RT>was appreciated.
RT>As yet there is insufficient evidence to either prove or disprove
RT>either of the two competing THEORIES:
RT>1.  John Strong, Sr., was descended from William Strong of
RT>     James City County, VA.  (Your theory.)
RT>2.  John Strong, Sr., was an immigrant to Virginia and his
RT>     relationship to William Strong, if any, is unknown.
RT>     (My theory.)

RT>Consequently, one must weigh the two theories in terms of
RT>which has the more supportive evidence.  Each of the subscribers
RT>to the Strong Mail List who has an interest in this topic must
RT>individually choose between these two theories based on their
RT>personal assessment of the evidence.

RT>Two bits of additional evidence need to be presented.


RT>Second, Robert Hughes "deserted" his land grant, for which he
RT>claimed that he had transproted John Strong, Reese (or Rice)
RT>Hughes, Jr., and others, who were later claimed as headrights
RT>of Robert Woodson and his associates.

RT>[If anyone wants the proof of the assertions, above, let me know I
RT>will provide the references.]

RT>Now, if a headright grant was deserted or abandoned, with the
RT>land reverting back to the Crown of England to be regranted, did
RT>the grantee have the legal right to claim these headrights again
RT>or to assign (sell) these headrights to another person?  I don't
RT>know the answer to this legal question.

RT>Happy Easter to everyone!

RT>Robert T. ("Bob") Strong, Jr., Manager, STRONG Mail List
RT>119 Mystic Way, Monrovia Comm., Madison, AL 35758-7113
RT>(c) 1997.   Permission granted to copy for personal use only.

--------- End forwarded message ----------

---------- End of message ----------

To: "Strong Family genealogy list"
Subject: Repost re :Strong Research in the British Isles
Date: 1 Apr 1997 11:05:54 EDT

Date: Monday, January 06, 1997   10:05:53 AM
From: Dbsandmd
Topic: Strong Research In British Isles

Hi Bob.  I got your response to my question re William Barker, Mariner,
etc.  The response rather ties in with my own thinking .... and it was
piqued a little by your question in the latest Subscriber List about how
to improve the List...

Perhaps the greatest problem facing genealogists in the Americas (and I
suspect, Australia as well)  is how to make the leap back across the
ocean, between what is known on our side of the ocean, and what is
available in the British Isles.  Generally, we face numerous
obstacles... Poor or non-existant records, illiterate or at least
non-communicative ancestors, official disinterest (in the records) of
prior locations, our own ignorance of many nuances of British History
affecting our searches, our lack of knowledge of existing, available
records in the British Isles.... and on and on.

I think what is needed is a coordinated effort at compiling known data
about the origins of immigrants from the British Isles, which is colated
with known or knowable data about possible points of origins in the
homeland.  The study needs to be sensitive to the flow os historical
background info affecting the impetus for, routes of, and means of
transportation.   Much info is out there... and a lot of work has
already been done by many persons and groups.... somehow an effort needs
to be made to bring it together, organize it and try to build on it.  I
know the SFAA has done a certain amount of work in this regard... but I
really think their focus is too limited.  With respect, The  Elder John
Strong  lineage is really just one of many.

What is needed is a new, multi-based group, ready to try to track the
various possible lineage sources in Britian:  The Breton-Norman
L'Estranges, who can be traced from The Battle of Hastings through (I
seem to recall) Shropshire.. and on to Scotland, THe Isle of Man, and
Settlements in the Irish Pale;  The Armstrong clan of the Borders
region,  many of whom may have changed their name to Strong to avoid
hanging or transportation or whatever, particularily about the time the
Plantations in America and Ireland began; The obvious concentrations of
Strongs in certain localities in the IGI... among them, I know or
suspect, Dorset, Somerset, Cumberlandshire, Fifeshire, Lancashire...
Detailed Input and analysis from genealogists in Britian who are
knowledgeable about the sources available.

Analysis of the various IGI listings to attempt to compile charts of
known family groups in Britain and Ireland; attention to variations in
spelling; again collation of known data about individuals who
immigrated; tracing the schedules over several years of known immigrant
ships... (some are known to have landed passengers in America at
differing dates, and are known to have sailed from Bristol, Liverpool,
and a host of other small outports--- we know some of the detail, can an
analysis fill in the blanks?); a process of elimination of data points
about known individuals; a computerized data base... lots of detail, and
insightful management.  Coordinating imput from Britain, Ireland, the
Americas, Australia, and wereever.  And, I think, the focus has to be in
Britain... NOT in the areas emigrated to!

What I am talking about is huge.  It is long range.  And it might in the
end be an exercise in futility for many.  But, perhaps some useful
genealogical evidence can be gleaned and preserved for some or all who
are interested.  In my own case, the loss of Irish records in the Four
Courts fire in Dublin ~1920 probably dooms my inquiry concerning the
origins of my Strong ancestors to  informed speculation at best.
However, I would like to know the history surrounding the migration of
members of the family from, I SUSPECT Cumberlandshire, to Donegal and
Fermanagh, and on.  Did they get "planted" in 1610?  From Cumbria, or
from Bristol, or where?  Or were they soldiers awarded land as pay for
service with Cromwell?  Or did they immigrate from Scotland while
fleeing the religious persecutions of Presbyterians by Charles II's
ministers?  Were George, John and William of "where ever" brothers,
cousins, relatives at all?  Who likely went where and why?  What Chain
Migration might have happened?  Who was named after whom?  What
information is available in London that was a copy of something lost in
Dublin?  Gleanings from any and everywhere.

Rome was not built in a day, nor can we hope to build the data base I am
talking about in a day... but perhaps we can make a start.  The question
is.... how?!

I don't have the solution to this question... I simply strive to pose it
in hope of stimulating discussion and possible movement in some

Dave Strong

PS:  Please note, I intend to be traveling and working on some private business
for the next month, so may not have the time to follow up immediately on any
anticipated discussion... but I will attempt to keep track of it (if any there
be) and hopefully will be able to enter in further at some point.



---------- End of message ----------

From: (James R Rolff)
To: "Strong Family genealogy list"
Subject: Wm. Strong, James City Co., Va.
Date: Tue, 01 Apr 1997 22:27:48 EST

David Phillips 600 acres examined(in left margin)
To all -- whereas -- now know ye that I the said
Edward Diggs Esqr -- give and grant unto Davids
Phillips six hundred acres of land lying and being 
in James City County on the north side of James
River and on the westerly side of Chicohominy
River and on the north east side of Moses his creek
bounded Viz. north west on John Williams south
west on Moses his creek south east on William Fry
and north east into the woods with marked trees 
on each station. The said land being due unto the
said David Phillips by purchase from William Strong
relation being had to the said Strongs patent. To
have and to hold -- yielding and paying -- which
payment is to be made -- dated the 24th of January

John Williams 600 acres examined (in left margin)
To all --whereas -- now know ye that I the said
Edward Diggs Esqr -- give and grant unto John
Williams six hundred acres of land lying and being 
in James City County on the north side of James
River and on the westerly side of Chicohominy
River and on the north east side of Moses his creeks
bounding Viz. north west on Richard Williams south
west on Moses his creeks south east on David Phillips
and north east into the woods with marked trees
on each station. The said land being due unto the 
said John Williams by purchase from William Strong
relation being had unto the said Srongs patent. To 
have and to hold -- yielding and paying -- which
payment is to be made -- dated the 24th of January

Philip Charles 140 acres examined (In left margin)
To all -- whereas -- now know ye that I the said
Edward Diggs Esq -- give and grant unto Philip
Charles one hundred & forty acres of land lying
upon the southermost branches of Warrany
Creek on the east side of Chickohominy River.
Bounded Viz. from a corner tree of the land of
Mr. William Strong north east 60 chains north
west 70 chains to the said branch along the
said branch 70 chains to the marked trees of
Mr. Soanes along the said trees south east
28 chains thence along the land of Mr. Strong
south east 124 -- to the place where it began.
The said land being due unto the said Philip
Charles by and for the transportation of three
persons into this colony -- to have and to hold
-- yielding and paying -- which payment is to
be made -- dated the 8th day of April 1658.
Thomas Beggon, Eliza. Marin, Hugh Hemeneggs

Darcy Oatley 350 acres. This patent renewed
in Thomas Hollyday's name being assigned
to him by the said Oatley and granted now
by Col. Fra. Morrison Esq. Governor -- Fra.
Hickman, examined (In left margin)
To all -- whereas -- now know ye that I the 
said Samuel Mathews Esq -- give and grant
unto Darcy Oatley a tract of land containing
three hundred and fifty acres be it more or
less lying and being in James City County
on the north side of James River bounded
Viz. beginning at a marked oak on the main
swamp and running along Edward Kingd 
marked trees north 60 chains to his corner tree
thence north 60 chains more and thence west
to the middle branch 85 chains and thence
traversing on the middle branch to the main
branch to the place it first began. The said
land being due unto the said Darcy Oatley
by and for the transportation of seven
persons -- dated the 10th of February 1657
(I did not find the names of these seven
persons, but "Cavaliers and Pioneers" Vol 1
names them as: Darcy Oatly, Jno. Bayly,
Wm Stronge, Xph. Wingfield, Ralph Elkins,
Math. Wms.(Williams), Phillip Gapper)

Philip Charles 1690 acres examined (In left margin)
To all -- whereas -- now know ye that I the said
Samuel Mathews Esq -- give and grant unto Philip
Charles one thousand and six hundred and ninety
acres of land situate in the county of James City --
bounded as followeth Viz. 1550 acres part thereof 
lying in Chickohominy River beginning next unto the
land of William Taylor east south east down the
river westerley up the river and easterly into the woods
opposite an oak of land belonging to Richard Price and
one hundred and fifty acres of land the residue lying
upon the southermost branch of Warrany Creek on
the east side Chickohominy River Viz. from a corner
tree of the land of William Strong northeast 60 chains 
thence north west 70 chains to the said branch along
the said branch 70 chains to the marked trees of Mr.
Soanes along the said trees south west 28 chains
thence along the land of Mr. Strong south east 124
chains to the place where it began. The said land 
being due unto the said Philip Charles as followeth
Viz. 1550 acres part thereof being formerly granted
by patent dated the 10th February 1658 unto George
Lobb Thomas Pierce & Thomas Waren -- by the said 
Lobb assigned to the said Philip Charles & now
renewed and joined in one patent by order of the
Governor & Council bearing date with these presents
to have -- yielding -- which payment -- provided --
dated the 17th of March 1658

In every case the name is very clearly William Strong,
with the exception of the one time that it is Srong, and
it is clearly Strong another time in that same patent.
More Virginia Land Patents containing the name
William Strong of James City County, Virginia will be
coming, probably in about two weeks.
---------- End of message ----------

To: "Strong Family genealogy list"
Subject: Noah STRONG/TN Marriage
Date: Wed, 2 Apr 1997 02:01:54 -0500 (EST)

Having exhausted the local sources re: Tn Marriages,
I am requesting help from subscribers who have access 
to TN marriages on CD.  Noah Strong married Mary ______
(some records say Dodd, other say Patterson).  This 
marriage may have taken place in Smith Co. or one 
close-by.  The year would have been probably just prior
to 1830.  Any help identifying the bride, county and date
would be greatly appreciated. (Wade
R. Watts)

---------- End of message ----------

From: (Robert T. Strong)
To: "Strong Family genealogy list"
Subject: Headright Grants, Colonial Virginia
Date: Wed, 02 Apr 1997 05:20:18 EST

ATTENTION:  Thomas Mathews

================== Begin forwarded message ================

From: Thomas Mathews 
Subject: Re: Land grant deserted by Robert Hughes, and etc.
Date: Tue, 01 Apr 1997 22:03:13 +0000

My knowledge of colonial property law seems to be somewhat 
lacking.  Please define a "headright grant".  How does that tie in 
with "transporting" someone. I have tried to follow the discussion 
of the last few days but have had a difficult time of it for lack of
understanding these points. I assume it is somehow similar to the 
later homesteading laws but that doesn't explain how "transporting"
enters into it. 

Thanks for any clarification you can give me.


================== End forwarded message ===================

Greetings, Tom:  

To encourage the migration of settlers to the Virginia Colony,
the King of England authorized land grants to anyone who 
paid their own or another person's transportation to the Colony.
The amount of land was 50 acres for each person whose 
transportation was paid.  

The law itself should be recored in Hening's STATUTES AT 
LARGE, for which I gave the complete bibliograpical data in 
a recent message.

An explanation of the headright system should be found in the
Introduction to Volume I of the set of books entitled CAVALIERS
AND PIONEERS.  In these four or five books you will find abstracted
hundreds, probably thousands, of headright grants, with thousands
of persons named as headrights.  For each grant, the number and
names of the headrights are usually listed.  What is not recorded,
though, is when and from where the headrights were transported.
The intent of the headright system appeared to be to encourange
the transportation of laborers from England to the plantations in 
the Virginia Colony.  However, in the records of the grants it
appears that headrights were awarded for the transportation of 
any person who was not a resident of Virginia, that is, for transporting
a person from another colony, such as Maryland or Pennsylvania,
or from a Carribean island such as Barbadoes. 

Sometimes in the court minutes of a county you will find a record
of the affidavit by a person regarding his headrights for himself/
herself, and for each member of their family.  These records often 
state the ages of the persons who were transported.

If a person accepted transportation paid by another person, then
there was a contractual obligation to work for that person for 
a specified number of years.  This was called an indenture.  An
indenture is a contract or deed.  The persons transported by others 
were called Indentured Servants.  This was a form of slavery, if you 
wish to think of it in those terms.  Apprenticeships were a form of
indentured servitude.  Again, in Hening's STATUTES AT LARGE you 
will find laws setting forth the Master's obligations as well as the 
duration of the apprenticeships.  

Some of the ship passenger lists from England will state the 
name of the Master and the term of the apprenticeship, in 
number of years,  and the colony to which the apprentice is 
being transported.  

In the jurispurdence system in England, a convict was sometimes
given the choice between a stiff prison sentance, or worse, and
being transported to the New World as an Indentured Servant.
Most chose becoming indentured servants over the harsh penalty 
imposed.  Persons were arrested and convicted for many reasons, including
being poor and homeless, that is, vagrants.  Petty
thievery, such as stealing food,  was another frequently cited crime.  

There were even instances of kidnapping in which youths were 
sold into bondage [indentured servitude] for the money that could 
be collected.

One of the weak links in my knowledge is about the slave 
trading that occurred in Barbadoes, an island in the Carribean.
English convicts were often shipped to Barbadoes where they 
were literally sold into indentured servitude.  I need to become 
more familiar with the Barbadoes records pertaining to Strongs 
and other names I am researching.  Many persons transported 
from England never made it to the colonies in America, staying 
in the Carribean Islands instead.   You may will find a record of
a convict being shipped to Barbadoes, then you will find another
record where that person was "sold" to a specified Master.
The Master was probably allowed to collect a headright 
grant for his servant brought to the continental ("mainland")
colonies from Barbadoes.  Some of the other colonies had 
headright laws that were similar to those in Virginia.

This is pretty general in nature, but hopefully it will get you 
pointed in the right direction to find more accurante answers
to your question.  

Hope this is helpful.

Robert T. ("Bob") Strong, Jr., Manager, STRONG Mail List
119 Mystic Way, Monrovia Comm., Madison, AL 35758-7113
(c) 1997.   Permission granted to copy for personal use only.

---------- End of message ----------

From: (Robert T. Strong)
To: "Strong Family genealogy list"
Subject: STRONG & STANLEY:  Associated Families in VA
Date: Thu, 03 Apr 1997 01:53:45 EST

As I studied the colonial Virginia land patents in the
early 1980s, I became fascinated with "the Black Creek
Connection".  A number of the patentees (grantees) who
claimed they had transported Strongs to Virginia either
resided on the Black Creek in New Kent Co., VA, or they
owned land there.  As I traced my Strong and Stanley
families westward to what became St. Martin's Parish,
Hanover County, some of these same families were 
represented there.  When my ancestor, Ann Stanley 
Strong, relocated to Goochland County in or before 
1781, descendants of some of these same families were 
there also.

Black Creek is located in the northwest part of current
New Kent County, VA, near the Hanover County line.
It runs northward into the Pamunkey River.  The  town
of Tunstall Station is just west of the creek.  One of the
landmarks in this area is the "Cheemockin Plantation",
mentioned in a 1653 patent to Joseph Croshaw, in 
which Croshaw was credited with transporting Villemile
Hughes and John Fleming and others to the Virginia 
Colony.  This area was then in York County.  [Patent
Book 3, Page 51 as abstracted In CAVALIERS AND 
PIONEERS, Volume I, page 249.]  When Rees(e) Hughes
received a patent in this neighborhood in DEC 1656,
it had become New Kent County.  [Patent Book 4, Page
78; C & P I, p. 342]  When I motored through this area
in the early 1980s, the Cheemockin Plantation was still
in operation.  

Sometime in the early to mid-1980s I summarized some 
of my observations in a handwritten manuscript, which 
has never before been shared or "published".  Following 
is a copy of that manuscript, with a few modifications.  I 
hope it will be of interest to a few of you.

This is not an attempt to review all patents naming 
Strongs, Strangs, Straughans, etc.  Nor is it an attempt
to present a review in chronlogical order.  The focus is
primarily on the people who lived in an area along the
current border of New Kent and Hanover Counties and
their decendants, and how these families were 
associated with or affiliated with Strongs and Stanleys.

This discussion covers a century and several generations
of the descendants of some of the land owners in this 

Robert T. ("Bob") Strong, Jr., Manager, STRONG Mail List
119 Mystic Way, Monrovia Comm., Madison, AL 35758-7113
(c) 1997.   Permission granted to copy for personal use only.

In 1665, Major Thomas Walker received a grant of 2350
acres for transporting 47 persons to Virginia.  His grant 
was located north of the Mattaponi River, so was not in
New Kent County, but some of the persons for whom he
received headrights are subsequently found in New 
Kent County.  Among his headrights were "MARY STRANG
Phillip Langstone, An. (Anthony) Langstone, An(n) Lovell.
As early as 1655 Anthony Langstone owned land in New
Kent County.  A 1663 grant refers to "Capt. Anthony
Langstone's Path," Whiting's Swamp, and Matagequin
Creek.  I wonder if these "Strongs" were actually named
STRANGE, as there are records in New Kent County of
a large Strange clan.   See, for example, the vital 
statistics in the REGISTER of St. Peter's Parish.

George Morris received two patents on 19 JUL 1666.  In one
he received a headright for ANDREW STRONG.  One of the 
two grants was on the Black Creek.

John Fleming and Andrew Davies received a patent on 
Mechumps Creek on 20 APR 1680.  They claimed a headright
for transporting FRA. STRONG.  John Fleming also owned land
adjacent to Resse Hughes [Sr.], LTC Gooch, William Pulliam,
Edmond Price, and Cornelius Dabney.  Other landowners in 
this neighborhood were Robert Anderson, Sr., Robert Anderson,
Jr., Mr. Littlepage, James Turner, Thomas Glass, Charles Loving,
John Sexton, Moses Davis, George Smith, John Langstone, 
Philip Honeywood, David Crawford, Sr., Mrs. Hannah Clark,
George Phillips, Samuel Waddy, __?__ Bassett, Charles Fleming,
John Lewis, William Winston, Stephen Tarlton, David Smith,
__?__ Bouth, James Tate, George Lovell, and Charles Lovell.

This neighborhood included the land along the southern or
southwestern side of the Pamunkey River, including the 
Totopotomoy Creek and the Black Creek, and the land in
between, which includes the Whiting Swamp and Matedequin
Creek.   The Totopotomoy, Whiting, and Matedequin Creeks
were in St. Peter's Parish, New Kent County, until 1704,
were in St. Paul's Parish, New Kent County until 1720, 
and were in St. Paul's Parish, Hanover County, beginning
in 1720.  

Black Creek, which  remained in St. Peter's Parish, 
New Kent County, is the primary focus of my interest. 
It was near the subsequent boundary of New Kent and Hanover 
Counties, VA, and also near the boundary subsequently 
between St. Peter's Parish and St. Paul's Parish of the Church
of England.  

Robert Hughes was probably a son of Reese Hughes, Sr.
On 20 APR 1682, Robert Hughes received a headright  for
transporting JOHN STRONG.  Robert Hughes' wife, Sarah, may
have been "Sallie" (Hughes?) Tarlton, according to a tradition
in the Hughes family.  Reese Hughes and Stephen Tarlton 
lived in the same vicinity, on or near the Black Creek.

Charles Fleming, son of John Fleming, married Susannah 
Tarleton, daugther of Stephen Tarleton.  Charles Fleming 
and his descendants patented land in [what became] 
Goochland County, which was known as "Fleming's Parke".
This is the part of Goochland County where MARTHA STRONG
later resided.

On 21 OCT 1687 Robert Woodson, Sr., and others received 
a patent in Henrico County, VA., in which they claimed a
headright for transporting JOHN STRONG.  John Woodson,
2nd., son of Robert Woodson, Sr., married Judith Tarleton,
daughter of Stephen Tarleton.   Although no patent or deed
has been found, before the 1704 quit rents John Woodson
acquired land in New Kent County.  John Woodson and
Charles Flieming jointly patented land in Goochland County.
Descendants of Robert Woodson, Sr., also settled in the 
Fleming's Park area of Goochland County, VA, where the
above Strongs later settled.

Members of the Robert Hughes family, Charles Fleming family,
John Woodson family, and THOMAS STANLEY family were 
affiliated with the Society of Friends (Quakers), whose earliest
preserved records in Virginia begin about 1700.  These families
probably worshipped in the Black Creek Meeting House, where
Reese Hughes, Robert Hughes, and Mrs. Sarah Hughes, Sr., 
attended a wedding in FEB 1700.  Unfortunately, records of the
Quakers in this area before 1699 are not available.  In 1710
the three Hughes, Fleming, and Woodson families participated
in a debate regarding whether Tarleton Woodson (son of John
Woodson and grandson of Robert Woodson) should be permitted
to marry his first cousin, Ursala Fleming (daughter of Charles
Fleming and granddaughter of John Fleming).  The Woodsons
worshipped at the Curles Meeting House after it was constructed
around 1700.  The debate was probably at the Curles Meeting
House, but the marriage of Tarleton Woodson and Ursala 
Fleming was at the "New Kent Meeting House", probably on 
Black Creek.

Capt. Daniel Parke's 1662 grant in York County, on the southwest
side of the York River, on Mill Swamp, was for 12 headrights,
including THOMAS STANLEY and Thomas Crew.  This Thomas
Stanley is not the same person as Thomas Stanley, Sr., of New
Kent and Hanover Counties, VA, however.  The death of this 
Thomas Stanley was recorded in the REGISTER of the Bruton
Church in Williamsburg in 1710.  Was he the father of Thomas
Stanley, "Sr." of New Kent and Hanover Counties, VA?  No
proof has been found, but the proximity of time and place 
makes this a plausible assumption. 

[Followintg are some other deaths  recorded in the Bruton 
BURTON CHURCH, by Rev. W. A. R. Goodwin, (c) 1903.  Some
of these may be of interest to some subscribers to the 
Strong Mail List.]

1665  Adam, son of Elizabeth Strawhawne
1667  Adam Strawhun
1724  Jane, wife of George Straghan
1726  Sarah, wife of George Straugham

And for the Strong - Stanley historian, these may be of interest:

1662  Fielding, son of Capt. Daneil Parke
1663  Daniel, son of Capt. Daniel Parke 
1667  Major Joseph Creshaw [Croshaw]
1667  Villerel Hughs [posssibly father of Reese and/or Robert Hughes]

THOMAS STANLEY, "Sr." of New Kent and Hanover Counties, VA,
and his descendants were intimately related through association
and intermarriage with the Crew family.  It is likely that Thomas
Stanley was affiliated with the Quaker congregation on the Black
Creek.  This "Particular",  or Weekly, Meeting was a part of the
White Oak Swamp Monthly Meeting in Henrico County, which was
later called the Henrico Monthly Meeting.   It is certain that by 
1701 (New Style) Thomas Stanley was associating with if not 
affilated with members of the the White Oak Swamp/Henrico 
Monthly Meeting.  On 1700, 2 mo., 28 day [about 11 MAY 1701,
New Style] the following signed the marriage certificate of 
Thomas Lankford and Martha West, daugther of Giles West,
which was held "at the house of the aforesaid people":
Thomas Stanley, Charles and Susannah Fleming, Rice [Reese] 
Hughes, Robert Hughes, Sarah Hughes, Christopher and
Elizabeth Clark, Michael and Sarah Johnson.   On 10 OCT 1703
Thomas and Anne Stanley signed the marriage certificate of
Samuel Jordan and Elizabeth Fleming, dauthter of Charles and
Susannah Fleming.  In 1706, the Society of Friends dispatched
Robert Hughes and John Atkinson to counsel with Thomas
Stanley regarding his excessive alcohol consumption and
temper.  Thomas Stanley was placed on probaton until he

So, although the christenings of three sons of THOMAS STANLEY
were recorded in the REGISTER of the St. Peter's Parish, Church
of England, there is evidence that he was affiliated with the
Society of Friends (Quakers), probably before 1701.  He likely
joined the Society "by experience". Quaker records prove he had
a daughter, Rachel, and suggests that Anne was his wife.

In 1714 THOMAS STANLEY received a grant on Cedar Creek,
then part of St. Paul's Parish, New Kent County, VA.   However,
processioning records in the parish VESTRY BOOK prove he
owned propert there earlier.  George Lovell owned property 
nearby, as did Nicholas Meriwether, and Thomas Scott and 
John Drummond.  Thomas Stanley, Jr., was a founder and one
of the first "overseers" of the Cedar Creek Particular Meeting, 
Society of Friends.  Thomas Stanley, Jr., has been purported to 
have donated the land for the first church building on Cedar

Nicholas Meriwether, Jr. (son of Nicholas Meriwether of Surry
Co., VA)  was married to Elizabeth Crawford, who is presumed 
to be a sister or daughter of David Crawford, Sr., who was a 
neighbor of the Fleming and Hughes families in New Kent 
County.  In 1714, Nicholas Meriwether and sons received a 
grant on Taylor's Creek, near Cedar Creek.  Among their 
headrights was DAVID STRAUGHAN.

Francis Meriwether (son of Nicholas Meriwether, Jr.) married
Mary Bathhurst, daughter of Lancelott Bathhurst.  Lancelott
Bathhurst's 1682 grant was on Crumps Creek, where David
Crawford and John Lewis also owned land.  [Crump Creek 
is a little further north than the Totopotomoy Creek, in 
present Hanover County, but then New Kent County.]   Mary 
Bathhurst Meriwether married, second, Reuben Welch, who, 
in 1719, received a grant of 3273 acres between the Little and 
Newfound Rivers.  [Some of John Stanley's 1724 grant was in 
this vicinity.]  Reuben Welch claimed that he transported 66 
persons to the Virginia colony, including JOHN STRONGE.   
David Crawford, Jr., Charles Fleming, and the Meriwethers 
also owned land nearby.  

Lancelott Bathhurst claimed that he transported William Winston,
who purchased adjacent property on Crump's Creek and was 
a neighbor of David Crawford, Sr, and John Lewis.  William 
Winston died about 1702.  He probably had two sons:  Anthony
Winston of New Kent County, and William Winston of Essex 
County.  Anthony Winston had at least two sons:  Anthony Winston,
Jr., and Isaac Winston, Sr.  Following are the children of Isaac 
Winston, Sr.:
     William Winston married Sarah Dabney
     Isaac Winston
     Anthony Winston
     Lucy Winston married (1) Cornelius Dabney or William Dabney
                                         (2) William Coles
     Sarah Winston married (1) John Syme, Sr.
                                           (2) John Henry
     Mary Winston married John Coles
Sons of JOHN STRONG, 2nd, of western Hanover County, had
associations with several of the above children of Isaac Winston,
Sr., or their spouses. 

William Winston of Essex, King William, and Hanover Counties,
VA, married Barbara Overton.  Their sons were John Winston
and James Winston.  In 1760, MARTIN STRONG [1st] attended 
the processioning of the property lines of James Winston and
Thomas Poindexter in Louisa County, VA.

Thomas Poindexter was a son of John Poindexter, who was 
a son of Thomas Poindexter of New Kent County, VA, who 
married Sarah Crawford, daughter of David Crawford.  

The vast estate of John Syme, Sr., was inherited by his infant
son, John Syme, Jr.  The younger John's first wife was Mildred
Meriwether, daughter of Nicholas Meriwether, 3rd., and 
granddaughter of the Nicholas Meriwether, 2nd, who claimed
transportation of David Straughan.  From 1767-1770, JOHN 
STRONG, 3rd (son of John Strong, Jr., of Hanover Co. and 
grandson of John Strong, Sr., of New Kent County) was 
employed by John Syme, Jr., and his second wife, Sarah 
Hoopes Syme.  The manager of the plantation where John 
Strong was employed was William Coles, husband of Mrs.
Lucy Winston Dabney.  Nearby landowners were Dabneys,
Poindexters, and Patrick Henry, 2nd, half-brother of John
Syme, Jr.  

William Sherwood owned property on Totopotomoy 
Creek, near the properties owned by George Morris, 
John Fleming, Reese Hughes, and others.

Cornelius Dabney's son, John Dabney, was married to 
Ann Sherwood of Old Rappahannock/Essex County, VA.
[One of he sister's married Thomas Marshall.]  The
Dabney family history indicates that it was Cornelius 
Dabney, son of James Dabney and Ann Sherwood, 
who married Lucy Winston.  Thus, Mrs. William Coles,
mistress of the Syme Plantation when John Strong, 3rd,
was employed, was a Sherwood descendant.  [This
is the only connection between the Strong family
and the Sherwood family I have yet discovered, and
this affiliation was a generation too late to have
influenced the naming of Sherwood Strong, 1st, son
of John Strong, Jr., of Hanover County.]

For a 1674 grant, John Lewis and his associates received
headrights for transporting ROBERT STRONG, GEORGE 
STRONG, Peter Marshall, and others.  A John Lewis 
owned land adjacent to  Col. Gooch (who owned land
adjacent to John Fleming), the Westover Path, and 
Lancelott Bathhurst.  This John Lewis, thus, appeared to 
be own land on the Black Creek, where George Norris
patented land in 1663.  Two of the children of Robert 
Woodson, Jr., son of Robert Woodson, Sr., who claimed
a headright for transporting JOHN STRONG, Sr., were 
married to children of John Lewis.  

Elizabeth Bathhurst, daughter of Lancelott Bathhurst, 
married William Tomlin, who in 1705 received a grant
in Essex County, VA, in which he claimed a headright
for transporting JOHN "STRONG."  [Records in Essex 
County prove that there was a JOHN STRANG whose
will was dated 11 SEP 1716 [Old Style].  Early historians
of my Strong family historians thought he was their
immigrant ancestor.] 

Charles Lovell's grant adjacent to John Fleming was 
deserted and the land was re-granted to George Lovell
and his children.  George Lovell received a headright in
St. Paul's Parish [later Hanover County] in 1714 for the 
transportation of MARTHA STRONG.  Adjacent
to the new land granted to George Lovell were lands
owned by Bassett, Gunting, Meredith, and Harmon.  
Further details were not provided.  Was this the Martha
Strong who married Eleazar(ius) Williams and who 
resided on the Lickinghole Creek in Goochland County,
STRONG?  Lovells were residing in the same neighborhood.

Thomas Scott and John Drummond received a patent 
for 5764 acres in 1696 for transporting 116 persons, including
JUDITH STRONG.  Their patent referred to a bend in the
South Anna River called the "Roundabout".  A later patent
proved their land crossed the Cedar Creek.   A 1722 grant
to Nathaniel West was near Scott and Drummond's line
and "on the south side of Stanley's Road."  The reference
was obviously to a road to land owned by Thomas Stanley,
Sr., or one of his three sons.  An entry in the VESTRY BOOK
of St. Paul's Parish indicated that Thomas Stanley was 
an overseer of the road gang between Cedar Creek and
New Found River.  Others who owned land adjoining the
land of Scott and Drummond were Capt. David Crawford,
Jr., William Dandridge, Charles Chiswell, and Christopher
Clark.   The 1743 will of Nicholas Meriwether referred to his
"Roundabout Plantation."  

In 1702, Thomas Comer received a grant of 1970 acres on
the Little River, then in New Kent County, but in Hanover
County after 1720, for transporting THOMAS STRONG and 
others to Virginia.  The land granted to John Stanley on 
New Found River a little later was in this general vicinity. 

James Christian's 1724 grant was located in Henrico County
but is of interest because his land was adjacent to land
owned by Tarleton Fleming.  One of James Christian's
seven headrights was for transporting JOHN STRONG.
Could this be the John Strong who was residing in 
Cumberland County in the 1750s and early 1760s and 
who is the likely father of Martin Strong, 2nd, and his 
12 siblings, who resided in western Hanover County
beginning around 1765?   John Strong, brother of 
Martin Strong, 2nd, stated in his Revolutionary War 
Survivor's Pension application that he was born in 
Cumberland County, VA, about 1757.  The only Strong
who has been found in Cumberland County records 
between 1757 and 1765 was a John Strong.  He 
clearly was not the same person as John Strong, Jr.,
of St. Martin's Parish, Hanover County, who was 
deceased by 1751.


Robert T. ("Bob") Strong, Jr., Manager, STRONG Mail List
119 Mystic Way, Monrovia Comm., Madison, AL 35758-7113
(c) 1997.   Permission granted to copy for personal use only.
---------- End of message ----------

From: "Catherine H. Lippert" 
To: "Strong Family genealogy list"
Subject: Strong introduction
Date: Thu, 3 Apr 1997 02:30:54 -0500 (EST)

My name is Catherine Hover Lippert; I'm called Cathy. My family
and I live in Sharonville, a suburb of Cincinnati, OH, where my
husband (Mitch) has his law office and I teach adults part time.
I enjoy genealogy as a hobby and currently serve as president of
the LOKRIG Family Association; my husband enjoys cycling and
Toastmasters. We're both active in church and community
activites. Our two children are in college: our daughter (Carrie)
is a graduate student in clinical psychology at IUP in Indiana,
PA, and our son (Casey) is a graduating senior at Miami of OH
with a major in English literature and a minor in film studies.

Elder John STRONG of Chard, Somerset, England and Northampton, MA
is my Strong ancestor. I descend through his daughter Elizabeth,
as listed in _Strong Family History Update, Vol. IV_: Elizabeth
Strong m Joseph Parsons > Josiah Parsons m Sarah Sheldon > Martha
Parsons m Martin Phelps > Mehitabel Phelps m William Holloway
Stone > Sarah "Sally" Stone m Abner McMasters > Philo Masters m
Sophia Emmaline Billings > Harry Franklin Masters m Morna Blanche
Lockridge > Helen Crane Masters m Charles Watson Hover >
Catherine Wray Hover m Gary Mitchel Lippert.

When I first read Vol. IV, I discovered that one set of my Lippert
niece/nephews are also Strong descendants and therefore my
cousins. I'd enjoy corresponding by e-mail with any other
descendants of the above line and am willing to share what I have
in my database with any cousins. If you have any LOKRIGs (of any
spelling), I'd like to hear about them.

Cathy Lippert
---------- End of message ----------

To: "Strong Family genealogy list"
Subject: subscription
Date: Thu, 3 Apr 1997 18:21:33 +1000

Victoria Strong
03/04/97 18:21


---------- End of message ----------

From: (Robert T. Strong)
To: "Strong Family genealogy list"
Subject: Bible of Oliver STRONG: Onondaga Co., NY?, b. 1781
Date: Fri, 04 Apr 1997 08:50:13 EST

Can anyone assist in locating a descendant of Oliver STRONG?
See forwarded messages below.  The original message was 
by < >, who is the person in possession of 
the Family Bible.  I have suggested that if a descendant 
cannot be found, that the Bible be donated to the 
Strong Family Association of America library, based on the
assumption that Oliver Strong is likely to be a descendant of
John Strong, 1635 immigrant to Massachusetts..

Syracuse, NY, is located in Onandaga County.

Robert T. ("Bob") Strong, Jr., Manager, STRONG Mail List
119 Mystic Way, Monrovia Comm., Madison, AL 35758-7113
(c) 1997.   Permission granted to copy for personal use only.

Date: Wed, 2 Apr 1997 02:45:03 -0500 (EST)

Dear Bob,

Certain AOL message boards automatically download during retrieval 
of our mail.  There was one that caught my eye, today.  It was from

It was posted today, 04/01/97, and reads as follows:


"I have in my possession a STRONG family bible which was given to 
me because it has a name in it that I am researching.  My research 
has not turned up this person, so I would like to see this Bible in the
hands of a Strong family.  The family listed in the Bible were 
apparently in the Onondaga County, NY area.  The first name listed 
is an Oliver Strong, who was born in 1781.  If you have an interest in 
this Bible, please E-mail me at  I would be glad to 
send it to anyone who is interested."  


Not having information on your Strong family, I could not leave it to
chance that you might learn of that person's offer to send the bible. 
Hopefully, they will obtain proof from any person asking for it that 
they are of the Strong family who owned the bible originally.
---------- End of message ----------

From: (Robert T. Strong)
To: "Strong Family genealogy list"
Date: Fri, 04 Apr 1997 08:50:13 EST

If your Internet Service Provider has a public Bulletin Board, 
especially one for genealogy, please post the following 
announcement on the Bulletin Board (unless it has already been
posted by another person).  You may also use the attached 
announcement to send to relatives and other prospective 



A new Mail List has been created to provide a disucussion 
group and exchange of information about the Strong and 
similar or related surnames. anywhere, anytime.

There are no charges for subscribing to this discussion group 
(Mail List).   Messages posted to the Mail List are automatically
distributed to all subscribers via the Mail Server (MAISER) at
the Univerisy of Indiana.

SCOPE OF THE STRONG MAIL LIST:  This is a discussion area 
for anyone who has an interest in genealogy and history of the 
STRONG family, anywhere, anytime, including all similar sounding 
surnames (e.g., Straughan), etymologically equivalent names 
(e.g., Strachan), surnames that may have been shortened to 
Strong (e.g, Strongman or Stronger), surnames that might be 
misrecorded or misperceived as Strong or vice versa (e.g., Strang),
and names in languages other than English that would be 
translated into "Strong".  
Following are the more common surnames in this group.


When sending messages to the Strong Mail List, you are requested 
to follow the same conventions for entering the SUBJECT as are 
used by the Social.Genealogy.Surnames List, also known as the 
ROOTS List (Roots-L).  The "USA" may be dropped for the 50 states 
of the United States of America.  Please begin your Subject Line 
with the surname in block capitals, followed by the location or 
migration route, followed by the time frame.  This will greatly 
assist everyone in scanning the Subjects lines to determine which 
messages they wish to read and which messages they wish to delete
without reading.   Here are several examples to use as models:

STRONG: VA > TN > TX; 1672-Present
"STRAUNGE"/"STRANGE", William: ENG > VA; 1619 immigrant
"STRAUGHAN", William: Hanover Co., VA; 1730s
STRANG or STR0NG?, John: Essex Co., VA, d. 1718

Users of the STRONG Mail List are also requested to keep the 
lengths of the lines in messages to a maximum of 65 spaces.  This 
will greatly reduce the breaking up of lines when additional 
characters are added to replies or when your message is received
by someone using large screen fonts.  A line length of 65 characters
also facilitates the printing of messages as it provides a 6 1/2 inch
line when using 10 point fonts, leaving adequate room for left and
right margins.

After you submit your subscription, you will recieve a Welcome 
Message, which also includes guidelines for using the Mail List.  
Receipt of this massage confirms that your name has been added 
to the STRONG Mail List.  The message will explain some 
additional commands to be used with this or other lists available 
through the MAISER listserver, including how to terminate your
subscription, how to obtain archived messages, etc.


Queries and replies of general interest should be posted to the 
LIST. Replies and discussions that are NOT of general interest 
to other subscribers on the Strong Mail List should be sent to 
person's private Internet E-mail address.  Any mail addressed to

will automatically be sent to everyone on the mail list.



To subscribe to the STRONG Mail List, send a message to

with the following message, beginning Column 1, Line 1:


Do not place the SUB command in the subject line, as anything 
you put in the subject line is ignored.  You DO NOT have to leave 
the subject line blank.   Anything in the subject line is IGNORED 
by the MAISER computer except to quote it back to you, which is 
useful if you wish to file a copy of the message.

No signature line is required.  If you add a signature line, skip
a line after EXIT.

Do NOT sent your message to subscribe to 
< > as this creates unnecessary
clerical work for the List Manager.


The Manager of the Strong Mail List is:   

Robert T. ("Bob") Strong, Jr. 
119 Mystic Way, Lori's Landing S/D   
Madison, AL 35758-7113 

Internet E-Mail:  


---------- End of message ----------

To: "Strong Family genealogy list"
Subject: Robert Hughes desertion of lands
Date: 4 Apr 1997 10:27:50 EDT

Hi Bob...
Your discussion of STRONG AND STANLEY: Associated Families in VA gave me
more info and caused some more thought.  I hope my input is not
"preaching to the Choir" but it is interesting to me.  There are a lot
of similarities between the events in the Virginia Plantations and in

the Irish Plantations:  The Plantation schemes were both "hatched" at
the same time... ~1608, followed somewhat similar development patterns,
and involved similar contemporaneous political, social, and historical
events. It seems likely that the participants had many familial
connections as well.

The fact that  Robert Hughes was a member of the same Quaker community
as the rest of his headright claimants suggests a slightly different
view of things than I previously suggested.  A thumbnail sketch of
English History may help a little here:

~1603:  King James VI of Scotland became King James I of England.  A
protestant, he encouraged the Plantation schemes in Ireland and Virginia
 in part as a means of resolving ongoing disputes in British society...
Give religious dissenters a place to go where they would not be
constantly causing friction at home... Give troublesome freebooters
(such as those along the Scottish border) something to occupy their
"skills", such as fight Indians and/or wild Gaelic Irish.... etc.

~1619: James VI and I died, succeeded by his son, Charles I, a stubborn
man with little insight into the temper of the people, and determined to
assert his soveigrnty as his "devine right as king".  Charles' queen was
Princess Henrietta of France, a devout Catholic.  He succeeded in
alienating large segments of British society, resulting in the English
Civil War, 1646-1649; and lost his head on the block.

1649-1659: The era of the English Commonwealth under Cromwell as
Protector.   Adherents of the Anglican and Catholic Churches were
persecuted, and various Protestant sects "blossomed"... Unfortunately,
power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.  Cromwell died
and British society heaved a sigh of relief, welcoming royalty back in
1660 in the person of Charles II, son of the beheaded Charles I.

1660-1685:  Charles II was a fun loving, profligate sovereign, good at
playing various elements of English society off against each other, and
never letting one group gain too much ascendency.  He professed the
Protestant faith, but was suspected of having secret Catholic
sympathies.  He allowed a vigorous prosecution of Presbyterian
"Covenanters" in Scotland, forcing many of them to flee to Northern
Ireland and the American Colonies (sound familiar to you "South Carolina
Strongs?).  He had numerous illegitimate children, but no legitimate
heir.  At his death he was succeeded by his brother, James II.

 1685-1689:  James II was a devout Catholic, determined to reestablish
Catholicism as the state religion.  Immediately on his assession to the
throne he started bringing other Catholics to positions of power, and
brought many Catholics into the small standing army.  He also encouraged
the Earl of Tyrconnel, in Ireland, to raise a 20,000 strong Catholic
army, which James threatened to bring to England to help enforce his
designs.  All of this raised immediate counter reaction on the part of
various Protestants determined not to see the re-establishment of
Catholicism.  The  Duke of Monmouth, Charles II's bastard son, raised a
rebellion late in 1685, centered on Bristol, Taunton, Dorset and
Somerset (remember those places from somewhere? (!)).  The rebellion was
soon put down, Monmouth was captured and executed, and those of his
supporters who did not escape were brutally hunted down and executed.
James II vigorously engaged in a program of seizures of estates of
dissidents who were unwilling to change their religion.  The courts were
cowed into decreeing many of these seizures on the thinnest of excuses.

1688  Active rebellion arose, and many fled to Holland and urged Prince
William of Orange, who was married to James II's protestant daughter,
Mary, (and who was a committed protestant who recognized the Dutch
States-General, or parliament, as having superior authority over certain
matters of state, eg, he was a limited sovereign, who would be willing
to rule without asserting his "devine rights"), to invade England in
Mary's behalf.

1689  William landed in England and James II was forced to flee.  Mary
was made Queen by right of "blood" and William of Orange became William
III of England, empowered to govern as King and co-soveriegn.  Catholics
were suppressed; estates formerly seized by James II from dissenters
were regranted to loyal protestants; an era of relative religious
freedom was opened, which lasted roughly until William and Mary died and
were succeeded by Queen Anne, a relatively unassertive, weak monarch.

Now, putting Robert Hughes and the Virginia Quakers of whom you have
written in the foregoing context... it seems likely that the "Black
Creek", etc., settlement got it's start under a Cromwellian Charter
during the era of the Commonwealth... Quakers being freer to obtain
favor and influence in those times.  It was probably augmented after the
Restoration of Charles II by persons now wanting to get away from the
renewed influence of the Established Anglican church, etc.  I don't know
much about the course of the English Revolution of 1688-9 in Virginia,
but it seems likely the Royal governor under James II may have engaged
in seizures of lands of dissenters like Hughes during the period
1685-1688, and then the regrant  of Hughes lands in 1690 to Woodson
would be consistent with restoring those lands to some representative
protestant after the English Revolution took hold in Virginia under
William and Mary.  We don't seem to know what happened to Hughes, but
was Woodson related to Hughes? Did Woodson have a legitimate claim of
mortgage against Hughes which was recognized in the subsequent regrant?
Did Hughes have an estate in England where he was otherwise occupied?
Did he die in the meantime?  There are a lot of possibilities.

I don't know if the foregoing helps you particularly, but perhaps it
will give some insights while examining the dry records you and Jim
Rolfe are so diligently persuing.

Regards, Dave Strong

---------- End of message ----------

From: "B. Strong" 
To: "Strong Family genealogy list"
Subject: New Subscriber info
Date: Fri, 04 Apr 1997 14:48:06 -0600

I've been a subscriber for less than a month and enjoy reading the
material so far.  Just wish I could see how I fit into the things I've
been reading about.

My name is Bill Strong, I'm 50 years old, own an insurance agency in a
small town in Iowa.  I have been working on my tree fot about 15 years
off and on.  Now I'm down to the real hard part and need help.

What I know:  
Herman Judson Strong, b:12-11-1822 Marion Co.OH, d:1-28-1916, Iowa.
  Nathan Hawthoren Strong, b:2-7-1874, Grand Island,NE, d:7-16-1950, What Cheer, IA.
    Nathan Elson Strong, b: 1-14-1911, What cheer, IA, d:4-1982, Vinton, IA.
      Bill Strong, b:5-12-1946, Vinton, IA & still kicking.

My dad Nathan Elson Strong raced harness horses and was a blacksmith. 
His dad deliver lumber by horse & wagon.  I raise Arabian horses and my
brother raises harness horses.  So the horses are still in our blood.

I really need some help on the ancestory of Herman Judson Strong, shown
above.  So far every source I've tried I come up empty.

Would very much appreciate any help at all.  


B Strong

---------- End of message ----------

From: (Robert T. Strong)
To: "Strong Family genealogy list"
Subject: Historical Perspective re. Strongs in VA Colony
Date: Fri, 04 Apr 1997 16:14:31 EST

ATTENTION:  Dave Strong

Thanks for your thumbnail sketch of English history, dated
4 APR 97, which provides some historical perspective, 
especially for the Strongs of Virginia, but for Strongs in 
the British Colonies, generally, as well.

One minor correction:  Robert Hughes deserted his 1682
grant in New Kent Co., VA, and the land was regranted
in 1690 to PETER MASSEY, rather than to Robert Woodson and

Robert Hughes [Sr.] claimed 18 headrights in his 1682 grant.
Robert Woodson [Sr.] & Co., claimed 36 headrights in their
1687 grants.  There were four duplicate names:  John Strong,
John Hicksee [spelling uncertain], GeorgeSwallow, and William 
Norris or Morris.  

Due to the failure to preserve records, it is unknown exactly 
when the Society of Friends first appeared in Virginia, in 
general, and in New Kent County, specifically.   

For those who might be interested in researching the history 
of the Quakers in Virginia further, see especially the 
VI, VIRGINIA, compiled by William W. Hinshaw.  (Baltimore, 
MD:  Genealogical Publishing Co., (c) 1973).  See especially
pages 146-147 in the historical sketch of the Henrico Monthly 
Meeting, from which the following quotes are taken.

"...In 1678 John Boweter" [Quaker missionary] " traveled in this"
[Virginia] "Colony leaving us but few details of his visit, however
he names the places he went and among others we find:  "James
River in Virginia and James River at Chuckatuck."

"We are not surprised therefore to find in the Henrico Court 
records, for this same year, that Quakers were in that county and 
were persecuted..."  Further details about fines levied in 1679 
and 1682 against John Pleasansts and his wife by Quaker marriage 
are provided.  From this Hinshaw estimated that the Curles Particular
(Weekly) Meeting was originated about 1677.   

"...Howeve, we would be making a mistake to assume that Curles
and its immediate neighborhood was the only locality in this 
section where Quakers were active and holding meetings before
1699.  A scrutiny of the Register of Saint Peter's Parish, which 
begins in 1686, is revealing in that it names many men living in 
Henrico, New Kent and the territory that later became Hanover,
Caroline, and Louisa Counties, whose names also appear frequently 
the Quaker records.  Among those are Charles Fleming...Rice
Hughes...Thomas Stanley...Robert Hughes and others.  How
many of these were Quakers in 1686 it is impossible to say, though
some were, as a matter of fact, while others may have been
"convinced" at a later date..."    

"...In 1691 Thomas Wilson and James Dickinson", Quaker missionaries,
preached at Black Creek in New Kent County.  "Without a doubt this
first missionary journey (1691) was the genesis of the Black Creek

Was Robert Woodson of Henrico County related to Robert 
Hughes of New Kent County?  Not directly to my knowledge,
but there was an indirect familial relationship through the
Stephen Tarleton family, as I reported in my recent message 
about "STRONGS & STANLEYS."  I guess this point got 
somewhat buried among the many details in my message. 

     Robert Hughes' wife, Sarah, may have been "Sallie" (Tarleton?) 
     Hughes,  according to a tradition in the Hughes family.

     John Woodson, 2nd., son of Robert Woodson, Sr., married 
     Judith Tarleton, daughter of Stephen Tarleton.

     Charles Fleming, son of John Fleming, married Susannah 
     Tarleton, daugther of Stephen Tarleton.

Quaker records show that Robert, Sr., and Sarah Hughes and
three of their children (Robert, Jr., Sarah, Jr., and Stephen) 
attended the 1710 a wedding at the New Kent Meeting House 
(alias Black Creek Meeting House) of Tarleton Woodson to 
Ursala Fleming.  

     Stephen Hughes, son of Robert Hughes, Sr., married 
     Elizabeth Tarleton.  

I do not know when or where Robert Hughes, Sr., died.  His 
widow, Mrs. Sarah Hughes appears to have died in Goochland 
County, VA, by 1730, when her will was proved.  Her will was 
dated 8 JUN 1723.  Children named were Robert, Jr., Stephen, 
Ashford, Sarah, Jr., Elizabeth, Mary, and Isaac.  It should be
noted that at that time Goochland County included land south
of the James River.  The Hughes family is subsequently found
in Cumberland County and Powhatan County, on the Muddy
Creek.  So Robert Hughes, Sr., may have migrated to the 
Muddy Creek before his death. 

When Judge Robert W. Hughes of Norfolk, VA, wrote a genealogy 
of his family in 1902 he was not aware of the will of Mrs. Sarah
Hughes, above.  He said that his Great Great Grandfather
"Robert Hughes, the first of the name, of Hughes Creek, Powhatan
Co., VA, married and left sons and daughters, but no list of
them and their marriages is now extant, except as to Robert 
Hughes, the second..."  [See VIRGINIA HISTORICAL MAGAZINE,
Vol. 34, page 351-357.]  The statement seems to confirm that
Robert Hughes, Sr., relocated to south of the James River,
settling in what is currently Powhatan County, probably 
before 1725. 

Robert T. ("Bob") Strong, Jr., Manager, STRONG Mail List
119 Mystic Way, Monrovia Comm., Madison, AL 35758-7113
(c) 1997.   Permission granted to copy for personal use only.
---------- End of message ----------

To: "Strong Family genealogy list"
Subject: Historical Insights
Date: 4 Apr 1997 19:04:00 EDT

Hi Bob...

Thanks for the correction.... Peter Massey  vice Robert Woodson....

 1) was MASSEY related to Robert Hughes?
 2) I don't know much about the history of the Quaker movement, other
than some high school history lessons about William Penn and settlement
of Pennsylvannia by the "Society of Friends".  Obviously, they must have
started in England and spread widely.  Without going into too much
detail... When, Where, Why did they start in England?  Is there any
known historical connection between the roots of the movement and
Somerset and Dorset?  How about relationships to the other "dissenting"
(as opposed to the Anglican Established Church of England) religious
groups in 17th Century England?
 3) Can any of our English Subscribers add any insights into this
particularly and, more generally, to the overall discussion?  {:-) !!!!

Dave Strong

---------- End of message ----------

From: (Robert T. Strong)
To: "Strong Family genealogy list"
Subject: SUBSCRIBERS to STRONG Mail List, 4 APR 97 
Date: Fri, 04 Apr 1997 18:15:21 EST

>From the keyboard of Bob Strong, List Manager

Robert T. Strong, Jr. 
119 Mystic Way, Lori's Landing S/D, Monrovia Community 
Madison, AL 35758-7113


                         ROBERT'S RAMBLINGS
As the originator of the STRONG and related and similar Surnames
Mail List, there were a number of decisions that I had to make.

First, what would be the scope of the Mail List?  My decision was 
to create a very comprehensive, heterogeneous Mail List, including
several surnames other than STRONG.  I decided to include all
Strongs, anywhere, anytime.  See the Welcome Message you 
received for a fuller statement of the Scope of this List.

Second, would the Mail List be restricted and, if so, what restrictions
would be imposed?  Subscriptions to a Mail List may be "by invitation
only" with the List Manager ["List Owner"] approving all subscribers.
A Mail List may be moderated on not moderated in terms of editing
and approval of messages posted.  On a restricted Mail List, the
List Manager may require that all message be addressed to the List
Manager, who must approve the messages before they are posted
to other subscribers.  [Compare, for example, the Roots Surname
List, also called Social.Genealogy.Surnames Mail List, where in the
past the Subject Line of every message had to be approved by the 
moderators before the message could be posted.]  My decision was 
to have an unrestricted, unmoderated Mail List.  This decision is 
predicated on my belief that subscribers can and will cooperate 
with  some very simple policies or "rules".

Third, what policies or "rules" would be established for this Mail 
List?  Very few rules were established.  One rule that appeared 
to be needed on a heterogeneous Mail List was that the Subject 
Line must be descriptive of the content of the message in terms 
of stating WHO, WHERE, and WHEN the message was about.
The purpose of this policy is to faciliate a subscriber's scanning
of Subject Lines to identify which messages they wish to read and
which messages they wish to delete without reading.  As List Manager
["List Owner"] I will continue to insist that this policy be adhered to 
as long as we continue as a heterogeneous group.  I do not like
controversy or confrontation and wish to avoid it whenever possible.
If, however, a subscriber blatantly ignores this policy I will confront
them, first privately, then. if necessary, publicly.  If private
is not effective, then hopefully "peer pressure" will be effective.  We 
all have a stake in maintaining orderly discipline within our group.

As subscribers. you also have some decisions to make.  If you feel
that the policies that have been established for this Mail List are
intolerable, you must decide whether you wish to continue to 
subscribe to this Mail List.  

As subscribers, you must decide whether we will continue as a very
comprehensive group, as now, or whether you wish to establish a
number of of smaller, more homogeneous Mail Lists:  

     Descendants of John Strong of Massachusetts
     Descendants of John Strong of Virginia
     Descendants of Christopher Strong and/or
                              James Strong of South Carolina
     Other Strong Lines in the USA
     Strongs of the British Isles
     Strongs of Canada
     Strongs of Australia
     Straughan, Straughn, Strawn

If we subdivide, my fear is that only the first three subgroups
would survive.  We would no longer have the benefit of sharing
data which was sometimes mis-recorded; for examples:  Strong
for Strang in Essex Co., VA, or Straughan for Strong in Hanover
Co., VA.   We would no longer have the benefit of international
collaboration, particular with Strongs in the British Islands.

Each of you are at liberty to form a new Mail List whenever 
you wish.  No one can prevent you from doing that.  All that is
required is the approval of Mr. Larry V. Stephens 
< >, who "owns" the system that 
supports the Surname and Regional Mail Lists available from 
the Mail Server ["Maiser"] at the University of Indiana.  There 
are some obligations with becoming a List Manager, which
Mr. Stephens will explain to you.  (On 4 APR 97, Mr. Stephens
announced a moratorium on starting new lists until at least
1 MAY 97.  Please do not contact him about starting a new 
Surname List before that date.)

This is the time to speak out about your desires and wishes 
for the future of the STRONG, et al., Mail List.  For the purpose
of this public discussion or debate, the rule about the format of
Subject Lines will be suspended temporarily, but you should 
still give each of your message an accurately descriptive title.  
Two weeks, or until 18 APR 97, seems a reasonable period for 
this discussion.


If you know a Strong, etc., researcher who is not already subscribed,
please send them an invitation to join us, to learn about our families, 
and to share information about their families.   A sample or model
Announcement has been posted to the Mail List which may be used
for this purpose.  Contact the List Manager is you do not have a copy.

You are invited to resubmit any queries or lineages that have not been
posted in the past month.  Just please begin the Subject Line of these
messages with "Re-Post:"  In your Subject Line include, if possible, 
Who, Where, and When.


ON THE STRONG MAIL LIST.  Do NOT request archived
mail for these dates.

25 and 27 DEC 96
7, 8, 9, 13, 14, 16, 17, 18, 20, 22, 23, 24, 25, 27, 31 JAN 97. 
1-25 FEB 97 (Not archived.  Request from List Manager.)
27 FEB 97
13, 18, 20, 25 MAR 97

The syntax for obtaining archived messages for the STRONG
List from the MAISER List Server address is:

send YY-MM-DD.std


send 97-01-30.std
send 97-03-24.std

                     CURRENT SUBSCRIBER LIST

Members of STRONG Mail List as of FRIDAY, 4 APR 97

Current number of subscribers:  56

Welcome to New Subscribers This Week: 4
     LavonnaS (Lavonna Smith) (Victoria Strong)
We look forward to our new subscribers introducing
themselves and their Strong, Strang, Strange, 
Straughan, etc.,  family connections in the near future.
Please tell us Who, Where, and When about your 
connections and you are also urged to post a descendancy
chart.  Please also identify yourselves, if you have not 
already done so,  so that a name can be attached to your 
Internet E-Mail address. 


Not Receiving E-Mail from Strong List (Set to NOMAIL): (Mike Strong)
To contact the above individual, send your message directly
to his E-Mail address rather than to the STRONG List.


The following cancelled their subscriptions this week: 1   

Please report any corrections or additions to the Subscriber
List below to the List Manager.  A migration route will be 
added to your name and/or E-Mail address if you provide 
that information.

"Descendants," as used below, includes researchers of these 
families who may not be descendants.


Strongs in England (Lise Elliott) 
           [Thomas Strong, b. 1766, East Sussex, England]

Strongs of England & Australia (William ("Bill") Strong)
            [Thomas Strong, d. bef. 1918, Oxford?, England]  

Strongs of Ireland and Canada ("Bill" Strong)  [IRE > CAN > MT, USA] (Mike Strong) [IRE > ONT, CAN] (Dave Strong) [IRE > ONT, CAN]
            [George Strong, (b. Ireland abt. 1825, d. Ontario 1893)]

Other Strongs of Canada
     Descedants of William Strong, b. 1825,  of Newfoundland
  (Barbara Pederson)
  (Gerry Strong) 

Strongs of Scotland and  Ireland and South Carolina
    Charles Strong, b. Scotland, d. 1783 Ireland
          Letitia Strong (b. 1766, Ireland-d. 1837, SC)
          m. 1778 James STRONG, Jr. (b.1749, IRE -d.1829, SC)            
          (Thomas Weir)
          (Roger Dellinger)
           Christopher Strong, b. 1760 IRE; d. 1850, Dickson Co., TN
           (Lowry Betts)
           (Jim McCuller)
Strongs of Ireland and South Carolina
     James Strong, Sr. b.1709 Ireland; d, 1779 Chester Co., SC
   (Thomas Weir)
   (Roger Dellinger)
John Strong, "Elder", of England, Massachusetts, and

      Descendants of Thomas Strong, son of John Strong
  (Cleta Terrell)
  (Sandi Strong Rowe)
  (Theresa Lang) 
  (Patt Fulton) 

     Descendants of Hannah Strong, daughter of John Strong
  [Sanford B. Hunt)

     Descendants of Return Strong (son of John) and Sarah Warham
           Sarah Strong m. 1696 (Capt.) John Higley in Windsor, CT      
     Descendant of Hester Strong, daughter of John Strong
   (Ruth Thoden)

     Descendant of Elizabeth Strong, daughter of John Strong,
     who married Joseph Parsons
          cathyl@TSO.Cin.IX.Net (Catherine (Hover) Lippert)             

Possible descendants of John Strong, "Elder", of Massachusetts
  (Joe Ticknor Breeze) 
           [Tabitha Strong of Salisbury, Litchfield Co., CT 
             m. 1772 John Ticknor (or Tickner)] ( Dick Parker)
           [George Strong of Marblehead, MA]

Strongs of Northeastern U. S. (Karen McKellar) 
          [__?__ Strong of Pennsylvania] (Allan T. Hackney)
          [Charles STRONG, b. 4 Apr 1778 d. 1844 in Leesburg,
                                            Cumberland Co., New Jersey] (Emmett W Bratt)
          [James STRONG b. 1727; d. 1804, York Co., PA: 
          Great Britain ? > PA > OH ] (Kelly Loveall)
          [Mary Isabelle STRONG b. 1855 Sag Harbor, LI, New York,
          d. 1892; m. Everett Alphonso HANCOCK, resided Groton, CT. (Megan E. Scott)
           [John Strong of Chester Co., PA]      

Strongs of Midwestern U. S. (Mr. Terry Dearborn)     
           [Lysander STRONG. b. 1791 [CT?]; d.1837, Medina, OH]
Strongs of Central U.S. [Teresa L. Edwards]     
           Nancy Jane Strong Fleetwood, d. 1898, Douglas Co., MO (Bill Strong)
           Herman J. STRONG:  OH > IA > NE,  1822 - 1916 (Cindy Prince)
           Melissa STRONG, of Choctaw descent, m. 1855 William J. 
           LOONEY,  MO > OK or TX > MO

John Strong, Sr., of New Kent Co., VA
      Descendants of John Strong, Jr., son of John Strong, Sr.
            Descendants of Martin Strong, 1st
        (Robert T. Strong)
        ("Matt" Strong) 
        (Agness Duncan Koch)
        (GeLee Corley Hendrix)
            Descendants of William Strong, Sr., son of John Strong, Jr.
         (R. W. Moss)
      Descendants of William Strong, Sr., son of John Strong, Sr.     
    (Russell Laird)  
    (James R. Rolff m. Sandra Strong)
    (Thomas Mathews)
                  James Strong, b. KY, about 1844
                  Daniel W. Strong of Gainesville, Ozark Co., MO

Probable descendants of John Strong, Sr., of New Kent Co.,VA

     Probable descendants of William Strong, Sr., son of John, Sr.
          Descendants of Joseph Strong of Jackson/Clay Co., TN     
       (Donald L. Hendrix) 
       (Carl Cason)
       (Dave Strong)
          Descendants of Samuel Strong of Rockingham Co., NC
          and Lawrence Co., MS          
       (Leanne Dooley) 
          Descendants of unidentified Strongs of Rockingham Co., NC     
       (Francie Lane) 

     Probable descendant of John Strong, Jr., Hanover Co., VA
          Probable descendant of David Strong of Giles Co., TN
                Susan Strong Haden %
       (Wade R. Watts)
 STRAUGHAN Family researchers: (Norma Straughan Russie)       
          John Wm. STRAUGHAN, b. 20 DEC 1842, ENG > VA (Jim Straughan)
         Straughan/Straughn: VA > KY, ca. 1760s.  

STRANG Family researchers: (Emmett W. Bratt)
          [STRANG: ENG>PA;1700's]

STRANGE Family researchers:
         [James Strange of London, ENG, abt 1780 & descendants.]

Lineage unidentified or unknown or not clear. 
Some subscribers have not posted their lineage--
or perhaps I have overlooked it.      (Robert S. Strong)
     LavonnaS (Lavonna Smith)


---------- End of message ----------

From: (Robert T. Strong)
To: "Strong Family genealogy list"
Subject: Joanna Strong, wife of Gen. Wm FLOYD, Signer of Dec. of Ind.
Date: Fri, 04 Apr 1997 21:45:43 EST

The following is only a brief excerpt from the message posted 
by Claudia B. Michael regarding Gen. William Floyd.  Anyone
desiring a copy of the full message may contact either me or
Russell Laird.

The numbers in BLOCK CAPS in the message referred to
generations in Ms. Michael's original descendancy chart.
Gen. Floyd belonged to the Fourth Generation.

Robert T. ("Bob") Strong, Jr., Manager, STRONG Mail List
119 Mystic Way, Monrovia Comm., Madison, AL 35758-7113
(c) 1997.   Permission granted to copy for personal use only.

--------- Begin forwarded message ----------

From: Russell Laird 
To: "'Robert T. Strong'" 
Subject: Forwarded Message: 
              Genealogy of Gen. Wm FLOYD, Signer of Dec of Ind
Date: Tue, 25 Mar 1997 22:40:18 -0600

Hi Bob,

Don't know if you've seen this, but I find it interesting that one Joanna
Strong, daughter of Benajah Strong, was second wife of Gen. Floyd. 

Russell Laird

From: Claudia B. []
Sent:	Monday, March 24, 1997 10:20 AM
To: 	American Revolution discussion list
Subject: Genealogy of Gen. Wm FLOYD, Signer of Dec. of Ind.

Signer of the Declaration of Independence

William FLOYD (THE GENERAL), b 12/17/1734, married 
(1) Isabella JONES,  dau of William Jones.  Died 8/4/1821,
Westernville, Oneida Co.,   NY.  

Married (2) Joanna STRONG, dau of Benajah Strong, 
died 11/24/1826, aged 76.
Descendants of Gen. Wm. Floyd and 2nd wife, Joanna Strong:
  FIFTH: Ann, married (1) George W. CLINTON, 9/19/1808, son of
         the late  Vice-President of the U. S.  Issue:
  SIXTH: George Washington
        (2) Abraham VARICK.  Issues:

                     SIXTH:  Antoinette,
                               Richard Floyd,
                                 Julia Clinton

                  5. Eliza, married James PLATT of Utica, d 12/17/1820.

                     SIXTH: William Floyd, b 1815, married Catherine
                                    WOOLSEY, dau of Henry Livingston Woolsey, 
                                    d 4/14/1844.  Issue:  
---------- End of message ----------

To: "Strong Family genealogy list"
Subject: Strong Bible
Date: Fri, 4 Apr 1997 23:19:53 -0500 (EST)

Regarding the OLIVER  RIPLEY STRONG b. 5 Aug., 1781, mar. at Onondaga, N.Y.,
20 Jan., 1810,  to Margaret McLaren, the following:  He was a son of JONATHAN
STRONG, a farmer of Coventry, CT.,  and his 2nd wife, widow Amy Spaulding, of
Windham, CT.  JONATHAN STRONG  was a son of STEPHEN STRONG, a farmer of
Lebanon, CT., and  Abigail Buell.  STEPHEN STRONG was a son of JEDEDIAH
STRONG, JR. of  Northampton, later Lebanon, CT.  JEDEDIAH STRONG, JR. was a
son of JEDEDIAH STRONG, SR. who was a son of (Elder) JOHN STRONG, the

The above is referenced in Vol. 2, Benjamin W. Dwight's "The History of the
Descendants of (Elder) John Strong of Northampton, MA." (1871, Rpt.
Baltimore:  Gateway Press, 1975)

Perhaps the above information will help in finding a descendant.

---------- End of message ----------

From: (Robert T. Strong)
To: "Strong Family genealogy list"
Subject: Corrected ANNOUNCEMENT:  STRONG Mail List
Date: Sat, 05 Apr 1997 07:48:26 EST

If your Internet Service Provider has a public Bulletin Board, 
especially one for genealogy, please post the following 
announcement on the Bulletin Board (unless it has already been
posted by another person).  You may also use the attached 
announcement to send to relatives and other prospective 



A new Mail List has been created to provide a disucussion 
group and exchange of information about the Strong and 
similar or related surnames. anywhere, anytime.

There are no charges for subscribing to this discussion group 
(Mail List).   Messages posted to the Mail List are automatically
distributed to all subscribers via the Mail Server (MAISER) at
the Univerisy of Indiana.

SCOPE OF THE STRONG MAIL LIST:  This is a discussion area 
for anyone who has an interest in genealogy and history of the 
STRONG family, anywhere, anytime, including all similar sounding 
surnames (e.g., Straughan), etymologically equivalent names 
(e.g., Strachan), surnames that may have been shortened to 
Strong (e.g, Strongman or Stronger), surnames that might be 
misrecorded or misperceived as Strong or vice versa (e.g., Strang),
and names in languages other than English that would be 
translated into "Strong".  
Following are the more common surnames in this group.


When sending messages to the Strong Mail List, you are requested 
to follow the same conventions for entering the SUBJECT as are 
used by the Soc.Genealogy.Surnames List.  The "USA" may be 
dropped for the 50 states of the United States of America.  Please 
begin your Subject Line with the surname in block capitals, followed 
by the location or migration route, followed by the time frame.  This 
will greatly assist everyone in scanning the Subjects lines to 
determine which messages they wish to read and which messages 
they wish to delete without reading.   Here are several examples to 
use as models:

STRONG: VA > TN > TX; 1672-Present
"STRAUNGE"/"STRANGE", William: ENG > VA; 1619 immigrant
"STRAUGHAN", William: Hanover Co., VA; 1730s
STRANG or STR0NG?, John: Essex Co., VA, d. 1718

Users of the STRONG Mail List are also requested to keep the 
lengths of the lines in messages to a maximum of 65 spaces.  This 
will greatly reduce the breaking up of lines when additional 
characters are added to replies or when your message is received
by someone using large screen fonts.  A line length of 65 characters
also facilitates the printing of messages as it provides a 6 1/2 inch
line when using 10 point fonts, leaving adequate room for left and
right margins.

After you submit your subscription, you will recieve a Welcome 
Message, which also includes guidelines for using the Mail List.  
Receipt of this massage confirms that your name has been added 
to the STRONG Mail List.  The message will explain some 
additional commands to be used with this or other lists available 
through the MAISER listserver, including how to terminate your
subscription, how to obtain archived messages, etc.


Queries and replies of general interest should be posted to the 
LIST. Replies and discussions that are NOT of general interest 
to other subscribers on the Strong Mail List should be sent to 
person's private Internet E-mail address.  Any mail addressed to

will automatically be sent to everyone on the mail list.



To subscribe to the STRONG Mail List, send a message to

with the following message, beginning Column 1, Line 1:


Do not place the SUB command in the subject line, as anything 
you put in the subject line is ignored.  You DO NOT have to leave 
the subject line blank.   Anything in the subject line is IGNORED 
by the MAISER computer except to quote it back to you, which is 
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No signature line is required.  If you add a signature line, skip
a line after EXIT.

Do NOT sent your message to subscribe to 
< > as this creates unnecessary
clerical work for the List Manager.


The Manager of the Strong Mail List is:   

Robert T. ("Bob") Strong, Jr. 
119 Mystic Way, Lori's Landing S/D   
Madison, AL 35758-7113 

Internet E-Mail:  

---------- End of message ----------

To: "Strong Family genealogy list"
Date: Sat, 5 Apr 1997 10:43:18 -0500 (EST)

Seeking information on family of JOHN STRONG born 1585 Taunton, England.
Descend from his daughter, Esther who married Thomas BISSELL. Can anyone help?
Please email
Ruth Jordan Thoden
---------- End of message ----------

To: "Strong Family genealogy list"
Subject: Re: STRONG, JOHN
Date: Sat, 05 Apr 1997 20:24:37 EST

Ruth-It is all published in Vol III Strong Family Up-date pages 552-603
complete with bibliography. Which way do you want to go--back to Elder
John or from Hester/Esther  until now? 
If there are names you want to look up let me know. Copies of the book
are available from SFAA.
Sandy in Lubbock TX Descend from Hannah sister of Hester/Esther.

On Sat, 5 Apr 1997 10:43:18 -0500 (EST) writes:
>Seeking information on family of JOHN STRONG born 1585 Taunton, 
>from his daughter, Esther who married Thomas BISSELL .  Can anyone 
>Please email
>Ruth Jordan Thoden
---------- End of message ----------

From: (Robert T. Strong)
To: "Strong Family genealogy list"
Date: Sun, 06 Apr 1997 12:56:20 EDT

1632-1800, AN INDEX...  Baltimore, MD:  Genealogical Publishing
Co., Inc., (c) 1965

STRACHAN, Peter; Henrico Co., VA, 1793 Inventory

STRAHAN, Adam; York Co., VA, 1667 will

STRANG ["STRONG" in Index]; John, Essex Co., VA, 1718 Will

STRAUGHAIUN, Hugh; Stafford Co., VA, 1745 Inventory

STRAUGHAN; Northunberland Co., VA

     David Straughan, 1763 Will
     James Straughan, 1741 Inventory
     James Straughan, 1742 Inventory
     Richard Straughan, 1763 Will 
     Winifred Straughan, 1745/6 Inventory

STRONG, Edward, Norfolk Co., VA, 1780 Administration

---------- End of message ----------

To: "Strong Family genealogy list"
Subject: George Stronge to Hannah
Date: Sun, 06 Apr 1997 13:51:46 EDT

This is for all but in answer to a question by RUTH THODEN.


1.  George STRONGE was born in 1566 in prob. Chardstock, Dorset, England.
See notes..  8th year of reign of ELIZABETH according to Burke, 1871, Vol
I., p 1333.  He died in 1635.1  George first appeared on the Chardstock
Manor Court Rolls, Sept 1596.
Manor Court Rolls page 544. His will dated Nov 20, 1627, proved Feb. 13
1635. (prerogative Court of Canterbury 1636, pile 15, Nov 20, 1627. A
is printed on page xvii of Vol III of The Strong Family History . In it
mentions his grandson Elder John as well as his other sons, Thomas,
William, and Walter. His wife is not mentioned which indicates she died

Children of George STRONGE were:

	+2	i.	Thomas STRONGE.
	3	ii.	William STRONGE was born.  No date but before
	4	iii.	Walter STRONGE was born.  No date but before
	+5	iv.	John STRONGE.


2.  Thomas STRONGE was born.  No date but somewhere before 1635/6 date of
proving of father's will.

He was married to Joanna BAGGE on 12 May 1604 in Chardstock, Dorset,
England.  Joanna BAGGE was buried on 26 Aug 1657 in Chardstock, Dorset,
England.  Children of Thomas STRONGE and Joanna BAGGE were:

	6	i.	Margaret STRONGE was baptized on 29 Jun 1604
in Chardstock, Dorset, England.
	7	ii.	Elizabeth STRONGE was baptized on 3 Dec 1606
in Chardstock, Dorset, England.
	8	iii.	Lavina STRONGE was baptized on 17 Mar 1608
in Chardstock, Dorset, England.
	9	iv.	Daughter STRONGE was buried on 10 Jun 1609. 
Prob. Margaret, Elizabeth or Lavina.
	+10	v.	Jane STRONGE.
	11	vi.	Sarah STRONGE was baptized on 29 Jun 1613.2
	12	vii.	James STRONGE was baptized on 24 Aug 1618.2

5.  John STRONGE3 was buried on 14 Jun 1613 in Chard, Somerset, England.

He was married in 1609 in Chard, Somerset, England.  Children of John

	+13	i.	John STRONG Elder..
	14	ii.	Eleanor STRONG.


10.  Jane STRONGE was baptized on 20 Mar 1610.  Prob. m. JHohn Hopkins
and came to New England.

She was married to John HOPKINS in possible m..  Jane STRONGE and John
HOPKINS had no known children.

13.  John STRONG Elder. was born about 1610 in Chard, Somerset, England. 
He died on 14 Apr 1699 in Northampton, Hampshire, MA..4  He was buried in
Northampton, Hampshire, MA..  REFERENCES TO DWIGHT ARE FROM History of
the Strong Family, 2
BENJAMIN W. Dwight,1871. This info furnished by Sherburne F. Barber, 5
Yorkshire Ave Sunny Brook, NY 11790. Elder Strong was patriarch of the
Strong family.Came to colonies abt. 1630. 17 children documented in
DWIGHT.Elder John was the son of John Stronge. He was grandson of
George.If John did come to New England in 1630 on the MARY and JOHN he
returned to England and came back with his family later on the ship
HOPEWELL of London (Master John Driver) to MA, May 14, 1635. Margarie and
a second child died soon after their arrival in Hingham MA. He soon
married 2d Abigail Ford and removed to Taunton, MA. There is no record of
John in Dorchester except for the baptism of his son RETURN, and he did
not remove to Windsor CT until ca 1645." From Eva Garfat, Associate
Historian SFAA, 1992 by message to Col. S. B. Hunt in Texas. (From the
name of his son, it would appear that he may have been in America
earlier). For proof one would have to turn to Strong Family Association
America, Strong Family Update Vol. III).
The will of Elder John is found on page xxviii of Vol III.
Stronge was changed to Strong in 1706. (page xvii Strong Family History).

He was married to Margery DEANE about 1632 in Powerstock England. 
Margery DEANE died about 1635.  d/o William Deane. Margery died w/infant
abt. 1635  Children of John STRONG Elder. and Margery DEANE were:

	15	i.	John STRONG.  Married  Mary Clark, Elizabeth
Warriner, Hannah Trumble nee Smith (widow
			of Joseph TRUMBLE)

He was married to Abigail FORD in 1635 in Dorchester, Suffolk, MA. 
Abigail FORD was baptized on 8 Oct 1619 in Bridport, Dorsetshire, Eng..5 
She died on 16 Jul 1688 in Northampton, Hampshire, MA..  Abigail Ford was
John Strong's second wife.  Children of John STRONG Elder. and Abigail
FORD were:

	16	i.	Thomas STRONG.  Married Mary Hewett; Rachel
	17	ii.	Jedediah STRONG.  m. Freedom Woodward;
Abigail Stebbins nee Bartlett; Mary Lee nee Hart.
	18	iii.	Josiah STRONG.
	19	iv.	Return STRONG.  m. Sarah WARHAM;Margaret
	20	v.	Elder Ebenezer STRONG.  m. Hannah CLAPP
	21	vi.	Abagail STRONG.  m. Rev. Nathaniel Chauncey;
Medad Pomeroy
	22	vii.	Elizabeth STRONG died in 1712.
	+23	viii.	Sarah STRONG.
	24	ix.	Experience STRONG was born in 1650.  m.
Zerubbabel Fyler. Some refs. say a Mr. Sackett.
	25	x.	Samuel STRONG was born in 1652.  m. Ester
Clapp;Ruth Sheldon Wright
	+26	xi.	Mary STRONG.
	27	xii.	Joseph STRONG was born in 1654.
	+28	xiii.	Hannah STRONG.
	29	xiv.	Hester STRONG was born in 1661.  m. THomas
Bissell Jr.
	30	xv.	Thankful STRONG was born in 1663.  m.
Jonatghan Baldwin
	31	xvi.	Jerijah STRONG was born in 1665.  m.
Thankful Stebbins


23.  Sarah STRONG.  m. Joseph Barnard; Capt. Jonathan Wells.

She was married to Thomas CLARKE.  Strong Family Assn. Vol III update. 
Sarah STRONG and Thomas CLARKE had no known children.

26.  Mary STRONG was born in 1654.  Dwight page 1468. Sister of Capt.
William Clark's wife, Hannah.

John CLARK Dea. was born in 1651.  Mary STRONG and John CLARK Dea. had no
known children.

28.  Hannah STRONG6 was born on 30 May 1659 in Northampton, Hampshire,
MA..7  She died in Lebanon, New London, CT.8  Hannah may have been born
in either Windsor or Northampton, MA.,as it was
in that year that most of the family removed to Northampton. Dwight says
he is "of" Northampton but was a large landholder in Lebanon.---SFAA
opinion. Vermont Vital Records, Lebanon Town Hall Vault #1 states Hannah
died on the 31st of Jan the date Benoni was born contrary to SAVAGE who
says she died 10 days after Benoni's birth.

She was married to William CLARK Capt. on 15 Jul 1680 in Northampton,
MA..  William CLARK Capt. was born on 3 Jul 1656 in Dorchester, Suffolk,
MA.  He died on 9 May 1725 in Lebanon, New London, CT.  Capt. Clark came
with his parents to Northampton, MA. Beginning with his
Dad they had large families and extensively inter-married with the Strong
(and later Hunt) families. Capt. Wm. dropped "e'. He bought with Josiah
Dewey May 2 1700, of Owanaebo, sachem of the Mohegans, a large tract of
wilderness, there called, "The Clark and Dewey Purchase".  Children of
Hannah STRONG and William CLARK Capt. were:

	32	i.	Abigail CLARK.
	33	ii.	Benoni CLARK.
	+34	iii.	Hannah CLARK.
	+35	iv.	William CLARK Jr..
	+36	v.	Jonathan CLARK.
	37	vi.	Thomas CLARK was born in Apr 1690.
	+38	vii.	Joseph CLARK.

1.  Date will was proved. Death date unknown.

2.  compiled by Martha  F. Strong Associate English\Welsh SFAA Historian.
 The Strong Family History Update Vol III page xviii.  Published by
Strong Family Association  1992.

3.  The Strong Family History Update Vol III page xviii. His will is on

4.  History of the Strong Family by Benjamin W. Dwight 1871 sent to S. B.
by Sherburne F. Barber,5 Yorkshire AVe , Stony Brook, NY 11790. All from
letters. This letter June 30,1991.Also see The Strong Family History
Update Vol. III.

5.  Strong Family Association of America.  Dates from Strong FAmily
Update Vol III-1992.  Gateway Press, Baltimore MD 21202, 1992.

6.  Furnished by Sherburn Barber, Stony Brook LI NY.  Dwight, page: 1469.

7.  Dwight page 1468./ Ann Hinckley Levy says Hannah b. in Windsor,
Hartford CT, d. 11
Feb. 1693 Northampton, Hampshire, MA.

8.  First Settlers of New England by Savage states she died 10 days after
birth of Benoni, b. Feb 1, 1693 + 10 is 11 Feb. She probably died in
Northampton because  Wm. did not go to Lebanon until ca 1700.-.

Prepared by:
Col. Sanford B. Hunt
6506 Oxford Ave
Lubbock TX 79413-5129

(This is all I have in my computer on STRONG since HANNAH married a HUNT
I only follow the Hunts from here. RE HESTER/ESTHER Hannah's sister-Do
you have any idea which of her children you want me to follow--or I might
be able to work backwards from a more recent name.Alternatively I can
give you a list of names to pick from. Let me know. sbh Lubbock TX,
---------- End of message ----------

To: "Strong Family genealogy list"
Subject: New to the Strong List
Date: Mon, 7 Apr 1997 02:20:15 -0400 (EDT)

Hi, I am new to this list.  Here is how I desended from the Le'Strange
(Strange or Strong now) Family.  I hope I am in the right place for my

Descendants of Daniel Strang

Generation No. 1
DANIEL1 STRANG was born 1661, and died 1707 in Rye, Westchester Co., New
York.  He married CHARLOTTE LE MESTRE.

	Children of Daniel Strang and Charlotte Le Mestre are:
	i.	LOUISON2 STRANG, b. Bef 1687.
	ii.	PENELOPE STRANG, b. Abt 1687.
	iii.	DANIEL STRANG, b. Abt 1692, New Rochelle, Westchester Co., New York; d.
1741, Yorktown, Westchester Co., New York.
	iv.	CHARLOTTE STRANG, b. Abt 1693.
	v.	GABRIEL STRANG, b. May 07, 1696, New Rochelle, Westchester Co., New York.
	vi.	MARY PRUDENCE STRANG, b. Aft 1696.
	vii.	HENRY STRANG, b. February 27, 1702/03, Rye, Westchester Co., New York.

Generation No. 2
HENRY2 STRANG (DANIEL1) was born February 27, 1702/03 in Rye, Westchester
Co., New York.  He married ELIZABETH COOBS KISSAM October 09, 1726 in
Hempstead, Long Island, New York.

	Children of Henry Strang and Elizabeth Kissam are:
	i.	DANIEL3 STRANG, b. Abt 1727, Rye, Westchester Co., New York.
	ii.	ELIZABETH STRANG, b. Unknown, Rye, Westchester Co., New York; m. RICHARD
 VAN DYCK, Abt 1740.
      iii.	HANNAH STRANG, b. Unknown, Rye, Westchester Co., New York; d.
September 19, 1784.
	iv.	LEVINA STRANG, b. Unknown, Rye, Westchester Co., New York; m. JOHN
WOODS, March 17, 1761.

Generation No. 3
HANNAH3 STRANG (HENRY2, DANIEL1) was born Unknown in Rye, Westchester Co.,
New York, and died September 19, 1784.  She married GABRIEL CARMAN Aft 1744.

	Child of Hannah Strang and Gabriel Carman is:
      	i.	PETER4 CARMAN.

Generation No. 4

	Child of Peter Carman and Elizabeth Furman is:

Then:  Joseph G. Carman, George W. Carman, John Lacy Carman, Philip Sackett
Carman and then me,  Matthew James Carman


---------- End of message ----------

From: (Robert T. Strong)
To: "Strong Family genealogy list"
Subject: FORWARD:  STRONG: Capt John of Rensselaer Co., NY
Date: Mon, 07 Apr 1997 16:50:12 EDT

--------- Begin forwarded message ----------

From: Lin Van Buren, 
To: (Robert T. Strong)
Subject: STRONG: Capt John of Rensselaer Co., NY
Date: Fri, 13 Dec 1996 03:25:12 GMT
Hi again, Bob 
As I proceed through my inbox, I see that you have sent me even 
more advice about how to search for my Hannah Otis Strong, with 
names and addresses of other researchers.  No, I hadn't realised that 
you were a new group... 
No, I'm afraid I am not very near Rochester, Monroe Co., NY, although 
I do have some people who lived there to trace! I am at Saint Leonard's
on Sea, East Sussex, on the south coast of England. Opportunities to 
be where the records are are few and far between for me. Best of luck
with the list; you seem to be looking after it well, Bob! 

--------- End forwarded message ----------
---------- End of message ----------

From: (Robert T. Strong)
To: "Strong Family genealogy list"
Subject: RE-POST: STRONG: John of Windsor CT & John of Rensselaer Co NY
Date: Mon, 07 Apr 1997 16:50:12 EDT

--------- Begin forwarded message ----------

From: (
To: (Robert T. Strong)
Cc: "Strong Family genealogy list" 
Subject: STRONG: John of Windsor CT & 
                              John of Rensselaer Co NY
Date: Fri, 13 Dec 1996 03:25:03 GMT

To: Robert T. Strong, 
From: Lin Van Buren, 
Date: Thurs 12 Dec 1996 
Subject: Sandi's early John Strong & my later one 
Hello, Bob 
Just wanted to thank you for your posting and for the hint that 
the family Sandi Strong Rowe of posted might 
be the one into which the 18th-century John Strong of Rensselaer 
Co., NY, fits. I'll be eagerly awaiting her posting in reply! 
Thanks in advance, Sandi, and also thanks for the earlier posting - 
it was especially kind of you since, as you said, it isn't even your 

On Dec 12, 1996 14:36:03, ' 
(Robert T. Strong)' wrote: 

>Subject: John Strong, Jr. [III] of Windsor, CT 
>Thanks for posting this data on John Strong, Jr. [III]. 
What was the source of the data?  Does your source 
provide later generations of this line?  Our new 
subscriber, Lin Van Buren, might  be interesed in  
later generations of this Strong family in Connecticut. 
>Bob Strong, List Manager 
>Robert T. Strong, Jr.
--------- End forwarded message ----------
---------- End of message ----------

From: (Robert T. Strong)
To: "Strong Family genealogy list"
Subject: RE-POST: Sanford B. Hunt: new Subscriber to STRONG Mail List
Date: Mon, 07 Apr 1997 16:50:12 EDT

The following re-posted message has been corrected.

--------- Begin forwarded message ----------

From: (Robert T. Strong)
To: "Strong Family genealogy list" 
Subject: Sanford B. Hunt: new Subscriber to STRONG Mail List
Date: Sat, 14 Dec 1996 05:44:48 EST

At my invitation, Sanford B. Hunt is joining the 
STRONG Family Discussion Group to serve as 
a resource person, particularly for the Hannah 
Strong line and the Elizabeth Strong line, from 
which he descends.  He has two E-Mail 

"Sandy" is retired from the U. S. Marines with
the rank of Colonel at the time of retirement.
Following is a brief introductory statement.

An invitation has also been extened to Lyle
A. Strong, associate historian, Strong Family
Association of America, to join the list.  Lyle
was heavily involved in the publication of STRONG
His reply is forthcoming.

Robert T. (Bob) Strong,Jr., List Manager

--------- Begin forwarded message ----------

From: (Sanford B. Hunt)
Subject: Not on the list
Date: Sat, 14 Dec 1996 00:46:13 EST

Hunt, Sanford Beebe, Lubbock TX, 
descendant of Hannah #2-29; also of  Elizabeth #6123. 
See pages 510-517 Strong Family Up-date, Vol III.
See also pg 512 William Hudson Hunt #27-last week 
discovery of entire colony of descendants in Bristish 
Columbia and  Calgary.

--------- End forwarded message ----------

---------- End of message ----------

From: (Robert T. Strong)
To: "Strong Family genealogy list"
Subject: RE-POST:  John STRONG [1665] Family; Hannah STRONG Pomeroy, b. 16
Date: Mon, 07 Apr 1997 16:50:12 EDT

--------- Begin forwarded message ----------

Subject: John Strong [1665]
Date: Sat, 14 Dec 1996 13:25:00 -0500

I previously presented what descendants of John [1626]
I could find on pp 20-21 of Dwight.  Here is a section of
that line in order to highlight a question - actually two: 

Descendants of John Strong - [1665]
1  	John Strong	b: 25 Dec 1665, d: 29 May 1749
#	+Hannah Trumbull			
	2  	Mary Strong	b: 24 May 1688		
	2  	Elizabeth Strong	b: 21 Sep 1689		
*	2  	Dea. Jonathan Strong	b: 22 Apr 1694
                                                d. 16 Jul 1763 
                                               m.  Hannah Ellsworth,
#                    d/o Capt Job Ellsworth and Mary Trumbull
                2  	Esther Strong	b: 12 Apr 1699		
	2  	Abigal Strong	b: 11 May 1701		
	2  	David Strong	b: 15 Dec 1704		
*	2  	John Warham Strong  b: 30 Sep 1706, 
                                                                    d. 25
Sep 1752		
*	2  	John Strong	b: 14 Jul 1707, 
                                                                d. 1 Oct
	2  	Elizabeth Strong	b: 13 Aug 1708		

* Question 1:  It seems unusual to have three kids with 
the same or similar name in one family when all three 
reached adulthood.  The last two Johns are 10 1/2 mos 
apart which isn't impossible, just unusual given the way 
the female body works, given the practice of nursing 
babies.  Yeah, I know, wet-nurses, and nursing isn't for 
everybody, and other reasons may have prevented it.  
It's just a second reason to take another look at the two 

# Question 2:  The Trumbull Connection:  Besides these 
mentions of Trumbull, I have in the Winchell book, 

Elizabeth Winchell, b. Windsor, 7 Dec 1675; m. John 
Trumble, s/o Joseph Trumble of Suffield, the pioneer, and 
brother of Joseph Trumble of Suffield, then Lebanon, and 
this brother Joseph was the father of Bro. Jonathan, CT's 
Revolutionary War Governor.  Elizabeth and John had 7
kids, including Hannah, b. 2 Oct 1697, who m. Medad 
Pomeroy - there's a Strong girl who m. a Medad Pomeroy
a generation earlier - and Mary, m. Thomas Sencer and John, 
plus another son and three daughters, not named.  

What's the Connection?  

--------- End forwarded message ----------
---------- End of message ----------

From: (Robert T. Strong)
To: "Strong Family genealogy list"
Subject: STRONG + BOORMAN:  Two marriages, NY?
Date: Mon, 07 Apr 1997 16:50:12 EDT

Can anyone add to or correct any of the following
tentative information?  Please post your reply to the 
STRONG Mail LIst with a carbon to Sandi Rowe
< >.

Robert T. ("Bob") Strong, Jr., Manager, STRONG Mail List
119 Mystic Way, Monrovia Comm., Madison, AL 35758-7113
(c) 1997.   Permission granted to copy for personal use only.

--------- Begin forwarded message ----------

Subject: Boorman
Date: Thu, 12 Dec 1996 21:01:13 -0500
Message-ID: <>

Hi Bob -- I promised you I'd find the Boorman thing 
and here it is -- tree only for the time being - still have 
to unearth the 'myth'.  

Descendants of John BOORMAN
1  John BOORMAN	b: 12 May 1748 in County Kent,
    ENG, d: 19 Sep 1796 in Scarborough, NY		
.+Mary COLGATE, b: 7 Sep 1760 in County Kent, 
    ENG, m: Abt 1780 in County Kent, ENG, [?], 
	d: 5 Aug 1831 in New York, NY	
2  Robert Henry BOORMAN	b: 15 Jun 1790, 
	d: 2 Oct 1861 in Scarborough, NY		
....+Sarah Anne HODGES, b: 1 Apr 1808, m: Abt 1828, 
	d: 3 Dec 1886 in Scarborough, NY	 
...3  Annie Boorman					
...3  Laura Boorman					
...3  Mary Boorman	b: 12 Feb 1831				
...3  John James Boorman	b: 11 Sep 1832				
...3  James Albert Boorman	b: 1835				
...3  Robert BOORMAN Jr.	b: Abt 1840				
.......+Elizabeth Duval BRODIE				 
......4  Helen Boorman					
..........+ Phil Price				 
......4  Annie Boorman					
..........	+Wortham				 
......4  James Boorman II					
......4  Elizabeth Duval Boorman, b: 1865, d: 1958 
                  in Warrenton, VA		
......4  Mary Claiborne BOORMAN	b: 1872	
             	d: 1952 in Warrenton, VA		
..........+Charles Shirley CARTER, b: 1865 in Warrenton, 
           VA, d: 1935 in Warrenton, VA	
...3  Emily Boorman	b: 3 Dec 1842				
.......+Thomas Shepard Strong, b: 10 Aug 1834; Father: 
          Selah Brewster STRONG	Mother: Cornelia UDALL
...3  Esther BOORMAN	b: Abt 1845				
.......+Charles Ruggles STRONG, b: 1844, m: in Sing 
         Sing, NY; Father: Selah Brewster STRONG, 
         Mother: Cornelia UDALL
......4  Louis Bergner STRONG, b: 1897, 
          d: 31 Jan 1940 in LI, NY		
..........+Elizabeth Duval CARTER, b: 9 Apr 1901 in 
            Warrenton, VA, m: 18 Nov 1919	d: 4 Sep 1991 
            in Hendersonville, NC; Father: Charles Shirley 
            CARTER, Mother: Mary Claiborne BOORMAN
...3  Sarah Ann Boorman, b: 28 Jan 1848				

'Sall for now.


--------- End forwarded message ----------

---------- End of message ----------

From: (Robert T. Strong)
To: "Strong Family genealogy list"
Subject: RE-POST:  Did John Strong arrive in MA in 1630 or 1635?
Date: Mon, 07 Apr 1997 16:50:12 EDT

--------- Begin forwarded message ----------

To: "Strong Family genealogy list" 
Subject: Re: Margery (Deane) STRONG
Date: Sat, 14 Dec 1996 04:31:28 -0500

Greetings -- 

I don't know, Bob.  I thought it was pretty well-established that 
[Elder] John came over on the Mary & John.  I also thought the 
passenger list of the "Hopewell" was petty well-established and 
that he wasn't on it.  He is listed as arriving in 1630 in the Index 
of Passengers and Immigrants or whatever the proper name of 
that massive volume is called.  I'm drawing on memory here,
not looking at anything.  

I fully understand how legend becomes 'truth' - repeat it often 
enough, and it becomes truth, right?  But I am highly skeptical 
of this article.  Thomas' birthdate has been estimated as 1633 in
Dorchester, his death as 3 oct 1689, aged abt 56.  Granted, this is
estimation, but a 1633 birth would certainly argue against a 1635 
birth for his older brother John.  If that were correct, and we accept
Thomas was the eldest of the second 'litter', Thomas would have
to have been born abt 1642, and the firm dates beginning 7 may 1637,
1639, 1641 etc. for his siblings being similarly off.  

Since both [Elder] John and his son Thomas were Elders in 
Northampton, it would seem that now is a good time to write 
to Northampton, and see what the local historical society has to 
say about it.  Another son, Ebenezer, was also an elder, but I think 
in another town.  Not sure.  

Your post did arrive, as it turns out, as I was trying to sort out a
of other mysteries.  In my Winchell Genealogy, there are a couple of
generations of STANLEYs.  That surname came up as I was transcribing 
John Strong (1626) descendancy, along with the name TRUMBULL.  
So I turned to the WG, and checked it out.  There are a number of 
names that can't help but be related - probably very closely.  Among
them appears Benet (Benedicta SHEPARD, d/o John, s/o Thomas)  You
may recall that I have a few Thomas Shepard Strongs in my lineage, 
the middle name coming from Anna Shepard, s/o Thomas Shepard 
(not the same one) who married William Smith in LI and had Anna
Smith, w/o Selah Strong (1737).  The other name that mystifies is 
Medad Pomeroy.  I've seen it twice, roughly a generation apart, and 
in connection with Strongs in Winsor/Suffield.  Oddly, one of the 
GEDs I picked up, has Margaret Pomeroy in it, same time and place.  
Not so oddly, I guess, huh?  

anyone have any pieces of this puzzle?  I'm all ears.  

--------- End forwarded message ----------
---------- End of message ----------

From: (Robert T. Strong)
To: "Strong Family genealogy list"
Subject: RE-POST:  John Strong, 1630s immigrant to MA: Selected Bibliograp
Date: Mon, 07 Apr 1997 16:50:12 EDT

From: 	Robert T. Strong []
Sent: 	Thursday, December 12, 1996 3:28 AM
To: 	Strong Family genealogy list
Subject: 	John Strong, 1630s immigrant to MA: 
                Selected Bibliography

Following are several books providing genealogies
of descendants of John Strong, who migrated to 
Massachusetts in the 1630s.


Dwight, Benjamin W. THE HISTORY OF THE 
Two volumes.  Albany, NY:  J. Munsell,1871.  

This set of books traced over 26,000 descendants, 
plus it included a few Strongs in an Appendix who 
could not be connected to this family at the time of 

In 1984, the two volumes by Dwight were reprinted
by Jarvis Strong, 1513 Cameron Crescent Drive,
Reston, Virginia 22090.  The price to SFAA 
members in 1987 was $75.00 for one set of two
volumes.  Jarvis Strong should be contacted 
regarding availability and current price.


A decision was made at the 1983 annual National 
Convention of the Strong Family Association of 
America (SFAA) to update Dwight's history.  Four 
updates have since been published and are available
for sale through the SFAA.  The price of each is 
$45 to SFAA members and $50 to non-members.
These prices including postage and handling.
Order from Harold Strong, 165 State Route 38,
Owego, New York 13827.  The following descriptions
are direct quotations from Volume V, page ix.

"THE FIRST BOOK, Volume I, the Jedediah Line
from Elder John Strong contains 1,162 pages, more 
than 35,000 names and was published in July 1989.
This hardbound book matches the original genealogical

"THE SECOND BOOK, Volume II, the Thomas Line 
from Elder John Strong was published in June 1990.
This volume is the approximate size of Volume I 
and matches it in appearance and quality..."

"THE THIRD BOOK, Volume III, includes some of the 
descendants of nine of the children of Elder John 
Strong and was published in Juine 1992.  It includes
some of the descendants of John, Jr., Abigail, Hannah, 
Experience, Samuel, Sarah, Hester/Esther, Thankful
and Jerijah Strong.  It is of a size and appearance
of the first two books..."

"THE FOURTH BOOK, Volume IV, includes some of 
the descendants of the remaining Elder John Strong
children; Return, Ebenezer, Elizabeth and Mary, 
published in April 1995.  It also includes some of 
the descendants of his sister Eleanor Strong Dean
and of his first cousin Jane Stronge Hopkins..."


"THE FIFTH BOOK, Volume V, includes some of the 
descendants of Strong families that are known not 
to be descended from Elder John Strong.  It also 
contains come Strong families that are not cognizant
of thier origin.  This book was published in May 1996.
The price for this book is $40.00."
---------- End of message ----------

From: (Robert T. Strong)
To: "Strong Family genealogy list"
Subject: RE-POST: STRONG m. BREWSTER; errors in Dwight's Genealogy; et al.
Date: Mon, 07 Apr 1997 16:50:12 EDT

--------- Begin forwarded message ----------
To: "Strong Family genealogy list"
Subject: Re: John Strong, Jr. [III] of Windsor, CT
Date: Fri, 13 Dec 1996 01:07:18 -0500

In a message dated 96-12-12 22:09:30 EST, writes:

<< . . . .it was a >> continutation << of the post 
<< from the >> previous evening - it came from Dwight, 
p. 20-21.  << Apparently, >> I  managed to xerox a few 
pages when I first came across Dwight - 

My old typing teacher must be spinnin'!!!!!!!!

Hope you guys are as good at translating Gibberish 
into the English as you are at genealogy!  :-)

Lin & Cleta -- I wish I could be more encouraging, but 
all I'm doing is going through old data.  I happen to 
have - as I guess most early New England descendants
do - several well-established lines there, and I d/l GEDs 
from time to time.  I also have the Winchell Genealogy
which a dear friend conned his son into xeroxing for me.  
So I'm happy to look. 

While I was looking, I found a Lewerent Strong who came 
to the US from Scotland - abt 1800 I think, but of course 
I forgot already.  Two or three generations are listed.  
They appear to be basically in IN and IL.  

I also found one that had listed John (1626) and his 
progeny.  There's more in that database than what I 
posted last night.  Realistically, there has to be or the 
author probably wouldn't have it.  Other lines are absent.  
>From that GED, at least.   But no Hannah.

BTW -- In revisiting Dwight, I realize that he is probably 
promoting the William Brewster nonsense I mentioned 
the first time I wrote.  If not, he's the one who wrote it.  
I am taking the time and space to do this because I
have been admonished, I guess is the right word, to be 
sure to tell all who will listen when a mistake has been 
discovered -- "especially one of this magnitude."  
Actually, I think the author of that quote was referring to 
the stupidity which produced it.  It seems that ?? 
Thompson is the purported idiot.  I think it was in the 
mid-1800's that this guy wrote up a genealogical article 
for a Long Island Genealogical Journal, stating that the 
assorted Hannah Brewsters in my line, which includes 
marriages to both Strongs and Thompsons, were all 
descendants of William Brewster.  He said that Jonathan
Brewster had Hannah and Nathaniel, and that Nathaniel 
also had a Hannah, and both these Hannahs, as well 
as a third one married into my lines.  Information that 
makes this erroneous was available when he wrote the
article, and it was a shameless display of poor research. 
At least two of the Hannahs Thompson attributed to Wm
Brewster came from Francis Brewster of New Haven.  I 
have quite a few of Francis' descendants if anyone needs.  

The other reason I mention this here is to alert all that 
Dwight included this error in his book, and where 
there's one, there MAY be many.  I guess it's also a 
good place to remind everyone that what we find in 
books is cool - - but should be corroborated with at 
least two other and if possible with a primary proof.  

One more product of my scanning is that there are 
three Strongs in the Winchell book.  Along with 
numerous other surnames I see in Strong lines.  They
are Lucy, Clarissa and Moses.  I also saw Medad 
Pomeroy  -  the name of Abigail's, d/o John Strong 
(1605) second husband (b. 1636).  This Medad was 
born 18 jul 1695 in Northampton, MA and married 
Hannah Trumble, d/o John Trumble and Elizabeth 
Winchell.  I have a little more on Trumble if you want 
it, but I thought it too close for a coincidence.  I sus
pect the Winchell-Pomeroy marriage has a Strong
offspring playing the part of the groom.  Hunch only.  

--------- End forwarded message ----------
---------- End of message ----------

From: (Robert T. Strong)
To: "Strong Family genealogy list"
Subject: RE-POST:  Source Books re John Strong, Sr.,  of St. Peter's 	Pari
Date: Mon, 07 Apr 1997 16:50:12 EDT

The following re-post has been abridged and corrected.

--------- Begin forwarded message ----------

From: (Robert T. Strong)
To: "Strong Family genealogy list" 
Subject: John Strong of New Kent Co., VA:  Selected Bibliography
Date: Fri, 13 Dec 1996 01:28:54 EST

The following two books provide genealogical data
regarding John Strong, resident of St. Peter's Parish
[of the Church of England], New Kent and James City
Counties, Virginia, 1698-1703, possible immigrant, and 
his descendants. Church records documented the 
infant christenings of three sons: John, William,
and George.  (There may have been other children
who are not documented in church records due to
changes in county and parish boundires and the 
lack of preservation of records in some of these
subdivisions.  No other children have been proved.)


author.  Current address:  9101 East Main Street, 
Galesburg, Michigan 49053.  (c) 1982.  Price in 1983:
$35.00, including postage.  Mimeographed.  Hard bound.  
Index of surnames.  

The author may still have a few copies of his book 
for sale. 

"Jim" Rolff is the husband of Sandra Strong.
For several years in the early 1980s, "Jim" Rolff
operated a "Strongs of the South" Newsletter.
Numerous Strong family historians made contributions 
to the Newletter.  The book is based partly on "Jim"
Rolff's personal research into his wife's Strong 
ancestry and parly on contributed data.  Roughly
half of the book concerns the descendants of William
Strong of eastern Hanover County, VA, and Pittsylvania 
County, VA.  Roughly a third of  the book concerns the 
descendants of John Strong, Jr., of westen Hanover 
County, VA.
Someone computerized the data from Rolff's book and
submitted it to the LDS Family History Center, where it
can be found in the Ancestral File, including errors in 
the book, partly caused by reporting the author's 
speculations as facts.  For example, Rolff guesed that 
the wife of John Strong, Sr., might have been a Miss
Sherwood, because the name Sherwood Strong recurred
several times in the descendants of this family.  On the 
Ancestral File, it is reported that John Strong, Sr., 
married a Miss Sherwood.  There is no record which 
supports this assertion.  Rolff also theorized that a 
Nathaniel Strong family from Norfolk County, VA, might
be descended from John Strong, Sr., of New Kent County.
On the LDS Ancestral File, this is reported as a fact.  
There is no documentation which proves this conclusion.


Update Committee, The Strong Family Association of America.  
of Strong That Are Known Not to be Descended From Elder 
John Strong of Northampton, Massachusetts.  Published for 
SFAA by Edwards Brothers, Inc., 2500 South State Street,
Ann Arbor, MI 48106-1007.  (c) 1996, SFAA.  Order from:  
Harold Strong, 165 State Route 38, Owego, NY 13827.  
Price:  $40.00, including postage.

Pages 262-480 concern "John Strong of New Kent County, 
Virginia" and his descendants.  Sub-sections included are
Introduction, Forward, First Five Generations, Sherwood
Strong [III], Mastin Strong, Robert Strong, Sherwood 
Strong [II], Johnson Strong, John Strong, George Strong, 
Nathan Strong, William Strong, Samuel Strong, and 
Thomas Strong.

There are sections on other important "Southern" Strong
families:  "Christopher Strong of Scotland", who resided in 
South Carolina and Tennessee, and "Edward Strong of 
Norfolk, Virginia".  Lesser know families originally in the
South are "Thomas Strong of North Carolina" and "William
Strong of Alabama".  

This book is not limited to "Southern" Strongs, however.  
There are many sections dealing with Strongs above the 
Mason-Dixon Line who have not been connected to the 
John Strong family of Northampton, Massachusetts. 

Unexpected sections in the book deal with "George Stronge
of Chardstock, Dorset, England" and "William Strong of Chard,
Sommerset, England". The first of these two sections treats 
ancestors and relatives of John Strong of Northampton, 

The book consists mainly of genealogical tables, with little 
exposition.  "Just the facts."

At the end of each section is a list of names and addresses
of contributors of data in that section.  

There is an excellent full name index.

--------- End forwarded message ----------

---------- End of message ----------

From: (Robert T. Strong)
To: "Strong Family genealogy list"
Subject: RE-POST: Margery (Deane) STRONG, 1st wife of John Strong, Sr., 	o
Date: Mon, 07 Apr 1997 16:50:12 EDT

--------- Begin forwarded message ----------

From: (Robert T. Strong)
To: "Strong Family genealogy list" 
Subject: Margery (Deane) STRONG
Date: Fri, 13 Dec 1996 20:58:02 EST

"George Strong of Chard, Somerset, England", page 633,
"#3-19 Elder John Strong".  The following in NOT a 
direct quotation but has been edited to improve  clarity.

[Elder] John Strong, son of John Strong, #5, born 
about 1610 in Chard, Somerset, England, died April 14,
1699, in Northampton, Massachusetts, where he is 
buried.  He  married, first, about 1632 in England, 
MARGERY DEANE, daughter of William Deane...[she]
died [along] with an infant about 1635 in Hingham or 
Taunton, Massachusetts.  [John Strong] married, second, 
in 1635 at Dorchester, Massachusetts, ABIGAIL FORD,
daughter of Thomas and Elizabeth (Charde) Ford.
[Abigail was] baptized October 8, 1619 in "Bridport",
Dorset [Shire], England; [she] died July 16, 1688 in 
Northampton, Massachusetts.  

Children by Margery:

35.  John Strong
       Married, first, Mary Clark
       Married, second, Elizabeth Warriner
       Married, third, [Mrs.] Hannah (nee Smith) Trumble,
                             widow of Joseph Trumble

36.  Infant

Children by Abigail  [16 children and their spouses named]


March 20, 1630 - Plymouth 
[NOTE: YEAR SHOULD BE 1635.  See Post Script, below.]

Landed - Nantasket, Massachusetts, May 20, 1630.

Ship "Hopewell", John Driver, Master for Massachusetts
Bay of New England.  May 8 - Weymouth.

"Jon Stronge for himself and family, and goods"
(Book #58B, entitled "Index of Ships and Passengers
to the American Colonies".  Exchequer K.R.  1618-1668.
Copied from Port Book E 190/876/1.) 

Secondary reference:  Jeanne Waters Strong in 
"Strong Family Newsletter" [specific volume, issue, and
page numbers not cited]


[Elder] John Strong's residences:  
     Hingham, Massachusetts, in 1635
     Taunton, Massachusetts, in 1638
     Windson, Connecticut, in 1646
     Northampton, Massachusetts, in 1659

John Strong, Walter Deane, and John Deane were 
admitted freemen of the Plymouth Colony, December 4, 

John Stronge is listed as able to bear arms in 1643, 
Taunton, Massachusetts.



The year of birth of John Strong, Sr.,  [church Elder] and his 
son, John Strong, Jr., have obviously been estimated in various
accounts, as has been the date of the first marriage of John 
Strong, Sr.  How accurate is the estimation of the year of birth
of John Strong, Jr.?  It is likely an estimation based on the 
assumed date of arrival: in 1630 by some accounts and in 
1635 by other accounts.  What is clear, however, is that John
Strong, Sr., was married to Margery Deane at least nine months 
before the birth of John Strong, Jr.   If John Strong, Jr., was 
born in 1626, as reported in some accounts, then John Strong,
Sr., was likely married by 1625 and was likely born at least
20 years earlier.  If, on the other hand, John Strong, Jr., was 
only a young lad in 1635, then these estimations are off by about
five years.

At least one writer has speculated that John Strong, Sr., [Elder]
arrived in Massachusetts in 1630, then returned to England, 
married and started a family, then returned to Massachusetts
in 1635, his wife and infant child either dying on board ship 
or soon after arrival in Massachusetts.   Then John Strong, Sr., 
quickly married Abigail Ford in December, 1635, in order to 
provide a mother for his young son.  If this is the case, then
John Strong, Jr., was not born until after 1630.  For further 
discussion, see the article entitled "Was John Strong on the
[ship] 'Mary and John' in 1630?" by Burton W. Spear on pages
1-2 in the Strong Newsletter, Volume 14, Issue 3, October, 1988, 
published by the Strong Family Association of America (SFAA).   

A 1632 marriage to Margery Deane is consistent with the
theory of a return trip to England by John Strong, Sr.

However, the ship record cited above appears to imply that 
the John Strong who debarked in 1630 was accompanied 
by a family.  Was this the same John Strong in 1630 who 
married Abigail Ford in 1635?  Could there have been 
TWO John Strongs involved in these records?

It has been reported that John Strong, Sr. [Elder] and his 
first wife, Margery Deane, were first cousins.  More information
is needed about the Deane family to evaluate the accuracy 
of this statement.  A common grandfather is implied.  Who 
was the common grandfather:  the father of William Deane
(father of Margery) and the father of Eleanor Deane Strong
(mother of John Strong, Sr., of Massachusetts)?

Did John Strong come to Massachusetts as an indentured
servant?  If so, the date he became a freeman should 
indicate when he arrived in the colony, assuming one 
knows the term of the indenture [deed or contract].

Robert T. (Bob) Strong, Jr.
--------- End forwarded message ----------
P. S.:  I subsequently posted a message showing the date
that the ship, HOPEWELL, arrived in Massachusetts was in
1635, not 1630.

---------- End of message ----------

From: (Robert T. Strong)
To: "Strong Family genealogy list"
Subject: RE-POST: Five Lyman STRONGs descended from John STRONG, "Elder"
Date: Mon, 07 Apr 1997 21:00:07 EDT

--------- Begin forwarded message ----------

From: (Sanford B. Hunt)
To: "Strong Family genealogy list" 
Subject: LYMAN, Strong etc
Date: Sun, 15 Dec 1996 00:14:21 EST

Re Sandi Rowe's note and Bob Strong's reply. Strongs, Lyman's, 
Clarkes and Hunts were all intermarried and descended from in MA 
and CT early 1700s. There are at least five Lyman Strongs, one is a
descendant of JERIJAH. SFAA has them all indexed.

Sandy Hunt in Lubbock, TX (Hannah Strong line)

--------- End forwarded message ----------

---------- End of message ----------

From: (Robert T. Strong)
To: "Strong Family genealogy list"
Subject: RE-POST:  Date of Birth of John STRONG, Jr.  [of Windsor, CT]
Date: Mon, 07 Apr 1997 21:00:07 EDT

--------- Begin forwarded message ----------

From: (Sanford B. Hunt)
To: "Strong Family genealogy list" 
Subject: John Strong Jr
Date: Sat, 14 Dec 1996 23:34:20 EST

Ongoing discussion of JOhn's DOB. I am a genealogist of sorts and 
often tend to cause people to be unhappy. I don't mean to do that 
so put on your best attitude, smile and read on.

I don't speculate or deal in wild guesses.  That is why so many  so
called genealogical writings say different things about the same 
people.  I paid $200 to do some reasearch in England. Guess what 
I got back--some verbatim material lifted from the  pages of DWIGHT. 
Everything you read is not always correct. So I stick with the BEST 
information I can find until someone DOCUMENTS something better. 

John Strong Jr was born about 1632 but not later than July 22, 1634, 
in the Chard area of County Somerset in England.--so says the SFAA.
(Documented). That is good enough for me until someone can 
document something else.  Now and then I must admit I do go along 
with "the preponderence of evidence" but it has to be very convincing.

Sandy in Lubbock, a STRONG descendant. (Hannah).

--------- End forwarded message ----------

---------- End of message ----------

From: (Robert T. Strong)
To: "Strong Family genealogy list"
Subject: RE-POST:  Origin of the name "Isham" STRONG, of VA, TN, TX, 	bef.
Date: Mon, 07 Apr 1997 21:00:08 EDT

--------- Begin forwarded message ----------

From: rtstrongjr
Subject: Re: John Strong [1665-1749] of Windsor, CT
Date: Sun, 15 Dec 1996 14:19:40 PST


ATTENTION:  Sandi Rowe

I will leave the discussion of the New England Strongs to 
you, Cleta Terrell, Lin Van Buren, and Sandy Hunt, and any
new subscribers researching these families. 

--------------------- Clipped -------------------

I am quite certain that my ancestory, Isham Strong, born 
Goochland County, Virginia, between 1798-1804, was named
in honor of Isham Randolph of Virginia.  Isham Strong's 
parents and grandmother were neighbors of Thomas Eston 
Randolph, who inherited the Dungeness Plantation at Rock 
Castle, on the James River, in Goochland County.  Thomas 
Eston Randolph was a grandson of Isham Randolph "of 
Dungeness", 1685-1742.  Isham Randolph was named for 
his mother's family; she  was Mrs. Mary (Isham) Randolph.  

Isham Randolph was the father of Jane Randolph, who  
married Peter Jefferson, and they were the  parents to 
Thomas Jefferson, President.  Peter Jefferson was 
from Goochland County and one of Thomas Jefferson's
plantations was in Goochland County, per tax records.
My family continued to pay tribute to this family.  My 
ancestor, Isham, named his first son Thomas Jefferson 

Col. John Chiswell is a key figure in the history of my 
Strong family, as he was a merchant and operated a 
general store in western Hanover County around 1750.
His store account provides the only documentation of 
my ancestor, John Strong [Jr.], the accounts receivable 
records showing that John Strong died by 1751.  It 
turns out that this Col. John Chiswell was the husband
of Elizabeth Randolph, granddaughter of William Randolph
of Turkey Island and his wife, Mary Isham Randolph.  

------------------- Clipped -------------------

Robert T. ("Bob") Strong, Jr., Manager, STRONG Mail List
119 Mystic Way, Monrovia Comm., Madison, AL 35758-7113
(c) 1997.   Permission granted to copy for personal use only.

--------- End forwarded message ----------

---------- End of message ----------

From: (Robert T. Strong)
To: "Strong Family genealogy list"
Subject: RE-POST: Family of Theordore STRONG, b. New Brunswick, NJ, 1863
Date: Mon, 07 Apr 1997 21:00:08 EDT

--------- Begin forwarded message ----------

From: (Robert T. Strong)
To: "Strong Family genealogy list" 
Subject: Benjamin Ruggles Woodbridge STRONG
Date: Mon, 16 Dec 1996 04:07:16 EST

The following might be of [particular] interest 
to Sandi Strong Rowe.  

Among my notes on 17th Century STRONG 
immigrants to the American Colonies I have a
couple pages I photocopied from THE 
GENEALOGY, pages 846-847, 872.  I did not
record the complete bibliographical data.


On page 846 is an ancestry chart for Theordore
STRONG, b. New Brunswick, NJ, 15 JAN 1863.
He called his home "Stronghold."  He was a 
graduate of Rutgers U., a lawyer, state senator, 
etc.  Following is an abstract of his descent.
Dates and additional data are included in the
article.  [I have added suffixes to the Josephs,

9.  John Strong, the church Elder
8.  Thomas Strong m. Rachel Holton
7.  Joseph Strong, a Justice,  m. Sarah Allen
6.  Joseph Strong, Jr., Capt., m. Elizabeth Strong
5.  Joseph  Strong, III, m. Jane Gelston
4.  Joseph Strong, IV, m. Sophia Wooldbridge
3.  Theodore Strong, LL.D., (1790-1869) m. Lucy Dix

2.  "Son of Benjamin Ruggles Woodbridge STRONG.
["Strong" in lower case, bold print.]  (1827-1907).
A.B., Rutgers, 1847.  Presiding Judge, Court of 
Common Pleas, Middlesex County, New Jersey, 
1874-[smeared].  m. 1852, Harriet Ann Hartwell
(1827-1909);   Issue:"  
     1--Edward Wooldbridge (m. Annie Porter McClintock); 
     2--Alan Hartwell (m. Susan Delancy Van Rensselaer); 
     3--Theodore (above) [and below]
     4--Elizabeth Briard

3.  [Theordore STRONG, b. New Brunswick, NJ, 
15 JAN 1863.  He called his home "Stronghold."  
He was a graduate of Rutgers U., a lawyer, state 
senator, etc.]

"M. Mar.21, 1900, Cornelia Livingston Van Rensselaer
    1.  Theodore, Jr.
    2.  Cornelia Livingston V. R. 
    3.  Katharine V. R. 
    4.  Stephen V. R.
    5.  Benjamin Ruggles Woodbridge, b. May 17, 1910
    6.  John V. R. 
    7.  Robert Livingston
    8.  Philip Livingston


[The V. R.'s above are abbreviations I have used for 
"Van Rensselaer".]

I personally had a hard time making sense out of the
chart numbering, but perhaps there is an explanation 
of the protocol in the Introduction to the volume. 

Sandi:  You might want to check the index of this 
book for "Ruggles".  Although this is not your line 
of Strongs, it would appear they are not distantly 
related because of the use of the name "Ruggles"
in both families.

Robert T. ("Bob") Strong, Jr., Manager, STRONG Mail List
119 Mystic Way, Monrovia Comm., Madison, AL 35758-7113
(c) 1997.   Permission granted to copy for personal use only.

--------- End forwarded message ----------

---------- End of message ----------

From: (Robert T. Strong)
To: "Strong Family genealogy list"
Subject: RE-POST: Lyman J. STRONG, & Other STRONGS, TN, before 1840
Date: Mon, 07 Apr 1997 21:00:08 EDT

--------- Begin forwarded message ----------

From: (Robert T. Strong)
To: "Strong Family genealogy list" 
Subject: Lyman J. Strong of Sumner, Davidson, & Shelby Co., TN
Date: Sun, 15 Dec 1996 02:32:48 EST

On Sun, 15 Dec 1996 00:14:21 EST 
(Sanford B. Hunt) wrOTE:

> Re Sandi Rowe's note and Bob's reply. Strongs, Lyman's, Clarkes 
> and Hunts were all intermarried and descended from in MA and CT 
> early 1700s.

> There are at least five Lyman Strongs, one is a descendant of 
> JERIJAH.  SFAA  has them all indexed.

>Sandy Hunt in Lubbock TX (Hannah)


Is there any documentation in SFAA records of a Lyman Strong 
who migrated to or was residing in Middle (then called "Western") 
Tennessee in the late 1820s?

At the OCT 1827 Court of Davidson Co., TN, Lyman Strong was 
certified to be of age 21 or over and he was preparing to become
licensed to practice law.  [Lyman J. Strong was thus born 1806 or 

On 24 NOV 1827 Lyman J. Strong was granted a 600 acre tract of land 
in Davidson County, TN.  

Lyman J. Strong married Martha H. Green in Sumner County, TN, on
8 SEP 1828.  Z. Green was the bondsman.

On 4 DEC 1829, Zachariah Green deeded 184 acres in Sumner 
County to Lyman J. Strong.  Lyman J. Strong sold 122 acres to 
Lewis Green on 29 DEC 1829.

>From the above records it appears that Zachariah Green was 
probably the father-in-law of Lyman J. Strong.

Lyman J. Strong was involved in several deeds of purchase 
and deeds of sale of land on Sycamore Creek in Davidson County,
and also a town lot in Nashville, in 1827 and 1828.  These appear 
to have been land speculations.  His last deed of record in 
Davidson County was the sale of the lot on Broad Street on 
7 JAN 1829.  

1830 census, Shelby County, Tennessee, Microfilm Page 13:

L. J. Strong, age 20-29
One female, age 15-19
One male, age less than 5 years
Three slaves (2 male, 1 female)

Lyman J. Strong was not enumerated on the 1840 or later 
census of Tennessee.  

Could Lyman have been the son of an unidentified Thomas
Strong who appeared briefly in the records of Davidson 
County, Tennessee, and who appeared to be wealthy by 
the standards of the time?  Or was he the son of my
ancestor, Sherwood Strong, who migrated to Sumner 
County, Tennessee, from Goochland County, Virginia,
about 1806?  Or was he unrelated to either of these two?

I'll have to do some searching for references to the above
Thomas Strong.  I had to differentiate this person from 
Thomas Strong, son of [my ancestor] Sherwood Strong.  
Thomas, son of Sherwood, served in the War of 1812 from 
Sumner County, TN.  Sherwood moved across the Cumberland 
River into Davidson County but Thomas remained in Sumner 
County for a number of years before he, too, moved to Davidson 
County.  For example, on the 1820 census, Sherwood was in 
Davidson County but his son, Thomas, was still in Sumner County.  
In 1830, Thomas, brother of Sherwood,was in Gibson Co., TN.  
Thomas, son of Sherwood, was in Davidson County, page 259
(100001-220001).  The unidentified Thomas Strong was in 
Davidson County on Page 256 (3200001-000001), near my ancestor, 
Isham (son of Sherwood); this Thomas Strong was not enumerated 
on the 1840 or later census records.

Any help in identifying the parents of Lyman J. Strong of 
Tennessee will be appreciated.

Robert T. ("Bob") Strong, Jr., Manager, STRONG Mail List
119 Mystic Way, Monrovia Comm., Madison, AL 35758-7113
(c) 1997.   Permission granted to copy for personal use only.
--------- End forwarded message ----------
---------- End of message ----------

From: (James R Rolff)
To: "Strong Family genealogy list"
Subject: Wm. Strong of James City Co., Va.
Date: Tue, 08 Apr 1997 15:07:50 EDT

Ellerby 100 (in left margin)
To all -- whereas -- now know ye that I the said
Thomas Lord Culpeper -- do with the consent
of the Council accordingly give and grant unto
Edward Ellerby one hundred acres of land lying
and being in James Citty County & bounded as
foll. (Viz.) from James River along Mrs. Nowell
line of marked trees north thirty eight degrees
easterly one hundred-seventy two chains to a
white oak thence on her said line south thirty
four & three quarter degrees easterly sixty one
& a halfe chains thence north forty five degrees
easterly seventy four and a half chains to a
white oak thence north fifty six and a quarter
degrees westerly twenty nine chains to a white
oak thence south forty five degrees easterly
sixty four chains  to an oak thence south thirty
eight degrees westerly one hundred seventy
two chains to the James River and down the
same to the place it began the said land being
part of a Patent of six hundred acres granted to
William Haveat the twentieth of October 1661
who by his last will and testament dated the
twenty sixth of August 1663 did give and bequeath
to the same William Strong who on the eighth
of October 1675 by deed under his hand and
seale sold & conveyed  the abovementioned
one hundred acres part of the six hundred
aforesaid to Stephan Butts & is due to the said
Ellerby by purchase from the said Butts by deed
dated the seventh day of September 1677 to have
and to hold -- --- hold -- yeilding ------- ------ dated
the sixteenth day of April one thousand six
hundred eighty and three

Doby 362 (in left margin)
To all -- whereas -- now know that I the said
Thomas Lord Culpeper -- do with the consent
of the Council of State accordingly give and
grant unto John Doby three hundred sixty two
acres of land lying and being in James Citty
County and bounded as foll. (Viz.) from James
River along Edward Ellerbys line of marked
trees north thirty eight degrees easterly one
hundred seventy five chains to an oak thence
north forty five degrees easterly sixty four
chains to a white oak thence north fifty six
and a quarter degrees westerly seventy eight
chains to an oak on Drinkards line and down
it south forty & a quarter degrees westerly one
hundred and six chains to an oak thence south
forty five degrees easterly twenty one chains
to a white oak standing in the head of a little
creek to Mount Sinai Bridge and down the said
little creek to the river and down it to the place
we began the said land being due to the said
Doby as foll. Viz. it being part of a Pattent of
six hundred acres granted to William Haveat
the twentieth of October 1661 who by his last
will and testament dated the twenty sixth of
August 1663 did give and bequeath the said 
to William Strong who on the thirtieth of January
1677 sold and conveyed one hundred acres part
thereof to the aforesaid John Doby and by his
last will bequeathed fifty acres more of the said
land to him the said Doby and the residue being
two hundred and twelve acres he the said Strong
did by his will dated the twenty eight of August 
1675 give and bequeath unto William and Hester
Thomas, who on the first day of August 1676
assigned the same to the aforesaid John Doby
to have and to hold -- to be held-- yeilding and
paying -- provided -- dated the sixteenth day of
-- April one thousand six hundred and eighty and

Williams, John 818 acres Did not pass the seal not
being any such county (signature) (in left margin)
To all -- whereas -- now know yee that I the said
(blank line---------------------------------------------------------)
give and grant unto Mr. John Williams a devident
of land containing eight hundred and eighteen
acres lying in James City County on the north east
side of Moses Creek bounded from an oke saplin
standing on the side of the -- Creek Marsh a little
above the old landing north fifty degrees easterly
fifteen chains to an oke north fifty eight & three
quarters degrees easterly seventy six & a half
chains to a white oke north fifty five & three
quarters degrees easterly ninety seven chains
to two white oak saplins north forty three & a half
degrees easterly ninety nine chains to a sally &
south eighty five degrees westerly two hundred
thirty five chains again to Moses Creek & down the
same soo far as the first mentioned oke saplin the
said land being due to the said John Williams as
son & heir of Richd. Williams decd.Viz. five hundred
fifty five acres thereof being part of a Patent of seven
hundred fifty five acres granted to the said Richd.
Williams the 3d of Ffeb 1651 one hundred acres other
part thereof being part of thirteen hundred and thirty
acres assigned to the said Richd. Williams by Wm
Strong the 7th of April 1655 & one hundred thirty
three acres of residue being surplus land within the
said bounds is further due to the said John Williams
by and for the importation of three persons into 
this Colony -- to have & to hold -- to be held --
yeilding & paying -- provided -- dated ye (blank)
day of (blank) Anno Domini 1692

In each case the name Strong is very clearly Strong.
It appears that William Haveat was the father-in-law
of William Strong. It also appears that Hester Thomas
was a daughter of William Strong, and that William
Thomas and John Doby were sons-in-law. Does anyone
know if the will of William Strong would have been
recorded in England, since Virginia was then a colony?

---------- End of message ----------

From: (Robert T. Strong)
To: "Strong Family genealogy list"
Subject: RE-POST:  Theresa (Haynes) Lang's STRONG Ancestry:  Thomas 	Stron
Date: Tue, 08 Apr 1997 22:10:45 EDT

Posted to the STRONG Mail List with permission of Theresa Lang, who
has been quiet lately while relocating to Vancouver, Washington 
(across river from Portland, Oregon) and getting settled.  Theresa
reported her E-Mail address will remain unchanged.

Best wishes, Teresa, from the gang on the Strong Mail List!!

Robert T. ("Bob") Strong, Jr., Manager, STRONG Mail List
119 Mystic Way, Monrovia Comm., Madison, AL 35758-7113
(c) 1997.   Permission granted to copy for personal use only.

--------- Begin forwarded message ----------

From: "Theresa Lang" 
To: "Robert T. Strong" 
Subject: Lineage of Theresa Lang
Date: 15 Dec 1996 

Hello everyone, have been enjoying the postings and apologize 
for not listing my lineage sooner!

I am descended from Thomas (John Strong, the Elder's son) as 
follows.  ID and page numbers reference Vol. II of the Strong 
Family History. 

1 John STRONG, Elder 
   m2. Abigail FORD (1-1)
1.1 Thomas STRONG 
      m2. Rachel HOLTON (2-6, pg 1)
1.1.1 Joseph STRONG 
         m1. Sarah ALLEN (3-4081) Phineas STRONG, Deacon 
           m. Mary PARKER (4-5743) Elisha N. STRONG, Sr. 
              m. Anna PINNEO (5-7562) Elisha N. STRONG, Jr. 
                m. Eunice HIGGINS (6-8567, pg 693) Ira STRONG 
                   m. Abigail CASE* (7-1, pg 693) Charles Lemuel STRONG 
                      m2. Florence Adella MILLS (8-11, pg 694)

(Vol. II lists only Charles' first marriage to Phoebe Jane HAYS.  
There is no mention of Charles Sr.'s second marriage and the 
numerous descendants that followed.  
¥ I have been in contact with SFAA's historian [Robert S. "Bob"
Strong] and it's all sorted out in his database thanks to his 
unending patience and attention to detail.) Olive Lois STRONG 
                           m. Clyde William HAYNES William Eugene HAYNES 
                              m. LaReece Jane HUMMEL Theresa Lynn HAYNES 
                                 m. Charles Richard LANG, Jr.

And that's me!  Whew!

* Ira STRONG and Abigail CASE *may* have been sixth cousins.

One of Abigail's great-grandmother's maiden name was 

One of Ira's 3Ggrandmother's maiden name was 
WOODFORD, Sarah; d/o. Thomas WOODFORD m. Mary BLOTT.  

I scratched it out.  If Thomas had a brother, who had a son, 
and that son had Sarah; the son would be Abigail's 
2G-grandfather.  The families are all in Hartford Co. CT 
during the mid-1600 to mid-1700's.

If anyone can shed any light, I would certainly appreciate it!

Best Regards,

--------- End forwarded message ----------

---------- End of message ----------

From: (Robert T. Strong)
To: "Strong Family genealogy list"
Subject: RE-POST:  STRONG, Samuel, of Monroe County, KY, bef 1820 - aft 18
Date: Tue, 08 Apr 1997 22:10:45 EDT

--------- Begin forwarded message ----------

From: (Robert T. Strong)
To: "Strong Family genealogy list" 
Subject: STRONG, Samuel, of Monroe County, KY, bef 1820 - aft 1840
Date: Tue, 17 Dec 1996 22:15:52 EST

Attention:  Donald Hendrix
                 Carl Cason

I have finally found the discussion of Samuel 
Strong in James R. Rolff's book, STRONGS OF
VIRIGNIA AND THE SOUTH.  This is found in
his Chapter 8, "William Strong", in Part Two
of that Chapter, "Samuel Strong", to whom 
Rolff assigns Identification Number 157, found
on pages 117-119.

Rolff cited the census records of Samuel 
Strong in Monroe County, KY:

1820, Page 197:  Samuel Strong, age 26-44
1830, Page 391:  Samuel Strong, age 50-60
1840, Page 235:  Samuel Strong, age 50-60

See his text for a complete abstract of these
three census records, or check the census
records on microfilm at your local library.

This Samuel Strong was thus probably born 
in the 1770s, based on his 1830 census, and
from the 1820 census he was born after 1775, 
so a birth between 1776 and 1780 is suggested.

>From whence did he come to Monroe Co., KY?
Rolff speculated that he was the same Samuel 
Strong who was earlier in the part of Russell
County, VA, that became Scott Co., VA.  
Samuel Strong of Russell County was one of
the petitioners in 1814 to form Scott County.
Apparently no records of him have yet been 
found in Scott County, however.  [Have deeds
for 1814-1830 been searched?]

Samuel Strong of Russell County was taxed
there in 1796, indicating he was a legal 
adult, or born by 1775.  So he is of record
in Russell County, VA, 1796 until 1814.

Rolff also speculated that Samuel Strong of 
Russell County, VA, was related to William 
Strong and Thomas Strong of Russell/Scott
County,VA, and that these three were probably 
brothers and probably sons of Thomas Strong,
Sr., of Pittsylvania County, VA, and 
Rockingham Co., NC.  

Rolff's theory appears plausible.  Sometimes
facts just aren't available and some educated
guesses must be made to fill in the gaps in 
our knowledge.  The discovery of new 
facts could possibly void the theory in the 
future, however. 

You should study Chapter 8 in Rolff's book
for further details about these three presumed 

I have not personally researched Strongs in 
Kentucky and had overlooked the fact that 
Monroe County, KY, also bordered on 
Jackson/Clay County, TN.  

I suspect more information is available about
Samuel Strong of Monroe County, KY, in
court records, etc.  Check the catalog at the
nearest LDS Family History Center for civil
and church records for Monroe County, KY,
that are available on microfilm for loan.  
For you, it will be particularly important to 
find records in either Monroe Co., KY, or in
Jackson/Clay Co., TN, that links your Joseph
Strong to Samuel Strong.  That's the major
missing link in your ancestry.

Donald:  Do you happen to be related to the
Hendrix family of Cullman County, AL?  One of
my Strong relatives [Gelee Corely Hendrix, now 
a subscriber to the STRONG Mail List]  married 
A. O. Hendrix of Cullman County and they reside 
Greenville, SC.  

Robert T. ("Bob") Strong, Jr., Manager, STRONG Mail List
119 Mystic Way, Monrovia Comm., Madison, AL 35758-7113
(c) 1997.   Permission granted to copy for personal use only.

--------- End forwarded message ----------

---------- End of message ----------

From: (Robert T. Strong)
To: "Strong Family genealogy list"
Subject: RE-POST:  Descendants of Joseph Strong, Clay Co., TN
Date: Tue, 08 Apr 1997 22:10:45 EDT

--------- Begin forwarded message ----------

From: (Robert T. Strong)
To: "Strong Family genealogy list" 
Subject: Descendants of Joseph Strong, TN
Date: Tue, 17 Dec 1996 15:42:26 EST

Seasons Greeting, Donald Hendrix!

Thanks for posting  your Strong lineage and query
to the STRONG Mail List.

Carl Cason and I have discussed his Strongs of
Jackson County, TN, a number of years ago.  
I have encouraged Carl to join our discussion 
group.  As I recall, I suggested to Carl that his
Strongs in Jackson County might be descended
from or related to the Strongs who settled in 
adjacent Smith County, TN, before 1820.  From 
Smith County they spread into neighboring 
counties: DeKalb, White, Cannon, Davidson, etc.
James Robert Rolff believed these Strongs
were descended from the Strongs of Rockingham 
County, NC.  "Jim" Rolff discusses these 
Strongs who settled in Smith County, TN,  in his 
SOUTHERN STATES, in his Chapter 8, "James

There was a Samuel Strong who  appeared 
on the 1820 census of Smith Co., TN; on the
1830 census  of White Co., TN;  on the
1840 census of DeKalb Co., TN; and the 
1850 census of DeKalb Co., TN.  The 1850
census indicated he was born in North 
Carolina about 1775.     The Samuel on the
1840 census  was possibly a different person,
due to discrepancy in age and family structure.
Rollff theorized that Samuel Strong of DeKalb
County, TN, was the same person as Samuel
Strong of Pittsylvania County, VA, and 
Rockingham Co., NC, who was a son of
James Strong.  Keep in mind this is a theory;
it is not a proven fact.

In the most recent book published by the Strong
Family Association of America (SFAA), there is a 
section entitled "Samuel Strong of Russell and 
Scott County, VA, and Monroe County, KY".
This section was contributed by David C. Strong,
1030 Woodridge Ct., Carmel, IN 46032.
See pages 437-443.  David Strong believed this 
was the ancestry of Joseph Strong:

1.  John Strong, Sr. [of New Kent County, VA]
2.  William Strong, Sr. [of Hanover and Pittsylvania
                                   Counties, VA]
3.  Thomas Strong [Sr., of Rockingham Co., NC]
4.  Samuel Strong (no details)
5.  Joseph Strong, 
           b. about 1798, "possibly in Scott Co., VA"
           d. 1870
          m. about 1820, Jackson Co., TN: Mouring Denton

In Rolff's Chapter 8, "Thomas Strong", his children 
are reported to be William, Samuel, and Thomas Strong.
There are discussions of William Strong and Thomas
Strong of Clay County, KY, but little on their brother,
Samuel.  Notice that these Strongs were in Clay Co., 
kY, not Clay Co., TN!

Joseph Strong, born around 1800, is not identified in
Rolff's book on the Strongs.  

At the moment I do not have time to check my records
further, but I will, and will get back in contact with 
you later.  I believe, though, if I were you, that I would
carefully read the Jackson/Clay County, TN, census 
records, beginning 1820, not relying on the published 
indices, which contain many omissions and incorrect 
transcriptions.  You might also want to correspond
with David C. Strong to determine, particularly, what 
was his evidence that Joseph Strong was a son of
Samuel Strong.

Happy Holiday!

Robert T. ("Bob") Strong, Jr., Manager, STRONG Mail List
119 Mystic Way, Monrovia Comm., Madison, AL 35758-7113
(c) 1997.   Permission granted to copy for personal use only.
--------- End forwarded message ----------
---------- End of message ----------

From: (Robert T. Strong)
To: "Strong Family genealogy list"
Subject: RE-POST:  Strong Family Researchers
Date: Tue, 08 Apr 1997 22:10:44 EDT

--------- Begin forwarded message ----------

From: (Robert T. Strong)
To: "Strong Family genealogy list" 
Subject: Strong Family Researchers
Date: Mon, 16 Dec 1996 20:10:13 EST

Following is a list of persons who have submitted 
queries regarding STRONG/STRONGE to the 
Social-Genealogy-Surnames newsgroup.  You may 
see someone here with whom you wish to communicate.  
Invite them to join our discussion group.

Each Subject line carries an alphabetical code.
Find the code in the second list to obtain the
name, address, and E-Mail address of the 

Strong       1490  1640 Berminister,ENG>Taunton,ENG>
                                  NTH,ENG>MA,USA jdj
 Strong      c1490  ---- SOM,ENG>MA>CT,USA ellenbe
 Strong       1500  1690 Dochester,DOR,ENG bunny
 Strong       1601  1820 ENG>VA>NC,USA chm
 Strong       1605   now Taunton,ENG>MA>CT>
                            AlleganyCo,NY>OK>CA,USA tll
 Strong       1605   now Taunton,ENG>MA>CT>PA>
                            AthensCo,OH>IN>IA>OK,USA pattf
 Strong       1605  1828 ENG>CT>VT,USA cdame
 Strong       1605  1835 ENG>CT,USA gordonr
 Strong       1660  1850 IRL>ChesterCo,SC>
                                   DicksonCo,TN,USA mcculler
 Strong       1669  ----    NH,USA nelswarn
 Strong       1675  1820 NewKentCo,VA>
                                   RockinghamCo,NC,USA francie
 Strong       1701  ----   VA>OglethorpeCo,GA>
                                   UpshurCo,TX,USA lpyle
 Strong       1727  1984 ENG>PA>OH,USA emmett
 Strong       1749  1875 IRL>ChesterCo,SC,USA tomweir
+Strong       1750  ----   PA>OH>MI,USA mckellar
 Strong       1758 c1900 MA>OH,USA heathers
 Strong       1772  1772  Salisbury,CT,USA jbreeze
 Strong       1778   now  NJ,USA ath
 Strong       1785  1916  IRL>OH>SchuylerCo,IL,USA dlddvm
 Strong       1790  1900  GA>FayetteCo,AL,USA geneo
 Strong      <1790  1889 SSX,ENG lise
 Strong       1798   now  RockinghamCo,NC>
                                    ConwayCo,AR,USA ldooley
 Strong       1800  1912 VA>JacksonCo,TN,USA ccason
 Strong       1804   now  MOG,IRL>SimcoeCo,ON,CAN>
                                    MT,USA strongb
 Strong       1830  ----    SC>MonroeCo,IN,USA rogerd
 Strong       1837  1891 Medina,OH>Aurora,IA,USA dearborn
 Strong       1837  1920 ClayCo,TN>BeckhamCo,OK,USA dhendrix
 Strong      c1840  ----  OH,USA luise
 Strong       1850   now BreathittCo,KY>Cincinnati,OH,USA lfoster
 Strong       1897   now NewtonCo,GA>StoneMtn,GA>Detroit>
                                   LapeerCo,MI,USA pratt
 Strong       1900  1949 CAN tstrong
 Strong       1909  1909 GrantCo,WI,USA jhinman
 Strong       1920   now ND,USA glockl
 Strong - see Strang (nanwest)

ath          Allan T. Hackney,
              164 Richmond Hill Rd., New Canaan, CT 06840 USA
bunny     Virginia Harvey,
               550 Cimarron Way #18, Elko, Nevada 89801 USA
ccason    Carl Cason,, 
                5510 227th St. S.E., Bothell, WA 98021
cdame    Charles Dame,
               62 Lebanon Rd., Bozrah, CT 06334
chm       Cristina Mahon,
               2100 West Drake #325, Fort Collins, CO 80526
dearborn Terry Dearborn,
                3812-A Happy Vly. Rd., Lafayette, CA, 94549
dhendrix Donald L. Hendrix,, 
               1238 West Esplanade, Mesa, AZ  85201
dlddvm   Diane L. Delbridge,
               12501 S. Mustang Rd, Mustang, OK  73064   USA
ellenbe  Ellen Edgerton,
               Web Page, 108 Terrace Drive, Syracuse, NY 13219
emmett   Emmett W. Bratt,
               151 Lansdowne Drive,  Moon Twp, PA 15108-3027
francie    Francie Lane,     
geneo    Gene Ostrom,
              P. O. Box 407 Crownsville, MD 21032
glockl    Larry Glock,
              1226 Washington Drive, Stafford, Va  22554
gordonr  Gordon Richmond, Progentr@AOL.COM,   
               364 Tunnel Road Vernon, CT  06066
heathers Heather Stevens,
jbreeze  J. Breeze,
               P.O. Box 201, Fairfax, CA 94978
               Web Page
jdj           Mr. Jody Dee Jones,
               2261 Hiawatha Ct., Fort Collins CO 80525-1840
jhinman  Jerry Hinman,
               701 W. Wildrose, Ridgecrest CA 93555
ldooley   Leanne Dooley, 
               (that's one dot com)
              13708 Co Rd 612  Dexter, MO 63841
lfoster      Lawrence Foster,
               4806 Oak St. Norwood, OH  45212
lise          Lise Elliott,
               159 Rugby Road,Milverton,Leamington Spa,
               WAR,CV32 6DP,ENG
lpyle        Lydia Pyle,
                5842 Taylor Creek Dr, Canton, GA  30115-8316
luise        Luise Green,
                507 Misty Lane, Friendswood, TX 77546
mcculler  Jim McCuller,
                441 St. Simons Cove Lawrenceville, Ga 30244
mckellar  Karen McKellar, KADICA@AOL.COM
nelswarn Nelson Warner,
                597 Country Walk CT. , Naples, FL 34104
pattf         Patt Fulton,, 
                1307 Kinney Ave., #150,  Austin, TX 78704    
pratt          David Pratt,,
                112 W Hamilton Ave. #202, State College, PA 16801
rogerd      Roger Dellinger,
                 13775 Chestnut Dr. #219 Eden Prairie, MN 55344
strongb     Bill Strong,
                 718 Port Maitland Rd, R.R.7, 
                 Dunnville, ON CAN N1A-2W6
tll              Theresa Lang,
tomweir    Tom Weir,
                  4639 133rd Ave SE, Bellevue, WA 98006-2139wi
tstrong       Todd Strong,
                   Web Page


To obtain a list like the above for any surname, follow these

SUBJECT:  Surnames + Submittors
BODY OF MESSAGE, beginning Column 1, Line 1:

My advice is to ask for only one surname per message.
If you want several surnames, send a separate message
for each.  

The above list of Strong researhers was received within
a couple hours after my request was posted.  It is a 
really neat and underutilized service.  

Robert T. ("Bob") Strong, Jr., Manager, STRONG Mail List
119 Mystic Way, Monrovia Comm., Madison, AL 35758-7113
(c) 1997.   Permission granted to copy for personal use only.
--------- End forwarded message ----------
---------- End of message ----------

From: (Robert T. Strong)
To: "Strong Family genealogy list"
Subject: RE-POST:  Descendants of Joseph Strong, d. 1875, Clay Co., TN
Date: Tue, 08 Apr 1997 22:10:44 EDT

--------- Begin forwarded message ----------

To: "Strong Family genealogy list" 
Subject: Descendants of John Strong, TN
Date: Tue, 17 Dec 1996 10:03:03 -0500 (EST)

My grandmother's maiden name was STRONG.  She came from a 
family located on the TN/KY border (what was formerly Jackson Co., 
TN (now Clay Co.) and adjacent KY (Monroe Co., KY).  I would very 
much like to tie this family into other on the STRONG list.  Any 
suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


   Descendants of Joseph Strong of Clay (Jackson) County, Tennessee

I.   Joseph Strong  b. 1800 VA   d. ~1875 Clay Co., TN 
     m. Mourning Denton b. 1804 TN   d. 1870-1880 
          dau. Isaac Denton and Rebecca Etheridge

  A.  Pharaby (Ferby?) Strong  b. 1824   d. 1918  
       m. Isaac Miller  b. 1815

     1.   Isabell Miller b. 1854  d. 1906 
           m. Lafayette (Fay) McLerran b. 1850  d. 1923
     2.   William T. Miller b. 1856 
           m. Lucellia Angeline Smith b. 1863
     3.   Permelia Miller b. 1859 d. 1913 
           m. Winfield McLerran b. 1853 d. 1913
     4.   Hayden Miller b. 1864 m. Eva B. Grinestaff

 B  Jasin Strong  b. ~1825
 C. Anna Strong  b. 1827   d. 1857 TN
 D. Pheby Strong b. 1828 
 E. Mary (Polly) Strong  b. 15 Jun 1829 Jackson Co., TN 
                                     d. 15 Jun 1912  Clay Co., TN 
     m. Elisha Rich b. 2 Nov 1828 d. 4 Jun 1907                  

     1.   William Rich b. 1847 d. 1924 
           m. (1) Sarah J. Foster b. 1848 d. 1871 
                (2)  Amanda Isabelle Hestand b. 1845 d. 1895 
                (3) Charlotte Bell Coffelt b. 1862
     2.   James Rich b. 1848 d. 1924 
           m. Mary A. (Polly) McAlpin b. 1851 d. 1907
     3.   John R. Rich b. 1850 d. 1932 
           m. (1) M. A. (Missona) Welch b. 1852 d. 1905  
                (2) Lenora Tara Watson b. 1864 d. 1905 
                (3) Thoda Kellow  b. 1882 d. 1961
     4.   America Rich b. 1854 
           m. Harvey McCue(?) b. 1854
     5.   Missouri Rich b. 1855 d. 1948 
           m. unknown
     6.   Virginia Rich b. 1860 d. 1946 
           m. (1) James A. McAlpin b. 1861 
	(2) Jesse Wood b. 1843 d. 1914
     7.   Jonathan W. (Roark) Rich b. 1865 d. 1932 
           m. (1) Polly Holloway 
                (2) Alice B.Crowder b. 1863 d. 1910 
                (3) Nevada Kirby b. 1890
     8.   Tennessee Rich b. 1869 d. 1941 
           m. Henry W. Rich b. 1865 d. 1949
     9.   Louisiana Rich b. 1872 
           m. Lemuel Rhoton b. 1868

  F. Samuel Strong  b. 1830 TN d. ~1869 
      m. ~1850 Margaret (Peggy) Rich  b. 1836 d.~1895

     1.   J. Cyrus Strong b. 1849 d. 1908 
           m. (1) Harriett Jane McAlpin  b. 1853 
                (2) Mary A. Head b. 1848 d. 1935
     2.   Mary Strong b. 1852 d. 1874
     3.   William Cam Strong b. 1853 
           m. (1) Rebecca Emily McAlpin b. 1847 d. 1935 
                (2) M. C. Delk
     4.   Jennie A. Strong b. 1854 
           m. (1) W. W. Kidwell 
                (2) Simon Sheters  b. 1855
     5.   Mourning Elizbeth Strong b. 1856 d. 1932 
           m. James Calvin Smith  b. 1856 d.1928
     6.   Albert Barton Strong b. 1860 d. 1921 
          m. Zemra Alta M. McAlpin b. 1860 d.1912
     7.   James Halix Strong b. 1861 d. 1911 
           m. Nancy E. b. 1856
     8.   John Frank Strong b. 1862 
           m. Louella Massey b. 1875
     9.   Rachel Strong b. 1867 
           m. Richard B. Pollard b. 1860
     10.  Calley A. Strong b. 1868 d. 1939 
            m. Sarah Spear b. 1868 d. 1950
     11.  Elizabeth Strong b. 1869

  G. Sarah Strong  b. 1833 TN d. 1903 TN 
      m. 1850 Jordan Stith b. 1833
  H. Elizabeth Strong  b. 1834 d. 1920 
      m. William Casteel b. 1831 d. 1904

     1.   Landon Casteel b. 1855 d. 1939 
           m. (1) Burneet Spear b. 1840 d. 1909 
                (2) Lucrecia Brown b. 1893 d. 1916 
                (3) Sinca b. 1865
     2.   Lucette Casteel b. 1858 d. 1938 
           m. James Austin Spear b. 1860 d. 1894
     3.   Nancy A. Casteel b. 1860 
           m. Milton M. Burnett b. 1850
     4.   John M. Casteel b. 1866 
           m. Mary Spear b. 1872
     5.   Arthula M. Casteel b. 1868 
           m. (1) Isaac Capshaw 
                (2) J. Albert Odle b. 1875
     6.   William F. Casteel b. 1871 
           m. (1) Nancy M. Spear b. 1874 
                (2) Lou Settie Ford b. 1878 d. 1928
     7.   Mary Eta Casteel b. 1873 d. 1953  
           m. (1) William Moore 1856 
                (2) Jahu Rush b. 1858 d. 1929
     8.   Joseph T. Casteel b. 1876 d. 1957 
           m. Berehan Ann Ford

  I. John Strong  b. Dec. 1837 Jackson Co., TN 
                          d. Apr 1906  Moss, Clay Co., TN 
     m. Martha Rich b. Oct 1841 Monroe Co., KY 
                              d. 1910-1920 
          dau. James Rich b. 1823 d. 15 May 1860 
          and Nancy Spear b. 1820 d. 1879.  
          James Rich lived in Monroe Co., KY in 1850.
     1.   James Frank Strong  b. 1859 
     2.   Sarah R. Strong  b. 1862 d. 1938 
           m. Andrew J. Odle b. 1861 d. 1941. 
           Andrew was a Cherokee indian.  
           They lived in Moss, Clay Co., TN; had 9 children
     3.   John H. Strong  b. 1866
     4.   Joseph H. Strong  b. 1868
     5.   Alfred W. Strong  b. 26 Dec 1871, TN, 
                                       d. 7 Nov 1933, WA, 
           m. 1893 Retha  (Nellie) Head, TN b. 1876 
                dau. Lafayette (Fay) Head b. 1853 
                and Susan M. ? b. 1853.  
                Lafeyette was the son of Caleb (Doc) Head b. 1827 d. 1906

                                                        and Siotha Butler
b. 1818

       a.   Martha Strong  b. 25 Aug 1895 Clay Co., TN 
                                      d. 1963 Everett, WA 
             m. 9 Jul 1911 Edgar Young Hendrix 
                                   b. 8 Aug 1889 Henderson Co., TN 
                                   d. 18 Dec 1951 Bow, WA

          (1)  Norma Hendrix b. 1 Mar 1916 Anacortes, WA 
                                         d. 19 Oct 1990 Stanwood, WA  
               m. 29 Nov 1935 Harold Anderson b. 18 Jan 1910 Bow, WA 
                                                         d. 23 Nov 1978
Mt. Vernon, WA

               (a) Rodney Harold Anderson b. 12 Jun 1939

          (2)  Louis Edgar Hendrix b. 1919  Anacortes, WA 
                m. (1)  25 Dec 1940 Cecelia Alta Olson 
                                               b. 13 Mar 1919  d. 1993 
                     (2) Mary Backstrom

              (a)  Donald Louis Hendrix b. 21 Aug 1942, 
                    m. 27 Dec 1965, Vancouver, WA 
                         Susan Jane Newlean b. 25 Dec 1942
              (b)  Michael Leon Hendrix b. 7 Mar 1944
              (c)  Steven Douglas Hendrix b. 31 Jul 1946

          (3) Robert Lee Hendrix, b. 1922 Anacortes, WA

       b.  Beatress Strong  b. 4 Mar 1897 Clay Co., TN  
            m. Shelby James Funderberg, Amarillo, TX
       c.  Lea Ella Strong  b. 1903 Clay Co., TN 
            m. Vernon Sparks

          (1)  Betty Sparks   
                m. Larry Comer

       d.  Minnie Strong  b. 1907 Clay Co., TN  
            m. Jimmy Lewis, Seattle, WA

          (1)  Frank Lewis
          (2)  Jimmy Lewis
          (3)  Billy Lewis
          (4)  Don Lewis

     6.    Nancy B. Strong  b. 1872 
     7.    Mathias (Tice) Strong  b. 1876  
            m. Ella Savage b. 1882
     8.    James M. Strong  b. Jul 1880 
     9.    Nancy C. Strong  b. Jul 1882   b. 1881 d. 1916  
            m. John Jasper Brown b. 1878 d. 1957, 3 children
     10.  Delia C. Strong  b. Aug 1885 d. 1941 
            m. John Garrett b. 1865 d. 1941, 2 children.  
            Her mother (Martha Rich Strong) lived with them in 1910

  J. William Strong  b. 1844 d. 1917 
      m. (1) Mary (Polly) Kendall b. 1841 
           (2) Martha E. Browning b. 1849 
           (3) Kit Pennington b. ~ 1850

     1.   (1)Joshua Strong b. 1862
     2.   (1)Martha Strong b. 1864
     3.   (1)Stephen Strong b. 1866
     4.   (1)Dicy Belle Strong b. 1868
     5.   (1)Joseph B. Strong b. 1870
     6.   (1)Morning R. Strong b. 1874 
              m. John H. Eaake b. 1871
     7.   (1)Sarah G. Strong b. 1876 d. 1928 
               m. William Abraham Cross b. 1873
     8.   (1)Elizabeth Strong b. 1889

  K. Celina Strong  b. 1845
  L. Hayden W. Strong  b. 1847 Jackson Co, TN 
                                     d. 1863 near Columbia, KY
  M. Martha J. Strong  b. 1849 Jackson Co., TN 
       m. Frank Kendall b. 1842

     1.   Ambrose Kendall b. 1872
     2.   Martha Kendall b. 1875
     3.   Hershel Kendall b. 1877
     4.   Mary Kendall b. 1878 
           m. Palo A. Burnett b. 1876
     5.   William Kendall b. 1880
     6.   Bedford Kendall b. 1886
     7.   Savage Kendall  b. 1891 d. 1974 
           m. Eula Bea Pumlee b. 1896 d. 1942

Clay county TN was created from Jackson county in 1870.  The county
courthouse burned in 1872.  Also, most of the above material came 
from Harold McLerran, Champaign, IL and Carl Cason, Bothell, WA

Donald L. Hendrix
Mesa, Arizona

--------- End forwarded message ----------

---------- End of message ----------

From: Jeremy Franklin 
To: "Strong Family genealogy list"
Subject: from a new Strong list member
Date: Tue, 08 Apr 1997 22:06:36 -0500

hello, everybody.  
i recently subscribed to the Strong list.
my name is Jeremy Franklin (aka
Here is my line, according to my current data:
for additional info, see my web page,

Generation one:
John Strang
b. 1515: Taunton, Somerset, England

Generation two:
George Strong
b. c1538: Chard, Somerset, England
m. 1556: Chard, Somerset, England.  (to whom?)
d. Chard, Somerset, England

Generation three:
Richard Strong (John Strong?)
b. 1561: England?
resided County of Caernarvon, Wales
m. c1605: Chard, Somersetshire, England
m. Eleanor Deane (b. c1588 Chard, Somersetshire, England.  d. bef 1654)
d. 1613: Taunton, Somersetshire, England

Generation four:
John Strong
b. 1605: Taunton, Somerset co, England
m. ? (first wife, who died c1635)
m(2). Dec 30, 1636: Dorchester, Suffolk, Massachusetts
m(2). Abigail Ford (b. c1619 of Dorchester, MA.  d. Jul 6, 1688.  buried
Northampton, MA.)
d. Apr 14, 1699: Northampton, MA

Generation four con't:
Eleanor Strong
b. 1612-1613: Taunton, Bristol, Mass OR Northampton,Hampshire,England
m. Walter Dean (b. 1615-1620: Chard,Somerset,England) in MA
d. 1693: Taunton, Bristol, Mass

Generation five, children of John Strong and ?

Generation five, children of John Strong and Abigail:
b. May 7, 1637: Hingmam, MA
m. Novemer 18, 1662
m. Freedom Woodward (b. 1642.  of of Dorchester MA. d. May 17, 1681)
m(2) December 1681 to Abigail Stebbins
m(3) c1692 to Mary Hart Lee
d. May 22, 1733: Coventry, Tolland, CT

Generation five, con't (other children of John Strong and Abigail)

Generation Six, children of Jedediah and Freedom
b. Aug 7, 1667
m. Nov 8, 1688
m. Abiah Ingersoll (b. Aug 24, 1663.  d. Nov 20, 1732)
d. Oct 12, 1709: Woodcreek, NY

Generation Six con't, childrenof Jedediah and Freedom

Generation Six, children of Jedediah and Abigail

Generation Six, children of Jedediah and Mary

Generation Seven, children of Jedediah and Abiah
Freedom Strong
Ezra Strong
b. Mar 2, 1701/02: Lebanon, CT
m. Jan 12, 1730/31
m. Abigail Caverly (b. 1713. d. Jul 3, 1788)
d. Mar 7, 1785

Generation Eight, childrenof Ezra and Abigail
10 children of unknown name and:
Jabin Strong
b. Aug 12, 1734: Hebron, CT
m. Sarah Betsey Curtis
d. 1782

Generation Nine, children of Jabin and Sarah
Lydia Strong
b. Dec 4, 1772
m. Rev. Hugh C. Johnston (b. 1763: Duanesburgh, Schenectady, NY)

Generation Ten, childrenof Hugh and Lydia
Abner Johnston
David Johnston
Sarah Almira Johnston
b. 1815
m. Jan 12, 1835: Sidney, NY
m. John Yates Cotton (b. Mar 13, 1814.  d. Jul 25, 1892.  buried Atlantic, IA)
d. Oct 26, 1868.  buried Atlantic, IA

Generation Eleven, children of John and Sarah
Frances Augusta Cotton
b. Jun 26, 1840: Atlantic, IA?
m. Sep 24, 1868: Sparland, IL
m. Theodore Gustave Steinke (b. Mar 1, 1841: Niekosken, Posen, Prussia,
Germany.  d. Mar 21, 1913: Atlantic, IA)
d. Oct 8, 1918: Boone, IA.  buried Atlantic, AL

Generation Eleven con't
Catherin Isabella Cotton
Edward H. Cotton
Ernestine Alberta Cotton
John Frederick Cotton
Lucy M. Cotton

Generation Twelve, children of Theodore and Frances
Roslyn Marie Steinke
b. Mar 29, 1881: Atlantic, IA
m. Jun 24, 1908: Atlantic, IA
m. Charles Clyde Ball (b. Oct 21, 1881: Ramona, Lake co, SD.  d. Sep 21,
1955: Duluth, MN.  buried San Antonio, TX)
d. Jul 16, 1960: Evanston, IL.  buried San Antonio, TX

Generation Twelve con't
Gottfried C. Steinke
Carl Rossow Steinke

Generation Thirteen, children of Roslyn and C.C.
Eloise Elizabeth Ball
b. Jun 20, 1909: Grinnell, IA
m. Jun 14, 1940: Minneapolis, MN
m. Andrew Jackson Allensworth (b. Dec 23, 1899: San Antonio, TX.  d. (alive))
d. (alive)

Generation Thirteen con't
Mary Kathryn Ball
Zelda Blanche Ball

Generation Fourteen, children of Jack and Eloise
Margaret Eloise Allensworth
b. Sep 27, 1946: San Antonio, TX
m. Sep 10, 1965: San Antonio, TX
m. James Randall Franklin (b. Jan 8, 1842: Circleville, OH. d. (alive))
d. (alive)

Generation fourteen con't
Roslyn Anne Allensworth
b. May 5, 1944
m. (unmarried)
d. Mar 18, 1996

Generation fifteen, children of Jim and Peggy
James Andrew Franklin
b. Jul 3, 1975

(me) Jeremy Tyler Franklin
b. Apr 12, 1977

I am surprised at the large quantity of mail i have received already and I
look forward to more!  If you have any questions, feel free to write.  


Jeremy T. Franklin

"A timid question will always receive a confident answer."  Lord Darling

---------- End of message ----------

To: "Strong Family genealogy list"
Subject: Long Island STRONG's
Date: Wed, 9 Apr 1997 11:43:55 -0400 (EDT)

My ggrandmother was Mary Isabell STRONG b. Sept.1855.  She was born in Sag
Harbor, Long Island, NY.  I do not know who her parents were but she married
in 1875 to Everett Alphonso Hancock and they had one son Rossie.  Mary
Isabell STRONG died Jan. 1892 in Groton, CT.
If anyone has any other Long Island STRONG's please let me know.
Kelly Loveall

---------- End of message ----------

From: "Edwards, Teresa L" 
To: "Strong Family genealogy list"
Subject: A little more info. NANCY J. STRONG - d. c 1898 Douglas Co. MO m:
Date: Wed, 9 Apr 1997 13:48:22 -0400

I visited my Grandmother in Seymour, MO this past week.  We went through
the countryside looking for Fleetwood and Strong descendants to see if
we could get any information on my Great-grandmother Nancy J. Strong.
Through interviews and the Douglas Co. Library, I found out the
following information:

By chance, I found the marriage licenses with burnt edges for William
Columbus Fleetwood and Nancy J. Strong.

Married Sept. 18, 1883 in Douglas Co. by the Justice of the Peace:
William Columbus Fleetwood and Nancy J. Strong both of Douglas Co., MO. 

I met a Elisel(?) Ferguson of Ava, Douglas Co., MO.  He traced his
Strong line into Owsley Co., KY.  Three brothers Alexander, Isaac, and
William moved into the Ozarks.  They married three Native American

Family legend tells of Nancy J. Strong's mother was half Native
American.  Elisel was not able to locate a Nancy J. Strong in his
descendants for the three brothers but it is possible that she is
related to this Strong lineage.  

William Fleetwood was a horse racer and frequented the horse races at a
race track on Fox Creek in Douglas Co.  He buried Nancy J. Strong close
to a race track.  We think it was this race track.  The Alsups or the
Fleetwoods owned this racetrack.  There was a feud between these two
families prior to the Civil War.

Nancy J. Strong Fleetwood died c 1898 of TB.  I was not able to locate
her gravesite.  Family long since gone told of William Fleetwood burying
Nancy by Fox Creek in Douglas Co., MO near a racetrack.  I went to two
cemeteries on Fox Creek close to Gentryville, MO that had gravesites
with many plain rock markers.  New Hope Cemetery was one of the
Cemeteries we visited. I forgot the other cemetery's name.

Any help would be appreciated in locating Great-grandma Nancy J. Strong
Fleetwood's parents and origin.

Thank you,
Teresa L. Davis Edwards

---------- End of message ----------

From: Thomas Mathews 
To: "Strong Family genealogy list"
Subject: Re:  NANCY J. STRONG - d. c 1898 Douglas Co. MO m:
Date: Wed, 09 Apr 1997 17:53:10 +0100

Hi Teresa,

William, Isaac and Alexander are all sons of Henry Harrison Strong who
is a descendant of John Strong Sr. of Hanover County, VA via
Clay/Breathitt/Owlsey Counties, KY. A booklet about Henry's descendants
does not list Nancy but does have one of Alexander's daughters, May
Belle Strong, married to a Julius Fleetwood in 1903. As I have said
before, I am sure you are on the right track. Keep at it.


---------- End of message ----------

From: (Robert T. Strong)
To: "Strong Family genealogy list"
Subject: Media Research artlcle re John Strong of MA
Date: Wed, 09 Apr 1997 20:00:00 EDT

ATTENTION:  Jeremy Franklin 

The article about John Strong of MA, the immigrant, that
was prepared by Media Research might be of interest to
others on the STRONG Mail List, so, if you have the time 
to key it into your message editor, please do send a copy 
of it to the [strong@rmgate.pop.indiana,edu > address.

As a general rule, any message that would be of interest 
to two or more of the subscribers to the List should be 
posted there, rather than by private E-Mail.

Best wishes to you -- and to ALL.

Robert T. ("Bob") Strong, Jr., Manager, STRONG Mail List
119 Mystic Way, Monrovia Comm., Madison, AL 35758-7113
(c) 1997.   Permission granted to copy for personal use only.

--------- Begin forwarded message ----------

From: Jeremy Franklin 
To: (Robert T. Strong)
Subject: Re: When did John Strong arrive in MA?
Date: Wed, 09 Apr 1997 16:31:18 -0500

i can certainly understand your skepticism.  one book I have on 
a different line of my family has enough obvious typos that i can't 
trust anything in it, who knows what else is a mistake?   the Media
Research document that I referenced does contain a bibliography, 
which i thought you might like to see:

Bardsley, "English and Welsh Surnames".  1900.
Sutton, "Stemmata Strongeania".  1912.
Gardner, "Our Ancestors", 1901.
Savage, "Genealogical Dictionary of New England".  1860.
Perry, "Descendants of John Perry, John Strong, etc.".  1878.
Dwight, "Descedants of John Strong".  Volumes I and II. 1871. 
Haitman, "Officers of the Continental Army", 1914
"The Americana", 1934
Burke, "General Army", 1884.

The document is short, I can send you a copy if you would like.  


---------- End of message ----------

From: Jeremy Franklin 
To: "Strong Family genealogy list"
Subject: "The Name and Family of Strong"
Date: Wed, 09 Apr 1997 22:38:00 -0500

This is from a document which I received from my grandmother, Eloise
Allensworth.  It is entitled "The Name and Family of Strong".  It was
compiled by Media Research Bureau in January of 1937.  The sources as listed
in bibliography:

Bardsley, "English and Welsh Surnames".  1901.
Sutton, "Stemmata Strongeania".  1912.
Gardner, "Our Ancestors", 1901.
Savage, "Genealogical Dictionary of New England".  1860.
Perry, "Descendants of John Perry, John Strong, etc.".  1878.
Dwight, "Descedants of John Strong".  Volumes I and II. 1871. 
Haitman, "Officers of the Continental Army", 1914
"The Americana", 1934
Burke, "General Army", 1884.

The document...

        The name of Strong is said to have been derived from the nickname of
the "the Strong" and to have been given to its first bearer because of his
physical or mental strength.  It is found on ancient records in various
forms of Straunge, Stronge, Storange, Storong, and Strong, of which the last
is the most generally accepted form of today.  
        Families of this name were to be found at early dates in the
counties of Hereford, Durham, Surrey, Somerset, Dublin, Salop, Cambridge,
York, Norfolk, Dorset, Suffolk, and London and were, for the most part, of
the landed gentry and yeomanry of Great Britain.
        It is said that the family originated in the county of Salop and
soon went into Somersetshire, whence it spread to various parts of England,
Wales, and Ireland.  Among the earliest records of the name are those of
Simon Strong of Cambridgeshire in 1273, Joscelin and William le Strong of
about the same time, Hugo Straunge of Yorkshire in the reign of King Henry
the Firth, John Straunge of Suffolk and Norfolk in 1378, Peter, son of
Martyn Strong of London in 1539, Nicholas Strong of Dublin, Ireland, in
1634, and the Reverend William Strong of Dorsetshire, noted preacher at
Westminster Abbey in the first half of the seventeenth century.  
        It is said that one member of the Shropshire (Salop) line of the
family married a Welsh heiress and made his home in the county of
Caernarvon.  This Strong is said to have been the ancestor of one Richard
Strong of that county, who removed to Taunton, in the county of Somerset,
England, in the latter part of the sixteenth century and is said to have
been the father of John and Eleanor, of whom the first is believed to have
been the John Strong who emigrated to New England about 1630 or shortly
thereafter and is said to have been the ancestor of all the families of the
name in America.  
        This John Strong is said to have come first to Hull, near Boston,
Mass., but soon settled at Dorchester, whence he moved to Hingham about
1636, to Taunton, Mass., about 1638, to Windsor, Conn., about 1645, and
finally to Northampton, Mass., in 1659.  He is said to have brought with him
from England his wife, whose name is not known, and a son named John.  One
authority states that his wife and an infant child died soon after coming to
America and that the emigrant John married Abigail Ford in 1630, but the
others claim that he had further issue by his first wife of his son Thomas
and was married to Abigail Ford about 1638.  Besides his son John, he
probably had the before mentioned Thomas, as well as Jedediah, Josiah (died
young), Return, Ebenezer, Abigail, Elizabeth, Experience, Samuel, Joseph
(died young), Mary, Sarah, Hannah, Hester, Thankful, and Jerijah or Jeriah.
        John, the eldest son of the emigrant John, was married in 1656 to
Mary Clark, by whom he was the father of Mary and Hannah.  By his second
wife Elizabeth Warriner, whom he married in 1664, he had furhter issue of
John, Jacob, Josiah, and Elizabeth.  
        Thomas, second son of the emigrant John, made his home at
Northampton and was the father by his first wife Mary Hewett, whom he marrid
in 1660, of Thomas, Maria, John, Hewett, and Asahel.  His second wife Rachel
Holton, whom he married in 1671, gave him further issue of Joseph, Benjamin,
Adino, Waitstill, Rachel, Selah, Benajah, Ephraim, Elnathan, Ruth, and Submit.  
        Jedediah, third son of the emigrant John, married Freedom Woodward
in 1662 and had issue by her of Elizabeth, Abigail, Jedediah, Ford, Hannah,
Thankful, John (died young), Lydia, Mary, Experience, Preserved, and John.
In 1681 he married a second wife Abigail Stebbins and had issue by her of a
daughter named Mary.  He had no children by his third wife the widow Mary
(nee Hart) Lee, whom he married about 1692.  
        Return, son of the emigrant John, resided at Windsor and was married
in 1666 to Sarah Warham, by whom he had Sarah, Abigail, Return, Elizabeth,
Samuel (died young), Damaris, and Samuel.  In 1689 he married a second wife
Margaret Newbury and had further issue by her of Mary, Joseph, Hannah,
Margaret, and Benjamin.  
        Ebenezer, son of the emigrant John, married Hannah Clap in 1668 and
their children were Hannah, Ebenezer, Nathaniel, Sarah (died young),
Preserved, Sarah, Noah, Jonathan, and twins who died in infancy.  
        Samuel, son of the emigrant John, was married to Esther Clap in 1684
and had issue by her of Esther, Samuel (died young), Susannah, Abigail (died
young), Abigail, Christian, Nehamiah, and Ezra.  In 1698 he married the
Widow Ruth (nee Sheldon) Wright and had furthur issue by her of Mary,
Joseph, Josiah, and Samuel.  
        Jerijah or Jeriah, youngest son of the emigrant John, was the father
by his wife Thankful Stebbins, whom he married in 1700, of eight children,
Jerijah (died young), Thankful, Jerijah or Jeriah, Eunice, Ithmar (died
young), Seth, and Bela.
        The descedants of these various branches of the family in America
have spread to practially every State of the Union and have aided as much in
the growth of the country as their ancestors aided in the founding of the
nation. They have been noted for their energy, ambition, industry,
integrity, piety, power of will, perseverance, fortitude, resourcefulness,
initiative, courage, and leadership.  
        Among those of the Strongs who fought as officers in the War of the
Revolution were Lieutenant-Colonel David of Connecticut, Chaplains Joseph
and Nathan of Connecticut, Captain Nathan of New York, and Captain Solomon
of Connecticut.
        William, John, Jedediah, Nathan, Samuel, Jacob, Josiah, Joseph,
Thomas, Return, Ebenezer, and Benjamin are some of the Christian names most
highly favored by the family for its male members.  
        A few of the many members of th family who have distinguished
themselves in America in more recent times are:
        William Strong of Connecticut, jurist, 1808-1905;
        William L. Strong of Ohio, merchant and Mayor of New York, 1827-1900;
        Josiah Strong of Illinois, clergyman, 1847-1916;
        Augustus Hopkins Strong of New York, theologian, 1836-1921.

        One of the most ancient and frequently recurrent of the several
coats of arms of the English families of the name of Strong is described as
        Arms--"Gules, an eagle displayed or."
        Crest--"An eagle displayed or."      
(Arms taken from Burke's "General Armory", 1884.)


        The above data have been compiled chiefly from the following sources:

Bardsley--"English and Welsh Surnames",  1901.
Sutton--"Stemmata Strongeania",  1912.
Gardner--"Our Ancestors", 1901.
Savage--"Genealogical Dictionary of New England",  1860.
Perry--"Descendants of John Perry, John Strong, etc.",  1878.
Dwight--"Descedants of John Strong", 1871, Vols. I and II.  
Haitman--"Officers of the Continental Army", 1914.
"The Americana", 1934.
Burke--"General Army", 1884.
Jeremy T. Franklin

"A timid question will always receive a confident answer."  Lord Darling
---------- End of message ----------

From: (Robert T. Strong)
To: "Strong Family genealogy list"
Subject: RE-POST:  STRONGs of East Sussex, England, 1766-1889
Date: Wed, 09 Apr 1997 23:12:46 EDT

--------- Begin forwarded message ----------
From: Lise Elliott 
To: "Strong Family genealogy list" 
Subject: STRONG 1766 1889 SSX, ENG
Date: Fri, 20 Dec 1996 10:23:06 GMT
Message-ID: <>

I thought I would post my Strong family history in a little more 
detail, in case there is someone out there with a connection!

Thomas Strong b. 1766 in East Sussex
m. Elizabeth Harris 1790 in Falmer, East Sussex

son - Henry Strong b. 1811 in West Blatchington or Falmer, 
         East Sussex
         m. Caroline Parker 1835 in Falmer, East Sussex

son - John Strong b. 1841 in West Blatchington, East Sussex
        m. Elizabeth Harriott 1863 in Brighton, East Sussex

daughter - Eliza Annie Strong b. 1868 in Brighton, East Sussex
                  m. Walter Parsons 1889 in Brighton, East Sussex

I have more details on these Strongs, so please contact me if you 
think I can help or vice versa.


*	Lise Elliott                                                   
*	Assistant Registrar                                        *
*	Management Information Unit                      *
*	Coventry University                                       *
*	Email:                      *
*	Tel:      01203 8318899                                    *
--------- End forwarded message ----------

---------- End of message ----------

From: (Robert T. Strong)
To: "Strong Family genealogy list"
Subject: RE-POST:  STRONG: ? > Litchfield CT > Aurora IA; 1791-1891
Date: Wed, 09 Apr 1997 23:12:46 EDT

--------- Begin forwarded message ----------

From: (Terry Dearborn)
To: "Strong Family genealogy list" 
Subject: STRONG: ? > Litchfield CT > Aurora IA; 1791-1891
Date: Fri, 20 Dec 1996 13:16:08 -0800

Hello, group

I am searching for the parents of Lysander STRONG, 
#1 in the report below.

First Generation

1. Lysander STRONG. Born 1791. Died 1837 in Medina, OH.

He married Harriet KEITH. Born 9 Jun 1806. Died 1841. 
They had the following children:

        2       i.      Patty Martha Melissa STRONG

Second Generation

2. Patty Martha Melissa STRONG. Born 31 May 1824 in 
Litchfield, CT. Died 17 Feb 1891 in Aurora, IA. 
Buried in Spangler cemetary, Aurora, Iowa.

She married John SMITH, in Wis. Born ? 1826 in IRL (Ireland). 
Died 1869 in Buchanen Co., IA. Buried in Spangler Cemetary, 
Aurora, Iowa. They had the following children:

        3       i.      Adelbert SMITH

Regards from Terry
Lafayette, CA

--------- End forwarded message ----------

---------- End of message ----------

From: (Robert T. Strong)
To: "Strong Family genealogy list"
Subject: RE-POST:  STRONGs, St. Botolph [Parish?], Bishopsgate, London
Date: Wed, 09 Apr 1997 23:12:45 EDT

Norman Adams is not a Strong descendant or researcher,
but contributed the following data to our Group.

On Thu, 19 Dec 1996 13:30 writes:

>I do not have a particular interest in the STRONG family.  
>But I have collected, over a number of years, a few copies 
>of church registers etc.  I make a note of the details of 
>any person researching a name anywhere; anytime, and 
>when I get a spare moment I start looking in my books for 
>any references, which I then forward to the interested party.

--------- Begin forwarded message ----------

To: "Strong Family genealogy list" 
Subject: STRONG; anywhere; anytime
Date: Wed, 18 Dec 1996 18:46:24 +0000

>From the Registers of St. Botolph, Bishopsgate, London

1664:   May   1.   Sarah, 
                          daughter of Jonathan and Sarah Stronge.

1618:   Dec.  8.   John Strong, 80.
1625:   Feb. 20.   Alice Stronge, 82.
1635:   Nov. 18.   Joan Strong, 60.
1656:   April 30.   Cislie Strong, 41.
1678:   Dec. 19.   Catherine Strong, 12.
1680:   Sept.  1.   Ann Strong, infant.
1681:   Aug. 25.   Elizabeth Strong, infant.
1712:   April 24.   Ann Strong, 6.
1741/2 Jan.    1.   Mary Strong, 67.

Middlesex, UK

--------- End forwarded message ----------

---------- End of message ----------

From: (Robert T. Strong)
To: "Strong Family genealogy list"
Subject: RE-POST:  Ancestry of William ("Bill") Strong of Australia
Date: Wed, 09 Apr 1997 23:12:46 EDT

--------- Begin forwarded message ----------

From: Strong William [>
To: (Robert T. Strong)
Subject: I am a new subscriber
Date: Thu, 19 Dec 1996 22:01:43 +1100 (EST)

Hello all.

        I have included below what I know about my
Strong ancestors.  I think that they deliberately
hid their tracks, as I am having a very difficult
time in trying to locate any further information.

Thomas Strong b. ?      ENGLAND  occupation : Brewer
              d. < 1918 ENGLAND
m. Mary Channel  b.  ?     ENGLAND
   |             d. < 1918 ENGLAND
   . William Strong b.1880 possibly in Oxford, ENG
                    d.1959?  Bathurst, AUST
         m. Mary Kelsall b.1893 in Staffordshire, ENG 
            |            d.  ?        Sydney, AUST
            . William Andrew Strong  b. 1918 at Sydney, AUST
            . Mary Winifred Strong   b. 1921 at Sydney, AUST
            . Edna F Strong          b. c.1820 at Sydney, AUST

[I am one of the sons of William Andrew Strong.  There are 
four of us.]

I haven't seen any discussion on the Strong's in England
or Australia in these time frames, but if the group gets
bigger, I might find a link somewhere.

There is no marriage listed in the St Catherine's Indexes
for Thomas and Mary, and I have not been able to locate the
family in Oxford, ENG in the 1881 Census.  When the full
1881 census is released, I will make another more
comprehensive search.  In the mean time it is very
interesting to watch all the early American Strong history
come to light.

regards,  Bill Strong.

--------- End forwarded message ----------

---------- End of message ----------

From: (Robert T. Strong)
To: "Strong Family genealogy list"
Subject: STRONG: ENG, MA, CT, PA, OH, IL, IA, 1610-Present [Patt 	Fulton's
Date: Wed, 09 Apr 1997 23:12:46 EDT

--------- Begin forwarded message ----------

To: "Strong Family genealogy list" 
Subject: STRONG, Eng,MA, CT, PA, OH, IL IA, 1610-Present
Date: Fri, 20 Dec 1996 00:27:00 -0500

Patt Fulton's lineage:  [as given in Strong Family History 
Update, Vol. II, pp. 537-540, published by The Strong Family 
Asso. of America.]

1-1.      (Elder) John Strong, b. ca. 1610, Chard, Somerset, 
            England, d. 14 Apr., 1699, Northampton, MA, 
            mar. 1) Margery Deane, 2) Abigail Ford
2-6        Thomas Strong, (1636-1689) mar. Rachel Holton
3-4081. Justice Joseph Strong, (1672-1763) mar. Sarah Allen
4-5743.  (Deacon) Phinehas Strong, mar. Mary Parker.
5-7555   Ozias Strong, (1734-1897), mar. Susannah West.
6-7582   Judge Horatio Strong, (1758-1831), mar. Patience Stevens
7-7612   (Honorable) Jared Strong, (1784-1827), Jackson Co., OH, 
             mar. Betsey Gregory.
8-7712    Stephen Strong, b. 23 May, 1816, Jackson Co., OH, 
             d. 2 Sep., 1884, Norwalk, Los Angeles Co., CA., 
             mar. Emily Pickeral/Pickrell. 
9-4         John Davis Strong, b. 19 Dec., 1841, Knox Co., IL., 
             d. 30 Jan, 1924,  Geary, Blaine Co., OK., 
             mar. Nancy Catherine Hiner.
10-15     Jessamiine Esther Strong, b. 21, 1878, Decatur Co., IA., 
             d. 27 Apr., 1961, Humboldt, Humboldt Co., IA. 
             mar. John Edwin Fierce.
11-20    Vesper Beryl Fierce, b. 10 Aug., 1899, Lucas Co., IA., 
            d. 1 Feb., 1983, Humboldt, Humboldt Co., IA., 
            mar. Harry V. Hull.
12-23    Patricia Hull, b. 26 Apr., 1926, Ringgold Co., IA., 
            mar. Robert F. Fulton, 20 June, 1948.  
            Resided Clinton, Clinton Co.,, IA.  Robert d. 31 May, 1988,  
          Rochester, MN.

--------- End forwarded message ----------

---------- End of message ----------

From: Mike Strong [>
To: "Strong Family genealogy list"
Date: Thu, 10 Apr 1997 00:09:43 -0500

Mike Strong wrote:

Rev. Micheal M. Strong,		"There are only two kinds of people in the end:
Trinity Lutheran Church,	Those who pray 'They will be done,' and those
220 S. Second."			to whom God says, in the end, 'Thy will be done
Springfield, Il								C.S. Lewis

---------- End of message ----------

From: (Robert T. Strong)
To: "Strong Family genealogy list"
Subject: Victoria Strong of Melbourne, Australia:  New Subscriber
Date: Thu, 10 Apr 1997 15:01:51 EDT

--------- Begin forwarded message ----------

Subject: information about a new subscriber
Date: Thu, 10 Apr 1997 18:30:00 +1000

FROM:  Victoria Strong
             10/04/97 18:30

My name is Victoria Strong.  I am a 26 year old lawyer 
in Melbourne, Australia.

My mother is currently searching various family trees 
including her own (Meagher and Deakin) and my fathers 
(Conway and Strong).

At this stage I do not know what information she has 

We are originally from Sydney and further back from Ireland.

My mother is currently holidaying in Dublin (and searching 
family history).  Hopefully I shall be able to provide you with 
more information soon.


--------- End forwarded message ----------

Forwarded by:

Robert T. ("Bob") Strong, Jr., Manager, STRONG Mail List
119 Mystic Way, Monrovia Comm., Madison, AL 35758-7113
(c) 1997.  Permission granted to copy for personal use only.

---------- End of message ----------

From: (Robert T. Strong)
To: "Strong Family genealogy list"
Subject: Eleanor (STRONG) DEANE
Date: Thu, 10 Apr 1997 15:01:51 EDT

FORWARDED MESSAGE from Homor Scott, with reply:


--------- Begin forwarded message ----------

Subject: Thanks for Eleanor
Date: Thu, 10 Apr 1997 11:06:26 PST


Many thanks for your prompt and thoughtful response 
to my request for help with Eleanor STRONG.  The 
information about her birth after the death of her father 
and her mother's marriage to William COGAN clear 
up the confusions among my sources.

I agree with your comment that Walter DEANE died in 
Taunton, Bristol Co MA and not in Somerset.  That is an 
unfortunate error.

I will have to get a copy of Volume V of the Strong 
Family Histories to see what authority is given for 
Eleanor's marriage in Taunton in 1640.  I had 
estimated, lacking any other information, that the 
marriage had been while the families were in 
Dorchester before the move to Taunton. Since 
Eleanor is said to have been born in 1613-14, she 
would have been 26 in 1640.  That seems quite late. 

In NEHGR Vol 147 p 153 it has Walter DEANE sailing 
in 1637 and has Walter DEANE and John STRONG 
made Freemen in Plymouth 4 Dec 1638 and both men 
as original proprietors of Taunton in 1638.  It seems 
that, in the absence of other proof, a date of 1638 
would be more reasonable.  

On the same page it is reported that a deed signed 
by Walter and Eleanor 20 Aug 1693 is the last record 
of either of them alive and on page 383 it says that 
no will or settlement of his estate is on record. Again, 
I will have to see what proof there is for Walter's death 
in April, 1693 rather than After 20 Aug 1693.

Your response gave me the answer to my key question. 
I hope my comments on the other items are seen as 
constructive. They are not  meant as criticism.  You have 
to rely on your sources as we all do.  This work is always 
under construction.

Again, many thanks for your help and your work on the 
Strong List.

Homer Scott

--------- End forwarded message ----------



The 1640 estimated date of marriage was from the same 
electronic database that gave the incorrect place of death 
of Walter Deane. So just discount it.  Here is what was
in the article in STRONG FAMILY HISTORIES, Vol. V, 
pages 633-634.  Abbreviations have been expanded.

"3-20.  ELEANOR STRONG, daughter of John Stronge, #5, 
born around 1613.  She married around 1637 at Taunton, 
Massachusetts, WALTER DEANE, son of William Deane."

Children of Walter and Eleanor (Strong) Deane named were:

1. Mary, born about 1638, m. Shadrack Wilbore
2. Lydia, born about 1644, m. Bartholomew Tipping
3. James, born about 1648, m. Sarah Tisdale
4. Ezra, born 14 OCT 1650, m. Bethia Edson
5. Benjamin, born about 1653, m. Sarah Williams
6. Joseph, born about  1654, m. Mary Tipping

No dates of death are reported in the article for William
Deane or for Eleanor Strong Deane.

It was implied, but not stated, in my message of 
yesterday, that John Strong and Eleanor Strong were 
apparently reared by William Cogan, their step-father.  
How old Eleanor was when her mother married Mr. Cogan 
was not stated in the article.  My guess is that Eleanor 
was still an infant when her mother remarried.  I would
also guess that William and Eleanor Cogan had additional
children.  This needs to be researched, unless some one 
on "The List" already knows the answer.

Your contributions about Eleanor Strong Deane, her 
life, her ancestry, family, and/or descendants are 
appreceiated, Homer.  If you have further information
you can share, please do.  Your conscientious effort to
discover "the truth" about Eleanor Strong Deane is
very also appreciated and sets a good example for 
the rest of us on the STRONG Family Genealogy 
Discussion Group.

Robert T. ("Bob") Strong, Jr., Manager, STRONG Mail List
119 Mystic Way, Monrovia Comm., Madison, AL 35758-7113
(c) 1997.  Permission granted to copy for personal use only.


---------- End of message ----------

From: (Robert T. Strong)
To: "Strong Family genealogy list"
Subject: LYSANDER STRONG, son of Amasa Strong
Date: Thu, 10 Apr 1997 15:01:51 EDT

ATTENTION:   Terry Dearborn < >
                       Robert S. (Bob) Strong < >

--------- Begin forwarded message ----------

Subject: Re: RE-POST: 
              STRONG: ? > Litchfield CT > Aurora IA; 1791-1891
Date: Thu, 10 Apr 1997 11:25:08 -0400 (EDT)

Lysander Strong, s/o Amasa and Lydia Rockwell Strong, 
b. May 18, 1791 married Harriet J. Keith on Oct 22, 1822.  
They had six children, Patty Melissa, Caroline Louisa, Maria 
Cordelia, Mary Elizabeth, Homer Delos and Flora Amanda

If you have any further information about any of these 
people, or of their descendants, I would be very interested 
in obtaining such data for the SFAA files.

                                                     Bob Strong
                                                     Historian SFAA

--------- End forwarded message ----------


Thanks, Bob, for you message, above.

Would you please give the reference for this data?  OR, 
for the benefit of those of us who are rather ignorant about 
the Strongs of New England and who do not possess copies 
of Dwight's history or the SFAA Updates, Volumes I through 
IV, could you please provide a descendancy chart from 
John Strong, the immigrant?

I am forwarding your message and this reply  to the 
STRONG Family Genealogy Discussion Group.  Any 
messages that might be of interest to two or more persons 
in the group should be addressed to:

Please continue to be engaged in the group.  I am 
depending on you and others to assist with queries about 
the family, ancestry, and descendants of John Strong, the 
immigrant to Massachusetts, as I do not have the 
references needed to answer many of the questions.  

To "The List":  See!!  It pays to repost your messages 
periodically.  When the query about Lysander Strong was 
first posted there was no reply.  With new subscribers, we 
now have more knowledge to share.

Robert T. ("Bob") Strong, Jr., Manager, STRONG Mail List
119 Mystic Way, Monrovia Comm., Madison, AL 35758-7113
(c) 1997.  Permission granted to copy for personal use only.

---------- End of message ----------

From: (Robert T. Strong)
To: "Strong Family genealogy list"
Date: Thu, 10 Apr 1997 18:45:30 EDT

--------- Begin forwarded message ----------

From: ( KAY   ROCKETT)
To: "Strong Family genealogy list" 
Subject: STRONG/SHARP Query
Date: Wed,  1 Jan 1997 18:20:54, -0500

Although I'm in search of Celia SHARP, I was told there was 
a Samuel STRONG who married a Mary SHARP, and they 
lived in Lawrence Co, MS.  In the same county was Celia 
with husband Rudolphus DODD, James SHARP and wife 
Deborah, and Margaret SHARP and husband Alexander 
Strong MARTIN.    I believe Mary Sharp STRONG, wife of 
Samuel, was sister to Celia.  If you have any SHARP or 
MARTIN info, PLEASE contact me at 
in case I am no longer on this list.

Seeking parents, brothers, and sisters of Rudolphus DODD 
b 1804 NC d 1856 MS m 24 Apr 1834 Rockingham Co, NC, 
Celia SHARP b 1811 NC d aft 1880.  Their children were 
William S. 1835 NC, Mary E. 1838 NC, Nancy E. 1839 NC, 
Harriet F. (Mariah) 1842 NC, John B. 1844 MS, Celia Ann 
1846 MS, Margaret Cornelia 1850 MS, and Rudolphus 
Edward 1852 MS.  


Kay in MS
--------- End forwarded message ----------
---------- End of message ----------

From: (Robert T. Strong)
To: "Strong Family genealogy list"
Subject: FORWARD:  Elizabeth Strong, mother of Alexander Strong Martin
Date: Thu, 10 Apr 1997 18:45:30 EDT

with CC to:

--------- Begin forwarded message ----------

From: Francie Lane 
To: "Robert T. Strong" 
Subject: Re: ELIZABETH STRONG m. Samuel Crowley
Date: Sat, 21 Dec 1996 12:00:54 -0800
Message-ID: <>

Dear Robert,

Thank you so very much for taking the time & giving 
me the updated information on Elizabeth Strong 
Crowley!  I haven't been actively doing any research 
on the Strong family recently so was unaware of
the correction.  There has always been a doubt in my 
mind that my Elizabeth Strong had never married.  
This was due to the fact that she was able to buy and 
sell property as a single woman, which was not 
considered legal at the time.  

I think what I may find with some diligent searching, 
is that Elizabeth may have been born a Fields, as that 
name has been used in subsequent generations.  
Perhaps you could tell me if you have a marriage 
record for a Strong and an Elizabeth Fields?

Even though, I now find I'm not a part of the Strong 
family, I am very grateful to your List in helping me 
find Leanne Dooley, who has a common Sharp family 
connection, and I would still like to find my Alexander 
Strong Martin's half-brother, John Strong.

Re Gov. Martin's whereabouts in 1767, Gov. Alexander 
Martin settled in Salisbury, NC about 1760 as a merchant.  
In 1765 he was appointed Justice of the Peace, and 1766 
was made King's Attorney for Rowan Co.  Gov. Martin 
moved into his Danbury Plantation abt. 1773.  


Francie Lane

--------- End forwarded message ----------

---------- End of message ----------

From: (Robert T. Strong)
To: "Strong Family genealogy list"
Subject: RE-POST:  Elizabeth Strong and her sons:  John and Alexander M.
Date: Thu, 10 Apr 1997 18:45:30 EDT

with CC to:

--------- Begin forwarded message ----------

From: Francie Lane 
To: "Strong Family genealogy list"
Date: Fri, 20 Dec 1996 22:27:33 -0800
Message-ID: <>

Hello -
I'm delighted to be a part of the Strong Discussion Group, and sorry
it's taken this long for me to become acquainted with everyone...

My fourth Great Grandmother was Elizabeth Strong, b. 2 Jul 1744,
Hanover Co., VA, the daughter of William Strong, b. 1700, New
Kent Co., VA.  (For those of you familiar with J. R. Rolff's book, 
Elizabeth is Chapter 10.)

I have extensive data and history on Elizabeth's son, Alexander Strong
Martin, b. 8 Jul 1787, Rockingham Co., NC; d. 18 Oct 1864, Holmes
Co., MS.  - m. Margaret Sharp, d/o Adam Sharp & Mary Whiteside.
Alexander Strong Martin was the son of NC Governor Alexander Martin
of Rockingham Co., NC.

My question concerns Elizabeth's eldest son, John Strong.  I do not
know who his father was, and probably never will, but I would like
to know what happened to Alexander Strong Martin's half brother.

John was born about 1765, I would think either in Pittsylvania Co., or
Hanover Co., VA   I believe John probably married Sarah Grogan.

It would appear from census records that John remained in Rockingham
Co. through 1830.  From Census records, it would appear that 
Elizabeth lived in her son Alexander S. Martin's household up through 
1820.  A. S. Martin obtained a land grant in Holmes Co., MS in 1835,
but he did not move his family there until probably 1845.  In 1848, A. S.
Martin purchased 530 ac. in Holmes Co., MS. from Rodolphus Dodd,
a resident of Holmes Co., but was originally from Rockingham Co., NC,
and in fact had married Cecilia Sharp (I don't know if Cecilia was a 
sister of A. S. Martin's wife, Margaret Sharp)  Rodolphus Dodd was born
ca 1804, and died in Holmes Co., MS.  Dodd's will was written in
Jan., 1855, and witnessed by a JOHN STRONG!  I can't help but wonder
whether this could be Alexander's half brother.  Can anyone help me?
I'll be glad to share what information I have.
Francie Lane

--------- End forwarded message ----------

---------- End of message ----------

From: (Robert T. Strong)
To: "Strong Family genealogy list"
Subject: SUBSCRIBERS to STRONG Mail List, 10 APR 97 
Date: Fri, 11 Apr 1997 08:42:58 EDT

>From the keyboard of Bob Strong, List Manager

Robert T. Strong, Jr. 
119 Mystic Way, Lori's Landing S/D, Monrovia Community 
Madison, AL 35758-7113


                         ROBERT'S RAMBLINGS


On 4 APR 97 I asked subscribers to let me know their desires
about whether the STRONG Mail List should continue as it
has in the past as a heterogenous mixture of all persons,
anywhere, anytime, with the names Strong(e), Strang(e),
Stra(u)gh(a)n, and similar and related surnames, OR, whether
we are now large enough to consider a subdivision into 
smaller, more homogeneous groups.  [This was a spin-off of
expressions by several subscribers who felt that the Manager's
policy of requiring accurate Subject LInes should be relaxed.]

Only one reply has been received to date.  If you have an 
opinion on this issue, please respond in a public message to 
the Mail List address, rather than to me personally.  Send your
replies to < >.  Please 
reply this week, before 18 APR 97.

I was pleased to note that no one cancelled their  
subscriptions this week.

As you are surely aware by now, I have been re-posting some
messages from December 1996:  the first month the STRONG 
Mail List was in operation.  This was a busy time considering
the small number of subscribers in December and the fact
that this was the Christmas season.  I hope these re-posts 
have caused no one any problems.  I know how busy everyone
is and have usually limited the re-posts to five or six per day.         
My plan is to continue the re-posts through the month of 
January, 1997.  The re-posts are being done in conjunction
with re-filing all messages that were originally filed in a 
single file folder.  As the folder grew, the access time got
slower, so the folder was subdivided around the first of 
February.  I now cross-file all STRONG List messages by
locality (state and/or county) and by month.

AMERICA ONLINE Subscribers:  Delivery of your mail 
continues to be slow, with many "error" messages being
generated to Mail List Managers, stating your mail could
not  be delivered within four hours but the system would
continue to try to deliver the mail for up to four days.


If you know a Strong, etc., researcher who is not already 
subscribed, please send them an invitation to join us, to learn 
about our families, and to share information about their 
families.   A sample or model Announcement has been posted 
to the Mail List which may be used for this purpose.  Contact 
the List Manager is you do not have a copy.

You are invited to resubmit any queries or lineages that have
not been posted in the past month.  Just please begin the 
Subject Line of these messages with "Re-Post:"  In your 
Subject Line include, if possible, Who, Where, and When.

The MAIL SERVER ("MAISER") at Indiana University is now
providing directories of the STRONG Mail List archives.
To obtain the most recent directory send the following message 
to the MAISER E-Mail address, beginning Column 1. Line 1.

send std.dir

As of 10 APR 97, the directory being distributed was 
dated 31 MAR 97.  

96-12-08.STD ** 96-12-09.STD ** 96-12-10.STD ** 96-12-11.STD
96-12-12.STD ** 96-12-13.STD ** 96-12-14.STD ** 96-12-15.STD
96-12-16.STD ** 96-12-17.STD ** 96-12-18.STD ** 96-12-19.STD
96-12-20.STD ** 96-12-21.STD ** 96-12-22.STD ** 96-12-23.STD
96-12-24.STD ** 96-12-28.STD ** 96-12-30.STD ** 96-12-31.STD
97-01-02.STD ** 97-01-03.STD ** 97-01-04.STD ** 97-01-05.STD
97-01-06.STD ** 97-01-10.STD ** 97-01-11.STD ** 97-01-12.STD
97-01-15.STD ** 97-01-16.STD ** 97-01-17.STD ** 97-01-19.STD
97-01-21.STD ** 97-02-25.STD ** 97-02-26.STD ** 97-02-27.STD
97-02-28.STD ** 97-03-01.STD ** 97-03-02.STD ** 97-03-03.STD
97-03-04.STD ** 97-03-05.STD ** 97-03-06.STD ** 97-03-07.STD
97-03-08.STD ** 97-03-09.STD ** 97-03-10.STD ** 97-03-11.STD
97-03-12.STD ** 97-03-14.STD ** 97-03-15.STD ** 97-03-16.STD
97-03-17.STD ** 97-03-19.STD ** 97-03-22.STD ** 97-03-23.STD
97-03-24.STD ** 97-03-26.STD ** 97-03-27.STD ** 97-03-28.STD
97-03-29.STD ** 97-03-30.STD ** 97-03-31.STD ** 

There have been messages posted to the STRONG Mail 
List every day for the period 1 APR through 11 APR, also.

The syntax for obtaining archived messages for the STRONG
List from the MAISER List Server address is:

send YY-MM-DD.std


send 97-01-30.std
send 97-03-24.std

                     CURRENT SUBSCRIBER LIST

Members of STRONG Mail List as of THURSDAY, 10 APR 97

Current number of subscribers:  61

Welcome to New Subscribers This Week: 5 (Adam Perkins) (Matthew J. Carman) (Jeremy Franklin) (Rev. Michael ("Mike") Strong)

We look forward to our new subscribers introducing
themselves and their Strong, Strang, Strange, 
Straughan, etc.,  family connections in the near future.
Please tell us Who, Where, and When about your 
connections and you are also urged to post a descendancy
chart.  Please also identify yourselves, if you have not 
already done so,  so that a name can be attached to your 
Internet E-Mail address. 


Not Receiving E-Mail from Strong List (Set to NOMAIL): (Mike Strong)
To contact the above individual, send your message directly
to his E-Mail address rather than to the STRONG List.

Please report any corrections or additions to the Subscriber
List below to the List Manager.  A migration route will be 
added to your name and/or E-Mail address if you provide 
that information.

"Descendants," as used below, includes researchers of these 
families who may not be descendants.


Strongs in England (Lise Elliott) 
           [Thomas Strong, b. 1766, East Sussex, England]

Strongs of England & Australia (William ("Bill") Strong)
            [Thomas Strong, d. bef. 1918, Oxford?, England] 

Strongs of Ireland and Australia (Victoria ("Tory") Strong)

Strongs of Ireland and Canada ("Bill" Strong)  [IRE > CAN > MT, USA] (Mike Strong) [IRE > ONT, CAN] (Dave Strong) [IRE > ONT, CAN]
            [George Strong, (b. Ireland abt. 1825, d. Ontario 1893)]

Other Strongs of Canada
     Descedants of William Strong, b. 1825,  of Newfoundland
  (Barbara Pederson)
  (Gerry Strong) 

Strongs of Scotland and  Ireland and South Carolina
    Charles Strong, b. Scotland, d. 1783 Ireland
          Letitia Strong (b. 1766, Ireland-d. 1837, SC)
          m. 1778 James STRONG, Jr. (b.1749, IRE -d.1829, SC)            
          (Thomas Weir)
          (Roger Dellinger)
           Christopher Strong, b. 1760 IRE; d. 1850, Dickson Co., TN
           (Lowry Betts)
           (Jim McCuller)
Strongs of Ireland and South Carolina
     James Strong, Sr. b.1709 Ireland; d, 1779 Chester Co., SC
   (Thomas Weir)
   (Roger Dellinger)
John Strong, "Elder", of England, Massachusetts, and

      Descendants of Thomas Strong, son of John Strong
  (Cleta Terrell)
  (Sandi Strong Rowe)
  (Theresa Lang) 
  (Patt Fulton) 

     Descendants of Hannah Strong, daughter of John Strong
  [Sanford B. Hunt)

     Descendants of Return Strong (son of John) and Sarah Warham
           Sarah Strong m. 1696 (Capt.) John Higley in Windsor, CT      
     Descendant of Hester Strong, daughter of John Strong
   (Ruth Thoden)

     Descendant of Elizabeth Strong, daughter of John Strong,
     who married Joseph Parsons
          cathyl@TSO.Cin.IX.Net (Catherine (Hover) Lippert) 

     Descendant of Jedediah Strong, 1st, b. May 7, 1637: Hingmam, MA
     d. May 22, 1733: Coventry, Tolland, CT; m.1. Freedom Woodward 
     b. 1642.  of of Dorchester MA. d. May 17, 1681
 (Jeremy T. Franklin)

Possible descendants of John Strong, "Elder", of Massachusetts
  (Joe Ticknor Breeze) 
           [Tabitha Strong of Salisbury, Litchfield Co., CT 
             m. 1772 John Ticknor (or Tickner)] ( Dick Parker)
           [George Strong of Marblehead, MA]

Strongs of Northeastern U. S. (Karen McKellar) 
          [__?__ Strong of Pennsylvania] (Allan T. Hackney)
          [Charles STRONG, b. 4 Apr 1778 d. 1844 in Leesburg,
                                            Cumberland Co., New Jersey] (Emmett W Bratt)
          [James STRONG b. 1727; d. 1804, York Co., PA: 
          Great Britain ? > PA > OH ] (Kelly Loveall)
          [Mary Isabelle STRONG b. 1855 Sag Harbor, LI, New York,
          d. 1892; m. Everett Alphonso HANCOCK, resided Groton, CT.] (Megan E. Scott)
           [John Strong of Chester Co., PA]      

Strongs of Midwestern U. S. (Mr. Terry Dearborn)     
           [Lysander STRONG. b. 1791 [CT?]; d.1837, Medina, OH]
Strongs of Central U.S. [Teresa L. Edwards]     
           Nancy Jane Strong Fleetwood, d. 1898, Douglas Co., MO (Bill Strong)
           Herman J. STRONG:  OH > IA > NE,  1822 - 1916 (Cindy Prince)
           Melissa STRONG, of Choctaw descent, m. 1855 William J. 
           LOONEY,  MO > OK or TX > MO

John Strong, Sr., of New Kent Co., VA
      Descendants of John Strong, Jr., son of John Strong, Sr.
            Descendants of Martin Strong, 1st
        (Robert T. Strong)
        ("Matt" Strong) 
        (Agness Duncan Koch)
        (GeLee Corley Hendrix)
            Descendants of William Strong, Sr., son of John Strong, Jr.
         (R. W. Moss)
      Descendants of William Strong, Sr., son of John Strong, Sr.     
    (Russell Laird)  
    (James R. Rolff m. Sandra Strong)
    (Thomas Mathews)
                  James Strong, b. KY, about 1844
                  Daniel W. Strong of Gainesville, Ozark Co., MO

Probable descendants of John Strong, Sr., of New Kent Co.,VA

     Probable descendants of William Strong, Sr., son of John, Sr.
          Descendants of Joseph Strong of Jackson/Clay Co., TN     
       (Donald L. Hendrix) 
       (Carl Cason)
       (Dave Strong)
          Descendants of Samuel Strong, b. 1798, of Rockingham 
          Co., NC, m. Mary Sharp.  They resided Lawrence Co., MS.
          (Leanne Dooley) 
          Descendants of unidentified Strongs of Rockingham Co., NC     
       (Francie Lane) 

     Probable descendant of John Strong, Jr., Hanover Co., VA
          Probable descendant of David Strong of Giles Co., TN
                Susan Strong Haden %
       (Wade R. Watts)
 STRAUGHAN Family researchers: (Norma Straughan Russie)       
          John Wm. STRAUGHAN, b. 20 DEC 1842, ENG > VA (Jim Straughan)
         Straughan/Straughn: VA > KY, ca. 1760s.  

STRANG Family researchers: (Emmett W. Bratt)
          [STRANG: ENG>PA;1700's] (Matthew James Carman)
          {Daniel STRANG, b. 1661; d. 1707, Rye, Westchester Co., NY]

STRANGE Family researchers:
         [James Strange of London, ENG, abt 1780 & descendants.]

Lineage unidentified or unknown or not clear. 
Some subscribers have not posted their lineage--
or perhaps I have overlooked it.      (Robert S. Strong)
     LavonnaS (Lavonna Smith)  (Adam Perkins) (Rev. Michael ("Mike") Strong)  


---------- End of message ----------

To: "Strong Family genealogy list"
Subject: List Structure, Mission Statements, per RTS query
Date: 11 Apr 1997 13:04:52 EDT


Every organization has to have structure and rules to live by... without
them, chaos usually results.  You have taken on a big job and have done
fine by my reckoning.

I don't think this list should even consider subdividing.  I know I
complain from time to time about having to read about some other Strong
family's details at great length, but in the end, I think it may be
worth while.  As you have previously noted, my interests are primarily
in trying to sort out the earlier history of the Strong surname.  I
believe that there are several different "roots" of the name;  however,
the further back in time one traces the  name, the more the roots tend
to converge on two main possible ancestries: L'Estrange and Armstrong.
Some of the variants that exist do come from misrecording and
mispronounciations at differing points along the line,  eg., I think
most of the Strachan, Strahin, Straughan, etc variants that do tie into
the Strong and Strang(e) lineages, came about in this manner.  The real
root of these latter names is gaelic in origin, and probably out of the
"L'Estrange and Armstrong" grouping.   I could be wrong, but that is how
I see it.

Recently, you asked me to repost my January 6, 1997 message about a sort
of grand plan for coordinating research in the British Isles.  I did
that, and to date have received no responses to the reposting.  However,
perhaps this is a good place to pick up on your point that it may serve
as a basis for a sort of "mission statement" for "the list".  It is
great to be able to share the known research results of various families
on this list.  But, can we also coordinate our efforts in some way to
try to tie the earlier roots of the various "trees" together back in the
"old country"?  If that is possible, then I think it is obvious there is
a real need to keep the list together as it is.

Over, to you or anyone else who wants to take up the discussion.

Dave Strong

---------- End of message ----------

To: "Strong Family genealogy list"
Date: Fri, 11 Apr 1997 15:08:19 EDT

Hi, Bob:

I would prefer that the list be maintained to include the variations of
the name "STRONG".

I hope to find the roots of John STRONG, Jr. in Chester Co., PA. 
Apparently, up to this point, it is a dead end.  Perhaps this family
started out as STRANGE, STRAUNGE, etc.
Somewhere there may be a clue.

Meg Scott

---------- End of message ----------

From: (Barbara Pederson)
To: "Strong Family genealogy list"
Subject: STRONG Mail List 
Date: Fri, 11 Apr 1997 18:16:07 -0230 (NDT)


I personally wouldn't like to see the STRONG Mail List broken up. Even
though so far I have no connections with the STRONGs being researched, I
still find much of the information very interesting, and being a dreamer, I
always anticpate that some day, (forget the prince on a white horse), a
message will come with the English connection I am waiting for.

Barbara (of William STRONG b. 1825, Newfoundland)

---------- End of message ----------

To: "Strong Family genealogy list"
Subject: Re: STRONG LIST
Date: Fri, 11 Apr 1997 20:07:28 -0400 (EDT)

Dear Bob,
Unless you feel the number of messages is getting out-of-hand (quantity), I'm
in favor of keeping the list as is, i.e. all spellings of STRONG, for now.

I, for one. want to thank you for the fine job you are doing.  I'm sure it is
time consuming, and at times frustrating, but you are providing a valuable

Descendant of (Elder) John Strong, through his son, Thomas.

---------- End of message ----------

To: "Strong Family genealogy list"
Subject: Housekeeping
Date: Fri, 11 Apr 1997 21:19:53 EDT

Leave it alone Bob for the time being. Granted there is a lot of stuf to
go through. I am on two active lists and I have no trouble. I know where
the delete key is.
Sandy in Lubbock

---------- End of message ----------

From: Russell Laird 
To: "Strong Family genealogy list"
Subject: Change STRONG List?
Date: Fri, 11 Apr 1997 21:35:38 -0500

Dear Bob, and everyone here,

Change this list?

My answer is not "no," but h-e-double-hockey-sticks NO!

I have learned more about genealogical pursuits (not to
mention most of what I know about my Strong ancestors)
as a direct result of this list. Quantity is certainly not a
problem. Quality is best I've seen, bar none, and that is

Continuance of our current direction will, I believe, result
in achieving the goal Dave spoke of: tying everything back
together across the big pond, at least as tightly as written
records will allow. That is an item on everyone's wish list.

I feel like a child, sitting at the feet of elders, absorbing
their wisdom as they speak of times past. I like the
experience very much, and I don't want it to change,
regardless of how much I learn.


Russell Laird
---------- End of message ----------
From: (Robert T. Strong)
To: "Strong Family genealogy list"
Subject: RE-POST:  [Please state your] Sources
Date: Sat, 12 Apr 1997 22:54:21 EDT

--------- Begin forwarded message ----------
From: (Sanford B. Hunt)
To: "Strong Family genealogy list" 
Subject: Sources
Date: Sat, 21 Dec 1996 15:24:03 EST

It would be very helpful if, when you are asking for 
information, let us know WHERE you have looked 
before. It is very discouraging to spend a lot of time 
doing look-ups only to find that you have already 
covered that source. Soooo-do your best to tell us 
what you have done before-it will save many a lot of 

Sandy in Lubbock TX

--------- End forwarded message ----------

---------- End of message ----------

From: (Robert T. Strong)
To: "Strong Family genealogy list"
Subject: RE-POST:  ELIZABETH STRONG m. Samuel Crowley
Date: Sat, 12 Apr 1997 22:54:21 EDT

--------- Begin forwarded message ----------
From: Leanne Dooley 
To:  Strong Family genealogy list 
Subject: Re: ELIZABETH STRONG m. Samuel Crowley
Date: Sun, 22 Dec 1996 21:45:29 +0000

Robert, I'd like to contribute a quote from a letter written 
to me in 1989 by Mr J.R. Rolff, regarding Elizabeth Strong 
of Chapter 10 of his book,  " Another thing I've found, that 
is of major importance, is that the Elizabeth Strong of 
Chapter 10 (a sister of the Strong brothers who first settled 
in that area) actually married a Samuel Crowley 
(supposedly the first man killed in the Revolution).  All of 
the Elizabeth Strong records that I have in Chapter 10 
(except the birth date) actually belong to another Elizabeth 
Strong. This other Elizabeth Strong would have to be a 
widow of one of the Strong brothers mentioned above, 
probably Thomas. ....Also the Sarah Strong of Chapter 9 
probably married Benjamen Crowley, brother of the above 
Samuel, but this isn't proven yet."   I've written to him 
about 3 weeks ago but used the old Battle Creek address. 
I'll probably get it back as I haven't heard from him and he 
was good to get me speedy replies before.  Hope this 
helps and tell Francie, I'll get connected to her right after 
Christmas. Her info on the Sharp girls is new to me, but I 
have contact with another Sharp resarcher that knows of 
Adam's family. We've got to talk.   

Cheery Season To All...And To All A Good Night !! 
Leanne Dooley

--------- End forwarded message ----------

---------- End of message ----------

From: (Robert T. Strong)
To: "Strong Family genealogy list"
Subject: RE-POST:  Genealogy from Floyd E. Roberts
Date: Sat, 12 Apr 1997 22:54:21 EDT

--------- Begin forwarded message ----------

To: "Strong Family genealogy list" 
Subject: Genealogy from Floyd E. Roberts
Date: Sat, 21 Dec 1996 13:39:11 -0500 (EST)

In organizing my STRONG correspondence I have come across
correspondence from a Mr. Floyd E. Roberts, 3214 Gerald St.,
Madison, WI 53704-2747.  I wonder if the STRONG lineage he
follows is tied in to those on the STRONG list being investigated by
Robert T. Strong, Russell Laird, Samuel Strong, Francie Lane or
other STRONG list subscribers?  In bare outline form (he has much
more detail) it would be:

I.  John Strong b. ca. 1675 m. ca. 1697

  A.  John Strong, Jr., chr. 13 Nov 1698, New Kent, VA
  B.  William Strong, b. 1 Jan 1701, chr. 5 Jan 1701, New Kent,
  VA d. >1770

     1.   Mary Strong, b. 10 Dec 1732, Hanover, VA m. 8 Oct
          1751 Edward Colley, Norfolk, VA
     2.   John Strong b. 2 Nov 1734, Hanover, VA d. ca. 1819
          m. ca. 1758 Sarah Sneed, Hanover, VA
     3.   William Strong, b. 10 Mar 1736, Hanover, VA d. ca.
     4.   Thomas Strong, b. 16 Dec 1739, Hanover, VA d. ca.
          1779 Rockingham, NC m. Mary Webster
     5.   Sary Strong b. 24 Jul 1742, Hanover, VA
     6.   Elizabeth Strong b. 21 Jul 1744, Hanover, VA
     7.   James Strong, b. 7 Mar 1746 Hanover, VA m. ca. 1770
          Pittsylvania, VA d. ca. 1805

       a. John Strong b. ca. 1772 Rockingham, NC
       b. Samuel Strong Sr. b. ca. 1774 Rockingham, NC
       c. Thomas Strong ca. 1778 d. >1830, m. Martha Mary
          Bond b. 19 Aug 1778 Guliford Co., NC.

          (1)  Thomas Strong, Jr. b. ca. 1804 NC d. <1861
               Grant Co, WI m. ca.. 1826 NC Mary A. ? b.
               1810 d. 3 Apr 1864 Plattesville, Grant Co., WI

       d. James Strong b. ca. 1783 Rockingham, NC
       e, William Strong b. ca. 1785 Rockingham, NC

  C.  George Strong, chr. 23 May 1703, New Kent, VA
  D.  Nathaniel Strong, b. ca. 1704, New Kent, VA

Donald L. Hendrix
Mesa, AZ  

--------- End forwarded message ----------

---------- End of message ----------

From: (Robert T. Strong)
To: "Strong Family genealogy list"
Subject: RE-POST:  Nathaniel Strong, Sr. & Jr., of Norfolk Co., VA, 1700s
Date: Sat, 12 Apr 1997 22:54:21 EDT

--------- Begin forwarded message ----------

From: (Robert T. Strong)
To: "Strong Family genealogy list" 
Subject: Re: Genealogy from Floyd E. Roberts
Date: Sat, 21 Dec 1996 23:16:07 EST

ATTENTION:  Donald L. Hendrix

I.  John Strong b. ca. 1675 m. ca. 1697

  A.  John Strong, Jr., chr. 13 Nov 1698, New Kent, VA
  B.  William Strong, chr. 5 Jan 1701, New Kent,
        VA  d. >1770
  C.  George Strong, chr. 23 May 1703, New Kent, VA

  [D.  Nathaniel Strong, b. ca. 1704, New Kent, VA]


Yes, that's the same family, but Nathaniel Strong of 
Norfolk County [not New Kent County] is not a proven 
son of John Strong, Sr., of New Kent County.  This was 
a speculation  made by James Robert Rolff in his book 
that is being reported as a fact.  There just isn't a sufficient
basis for believing that Nathaniel Strong of Norfolk 
County was a son of John Strong of New Kent County.  
He may have been, but until convincing evidence is 
documented it is best NOT to assign Nathaniel as a son of
John Strong, Sr., of New Kent County.  

On page 338 of his book, James R. Rolff stated:
"...I want to STRONGLY EMPHASIZE that this connection
of Nathaniel  [Strong] to our Strong family is only a 
THEORY of mine, and even I am not near convinced 
that my own theory is true."

Very little is known about Nathaniel Strong [Sr.], 
father of Nathaniel Strong, Jr., of Norfolk Co., VA. 
Nathaniel Strong, Sr., died before 16 MAR 1753, 
when Nathaniel Strong, Jr., an orphan, was bound 
out as an apprentice.  Rolff theorized that Nathaniel
Strong, Sr.,may have been the same person as 
Nathaniel Strong of Prince George's County, 
Maryland, who married there in 1738 and whose 
son, Nathaniel Strong, Jr., was born there in 1738.  
Rolff also refers to a Nathaniel Strong who was 
residing in Stafford Co.,VA, in 1740, believing he 
was the same person. 

There was another Nathaniel Strong that DOES belong to
this family.  This Nathaniel Strong, Sr., first appears in the
records of Louisa County, VA, near John Strong, III, in the 
1760s and he follows John Strong, III,  to Goochland County, 
in the 1770s, lives on John Strong's land before buying some 
of it, etc.  The evidence indicates he was a younger brother 
of John Strong III, who was a son of John Strong, Jr., born 
1698, above.  Nathaniel Strong, Sr., son of John Strong, Jr., 
settled around 1815 near Huntsville in Madison County, AL, 
and his son, Nathan Strong [Jr.] lived in Lawrence Co., 
Alabama, for a few years before settling at Manchester, 
Dallas (now Clark) County, Arkansas.  

Rolff attempted to prove that Nathaniel Strong, Sr.,
who apparently died in Norfolk Co., VA, around 1753,
was the father of John Strong, III, of Hanover, Louisa,
Goochland, and Campbell Counties, VA, and Clarke 
County, GA.  The evidence is quite clear now that 
John Strong, III, was a brother of Martin Strong, who
made purchases charged to the account of the estate
of John Strong [Jr.], deceased, in western Hanover 
County  in 1751.  This record of the death of John
Strong [Jr.] in or before 1751 was not discovered 
by me until AFTER Rolff published his book.  

It seems clear that the data sent to you by Floyd E. 
Roberts had its origin in the book by James R. Rolff.

John Strong, Jr., is my own line and I will be posting more
details about the family probably after the New Year.

Eventually I plan to  publish a book about my own Strong 
lineage...   In order to get this accomplished I may have 
to become inactive on this discussion group for awhile.

Enjoy the Holiday Season, Everyone!!!

Robert T. ("Bob") Strong, Jr., Manager, STRONG Mail List
119 Mystic Way, Monrovia Comm., Madison, AL 35758-7113
(c) 1997.  Permission granted to copy for personal use only.

---------- End of message ----------

From: (Robert T. Strong)
To: "Strong Family genealogy list"
Subject: RE-POST:  ELIZABETH STRONG, consort of Gov. Alexander Martin 	of 
Date: Sat, 12 Apr 1997 22:54:21 EDT

--------- Begin forwarded message ----------

From: (Robert T. Strong)
To: "Strong Family genealogy list" 
Subject: ELIZABETH STRONG, consort of Gov. Alexander Martin of NC
Date: Sun, 22 Dec 1996 05:18:21 EST


As a researcher of Miss or Mrs. Elizaberth Strong, consort of
Gov. Alexander Martin of North Carolina, you are most welcome
as a subscriber on the Strong Mail List.  I just want to point out
that there were two Elizabeths and it is more probahblye that it
is was the Elizabeth Strong who married Samuel Crowley who 
was a s daughter of William Strong, Sr., of Pittsylvania County,

What was your evaluation of the materials I encluded regarding 
the John Strong of Davidson County, TN, being a good prospect 
for being the missing son of Elizabeth Strong, consort of 
Alexander Martin?  Some research on Mortons of North Carolina
might be revealing, particularly if you can find data for Martha
("Patsy") Morton, who married (1) John Strong and (2) Thomas

I have searched through my electronic records of Strongs and 
find no Field(s) marriage.   I do., however, recall that the Farrars 
of Virginia intermarried with the Field family, resulting in the 
name Field Farrar, etc.   I recall the name Peter Field.  
These Farrars resided at Farrar's Isalnd and in Mecklenburg Co.
VA., before some of them migrated to South Carolina and GA
and then into Mississippi, etc.  

On page 446 of Volume VI of SFAA's STRONG FAMILY HISTORIES
it is reported that William Carrell Rives Strong married Elizabeth 
Fields.  Elizabeth Fields Strong is reported to have been born 31 MAR
1836 and to have died 12 AUG 1887.  This William Strong  was 
reported to be a descendant of Thomas Strong, Jr., of Rockingham 
County, NC,  and he resided in Scott Co., VA. Ten children of 
William Strong are enumerated.  William outlived his wife, Elizabeth, 
and remarried to Elizabeth L. Carter, born about 1856.  William 
married for the third time on 17 DEC 1891 to Matilde V. Pendleton, 
born about 1864, according to the person who contributed 
this  account.  So this Elizabeth Fields Strong does not match the
records of Elizabeth Strong, consort of Gov. Alexander Martin.

This family is discussed in Rolff's book on pages 158 and following.
Elizabeth Fields Strong is enumerated on the 1860, 1870, and 1880
census of Scott County, VA.   

Please continue to participate in the Strong Family discussion 
group, Francie.  We need to know the full story of Elizabeth
Strong, consort of Gov. Alexander Martin.  Hopefully you can fill
in some of the missing details.   Records of Guilford County, NC,
may hold some clues.  As I recall, Guilford County was earlier
Orange County, NC, so you may need to look at early records of
Orange County, NC, as well.  Even earlier, this part of North 
Carolina was part of Bladen County but no records of this early
period of Bladen County survived.    

Most of Rolff's data on Elizabeth Strong, consort of Alexander 
Martin, was contibuted by Linda [Mrs. William L.] Vernon, who 
resided around1980 at Route 4, Box 179, Stoneville, NC.  
She wrote an article about Elizabeth Strong that appeared in a 
newspaper.  You might write to James Rolff (9101 East Main 
Street, Galesburg, MI 49053) and ask the name of the newspaper 
and the date the article was published.   You can then track down 
a copy of the article.

My 1995 phone directory, on CD, lists 21 Vernon families at 
Stoneville, Rockingham Co, NC, but no William L. Vernon.  
There was a William L. Vernon residing at 100 Highland Ave., 
Mount Airy, Surry Co., NC 27030-8660, 
Telephone 910-320-2342.

Best wishes in your search for Elizabeth Strong and her 
descendants.  Please keep the Strong Mail List informed of your

Robert T. ("Bob") Strong, Jr., Manager, STRONG Mail List
119 Mystic Way, Monrovia Comm., Madison, AL 35758-7113
(c) 1997.  Permission granted to copy for personal use only.

---------- End of message ----------

From: (Robert T. Strong)
To: "Strong Family genealogy list"
Subject: RE-POST:  STRONGs:  London, England, 1871
Date: Sun, 13 Apr 1997 10:29:45 EDT

--------- Begin forwarded message ----------
To: "Strong Family genealogy list" 
Subject: STRONG
Date: Sun, 22 Dec 1996 09:47:26 +0000

Extracted from "ABC Court Directory" of London for 1871:

Strong, Thomas B.,   1 Priory Grove, West Brompton, S.W.
Strong, misses,   14 Stanford Road, South Kensington, W.
Strong, Henry L.,   38 Seymour Street, Lower.
Strong, H. Linwood, (Registrar- Ct of Prob. & Div. Penzances, Lord), 
                        6 Knightrider St., Gt., Doctors' Commns., E.C.
Strong, Isaac,   76 Gloucester Street, Belgrave Road, S.W.
Strong, J. H.,   38 Charlwood Street, Belgrave Rd., Pimlico, S.W.
Strong, William,   34 Clifton Road, St. John's Wood, N.W.
Stronge, Maj. Wm.   5 Alfred Place West, Thurloe Square, S.W.

Middlesex, UK.

--------- End forwarded message ----------

---------- End of message ----------

From: (Robert T. Strong)
To: "Strong Family genealogy list"
Subject: RE-POST:  Strongs of London, 1675-1708
Date: Sun, 13 Apr 1997 10:29:45 EDT

--------- Begin forwarded message ----------

From: Strong William 
To: "Strong Family genealogy list" 
Subject: Strongs of London
Date: Sun, 29 Dec 1996 15:11:55 +1100 (EST)

Recently when I was in England, I noticed a plaque 
mounted on the wall in the crypt of St Pauls Cathedral, 
in London.  Can anyone claim these two men among 
their ancestors ?


Plaque inscription in the crypt of St Pauls

               1675 ~ 1708





New year greetings from  Bill Strong

--------- End forwarded message ----------

---------- End of message ----------

From: (Robert T. Strong)
To: "Strong Family genealogy list"
Subject: RE-POST:  Thomas Strong of Oxford?, ENG
Date: Sun, 13 Apr 1997 10:29:45 EDT

--------- Begin forwarded message ----------

From:   William ("Bill") Strong 
            < >
Forwarded by From: rtstrongjr
Subject: (1) ABC Court Directory of London; (2) Thomas Strong of Oxford?,
Date: Tue, 24 Dec 1996 10:03:03 PST

Hello Norman:

I read with interest your contribution as listed below
and was wondering what exactly the ABC Court Directory
of London contained.  Is it an index of court officials 
and criminals ?  Please advise.

I am looking for a lead on a Thomas Strong who was the
father of William Strong (b. 25 Sep 1880 at Oxford). I
think that the only way that I will be able to 
identify him is to eliminate all the other Thomas'
as listed in the St Catherine's House Indexs'.

>Extracted from "ABC Court Directory" of London for 1871:

>Strong, Thomas B.,   1 Priory Grove, West Brompton, S.W.
 ^^^^^^  ^^^^^^

Regards,  Bill Strong.

--------- End forwarded message ----------

---------- End of message ----------

From: (Robert T. Strong)
To: "Strong Family genealogy list"
Subject: RE-POST:  Strongs of London
Date: Sun, 13 Apr 1997 10:29:45 EDT

--------- Begin forwarded message ----------

From: rtstrongjr
Subject: Strongs of London
Date: Tue, 24 Dec 1996 10:03:04 PST
Message-ID: <>

I corresponded with Norman Adams a week or so 
back and he informed me that he is not a Strong
descendant or researcher, but is just sharing data
that he  has available.   The following is a direct 
quotation from the message I received from 

On Thu, 19 Dec 1996 13:30:58 < >wrote:

>Hi Bob,

> I do not have a particular interest in the STRONG family.  
> But I have collected, over a number of years, a few copies 
> of church registers etc. I make a note of the details of any 
> person researching a name anywhere; anytime, and when 
> I get a spare moment I start looking in my books for any 
> references, which I then forward to the interested party.


Robert T. ("Bob") Strong, Jr., Manager, STRONG Mail List
119 Mystic Way, Monrovia Comm., Madison, AL 35758-7113
(c) 1997.  Permission granted to copy for personal use only.

--------- End forwarded message ----------

---------- End of message ----------

From: (Robert T. Strong)
To: "Strong Family genealogy list"
Subject: RE-POST:  (1) ABC Court Directory of London; (2) Thomas Strong 
Date: Sun, 13 Apr 1997 10:29:45 EDT

--------- Begin forwarded message ----------

From:  (Norman Adams)
To: "Strong Family genealogy list" 
Subject: Re: (1) ABC Court Directory of London; (2) Thomas Strong of 
Date: Tue, 24 Dec 1996 20:33:47 +0000

Hi Bill,

You asked what the ABC Court Directory of London 
contained.  It is a general, alphabetic list of London 
residents.  It was  intended to be an annual publication 
but I have not come across any other copies.  It states, in 
the preface, that its purpose was to provide a directory 
which would be affordable to many more people 
than were able to afford the other (expensive) directories 
of that time.

With regard to your question about Thomas Strong; the 
birth certificate of his son William should give the maiden 
name of his mother and may give the home address.  This 
will provide two routes of research. (1) The marriage of 
Thomas to William's mother (2) The census for 1881 at the 
provided address.

The census should provide you with the age of Thomas, 
and therefore his approximate date of birth, and the 
marriage certificate should provide the name (and 
profession?) of Thomas's father.

Of course, you may have already tried this and found 
that the required information is missing or incomplete.  In 
that case, you may want to search school registers of the 
area.  These often give useful biographical details.

I hope that the above is useful.

Middlesex, UK.

--------- End forwarded message ----------

---------- End of message ----------

From: (L. Betts)
To: "Strong Family genealogy list"
Subject: Fields and Farrars
Date: Sun, 13 Apr 1997 11:28:24 -0500

Christoher Strong (Ireland>SC>DicksonCo,Tn and his wife, Frances Elizabeth
Dunn, had a daughter, Jane, who married a Field Farrar.  I don't have any
more information about him.

---------- End of message ----------

From: (Robert T. Strong)
To: "Strong Family genealogy list"
Subject: Field Farrar m. Jane Dunn STRONG, 1804, SC
Date: Sun, 13 Apr 1997 17:27:28 EDT

ATTENTION:   Lowry Betts

There were at least four Field Farrars.  The 
name "Field" derives from the Field family that 
intermarried with the Jefferson family in Virginia. 
President Thomas Jefferson was the grandson
of Thomas Jefferson, Jr., and Mary Field Jefferson,
daughter of Peter Field.  The Fields and Farrars
also intermarried. 

The Field Farrar who married Jane Dunn STRONG 
on 4 JUL 1804 was the son of Thomas and 
Margaret Prince Farrar.  Field, son of Thomas 
Farrar, was born 20 JAN 1784 and died
4 OCT 1836.  Mrs. Jane D. Strong Farrar died 
29 SEP 1834.  The article in STRONG FAMILY 
HISTORIES, VOLUME 5, states she remarried to 
John Montgomery.  How could that be if she died
before her husband, Field Farrar?  One of the
dates of death has got to be incorrect for that to 
have occurred.  Jane Dunn Strong Farrar was the
mother of two daughters:  Margaret Prince 
Farrar, born 10 JAN 1812 and Jane Dunn Farrar,
born 5 DEC 1807.  

The SFAA article gave no place locations for 
Jane Dunn Strong Farrar Montgomery.

If Field Farrar was born in 1784, as purported in 
the SFAA arcticle, then he was born in SC.   Did he
stay in SC?  Did he migrate to MS with his father? 
Did he migrate to Dickson County, TN, with 
Christopher Strong and family? 

Robert T. ("Bob") Strong, Jr., Manager, STRONG Mail List
119 Mystic Way, Monrovia Comm., Madison, AL 35758-7113
(c) 1997.  Permission granted to copy for personal use only.

Individual Summary - 13 APR 1997

Name:	Maj./Lt. Col. Thomas FARRAR (R.S.)
Sex:	Male
Father:	George FARRAR , Jr. (born abt 1720)
Mother:	Dianna HILLSMAN (born abt 1720)

Individual Facts
Birth	abt 1754 in Mecklenburg Co.?, VA
Death	24 AUG 1833 in Claiborne Co., MS

1. Margaret PRINCE
Marriage	27 JAN 1777 in South Carolina

Children	Capt. Thomas Wadsworth FARRAR (born 1784?)
	Martha FARRAR (born 25 MAR 1785)
	Cyprian FARRAR
	Field FARRAR, (b. 20 Jan., 1784, m. Jane Dunn Strong)
	Pinckney FARRAR
	Matilda FARRAR
	Lucinda FARRAR
	Ephraim FARRAR
	Margaret Prince FARRAR ?

Was Margaret Price Farrar the daughter of 
Thomas and Margaret Prince Farrar or the 
daughter of Field Farrar and Jane Dunn Strong
Farrar, or were there two persons named 
Margaret Prince Farrar?

--------- Begin forwarded message ----------

From: (L. Betts)
To: "Strong Family genealogy list" 
Subject: Fields and Farrars
Date: Sun, 13 Apr 1997 11:28:24 -0500
Message-ID: <>

Christoher Strong (Ireland>SC>DicksonCo,Tn and 
his wife, Frances Elizabeth Dunn, had a daughter, Jane, 
who married a Field Farrar.  I don't have any more 
information about him.

--------- End forwarded message ----------

---------- End of message ----------

From: (Robert T. Strong)
To: "Strong Family genealogy list"
Subject: Samuel STRONG, b. 1790-1794, of PA, & Descendants: 1790s - Presen
Date: Mon, 14 Apr 1997 06:00:16 EDT



""""""""""""""""""" Begin forwarded message """""""""""""""""""

Subject:  Ancestry of Russell G. Strong
Date: Sun, 13 Apr 1997 20:34:26 -0400 (EDT)


My name is Russell G. Strong.  I live in Peoria, AZ, 
just outside of Phoenix.  I was born in Kalamazoo, MI 
on 28 Dec. 1953.

I am currently researching the STRONG'S that came 
from Snyder Co.,PA, and my maternal grandfather's 
mother's line of HALLADAY.

The following is my genealogy chart thru me to my 

13 Apr 1997          Descendants of: Samuel Strong          

1 Samuel Strong b. 1790/94 
  m. Sarah __?__
  Resided in Snyder, Centre and Mifflin Co., PA. - 
  [SOURCE:  Karen Strong McKellar, 08-21-96]
      2 William Adelbert Strong 
         b. 16 May 1825 
         d. 20 Apr 1898 
         m. 16 May 1847 Mary Polly Wenrick 
                                   b. 26 Jun 1829 d. 26 Jul 1916 

         [Most info on decendants of William I received from 
         Letha Strong Baldwin Warren.]
        Listed in 1880 Census for Nottawa, St. Joseph Co.,MI  
        Death date was org 1888.  
        In 1900 Census Mary listed as widow, married 51 years 
        [which] would put his death 1898.
        Family tradition says that, when William and Mary 
        were married, he spoke only  English and she spoke 
        only German.  [SOURCE:  Karen McKellar, 8-21-96]
           3 Levi Strong 
              b. 28 Dec 1859 
              d. 7 Jun 1940 
             m. 16 Mar 1881 Rosa Tomlinson 
                                      b. __ ___ 1863 
                                      d. 20 Nov 1882       
             m. 24 May 1884 Anna Maria Conine 
                                      b. 8 Jun 1868 
                                      d. 20 Nov 1949 

            Worked in the Kalamazoo Paper mill before 
            1917-1918 along  with brother George.
            Was listed as age 20 when census taken in June 1880.       
            Was listed as age 40 when census taken in June 1900.
               4 George Adelbert Strong 
                  b. 11 Dec 1887 
                  d. 21 Mar 1959 
                  m. 2 May 1902 Anna Abigail Kemple 
                                         b. 23 Jan 1889 
                                         d. 16 Oct 1984 

                     5 Robert B. Strong 
                        b. 28 Nov 1926 
                       m. 1 Mar 1952 Patricia Ruth Skelton 
                                              b. 15 Aug 1933 

                          6 Russell George Strong 
                             b. 28 Dec 1953 
                            m. 15 Jun 1974 Lynda Susan Stoops 
                                                    b. 17 Dec 1955
                            m. 21 Dec 1985 Gwendolyn Elaine Phelps 
                                                     b. 16 Oct 1955 

                            7 Nikki Suzanne Strong 
                               b. 27 Jan 1978 at 
                                   5th General US Army Hospital
                               Graduated with High Honors
                                8 Marissa Marie Strong 
                                   b. 11 Jun 1994 

If there is any connection to any one let me know. 

My e-mail is                

""""""""""""""""""" End forwarded message """""""""""""""""""

See "Samuel Strong of Mifflin County, Pennsylvania",
(c) SFAA, 1996.  The data in this family history was 
contributed by Mrs. Karen Strong McKellar, 8805 East
County Road 200 South, Zionsville, Indiana 46077, and
by Mrs. Patty Woodurry Strong, 906 Chippewa Street,
Mount Pleasant, Michigan 48858.  Can anyone identify
the parents of Samuel Strong?

Of the nine listed children of Samuel and Sarah Strong,
only the William A. Strong line is traced in this article.

The above book is available for sale through the SFAA
Book Sales Coordinator:  Robert S. (Bob) Strong, 
8300 Five Point Hwy, Eaton Rapids, MI 48827- 8033.
The price is $40.00.

Robert T. ("Bob") Strong, Jr., Manager, STRONG Mail List
119 Mystic Way, Monrovia Comm., Madison, AL 35758-7113
(c) 1997.  Permission granted to copy for personal use only.

---------- End of message ----------

To: "Strong Family genealogy list"
Subject: RE-POST:  Strongs of London, 1675-1708; "Re-Reply"
Date: 14 Apr 1997 11:04:54 EDT

Opps!  Sorry, Bob.  At the time I sent the following reply only to Bill
Strong in Australia...  Guess I should have sent it out to everyone!
Electronic Mail
Message #204590
Date: Sunday, December 29, 1996   3:24:33 PM
From: Dbsandmd
Topic: Strongs of London; St.Paul's Cathedral

Happy New Year, Bill!

I have a photocopy of a letter dated 17th February 1959 from Arthur J. Strong,
Dublin, Ireland, which I quote in part:

	"I have reason to believe that I am a connection of....those bearing the
		name of Strong in Ireland (who) sprang from a Bristol family of quarry
		owners - who, incidentally, supplied the stone for St. Paul's Cathedral,

While this is not my family of Strongs, I thought you might be interested in
the clue as part of the answer to the above query.

Regards, Dave Strong

--------- Begin forwarded message ----------

From: Strong William
To: "Strong Family genealogy list"
Subject: Strongs of London
Date: Sun, 29 Dec 1996 15:11:55 +1100 (EST)

Recently when I was in England, I noticed a plaque
mounted on the wall in the crypt of St Pauls Cathedral,
in London.  Can anyone claim these two men among
their ancestors ?


Plaque inscription in the crypt of St Pauls

               1675 ~ 1708





New year greetings from  Bill Strong

--------- End forwarded message ----------

---------- End of message ----------

To: "Strong Family genealogy list"
Subject: Descendants of Field Farrar and Jane Dunn Strong
Date: 14 Apr 1997 11:39:56 EDT

Some years ago, I exchanged correspondance with William C. Norman, of
Crossett, Arkansas.  He was a descendant of the referrenced individuals
and provided me with the following info which, I believe, resolves the
question you posed in your repostings:
Jane Dunn Strong, b.18 Apr 1787, d. 29 Sep 1834 in Hickman Co
., TN; she m.(5 Jul 1804 in S.C.) Field Farrar, b.30 Jan 1784, d.4
Oct.1836 in Hickman Co., TN.
Their daughter, Jane Dunn Strong Farrar, b.5 Dec 1807, d.10 Aug 1891, in
Hickman Co., TN; she m. (8 Dec1825) John Montgomery, b.13 Feb 1795 in
Chester Co., PA, d. 4 Nov 1869, Hickman Co. TN
Their son, William Montgomery, b.13 Feb.1828,d.9 Sep 1917, m. (4 Nov
1849) Martha Jane Hornbeck, b.6 Feb 1830, d.23 Nov.1905.
They apparently had five daughters and three sons, among whom was:
Pleasant Field Montgomery, b. 2 Sep 1865, in Goodrich, TN, d. 9 Feb
1950, in Bastrop, LA; he m. (22 Dec 1897, in Hickman Co.TN) Susan Ellen
Lowe, b. 4 Jun 1873, in Whitfield, TN, d. 23 Dec 1932, in Bastrop, LA.
Their children included:
Martha Montgomery, b.28 Oct 1898
John Field Montgomery, b. 13 May 1900
Winifred David Montgomery, b. 26 Sep 1903
William Lowe Montgomery, b. 7 May 1907
Susan Ellen Montgomery, b. 30 Dec 1909, and
Mary Tom Montgomery, b. 22 Oct 1913, Hickman Co. TN, d. 6 Dec 1986,
Little Rock, Arkansas, who m.(18 Aug 1933 in Camden, Arkansas) William
C. Norman, b 1 Jan 1907, Crossett, Arkansas, d. 21 Apr 1982, Monroe, LA.
Their Son, My correspondant: William C. Norman,Jr., b.18 Nov 1934,
Crossett, Ark., m. (27 Feb 1965, Pine Bluff, Ark.) Clair Elise McClain,
b 29 Apr 1944, Los Angeles, CA
His address, in 1987, was: Wm. C. Norman, Jr.. PO Box 714, Crossett,

Regards, Dave Strong


---------- End of message ----------

To: "Strong Family genealogy list"
Subject: Re: Fields and Farrars
Date: Mon, 14 Apr 1997 22:10:11 -0400 (EDT)

In a message dated 97-04-13 17:51:13 EDT, (L.
Betts) writes:

<< Christoher Strong (Ireland>SC>DicksonCo,Tn and his wife, Frances Elizabeth
 Dunn, had a daughter, Jane, who married a Field Farrar.  I don't have any
 more information about him. >>

I would be interested in hearing more about this.  There is a MUNN-FARRAR
alliance that I know about, although I think it is pretty recent.  Probably
unrelated, but I'd still like to hear more.  Thanks. 

---------- End of message ----------

From: (Robert T. Strong)
To: "Strong Family genealogy list"
Subject: RE-POST:  Alexander Strong Martin, Lawrence Co., MS
Date: Mon, 14 Apr 1997 22:23:00 EDT

WITH CC: (Kay Rockett)

--------- Begin forwarded message ----------

From: (Robert T. Strong)
To: "Strong Family genealogy list" 
Subject: Alexander Strong Martin 
             (alias Alexander Martin Strong)
Date: Thu, 02 Jan 1997 21:25:30 EST

Reply to message dated Wed,  1 Jan 1997, 18:20:54, 
from Kay Rockett  :


First, you should get in contact with Francie Lane, if Francie 
does not respond to your query.  Francie is researching 
Alexander Strong Martin and has some Sharp connections.
         Francie Lane 

The following is paraphrased from STRONG FAMILY 
HISTORIES, Volume V, compiled by the Strong Family 
Association of America (SFFA), and copyrighted 1996.  
>From pages 288 and 289.

Thomas Strong, son of William Strong, Sr. of Hanover 
and Pittsylvania Counties, VA, was born 16 DEC 1739.  
He married Elizabeth __?__.  After Thomas Strong died, 
Elizabeth "had a child named Alexander Strong Martin 
(A.K.A. Alexander Martin Strong) who was the son of 
Alexander Martin, Governor of North Carolina.  

Children of Thomas and Elizabeth Strong:

William Strong, 
     b. ca. 1768, probably Pittsylvania Co., VA
Samuel Strong, 
     b. ca. or before 1776, prob. Pittsylvania Co., VA
Thomas Strong, Jr., 
     b. bet. 1773-1778, Rockingham Co., NC
James Strong, 
     b. bet 1766-1770
John Strong, 
     b. before 1774"  [End of quote]

So, if this family history  is correct and the family 
group sheet above is correct, then the above five 
were half-brothers of Alexander Strong Martin.

How does the age of the Samuel Strong in 
Lawrence Co., MS, compare with the above Samuel 
Strong?  WHEN was he in Lawrence Co., MS, and 
how old was he at the time?  Your notes appear to 
be about a later generation of Strongs. 

In the same book, pages 437-443, is an account of 
Samuel Strong of Russell Co., VA, Scott Co., VA, 
and Monroe Co., KY, and it is alleged that he was 
the son of Thomas Strong, Sr., above.  In this 
account, it is stated that Samuel Strong was born 
before 1776 in either Pittsylvania Co., VA, or 
Rockingham Co., NC.   The family in this section 
of the book actually begins with Joseph Strong, born 
about 1798, possibly in Scott Co, VA, who was 
"probably" a son of  Samuel Strong.  The linkage 
appears to be speculative and no documentation 
of Samuel Strong being in Monroe County,
KY, or of Joseph Strong being in Scott Co., VA, 
is provided. 
You might want to review the theory behind the 
connection of these two that  appeared in James 

I found nothing about your Dodd and Sharp families 
in either of these two books.

Robert T. ("Bob") Strong, Jr., Manager, STRONG Mail List
119 Mystic Way, Monrovia Comm., Madison, AL 35758-7113
(c) 1997.  Permission granted to copy for personal use only.

---------- End of message ----------

From: (Robert T. Strong)
To: "Strong Family genealogy list"
Subject: RE-POST:  Strong(e), Strang(e), LeEstrange:  United Kingdom, 	bef
Date: Mon, 14 Apr 1997 22:23:00 EDT

--------- Begin forwarded message ----------

To: "Strong Family genealogy list" 
Subject: Strong Surname
Date: 31 Dec 1996 10:27:06 EDT

My interest in the Strong surname includes all Strongs, 
Stronges, Strangs, Stranges, LeEstranges, of the United 
Kingdoms... England, Scotland, and Ireland... Generally 
pre-1850; and any emigrant lineages to Canada, the U.S., 
Australia, New Zealand, or elsewhere.  I am particularly 
interested in finding and tracing links between specific
Strong family groups in the old world and those in the 
new world. Somewhere out there may be a clue linking 
my Anglo-Irish George Strong, (b.Ireland ~1825, d.Ontario 
1893) ancestor to the rest (!)

Dave Strong
Port Hope, Ontario, Canada

--------- End forwarded message ----------

---------- End of message ----------

From: (Robert T. Strong)
To: "Strong Family genealogy list"
Subject: RE-POST:  Samuel STRONG m. Mary SHARP; Lawrence Co., MS
Date: Mon, 14 Apr 1997 22:23:00 EDT

--------- Begin forwarded message ----------

From: ( KAY   ROCKETT)
To: "Strong Family genealogy list" 
Subject: STRONG/SHARP Query
Date: Wed,  1 Jan 1997 18:20:54, -0500

Although I'm in search of Celia SHARP, I was told there 
was a Samuel STRONG who married a Mary SHARP, 
and they lived in Lawrence Co, MS.  In the same county 
was Celia with husband Rudolphus DODD, James SHARP 
and wife Deborah, and Margaret SHARP and husband 
Alexander Strong MARTIN.    I believe Mary Sharp STRONG, 
wife of Samuel, was sister to Celia.  If you have any SHARP 
or MARTIN info, PLEASE contact me at 
< > in case I am no longer on 
this list.

Seeking parents, brothers, and sisters of Rudolphus DODD 
b 1804 NC d 1856 MS m 24 Apr 1834 Rockingham Co, NC, 
Celia SHARP b 1811 NC d aft 1880.  Their children were 
William S. 1835 NC, Mary E. 1838 NC, Nancy E. 1839 NC, 
Harriet F. (Mariah) 1842 NC, John B. 1844 MS, Celia Ann 
1846 MS, Margaret Cornelia 1850 MS, and Rudolphus 
Edward 1852 MS.

Kay in MS
--------- End forwarded message ----------
---------- End of message ----------

From: (Robert T. Strong)
To: "Strong Family genealogy list"
Subject: Marjorie (Campbel) Gray's STRONG Ancestors
Date: Mon, 14 Apr 1997 22:23:00 EDT

                   [No longer subscribes to Strong Mail LIst]

--------- Begin forwarded message ----------

From: (Robert T. Strong)
To: "Strong Family genealogy list" 
Subject: Marjorie (Campbel) Gray's STRONG Ancestors
Date: Thu, 02 Jan 1997 21:25:30 EST

Forwarded to the  STRONG Mail List, 2 JAN 1997

Ancestor Chart 

Submitted by Marjorie ("Marge") Campbell Gray
< > , May, 1996.  

[Reformatted by List Manager to shorten lines.]

Marjorie Campbell b/19 Aug 1936 
     m/2 Edward Henry Gray, Jr (deceased)
  Marjorie Barrett b/14 Sept 1911 
       m/James Campbell
     Mellie Pearce b/30 Oct 1883, PA 
          m/2  William Barrett
        George Pearce b/4 Jul 1858,PA 
             m/ Florence Vosburgh
           Minerva Vashi Alvord b/22 m/1831 PA 
                m/ John Pearce
              Zenas Alvord b/28 Dec 1789 CT,
                   m/ Deborah Hart
                 Seth Alvord b/18 Jul 1754 CT 
                       m/ Ruth Norcott
	 Seth Alvord b/13 Nov 1714 MA 
                         m/ Elizabeth Spencer
	   Mary Strong b/29 Dec 1690 MA 
                           m/ Thomas Alvord
	     Thomas Strong Jr b/16 Nov 1661 MA 
                             m/ Mary Stebbins
	       Thomas Strong b/1633 MA 
                               m/ Mary Hewitt
	         John ["Elder"] Strong b/1605 Eng 
                                  m/ Abigail Ford
	           Richard Strong b/1585 Eng 
                                    m/ Eleanor Deanne
	              George Strong b/1556 Eng 
                                       m/ ?
	                John Strong(Strang) b/1515 Eng 
                                         m/ ?
	                   Robert Strong(Strang) b/1490 Eng 
                                           m/ ?


---------- End of message ----------

From: (Robert T. Strong)
To: "Strong Family genealogy list"
Subject: RE-POST:  1894 London Letter about STRONGs 
Date: Mon, 14 Apr 1997 22:22:59 EDT

--------- Begin forwarded message ----------

From: (Barbara Pederson)
To: "Strong Family genealogy list" 
Subject: 1894 London Letter about STRONGs 
Date: Sat, 28 Dec 1996 02:39:30 -0330 (NST)


Hello everyone,

First I'd like to say how happy I am to be a  member of your 
group. I live in Newfoundland, Canada's newest province 
and look forward to reading many interesting queries/
articles about the STRONGs of the world.

I've been trying to trace my STRONG (William b. 1825) 
ancestors from Newfoundland back to England, but so far 
have had no success in getting past this side of the Atlantic. 
However, I do have a letter I'd like to share with you, as it 
could possibly be of interest.  It was written to my great-
grandfather James Moores Strong, (b. 1849 in Twillingate,
Newfoundland), from  "Gun's Unclaimed Money & Estates 
Registry, Office of Inquiry for Missing Friends Abroad", 6, 
Prince of Wales Road, London N.W., England, and dated 
27th February, 1894.  


Dear Sir,

Yours of 22nd [?unclear?] with fee of five shillings to hand 
and contents noted.

Strong, William: An inquiry for his representatives appeared 
in one of the Lists of Cases in my Office issued by me from 
time to time. I am not aware that he ever was in 
Newfoundland, but he certainly was a New York merchant
and died there about a century ago. It is therefore quite 
clear that he is not identical with your grandfather of the 
same name. 

In return for the fee you enclose, I have searched my 
collection of 80,000 names of persons "advertised" in 
connection with unclaimed property and find that the 
representatives of the following have been inquired for in 
the newspapers:

        Strong, John, of Islington
        Strong, Thomas, Publican, Brompton [?]
        Strong, Mary, of Millbank
        Strong, Elizabeth, formerly Head [?] Kinsen [?]
        Strong, Hugh of Wiltshire, 1829

A copy of any one of these advertisements I can obtain for 
a fee of one pound.

Yours truly,
Robert Gun


Sorry about the question marks but some of this is unclear; 
otherwise, the handwriting is beautiful. I hope someone will 
find this useful.


--------- End forwarded message ----------
---------- End of message ----------

To: "Strong Family genealogy list"
Subject: Hi
Date: Tue, 15 Apr 1997 22:53:25, -0500

---------- End of message ----------

From: Lise Elliott 
To: "Strong Family genealogy list"
Subject: Re: RE-POST:  Strong(e), Strang(e), LeEstrange:  United Kingdom, 
Date: Wed, 16 Apr 1997 08:58:33 +1

Dear Dave

I have posted this to the whole group as someone else may be able to 
help/offer advice.

I'm not sure that your Strong family and mine are connected as I have 
traced my Strongs back as far as 1766, to a Thomas Strong, and they 
were all born and lived in Sussex, England.

However, there may be a link with Canada. My grandmother was sent to 
Canada, as a young woman, to stay with relatives. This would have been 
circa 1912/13 as in 1914 she married my grandfather in London, 
Ontario. Although my grandmother was a Parsons, her mother's maiden 
name was Strong. It is possible that the relatives she was meant to 
visit could have been on her mother's side of the family. This is a 
little of her history that my family do not known.

I have more information on my Strong ancestry if anyone is interested, 
or thinks it may help.

Lise Elliott
Coventry, England
---------- End of message ----------

From: (Robert T. Strong)
To: "Strong Family genealogy list"
Subject: RE-POST:  Regarding Ancestry of "Elder" John Strong of MA
Date: Wed, 16 Apr 1997 10:29:45 EDT


--------- Begin forwarded message ----------

From: Marge Gray 
To: "Strong Family genealogy list" 
Subject: Elder John Strong Ancestor chart
Date: Sat, 04 Jan 1997 10:16:33 -0800

 Marge Gray wrote:
 I have Richard b/1585 Chard, Somerset, ENG m/1609, d/June 1613
 Taunton, Somerset, Eng

 George b/1556 Somerset Eng

 John b/1515 Taunton Somerset, Eng

 Robert b/1490 Berminister Dorset Eng

 I only have a sister for John (Elder) Strong who was 
 Eleanor b/1612 MA m/Walter Dean

 Most of this is from the Strong Family Assoc
      Sally Henry, 156 Maple Dr, Trafford, PA 15085 or
      Lyle Strong, Assoc. Hist., 5277 Vineyard Lane, 
              Flushing, MI 48433-2437

 Hope this answers questions you had. 


--------- End forwarded message ----------

---------- End of message ----------

From: (Robert T. Strong)
To: "Strong Family genealogy list"
Subject: RE-POST:  Regarding Ancestry of "Elder" John Strong of MA
Date: Wed, 16 Apr 1997 10:29:46 EDT

--------- Begin forwarded message ----------

Subject: Re: John Strong, church elder, and his ancestors
Date: Sun, 5 Jan 1997 03:50:21 -0500
Message-ID: <>

In a message dated 97-01-04 02:22:57 EST, (Robert T. Strong) writes:

 2.  JOHN STRONG was born after 1584 in Chardstock, Somerset, 
 England.  He died on 14 JUN 1613 in Chardstock, Somerset, 
 England.  John's will was proved 22 Sep 1612 and his estate 
 value was 63 pounds 2 shillings. 
 Will of John Strong - Bishops Court Wills 1612-1629: >>

Hi -- Just wondering. . . don't wills get proved AFTER the death?  


""""""""""""""""""""" End forwarded message """""""""""""""""""""""

gives the same date of probate but states that 14 JUN 1613 was
the date of burial rather than the date of death.  I agree, though,
that the date of probate is not logical.  There was likely an error
in transcribing the data from the original record.

RTS, 16 APR 97

---------- End of message ----------

From: (Robert T. Strong)
To: "Strong Family genealogy list"
Subject: RE-POST:  William STRONG: b.1800, IRE > Quebec > d. 1881, ONT, CA
Date: Wed, 16 Apr 1997 10:29:45 EDT



From: Mike Strong [>
To: "Strong Family genealogy list" 
Subject:  William Strong, 1800, IRE > 1881, ONT, CA
Date: Thu, 02 Jan 1997 21:25:30 EST
        My Canadian ancestry begins when William 
Strong (1800-1881) from Sligo in Ireland landed 
in Quebec city in 1830, and took up residence in 
a village called Gore  north of Montreal. His son 
Matthew James Strong (1841-1917) remained in 
the Mille Iles area, and my grandfather Horace F.
Strong was born to him in 1896. Also born to 
Matthew were Garnett, Randolph and Edith (which 
had a son called Norman that went to Calgary). 
Horace became a renowned mining engineer 
(Mc Gill 1917), exploring mineral deposits all over 
Canada and Mexico, notable involvement with Silver 
City in northern Ontario (published in his memoirs). 
He later branched into the lumbering business, 
and started the Haileybury Lumber Company. My
 father Norval(1920-1993) was born to him in 
Haileybury, Ontario, and later moved to Swastika 
(near Kirkland Lake) where he managed the local 
HLC sawmill, and where I was born in 1953.

        My grandfather went back to Ireland in the 
50's to check out his relatives 4 generations 
removed, and found many at the local pub !  
(described in memoirs). Just a quick sketch 
for your information. 


---------- End of message ----------

From: (Robert T. Strong)
To: "Strong Family genealogy list"
Subject: RE-POST:  William Strong [Sr.] of eastern Hanover Co., VA, 1730s
Date: Wed, 16 Apr 1997 10:29:45 EDT

--------- Begin forwarded message ----------

From: (Robert T. Strong)
To: "Strong Family genealogy list" 
Subject: William Strong, Sr., of Hanover Co., VA
Date: Fri, 03 Jan 1997 23:17:03 EST

Hanover County, VA, is one of those counties
whose civil records were destroyed, in this 
case during the Civil War.  The REGISTERS
of both parishes of the Church of England in
Hanover County  were also lost or destroyed.
Consequently there are very few records of 
the Strongs who resided in Hanover County
before the Civil War.  

In 1992 I visited the Wilson Library at the
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and
studied "Colonel John Chiswell's Merchandise
Day Book", which includes the account of 
John Strong, Jr., of St. Martin's Parish,  [western]
Hanover County, during the early 1750s.  This
includes the first known record of my presumptive
ancestor, Martin Strong.  While at the Wilson 
Library I ordered a microfilm copy of this record.  
When it arrived by mail later, I filed it away, 
as I had already reviewed the record and made

Today for the first time I took the microfilm to 
the local library and reviewed it.  To my surprise, 
it includes other portions of the Frederick's Hall
Plantation Books.  One record was entitled
"Group A, Volume 1, Ledger No. A for AMC Cargoe,
1735-1737, Josiah Smith __?__ Book and John
Nisbel Ledger."  Purchases by Mr. William Strong
were recorded on 16 MAY 1736.  As I understand
this record, it was an accounting of the sales of 
the cargo of a merchant ship.  

This was obviously William Strong, Sr.,  christened 
5 JAN 1701, son of John Strong, Sr., of St. Peter's Parish, 
New Kent County or James City County, VA.
William Strong, Jr., son of William, was only two 
months old at the time of this transaction.  William 
Strong [Sr.] son of John Strong, Jr., was only a few
years old.  

There were also purchases during this time period
by William Strong at the "lower" store operated 
by Thomas Partridge.  Lower would mean downstream,
which would be the store in the eastern part of the
county, known as St. Paul's Parish.  Partridge also 
operated an "upper" store which was likely in St.
Martin's Parish, which included western Hanover 
County and eastern Louisa County.  The "upper"
store records are for a  later period, about 1750s.
My presumtive ancestor, Martin Strong, traded  at the
"upper" store after his 1753/1754 marriage to Anne 


Richard Slatten and James Bagby, transcribers, 
"Accouns from the Store of Thomas Partridge & Co.,
Hanover County, Virginia, 1734-1756."  In MAGAZINE
      Vol. 23, No. 2, MAY 1985, pages 14-20.
      Vol. 23, No. 3, AUG 1985, pages 26-40.
      Vol. 24, No. 1, FEB 1986, pages 34-88.  

There were transactions by William Strong on the 
following dates:  9 DEC 1736; 13 FEB 1737/8; 
13 MAY 1737; 13 JUN 1737; 25 JUN 1737; 
4 SEP 1737 (paid Quitrent);  12  OCT 1737;
25 OCT 1737; 21 JUN 1738; 4 SEP 1738; 
12 OCT 1738; 25 OCT 1738; 18 NOV 1738; 
and 24 JUL 1739.

With the exception of the family register 
maintained by William Strong, Sr., these are his
earlist known records, following the record of
his christening in St. Peter's Parish, New Kent 
County, VA,  when he was an infant.  


Robert T. ("Bob") Strong, Jr.
119 Mystic Way, Lori's Landing S/D
Monrovia Community
Madison [County], Alabama 35758-7113

--------- End forwarded message ----------

---------- End of message ----------

From: (Robert T. Strong)
To: "Strong Family genealogy list"
Subject: RE-POST:  Ancestry of John Strong of MA
Date: Wed, 16 Apr 1997 10:29:45 EDT

--------- Begin forwarded message ----------

From: (Robert T. Strong)
To: "Strong Family genealogy list" 
Subject: John Strong, church elder, and his ancestors
Date: Fri, 03 Jan 1997 20:49:25 EST

The following is a printout of John Strong, church elder,
and his ancestors, from a genealogical database compiled
by Robert A. ("Bob") Thomas, who operates the Tracks 
from the Past genealogy Bulletin Board in Anniston, AL.
Bob Thomas descends from the Fords who intermarried with
the Strongs in New England.  His Internet address is
< >.

I will compile a descendancy chart for four generations
of descendants of Robert Strong, b. 1490, and will post
it in the future either as a single or multiple part
modified register report.  The descendancy chart will
show collateral lines, if any are entered into the 

This is not my own database and therefore I cannot
vouch for the accuracy of the data.  For example, there
is a controversy in the literature regarding whether John, 
the church Elder, arrived on the ship "Mary & John" in 1630 
or whether he arrived in 1635.  Since I have not personally
researched this, I remain neutral.

Note, too, some differences between this ancestry and 
the one posted by Marjorie ("Marge") Gray.  Again, I do 
not endorse one over the other, as I am a neutral bystander.

The 1612 will, below, connects three generations:
George > John > John.

Bob Strong,


1.  JOHN STRONG II was born before 1610 in Chard, 
Somersetshire, England [SEE NOTE 1].  He was christened 
before 1610 in Somersetshire, England.  He died on 4 APR 
1699 in Northampton, Hampshire, MA [SEE NOTE 2].

Additional information submitted by Carol Treptow - John was 
a freeman 9 MAR 1636/7.   Removed to Taunton and was 
Constable on 4 Dec 1638.   Removed to Windson CT.  Removed 
to Northampton about 1659; Elder of that Chruch. 

>From Howard Ford - Sailed from Plymouth, England and arrived 
30 May 1630 at Nantasket aboard the ship "Mary and John". 


2.  JOHN STRONG was born after 1584 in Chardstock, Somerset, 
England.  He died on 14 JUN 1613 in Chardstock, Somerset, 
England.  John's will was proved 22 Sep 1612 and his estate 
value was 63 pounds 2 shillings. 

Will of John Strong - Bishops Court Wills 1612-1629:

John Stronge, Chard. Whereas the said John Stronge leth sick 
of body but of good and perfect memory. (no date to this 
will). To the poof or Chard land 4s sic. To the curch 2s. To 
my son John Stronge 10 pounds ["Elder" John Strong] To my 
child that my wife goeth with all 10 pounds [Eleanor Strong] 
If either of them die it shall remain to the other, until 
they be of lawful year. To my brother Thomas Strong's 
daughter my goddaughter 2s.  I give to the other two 1s 
each. I make my wife whole executor of such goods as I have. 
I make my overseers my father George Stronge, John Bowridge, 
Walter Strong, John Warry. Witness: Henry Warry. Proved 
September 22, 1612

!!NOTE: John Strong's wife has never been identified, but 
she was not a Deane.  Could she have been a Warry?  He was 
married to ELEANOR DEANE in 1609 in Chardstock, Somerset, 

3.  ELEANOR DEANE was born in 1589 in Chardstock, Somerset, 
England.  She died in 1654.


4.  GEORGE STRONG was born in 1560 in Chardstock, Somerset, 
England.  He died on 13 FEB 1635 in Chardstock, Somerset, 
England [SEE NOTE 3].  In his will he names some of his 
grand children and children.  A house called the "Stronge 
House" has recently been found in Chardstock, which is 
believed to have been built by George Strong. 

SOURCE:  "Search for the passengers of the Mary & 
John 1630" , Vol 17, West Country Ancestries, 1620-1643,
 Part 1.

6.  *UNK DEANE was born in 1550 in Chardstock, Somerset, 


8.  JOHN STRONG was born in 1515 in Taunton, Somersetshire, 


16.  ROBERT STRONG was born in 1490 in Berminister, 
Dorsetshire, England.



1.  NEW ENG HIST AND GEN REG VOL 5 P.361, VOL 8 P.181, VOL 8 
P.7-21 11-23. B4DR VOL 1 P.14-19.

2.  NEW ENG HIST AND GEN REG VOL 5 P.361, VOL 8 P.181, VOL 8 
P.7-21 11-23. B4DR VOL 1 P.14-19.

3.  Will dated 20 Nov 1627 proved 13 Feb 1635 (PCC 15 Pile).

--------- End forwarded message ----------

---------- End of message ----------

From: (Robert T. Strong)
To: "Strong Family genealogy list"
Subject: RE-POST:  Descendants of Robert Strong, b. 1490, England
Date: Wed, 16 Apr 1997 10:29:45 EDT

--------- Begin forwarded message ----------

From: (Robert T. Strong)
To: "Strong Family genealogy list" 
Subject: Descendants of Robert Strong, b. 1490, England
Date: Fri, 03 Jan 1997 21:40:13 EST

Descendancy Chart for Robert Strong, b. 1490.  SOURCE:
Ford Family Genealogical Database compiled by Robert A.
("Bob") Thomas, Anniston, AL.  Internet address:
< >.

Printed to text file and reformated by Bob Strong,
< >.   See notes and caveats in 
previous message regarding the ancestors of John Strong, 
of MA, the church elder.


                                  FIRST GENERATION

1.  ROBERT STRONG was born in 1490 in Berminister, Dorsetshire, 

Children of ROBERT STRONG were:

 +2   i.  JOHN STRONG.
  3  ii.   RICHARD STRONG was born in 1525 in Chardstock, 
            Somerset, England.  He died in 1613 in Taunton [?], 
            Somersetshire, England. 

                                    SECOND GENERATION

2.  JOHN STRONG was born in 1515 in Taunton [?], Somersetshire, 

Children of JOHN STRONG were:

 +4   i.   GEORGE STRONG.

                                      THIRD GENERATION

4.  GEORGE STRONG was born in 1560 in Chardstock, Somerset, 
England.  He died on 13 FEB 1635 in Chardstock, Somerset, 
England. [See Footnote1]   In his will he names some of his grand-
children and children.  A house called the "Stronge House" has 
recently been bound in Chardstock, which is believed to have 
been built by George Strong. 

SOURCE:  Search for the passengers of the Mary & John, 1630,
Vol. 17,  West Country Ancestries, 1620-1643, Part 1.

Children of GEORGE STRONG were:

 +5   i.   WALTER STRONG.
  6   ii.   WILLIAM STRONG was born in 1583 in Chardstock, 
             Somerset, England.  He died on 7 SEP 1613.
 +7   iii. THOMAS STRONG.
 +8   iv.  JOHN STRONG.

                                    FOURTH GENERATION

5.  WALTER STRONG was born in 1579 in Chardstock, Somerset, 
    England.  He died on 9 APR 1667 in Chardstock, Somerset, 

He was married to ANN BOND in FEB 1621 in Chardstock, Somerset, 
England.  ANN BOND died in SEP 1674.  She was buried on 11 SEP 
1674 in Chardstock, Somerset, England.  Children of WALTER STRONG 
and ANN BOND were:

   9   i.      MARY STRONG.  
  10   ii.    ELIZABETH STRONG.  
  11   iii.   JOANE STRONG.  
 +12   iv.  GEORGE STRONG.

7.  THOMAS STRONG was born in 1584 in Chardstock, Somerset, 
    England.  He died on 12 MAY 1663 in Chardstock, Somerset, 

He was married to JOANNA BAGGE on 12 MAY 1604.  JOANNA BAGGE 
was buried on 26 AUG 1657 in Chardstock, Somerset, England.
[See Footnote 2 ]

Children of THOMAS STRONG and JOANNA BAGGE were:

  13   i.      MARGARET STRONG was christened on 29 JUN 1604 in 
                Chardstock, Somerset, England.
  14   ii.     ELIZABETH STRONG was christened on 3 DEC 1606 in 
                Chardstock, Somerset, England.
  15   iii  .  LAVINA STRONG was christened in Chardstock, 
                Somerset, England.
  16   iv.    DAUGHTER STRONG was buried on 20 JUN 1609 in 
                Chardstock, Somerset, England.  Probably one of 
                the three daughters (Margaret, Elizabeth or 
 +17   v.    JANE STRONG.
  18   vi.    SARAH STRONG was christened on 29 JUN 1613.
 +19   vii.  JAMES STRONG.
 +20   viii. WILLIAM STRONG.

8.  JOHN STRONG was born after 1584 in Chardstock, Somerset, 
    England.  He died on 14 JUN 1613 in Chardstock, Somerset, 
    England.  John's will was proved 22 Sep 1612 and his estate 
    value was 63 pounds 2 shillings. 

Will of John Strong - Bishops Court Wills 1612-1629:

John Stronge, Chard. Whereas the said John Stronge leth sick of 
body but of good and perfect memory. (no date to this will). To 
the poof or Chard land 4s sic. To the curch 2s. To my son John 
Stronge 10 pounds (Elder John Strong) To my child that my wife 
goeth with all 10 pounds (Eleanor Strong) If either of them die 
it shall remain to the other, until they be of lawful year. To my 
brother Thomas Storng's daughter my goddaughter 2s.  I give to 
the other two 1s each. I make my wife whole executor of such 
goods as I have. I make my overseers my father George Stronge, 
John Bowridge, Walter Strong, John Warry. Witness: Henry Warry. 
Proved September 22, 1612

!!NOTE: John Strong's wife has never been identified, but she was 
not a Deane. Could she have been a Warry?

He was married to ELEANOR DEANE in 1609 in Chardstock, Somerset, 
England.  ELEANOR DEANE was born in 1589 in Chardstock, Somerset, 
England.  She died in 1654.  Children of JOHN STRONG and ELEANOR 
DEANE were:

 +21  i.   JOHN STRONG II.
 +22  ii.  ELEANOR STRONG.



1.  Will dated 20 Nov 1627 proved 13 Feb 1635 (PCC 15 Pile).

2.  In Search for the passengers of the Mary & John 1630, Vol 17 
Part 1, The Mary & John Clearing House, Burton W. Spear, 5602 
305th St., Toledo, OH 43611.

--------- End forwarded message ----------

---------- End of message ----------

To: "Strong Family genealogy list"
Subject: Re: Possible Strong relatives in Canada ~1913
Date: 16 Apr 1997 17:06:58 EDT

Hi Lise.... Will try to help to extent I can... Actually, I will reply
in two parts.  This is Part One.  Please note the responses which I have
interlineated with your paragraphs below:
RE>Dear Dave
RE>I have posted this to the whole group as someone else may be able to
RE>help/offer advice.
RE>I'm not sure that your Strong family and mine are connected as I have
RE>traced my Strongs back as far as 1766, to a Thomas Strong, and they
RE>were all born and lived in Sussex, England.
**********  There may be a link further back than this... which I will
discuss with you in Part Two.*******************
RE>However, there may be a link with Canada. My grandmother was sent to
RE>Canada, as a young woman, to stay with relatives. This would have been
RE>circa 1912/13 as in 1914 she married my grandfather in London,
RE>Ontario. Although my grandmother was a Parsons, her mother's maiden
RE>name was Strong. It is possible that the relatives she was meant to
RE>visit could have been on her mother's side of the family. This is a
RE>little of her history that my family do not known.
**********  While my Strongs lived near Seaforth, Ontario, which is not
too far from London, Ontario,  I doubt they would have been connected
with your grandmother.  My Great Grandfather, George Strong, had
immigrated from Co. Fermanagh, Ireland, with his mother, Mary Harron
Strong, about 1842.  Prior to that, I suspect the family had been in
Ireland for about 200 + years.
            I am forwarding a copy of this reply to my friend Bill
Strong, of Dunnville, Ontario.  Bill maintains a data base of Canadian
immigrant Strongs.  He may be able to advise if he knows of any other
Strong families in the London, Ontario area in the time frame in

            It also occurred to me that, if you have not already
researched the record of your grandmother's marriage in Ontario, you
might want to do so.  Perhaps one of the witnesses to the marriage might
be related.  I don't know if the following individual is still available
as a resource in this regard, but you might attempt to contact him:
William E. Britnell, 1043 Lorne Park Rd., Mississauga, Ontario, L5H 2Z9.
 He compiled a comprehensive index of early Ontario Marriage Registers.
I don't think his compilation goes that far ahead in time (1914), as I
believe the Ontario Vital Statistics Registry starts about 1878;
however, he would be a good resource researcher anyway.  You should also
consider requesting a copy of the Marriage Certificate from the
Registrar General, MacDonald Block, Parliament Buildings, Toronto,
Ontario, Canada M7A 1Y5  (I hope this address is still good!!!).
RE>I have more information on my Strong ancestry if anyone is interested,
RE>or thinks it may help.
*********  I am interested!  See Part 2!!!
RE>Lise Elliott
RE>Coventry, England
Regards, Dave Strong


---------- End of message ----------

To: "Strong Family genealogy list"
Subject: Part 2: Possible Connections between Sussex&Ulster
Date: 16 Apr 1997 17:07:12 EDT

Hi Lise:  This is the Part 2 which I referred to in my reply to your
earlier message.
Some background is in order... and perhaps it will prove enlightening to
other subscribers to the list.  First, research in Ireland is extremely
frustrating.   The primary reason is that most of the vital statistics
records of Ireland were destroyed in what is known as the "Four Courts
Fire" in 1922.  For those who have seen the movie "Michael Collins",
this fire is what was depicted toward the end of the movie where Collins
ordered his "pro-treaty" Irish Free State forces to fire on the
"anti-treaty" IRA forces occupying the Four Courts Building.   Some
years previous to these events, the British government had required the
various parish churchs, which up until about 1873  had had
responsibility for registration of all births, deaths and marriages, to
forward their records to the Four Courts for centralization and more
security (!)  The result was that a major portion of the records were
lost in 1922.   What we are left with are fragments which were not
burned; copies of various documents etc which were preserved elsewhere
and which have since been identified; and sometimes tenancy records of
various estate records since forwarded to the Public Record Offices in
Dublin (PRO  Dublin) and the Public Record Office for Northern Ireland
(PRONI)... and sometimes in the PRO in London!  THe obvious problem is
that not all are catalogued, few are indexed, and even if they are, the
indices rarely list anything likely to directly help a "Strong"
researcher.  The best evidence is often just an inference drawn from a
set of incomplete partial records.  Forget Verification by two
independant sources, let alone any!!!!

Given that most of the records bearing on the genealogy of any Irish
Strong families were lost in 1922 along with everyone else's, there are
still a lot of existing records which can be sorted through, facts
gathered and collated, and inferences to be made.   I have info on
Strongs in all of the Counties of Ireland... by no means can I claim
that it is complete... I am constantly adding to the data base, and am
always looking for new info identifying more "Irish" Strong(e)s,
Strang(e)s, L'Estranges, and variants.

I have records indicating Strongs were present in Donegal in 1641...
including two who were mustered with an English army of militia to put
down the Irish Rising of 1641.  There are others in Ulster dating back
to about 1611... which are obviously part of the Plantation of Ulster...
The question becomes whether it is possible to connect any of the early
"planter" Strong records with Strongs in England and Scotland.  One
theory is that the early small "yeoman" farmer planters, such as I
believe most of the Ulster Strongs to have been, may have been recruited
in the home localities of the "landed gentry" who were granted estates
in the plantation scheme.  Comes now the part where you might be able to

Have you done any research for Strongs in the IGI or elsewhere for
Sussex in the timeframe 1600-1700?   Does the name show up in any
numbers during that time period?  Have you ever come across the names of
the following individuals in your research in Sussex?:

Sir Henry Docwra:  He was Governor of Derry in the period 1600-1606; he
had led a sucessful military expedition which included about 4000 troops
and which defeated the native Irish landlords Rory O'Donnell and Hugh
O'Neill.  Many of his officers and men subsequently obtained lands in
Ireland.  I believe Docwra was from Sussex (can't lay hands on my
references just now).  Many of his officers and troops may have been
from that area as well.

Sir Basil Brooke:  Constable of Donegal Castle after O'Donnell was
defeated in 1604..., received lands in Co. Fermanagh and Donegal Town.
He "stoutly defended the Plantation in 1641"...

Sir Henry Folliott... held Ballyshannon Castle in 1606-7 and
subsequently obtained much of the lands  in the Barony of Tirhugh
surrounding Ballyshannon.  Large portions of the barony were also
alloted to Trinity College, Dublin and to army "servitors".... eg,
retired veterans... who likely served under Docwra, Brooke,  and
Folliott.  Folliott also obtained the leasehold on the lands of Trinity
College, and sublet the lands to veterans as well as other yeoman
planters brought in from England and Scotland.

I don't expect you to do my research for me... I just rather hope that
your contacts with Sussex might give you a bit of insight... enough to
tell me whether I should try researching the Sussex connections of these
Landlords and any Strongs with which you may have a remote connection.
Hope you can help.

Thanks, Dave Strong
Please note: (c) 1997.  World-wide rights reserved.  Permission granted
to copy for personal use only.
P.S. References include:
(1) "Donegal; History and Society", edited by Wm. Nolan, Liam Ronayne,
Mairead Dunlevy, Geography Publications, Dublin, 1995.
(2) "The Folliotts, Wardtown Castle and The Castle Bawn", by Anthony
Begley, Donegal Annual, No.43, p.61 ff; 1991.
(3) "300 years of the Brookes and other Ascendancy families at Lough
Eske", by Arthur Spears, Donegal Annual, No.45, p.94 ff; 1993.


---------- End of message ----------

To: "Strong Family genealogy list"
Subject: Hi
Date: Wed, 16 Apr 1997 23:28:01, -0500

The following is a VERY SIGNIFICANT new find by Francie Lane, as will be
understood by those of you who are familiar with early Virginia Strong

Mary Havatt, dated 3 March 1666, proved 10 May 1671
..To Mary Crafford my god daughter...Wm Thomas...
my god daughter Mary his daughter.... shall remayne
with my Cozen Okeham halfe her tyme. Hester Thomas...
Kindsman Jno Okeham all my land wch. was given
to me by my Late husband Wm Havast....Cosen Ann
Okeham wife of my Couzen Jno. Okeham...
Witnesses: Henry Watson Jno. Masters
Mary Havast

Jim Rolff (  THANKS FRANCIE!!!

---------- End of message ----------

From: Jeremy Franklin 
To: "Strong Family genealogy list"
Subject: question about Strong Family History volumes
Date: Wed, 16 Apr 1997 23:19:12 -0500

i have seen several references to Strong Family Histories or other books
which have published regarding the Strong family.  where can one go about
finding these books?  my local library has an impressive genealogy room, but
it does not have the Strong publications.  i would like to see them, but i
would rather not puchase them if it is avoidable.  Eventually i might buy
them, but it is difficult to say at this point.  

Jeremy T. Franklin

"A timid question will always receive a confident answer."  Lord Darling

---------- End of message ----------

From: (Robert T. Strong)
To: "Strong Family genealogy list"
Subject: RE-POST: STRONG, Charles: Cape May/Cumberland Co, NJ; 1778-1844
Date: Thu, 17 Apr 1997 06:30:52 EDT

--------- Begin forwarded message ----------

To: "Strong Family genealogy list" 
Subject: STRONG, Charles: 
              Cape May/Cumberland Co, NJ; 1778-1844
Date: Sat, 4 Jan 1997 11:46:13 -0500

Am looking to correspond and share information with 
anyone working with STRONGs from Cape May or 
Cumberland Counties in New Jersey.  Also, I'm specifically 
following Charles STRONG, b. 4 Apr 1778 d. 1844 in Leesburg,
Cumberland Co., New Jersey,  m. 1815 in Cape May Co., New 
Jersey Sarah SHARP, b. 1792 d. 1870 in Downe Township, 
Cumberland Co., New Jersey, dau. Ephram SHARP.

Allan T. Hackney
164 Richmond Hill Rd.
New Canaan, CT  06840

--------- End forwarded message ----------

---------- End of message ----------

From: (Robert T. Strong)
To: "Strong Family genealogy list"
Subject: RE-POST:  British roots of William Strong(e), VA immigrant
Date: Thu, 17 Apr 1997 06:30:52 EDT

--------- Begin forwarded message ----------

From: [Dave Strong]
Subject: Your Virginia Strong research
Date: 5 Jan 1997 08:34:22 EDT

Hi Bob...

I noted your discussion with interest.  As I was reading 
through the latest message, I was moved to ask about the 

"The following are gleamings from Virginia Land  Patents, 
as abstracted by Nugent, above, concerning William 

Patent Book I, Part II, page 609, dated 12 FEB 1638
[1639], as abstracted in CAVALIERS AND PIONEERS
(C & P), Volune I, page 100.  William Barker, Mariner,  
and his Associates & Co., were granted 1850 acres in  
Charles City County, VA, in two tracts.  600 acres,  
formerly called Powlebrook and now called Merchants 
Hope, "beginnning at a Creek that parts it from Slaters 
Hill, extending to the water side neare under the howse 
of one Richard Williams".  Another 1250 acres for the 
transportation of 25 persons, including "William Straing."


I know from your other messages that you have explored 
the Bristol Registers for William Strong... but have you 
taken the approach of researching who "William Barker, 
Mariner, and his Associates & Co" were?   From my own 
exploration of English history, I would suspect these
gentlemen were partners in a "Company of Adventurers" 
formed for profit and sanctioned by the Crown to plant in 
Virginia Colony.  It seems logical to believe that they may 
have recruited settlers from the areas in England from 
which they, the Adventurers, came... eg., if William 
Barker was from Dorset, or Somerset, he may have 
recruited "William Straing" in the same location.  What 
do you think????

By the way, thank you for the data on the Elder John 
Strong genealogy which I sort of put you on the spot 
about... {:-)!

Dave Strong

--------- End forwarded message ----------

---------- End of message ----------

From: (Robert T. Strong)
To: "Strong Family genealogy list"
Subject: RE-POST: British roots of John Strong of New Kent Co., VA
Date: Thu, 17 Apr 1997 06:30:53 EDT

--------- Begin forwarded message ----------

From: (Robert T. Strong)
To: "Strong Family genealogy list" 
Subject: STRONG Research in the British Islands
Date: Mon, 06 Jan 1997 00:02:45 EST


On 5 Jan 1997 08:34:22 EDT wrote:

>Hi Bob...

>I noted your discussion with interest.  As I was reading 
>through the latest message, I was moved to ask about 
>the following:


>>""The following are gleamings from Virginia Land  
>>Patents, as abstracted by Nugent, above, concerning 
>>William Strong(e).

>>Patent Book I, Part II, page 609, dated 12 FEB 1638
>>[1639], as abstracted in CAVALIERS AND PIONEERS
>>(C & P), Volune I, page 100.  William Barker, Mariner,  
>>and his Associates & Co.....


>I know from your other messages that you have explored 
>the Bristol Registers for William Strong... but have you 
>taken the approach of researching who "William Barker, 
>Mariner, and his Associates & Co" were?

> From my own exploration of English history, I would 
>suspect these gentlemen were partners in a "Company of 
>Adventurers" formed for profit and sanctioned by the Crown 
>to plant in Virginia Colony.  It seems logical to believe that 
>they may have recruited settlers from the areas in England 
>from which they, the Adventurers, came... eg., if William 
>Barker was from Dorset, or Somerset, he may have 
>recruited "William Straing" in the same location.  What do 
>you think????

>Dave Strong


Your comments are appreciated, Dave.

I agree with your premise.  I have not pursued this, though, 
as this is not my line of Strongs.  I know that my ancestor 
was John Strong of New Kent County, VA.  I believe he was 
an immigrant, primarily because Robert Hughes was 
credited with transporting a John Strong to the Virginia 
Colony in 1682 or earlier, because Robert Hughes was a 
resident of New Kent County, VA, and his 1682 grant was 
in New Kent Co., VA.  No records have yet surfaced in 
Virginia to indicate this John Strong may have been a son
of one of the Strongs who settled in Virginia earlier.  [I will 
enumerate those about whom I have data in posts to the  
STRONG Mail List.]   As you know, I have also found a 
record of a John Strong being transported out of Bristol, 
England, to the Virginia Colony in 1772 to serve an 
apprenticeship.  I am not yet convinced he was the same 
John Strong who was residing in New Kent County, VA, in 
1698 through at least 1703, during which time three sons 
were born.   For one thing, the master listed in the 1772 
record was not Robert Hughes.   In summary, I am more 
motivated to research the John Strong of the 1772 record 
than I am to research William Strong of James City County, 
VA, or any of the other several Strongs who were in Virginia 
before 1698.   I have not done this partly out of ignorance 
about how to proceed to find my John Strong in the British 
Islands when I have no idea from whence he came.  Any 
suggestions, Dave?  Or from anyone else?

Arriving in the Virginia Colony aboard the ship GEORGE
with William "Straing" [probably Strong(e)] was Dr. John
 Woodson and his wife, Sarah, who settled in Henrico 
County.  He had a son, Robert Woodson, who became a
Quaker, as did Robert Hughes.  Robert Hughes abandoned
his 1682 grant and then Robert Woodson and Company
claimed John Strong as a headright in a later grant.  Both
Robert Hughes and Robert Woodson are associated in 
Quaker records with Thomas Stanley, who was the
grandfather of my proven ancestor, Ann(e) Stanley Strong.
She settled in Goochland County, VA,  around 1781--which
appears to have been immediately after her husband
[apparently Martin Strong, grandson of John of New Kent
County] died.  In Goochland County, Ann(e) Strong was 
a neighbor of Joseph Woodson and leased his lands.
So there was a two or three generation relationship 
between the Woodsons and Strongs.  This is a long
detour to get to my point, in agreement with your premise.
William Strong of James City County may have been 
from the same vicinity in England as Dr. John Woodson's
family.   Woodson's roots are probably well documented.

And it will probably be a lot easier to trace the home-
land of Rice [aka Reese] and Robert Hughes than to 
trace the homeland of John Strong.  There is ample
reason for believing these three may had a common 
origin in terms of locality in the British Islands.      

Robert T. ("Bob") Strong, Jr., Manager, STRONG Mail List
119 Mystic Way, Monrovia Comm., Madison, AL 35758-7113
(c) 1997.  Permission granted to copy for personal use only.
--------- End forwarded message ----------

---------- End of message ----------

From: (Robert T. Strong)
To: "Strong Family genealogy list"
Subject: RE-POST:  STRONG Immigrants to Virginia, 17th Century
Date: Thu, 17 Apr 1997 06:30:52 EDT

--------- Begin forwarded message ----------

From: (Robert T. Strong)
To: "Strong Family genealogy list" 
Subject: STRONG Immigrants to Virginia, 17th Century
Date: Sun, 05 Jan 1997 05:22:45 EST
Message-ID: <>

The following is a recapitualtion of part of a
message I posted several  weeks ago:



THE ORIGINAL LISTS of Persons of Quality:
Emigrants; Religious Exiles; Political Rebels; 
Serving Men Sold for a Term of Years; Apprentices;
Children Stolen; Maidens Pressed; and Others
Who Went From Great Britain to the AMERICAN 
THE ORIGINAL LISTS of Persons of Quality:
Emigrants; Religious Exiles; Political Rebels; 
Serving Men Sold for a Term of Years; Apprentices;
Children Stolen; Maidens Pressed; and Others
Who Went From Great Britain to the AMERICAN 
PLANTATIONS, 1600-1700, With Their Ages, The 
Localities Where They Formerly Lived in the 
Mother Country, the Names of the Ships in 
Which They Embarked, and Other Interesting

>From MSS. Preserved in the State Paper
Department of Her Majesty's Public Record 
Office, England.


Baltimore [Maryland]: Genealogical Publishing
Co., Inc., 1978


[Many early settlers in Virginia were killed by
Indians--and probably vice versa.  The following
census was taken after a massacre by Indians.]

VIRGINIA, February the 16, 1623" 
[The year would now be 16 FEB 1624 because 
of a change in the calendar.  New Years was 
then on 1 April.]

"At Flourdieu Hundred":  [Pages 172-173]

     "William Straunge"

Footnote on Page 173:  "I believe this is correct; 
but the third letter is blotted in the original; and 
there is, besides, a dot near the end of the word, 
which makes it possible to read it as STRAMIGE."


[Dr.] John Woodson and Sarah Woodson also 
appeared on this same list.  This Woodson family
is subsequently found residing in Henrico Co., 
VA.  In 1687, Robert Woodson [Sr.], son of John
and Sarah Woodson, and several associates 
claimed a headright for the transportation to 
the Virginia Colony of a John Strong, who 
had earlier, in 1682, been claimed as a headright 
of Robert Hughes [Sr.] of New Kent County, VA.


"James Citty  

The MUSTER of the Inhabitants of James Cittie 
[James City County] taken the 24th of January 
1624"  [The year would now be 1625 because of a 
change in the calendar.  Prior to the change in the
calendar, the New Year began on 1 APRIL.]

  "The MUSTER of Sir George Yearley, Knignt, etc."
   [Sir George Yeardley]

         "William Strange 18 in the GEORGE 1619"

[This is probably the same person as in the 
previous entry, above:  "William Straunge".]



CAVALIERS AND PIONEERS:  Abstracts of Virginia
Land Patents and Grants.  Abstracted and indexed
by Nell Marion Nugent, Virginia Land Office, 
Richmond, Virginia.  Baltimore, MD:  Genealogical
Publishing Company, Inc.
     Volume I, 1623-1666, (c) 1963
     Volume II, 1666-1695
     Volume III, 1695-1732, (c) 1979
     Volume IV, 1732-

The following are gleamings from Virginia Land 
Patents, as abstracted by Nugent, above, concerning
William Strong(e).

Patent Book I, Part II, page 609, dated 12 FEB 1638
[1639], as abstracted in CAVALIERS AND PIONEERS 
(C & P), Volune I, page 100.  William Barker, Mariner, 
and his Associates & Co., were granted 1850 acres in 
Charles City County, VA, in two tracts.  600 acres, 
formerly called Powlebrook and now called Merchants
Hope, "beginnning at a Creek that parts it from 
Slaters Hill, extending to the water side neare under
the howse of one Richard Williams".  Another 1250
acres for the transportation of 25 persons, including
"William Straing."

Patent Book 4, page 5, dated 24 JAN 1655 [1666], as 
abstracted in C & P, I: 322 [Volume 1, Page 322].
David Phillips deeded 600 acres in James City
County, VA, located on the north side of Chicohominy
River, and northeast side of Moses Creek, bounded
on northwest by John Williams, and on the southeast
by William Fry.  "Due by purchase from William Stronge."

Patent Book 4, page 6, dated 6 FEB 1655 [1666], as 
abstracted in C & P, I: 323.  William Fry deeded 253
acres in James City County on northeast side of 
James River, "near William Havats land", purchased
from William Cradock and Thomas Drinker, assignee
of Richard Hoe, the original patentee.  

Patent Book 4, page 6, dated 24 JAN 1655 [1666], as
abstracted In C & P, I: 323.  John Williams deeded
600 acres in James City County on north side of
James River, western side of Chickohominy River,
northeast side of Moses Creek, nowthwest side of
Richard Williams, and southeast side of David 
Phillips.  "By purchase from William Stronge."

[Note that Richard Williams in mentioned here 
and also in the 1638 headright grant to William 
Barker and associates, above.]

Patent Book 4, page 18, dated 8 APR 1656, as 
abstracted in C & P, I: 327.  Phillip Charles deeded
140 acres on the most southern branch of Warrany
Creek, on the east side of Chicohominy River,
bounded by a corner tree of Mr. William Strong, to
marked tree of Mr. Soanes.  For transportation of
three persons.  

Patent Book 4, page 257, dated 17 MAR 1658,
as abstracted in C & P, I: 387.  Phillip Charles 
patented 1550 acres on the Chicckahominy River
beginning next to land of William Taylor...140 
acres located on most southern branch of 
Warrany Creek on the east side of that creek,
"from corner tree of land of William Stronge", 
along trees of Mr. [Henry] Soane, etc.  

Patent Book 4, page 257, dated 17 MAR 1658,
as abstracted in C & P, I: 387.  This appears to 
be a duplicate recording of above patent.

Patent Book 7, page 264, dated 16 APR 1683,
as abstracted in C & P, II: 258.  Edward Ellerby
deeded 100 acres...part of 600 acres granted
to William Haveat on 20 OCT 1661 and 
bequeathed to William Strong on 26 AUG 1663.
Strong sold the said 100 acres to Stephen Butts
on 8 OCT 1675, and Butts sold it to Ellerby on 
17 SEP 1677.

Patent Book 7, page 264, dated 16 APR 1683,
as abstracted in C & P, II: pages 258-259.
John Doby was deeded 362 acres in James 
City County, running from James River along
Edward Elleby's line, to Drinkard's line, to 
head of a little creek at Mount Sinai Bridge, 
and down same to the River.  "Part of 600 
acres granted to William Haveat 20 OCT 1661,
who by will dated 26 AUG 1663 bequeathed
to William Strong, who on 30 JAN 1677 [1678]
sold 100 acres to said Doby and by will 
bequeathed 50 acres more to said Doby;
212 acres said Strong by will, dated 28 AUG
1675, gave to William and Hester Thomas,
who on 1st AUG 1676 assigned to said Doby."


INTERPRETATION:  The above records probably
pertain to the same person:  William Strong(e),
born about 1601, who arrived in the Virginia 
Colony aboard the ship GEORGE in 1619.  

However, a William Strong who was a 
headright of William Barker and associates,
may have arrived later, but before 1639.

There are indications in other records,
not abstracted here, that there were probably 
two William Strongs in the Virginia Colony by 1640.

 A William Strong was definitely residing in 
James City County prior to 1666 when he sold 
land to John Williams.  The remaining records 
of William Strong in James City County are 
definitely of this same person.  He was likely
a son-in-law of William Haveat.  His wife is 
not otherwise identified.  He died testate after
8 OCT 1675, when he sold land to Stephen
Butts.  John Doby and William Thomas were 
likely sons-in-law, as they were willed land by
William Strong.  Hester Thomas was likely a
daughter of William Strong.  William Strong
apparently was survived by no sons and 
apparently had no heirs by predeceased sons.  
A copy of the will of William Strong has not
been found.  

There is thus no basis for believing that John
Strong of St. Peter's Parish, New Kent or James
City County, VA, was a son of William Strong of 
James City County, VA.

A second William Strong was residing in Surry 
County, Virginia, by 1661 [1662].  His records
will be presented in a later message.  

Robert T. ("Bob") Strong, Jr., Manager, STRONG Mail List
119 Mystic Way, Monrovia Comm., Madison, AL 35758-7113
(c) 1997.  Permission granted to copy for personal use only.
--------- End forwarded message ----------
---------- End of message ----------

From: (Robert T. Strong)
To: "Strong Family genealogy list"
Subject: RE-POST:  [Strategies for] Strong Research In British Isles
Date: Thu, 17 Apr 1997 06:30:53 EDT

--------- Begin forwarded message ----------

To: "Strong Family genealogy list" 
Subject: Strong Research In British Isles
Date: 6 Jan 1997 10:26:20 EDT

Hi, Bob.  

I got your response to my question re William Barker, 
Mariner, etc.  The response rather ties in with my own 
thinking .... and it was piqued a little by your question 
in the latest Subscriber List about how to improve the 

Perhaps the greatest problem facing genealogists in the 
Americas (and I suspect, Australia as well)  is how to make 
the leap back across the ocean, between what is known 
on our side of the ocean, and what is available in the British 
Isles.  Generally, we face numerous obstacles... Poor or 
non-existant records, illiterate or at least non-communicative 
ancestors, official disinterest (in the records) of prior 
locations, our own ignorance of many nuances of British 
History affecting our searches, our lack of knowledge of 
existing, available records in the British Isles.... and on and 

I think what is needed is a coordinated effort at compiling 
known data about the origins of immigrants from the British 
Isles, which is colated with known or knowable data about 
possible points of origins in the homeland.  The study needs 
to be sensitive to the flow os historical background info 
affecting the impetus for, routes of, and means of 
transportation.   Much info is out there... and a lot of work 
has already been done by many persons and groups.... 
somehow an effort needs to be made to bring it together, 
organize it and try to build on it.  I know the SFAA has 
done a certain amount of work in this regard... but I really 
think their focus is too limited.  With respect, The  Elder 
John Strong lineage is really just one of many.

What is needed is a new, multi-based group, ready to try to 
track the various possible lineage sources in Britian:  The 
Breton-Norman L'Estranges, who can be traced from The 
Battle of Hastings through (I seem to recall) Shropshire.. and 
on to Scotland, THe Isle of Man, and Settlements in the Irish 
Pale;  The Armstrong clan of the Borders region,  many of 
whom may have changed their name to Strong to avoid
hanging or transportation or whatever, particularily about 
the time the Plantations in America and Ireland began; The 
obvious concentrations of Strongs in certain localities in 
the IGI... among them, I know or suspect, Dorset, Somerset,
Cumberlandshire, Fifeshire, Lancashire...  Detailed Input 
and analysis from genealogists in Britian who are
knowledgeable about the sources available.

Analysis of the various IGI listings to attempt to compile 
charts of known family groups in Britain and Ireland; 
attention to variations in spelling; again collation of known 
data about individuals who immigrated; tracing the 
schedules over several years of known immigrant ships... 
(some are known to have landed passengers in America at
differing dates, and are known to have sailed from Bristol, 
Liverpool, and a host of other small outports--- we know 
some of the detail, can an analysis fill in the blanks?); a 
process of elimination of data points about known 
individuals; a computerized data base... lots of detail, and
insightful management.  Coordinating imput from Britain, 
Ireland, the Americas, Australia, and wereever.  And, I 
think, the focus has to be in Britain... NOT in the areas 
emigrated to!

What I am talking about is huge.  It is long range.  And it 
might in the end be an exercise in futility for many.  But, 
perhaps some useful genealogical evidence can be gleaned 
and preserved for some or all who are interested.  In my own 
case, the loss of Irish records in the Four Courts fire in Dublin 
~1920 probably dooms my inquiry concerning the origins of 
my Strong ancestors to informed speculation at best.  How-
ever, I would like to know the history surrounding the 
migration of members of the family from, I SUSPECT 
Cumberlandshire, to Donegal and Fermanagh, and on.  Did 
they get "planted" in 1610?  From Cumbria, or from Bristol, 
or where?  Or were they soldiers awarded land as pay for
service with Cromwell?  Or did they immigrate from 
Scotland while fleeing the religious persecutions of 
Presbyterians by Charles II's ministers?  Were George,
John and William of "where ever" brothers, cousins, 
relatives at all?  Who likely went where and why?  What 
Chain Migration might have happened?  Who was named 
after whom?  What information is available in London 
that was a copy of something lost in Dublin?  Gleanings 
from any and everywhere.
Rome was not built in a day, nor can we hope to build the 
data base I am talking about in a day... but perhaps we can 
make a start.  The question is.... how?!

I don't have the solution to this question... I simply strive to 
pose it in hope of stimulating discussion and possible 
movement in some direction.

Dave Strong

[Postscript clipped.]

--------- End forwarded message ----------

---------- End of message ----------

From: (Robert T. Strong)
To: "Strong Family genealogy list"
Subject: Mary Haveat's Will, Norfolk Co., VA, dated 3 MAR 1666
Date: Thu, 17 Apr 1997 08:19:30 EDT

""""""""""""""""""" Begin forwarded message """"""""""""""""""""

To: "Strong Family genealogy list" 
Subject: Hi
Date: Wed, 16 Apr 1997 23:28:01, -0500

The following is a VERY SIGNIFICANT new find by 
Francie Lane, as will be understood by those of you 
who are familiar with early Virginia Strong research: 

Mary Havatt, dated 3 March 1666, proved 10 May 1671
..To Mary Crafford my god daughter...Wm Thomas...
my god daughter Mary his daughter.... shall remayne
with my Cozen Okeham halfe her tyme. Hester Thomas...
Kindsman Jno Okeham all my land wch. was given
to me by my Late husband Wm Havast....Cosen Ann
Okeham wife of my Couzen Jno. Okeham...
Witnesses: Henry Watson Jno. Masters
Mary Havast

Thanks, Francie!!!

Jim Rolff (

""""""""""""""""""" End forwarded message """""""""""""""""""

For those NOT familiar with the history of Strongs in early
Virginia, William Haveat (spelling uncertain) willed land
to William Strong of James City County, VA.  William 
Strong then willed land to William and Hester Thomas.

By implication, William Haveat was probably the father-in-
law of William Strong and Hester Thomas was probably
a daughter of William Strong.

This will adds two bits of information to Strong history:  
(1) Mary, the given name of the wife of William Haveat;
(2) Mary (Thomas) is identified as a daughter of William 
and Hester Thomas, and, thus, probably a grand-
daughter of William Strong. 

"Jno Okeham", called "cousin" and "kinsman" would 
appear to be the legal heir-at-law of Mrs. Mary Haveat 
under the British common law of primogeniture.  It is 
my understanding that the term "cousin" was often 
used synonymously with "kinsman" and did not imply
a First Cousin relationship.

Francie Lane's contribution to the early history of 
Strongs in Virginia is appreciated.  The value of our
group is that we can accomplish more as a group 
by sharing knowledge than any one person could 
accomplish working independently.

Robert T. ("Bob") Strong, Jr., Manager, STRONG Mail List
119 Mystic Way, Monrovia Comm., Madison, AL 35758-7113
(c) 1997.  Permission granted to copy for personal use only.
---------- End of message ----------

From: (Robert T. Strong)
To: "Strong Family genealogy list"
Subject: Thomas Strong b. 1766 in East Sussex, England, & Descendants
Date: Thu, 17 Apr 1997 08:19:30 EDT


--------- Begin forwarded message ----------

From: Lise Elliott 
To: "Robert T. Strong" 
Subject: Re: My Strong ancestors from Sussex, England
Date: Thu, 17 Apr 1997 10:28:04 +1

Hello Bob,

There are 2 reasons in answer to your comment about being 
'mighty quiet'.  Firstly, most of the discussion has been about 
American connections, and I see no possiblity of my Strongs 
being related. 

Secondly, discussions of a more general nature, on English 
connections, tend to be in a time period that is too early for 
me to provide any useful information.

A little bit about myself. It is actually my father who is the 
main genealogist, he has the time now that he has retired! 
I have the Internet access, and it is another useful tool to 
assist him. I live in Leamington Spa, Warwickshire, which 
is in central England, whereas my father lives in London, so 
most of our discussion is carried out over the telephone. He 
is able to visit Sussex regularly, being near the south coast. 
I have better access to Northamptonshire, which is where 
my grandfather's family came from (but that's another story, 
and nothing to do with Strongs!). I shall list below the full 
details of the information we have on our Strong ancestors. 
The main resouces that have been used are,  the parish 
records, St Catherines House births/deaths/marriages (after 
1837), census records (1841/51/61/71/81/91) and the IGI:

Thomas Strong b. 1766 in East Sussex
married Elizabeth Harris 5th April 1790 in Falmer, East 

Known children:
 1. Thomas b. 1793 in Falmer, East Sussex
 2. Henry b. 1811 in West Blatchington or Falmer, East Sussex 

2. Henry Strong married Caroline Parker 15th October 1835 
in Falmer, East Sussex. Occupation on 1841 census was a 

Known children:
1. Thomas b. 1839
2. John b. 19th February 1841 in West Blatchington, Sussex

2. John Strong married Elizabeth Harriott 27th September 
1863 at St. Nicholas Church, Brighton, Sussex. Witnesses 
William and Eliza Strong (probably a brother and sister/
sister-in-law).   Occupations: Labourer (1863), Wine 
merchant's porter (1868) and Draper's carman (1880).

Known children: 
1. Henry Thomas b. 1865 in Brighton
2. Caroline E. b. 1866 in Brighton
3. Eliza Annie b. 13th January 1868 in Brighton 
                       died 10th May 1880 in Brighton.

3. Eliza Annie Strong married Walter Parsons on 5th January 
1889 at St. Peter's Church, Brighton.

Known children:
1. Edith b. February 1891 in Adams Well, Groombridge, 
2. Jessie Evelyn b. 3rd December 1894 in Brighton (this is my 
father's mother); died 8th October 1904 in Brighton

Eliza Annie died a year after her husband, so my grand-
mother was an orphan at the age of 10.  We understand 
that it was her Uncle Henry and Aunt Bessie who looked 
after her, which we have now worked out was probably 
Eliza Annie's brother, Henry Strong and his wife. There-
fore, it is quite possible that the family she was sent to 
stay with, in Canada, approx 8 years later would have 
been on the Strong side of the family. The family story 
goes that she never got to her destination in Canada, as 
she met her future husband (my grandfather) on the boat 
going over and decided to make her own way in Canada.

The earliest Strong information was gleaned from the parish 
records, but before the record of Thomas's birth in 1766 
there is no mention of the name in the area. After this date 
there are plenty of Strongs in the parish. Other Sussex 
ancestors we have been able to trace back a further 100 
years through the parish records.

at Coventry University, England

--------- End forwarded message ----------

---------- End of message ----------

From: "Roger Dellinger" 
To: "Strong Family genealogy list"
Subject: Are there any descendants of Christopher Strong out there?
Date: Thu, 17 Apr 1997 11:31:00 -0600 (CDT)

Attn:  Lowry Betts and other South Carolina Strongs.

A while back L Betts posted his line down from Christopher Strong and
Elizabeth Dunn.  One thing I noticed that is probably in error:  Lowry
stated the Ellen Dendy, his mother died 22 June 1929, but he also
state that he was born after that on 20 Sept. 1930, Lowry could you
clarify this for me.

Did Christopher Strong have any children other than Sarah Strong who
married Reas Bowen?

I am descended from Christopher Strong's sister, Letitia, through her
daughter Mary "Mollie" Strong.  My line of descendency goes like this:

Letitia STRONG, born 1 Feb. 1766 in Ireland, d. Feb. 1838.  m. a cousin
James Strong, Jr., youngest son of James Strong, Sr. and Elizabeth,  in
1778.  He was b. 1760 in Ireland, d. 5 Nov 1823 in Chester Co., SC. 
Letitia's will was recorded in Chester Co., SC. One of their children was:

Mary "Mollie" STRONG, b. 20 April 1791 in SC, d. 12 Nov. 1875 in Monroe
Co., IN.  She married David MOFFATT, youngest son of William MOFFATTt
and Barbara CHESTNUT or CHESNUT.  David was born about 1785 to
1790 in Chester Co., SC, d. 20 Aug 1830 in Chester Co., SC.  They were
married in 1809 in Chester Co., SC.  One of their children was:

Samuel MOFFATT, b. 31 March 1825 in Chester Co., SC, d. 17 Jun 1880
in Monroe Co., IN.  Married Martha B. STRONG, daughter of Robert S.
STRONG and Jennet McKEE.  Robert S. STRONG is a nephew of the
aforemention James STRONG, Jr.  Martha was born 4 Dec 1824 in SC, d.
29 Sep 1890 in Monroe Co., IN.  Samuel and Martha were married 19 Aug
1847 in Monroe Co., IN.  One of their children was:

Laura Belle MOFFATT, b. 11 Feb. 1860 in Monroe Co., IN, d. 13 Nov 1927
in Monroe Co., IN.  She married John REED, son of Robert REED and
Sarah SAMPLE, on 23 Nov 1880 in Monroe Co., IN.  John REED was born,
10 Feb 1858 in Monroe Co., IN d. 7 Dec 1922 in Monroe Co., IN.  One of
their children was:

Mary Hetty REED, b. 17 Oct. 1884 in Richland Twp., Monroe Co., IN, d. 8
Jul 1962 in Bloomington, Monroe Co., IN.  She married Carl Elmer
SHIGLEY, oldest son of Wesley Omer SSHIGLEY and Mary Sabina STIPP,
on 15 Oct 1919 in Indianapolis, IN.  Carl was born 14 April 1891 in Perry
Twp., Monroe Co., IN, d. 22 Oct 1930 in Indianapolis, Marion Co., IN.  Their
only child was:

Margaret Lou SHIGLEY, b. 5 Feb. 1925 in Bloomington, Monroe Co., IN. 
She married Hartley C DELLINGER, son of Shirl Blaine DELLINGER and
Rebecca Haycock BAYNES, on 19 Oct. 1946 in Indianapolis, IN.  Hartley
was born 12 May 1918 in Tipton Co., IN.  Their youngest child was:  

Roger Alan DELLINGER, b. 6 Jan 1958 in Indianapolis, IN.

Roger Dellinger  or

---------- End of message ----------

To: "Strong Family genealogy list"
Subject: Wm Strong of James City Co., Va.
Date: Thu, 17 Apr 1997 14:29:29, -0500

In a message sent by Bob Strong to the Strong List today he states: 
"William Strong apparently was survived by no sons and apparently had 
no heirs by predeceased sons. A copy of the will of William Strong 
has not been found. There is no basis for believing that John Strong 
of St. Peter's Parish, New Kent or James City County, Va. was a son 
of William Strong of James City County".  Apparently Bob Strong has 
found the burned up will of William Strong, or does he read into the 
Virginia Land Patent in question something that isn't there. True, 
the Land Patent states that William Strong left certain lands to two 
probable daughters, but there is nothing there that says William 
Strong did not have other heirs. Maybe Bob Strong doesn't think there 
is any basis for believing that John Strong mentioned above was a son 
of William Strong, but we are going to disagree to the extent that I 
believe there is plenty of reason to SUSPECT that John Strong was a 
grandson of William Strong of James City Co. Also, Bob Strong 
"However, a William Strong who was a headright of William Barker and 
associates may have arrived later, but before 1639". The abstract of 
this Land Patent in "Cavaliers and Pioneers" states that this was 
William Straing. I also recently made a copy of this Patent from the 
original on microfilm, but I did not present this to the Strong List, 
because the name on the original was definately William Straing. It 
is possible that this was a William Strong, but it should not be 
changed to "Strong" without some proof. 
This morning I sent to the Strong List the Norfolk County, Virginia 
will of Mary Haveat. Bob Strong found "two bits of information". I would add
that this will also is further proof that William and Mary Haveat 
were the parents of William Strong's wife, since the same William and Hester 
Thomas were named as heirs. I'm surprised that Bob Strong has not mentioned 
the lack of Strong heirs to Mary Haveat, which would further his theory 
that William Strong had only daughters, and therefore that John Strong was 
an immigrant. I'll admit that I would have liked to see a John Strong 
heir of Mary Haveat, but I don't think this lack is a fatal blow to my theory 
that John Strong was a grandson of William Strong of James City County. I 
am going to theorize that William Strong had two wives, that the second 
was the daughter of William and Mary Haveat, that the second wife had 
only daughters, and that the first wife had sons Andrew and Thomas that 
we have records about, and maybe another son. As an indication that 
this theory could be true I offer the following:

James City April 1640 Quarter Court, 8th-24th
Whereas William Strong having been accused to this board that he had
a wife in England and did notwithstanding go about to marry another
in this colony; whereupon he was prohibited by this board until he 
had cleared himself of the said accusation to proceed in said intended marriage: 
which said Strong having produced several depositions for the clearing of 
the said accusation and no positive proofs coming against him : the 
court doth therefore declare him the said Strong to be free to marry 
according to the laws of the church; the bans of matrimony being thrice asked
according to the customs of the Church of England.

I'm going to theorize that this marriage in 1640 was to the daughter 
of William and Mary Haveat, that William Strong's first wife had 
returned to England, and had since died there or on the trip, and that 
William Strong's sons were from this first wife, which would be consistant 
with the fact that Andrew and Thomas Strong were appearing on records
in the vicinity of William Strong in the 1650s and 1660s, whereas 
the daughters of William Strong were not mentioned until 1666 and later.

Jim Rolff(
---------- End of message ----------

From: (L. Betts)
To: "Strong Family genealogy list"
Subject: Re: Are there any descendants of Christopher Strong out there?
Date: Thu, 17 Apr 1997 21:20:10 -0500

>Attn:  Lowry Betts and other South Carolina Strongs.
>A while back L Betts posted his line down from Christopher Strong and
>Elizabeth Dunn.  One thing I noticed that is probably in error:  Lowry
>stated the Ellen Dendy, his mother died 22 June 1929, but he also
>state that he was born after that on 20 Sept. 1930, Lowry could you
>clarify this for me.
>Did Christopher Strong have any children other than Sarah Strong who
>married Reas Bowen? * * *
>Roger Dellinger
>  or

Thanks for your post, Roger,

My mother, Ellen Dendy, died 1949, not 1929.  My poor typing.

Yes, Christopher Strong had three daughters, Sarah, who married Reas Bowen,
Martha, who married Moulton Dickson, and Jane, who married Field Farrar.  I
am trying to find their descendants --- without much luck.

---------- End of message ----------

To: "Strong Family genealogy list"
Subject: Christopher Strong/SC
Date: Thu, 17 Apr 1997 23:50:25, -0500

I found this in my files:

Strong, Christopher Hemphill, 1830, Chester Dist., S.C. 1860
Presbyterian Minister, d. Nov. 7, 1868, Chester Dist., S.C.

Jim Rolff(
---------- End of message ----------

From: (Robert T. Strong)
To: "Strong Family genealogy list"
Subject: RE-POST:  Robert's Ramblings, 10 JAN 97
Date: Fri, 18 Apr 1997 06:02:46 EDT

Current number of subscribers:  32

There were no new subcribers and there was very little 
traffic on the STRONG Mail List this week.  

Having a lot of traffic on the STRONG Mail List is not a high
priority to me.  What I would like to see are messages that 
include a lot of information, rather than a lot of messages
that include little information.   To paraphrase a Biblical
verse:  Give, and you will Receive!  Sharing information is
what our STRONG discussion group is all about.

A private note was received from Dave Strong 
< >, who indicated he woud be away
from his computer much of the month of January, so he
did not post publically to the Mail List.  Dave expressed 
some excellent ideas concerning his vision of the goals
and scope of the STRONG family discussion group.  I hope 
Dave will share his thoughts with the group when he is 
again able to particate in the discussion. 

Each of your ideas are requested also.  Please express 
them in an open, public discussion.  What would you 
like for our group to do with regard to searching for and 
hopefully finding our roots, perhaps our common roots,
 in "the old country"?

Gerry Strong < > reported he
is a brother of Barbara Pederson, thus shares her
descent from William Strong of Newfoundland, Canada.

I sent a New Years Greeting and progress reprort to 
our benefactor, Larry V. Stephens, who  makes our Mail
Lists possible through his personal programming and
personal managemnt during his off duty hours,  and his
utilization of his employers (the University of Indiana)

One item I mentioned to Larry was my feeling that a
co-manager is needed for the STRONG List--someone
who can fill in when I am on vacation, have emergencies,
etc., and  someone who will succeed me one day.  
Larry concurs.  This has two components:  (1)
providing some guidance and direction to the group; 
and (2) taking care of a few adminstrative details, 
such as deleting subscribers whose mail constantly 
"bounces".   Maintaning a subscriber list is not 
mandatory but I have done this as an attempt to aid
subscribers to identify others who may be connected.
If you have any thoughts on this subject, please share
them with me. 

A STANLEY Mail List was started about the same time
as our STRONG Mail List.  Since I descend from Anne
(Stanley) Strong, I have been doing a bunch of posting
to the Stanley List and have, thus, been slow to finish
posting information about 17th Century Strong 
immigrants to the Virginia Colony, as I had planned.  My 
apologies to the group for becoming distracted.  

There is a discussion group for individuals who are 
list managers, or "listowners".   Persons who subscribe 
to Mail Lists but never post anything are referred to 
there as "Lurkers"?  Are you a Lurker?  Please tell the
group  something about  yourself and about your 
connection to the STRONG or related surname and 
about your research needs or goals, if you have not 
already done so.  Those who HAVE  posted are invited to
re-post for the benefit of persons who subscibed 
later.  If you re-post, please state that in the Subject 
Line so that those of us who save messages will not 
be saving duplicates.

Robert T. ("Bob") Strong, Jr., Manager, STRONG Mail List
119 Mystic Way, Monrovia Comm., Madison, AL 35758-7113
(c) 1997.  Permission granted to copy for personal use only.

---------- End of message ----------

From: (Robert T. Strong)
To: "Strong Family genealogy list"
Subject: RE-POST: STRONG, Thomas "Mullins" Van Buren; b. 1833, TN > MO 	> 
Date: Fri, 18 Apr 1997 06:02:46 EDT

--------- Begin forwarded message ----------
From: Russell Laird 
To: "Strong Family genealogy list" 
Subject: STRONG, Thomas "Mullins" Van Buren
Date: Sun, 12 Jan 1997 12:33:46 -0600

Greetings to Everyone on the Strong Family List:

I must beg to apologize for taking so long to post to the list
and offer a proper introduction. As our gracious host, Mr.
Robert T. "Bob" Strong, is busy, so am I, running a LAIRD
family mail list. Since Bob started this list (and he is doing
a magnificent job of running it; best I've seen) I've been 
spending what time I have researching Lairds, primarily, 
but I always slow down to read every post to this list. It is, 
in a word, fantastic.

My tie to the Strong line is thus: my father's mother was
Sybil Susan Strong, daughter of William Melvin "Mack"
Strong and Mary Susan Johnson of Wolf City, TX. Mack's
father was Thomas "Mullins" Van Buren Strong.

Brief outline:

1.  John Strong, Sr., of New Kent Co., VA, probable immigrant
     2.  William Strong, Sr., of Hanover and Pittsylvania Cos. VA
          3.  Thomas Strong, Sr.
               4.  Thomas Strong, Jr.
                    5.  William Dodson Strong
                         6.  "Mulllins" Van Buren Strong

The Strong Family History lists him as Mullins Van Buren Strong.
His granddaughter lists him as Thomas Van Buren Strong,
and mentions that he is thought to have had a twin. Birthdate
from both sources is the same.

I want to offer the following to members of the list, a short piece
written by Norene Strong, a great-aunt of mine. She wrote it
probably 20-30 years ago while she was researching her family.
I've not seen her materials; still trying to obtain copies, but she
obviously did not have the WWW as a tool, nor the help of
Bob Strong, which has been invaluable (Thank you again, sir).


Thomas Van Buren Strong

	Thomas was born January 5, 1833 someplace as yet
unknown in Tennessee. When he was 22 he and three other
fellows married four sisters of the Jessie and Elizabeth Ellis
family of Tennessee on September 24, 1855. His parents are
still unknown. He is said to have had a twin brother and a sister
whose name was Donna Phillipi Montera Pallace Stelle Streller
Strong. This is all that has come to light on his own family.
	Abraham Alonzo was the first child of Thomas and Matilda,
born Sept. 15, 1856 and died in infancy. Mary Florence Dixon was
born 8-29-1859. Elizabeth Emma White was born 11-29-1861.
	In about 1864(?) Thomas and the other three fellows with
their Ellis brides and families moved to Sullivan County, Missouri
near Milan. Here they bought farms and just got a good start when
the Civil War started. A neighbor was killed in Thomas' front door,
probably over discussing which side to join, and our "Four Horsemen"
as we shall call them again  joined hands and enlisted on the side
of the Union. Leo Dixon says Thomas told him that "They thought
they would be safer with the Yankees."
	After the war the two boys were born, John Granville
1-1-1866 and William Melvin 2-29-1868. Thomas, now 33 and
apparently getting itchy feet to see some more of the west.
The "Four Horsemen" again loaded their wagons and moved
their families to Reno County, Kansas, near Hutchinson where
they all purchased new farms. James Albert was born 1-1-1870,
their last child, and died at the age of 17, on 9-13-1887.
	In 1890 Thomas was to go through one of his most trying
years. He was 57 and probably in the midst of his happiest years
when on April 18 his Tennessee wife Matilda passed away. Then
there was more to come. He had signed whith one of his friends
on his friend's note on a farm. This proved costly as the note was
foreclosed and Thomas was left broke.
	He headed south for Kingfisher (OK) where his son John
Granville had a farm northwest of town. It must have been a good hot
Oklahoma summer day because he had a pretty quick inspiration.
He spotted a water tank on pilings in the middle of main street and
with just enough money to buy a few lemons, sugar and ice, went
into business. This venture succeeded and in a short time he had
enough money to rent a small building and went into business in a
little larger way.
	In 1895 Thomas was 63 and had made enough from his
business to buy his son John's farm when John moved his family
to El Reno. Leo and his mother Mary Dixon lived with Thomas here
after Mr. Dixon died until Mary decided to move to their farm north
of Ames. Thomas sold his farm and went with them to help farm the
place until Leo and Ralph were old enough to take over.
	When the railroad came to Ames, Thomas built a small
building and had a cold drink business followed by a feed store for
a few years until he retired and lived the rest of his life on the Dixon
farm. Leo remembers him as a rather stern man, but liked and admired
him very much. Thomas died in 1917 and is buried in the Dixon plot
in Ames, Okla.

Best to Everyone,
Russell Laird
Mt. Vernon, TX

--------- End forwarded message ----------

---------- End of message ----------

From: (Robert T. Strong)
To: "Strong Family genealogy list"
Subject: RE-POST:  Strongs of Waco, Texas, about 1960s or 1970s
Date: Fri, 18 Apr 1997 06:02:45 EDT

--------- Begin forwarded message ----------

From: [Matthew Strong]
To: "Strong Family genealogy list" 
Subject: Missing Persons
Date: Sat, 11 Jan 1997 21:19:10 -0500 (EST)

I was recently contacted by a man who was trying to 
find his family.  If anyone has any information on this 
family group, please e-mail me at < >.

My apologies, this is all the information that I have.

William Glenn Strong (possibly from Longtree, Iowa)
..........Johnny Charles Strong
....................Steve Strong (approx. 33 yrs old)
....................Johnny Strong (approx. 32 yrs old)
....................Jimmy Charles Strong (approx. 27 yrs old)

William and his sons Steve, Johnny, and Jimmy lived 
in Waco, Texas, around the late 1960s and early 1970s.


Matt Strong
--------- End forwarded message ----------
---------- End of message ----------

From: (Robert T. Strong)
To: "Strong Family genealogy list"
Subject: William Strong, b. 1825,  of Newfoundland, Canada
Date: Fri, 18 Apr 1997 06:02:45 EDT


--------- Begin forwarded message ----------

From: Gerry Strong 
To: (Robert T. Strong)
Subject: Re: List of Subscribers
Date: Fri, 10 Jan 1997 17:18:47 -0330 (NST)

Hello Robert, thanks for this informative list.

At 11:17 PM 1/3/97 EST, you wrote:

>Please advise me of any needed corrections in the 
>subscriber list, below. 

You can put me in here:

Strongs of Canada
     Descedants of William Strong, b. 1825,  of Newfoundland
  (Barbara Pederson)  

I'm Barb's brother (youngest). Is there any need of 
posting my children so as to add another branch? If so, let 
me know and I can send it along.

Thanks and all da best.................Gerry

Gerry Strong
Box 86, RR 1
Carbonear, Nfld.
A0A 1T0
---------- End of message ----------

From: (Robert T. Strong)
To: "Strong Family genealogy list"
Subject: Leanne Dooley's Suggestion:  List References by Subgroup
Date: Fri, 18 Apr 1997 06:02:45 EDT


--------- Begin forwarded message ----------

From: Leanne Dooley 
To: "Robert T. Strong" 
Subject:  Leanne's Ramblings.
Date: Sat, 11 Jan 1997 06:57:24 +0000

Mornin' Robert  

Just a suggestion but maybe there could be an 
attempt for searchers of the same general lines to 
list the resources that they've already checked so 
as to help cut out duplication of ordering films or 
books, etc. When I join a new mail list, I go over all
my regular files and try to reread my MISC. INFO 
on that surname file.  These notes may carry info 
that I can't use yet or ever, but would really help 
someone else. So I refresh my feeble mind from 
time to time so as to be able to recogize and respond. 
I'm working on several different lines and sometimes 
have to make great efforts at keeping everything 
straight. Just a suggestion. Keep up the good work. 

Francie [Lane], Kay [Rockett] and I are attacking the 
Eliz.Strong  puzzle. Maybe we'll get some more on 
this rather fascinating lady and her offspring. I really 
feel that my Samuel Strong of Lawrence Co., MS, is 
somehow connected to her group. Thanks for the help 
& the opportunity to connect. 

Leanne Dooley
--------- End forwarded message ----------
---------- End of message ----------

To: "Strong Family genealogy list"
Subject: Part 1 of Reply re South Carolina Strongs
Date: 18 Apr 1997 11:06:26 EDT

This is Part I of a reply to the following message:
LB>In your post of 13 Fed 1997 (an open reply to Tom Weir) you referto the
LB>"transportation " of Christopher Strong and Jeanette Symington [from
LB>Ireland] to "New Jersey."  How did you get Christopher Strong to New
LB>Jersey?  I always understood that he landed at Charleston, SC., See,
LB>REVILL, A Compilation of the Original Lists of Protestant to South Carolina
LB>1763 - 1773, (1939), p. 122, and that his wife (1st) was Frances Eliz,
LB>Dunn.  A copying error?  Did you mean Charles, not Christopher?
Hi Lowry...  To start with, my 13 Feb 97 message assumed knowledge of
the following message previously posted on 2 Feb 97:
Electronic Mail
Message #226654
Date: Sunday, February 02, 1997   4:30:54 PM
To: Dbsandmd
Topic: James Strong, b. 1760, IRE m. Letitia Strong, b. 1

The following is paraphrased  from Page 3 in STRONG FAMILY HISTORIES,
VOLUME V, (c) 1996, Strong  Family Association of America.  The material
was  submitted to SFAA by Mr. James E. McCuller, Jr.,  441 St. Simons
Cove, Lawrenceville, GA 30244-5273.

The book may be ordered from the SFAA Book Sales Coordinator, Mr. Harold
Strong, 165 State Route 38, Owego, NY 13827.  Telephone:  607-687-1977.
The price is $40.00 postpaid.

Two recent subscribers to the STRONG Mail List  are descendants of this

Bob Strong, Manager, STRONG Mail List Robert T. Strong, Jr., 119 Mystic
Way, Madison, AL 35758 E-Mail:


1-1.  CHRISTOPHER STRONG, b. 1660 in Scotland.  He married Jeanette
SYMINGTON of Scotland.  He was of the Presbyterian faith and was
banished from his home in Scotland the latter part of the Sixteenth

Child:  2-2. John Strong

2-2.  JOHN STRONG, son of Christopher Strong #1-1, born in  Scotland.
He married __?__ THIER.


3-3.  Charles Strong, d. 1783 3-4.  Robert Strong 3-5.  John Strong 3-6.
 daughter, m. __?__ CHESTNUT

3-3.  CHARLES STRONG, son of John Strong, #2-2, born in  Scotland, died
1783.  He married Jeanette GASTON, born 1726, died 28 APR 1801.


4-7.  JEANETTE STRONG, b. 1757 in Ireland, d. 1833.   Marriied Richard
GLADNEY.  [More about her descendants.]

 4-8.  CHRISTOPHER STRONG, b. 20 JAN 1760 in County  Antrim, Ireland.
Died 22 NOV 1850, Dickson County, TN.   He marrried, first, 28 DEC 1782,
Frances Elizabeth DUNN, daughter of William DUNN.   Frances was born
1760 and died 28 DEC 1825.  He married, second, on 10 JUL 1728 to
Rosannah McCULLOUGH.  Rosannah died 21 MAY 1853. Christipher Strong
arrived in South Carolina in 1771 at the  age of eleven years with his
parents and enlisted in the  ranks of the South Carlina Troops.  He
settled in Chester  County, SC, then moved to Dickson County, TN, after
the  Revolutionary War.   [More about his descendants.]

4-9.  WILLIAM STRONG, born 1764 in Ireland, died 11 JUN 1780 in the
Revolutionary War at the age of 17 years in  South Carolina...

4-10.  LETITIA STRONG, born 1 FEB or 1 MAR 1766, died 27 NOV 1837.  She
married JAMES STRONG, born 1760, died 5 NOV 1823.

4-11.  MARGARET STRONG, born 1768 in Ireland, died 11 MAR 1828.  She
married John SIMONTON, son of  Robert and Margaret SIMONTON.   John
Simonton  was born 1760, died 31 JAN 1841.  He served in the
Revolutionary War.  They are buried in the New Hope A. R. P. Cemetery.
[More about her descendants.]
My 13 Feb 97 comments concerned the validity of the assertions about
Christopher Strong b Scotland 1660, his purported wife, Jeannette
Symington, and their son, John Strong, who purportedly is the father of
the persons you have referrenced in your query to me.   I guess I rather
assumed knowledge by the various South Carolina Strongs on the list of
the details behind the discussion to this point.  Perhaps I have been
wrong in assuming this, and will try to set forth what I know about it,
before or perhaps as this missive grows while I try to point out the

First, my Email program has limits on the size of any message I initiate
(even though for some reason I seem to be able to receive longer
messages than I can send!!), so I am going to break this into at least
two parts.  This is the end of Part I.

Regards, Dave Strong

---------- End of message ----------

To: "Strong Family genealogy list"
Subject: Part 2 of Reply re South Carolina Strongs
Date: 18 Apr 1997 11:06:40 EDT

This is Part 2 of my reply re the South Carolina Strongs:

My interest in this family stems from the fact that it has "Scots-Irish"
roots and the Presbyterian Church has figured "strongly" in its history.
  For many years, I thought this was descriptive of my Strong family as
well.  What I knew of our history was that we were Presbyterians, and I
clearly remember my grandfather telling me we were Scots-Irish.  As it
turns out, after several years of research I have come to the conclusion
that my family was Anglo-Irish and had been Church of Ireland (Anglican)
until my great grandfather married (in Toronto in 1863) Eliza
McCullough, b.Co.Antrim, Ireland 1842.  The McCulloughs were definitely
Presbyterian Scots-Irish, and that is where our identification as
Scots-Irish came from.  I now suspect that there is a probably
unprovable connection between my McCullough family and the South
Carolina Strongs, so that is another aspect of my interest in your SC

Anyway,  while I was laboring under the impression that my Strongs were
Scots-Irish Presbyterians, I investigated what I could learn about the
South Carolina Strongs in the hope that I would learn something that
would help me trace my family.  Assuming you have read my prior
messages, you may have some appreciation why I was taking this tack...
round-about, but one of many leads to eliminate.

I learned about the Virginia Draffin Waites book mentioned in my 13 Feb
97 message;  the book is really a compilation, post-humusly, of the
genealogical research done by Miss Esther Strong, b.21 Sep 1885, in
South Carolina, d. 27 Aug 1970 in South Carolina.  She was a retired
Associate eformed Presbyterian missionary, never married, and took a
great deal of interest in her genealogy.  IT IS MY OPINION that much of
the known history, genealogy, and SPECULATIONS concerning the SC Strongs
comes from her work.  Not for one moment do I intend to detract from
what she came up with; it stands as a huge amount of research, and if
you haven't looked at it as a SC Strong, you should.  It is just that I
think she fell short in not doing enough (or any?) Irish and/or Scottish
research, and perhaps engaged in a little wishful theorizing.  I THINK
also that the separate material I subsequently obtained from William C.
Norman probably was generated through Miss Esther's research and her
contacts with various members of the SC Strong descendancy.

One area of concern is that apparently, the origin of the SC Strongs in
Ireland was "Cloughwater, Co. Antrim".  I have been unable to locate any
place of this name.  However, it sounds like Kilwaughter, which is a
parish in the Barony of Upper Glenarm, Co. Antrim... and there are IGI
records of Strong(e)s and Strang(e)s there and in surrounding area.
Further, the SC Strongs arrived in Charleston as part of a group of
Associated Reform Presbyterians under the leadership of Rev. Charles
Martin.  Martin appears elsewhere in reference material as being in the
Kilwaughter area, and as leader of a protest movement against the "rent
racking" tactics of the then Marquis of Donegal... who held the lands in
the area of Kilwaughter.

The Symington Family apparently emigrated to New Jersey,>Pennsylvania,
from Co. Antrim sometime prior to 1770, and sometime subsequently moved
to South Carolina to join the ARPresbyterians led by Rev. Martin.  There
is documentation of this move (see Miss Esther's work and also materials
which I obtained from Wm C. Norman... give me your Snail Mail address
and I will forward copies).  Also cited is the "History of Hopewell
Church, Chester District, S.C.", by Rev. Robert Lathan, D.D.    The
issue becomes whether the Symingtons were, in New Jersey, there as a
part of a group which was originally established c.1686 when the older
Christopher Strong and Jeannette Symington were transported from
Scotland.  I haven't seen any proof of this, and have to regard it as
speculative.  Note also, elsewhere on this LIST I have noted messages
from individuals trying to trace New Jersey Strongs... query whether
there may be a possible connection with Christopher and Jeannette.

The Wm. C. Norman material indicates clearly that CHristopher and
Jeannette were married.  However, no documentation of where or when.
The material does include a partial transcription of a Decree of
Banishment, issued in September, 1686, directing their transportation,
and while I don't seem presently to lay my hands on it, I recall that on
the full list of transported persons (which I have seen elsewhere)
Jeannette Symington is clearly and several names apart listed separately
from Christopher Strong... hence MY SPECULATION they were not married at
the time of the transportation in 1686.

The Norman material claims Christopher and Jeannette returned to
Scotland,  and had a son, John Strong, who "married a Weir and lived in
Scotland.  Their first four sons were Charles, Robert, James and John
and a daughter who married a Mr. Chestnut.  The first son of John and
Miss Weir was Charles Strong, who married Jeannette Gaston (daughter of
John Gaston, Hugenot), was born in Scotland, removed to Cloughwater
Antrim, Ireland, came to South Carolina 1771 with his family..."  There
is no documentation or citing of sources.  This may be based on Miss
Esther's material, or based on info handed down through the family.  It
is subject to the same questions of validity as any other genealogical
material.   It may be quite true, or it may be speculative or clearly
erroneous.  It has the ring of plausibility to it, but I just don't
know.  And, it would be helpful to know where in Scotland the Strongs
and Symingtons were located... if that were known, perhaps we could tie
the SC Strongs into some other Strong/Strange grouping.  THAT is why I
raised the questions in my 13 February 97 message.   AND, I hope someone
of you SC Strongs may take up the quest to resolve the issues.  I hope
to remain a helpful "agent provocateur"(!)

At one point I built a genealogical chart of the SC Strongs from info
gleaned from Miss Esther and Wm Norman, as well as Edith Means Locke, of
Jacksonville, FL.  I would like to share it with you... but am not real
proficient at exporting the data from my old DOS Family History System
software into a transportable GEDCOM file.  Help,anyone???!!!

Regards, Dave Strong

---------- End of message ----------

From: (Robert T. Strong)
To: "Strong Family genealogy list"
Subject: SUBSCRIBERS to STRONG Mail List, FRIDAY, 18 APR 97
Date: Fri, 18 Apr 1997 11:45:08 EDT

>From the keyboard of Bob Strong, List Manager

Robert T. Strong, Jr. 
119 Mystic Way, Lori's Landing S/D, Monrovia Community 
Madison, AL 35758-7113


                         ROBERT'S RAMBLINGS

Thanks to each subscriber who posted the Announcement
about the Strong Mail List to their Internet Service Provider's
Bulletin Board.  The recent increase in new subscribers is
surely due to your cooperation and assistance.

I recently asked if the Strong Mail List should be subdivided
into smaller, more homogeneous Mail Lists.  Without an
exception, those who responded said "NO!!"   The  responses
that were received were greatly appreciated.

In the revised Welcome Message and Guidelines for the 
Strong Mail List I included information about how to download
information from World Wide Web sites using E-Mail.  
Unfortunately I did not test this method before posting it.  
Several attempts by me to access WWW sites by E-Mail, 
using this procedure,  have yielded no replies, not even an
error message.

ARCHIVES:  If you study the list of daily archives that are 
available from MAISER you will notice a gap for the 
period 22 JAN through 24 FEB 97.  The messages during 
that period were not archived at MAISER.  Consequently 
I will repost them over a period of time.  This will get the
messages into the MAISER archives.  That is, I will 
continue to repost messages of any substance from 
8 DEC 96, the first day of operation, through 24 FEB 97, 
then discontinue the reposting.  You are individually at 
liberty to repost any messages that were posted after 
24 FEB 97. If you desire more immediate retrieval of 
messages for 22 JAN through 24 FEB contact the List 
Manager, rather than the Mail Server ("MAISER").

REPOSTING:  You are invited to resubmit any queries or 
lineages that have not been posted in the past month.  
Just please begin the Subject Line of these messages 
with "Re-Post:"  In your Subject Line include, if possible, 
Who, Where, and When.

SUBJECT LINES:  Most you you have cooperated with
the List Manager's request that your Subject Lines state 
WHO, WHERE, and WHEN.  Your cooperation is 

There are 15 subscribers for whom I do not have adequate 
information to place you/them into a subgroup on the 
Subscriber List.  Your imput will be greatly appreciated.  
Who was the earliest Strong, etc., that you are researching?  
Where was that person residing?  What were dates and 
places of birth and death?  Trace the migration from that 
person to yourself:  in what nations or states have your 
own lineage of Strongs resided?  A  descendancy chart, 
with details, will provide all this information.

SIGNATURE LINES:  A good signature line will include
your full name and a U. S. Mail address.  The Postal
address will allow people to contact you even if your
E-Mail address is changed or terminated.  You might 
even receive a "care package" from an unknown cousin.
I have receive many over the years, sometimes from 
gracious persons previously unknown to me.  

HIATUS:  There will be no Subscriber List on the 
25th APR 97.  The next update will be on 2 MAY 97.
(I am considering making this a monthly, rather than a
weekly, update.  Your comments, sent to me privately, 
are invited.)


If you know a Strong, etc., researcher who is not already 
subscribed, please send them an invitation to join us, to learn 
about our families, and to share information about their 
families.   A sample or model Announcement has been posted 
to the Mail List which may be used for this purpose.  Contact 
the List Manager is you do not have a copy.

The MAIL SERVER ("MAISER") at Indiana University is now
providing directories of the STRONG Mail List archives.
To obtain the most recent directory send the following message 
to the MAISER E-Mail address, beginning Column 1, Line 1.

send std.dir

As of 10 APR 97, the directory being distributed was 
dated 31 MAR 97.  

96-12-08.STD ** 96-12-09.STD ** 96-12-10.STD ** 96-12-11.STD
96-12-12.STD ** 96-12-13.STD ** 96-12-14.STD ** 96-12-15.STD
96-12-16.STD ** 96-12-17.STD ** 96-12-18.STD ** 96-12-19.STD
96-12-20.STD ** 96-12-21.STD ** 96-12-22.STD ** 96-12-23.STD
96-12-24.STD ** 96-12-28.STD ** 96-12-30.STD ** 96-12-31.STD
97-01-02.STD ** 97-01-03.STD ** 97-01-04.STD ** 97-01-05.STD
97-01-06.STD ** 97-01-10.STD ** 97-01-11.STD ** 97-01-12.STD
97-01-15.STD ** 97-01-16.STD ** 97-01-17.STD ** 97-01-19.STD
97-01-21.STD ** 97-02-25.STD ** 97-02-26.STD ** 97-02-27.STD
97-02-28.STD ** 97-03-01.STD ** 97-03-02.STD ** 97-03-03.STD
97-03-04.STD ** 97-03-05.STD ** 97-03-06.STD ** 97-03-07.STD
97-03-08.STD ** 97-03-09.STD ** 97-03-10.STD ** 97-03-11.STD
97-03-12.STD ** 97-03-14.STD ** 97-03-15.STD ** 97-03-16.STD
97-03-17.STD ** 97-03-19.STD ** 97-03-22.STD ** 97-03-23.STD
97-03-24.STD ** 97-03-26.STD ** 97-03-27.STD ** 97-03-28.STD
97-03-29.STD ** 97-03-30.STD ** 97-03-31.STD ** 

There have been messages posted to the STRONG Mail 
List every day for the period 1 APR 97 through 18 APR 97, 
except for 15 APR, also. 

The syntax for obtaining archived messages for the STRONG
List from the MAISER List Server address is:

send YY-MM-DD.std


send 97-01-30.std
send 97-03-24.std

                     CURRENT SUBSCRIBER LIST

Members of STRONG Mail List as of FRIDAY, 18 APR 97

Current number of subscribers:  63

Welcome to New Subscribers This Week: 4

We look forward to our new subscribers introducing
themselves and their Strong, Strang, Strange, 
Straughan, etc.,  family connections in the near future.
Please tell us Who, Where, and When about your 
connections and you are also urged to post a descendancy
chart.  Please also identify yourselves, if you have not 
already done so,  so that a name can be attached to your 
Internet E-Mail address. 


The following persons terminated their subscriptions this
  (Jim McCuller) (Ruth Thoden)



     Jamas Robert ("Jim") Rolff:  
          Old address:
          New address:


Not Receiving E-Mail from Strong List (Set to NOMAIL): (Mike Strong)
To contact the above individual, send your message directly
to his E-Mail address rather than to the STRONG List.

Please report any corrections or additions to the Subscriber
List below to the List Manager.  A migration route will be 
added to your name and/or E-Mail address if you provide 
that information.

"Descendants," as used below, includes researchers of these 
families who may not be descendants.


Strongs in England (Lise Elliott) 
           [Thomas Strong, b. 1766, East Sussex, England]

Strongs of England & Australia (William ("Bill") Strong)
            [Thomas Strong, d. bef. 1918, Oxford?, England] 

Strongs of Ireland and Australia (Victoria ("Tory") Strong)

Strongs of Ireland and Canada ("Bill" Strong)  [IRE > CAN > MT, USA] (Mike Strong) [IRE > ONT, CAN]
            [ William STRONG of Sligo, IRE, b.1800 > Quebec > 
            d. 1881, ONT, CA] (Dave Strong) [IRE > ONT, CAN]
            [George Strong, (b. Ireland abt. 1825, d. Ontario 1893)]

Other Strongs of Canada
     Descedants of William Strong, b. 1825,  of Newfoundland
  (Barbara Pederson)
  (Gerry Strong) 

Strongs of Scotland and  Ireland and South Carolina
    Charles Strong, b. Scotland, d. 1783 Ireland
          Letitia Strong (b. 1766, Ireland-d. 1837, SC)
          m. 1778 James STRONG, Jr. (b.1749, IRE -d.1829, SC)            
          (Thomas Weir)
          (Roger Dellinger)
           Christopher Strong, b. 1760 IRE; d. 1850, Dickson Co., TN
           (Lowry Betts)
Strongs of Ireland and South Carolina
     James Strong, Sr. b.1709 Ireland; d, 1779 Chester Co., SC
   (Thomas Weir)
   (Roger Dellinger)
John Strong, "Elder", of England, Massachusetts, and

      Descendants of Thomas Strong, son of John Strong
  (Cleta Terrell)
  (Sandi Strong Rowe)
  (Theresa Lang) 
  (Patt Fulton) 

     Descendants of Hannah Strong, daughter of John Strong
  [Sanford B. Hunt)

     Descendants of Return Strong (son of John) and Sarah Warham
           Sarah Strong m. 1696 (Capt.) John Higley in Windsor, CT 

     Descendant of Elizabeth Strong, daughter of John Strong,
     who married Joseph Parsons
          cathyl@TSO.Cin.IX.Net (Catherine (Hover) Lippert)      
     Descendant of Jedediah Strong, 1st, b. May 7, 1637: Hingmam, MA
     d. May 22, 1733: Coventry, Tolland, CT; m.1. Freedom Woodward 
     b. 1642.  of of Dorchester MA. d. May 17, 1681
 (Jeremy T. Franklin)

Possible descendants of John Strong, "Elder", of Massachusetts
  (Joe Ticknor Breeze) 
           [Tabitha Strong of Salisbury, Litchfield Co., CT 
             m. 1772 John Ticknor (or Tickner)] ( Dick Parker)
           [George Strong of Marblehead, MA]

Strongs of Northeastern U. S. (Karen McKellar) 
          [__?__ Strong of Pennsylvania] (Allan T. Hackney) ***BREAK***
          [Charles STRONG, b. 4 Apr 1778 d. 1844 in Leesburg,
                                            Cumberland Co., New Jersey] (Emmett W Bratt)
          [James STRONG b. 1727; d. 1804, York Co., PA: 
          Great Britain ? > PA > OH ] (Kelly Loveall)
          [Mary Isabelle STRONG b. 1855 Sag Harbor, LI, New York,
          d. 1892; m. Everett Alphonso HANCOCK, resided Groton, CT.] (Megan E. Scott)
           [John Strong of Chester Co., PA]    (Russell G. Strong)
           [Samuel Strong, b. 1790/94, m. Sarah __?__; they 
           resided in Snyder, Centre and Mifflin Co., PA]

Strongs of Midwestern U. S. (Mr. Terry Dearborn)     
           [Lysander STRONG. b. 1791 [CT?]; d.1837, Medina, OH]
Strongs of Central U.S. [Teresa L. Edwards]     
           Nancy Jane Strong Fleetwood, d. 1898, Douglas Co., MO (Bill Strong)
           Herman J. STRONG:  OH > IA > NE,  1822 - 1916 (Cindy Prince)
           Melissa STRONG, of Choctaw descent, m. 1855 William J. 
                LOONEY,  MO > OK or TX > MO

John Strong, Sr., of New Kent Co., VA
      Descendants of John Strong, Jr., son of John Strong, Sr.
            Descendants of Martin Strong, 1st
        (Robert T. Strong)
        ("Matt" Strong) 
        (Agness Duncan Koch)
        (GeLee Corley Hendrix)
            Descendants of William Strong, Sr., son of John Strong, Jr.
        (R. W. Moss)
      Descendants of William Strong, Sr., son of John Strong, Sr.     
    (Russell Laird)  
              (James R. Rolff m. Sandra Strong)
    (Thomas Mathews)
                  James Strong, b. KY, about 1844
                  Daniel W. Strong of Gainesville, Ozark Co., MO

Probable descendants of John Strong, Sr., of New Kent Co.,VA

     Probable descendants of William Strong, Sr., son of John, Sr.
          Descendants of Joseph Strong of Jackson/Clay Co., TN     
       (Donald L. Hendrix) 
       (Carl Cason)
       (Dave Strong)
          Descendants of Samuel Strong, b. 1798, of Rockingham 
          Co., NC, m. Mary Sharp.  They resided Lawrence Co., MS.
        (Leanne Dooley) 
          Descendants of unidentified Strongs of Rockingham Co., NC     
        (Francie Lane) 

     Probable descendant of John Strong, Jr., Hanover Co., VA
          Probable descendant of David Strong of Giles Co., TN
                Susan Strong Haden %
       (Wade R. Watts)
 STRAUGHAN Family researchers: (Norma Straughan Russie)       
          John Wm. STRAUGHAN, b. 20 DEC 1842, ENG > VA (Jim Straughan)
         Straughan/Straughn: VA > KY, ca. 1760s.  

STRANG Family researchers: (Emmett W. Bratt)
          [STRANG: ENG>PA;1700's] (Matthew James Carman)
          {Daniel STRANG, b. 1661; d. 1707, Rye, Westchester Co., NY]

STRANGE Family researchers:
         [James Strange of London, ENG, abt 1780 & descendants.]

Lineage unidentified or unknown or not clear. 
Some subscribers have not posted their lineage--
or perhaps I have overlooked it.      (Robert S. Strong)
     LavonnaS (Lavonna Smith)  (Adam Perkins) (Rev. Michael ("Mike") Strong)
---------- End of message ----------

From: (Robert T. Strong)
To: "Strong Family genealogy list"
Subject: RE-POST:  STRONG, Daniel W. , Ozark County, MO, m. 1889
Date: Sat, 19 Apr 1997 07:57:24 EDT

--------- Begin forwarded message ----------

From: Thomas Mathews 
To: "Strong Family genealogy list" 
Subject: STRONG, Daniel W. , Ozark County, MO, m. 1889
Date: Sun, 26 Jan 1997 21:20:59 +0000

I am seeking information about DANIEL W. STRONG of 
Gainesville, Ozark County, MO, or of any Strongs who 
migrated to southern Missouri in the mid-1800s.	Daniel was 
married August 10, 1889, to Mollie M. Eaves of Udall, Ozark 
County, MO. They were the parents of John Wesley Strong, 
b. 23 Dec 1892. He was the father of Prentice Adam Strong, 
the father of Vickie Ann Strong, the mother of Doris Jane 
Uroff, my spouse.  
--------- End forwarded message ----------
---------- End of message ----------

From: (Robert T. Strong)
To: "Strong Family genealogy list"
Subject: RE-POST:  George Strong of Marblehead, MA, circa 1740's
Date: Sat, 19 Apr 1997 07:57:24 EDT

COMMENT, 19 APR 1997:  I don't recall seeing any
replies to this message.  Can anyone assist Dick 

Bob Strong in Alabama

--------- Begin forwarded message ----------

From: Dick Parker 
To: "Strong Family genealogy list" 
Subject: Strong:  MA
Date: Sun, 19 Jan 1997 14:49:02 -0800
Message-ID: <>

I'm new to this list and family research in general.
My family line goes back to a George Strong and 
Jane Misservy of Marblehead MA circa 1740's. 
I am interseted in researching this line in more detail 
and would appreciate any pointers regarding sources.
Is there a good source in Marblehead or Salem on the 
Strong Line?   If not, what would anyone recommend 
as a starting point.

Thanks, Dick Parker
--------- End forwarded message ----------
---------- End of message ----------

From: (Robert T. Strong)
To: "Strong Family genealogy list"
Subject: RE-POST:  Strong Immigrants to MA in 1635; Source: English Immigr
Date: Sat, 19 Apr 1997 07:57:24 EDT


--------- Begin forwarded message ----------

From: (Robert T. Strong)
To: "Strong Family genealogy list" 
Subject: (1.) Resource; (2.) 1635 Strong Immigrant to MA
Date: Tue, 21 Jan 1997 16:23:37 EST
Message-ID: <>

The following reference should be of interest to 
most researchers who have roots in England.
This is the first in a set of about four volumes,
each covering a different period of time.  There
is a full name index to persons who were 
transported to the British Colonies, either
voluntarily or involuntarily.  [You'll be surprised
at how many of our ancestors and founding
fathers were deported because they were
paupers, vagrants, scoundrels, thieves, etc.]  

This particular transcript will be of special
interest to descendants of John Strong, the
immigrant tanner and Elder in his church
in Massachusetts and/or Connecticut.  Unlike
many passenger lists, this one did not give the
ages of the passengers.


Peter Wilson Coldham (Compiler).  THE COMPLETE
BOOK OF EMIGRANTS, 1607-1660.  Baltimore, MD:
Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., (c) 1987. 
Reprinted 1988 and 1992.  

"A Comprehensive Listing Compiled from English
Public Records of Those Who Took Ship to the 
Americas for Political, Religious, and Economic
Reasons; of Those Who  Were Deported for 
Vagrancy, Roguery, or Non-Conformity; and of 
Those Who Were Sold to Labour in the New


Quoted from Pages 143-144 but reformatted:

"8 MAY 1635.  Following passengers shipped 
in the HOPEWELL, Master John Driver, bound 
from Weymouth to Massachusetts Bay:

John Crowe of Eilpeck and his family;
David Prise of Ilminster and his family;
William Black and his family;
Edmund Marshull and his family;
John Stronge and his family;
Edward Clap and his family;
John Rockwell and his family;
John Duabant and his family;
Thomas Demick, his wife and family;
John Whettcombe and his family;
__?__ Gachill and his family;
Daniell Stolack and his family;
William Lane, his wife and son;
John Gilbert and his family;
Matew Hearne and friends;
William Malton, his wife and family;
Thomas Richardes, his wife and family;
Thomas Bushrod 
and others."

"(PRO: E190/876/1)"


"Sources and Abbreviations" lists many sites
where original documents are archived in 

>From page xvii:

"PRO.  Public Record Office.  Most references 
are to documents held at the PRO, Chancery
Lane, London WC2A 1LR, England; those 
references with a CO prefix are held at the PRO,
Key Richmond, Surrey TW9 4DU, England."

--------- End forwarded message ----------
---------- End of message ----------

From: (Robert T. Strong)
To: "Strong Family genealogy list"
Date: Sat, 19 Apr 1997 07:57:24 EDT

COMMENT, 19 APRIL 97:  There was little response to
this message back in January.  Russell Laird was the
only volunteer.  Because of lack of response, the 
project sort of withered on the vine.

I still like Luanne's suggestion and hope some of you 
will step forward and accept the challenge of 
maintaining a bibliography of sources for particular 
family groupings and posting it periodically.

Bob Strong (the one in Alabama)


--------- Begin forwarded message ----------
From: (Robert T. Strong)
To: "Strong Family genealogy list" 
Date: Wed, 15 Jan 1997 16:01:17 EST
Message-ID: <>

From: Leanne Dooley 
To: "Strong Family genealogy list" 
Subject: Leanne's Ramblings
Date: Wed, 15 Jan 1997 07:52:47 +0000


"Just a suggestion but maybe there could be an attempt for 
searchers of the same general lines to ilst the RESOURCES
that they've already checked so as to help cut out duplication 
of ordering films or books, etc. When I join a new mail list, I go 
over all my regular files and try to reread my MISC. INFO on that 
surname file.  These notes may carry info that I can't use yet 
or ever, but would really help someone else. So I refresh my 
feeble mind from time to time so as to be able to recogize 
and respond. I'm working on several different lines and 
sometimes have to make great efforts at keeping everything 
straight. Just a suggestion."


Hello, Strong Searchers!

Leanne has a  very good suggestion:  that each of us post 
the RESOURCES we personally possess,  and/or that we have 
utilized, and/or to which we have easy access.  Leanne further 
suggests we categorize these by family groups--people who are 
searching the same STRONG  lineages.  

I think it would enhance the process if someone from each 
STRONG subgroup volunteered to collate these postings, 
keep the bibliography updated, and post it to the List  from time 
to time.  The bibliography needs to include the names and E-Mail
addresses of the holders of the resources.  Any volunteers?

Some of our STRONG subgroups would be:

   Descendants of John Strong, the church elder, of MA
   Descendants of John Strong of VA
   Descendants of other Strongs in USA

Any others?

The miscellaneous unconnected STRONGS in the 
USA might  be the most difficult to assemble. 

The above are not 100% mutually exclusive.   For
example we have Irish Canadians and Irish

I have previously posted a couple of references I have
in my personal library and to which I frequently refer 
when I reply to posts on the STRONG Mail List.  Searching
through my past postings, though, these are not readily
apparent from the Subject lines.  The implication is that
if we post a message about RESOURCES, that  should be
the first word in the subject line.

In keeping with that observation, I will post some of my
most frequently used RESOURCES in a separate message.


Robert T. Strong, Jr., 119 Mystic Way, Madison, AL 35758-7113
--------- End forwarded message ----------
---------- End of message ----------

From: (Robert T. Strong)
To: "Strong Family genealogy list"
Subject: RE-POST:  Some STRONGs in Missouri, 1800s
Date: Sat, 19 Apr 1997 07:57:24 EDT

COMMENT, 19 APR 97:  In a subsequent  message
I acknowledged that John Strong COULD have 
registered in the 1805 Land Lottery in Georgia,
as the registration began as early as late 1803.

R. T. Strong

--------- Begin forwarded message ----------

From: (Robert T. Strong)
To: "Strong Family genealogy list" 
Subject: Some STRONGs in Missouri, 1800s
Date: Mon, 27 Jan 1997 17:18:12 EST

ATTENTION:  Thomas Matthews

Welcome to the STRONG Mail List, Thomas!

I have searched the following references and found 
nothing about your Daniel or John Wesley Strong.

the compiler, (c) 1982.  Ordering address (1997) :  
James R. Rolff, 9101 East Mail Street, Galesburg, 
MI 49053.  

Strong Family Associaton of America (Lyle A. Strong
and Robert S. Strong, Associate Historians, compilers).
for the SFAA by Edwards Brothers, Inc., Ann Arbor, MI,
(c) SFAA, 1996.  Ordering address:  Mr. Harold Strong,
SFAA Book Sales Coordinator, 165 State Route 38,
Owego, New York 13827.  


Several Strongs from my lineage migrated into Missouri
and Arkansas fairly early.  Records of Johnson Strong 
and John Strong are found in Cape Girardeau, MO [then
Louisiana Territory], in the early 1800s.  They were sons 
of William Strong of Clarke County, GA.  William was a son 
of John Strong, Jr., of St. Martin's Parish, Hanover Co., VA.  

Johnson Strong, a Revolutionary War soldier and pensioner,
neandered around Kentucky and Missouri before settling, 
before 1830 in Fayette Co., AL.   He appears not to have left 
any sons in Missouri.  

John Strong deserted his wife in Clarke Co., GA, and 
departed before 23 JAN 1804 for the Louisiana Territory, 
taking his children and slaves with him.  Sally Strong 
petitioned the court for a divorce from John Strong in 1804.  
According to her petition, she married John Strong about 
1 JAN 1792.

[This proves that the Mary Strong in Stoddard County, MO, 
in 1840 was not the mother of the children of this John 
Strong.  John Strong  possibly took a second wife, possibly 
in Christian County, KY,  where there are records of a John 
Strong in 1805-1807, or in Cape Girardeau Co. MO, where he 
appears in records beginning in1808.  The petition for 
divorce by Mrs. Sally Strong also proves that John Strong was 
not in Georgia at the time of the registration for the 1805 land 
lottery, so he was not the John Strong, the younger of two., 
who was granted land in Georgia in 1805.]

Was the John Strong in records of Cape Girardeau by 1808
the John Strong formerly of Clarke Co., GA, and a brother 
of Johnson Strong, also of Cape Girardeau Co., MO?  
James Robert Rolff, who personally researched the records 
of Cape Girardeau County, MO, made a convincing case 
that he was the same person.  The most convincing piece 
of evidence was a record of Johnson Strong filing suit 
against William Strong, administrator of John Strong, 

The estate of a John Strong was administered  in Arkansas 
County, Missouri Territory, in 1818 by William Strong, 
presumed to be a son of John.  Further details ahout William 
Strong of St. Francis Co., AR, Phillips Co., AR,  Tunica Co., 
MS, and Shelby Co., TN, can be found in Rolff's book.  
According to William, his father's (John's) family relocated 
to Arkansas [then Arkansas County] in 1811.  

Other Strongs in early Missouir records, below, are not 
proven to be descended from the above John Strong:

Mrs. Frances Strong (1793-1847), wife of James Strong, is 
buried in Cape Girardeau Co., MO.   [This James Strong is
not identified; he was not a brother to Johnson and John
Strong, above.  Earlier there was a James Strong in Gibson 
Co., TN, who might have been the James Strong, son of 
Rachel Strong, mentioned in a 1790 apprenticeship record 
in Goochland County, VA.  James Strong of Goochland 
County was likely related to Johnson and John Strong, but 
the exact relationship is not certain, since Rachel's husband 
is not identified.]

John Strong of the 1840 and 1850 census of Cape Girardeau 
Co., MO, said he was born in Missouri about 1810.  [He had 
a son, Isham (born about 1832, MO), which makes it fairly 
certain he was descended from either William Strong, Sr., 
of Clarke County, GA, or from (my ancestor) Sherwood 
Strong, III, of Middle Tennessee, both of whom named sons 
Isham Strong.]

Other sons of John Strong of Cape Girardeau Co., MO, were 
William J. and John W. Strong.  Samuel A. Strong, who 
married before 1850, was likely another son of John Strong 
of Cape Girardeau County, MO.  William J. and Samuel A. 
Strong lived all their adult lives in Cape Girardeau Co., MO.  

An Isham Strong, born about 1814 or 1815 in Arkansas, 
settled before 1840 in Stoddard Co., MO.  He is obviously 
not the same Isham Strong, above, son of John Strong.  
This Isham Strong was possibly a son of Mrs. Mary Strong, 
also on the 1840 census of Stoddard County, MO.  By 1850 
James Strong, born 1820-1822 in Missouri, was also residing 
in Stoddard Co., MO.  Jacob and Drucilla (Strong) Like, 
known to have married in Cape Girardeau County, MO, 
were also in Stoddard County.

I have a hunch that Isham Strong, born 1814 or 1815 in 
Arkansas may have been a son of William Strong, son of 
John Strong.   The earliest records of William Strong are
found in Arkansas Co., MO, beginning in 1814.  

For more details on the above Strong families in Missouri
see Rolff's book. 

No Daniel Strong was enumerated on the 1850 or 1860 
census in any of the above or the following Strong 

More closely akin to me, William Strong, apparent son 
of Sherwood Strong, III, of Middle Tennessee (Sumner,
Davidson, and Rutherford Counties) migrated to Crawford
County, MO in the 1830s and died there in 1842.  His 
children were Isaac (b. 1828), Richard, John Albert (b. 1831), 
Thomas C. (b. 1835), Matilda (b. 1833), and George (b. 1829).  
Of these, only descendants of John Albert Strong are traced 

John Albert Strong, was residing in Mansfield, Wright 
County MO, in the 1850s.  This is not very far from Ozark Co., 
MO.   Only the descendants of Isaac Strong, one of John 
Albert Strong's six sons (Isaac, James Marion, George Henry, 
Albert, Wiley, and Robert) are traced in STRONG FAMILY 

Thomas C. Strong was also residing in Wright Co., MO, 
in 1860.

Further research on the Strongs of Wright County, Missouri, 
might prove fruitful to you.  

I hope this excursion has been helpful to you, Thomas.  
Please keep the STRONG Mail List, including me,  informed 
of your progress.

Bob Strong, List Manager

Robert T.  Strong, Jr., 119 Mystic Way, Madison, AL 35758

******************* Begin forwarded message **********************

From: Thomas Mathews 
To: "Strong Family genealogy list" 
Subject: STRONG, Daniel W. , Ozark County, MO, m. 1889
Date: Sun, 26 Jan 1997 21:20:59 +0000

I am seeking information about DANIEL W. STRONG of 
Gainesville, Ozark County, MO, or of any Strongs who 
migrated to southern Missouri in the mid-1800s.	Daniel 
was married August 10, 1889, to Mollie M. Eaves of Udall, 
Ozark County, MO. They were the parents of John Wesley 
Strong, b. 23 Dec 1892. He was the father of Prentice Adam 
Strong, the father of Vickie Ann Strong, the mother of Doris 
Jane Uroff, my spouse.

***************** End forwarded message***********************
---------- End of message ----------

From: "Edwards, Teresa L" 
To: "Strong Family genealogy list"
Subject: Strongs in Ozark Co., MO - Has 3 Daniel Strongs
Date: Sat, 19 Apr 1997 21:16:52 -0400

These Strongs to my knowledge is not related to my Nancy Jane Strong.  I 
thought I would post it though.  Source is a secondary source from Ozark 
Co, MO book.

Generation 1
Henry Harrison Strong's parents are believed to be:

William Strong b: 1768 Scott Co., VA m: Jane Callahan

Generation 2

Henry Harrison Strong from Monroe Co., KY b: c 1814 m: Polly Hickman
Ch: James Strong
       Martha J. Strong
       Rachel Strong
       Daniel Webster

Generation 3
James Strong b: c 1842  m1: Rutha Jane Upton from Rutherford Co., NC d/o 
Thomas & Polly Upton m2: July 13, 1879 Sarah Ann Isom.
James and Rutha's Children:
Ch:   Henry Strong m: Sarah Sanders
         Jesse C. Strong b: 1866 m: Mary Satterfield
          Daniel Strong m: Mollie Evans
          Polly Strong m: George Adams
          Nancy Jane Strong m: George Green
          William Taylor Strong b: 1874  d: Dec. 30, 1959 m: Becky Kimble 
m2: Rebecca
                  Satterfield  m3: Fannie Harris Chenneyworth d/o Joseph & 
Sarah J. Harris
          John Thomas Strong m: Liza Jane Lowe
          Ellen Strong m: Harry Brown
         Joseph Samuel Strong b: Oct. 28, 1877 at Zanoni, MO
         James Strong, Jr.  m1: Huldah Lowe m2: Julia Lawson
          Unknown Child Strong

James and Sarah Ann Isom
Ch:   Phoebe Strong m: J. M. Hensley
        Ike Strong m: Rutha Johnson
        Alec Strong
        Callie Strong m: Emma Harley

Generation 4 (Notice the marriage date vs. children birth dates) ( I wonder 
if this is a typo and the marriage took place in 1887?)

1. Jesse C. Strong b: 1866 Ozark Co., MO m: May 10, 1897 Mary Wendy 
"Minnie" Satterfield d/o James Columbus  Satterfield and Jane Howell. Mary 
was b: Feb. 29, 1866 in Luna d: Mar. 1, 1940.  Both, Jesse and Mary are 
buried in Faye Cemetery near Gainsville.
a)	1. Saul Strong	b: April 27, 1886 d: Nov. 6, 1976 m: Sept. 17, 1916
b)	Rada  Strong  b: 1888 d: 1894
c)	Otis Strong  b:1890  d: 1973  m: Aug. 2, 1909 Clara Clayton
d)	Lige Strong  b: 1894 m: Nov. 2, 1926 Louise Latham
e)	S. Elizabeth Strong  b: 1896 m1:Will Luna m2: Oliver Black
f)	Tesley Strong  b: 1898 m: May 21, 1925 Mary Day
g)	George Strong  b: 1896 d: 1906
h)	Daniel Webb Strong  b: 1901 d: 1941 m: Ella
i)	Lee Paul Strong  b: 1902 m: Virgie Rice
j)	Lottie  Strong  b: 1904 m1: Orval Rice m2: Malvin Crawford
k)	William Strong  b: 1906 m: Ruth White
l)	Izzie Strong  b: 1912 m: Orval Looney

2. (Sam) Joseph Samuel Strong b: 1866 Zanoni, MO d: 1970 m: Oct. 19, 1902 
Martha Ellen Smith b: Sept 11, 1885 d: Mar. 24, 1960 d/o William Jordon 
Smith & Mary Elizabeth Kirkland. Both Sam and Martha are buried in the 
Patrick Cemetry.
a)	Lisses Matthew Strong
b)	Nancy Elizabeth "Lizzie" Strong  m1: Bill Coonce m2: Dennis Beard
c)	Walter E. Strong  b: June 5, 1908  d: May 16, 1919
d)	Rutha Ellen Strong  b: Jan. 2, 1912 m: Alva Hambelton
e)	Estell Jordon Strong  m1: Rose Carter m2: Charlotte Weber
f)	Irvon Strong b: Sept. 26, 1918 m1: Hermal Piece m2: Erma Pitcock m3: 
Jessie Agnew
g)	Birvon Strong m1: Louetta Younger m2: Celeste "Lillie" b: Sept. 18, 1927 
d: April 6, 1942 buried at Patrick Cemetery
---------- End of message ----------

To: "Strong Family genealogy list"
Date: Sun, 20 Apr 1997 06:00:30 -0400 (EDT)

Good Morning, Everyone!

Bob Strong and I have been working on the Stan(d)ley names in our families.
 I told him I would watch for STRONG queries on AOL and send them to the
STRONG List.  

Should any of them be duplicates from current List subscribers, I apologize.

Hoping the following helps someone:


05 Apr 1997, Ruth Jordan Thoden    (without the < >)

"Seeking information on family of JOHN STRONG born 1585, Taunton, England.
 (I) descend from his daughter, Esther who married Thomas BISSELL.  Can
anyone help?  Please email"


2)  Re: STRONG, John:

13 Apr 1997,  (no < >) wrote:  

"Pretty sure we are relatives.  My line is from Caleb Strong, 1st gov. of
Mass.  His grandfather was Elder John Strong.

I had heard that there was a branch of the family in Ohio.  I am extremely
interested in knowing what the earlier, overseas history was.

Thanks for the info."


3) Capt. JOHN STRONG, Thetford, NH:

17 Apr 1997, Tom  wrote:  

A Deliverance GRANT (CARY) 2nd marriage to John STRONG in Lyme, NH & they had
two sons John b 1778 & Zubulon b. 1787 in Lyme, NH removed to Cincinnati, OH
in 1800.  Their families presumed to live in or about Cincinnati.  Can anyone
put me on to these families?  Tom"


4)  Re:  STRONG,  Frederick Adolphus:

18 Apr 1997,  wrote:

"did your family come over from england?  one of my ancestors, John Strong,
sailed on the mayflower"


5)  One of the STRONG List subscribers, , deserves a BIG,
BIG "THANK YOU" for posting to AOL message boards the information about the
STRONG List  and how to subscribe.  That is the type of participation needed
for a List to succeed.  _I_ "THANK YOU" for Bob Strong. 

Being the "host" of four surname discussion lists, I know it is exhausting
trying to respond to all of the mail, let alone, deal with all of the error
messages.  Whatever you can do to help list owners will be appreciated to no

Once again, I sincerely hope the above queries help some of you.  If the
submitters are presently subscribers to the STRONG List and have posted this
information before, I apologize.  Had to take the chance--just simply could
not ignore them!


Margaret (Sutton) Bourns

Some surnames we are researching for my husband's family genealogy are:
STEWART - VANN - WHITTEN, among many others.

Some of my family surnames:  AUSMUS - BELL - CLARK -  LANGFORD - LOWE -
SUTTON - TEMPLETON - VINES - WELLS, and it seems like 1,000 more!           



---------- End of message ----------

From: (Robert T. Strong)
To: "Strong Family genealogy list"
Subject: FORWARD:  Nancy J. Strong m. Wm. C. Fleetwood; of Douglas Co., MO
Date: Sun, 20 Apr 1997 11:30:22 EDT

--------- Begin forwarded message ----------

From: "Edwards, Teresa L" 
To: ,
       (Thomas Matthews >
Subject: RE: Some STRONGs in Missouri, 1800s

Dear Robert and Thomas,

I have a Nancy Jane Strong in my family in Douglas 
Co, MO who married a  William Columbus Fleetwood.  
We have been desperately trying to find out  who her 
parents were.  My Grandmother and Great Aunt talks 
about her quite a bit.  Their mother Minnie Bell 
Fleetwood Rippee told how she died with  William 
gone.  I have a lot on the Fleetwoods but hardly nothing 
on Nancy.  Nancy was considered a saint almost because 
of the hardships she endured.  Nancy was sick with TB 
for many years when she gave birth and raised many 
of her children.  Her children were young when she died.   

William was in horse racing and worked on the railroad.  
William buried her near a race track.  Someone said she 
was buried in a Fox Creek Cemetery.

Ch:  I have more data at home!

William Fleetwood
Laura Fleetwood
Minnie Bell Fleetwood  
     m: Thomas Black Rippee of Douglas Co. 
           d:2-25-1972, 10 ch.
Mary Fleetwood
Bird Fleetwood
Mary Fleetwood
Rachel Fleetwood

After Nancy Died in 1898 of TB, William Fleetwood 
continued to work on  the railroad with the kids in tow.  
They lived in tents and followed the railroad repair/
construction throughout southern Mo and Northern AK.

The William's dad Andrew Jackson Fleetwood was 
born in Jackson Co., IN.   The Fleetwoods move from 
Floyd Co, KY to Monroe, IN to Douglas Co, MO.
They use to be a Strong Book in the Douglas Co. Library 
in Ava, MO.  Last  time I went there someone took the 
book from the Library.  Is this the same book you've 
mentioned in this e-mail?  Is there anything about a   
Nancy Jane Strong in this book you mentioned in the 

Any clue would be appreciated.

Teresa L. Edwards


Ozark, Douglas, Taney Counties, MO - 
Monroe, Jackson Counties, IN - 
Owsley, Lee Counties, KY - 
Wolf, Montgomery, Powell Counties, KY - 
TN - Robert W. DAVIS
Potter Co, PA & Russell, Allegany NY - 
Butler & Warren Counties, OH - 
Gurensey,Highland Counties, OH - 

From:  rtstrongjr[ (Robert T. Strong)]
Sent:  Monday, January 27, 1997 5:18 PM
To:  Strong Family genealogy list
Subject:  Some STRONGs in Missouri, 1800s

Welcome to the STRONG Mail List, Thomas!

I have searched the following references and found
nothing about your Daniel or John Wesley Strong.

the compiler, (c) 1982.  Ordering address (1997) :
James R. Rolff, 9101 East Mail Street, Galesburg,
MI 49053.

Strong Family Associaton of America (Lyle A. Strong
and Robert S. Strong, Associate Historians, compilers).
for the SFAA by Edwards Brothers, Inc., Ann Arbor, MI,
(c) SFAA, 1996.  Ordering address:  Mr. Harold Strong,
SFAA Book Sales Coordinator, 165 State Route 38,
Owego, New York 13827.

 ----- VERBAGE OMITTED --------
***************** End forwarded message***********************
---------- End of message ----------

From: (Robert T. Strong)
To: "Strong Family genealogy list"
Subject: FORWARD:  STRONGs in Missouri, 1800s
Date: Sun, 20 Apr 1997 11:30:22 EDT

--------- Begin forwarded message ----------

From: Leanne Dooley 
To: "Robert T. Strong" 
Subject: Re: Some STRONGs in Missouri, 1800s
Date: Tue, 28 Jan 1997 06:36:08 +0000

Robert, I was quite interested in your answer about 
the Strongs of Missouri. I'm a resident of Stoddard Co, 
MO, and my main research trips involve the Cape 
Girardeau/Jackson Libraries. I don't think I have time
to study the group of Strongs that are from this area, 
(mine are NOT) but if there's anything specific that you 
or other researchers want checked here, if you'll let me 
know, I'd be happy to see if I can find it for you. 

Leanne Dooley    


Don't overlook the great genealogical holdings at the 
Ark. History Commision in the Old Capital Building at 
Little Rock. They're really helpful folks and the library 
is great.
--------- End forwarded message ----------
---------- End of message ----------

From: (Robert T. Strong)
To: "Strong Family genealogy list"
Subject: FORWARD:  James Strong, m. 1862, Ozark Co., MO
Date: Sun, 20 Apr 1997 11:30:22 EDT

--------- Begin forwarded message ----------

From: Thomas Mathews 
To: "Robert T. Strong" 
Subject: Re: Some STRONGs in Missouri, 1800s
Date: Mon, 27 Jan 1997 20:32:40 +0000

Thanks for the great information regarding the Strong 
Clan in Missouri.  I feel confident that at some point I 
will find the information I need to connect The Ozark 
County branch with a migrating branch. Information
like yours will make it possible. 

There is one thing you said that I am particularly 
interested in. You referred to a James Marion Strong, 
son of John Albert Strong of Wright County, MO. Do you 
have any clue as to his DOB? I cannot make a solid
connection but the first Strong to appear in the Ozark 
County Marriage License records was a James Strong 
who was married in 1862. 

Thanks again for your help. I will keep you posted on 
what I turn up.

Tom Mathews
Oakley, CA
--------- End forwarded message ----------
---------- End of message ----------

From: (Robert T. Strong)
To: "Strong Family genealogy list"
Subject: RE-POST:  More STRONGs of  MO, 1800s
Date: Sun, 20 Apr 1997 11:30:22 EDT

--------- Begin forwarded message ----------
From: (Robert T. Strong)
To: "Strong Family genealogy list" 
Subject: STRONGs of Ozark Co., MO
Date: Tue, 28 Jan 1997 10:00:19 EST

On Mon, 27 Jan 1997 20:32:40 +0000 Thomas Mathews 
 replied and asked:

Thanks for the great information regarding the Strong Clan 
in Missouri.  I feel confident that at some point I will find 
the information I need to connect The Ozark County branch 
with a migrating branch.  Information like yours will make 
it possible. 

There is one thing you said that I am particularly interested 
in. You referred to a James Marion Strong, son of John 
Albert Strong of Wright County, MO. Do you have any clue 
as to his DOB? I cannot make a solid connection but the first 
Strong to appear in the Ozark County Marriage License 
records was a James Strong who was married in 1862. 

Thanks again for your help. I will keep you posted on what 
I turn up.

Tom Mathews
Oakley, CA


James Marion Strong (1858-1934), son of John Albert Strong, 
was too young to have married in 1862.  

Isham Strong of Stoddard Co., MO, had a son, James Strong,
born around 1850, who also appears too young to have 
married in 1862.  

In my earlier message I neglected to mention a Martin 
Strong, born in [Henry Co.?] Virginia about 1808, who 
married in Tennessee, then migrated to Missouri, where 
children were born 1835-1848.  By 1850 he was in Collin Co., 
TX.  Martin Strong moved back to Missouri around 1869, 
where he died in Mogan County,  MO, 9 APR 1891.  Two of 
his sons, F. M. Strong and Levi Strong, remained in Morgan 
County; others migrated to Arkansas and Colorado.   An 
apparent son, James Strong, born about 1827, was residing 
in Collin Co., TX, in 1850; he had been married about two 
years.  [This information abstracted from James R. Rolff's 
book, previously cited.]

Have you found James Strong on the 1870 Missouri census?  
If so, what was his age and in what state was he born?  Do 
you have census records for Daniel Strong and John Wesley
Strong?  If so, when and where were they born?

The more you post regarding the Strongs of Ozark County,
Missouri, the more likely it is that someone can be of 
assistance to you or can connect to your family.

Please reply to the STRONG Mail List or post a "carbon copy"
to the List:

Bob Strong, Manager, STRONG Mail List
Robert T.  Strong, Jr., 119 Mystic Way, Madison, AL 35758

--------- End forwarded message ----------

---------- End of message ----------

From: (Robert T. Strong)
To: "Strong Family genealogy list"
Subject: RE-POST:  Nancy J. Strong Fleetwood, d. 1898, Douglas Co., MO
Date: Sun, 20 Apr 1997 11:30:22 EDT

--------- Begin forwarded message ----------

From: (Robert T. Strong)
To: "Strong Family genealogy list" 
Subject: Nancy Jane Strong Fleetwood, d. 1898, Douglas Co., MO
Date: Tue, 28 Jan 1997 11:21:20 EST

Welcome to the STRONG Mail List, Teresa!

The two books mentined in my message to Thomas
Matthews have been checked.  Neither indexes anyone
named Fleetwood.  References to Nancy Strong were 
also checked with negative results.  My regrets that
no  help was found.

Without knowing the name of the book you saw at 
the library in Ava, Douglas Co., MO, I cannot say whether
my book is the same.  Perhaps you could write or call to 
the library and request the complete bibliographical 
data for the book.  If it was written by someone local to
Douglas County, I am sure you will want to review it again.
And Thomas Matthews will likely be interested if it was
written by someone from that area of Missouri.    Please
let the STRONG Mail List know what you learn about the

It is certainly of interest that there were Strongs in three
adjoining counties:  Ozark, Douglas, and Wright County,
going south to north.  From Mansfield, Wright Co., to the
fartherest point in Ozark County is only about 50 or 60
miles.  So the Strongs in these three counties were fairly
close together. 

Please keep the STRONG Mail List informed of your
progress in locating Nancy Jane Strong Fleetwood's
Strong ancestors.  Your queries are more likely to be
fruitful if they are posted publically rather than privately.

Best wishes in your search!

Bob Strong, Manager, STRONG Mail List
Robert T. Strong, Jr., 119 Mystic Way, Madison, AL 35758

***************Begin forwarded message ******************

From:  Teresa L. Edwards 
To:  Robert T. Strong, Jr.  
        Thomas Matthews, 
Subject: RE: Some STRONGs in Missouri, 1800s
Date: Tue, 28 Jan 1997 09:08:00 EST

Dear Robert and Thomas,

I have a Nancy Jane Strong in my family in Douglas Co, 
MO who married a  William Columbus Fleetwood.   We 
have been desperately trying to find out  who her parents 
were.  My Grandmother and Great Aunt talks about her 
quit  a bit.  Their mother Minnie Bell Fleetwood Rippee 
told how she died with   William gone.  I have a lot on 
the Fleetwoods but hardly nothing on  Nancy.  Nancy was 
considered a saint almost because of the hardships she   
endured.  Nancy was sick with TB for many years when 
she gave birth and  raised many of her children.  Her 
children were young when she died.    William was in 
horse racing and worked on the railroad.  William buried   
her near a race track.  Someone said she was buried 
in a Fox Creek  Cemetery.

Ch:  I have more data at home!

William Fleetwood
Laura Fleetwood

Minnie Bell Fleetwood  m: Thomas Black Rippee of Douglas 
Co. b:8-20-1887   d:2-25-1972, 10 ch.

Mary Fleetwood
Bird Fleetwood
Mary Fleetwood
Rachel Fleetwood

After Nancy Died in 1898 of TB, William Fleetwood 
continued to work on  the railroad with the kids in tow.  
They lived in tents and followed the  railroad repair/
construction throughout southern Mo and Northern AK.

The William's dad Andrew Jackson Fleetwood was 
born in Jackson Co., IN.   The Fleetwoods move from 
Floyd Co, KY to Monroe, IN to Douglas Co, MO.

They use to be a Strong Book in the Douglas Co. Library 
in Ava, MO.  Last  time I went there someone took the 
book from the Library.  Is this the  same book you've 
mentioned in this e-mail?  Is there anything about a   
Nancy Jane Strong in this book you mentioned in the 

Any clue would be appreciated.

Teresa L. Edwards
--------- End forwarded message ----------
---------- End of message ----------

From: (L. Betts)
To: "Strong Family genealogy list"
Subject: Christopher Hemphill Strong
Date: Sun, 20 Apr 1997 18:10:31 -0500

On 4-17-97 Jim Rolff posted the following:

"I found this in my files:


"Strong, Christopher Hemphill, 1839, Chester Dist., S,C, 1860
Presbyterial Minister, d. Nov. 7, 1868, Chester Dist., S.C."

  I have not found any record of Christopher Hemphill Strong being an
Associate Reformed Presbyterian Minister, but speculate that he was a
member of Hopewell A.R.P. Church as a youth and ordained in the
Presbyterian Church after completion of seminary  In The Centennial History
of the Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church, 1893-1903, published by the
Synod in 1905, it is reported, "Hopewell is a fruitful mother of preachers.
The following ministers were born and partly reared in Hopewell
congregation: ***, Christopher Strong ***." p. 496.  The Church's third
minister (1796-1830) was named John Hemphill. Ibid.,pp 121 et seq.

Does anyone have informaton on Christopher Hemphill Strong?

Lowry Betts
---------- End of message ----------

From: (Robert T. Strong)
To: "Strong Family genealogy list"
Subject: L'Estrange
Date: Sun, 20 Apr 1997 21:44:52 EDT

Greetings, Michael Quin-Conroy in Australia!!

What you saw was likely an announcement for the
STRONG and similiar and related surnames Genealogy
Discussion Group [Mail List].  I will forward you more 
information about the discussion group which will 
include instructions on how to subscribe, if you are 

In our group there is one particular person who has
a special interest in and knowledge of  the L'Estrange 
family:  Dave Strong of Port Hope, Ontario, Canada.  
A copy of your note and my reply will be forwared to 
him, so you will each have the other's E-Mail address 
and can communicate either privately or, preferably, 
publicly via the Strong Mail List.  I will also send a 
copy of this message to the STRONG Mail List and 
others may also wish to respond to you.

At present there are about 60 to 65 persons who 
subscribe to the Strong Mail List.  This includes 
researchers of the names Strong(e), Strang(e), 
Stra(u)gh(a)(u)n or Strawn, L'Estrange, etc.  This
omnibus group was structured to facilitate the
discovery of interrelationships, hopefully common
ancestry,  and/or errors in transcribing names.

I will also forward to you a current subscriber list
which will provide a more clear view of the constitution
of our group.   You will note one or two persons 
from Australia in our group.

Even if you decide not to subscribe to our group, you
are welcome to post messages to the Mail List at 
this address:  < >.
[Please notice in the forwarded announdemth that the 
address where you send your subscription is different.]

I am going to be offline for the coming week.  If you
wish to subscribe and need further information or
explanation, contact Mr. Russell Laird, who will be 
filling in for me.  His E-Mail address is as follows:
< >.

We on the Strong Mail List hope you wil join us.


Robert T. ("Bob") Strong, Jr., Manager, STRONG Mail List
119 Mystic Way, Madison, AL 35758-7113, USA
(c) 1997.  Permission granted to copy for personal use only.

--------- Begin forwarded message ----------
From: "Michael Quin-Conroy" 
Subject: L'Estrange
Date: Mon, 21 Apr 1997 08:19:52 +0800

Robert, I saw some info that you have something to do 
with the above name, which I am researching. Can you 
tell me what I can do to obtain more info?

Regards Michael
Western Australia
---------- End of message ----------

To: "Strong Family genealogy list"
Subject: Strongs in Ozark Co., MO - Has 3 Daniel Strongs
Date: 20 Apr 1997 01:40:48 EDT

-------------< COMMENTS BY Dbsandmd >--------------


This raises a question... Since it appears no one on our list is
presently claiming these people... I know you are keeping files for list
management purposes, but shouldn't we have a generally accessable
archeive of descendancy charts like this one, which could be called up
for review and use as appropriate from time to time???  I'm not sure how
this could be accomplished technically. I'm thinking of something like
with an index organized by "area in which found", name of progenitor,
origin if known, etc.   Any thoughts???

Regards, Dave Strong

----------< END OF COMMENTS BY Dbsandmd >----------

These Strongs to my knowledge is not related to my Nancy Jane Strong.  I 
thought I would post it though.  Source is a secondary source from Ozark 
Co, MO book.

Generation 1
Henry Harrison Strong's parents are believed to be:

William Strong b: 1768 Scott Co., VA m: Jane Callahan

Generation 2

Henry Harrison Strong from Monroe Co., KY b: c 1814 m: Polly Hickman
Ch: James Strong
       Martha J. Strong
       Rachel Strong
       Daniel Webster

Generation 3
James Strong b: c 1842  m1: Rutha Jane Upton from Rutherford Co., NC d/o 
Thomas & Polly Upton m2: July 13, 1879 Sarah Ann Isom.
James and Rutha's Children:
Ch:   Henry Strong m: Sarah Sanders
         Jesse C. Strong b: 1866 m: Mary Satterfield
          Daniel Strong m: Mollie Evans
          Polly Strong m: George Adams
          Nancy Jane Strong m: George Green
          William Taylor Strong b: 1874  d: Dec. 30, 1959 m: Becky Kimble 
m2: Rebecca
                  Satterfield  m3: Fannie Harris Chenneyworth d/o Joseph & 
Sarah J. Harris
          John Thomas Strong m: Liza Jane Lowe
          Ellen Strong m: Harry Brown
         Joseph Samuel Strong b: Oct. 28, 1877 at Zanoni, MO
         James Strong, Jr.  m1: Huldah Lowe m2: Julia Lawson
          Unknown Child Strong

James and Sarah Ann Isom
Ch:   Phoebe Strong m: J. M. Hensley
        Ike Strong m: Rutha Johnson
        Alec Strong
        Callie Strong m: Emma Harley

Generation 4 (Notice the marriage date vs. children birth dates) ( I wonder 
if this is a typo and the marriage took place in 1887?)

1. Jesse C. Strong b: 1866 Ozark Co., MO m: May 10, 1897 Mary Wendy 
"Minnie" Satterfield d/o James Columbus  Satterfield and Jane Howell. Mary 
was b: Feb. 29, 1866 in Luna d: Mar. 1, 1940.  Both, Jesse and Mary are 
buried in Faye Cemetery near Gainsville.
a)	1. Saul Strong	b: April 27, 1886 d: Nov. 6, 1976 m: Sept. 17, 1916
b)	Rada  Strong  b: 1888 d: 1894
c)	Otis Strong  b:1890  d: 1973  m: Aug. 2, 1909 Clara Clayton
d)	Lige Strong  b: 1894 m: Nov. 2, 1926 Louise Latham
e)	S. Elizabeth Strong  b: 1896 m1:Will Luna m2: Oliver Black
f)	Tesley Strong  b: 1898 m: May 21, 1925 Mary Day
g)	George Strong  b: 1896 d: 1906
h)	Daniel Webb Strong  b: 1901 d: 1941 m: Ella
i)	Lee Paul Strong  b: 1902 m: Virgie Rice
j)	Lottie  Strong  b: 1904 m1: Orval Rice m2: Malvin Crawford
k)	William Strong  b: 1906 m: Ruth White
l)	Izzie Strong  b: 1912 m: Orval Looney

2. (Sam) Joseph Samuel Strong b: 1866 Zanoni, MO d: 1970 m: Oct. 19, 1902 
Martha Ellen Smith b: Sept 11, 1885 d: Mar. 24, 1960 d/o William Jordon 
Smith & Mary Elizabeth Kirkland. Both Sam and Martha are buried in the 
Patrick Cemetry.
a)	Lisses Matthew Strong
b)	Nancy Elizabeth "Lizzie" Strong  m1: Bill Coonce m2: Dennis Beard
c)	Walter E. Strong  b: June 5, 1908  d: May 16, 1919
d)	Rutha Ellen Strong  b: Jan. 2, 1912 m: Alva Hambelton
e)	Estell Jordon Strong  m1: Rose Carter m2: Charlotte Weber
f)	Irvon Strong b: Sept. 26, 1918 m1: Hermal Piece m2: Erma Pitcock m3: 
Jessie Agnew
g)	Birvon Strong m1: Louetta Younger m2: Celeste "Lillie" b: Sept. 18, 1927 
d: April 6, 1942 buried at Patrick Cemetery
---------- End of message ----------

To: "Strong Family genealogy list"
Subject: Christopher Hemphill Strong
Date: 20 Apr 1997 21:57:00 EDT

LB>On 4-17-97 Jim Rolff posted the following:

LB>"I found this in my files:


LB>"Strong, Christopher Hemphill, 1839, Chester Dist., S,C, 1860
LB>Presbyterial Minister, d. Nov. 7, 1868, Chester Dist., S.C."

LB>  I have not found any record of Christopher Hemphill Strong being an
LB>Associate Reformed Presbyterian Minister, but speculate that he was a
LB>member of Hopewell A.R.P. Church as a youth and ordained in the
LB>Presbyterian Church after completion of seminary  In The Centennial History
LB>of the Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church, 1893-1903, published by the
LB>Synod in 1905, it is reported, "Hopewell is a fruitful mother of preachers.
LB>The following ministers were born and partly reared in Hopewell
LB>congregation: ***, Christopher Strong ***." p. 496.  The Church's third
LB>minister (1796-1830) was named John Hemphill. Ibid.,pp 121 et seq.

LB>Does anyone have informaton on Christopher Hemphill Strong?

LB>Lowry Betts
I'm shooting from the hip on this, but I seem to recall something in
Miss Esther's work indicating he was killed in a train accident... will
try to look it up.

Dave Strong

---------- End of message ----------

To: "Strong Family genealogy list"
Subject: Christopher Hemphill Strong
Date: 20 Apr 1997 23:19:02 EDT

LB>Does anyone have informaton on Christopher Hemphill Strong?
LB>Lowry Betts
Christopher Hemphill Strong was the 12 th child  (8th son) of James
Strong and Janet Blain; he was b.1 Apr 1836 in S.C., d.7 Nov 1868.
Never Married, he served as a Private, in Co.F., 12th Reg., S.C.
Infantry, CSA.  He was fatally wounded in Union County, S.C., while
boarding a moving train enroute to a preaching appointment.

Miss Esther's papers include extensive excerpts from his diary; see
pps.57-63, "Strong and Allied Families".  Note: All papers of Miss
Esther Strong are at the Caroliniana Library and McKissik Museum at the
University of South Carolina.

Regards, Dave Strong

---------- End of message ----------

From: (Robert T. Strong)
To: "Strong Family genealogy list"
Subject: RE-POST:  STRONGs in Southwest Missouri. late 1800s
Date: Mon, 21 Apr 1997 06:28:25 EDT

--------- Begin forwarded message ----------

From: Thomas Mathews 
To: "Robert T. Strong" 
Date: Tue, 28 Jan 1997 21:45:12 +0000

There are at least five counties, not three, that have 
a STRONG showing in southern Missouri in the late 
19th century. In addition to Ozark, Douglas and 
Wright Counties, I have een in touch with people who 
knew of Strongs in Stone and Greene Counties as well. 
In the latter cases, the people I spoke with believed their 
ancestors migrated from Tennesse and Kentucky.
--------- End forwarded message ----------
---------- End of message ----------

From: (Robert T. Strong)
To: "Strong Family genealogy list"
Subject: RE-POST: STRONGs of Ozark Co., MO: James, Daniel, & John W.
Date: Mon, 21 Apr 1997 06:28:24 EDT

--------- Begin forwarded message ----------

From: Thomas Mathews 
To: "Robert T. Strong" 
Subject: Re: STRONGs of Ozark Co., MO
Date: Tue, 28 Jan 1997 21:29:09 +0000

I have yet to check any census reports although I have requested a
microfilm of the 1850 census from the local FHC. I am not yet very
skilled in working with census reports so have put it off. I think,
though, that I have about reached the point where it will be my most
valuable resource. I believe James to be Daniel's father but have yet to
verify it. If that is the case then both Daniel and his son John Wesley
would have been born in Ozark County. Based on the wedding record,
Daniel was over 21 when he was married in August, 1889.
--------- End forwarded message ----------
---------- End of message ----------

From: (Robert T. Strong)
To: "Strong Family genealogy list"
Subject: RE-POST:  STRONGs of Chester Co., SC
Date: Mon, 21 Apr 1997 06:28:25 EDT

--------- Begin forwarded message ----------

From: Thomas Weir 
To: "Robert T. Strong" 
Cc: Strong Family genealogy list 
Subject: STRONGs of Chester Co., SCar 
Date: Tue, 28 Jan 1997 21:58:43 -0800 (PST)

The immigrant STRONGS in my family were James 
STRONG (1749 Ireland -1829) who married his cousin 
Letitia STRONG in 1778. She is the dau. of Charles
STRONG and Janet (Jennie) GASTON.

James and Letitia had a dau. Mary (Molly) STRONG, 
b 19 Apr 1790 in Chester Co, SC. d. 12 Nov 1875. She 
married David MOFFATT  in 1809 in SC. He was
b. 1785 SC and d. 1830 in SC. David MOFFATT was 
the son of William MOFFATT and Barbara CHESNUT. 
William MOFFATT was the son of Samuel MOFFATT 
and Martha McCULLY, both of Ireland. Barbara CHESNUT 
was the dau. of David CHESNUT and Janet BROWN.

I would like to hear more about these Chester County 
SC STRONGS. Many of them were members of the 
Fishing Creek Preasbyterian Church, Chester County, 
SC and are listed in the book compiled by B. H. Holcomb 
and E.O. Parker, Heritage Books, 1991.

Tom Weir
--------- End forwarded message ----------
---------- End of message ----------

From: (Robert T. Strong)
To: "Strong Family genealogy list"
Subject: RE-POST:  STRONGs of Chester Co., South Carolina
Date: Mon, 21 Apr 1997 06:28:25 EDT

--------- Begin forwarded message ----------

From: (Robert T. Strong)
To: "Strong Family genealogy list" 
Subject: STRONGs of Chester Co., South Carolina
Date: Wed, 29 Jan 1997 05:13:03 EST

ATTENTION:  Thomas ("Tom") Weir

Thank you for posting information about your 
STRONG connection, Tom.

You will be interested in a section in the SFAA book
"Christopher Strong of Scotland", pages 3-8, which
traces the descendants of three of the five children 
of Charles Strong and Jeanette Gaston.  Unfortunately
the descendants of  your Letitia Strong and James
Strong are not discussed.

I am most familiar with Christopher Strong, son of
Charles Strong and Jeanette Gaston, as Christopher
was a Revolutionary War soldier from SC and he
settled in Dickson County, Tennessee, after the war.
I "met" him while researching Strongs in Tennessee.

The descendants of Christopher and Rosannah 
(McCullough) STRONG, Jeanette STRONG and her
husband Richard Gladney, and Margaret STRONG and
her husband John Simonton, are outlined in the
SFAA article.  There is little discussion.  The fifth
child, William Strong, born Ireland, was killed while
serving in the Revolutionary War from South Carolihna.
William apparently had no heirs.

The data in this article was submitted by Mr. James
E. McCuller, Jr., 441 St. Simons Cove, Lawrenceville,
GA 30244-5273.  I am sure you will want to write to 
him and exchange data.  

Would you please post the complete bibliographical
data for the book you mentioned by Brent H. Holcomb?
What was the name of the book?  He has published
many books.

While at the local library about a week ago a woman
approached me and told me she was researching
the STRONGs of Chester County, SC.  I referred her
to the article above, gave her my phone number 
and suggested she call me for more a detailed 
bibliographical entry and ordering information.  I 
did not make a record of her name, but can probably
obtain it from the sign-in register on my next visit to
the library.  She has not called me yet.

I noted that you are connected to the University
of Washington.

One of my brothers, Gordon W. STRONG, served in 
the U. S. Army during World War II and transferred
to the U. S. Air Force later.  He settled in Tacoma,
Washington.  He died 1970 leaving a widow and 
five children.  One daughter is now employed at the
University of Washington in Seattle.   I am looking
forward to visiting with my sister-in-law, nieces,
and nephew in Washington State in June.  I have
not seen most of them since they were small
children.  My nephew, Gordon W. Strong, Jr., was 
the only son and thus  the only person from my
line in Washington who retains the name STRONG.

Bob Strong, Manager, STRONG Mail List
Robert T. Strong, Jr., 119 Mystic Way, Madison, AL 35758

***************** Begin forwarded message ******************

From: Thomas Weir 
To: "Robert T. Strong" 
Cc: Strong Family genealogy list 
Subject: STRONGs of Chester Co., SCar 
Date: Tue, 28 Jan 1997 21:58:43 -0800 (PST)

The immigrant STRONGS in my family were James 
STRONG (1749 Ireland -1829) who married his cousin 
Letitia STRONG in 1778. She is the dau. of Charles
STRONG and Janet (Jennie) GASTON.

James and Letitia had a dau. Mary (Molly) STRONG, 
b 19 Apr 1790 in Chester Co, SC. d. 12 Nov 1875. 
She married David MOFFATT  in 1809 in SC. He was
b. 1785 SC and d. 1830 in SC...

I would like to hear more about these Chester County 
SC STRONGS. Many of them were members of the 
Fishing Creek Preasbyterian Church, ChesterCounty, SC 
and are listed in the book compiled by B. H. Halcomb 
and E. O. Parker, Heritage Books, 1991.

Tom Weir
--------- End forwarded message ----------
---------- End of message ----------

From: (Robert T. Strong)
To: "Strong Family genealogy list"
Subject: RE-POST:  Nancy Jane Strong Fleetwood, d. 1898, Douglas Co., MO
Date: Mon, 21 Apr 1997 06:28:24 EDT

--------- Begin forwarded message ----------

From: (Robert T. Strong)
To: "Strong Family genealogy list" 
Subject: Nancy Jane Strong Fleetwood, 
              d. 1898, Douglas Co., MO
Date: Tue, 28 Jan 1997 11:21:20 EST

ATTENTION:  Terease  L. Edwards 

Welcome to the STRONG Mail List, Teresa!

The two books mentined in my message to Thomas
Matthews have been checked.  Neither indexes anyone
named Fleetwood.  References to Nancy Strong were 
also checked with negative results.  My regrets that
no  help was found.

Without knowing the name of the book you saw at 
the library in Ava, Douglas Co., MO, I cannot say whether
my book is the same.  Perhaps you could write or call to 
the library and request the complete bibliographical 
data for the book.  If it was written by someone local to
Douglas County, I am sure you will want to review it again.
And Thomas Matthews will likely be interested if it was
written by someone from that area of Missouri.    Please
let the STRONG Mail List know what you learn about the

It is certainly of interest that there were Strongs in three
adjoining counties:  Ozark, Douglas, and Wright County,
going south to north.  From Mansfield, Wright Co., to the
fartherest point in Ozark County is only about 50 or 60
miles.  So the Strongs in these three counties were fairly
close together. 

Please keep the STRONG Mail List informed of your
progress in locating Nancy Jane Strong Fleetwood's
Strong ancestors.  Your queries are more likely to be
fruitful if they are posted publically rather than privately.

Best wishes in your search!

Bob Strong, Manager, STRONG Mail List
Robert T. Strong, Jr., 119 Mystic Way, Madison, AL 35758

***************Begin forwarded message ******************

From:  Teresa L. Edwards 
To:  Robert T. Strong, Jr.  
        Thomas Matthews, 
Subject: RE: Some STRONGs in Missouri, 1800s
Date: Tue, 28 Jan 1997 09:08:00 EST

Dear Robert and Thomas,

I have a Nancy Jane Strong in my family in Douglas Co, 
MO who married a  William Columbus Fleetwood.   We 
have been desperately trying to find out  who her parents 
were.  My Grandmother and Great Aunt talks about her 
quit  a bit.  Their mother Minnie Bell Fleetwood Rippee 
told how she died with   William gone.  I have a lot on 
the Fleetwoods but hardly nothing on  Nancy.  Nancy was 
considered a saint almost because of the hardships she   
endured.  Nancy was sick with TB for many years when 
she gave birth and  raised many of her children.  Her 
children were young when she died.    William was in 
horse racing and worked on the railroad.  William buried   
her near a race track.  Someone said she was buried 
in a Fox Creek  Cemetery.

Ch:  I have more data at home!

William Fleetwood
Laura Fleetwood

Minnie Bell Fleetwood  m: Thomas Black Rippee of Douglas 
Co. b:8-20-1887   d:2-25-1972, 10 ch.

Mary Fleetwood
Bird Fleetwood
Mary Fleetwood
Rachel Fleetwood

After Nancy Died in 1898 of TB, William Fleetwood 
continued to work on  the railroad with the kids in tow.  
They lived in tents and followed the  railroad repair/
construction throughout southern Mo and Northern AK.

The William's dad Andrew Jackson Fleetwood was 
born in Jackson Co., IN.   The Fleetwoods move from 
Floyd Co, KY to Monroe, IN to Douglas Co, MO.

They use to be a Strong Book in the Douglas Co. Library 
in Ava, MO.  Last  time I went there someone took the 
book from the Library.  Is this the  same book you've 
mentioned in this e-mail?  Is there anything about a   
Nancy Jane Strong in this book you mentioned in the 

Any clue would be appreciated.

Teresa L. Edwards


Ozark, Douglas, Taney Counties, MO - STRONG, 

Monroe, Jackson Counties, IN - FLEETWOOD, 

Owsley, Lee Counties, KY - EVANS, ROWLAND, HALL

Wolf, Montgomery, Powell Counties, KY - PELFRY, BURGESS, 

TN - Robert W. DAVIS

Potter Co, PA & Russell, Allegany NY - WALKER, 

Butler & Warren Counties, OH - ROWLAND, PELFRY, 

Gurensey,Highland Counties, OH - McCONAUGHEY/
--------- End forwarded message ----------
---------- End of message ----------

From: (Robert T. Strong)
To: "Strong Family genealogy list"
Subject: Strategies and Procedures for Strong, et al., Research
Date: Mon, 21 Apr 1997 08:02:37 EDT

Greetings, Dave, and Top of the Week to You and 
to ALL on the Strong Mail List!

It is Monday Morning, 5:45 AM in Alabama.  You have
started the week out with a bang, Dave!

Thanks for sharing the data on Christopher H. Strong.
Would you kindly post the complete bibliographical 
data for the book by Miss Esther Strong:  STRONG AND
ALLIED FAMILIES?  Where did you locate a copy of this

Regarding Henry Harrison Strong, Thomas Matthews is
researching this family.

What we need is a common genealogical database.  
The rudiments already exist in a fragmented state.  I 
believe Robert S. Strong in Michigan has a genealogical
database for the descendants of John Strong family of 
Massachusetts.  I have an as yet incomplete genealogical 
database of the descendants of Martin and Ann Stanley
Strong of Hanover Co., VA.  There is plenty of data, 
for example in James Robert Rolff's book, to expand 
this to all descendants of John Strong of St. Peter's
Parish, New Kent Co. or James City County, VA, or to 
all Strongs in VA and their descendants.  Then there is
more general data about disparate families in STRONG
FAMILY HISTORIES, VOLUME V.  Part of the problem is 
getting all the data input into a genealogical database.  
This is a slow, time-consuming process initially.  Of 
course, after the data has been input, then it 
becomes a labor saving device for future researchers.

I would like to collect GEDCOMs from all subscribers to the
STRONG, et al., Mail List and integrate then into a single 
database.  Alternately this could be done by family groupings:
for example, there could be a separate database for the 
descendants of Strongs of Chester County, SC.  The latter 
approach would likely be more manageable as the work
would be distributed among several researchers.  Eventually 
these family and/or regional databases could be integrated.
A global database can be conceptualized, but would take
many years to develop and would require a computer  with
a rather huge storage capacity.

This will take a lot of time to assemble and maintain.  The 
other problem is that many people are reluctant to share 
their research data.  

The major hurdle is accessibility.  In order to have the data
online for immediate access would require something like
an electronic Bulletin Board, which would require a dedicated
computer.  That now gets into financing such a project.  Who
would put up the money for a dedicated computer?  Who 
would operate and maintain the database?

With an electronic bulletin board, you can also store electronic
files (for example, GEDCOMS) , which can be retrieved and 
downloaded at will.  Since we are talking about accessibility 
by persons around the nation and even around the world,  how 
could the cost of calling the Bulletin Board be minimized.  
Nationally, a 1-800 telephone number would accomplish that, 
but how would such a wide-area-access number be financed?

One alternative would be to have everyone's GEDCOM 
recorded on a CD-ROM.  How would this be financed?  Who
would be responsible for the logistics of selling the CDs?
There are, of course, several firms engaged in this type of
business, the equivalent of a book publisher, if you will. 

The standard genealogical databases allow one to do searches
by surnames, then given names.  Mine [Family Origins for
Windows, version 4.1] allows you to select individuals for
downloading in a GEDCOM by performing a Query, which 
can include up to six criteria, including place names, but 
this feature is available ONLY when preparing a GEDCOM.
That is, the Query feature is not availabe for viewing on
screen in real time.   

There are database software programs available that would
allow searches via several different criteria, but the data 
downloaded from such generalized relational  databases
would not readily be transportable into most genealogy 
databases.  The GEDCOM standard seems to be a necessity
for portability.  

Then you get into problems of copyright and privacy.  A 
common database would require that persons give up their
copyrights and place their data into the public  domain.
And can we publically post data about living persons without
their written consent without risk of violating their privacy?

Everyone is invited to share their opinions and knowledge
regarding  these issues.  Please post your thoughts and
ideas to the Strong Mail List.  This should include a 
statement about what you, as an individual, would be
willing to do to accomplish such a goal as a common 
genealogical database of Strong(e), Strang(e) Straughan,
Strawn, L'Estrange, etc., surnames. 

Robert T. ("Bob") Strong, Jr., Manager, STRONG Mail List
119 Mystic Way, Monrovia Comm., Madison, AL 35758-7113
(c) 1997.  Permission granted to copy for personal use only.

--------- Begin forwarded message ----------

To: "Strong Family genealogy list" 
Subject: Strongs in Ozark Co., MO - Has 3 Daniel Strongs
Date: 20 Apr 1997 01:40:48 EDT
Message-ID: <>

-------------< COMMENTS BY Dbsandmd >--------------


This raises a question... Since it appears no one on 
our list is presently claiming these people... I know 
you are keeping files for list management purposes, 
but shouldn't we have a generally accessable archive 
of descendancy charts like this one, which could be 
called up for review and use as appropriate from time 
to time???  I'm not sure how this could be accomplished 
technically. I'm thinking of something like with an 
index organized by "area in which found", name of 
progenitor, origin if known, etc.   Any thoughts???

Regards, Dave Strong


----------< END OF COMMENTS BY Dbsandmd >----------

These Strongs to my knowledge is not related to my 
Nancy Jane Strong.  I thought I would post it though.  
Source is a secondary source from Ozark Co, MO book.

Generation 1

Henry Harrison Strong's parents are believed to be:
William Strong b: 1768 Scott Co., VA m: Jane Callahan

Generation 2

Henry Harrison Strong from Monroe Co., KY b: c 1814 
m: Polly Hickman
Ch: James Strong
       Martha J. Strong
       Rachel Strong
       Daniel Webster

--------- End forwarded message ----------
---------- End of message ----------

To: "Strong Family genealogy list"
Subject: Re: Strongs in Ozark Co., MO - Has 3 Daniel Strongs
Date: Mon, 21 Apr 1997 09:23:38 -0400 (EDT)

   I was loolking over this post when I noticed that William Strong b. 1768
Scott Co, VA. m. Jane Callahan. This William is the William (156) in James
Rolff's book, correc ?
   If so what I find interesting is that Henry Harrison Strong was from
Monroe County, Ky. As you know this is where we found Samuel Strong (157).
Samuel was first found in Scott Co, VA then later in Barren County, Ky on
Line Creek until Monroe County was created from Barren Co, Ky in 1820. Joseph
Strong, the probable son of Samuel Strong (157) was found on the Monroe
County Tax List with Samuel Strong from 1822 till 1826. In 1827 I found
Joseph purchasing land in Jackson County, TN (Monroe Co and Jackson County
border each other on the TN and KY State Line.

So I think that this Henry Harrison Strong fits into being a desc. of John
Strong of New Kent County, VA.
---------- End of message ----------

From: "Edwards, Teresa L" 
To: "Strong Family genealogy list"
Subject: FW: Strongs in Ozark Co., MO - Has 3 Daniel Strongs
Date: Mon, 21 Apr 1997 09:29:17 -0400

Resource:  Ozark County Book published by the Ozark County Genealogical
& Historical Society in Gainesville, MO.  Pages:  138-142. Book sold
out!  I do not own myself!


Theresa (Lute) Strong w/ some information from Louella Strong Dutton and
William T. Goodman

Debra Joann Smith Chrisman

>From: 	Edwards, Teresa L
>Sent: 	Saturday, April 19, 1997 9:16 PM
>To: 	Strong Family genealogy list
>Subject: 	Strongs in Ozark Co., MO - Has 3 Daniel Strongs
>Importance: 	High
>These Strongs to my knowledge is not related to my Nancy Jane Strong.  I
thought I would post it though.  Source is a secondary source from Ozark
>Co., MO book.
>Generation 1
>Henry Harrison Strong's parents are believed to be:
>William Strong b: 1768 Scott Co., VA m: Jane Callahan
>Generation 2
>Henry Harrison Strong from Monroe Co., KY b: c 1814 m: Polly Hickman
>Ch: James Strong
>       Martha J. Strong
>       Rachel Strong
>       Daniel Webster
>Generation 3
>James Strong b: c 1842  m1: Rutha Jane Upton from Rutherford Co., NC d/o
>Thomas & Polly Upton m2: July 13, 1879 Sarah Ann Isom.
>James and Rutha's Children:
>Ch:   Henry Strong m: Sarah Sanders
>         Jesse C. Strong b: 1866 m: Mary Satterfield
>          Daniel Strong m: Mollie Evans
>          Polly Strong m: George Adams
>          Nancy Jane Strong m: George Green
>          William Taylor Strong b: 1874  d: Dec. 30, 1959 m: Becky Kimble m2:
>                  Satterfield  m3: Fannie Harris Chenneyworth d/o Joseph &
>Sarah J. Harris
>          John Thomas Strong m: Liza Jane Lowe
>          Ellen Strong m: Harry Brown
>          Andrew
>         Joseph Samuel Strong b: Oct. 28, 1877 at Zanoni, MO
>         James Strong, Jr.  m1: Huldah Lowe m2: Julia Lawson
>          Unknown Child Strong
>James and Sarah Ann Isom
>Ch:   Phoebe Strong m: J. M. Hensley
>        Ike Strong m: Rutha Johnson
>        Alec Strong
>        Callie Strong m: Emma Harley
>Generation 4 (Notice the marriage date vs. children birth dates) ( I wonder
>if this is a typo and the marriage took place in 1887?)
>1. Jesse C. Strong b: 1866 Ozark Co., MO m: May 10, 1897 Mary Wendy "Minnie"
>Satterfield d/o James Columbus  Satterfield and Jane Howell. Mary was b: Feb.
>29, 1866 in Luna d: Mar. 1, 1940.  Both, Jesse and Mary are buried in Faye
>Cemetery near Gainesville.
>a)	1. Saul Strong	b: April 27, 1886 d: Nov. 6, 1976 m: Sept. 17, 1916
>b)	Rada  Strong  b: 1888 d: 1894
>c)	Otis Strong  b:1890  d: 1973  m: Aug. 2, 1909 Clara Clayton
>d)	Lige Strong  b: 1894 m: Nov. 2, 1926 Louise Latham 
>e)	S. Elizabeth Strong  b: 1896 m1:Will Luna m2: Oliver Black
>f)	Tesley Strong  b: 1898 m: May 21, 1925 Mary Day
>g)	George Strong  b: 1896 d: 1906 
>h)	Daniel Webb Strong  b: 1901 d: 1941 m: Ella
>i)	Lee Paul Strong  b: 1902 m: Virgie Rice
>j)	Lottie  Strong  b: 1904 m1: Orval Rice m2: Malvin Crawford 
>k)	William Strong  b: 1906 m: Ruth White
>l)	Izzie Strong  b: 1912 m: Orval Looney
>2. (Sam) Joseph Samuel Strong b: 1866 Zanoni, MO d: 1970 m: Oct. 19, 1902
>Martha Ellen Smith b: Sept 11, 1885 d: Mar. 24, 1960 d/o William Jordon Smith
& Mary Elizabeth Kirkland. Both Sam and Martha are buried in the Patrick
>a)	Lisses Matthew Strong
>b)	Nancy Elizabeth "Lizzie" Strong  m1: Bill Coonce m2: Dennis Beard
>c)	Walter E. Strong  b: June 5, 1908  d: May 16, 1919
>d)	Rutha Ellen Strong  b: Jan. 2, 1912 m: Alva Hambelton 
>e)	Estell Jordon Strong  m1: Rose Carter m2: Charlotte Weber
>f)	Irvon Strong b: Sept. 26, 1918 m1: Hermal Piece m2: Erma Pitcock m3:
>Jessie Agnew
>g)	Birvon Strong m1: Louetta Younger m2: Celeste "Lillie" b: Sept. 18, 1927
>d: April 6, 1942 buried at Patrick Cemetery
---------- End of message ----------

To: "Strong Family genealogy list"
Subject: Reply re:L'Estrange
Date: 21 Apr 1997 12:43:28 EDT

RT>Subject: L'Estrange
RT>Date: Mon, 21 Apr 1997 08:19:52 +0800
RT>Robert, I saw some info that you have something to do
RT>with the above name, which I am researching. Can you
RT>tell me what I can do to obtain more info?
RT>Regards Michael Quin-Conroy
RT>Western Australia
Hi Michael....
What follows is from a book I have in progress.  You have limited
permission to copy it for personal use only:
                          The LeStrange's of Salop, England

                              (c 1997), David B. Strong,
                         RR #1, Port Hope,ON, L1A 3V5, Canada
                             all rights reserved worldwide

               The following information and data has been gleaned from
"The Complete Peerage,  or a History of the House of Lords and its
members from the Earliest Times",  edited by Geoffrey M.  White;  The
St.Catherines Press,  London, 1953; Vol.  "Skelmersdale to Towton"  as
to  the  Lords  Strange,  p.340-357;   from  Burke's  Peerage,
p.311-312, "L'Estrange of Hunstanton"; from Veronica Thomas,  "The
    Manx  and Their Isle of Man",  National Geographic Magazine,  Vol.
142, No. 3, September, 1972, pp.426,429; and from The Encyclopedia
    Britannica (1959),  "Man,  Isle of", Vol.14,  p.770,  and "Atholl,
        Earls and Dukes of", Vol.2, p.623-624.

               It  is  believed  the  roots  of  a  number  of  lineages
 of Stronge/ Strang/ Stronge/ Strong families lie with the LeStrange
family.   Note that the name "Hamon"  which appears numerous times in
the  lineage  is probably an anglicized usage of the  Gaelic  name
"Hamish", which means "James". 1

               The  progenitor  of  the LeStrange  line,  was
apparently  a           Bretton knight from Dol,  Brittany, who arrived
in England in 1066   with  William the Conqueror.   He was a tenant of
Alan  Fitzflaad,  Heriditary  Steward of the Lords of Dol,  who in turn
likely  owed  fealty to William. ***********************

               What is particularly interesting about the foregoing
history, is that we find record of involvement by several of the
L'Estrange's  of  Salop in the Scottish intrigues  and  wars. One Home
le Estraunge "was intentive in the king's service in Scotland in 1255. 2
  Fulk L'Estrange  was summoned repeatedly   by  the  English king to do
service against  the  Scots  from March 1298 until April 1323, and it is
known he went to Scotland  on  the  King's service in 1299. 3   A
relative,  Ebles L'Estrange,  was also summoned to serve against the
Scots  in           1327 and again in 1332/3.   He died 8 September 1335
in Scotland. 4  Another, John L'Estrange V, was summoned from 1298
to1308    to    serve    against    the    Scots. 5      ******

               According to Prof.  George F.  Black's well-known  book,
"The Surnames of Scotland", 6

                    "William  Strange,  burgess of  Montrose,  rendered
homage,  1296.  Thomas de (? for le) Strang held land in Aberdeen, 1340,
and John Strang was elected common councillor there in 1398.   Walter
Strang was one of an  inquest at Forfar, 1438.  William Strangh, a
Scottish merchant,   had  license  to  import  Scottish  goods  into
England,  1495.  Sir George Strang, a cleric, was notary  in Orkney,
1542.  Henry Strang is the earliest mentioned  schoolmaster in Dysart,
1579.  Richard Strange, advocate  in Edinburgh,  1555.  Strang of
Balcaskie,  (was) an old  family in the East Neuk of Fife.  Sir Robert
Strange was a distinguished eighteenth-century engraver."

               It  is clear that Richard L'Estrange ******* is the
ancestor           of  a  line of L'Estranges appearing in the records
of  Moystown, Kings County, Ireland.

               The  Barons Strange of the Isle of Man spring from the
Earls  of Derby,  who acquired Lordship of the Isle of Man in the
period 1405-1765;  the present Baron Strange is a descendant of Lady
Joan  LeStrange (1463-1513).  *****

               It also seems that one of the various Nicholas LeStranges
may be  the progenitor of the Strangs of Balcaskie,  Fifeshire,
Scotland,  ********** who are in turn the progenitors of the  Stronges
of Tynan Abbey, County Armagh, Ireland.   *************   With the large
 number  of possible progenitors of different lines  of  English, Scots,
and Irish lines of Strongs, it is important to study           *******
for possible beginnings for each line at the point of  beginning for
each lineage.

1 D.J. Steel, "Sources for Scottish Genealogy and Family History",
  imore, London and Chichester (1970), p.47.
2 Prof. George F. Black, "Surnames of Scotland, Their Origin, Meaning,
    & History", pub. by The New York Public Library and Readex Books,
    (1946), p. 753.
3 White, "The Complete Peerage"....
4 White, "The Complete Peerage".....
5 White, "The Complete Peerage"...
6 Black, "The Surnames of Scotland", p.753
Please let me know if you have additional information re the L'Estrange
name.  I have at least one documented instance of a L'Estrange using the
name Strang, and suspect it often happened through the centuries that
the name was shortened and changed to one of the variants of "Strong".

Regards, Dave Strong


---------- End of message ----------

From: (Robert T. Strong)
To: "Strong Family genealogy list"
Subject: Digests for Strong Mail List?
Date: Mon, 21 Apr 1997 13:52:52 EDT

--------- Begin forwarded message ----------

Subject: Digests for Strong Mail List
Date: Mon, 21 Apr 1997 12:49:27 -0400 (EDT)

In a message dated 97-04-18 13:35:21 EDT, you write:

<< Thanks to each subscriber who posted the Announcement
 about the Strong Mail List to their Internet Service Provider's
 Bulletin Board.  The recent increase in new subscribers is
 surely due to your cooperation and assistance.

Will digest form be available soon?

 """""""""""""""""""" End forwarded message """"""""""""""""""""

Greetings, Anonymous Subscriber!

Earlier, probably before you subscribed to the Strong Mail List,
there was some consideration of whether Digests should be
made available.

It is my understanding that Digest Mode simply adds an Index
to the messages for the period covered by the packet of 
messages.  You can scroll the Index and select the messages 
you wish to read.  You can delete any you do not desire to read.

I personally use an Offline Message Reader call Speed Read,
Version 2.0, for messaging on local Bulletin Boards.  It 
automatically indexes messages on any one of several criteria.
When I receive a packet of messages, say for the Internet
Newsgroup, Soc.Genealogy.Surnames--which has a large number
of messages daily--I quickly mark every message for deletion
then I scan the subject lines, pick the very few I want to read, 
reset them to Save, and bulk delete all the rest.  So I believe I 
am familiar with the intent of the Digest Mode.  However, I 
have not actually seen any of the MAISER Digests.

That indexing capability is built into my Offline Message Editor 
(JUNO) and I have assumed, perhaps incorrectly, that everyone's 
Offline Message Editor has the same indexing capability.

I am forwarding a copy of your message and my reply to the
Strong Mail List, where I hope there will be an active discussion
of this issue.   If there is sufficient expression of desire I will
certainly request that Digest Mode be turned on for our List.
The only caveat is that Digest Mode is not compatible with
everyone's Offline Message Reader.   In order to receive and
read the Digests properly, one's Offline Message Reader must
be "MIME compliant"--whatever that means!  [I am not certain
whether the JUNO Offline Message Reader is MIME compliant.]
Maybe someone on our list can explain what "MIME compliant"
means, in simple English.  How does one determine whether
their Offline Message Reader is MIME compliant without 
actually subscribing to the Digest Mode first--the trial and error

Has anyone on the Strong List had experience in recent weeks
or months with the Digests available from MAISER?  If so,
please share your experiences with the group.  I will read your
input upon return next week from a "vacation" trip to Virginia.

To "JAGenealogy":  I hope you will share with us soon some
information about yourself and your Strong, et al., connections.

Robert T. ("Bob") Strong, Jr., Manager, STRONG Mail List
119 Mystic Way, Monrovia Comm., Madison, AL 35758-7113
(c) 1997.  Permission granted to copy for personal use only.
---------- End of message ----------

To: "Strong Family genealogy list"
Subject: SC Strongs; "Strong and Allied Families"
Date: 21 Apr 1997 13:58:16 EDT

RT>Greetings, Dave, and Top of the Week to You and
RT>to ALL on the Strong Mail List!

RT>It is Monday Morning, 5:45 AM in Alabama.  You have
RT>started the week out with a bang, Dave!

RT>Thanks for sharing the data on Christopher H. Strong.
RT>Would you kindly post the complete bibliographical
RT>data for the book by Miss Esther Strong:  STRONG AND
RT>ALLIED FAMILIES?  Where did you locate a copy of this
Hi Bob...
"Strong and Allied Families, from the Papers of Miss Esther Strong,
Chester, S.C." was edited by Theresa M. Hicks, and Published Privately
by Virginia Draffin Waites in Dec., 1980.  I borrowed a copy in 1986
thru the mail from Virginia Draffin Waites, and, since it was then out
of print, photocopied it extensively.  I don't believe there is any
copywrite on the material.  I believe a copy is at the Caroliniana
Library, and also may be in the SFAA Library.   You may be able to
obtain further copies thru contacting Mrs. T.A. Waites, Jr, 2903
Trenholm Road, PO Box 4896, Columbia, SC 29240; TEL: (803) 254-9699.

Also, the other day I mentioned the Decree of Banishment re "old"
Christopher Strong... and the fact that I did not have a complete copy
of it at hand... On further reflection, I THINK the decree is reproduced
in full in Charles Hanna's, "The Scotch-Irish", which is available in a
reprint edition from Genealogical Publishing (I THINK!!!!)

The occasion for the Decree of Banishment may also be of some interest.
Hanna published it because it was significant in showing the role of
many Scots-Irish in the colonization of the American colonies.  You may
recall my "Thumb-nail sketch" of British History a week or two ago.
What follows is something of an expansion on that:

King James VI of Scotland was the only son of Mary, Queen of Scots.  You
may recall from popular history that Mary, Queen of Scots, was executed
by Queen Elizabeth of England  1) to squelch Mary's constant attempts to
stir a Catholic based rebellion against Elizabeth's protestant regieme
in England, and  2) to stop Mary's constant attempts to escape
Elizabeth's custody (she was held in close custody by the English for
about 12 years before she was executed)... which in turn helped protect
James VI's claim to the Scottish throne (he was proclaimed King at the
age of 1 or 2... and raised a Protestant).  It was important to
Elizabeth to maintain James as an independant protestant king because he
was heir apparent to the childless  protestant Elizabeth... and he in
fact did succeed her.

James was very much "under the thumb" of militant Presbyterian church
leaders as he grew to majority, and came to resent mightily their
constant interference with his attempts to rule Scotland, and eventually
England.   The Presbyterians effected the Reformation of the Church in
Scotland, partly initally involving a "Covenant" between the ruling
nobility and the CHurch leaders, assuring that the king would be a
protestant and that Mary would not be restored.   This covenant and the
principle that the monarch would be not just a protestant but a
Presbyterian  (and thus the Established Church of Scotland would have no
bishops and be ruled by Elders of the Congregation)  was paramount in
the political infighting of the time... there was a strong Catholic
"party" in Scotland who worked for the restoration of Mary and
Catholicism... and later to undermine the Presbyterians.

James and his son CHarles I, and later his Grandson, Charles II, tried
to moderate the Presbyterian influence in various ways, trying several
times to reform the Presbyterians into the Anglican  Episcopalian model
of church governance... which meant they tried to establish bishops in
the church... and to establish pastors in the various parishes who
recognized the authority of the bishops.  The bishops were subject to
appointment by the crown, and therefore the king would have been
theoretically superior to the church;  this was precisely what the kings
wanted and the Presbyterians swore to deny.  Several times the Covenant
was renewed and it's language strengthened.

While Charles II was in exile during the Cromwellian Protectorate,
CHarles II at one point swore to uphold the Covenant in an attempt to
gain the political support of the Presbyterians in regaining his throne
in Scotland.  When he later actually regained the throne after 1660,
Charles II had tired of the constant hectoring of the Presbyterians, and
moved again to install bishops in the Scottish church... for this he was
claimed to be a perjurer (violated his oath).  The militant Covenanters
rebelled at least three times during the period 1660-1686... each time
the rebellion was suppressed by troops loyal to the crown, and the
supporters were imprisoned and either executed or transported.  I
mentioned the fact that a different Christopher Strong was beheaded in
1666.  This is documented in Hanna... where it is said he and two others
lay under a headstone which says something to the effect that their
bodies lay there and their heads elsewhere "because they sware the

Recall that after Charles II died and was succeeded by his Catholic
brother, James II, the Duke of Monmouth raised a rebellion in England.
At the same time, the Scottish Duke of Montrose raised a rebellion in
Scotland designed to support Monmouth.  Amongst Montroses' supporters in
1685 were a large number of Covenanters... including Christopher Strong
and Jeannette Symington.  When the rebellion failed these Covenanters
were imprisoned  in Dunotter Castle south of Aberdeen and held there
until the Decree of Banishment was issued in 1686.  THey were "sold"
into the indenture of a Catholic Lord, Pitlochie, and transported to New
Jersey... where, Pitlochie having died at sea and the Glorious
Revolution of 1688-9 being in the offing, the Covenanters were released
from their indentures by action of a court... What happened after that
to these "South Carolina Strongs", I have been unable to work out except
as generally claimed in the Wm. C. Norman and Miss Esther Strong
materials.  My prior messages have pointed out the lack of documentation
which needs to be researched.

(c) 1997, David B. Strong, RR 1, Port Hope, ON L1A 3V5, Canada
World wide right reserved.   Limited Permission granted for reproduction
for personal use only.

Regards, Dave Strong

---------- End of message ----------

From: "Roger Dellinger" 
To: "Strong Family genealogy list"
Subject: Strategies and Procedures for Strong, et al., Research -Reply
Date: Mon, 21 Apr 1997 14:28:00 -0600 (CDT)

Robert T. Strong writes on 04/21/97 06:02am >>>
What we need is a common genealogical database.  
The major hurdle is accessibility.  In order to have the data online for
immediate access would require something like an electronic Bulletin
Board, which would require a dedicated computer.   Who would operate
and maintain the database?
With an electronic bulletin board, you can also store electronic files (for
example, GEDCOMS) , which can be retrieved and downloaded at will. 
Since we are talking about accessibility by persons around the nation
and even around the world,  how could the cost of calling the Bulletin
Board be minimized.  
Then you get into problems of copyright and privacy.  A common
database would require that persons give up their copyrights and place
their data into the public  domain.  And can we publically post data about
living persons without their written consent without risk of violating their

You bring up some good ideas and some problems that would be needed
to addressed if there is to be a global database of Strong's and the like.

One option would be to store the database(s) on a web server, provided
by an internet provider.  My internet service provider (ISP) allows me to
store information (5 MEG of space is provided as a standard service, but
more can be attained for a one time charge) on one of their servers that
would then be accessible via the internet.  This information could
possibly be stored as GEDCOM files, however there would have to be
some sort of naming convention - we couldn't and wouldn't want to have
20 files called STRONG.GED - so we could differentiate between the
various lines of Strongs.  Or the GEDCOM files could be converted into
HTML format - the standard format you see when surfing the internet -
which you could then search while on-line.  The problem with the
second method it wouldn't allow you to download a whole line of people
that you could then just incorporate into your genealogical database.  But
the advantage would be that you could do on-line searches.  Perhaps
the best way would be combine both GEDCOM files with the HTML
format.  That way you could search for the right information and then
click on icon, button, what have you, which would allow you to
download the associated GEDCOM file.  

Storing the information out on the internet by way of an ISP versus on a
BBS would have advantage in that  the only cost to the person viewing
and downloading files would be the cost of your ISP and any access
time fees they charge.  For example AOL now charges a flat fee per
month with unlimited access time, my provider charges $20 a month with
200 hours of access before they charge an hourly rate (I have yet to
excede 200 hours, if I do that is when I realize I need to get a life! ;-) )

The difficulties in any of the above is that it would take some time to
organize the information, combine related databases and the like.  Also
as you stated people would have to be willing to share there information
and any copyright they might have and forego the idea of putting the
information together in a book to copyright and sell.  You also bring up a
good question about the legality of posting living persons information.  
As long as you didn't include their address, phone number, e-mail
address, social security number and similar items I think there shouldn't
be a problem, not I am not a legal scholar and therefore don't know the
LEGAL answer.

I can investigate further what it takes to get the information stored on the
internet, I have been thinking of doing that anyway for my own family
tree.  Someone I work with develops web sites and has expressed
interest in helping me out.  So I will ask her what is possible and what
works best and report back.  If you would let me know what your ideas
are I could get a better idea of how the whole thing would work and the
difficulties in putting it all together.

Roger Dellinger or
---------- End of message ----------

From: (Matthew D Strong)
To: "Strong Family genealogy list"
Subject: Re: Strategies and Procedures for Strong, et al., Research -Reply
Date: Mon, 21 Apr 1997 18:39:20 -0500

OK.  Now for my two cents worth. 

 I think that this is a great idea.  I would even be
 willing to provide what limited financial support
 I can.  So, now that the ball is rolling, I guess the 
best way to pursue this is with some serious
 research as to the "how" to get it done.  I do think
 that the way to go is on to the internet and not a 
bulletin board.  In the long run it could prove to be 
less expensive and definitely more accessible.  
 So for my part, I'll see about contacting some of
 the families that already have their own searchable
 databases on the web.
 Does anyone know of a genealogy foundation or 
group that gives grants for such projects?

Well, that's all two cents gets you.

Matt Strong
---------- End of message ----------

From: Thomas Mathews 
To: "Strong Family genealogy list"
Subject: Re: Strongs in Ozark Co., MO - Has 3 Daniel Strongs
Date: Mon, 21 Apr 1997 18:02:21 +0100

Hi Dave,

For the record, William Strong, Henry Harrison Strong, James Strong, his
wife Rutha Upton, and Daniel Webster Strong and his wife Mollie Eaves
(Not Evans) are all my ancestors of wife, Doris Uroff Mathews, daughter
of Vickie Strong Uroff. 

Also,Henry Harrison Strong had thirteen children, not three.

Tom Mathews
Oakley, CA wrote:
> -------------< COMMENTS BY Dbsandmd >--------------
> Bob....
> This raises a question... Since it appears no one on our list is
> presently claiming these people... I know you are keeping files for list
> management purposes, but shouldn't we have a generally accessable
> archeive of descendancy charts like this one, which could be called up
> for review and use as appropriate from time to time???  I'm not sure how
> this could be accomplished technically. I'm thinking of something like
> with an index organized by "area in which found", name of progenitor,
> origin if known, etc.   Any thoughts???
> Regards, Dave Strong
> ****************
> ----------< END OF COMMENTS BY Dbsandmd >----------
> These Strongs to my knowledge is not related to my Nancy Jane Strong.  I
> thought I would post it though.  Source is a secondary source from Ozark
> Co, MO book.
> Generation 1
> Henry Harrison Strong's parents are believed to be:
> William Strong b: 1768 Scott Co., VA m: Jane Callahan
> Generation 2
> Henry Harrison Strong from Monroe Co., KY b: c 1814 m: Polly Hickman
> Ch: James Strong
>        Martha J. Strong
>        Rachel Strong
>        Daniel Webster
> Generation 3
> James Strong b: c 1842  m1: Rutha Jane Upton from Rutherford Co., NC d/o
> Thomas & Polly Upton m2: July 13, 1879 Sarah Ann Isom.
> James and Rutha's Children:
> Ch:   Henry Strong m: Sarah Sanders
>          Jesse C. Strong b: 1866 m: Mary Satterfield
>           Daniel Strong m: Mollie Evans
>           Polly Strong m: George Adams
>           Nancy Jane Strong m: George Green
>           William Taylor Strong b: 1874  d: Dec. 30, 1959 m: Becky Kimble
> m2: Rebecca
>                   Satterfield  m3: Fannie Harris Chenneyworth d/o Joseph &
> Sarah J. Harris
>           John Thomas Strong m: Liza Jane Lowe
>           Ellen Strong m: Harry Brown
>           Andrew
>          Joseph Samuel Strong b: Oct. 28, 1877 at Zanoni, MO
>          James Strong, Jr.  m1: Huldah Lowe m2: Julia Lawson
>           Unknown Child Strong
> James and Sarah Ann Isom
> Ch:   Phoebe Strong m: J. M. Hensley
>         Ike Strong m: Rutha Johnson
>         Alec Strong
>         Callie Strong m: Emma Harley
> Generation 4 (Notice the marriage date vs. children birth dates) ( I wonder
> if this is a typo and the marriage took place in 1887?)
> 1. Jesse C. Strong b: 1866 Ozark Co., MO m: May 10, 1897 Mary Wendy
> "Minnie" Satterfield d/o James Columbus  Satterfield and Jane Howell. Mary
> was b: Feb. 29, 1866 in Luna d: Mar. 1, 1940.  Both, Jesse and Mary are
> buried in Faye Cemetery near Gainsville.
> Ch:
> a)      1. Saul Strong  b: April 27, 1886 d: Nov. 6, 1976 m: Sept. 17, 1916
> b)      Rada  Strong  b: 1888 d: 1894
> c)      Otis Strong  b:1890  d: 1973  m: Aug. 2, 1909 Clara Clayton
> d)      Lige Strong  b: 1894 m: Nov. 2, 1926 Louise Latham
> e)      S. Elizabeth Strong  b: 1896 m1:Will Luna m2: Oliver Black
> f)      Tesley Strong  b: 1898 m: May 21, 1925 Mary Day
> g)      George Strong  b: 1896 d: 1906
> h)      Daniel Webb Strong  b: 1901 d: 1941 m: Ella
> i)      Lee Paul Strong  b: 1902 m: Virgie Rice
> j)      Lottie  Strong  b: 1904 m1: Orval Rice m2: Malvin Crawford
> k)      William Strong  b: 1906 m: Ruth White
> l)      Izzie Strong  b: 1912 m: Orval Looney
> 2. (Sam) Joseph Samuel Strong b: 1866 Zanoni, MO d: 1970 m: Oct. 19, 1902
> Martha Ellen Smith b: Sept 11, 1885 d: Mar. 24, 1960 d/o William Jordon
> Smith & Mary Elizabeth Kirkland. Both Sam and Martha are buried in the
> Patrick Cemetry.
> Ch:
> a)      Lisses Matthew Strong
> b)      Nancy Elizabeth "Lizzie" Strong  m1: Bill Coonce m2: Dennis Beard
> c)      Walter E. Strong  b: June 5, 1908  d: May 16, 1919
> d)      Rutha Ellen Strong  b: Jan. 2, 1912 m: Alva Hambelton
> e)      Estell Jordon Strong  m1: Rose Carter m2: Charlotte Weber
> f)      Irvon Strong b: Sept. 26, 1918 m1: Hermal Piece m2: Erma Pitcock m3:
> Jessie Agnew
> g)      Birvon Strong m1: Louetta Younger m2: Celeste "Lillie" b: Sept. 18, 1927
> d: April 6, 1942 buried at Patrick Cemetery
---------- End of message ----------

From: (L. Betts)
To: "Strong Family genealogy list"
Subject: "Old" Christopher Strong
Date: Mon, 21 Apr 1997 20:24:12 -0500


I spent some time today at UNC Library, Chapel Hill, NC, trying to find out
what I could about "Old" Christopher Strong and his wife, Jeanette

There is an article in The national Genealogical Society Quarterly, Vol 21
[I could be wrong about the number; can't read my writing], pp 17 et seq,
entitled Covenanters and The Work of Rev. John Cuthbertson.  It gives the
names of those Covenanters who sailed September 5, 1685 on the Henry and
Francis, from Leith, Scotland to Perth Amboy, NJ., where they arrived about
the middle of December.  The conditions were terrible and many died during
the voyage.  The passenger list includes CHRISTIAN STRANG and JANET
SYMINGTON.  Those two names are separated by the names of about ten other
persons.  There are no Christophers, Strongs or Jeannettes.  The passengers
were not Scotch-Irish, or Irish or Associate Reformed Presbyterians.  They
were Scotch [probably lowlanders], Reformed Presbyterians (Covenanters) who
were being dispatched from Scotland because they refused for religious
reasons to take the oath of loyalty to the government.  The article is
reprinted in Vol. 1 of Tepper's new work on immigrants to USA.

Are these the persons Miss Esther Strong was referring to?  Are more
questions raised in your mind?

By the way, according to Jones and Mills, The Presbyterian Church in South
Carolina, Christopher H. Strong was a licentiate under the care of Bethel
Presbytery in 1868 and died [circumstances not reported] in 1869.  The same
work mentions a Rev. Hugh Strong, who left the ministry to become a
professor of Modern Languages at Adger College [at Newberry, SC?].

---------- End of message ----------

From: Jeremy Franklin 
To: "Strong Family genealogy list"
Subject: Re: Strategies and Procedures for Strong, et al., Research
Date: Mon, 21 Apr 1997 22:14:57 -0500

i think the idea of one commmon database for all Strong info is an excellant
idea.  as for making it accessible to everyone, it would be possible to use
a program like GED2HTML. this would enable the posting of data in a format
searchable by surname or individual.  you can see how this looks and works
at my web page:

one hurdle to overcome with this format is that it is not searchable by
location or other details.  by using this method, the act of actually
getting the data onto the web is fairly painless, once one has a GEDCOM to
work with.  


At 08:02 AM 4/21/97 EDT, you wrote:
>Greetings, Dave, and Top of the Week to You and 
>to ALL on the Strong Mail List!
>It is Monday Morning, 5:45 AM in Alabama.  You have
>started the week out with a bang, Dave!
>Thanks for sharing the data on Christopher H. Strong.
>Would you kindly post the complete bibliographical 
>data for the book by Miss Esther Strong:  STRONG AND
>ALLIED FAMILIES?  Where did you locate a copy of this
>Regarding Henry Harrison Strong, Thomas Matthews is
>researching this family.
>What we need is a common genealogical database.  
>The rudiments already exist in a fragmented state.  I 
>believe Robert S. Strong in Michigan has a genealogical
>database for the descendants of John Strong family of 
>Massachusetts.  I have an as yet incomplete genealogical 
>database of the descendants of Martin and Ann Stanley
>Strong of Hanover Co., VA.  There is plenty of data, 
>for example in James Robert Rolff's book, to expand 
>this to all descendants of John Strong of St. Peter's
>Parish, New Kent Co. or James City County, VA, or to 
>all Strongs in VA and their descendants.  Then there is
>more general data about disparate families in STRONG
>FAMILY HISTORIES, VOLUME V.  Part of the problem is 
>getting all the data input into a genealogical database.  
>This is a slow, time-consuming process initially.  Of 
>course, after the data has been input, then it 
>becomes a labor saving device for future researchers.
>I would like to collect GEDCOMs from all subscribers to the
>STRONG, et al., Mail List and integrate then into a single 
>database.  Alternately this could be done by family groupings:
>for example, there could be a separate database for the 
>descendants of Strongs of Chester County, SC.  The latter 
>approach would likely be more manageable as the work
>would be distributed among several researchers.  Eventually 
>these family and/or regional databases could be integrated.
>A global database can be conceptualized, but would take
>many years to develop and would require a computer  with
>a rather huge storage capacity.
>This will take a lot of time to assemble and maintain.  The 
>other problem is that many people are reluctant to share 
>their research data.  
>The major hurdle is accessibility.  In order to have the data
>online for immediate access would require something like
>an electronic Bulletin Board, which would require a dedicated
>computer.  That now gets into financing such a project.  Who
>would put up the money for a dedicated computer?  Who 
>would operate and maintain the database?
>With an electronic bulletin board, you can also store electronic
>files (for example, GEDCOMS) , which can be retrieved and 
>downloaded at will.  Since we are talking about accessibility 
>by persons around the nation and even around the world,  how 
>could the cost of calling the Bulletin Board be minimized.  
>Nationally, a 1-800 telephone number would accomplish that, 
>but how would such a wide-area-access number be financed?
>One alternative would be to have everyone's GEDCOM 
>recorded on a CD-ROM.  How would this be financed?  Who
>would be responsible for the logistics of selling the CDs?
>There are, of course, several firms engaged in this type of
>business, the equivalent of a book publisher, if you will. 
>The standard genealogical databases allow one to do searches
>by surnames, then given names.  Mine [Family Origins for
>Windows, version 4.1] allows you to select individuals for
>downloading in a GEDCOM by performing a Query, which 
>can include up to six criteria, including place names, but 
>this feature is available ONLY when preparing a GEDCOM.
>That is, the Query feature is not availabe for viewing on
>screen in real time.   
>There are database software programs available that would
>allow searches via several different criteria, but the data 
>downloaded from such generalized relational  databases
>would not readily be transportable into most genealogy 
>databases.  The GEDCOM standard seems to be a necessity
>for portability.  
>Then you get into problems of copyright and privacy.  A 
>common database would require that persons give up their
>copyrights and place their data into the public  domain.
>And can we publically post data about living persons without
>their written consent without risk of violating their privacy?
>Everyone is invited to share their opinions and knowledge
>regarding  these issues.  Please post your thoughts and
>ideas to the Strong Mail List.  This should include a 
>statement about what you, as an individual, would be
>willing to do to accomplish such a goal as a common 
>genealogical database of Strong(e), Strang(e) Straughan,
>Strawn, L'Estrange, etc., surnames. 
>Robert T. ("Bob") Strong, Jr., Manager, STRONG Mail List
>119 Mystic Way, Monrovia Comm., Madison, AL 35758-7113
>(c) 1997.  Permission granted to copy for personal use only.
Jeremy T. Franklin

"A timid question will always receive a confident answer."  Lord Darling
---------- End of message ----------

To: "Strong Family genealogy list"
Subject: Re: Digests for Strong Mail List?
Date: Tue, 22 Apr 1997 19:21:56 -0400 (EDT)

Hi, STRONG family researchers.  
I am the author of the original query re: digest format.  Sorry I didn't
introduce myself before.  I am somewhat new to both genealogy and computers.
 But, I am picking up the threads of 40 years of research that my mother
accomplished before her sight went.  So, there are many surnames in my
family, but I don't, as yet, know them as intimately as most of the
subscribers to these Maiser lists appear to know theirs!

At least 15 of the Maiser lists relate to my family names, and I find that if
I don't use digest format for them I need to winnow through 50-60 messages
each day to identify which of those are addressed  to me specifically rather
than to the list in general!  The digest format for each these lists simply
bundles all messages for that day for that list into one packet entitled
"mail digest" e.g.:STRONG@rmgate.po mail digest.

I am most interested in any idea's to improve my method of managing multiple
Maiser lists.  I did not address this issue with the whole group because I
feared some might not feel that the content of this query was appropriate for
that forum.

Anyway, here's my STRONG connection as I know it:
	1  	John STRONG,Elder
		*2nd Wife of John STRONG,Elder
   		+Abigail FORD
	2  	Jedediah STRONG
      		+Freedom WOODWARD
   	3  	Preserved STRONG
         		+Tabitha LEE
      	4  	[2] Aaron STRONG
            		+[1] Rachel STRONG
         	5  	Chloe STRONG
              		+Caleb POMEROY
           	6  	Caleb POMEROY
                 		+Mary STRATTON
              	7  	Caleb Stratton POMEROY
                    		+Sarah WALKER
                 	8  	Mary Stratton POMEROY
                 		*2nd Husband of Mary Stratton POMEROY
                       		+Leander FOSTER
                    	9  	Marian Augugsta FOSTER
                          		+George Schuyler BROWN
                      	10  	Charles Clarence BROWN
                            		+Kela Beatrice SNEDEKER
                         	11  	Janice Elizabeth BROWN
                               		+William Carey SAVACOOL
                            	12  	Jean Louise SAVACOOL
                                          +John Joseph ANTHONY II
                                   13 John Joseph ANTHONY III
                                            +Jean Marie SCHIEFFEN
                                    14  John Joseph ANTHONY IV

I am also descended from JEDEDIAH STRONG's brother Thomas:

Direct Descendants of THOMAS STRONG
	1  	Thomas STRONG
		*2nd Wife of Thomas STRONG:
   		+Rachel HOLTON
	2  	Justice STRONG
      		+Sarah ALLEN
   	3  	Rachel STRONG
         		+Aaron STRONG

thats me.........12  	Jean Louise Savacool ANTHONY

Jean Anthony, 
2304 N Justin Ave.
Simi Valley, CA 93065

Searching for:
	Allen, Anthony, Barrett, Bartlett, Bissell, Brown, Brunner, Campbell,
Davidson, Detweiler, Dulmage, Embury, Ford, Foster, Frank, Gaetschalk,
Giesse, Handley, Hankey, Harr/Herr, Hayward, Hiltebeitel, Holton, Knapp, Lee,
Leister, Miller, Moore, Nase, Overholt, Pomeroy, Rockett, Sabelkool/Savacool,
Schieffen, Schultz, Shelly, Snedeker, Stratton, Strong, Terry, Trullinger,
Walsh, Wiegner, Woodward, Yeakel...........among others
---------- End of message ----------

From: Jeremy Franklin 
To: "Strong Family genealogy list"
Subject: Re: Digests for Strong Mail List?
Date: Wed, 23 Apr 1997 16:35:12 -0500

hi, Jean.  i am also a descendent of Jedediah, and i was the only one on the
list.  so it is good to have you subscribing!  i am reposting my line for
your sake.

i also had a comment about the digest idea.  another possible solution to
wading through 60 letters is getting an email program with filtering.  this
will enable your email software to automatically direct different letters to
different folders or mailboxes, for example: all letters to could go to one folder, all letters with the
surname Strong in the subject line could go to another, etc.  the newest
version of Eudora has this, but i am not sure how advanced it is or what
exactly is possible.  

here is my line, not quite up to date because i copied it from an old
letter, but close.:

Generation four:
John Strong
b. 1605: Taunton, Somerset co, England
m. ? (first wife, who died c1635)
m(2). Dec 30, 1636: Dorchester, Suffolk, Massachusetts
m(2). Abigail Ford (b. c1619 of Dorchester, MA.  d. Jul 6, 1688.  buried
Northampton, MA.)
d. Apr 14, 1699: Northampton, MA

Generation four con't:
Eleanor Strong
b. 1612-1613: Taunton, Bristol, Mass OR Northampton,Hampshire,England
m. Walter Dean (b. 1615-1620: Chard,Somerset,England) in MA
d. 1693: Taunton, Bristol, Mass

Generation five, children of John Strong and ?

Generation five, children of John Strong and Abigail:
b. May 7, 1637: Hingmam, MA
m. Novemer 18, 1662
m. Freedom Woodward (b. 1642.  of of Dorchester MA. d. May 17, 1681)
m(2) December 1681 to Abigail Stebbins
m(3) c1692 to Mary Hart Lee
d. May 22, 1733: Coventry, Tolland, CT

Generation five, con't (other children of John Strong and Abigail)

Generation Six, children of Jedediah and Freedom
b. Aug 7, 1667
m. Nov 8, 1688
m. Abiah Ingersoll (b. Aug 24, 1663.  d. Nov 20, 1732)
d. Oct 12, 1709: Woodcreek, NY

Generation Six con't, childrenof Jedediah and Freedom

Generation Six, children of Jedediah and Abigail

Generation Six, children of Jedediah and Mary

Generation Seven, children of Jedediah and Abiah
Freedom Strong
Ezra Strong
b. Mar 2, 1701/02: Lebanon, CT
m. Jan 12, 1730/31
m. Abigail Caverly (b. 1713. d. Jul 3, 1788)
d. Mar 7, 1785

Generation Eight, childrenof Ezra and Abigail
10 children of unknown name and:
Jabin Strong
b. Aug 12, 1734: Hebron, CT
m. Sarah Betsey Curtis
d. 1782

Generation Nine, children of Jabin and Sarah
Lydia Strong
b. Dec 4, 1772
m. Rev. Hugh C. Johnston (b. 1763: Duanesburgh, Schenectady, NY)

Generation Ten, childrenof Hugh and Lydia
Abner Johnston
David Johnston
Sarah Almira Johnston
b. 1815
m. Jan 12, 1835: Sidney, NY
m. John Yates Cotton (b. Mar 13, 1814.  d. Jul 25, 1892.  buried Atlantic, IA)
d. Oct 26, 1868.  buried Atlantic, IA

Generation Eleven, children of John and Sarah
Frances Augusta Cotton
b. Jun 26, 1840: Atlantic, IA?
m. Sep 24, 1868: Sparland, IL
m. Theodore Gustave Steinke (b. Mar 1, 1841: Niekosken, Posen, Prussia,
Germany.  d. Mar 21, 1913: Atlantic, IA)
d. Oct 8, 1918: Boone, IA.  buried Atlantic, AL

Generation Eleven con't
Catherin Isabella Cotton
Edward H. Cotton
Ernestine Alberta Cotton
John Frederick Cotton
Lucy M. Cotton

Generation Twelve, children of Theodore and Frances
Roslyn Marie Steinke
b. Mar 29, 1881: Atlantic, IA
m. Jun 24, 1908: Atlantic, IA
m. Charles Clyde Ball (b. Oct 21, 1881: Ramona, Lake co, SD.  d. Sep 21,
1955: Duluth, MN.  buried San Antonio, TX)
d. Jul 16, 1960: Evanston, IL.  buried San Antonio, TX

Generation Twelve con't
Gottfried C. Steinke
Carl Rossow Steinke

Generation Thirteen, children of Roslyn and C.C.
Eloise Elizabeth Ball
b. Jun 20, 1909: Grinnell, IA
m. Jun 14, 1940: Minneapolis, MN
m. Andrew Jackson Allensworth (b. Dec 23, 1899: San Antonio, TX.  d. (alive))
d. (alive)

Generation Thirteen con't
Mary Kathryn Ball
Zelda Blanche Ball

Generation Fourteen, children of Jack and Eloise
Margaret Eloise Allensworth
b. Sep 27, 1946: San Antonio, TX
m. Sep 10, 1965: San Antonio, TX
m. James Randall Franklin (b. Jan 8, 1842: Circleville, OH. d. (alive))
d. (alive)

Generation fourteen con't
Roslyn Anne Allensworth
b. May 5, 1944
m. (unmarried)
d. Mar 18, 1996

Generation fifteen, children of Jim and Peggy
James Andrew Franklin
b. Jul 3, 1975

(me) Jeremy Tyler Franklin
b. Apr 12, 1977

Jeremy T. Franklin

"A timid question will always receive a confident answer."  Lord Darling
---------- End of message ----------

From: Dick Parker 
To: "Strong Family genealogy list"
Subject: Strong>MA
Date: Thu, 24 Apr 1997 09:01:55 -0700

In reviewing the Marblehead VR to 1850 I find two listings for his wife
Susannah Besome. 
On pg 42 she is apparently baptized on 28 Aug 1768 and 13 Sep 1772. 

Is the first one a birth ?

Dick Parker
---------- End of message ----------

From: "S.S.Short" 
To: "Strong Family genealogy list"
Subject: Strong mailing list
Date: Sat, 26 Apr 1997 16:34:52 +0200

Please add the surname Straffen/Straffon/Straffan to your list.  This is a
very close variant of Straughen/Straughan.  The "f" sound and "gh" are
similar (as in laugh and enough), so Straughen was not only pronounced
"Strawn" but also "Straffen".

I suspect the surname originates from Strachan, as the earliest records are
from Northumberland which indicates migration southwards from Scotland.

Spelling of some of my ancestors varies between Straughen and Straffen for
the same person.

Please put me on your list of subscribers.

Straffen Short
---------- End of message ----------

From: (Robert T. Strong)
To: "Strong Family genealogy list"
Subject: STRANGE: MD > KY > IN
Date: Mon, 28 Apr 1997 22:45:07 EDT


--------- Begin forwarded message ----------

Subject: STRANGE
Date: Wed, 23 Apr 1997 20:54:56 -0400 (EDT)

I am studying the Strange family line that migrated 

Any interest?
--------- End forwarded message ----------
---------- End of message ----------

From: (Robert T. Strong)
To: "Strong Family genealogy list"
Subject: MAIL SERVER Offline Tuesday night, 22 APR 97
Date: Mon, 28 Apr 1997 23:12:31 EDT

Greetings to all Strong, et al., Researchers!

Upon my return home this evening I learned
that the MAISER List Server at the University 
of Indiana was out of order on the evening and
night of Tuesday, 22 APR 97.

If you posted mail to the Strong Mail LIst or 
to any other MAISER List after about 5 PM on the 
22nd or before about 8 AM on the 23rd, you are 
advised to repost your message.  [I believe that
all of Indiana is on Eastern Standard Time year 
round;  I know that Indianapolis and Eastern Indiana 

According to my inbox, there was only one 
message posted to the STRONG Mail List on 
each of the following dates:  the 22nd, the 24th, 
and the 26th.  

Tomorrow, I will share a couple of morsels scavenged 
on my trip to Danville, Pittsylvania Co., VA.


Robert T. Strong, Jr., Manager, STRONG Mail List
119 Mystic Way, Monrovia Comm., Madison, AL 35758-7113
(c) 1997.  Permission granted to copy for personal use only.
---------- End of message ----------

From: Thomas Weir 
To: "Strong Family genealogy list"
Subject: Re: Strategies and Procedures for Strong, et al., Research -Reply
Date: Mon, 28 Apr 1997 21:12:21 -0700 (PDT)

I notice on Cyndi's genealogic home page, there is a route to GEDClean
Home Page where one can download a program that will clean up GEDCOMs to
remove the data that one has on their living relatives. I haven't tried it

Tom Weir
---------- End of message ----------

To: "Strong Family genealogy list"
Subject: STRONG
Date: Tue, 29 Apr 1997 21:09:35 -0400 (EDT)


---------- End of message ----------

From: (Robert T. Strong)
To: "Strong Family genealogy list"
Subject: Strongs of Pittsyslvania Co., VA, 1767
Date: Wed, 30 Apr 1997 02:24:19 EDT

Recently I traveled to Danville, Pittsylvania Co., VA,
to visit my wife's 91 year old mother.  While there I 
spent a few hours each at the Danville Public  Library,
the Reidsville, Rockingham County, NC, Public Library,
and at the Rockingham County, NC, Court House.   The
amount of information available about the Strong 
family at these three sites was rather disappointing.
[Some early records had been transferred to the NC 
State Archives.]

At the Danville Public Library I found a book entitled
compiled by Maud Carter Clement.  Published by the
J. P. Bell Co., Inc., Lynchburg, Virgiinia, (c) 1929.
This book contained on Pages 283-284 the "List of 
Tithables Taken by Peter Perkins for the Year 1767."  

I had forgotten that I already had a transcript of this 
tax list which was included in an unpublished 
manuscript about the Samuel Crowley and Elizabeth 
Strong Crowley family prepared by Jack C. Grantham, 
Jr., 10102 Lanshire Drive, Dallas, Texas. 75328 and 
sent to me in 1994.  Jack Grantham credited James 
R. Rolff with obtaining a photocopy of the original 
tax list from the North Carolina State Archives.

The following is an exceprt of the tax list, from 
Page 283 in the book.  The names are presented in 
the order recorded on the tax list.

James Strong
Benjamin Croley, Negro Peter, Land
Thomas Strong
Charles Oates, tithe
Benjamine Croley, 1 tithe, Land
John Strong, Joseph Martin

Continued from Page 244:

Jeremiah Walker, Negro
Joseph Cummingham, 1 tithe, Land
Joseph Morton, 1 tithe, Negro Dinah 
      [Grantham says Hannah], Land


The wife of Benjamin Crowley was Sarah 
Strong, daughter of William Strong, Sr., 
formerly of Hanover County, VA. 

The tax list is reproduced in more detail in Jack
Grantham's draft manuscript, in Chapter 7, 
entitled "The Clan Which Came Together Along
the Sandy River in Pittsylvania County" [Virginia],
on pages 89-91.  Benjamin Crowley with Negro 
Peter, was taxed for 48 acres land.  The second
Benjamin Crowley was taxed for 210 acres land.

Jack Grantham compared the tax list with 
recorded deeds and concluded that the second
Benjamin Crowley, credited with owning 210 
acres, was an error, and should have been 
Samuel and Elizabeth Crowley.  Samuel
Crowley was the purported husband of Elizabeth 
Strong, daughter of William Strong, Sr., formerly 
of Hanover County, VA.  

Being over the age of 60, William Strong, Sr., did 
not appear on the tithable list.  He apparently owned
no land or slaves in Pittsylvania County in 1767, 
although a 1770 affidavit  proves he was alive and 
a resident of Pittsylvania County.   

The appearance of Joseph Martin on this tax 
list as a tithable of John Strong should be noted
by descendants of Alexander Strong of Rockingham
County, NC,  who changed his name to Alexander 
Strong Martin immediately after the death of his 
father, former Governor of North Carolina, Alexander 
Martin.   According to Grantham, this Joseph Martin 
became a Major General, and the town of Martinsville, 
the county seat of Henry County, VA, is named in his
honor.  Grantham reported that this Joseph Martin
is known to have visited with Gov. Alexander Martin
and subsequently to have written a letter to Patrick
Henry, 2nd [first governor of the Commonwealth of 

The following is quoted from a letter sent by 
Jack Grantham to Lyle A. Strong, Strong Family
Association of America (SFAA) Associate Historian,
dated 1 January 1994, with a carbon copy sent to

"The only person on this tax list who owned 210
acres of land was Samuel Crowley, youngest brother
of Benjamin Crowley.  The deed shows the 210 acres
to be owned by Samuel and Elizabeth Crowley.  
In 1774, on a Tithable List prepared by John Donelson,
this land was added to the 110 acres owned by Sam 
and Elizabeth.   ...I have some copies of correspondence 
between Colonel John Donelson and Joseph Martin..."

[John Donelson led a group of settlers to the frontier 
of Tennessee and settled on the Cumberland River,
near the present city of Nashville.  The town of Donelson 
is named for him.  His daughter became Mrs. Andrew 
Jackson, First Lady.  Andrew Jackson subsequently  
built a mansion in the same vicinity, called The 
Hermitage.  The general vicinity in now best known as 
the site of Opryland USA, a short distance from Donelson
and Hermitage, TN.

My Strong ancestors, Sherwood Strong and Isham S. 
Strong, also lived in this neighborhood, as they were 
neighbors of the Donelsons in 1820.]

In a separate letter to me, also dated 1 JAN 1994,
Jack Grantham commented:  "There are reasons for
our belief that the lady who bore a son to Gov. Alex.
Martin was the widow of Thomas Strong.  We can 
get into all of that later..."    So our researchers of 
Alexander Strong Martin may wish to correspond 
with Jack Grantham to get further elaboration of his
theory and determine whether he has docucumentation
that would be helpful.  

To recapitulate:  the 1767 tax list for Pittsylvania 
County, VA, showed five children of William Strong, Sr.,
residing in close proximity to one another:  James
Strong, Sarah Strong Crowley, Thomas Strong,
Elizabeth Strong Crowley, and John Strong.

I will write further about Alexander Strong Martin in 
a message tomorrow.  

Robert T. ("Bob") Strong, Jr., Manager, STRONG Mail List
119 Mystic Way, Monrovia Comm., Madison, AL 35758-7113
(c) 1997.  Permission granted to copy for personal use only.
---------- End of message ----------

From: (Robert T. Strong)
To: "Strong Family genealogy list"
Subject: Alexander S. Martin of Rockingham Co., NC, son of Elizabeth Stron
Date: Wed, 30 Apr 1997 12:28:39 EDT

Danville, VA, where I was visiting, is on the 
Virginia side of the border with North Carolina.
>From Danville, you can travel to a half dozen
county court houses in Virginia and North 
Carolina within about a half-hour or less.  On
previous trips to Danville I have done research
in Orange, Caswell, and Person Counties, NC.
On this visit, I decided to visit Rockingham 
County, NC, in search of information about the
identify of the husband and/or parents of 
Elizabeth Strong, mother of Alexander Strong,
also known as Alexander Martin Strong,
according to the will of Alexander ("Alex" ) 
Martin, former governor of North Carolina, 
who acknowledged in the will, recorded FEB
1807,  that he was the biological father of 
Alexander Martin Strong.  The identity of 
the husband and/or parents of Elizabeth Strong 
remains one of the unsolved mysteries of 
the "Strongs of the South"--Southern U. S. A.

At the Reidsville Public Library I found the
following book.

NORTH CAROLINA, 1983, compiled by the
Rockingham Historical Society, Inc., Wentworth,
NC.  Copies of the book may be ordered from
the Society, % The Heritage of Rockingham
County, Post Office Box 84, Wentworth, NC
27375.  The book was printed by Hunter
Publishing Company, Winston-Salem, NC.
ISBN # 0-89459-212-2.  Library of Congress
Catalog Number 83-83227.

An article on the Strongs of Rockingham County
was contributed to this book by James R. Rolff.
Linda C. Vernon contributed two articles:  one
on the Sharp family and another entitled
"Alexander Strong Martin Family", Article 668,
page 384.  I did not make a photocopy as I was 
aware that researchers of this family had been
in contact with Mrs. Vernon.  

The data that interested me was that Alexander
Martin died by FEB 1807, when his will was
recorded, and in that same month Alexander
Martin Strong petitioned the Court of Pleas and
Quarter Sessions to legally change his name 
to Alexander Martin Strong, according to Mrs.

I made the following brief notes:

10 AUG 1808   Alexander Strong Martin married
                       Elizabeth Sharp in Rockingham Co.
1838                Relocated to Guilford Co., NC
1840                At Summerfield
1848                Relocated to Mississippi
18 OCT 1864    Alexander S. Martin died in MS.
                       Elizabeth returned to Rockingham Co.,
                       NC, after the death of her husband.
17 JUN 1880     Mrs. Elizabeth Sharp Martin died.

The book contained a number of brief references to 
other Strongs, mainly later marriages.  At the Reidsville 
Public Library I found nothing else of interest about 
Elizabeth Strong and/or Alexander Strong Martin.

The Rockingham County Court House is located at
Wentworth, NC, about a five minute drive from 

Rockingham County was formed 29 DEC 1785 from
Guilford County, NC.  Thus any NC records of Gov. 
Alexander Martin, Elizabeth Martin, and Alexander
Strong Martin dated before 1786 will be found in
Guilford County, NC.  Those records need to be 

I was particularly interested in obtaining a copy of
the FEB 1807 record of the legal change of name
from Alexander Martin Strong to Alexander Strong
Martin, but discovered the court records for this 
period of time had been transferred to the North
Carolina State Archives.  

Available in the Clerk of Courts Office were deed
and will books, dating from 1786.

[Keep in mind that Elizabeth Strong, daughter of
William Strong, Sr., purportedly married Samuel 
Crowley, probably in Halifax Co., VA, prior to
the Revolution, so she was Mrs. Elizabeth Crowley,
rather than Mrs. Elizabeth Strong.]

The will of Alexander Martin, former governor,
is recorded in Will Book A, beginning on Page 44.
The will of John Strong, Sr., proved MAY 1811, is
recorded in Will Book A, beginning on Page 313.
The will of Robert Strong, proved NOV 1848, is
recorded in Will Book C, beginning Page 79.

There were many deeds of conveyance to and
from Strongs.  I searched the index for deeds to
or from Elizabeth Strong or Alexander M. Strong
or Alexander S. Martin.  

I quickly learned there was a second Alexander 
Martin Strong, who was named as a son of Robert 
Strong in an 1845 deed of gift.  The fact that 
Robert Strong named a son Alexander Martin 
Strong might suggest that he, Robert, was 
related to Elizabeth Strong or to her apparent 
husband.  The will of John Strong, Sr., named 
Robert Strong as his son.

30 AUG 1787:  Elizabeth Strong deed to James
Rhodes, both of Rockingham Co., 188 acres on
Fishing Creek.  Witnesses:  J. Holderness and
Nathaniel Moxley.  Elizabeth made her mark,
resembling an E or pitchfork point downward.
Recorded Deed Book B, Page 212.
[Efforts should be made to trace the above
land in earlier records of Guilford County, NC.  
Who acquired the land:  Elizabeth Strong or 
her presumed husband?]

3 FEB 1788:  James Pratt deed to Elizabeth
Strong, both of Rockingham Co., 50 acres,
bounded by Turbyfield Barnes and William 
Pratt.  Witnessed by John Strong (his mark)
and Jas. Holoorness [Holderness?].  

[Was this John Strong perhaps a brother-in-
law?  Or was Elizabeth's son, John Strong,
old enough to have been a legal witness in
1788, indicating a birth by 1767?]

24 FEB 1797:  Elizabeth Strong made a deed 
of gift of goods and chattels to her son, John 
Strong.  Both of Rockingham Co., NC.  
Witnesses:  Frederick Irion and Richard Vermont.
Recorded Deed Book E, Page 60.

20 OCT 1808:  Alexander S. Martin deeded 150
acres on Bushy Fork of Jacobs Creek to John
Reagan.  Recorded NOV 1808 in Deed Book M,
Page 546.  

[The father of Alexander S. Martin had acquired 
over 1500 acres on Jacobs Creek in five grants 
and deeds dated 1794 to 1802.]

21 FEB 1810:  James Strong deeded 50 acres
to Alexander S. Martin.  Bounded by Roach,
Walker, John Jones.  Witnesses:  Adam Sharp
and Josiah Roberts.  Recored in Deed Book N, 
Page 308.  [How was James Strong related 
to Elizabeth Strong?  Was he a brother-in-

30 MAY 1812: Elizabeth Strong deeded 50 acres
to [her son] John Strong, both of Rockingham Co.  
The land was bounded by Turbyfiled Barnes and 
William Pratt.  Witnesses were Alexander S. Martin 
and Cornelius Mabry.  Recorded in Deed Book O, 
Page 359.  [This is the same land that Elizabeth
Strong acquired from James Pratt in 1788.]

1813:  Robert Martin, Sr., and Robert Martin, Jr.,
deed to Alexander S. Martin, 130 acres located
on both sides of Upper Hogan's Creek.   Witnessed
by Jno. Martin, Obediah Fields, and Abraham
Lumbrick (?).  Recorded in Deed Book P, Page 116.
[Alexander Martin, former governor, had a son,
Robert Martin, who had apparently deceased 
before 1807.  See the will of Alexander Martin.]

The above records do not provide any definitive
proof regarding the identity of Elizabeth Strong's
presumed husband or her parents.  The records
do point to Guilford County as the site of 
additional information prior to the creation of
Rockingham County.  A search for Strong deeds
on Fishing Creek might prove profitable.   
Particular efforts should be made to find records
of Thomas Strong in Guilford County.

With the above records in mind, I have reviewed 
James R. Rolff's section on Thomas Strong, Chapter
a brief abstract of what is known about Thomas
Strong, born 16 DEC 1739, Hanover County, VA, 
son of William Strong, Sr., and grandson of
John Strong, Sr., of St. Peter's Parish, New Kent
or James City County, VA.

Thomas Strong resided in the part of Halifax
County, VA, from which Pittsylvania County
was formed in 1767.  [It is possible that he married
in Halifax County, VA.]

FEB 1767:  On Road Gang in Halifax Co., VA

On 1767 tax list of Pittsylvania Co., VA, recently
created from Halifax County.

References to Thomas Strong in Pittsylvania 
County, Virginia, Court Minutes:
26 AUG 1769
28 JUL 1770
28 MAY 1773

No records of Thomas Strong have been 
found after 18 MAY 1773.  Thomas Strong failed
to appear in court in 1773 although summoned,
probably via a notice posted on the courthouse
door.  Could he have relocated to Guilford
County, NC, prior to 1773?  Or could he have
died by 1773?

The identify of the wife of Thomas Strong has not 
been proven.  Rolff concluded that Mary Strong was
his widow.  Rolff stated:  "How do we know that
this Mary Strong was the widow of Thomas?   First,
she's the only Strong widow available on these
censuses."  The reference was to the 1790 and 1800
census reports of Rockingham Co., NC.  We now have
proof that there was another possibility:  Elizabeth

The records of Elizabeth Strong suggest that she
was possbily a sister-in-law of John Strong and
James Strong, which is consistent with her being
the widow of Thomas Strong.  

Further research is needed regarding both 
Elizabeth Strong and Mary Strong to identify 
their husbands and parents. 

One of the things proven by the above deeds is
that John Strong, son of Elizabeth Strong, was 
still in Rockingham County, NC, in 1812.  He thus
could not have been the John Strong who earlier
died to Davidson County, Tennessee.  All
Rockingham County, NC, deeds to and from 
persons named John Strong in the early 1800s
need to be studied in search of this John Strong,
son of Elizabeth.  When did he sell his land in
Rockingham County?

It was of interest to me that Alexander Martin 
was a well documented Revolutionary War soldier
and officer, yet there have apparently been no
applications approved by the Daughters of the
American Revolution for the descendants of
Alexander Strong Martin.  Were any applications
submitted and denied?  If so, they might contain 
valuable information, even if membership was 
denied based on a birth out of wedlock.  

Robert T. ("Bob") Strong, Jr., Manager, STRONG Mail List
119 Mystic Way, Monrovia Comm., Madison, AL 35758-7113
(c) 1997.  Permission granted to copy for personal use only.
---------- End of message ----------

From: Francie Lane 
To: "Strong Family genealogy list"
Date: Thu, 01 May 1997 01:38:58 -0700

Re posting by Robert T. Strong on the Strongs of Pittsylvania Co., VA.,  
his travels to the Reidsville Public Library, Rockingham Co., NC.  and 
disappointment at finding little information available.   I would like to 
point out to any researchers contemplating a trip to Rockingham Co., NC. 
that the Madison Public Library has a very well-stocked Genealogical 
Department annex, containing books, microfilm and family histories of
Rockingham families.  

I am a direct descendant of Gov. Alexander Martin of Rockingham Co., NC, 
father of Alexander Strong Martin.  I have spent a great deal of time 
researching my Martin family and can confidently state that Joseph Martin 
of Pittsylvania Co., VA was not related to Gov. Alexander Martin.  I have 
data on all of Gov. Martin's siblings and cousins and Joseph is not among 
them.  Joseph Martin was born in 1740, VA, son of Joseph & Susanna 
Chiles/Childs Martin.  Father Joseph was the son of William Martin,  a 
Bristol, England shipping merchant.   Gov. Martin was born and raised in 
NJ, his father was born and raised in Ireland, and his grandfather was 
from Scotland.  That Gov. Alexander Martin and General Joseph Martin 
visited is understandable due to the proximity of their residences; i.e.
Rockingham Co., NC and Henry Co., VA;  and the fact that both were 
politically active in their respective State governments.  
Francie Lane
---------- End of message ----------

From: Francie Lane 
To: "Strong Family genealogy list"
Subject: ALEXANDER S. MARTIN OF ROCKINGHAM CO., NC, son of Elizabeth Stron
Date: Thu, 01 May 1997 02:07:46 -0700

Alexander Strong Martin is my 3rd GGF, and was the son and only child of 
NC Gov. Alexander Martin.  Although, I'm unaware of any other descendants 
of Gov. Alexander Martin being subscribers to the Strong Family List, I 
wish to correct the data and information submitted 4/30/97 by Robert T. 

It was stated that "Alexander Martin died by FEB 1807, when his will was 
recorded". Gov. Alexander Martin died on 2 November 1807.  His will was 
written 20 February 1807.  The witnesses to his will signed the will IN 
HIS PRESENCE on 29 April 1807. Subsequent Codicils were added to the 
will, the last of which was dated 19 September 1807, and signed by both 
Gov. Martin and witnesses.  His death was reported in the newspapers.

Nine months prior to Gov. Martin's death, Alexander Strong petitioned the 
Pleas & Quarter Court during the February 1807 Session to legally change 
his name to Alexander Strong Martin.  None of my research has ever 
indicated that he was known as "Alexander Martin Strong".  In fact, the 
court record states, "..provided that Alexander Strong otherwise called 
Alexander Strong Martin,  the.son of Alexander Martin, Esq. and
Elizabeth Strong be allowed to be confirmed, and known by the name 
Alexander Strong Martin..."  Gov. Martin's will states, "my natural son, 
Alexander Strong, son of Elizabeth Strong, otherwise called and known by 
the name Alexander Strong Martin...."

It was stated:  10 Aug 1808 - Alexander Strong Martin m. "Elizabeth" 
Sharp.  His marriage was to Margaret Sharp.  I have a copy of their 
Marriage Bond, a family Bible, Census data, and LWT -  and Margaret Sharp 
Martin was not known as Elizabeth.

There is only 1 Guilford Co. deed recorded for Elizabeth Strong which is 
property located in what is now Rockingham Co., NC.  There are no records 
for Alexander Strong Martin in Guilford Co. prior to 1786.  He was born 
July 8, 1787.  There are many deeds and records for Alexander Martin, 
Esq. contained in Guilford, Mecklenberg, Rowan, Montgomery, Anson, 
Buncombe, Wilkes, Stokes, Lincoln Counties, NC, and numerous tracts of 
land in what is now Tennessee.

Robert Strong and son Alexander M. Strong were from the line of John 
Strong (7), the presumed brother-in-law of Mrs. Elizabeth Strong.   I 
don't believe there should be any significance placed on naming the son 
"Alexander Martin" Strong, as Gov. Martin was a revered political figure 
in NC history, and there were any number of children named in honor of 
him, as was the case for "George Washington" Martin, son of A. S. Martin. 

Re Deed from Elizabeth Strong to James Rhodes,  I have traced the land in 
question.  It was purchased by Elizabeth Strong.  

Re Deed of James Pratt to Elizabeth Strong.  The name of the witness is 
clearly shown to be James "Holderness".  The witness, John "+" Strong, 
was Elizabeth's son, who was old enough to be a legal witness in 1788.

Re Deed of Elizabeth Strong to son, John Strong.  The Witness was clearly 
written to be Richard Vernon - not Richard "Vermont".  

Alexander Martin, Esq. actually purchased his first tract of land on 
Jacobs Creek in 1761 through a Lord Granville Grant, and added to that 
original 436 acres through the years. His Jacobs Creek holdings totaled 
closer to 1,800 acres.

Re Deed of James Strong to Alexander S. Martin, it is my belief that 
James Strong was A.S. Martin's half-brother, and the property was 
subsequently sold in 1844 to James Strong's widow.

Re Deed of Robert Martin, Sr. & Jr. to Alexander S. Martin.  It was 
stated, "Alexander Martin former governor, had a son, Robert Martin, who 
had apparently deceased before 1807.  See the will of Alexander Martin." 
I have the will of Gov. Martin, and I am at a loss to see how anyone 
could  conclude that Gov. Martin had a son named Robert and that he died 
prior to 1807.  Robert Martin was Gov. Martin's brother, the proof of 
that is from (1) the will of Hugh Martin, the father of Alexander Martin, 
Esq. and  Robert.  (2) A law suit filed by Robert Martin against his 
brother James. (3) The will of Gov. Martin, wherein is stated, "I 
..devise to the use of my Brother Robert Martin...." The above cited
deed involves Alexander S. Martin's uncle, Robert Martin, Sr., and first 
cousin, Robert Martin, Jr., son of Robert, Sr.  Neither Robert, Sr. nor 
Jr. was deceased by 1807.  

The only Strong deed on Fishing Creek is that of Elizabeth Strong, and 
there are no deeds known to exist for Thomas Strong in Guilford Co.

I would suggest that the question of why there are no approved 
applications for membership in the D.A.R. for descendants of Alexander 
Martin, is because of the fact that he never married, and  his only 
child, Alexander Strong Martin, was born out of wedlock, a well-known 
fact.  Anyone applying for D.A.R. membership, if descended from Alexander 
Strong Martin - the only descendant of Gov. Martin - would know of the
illegitimacy of birth, and thus would apply based on descendancy from A. 
S. Martin's father-in-law, whose Rev. War service is well documented.
Francie Lane
---------- End of message ----------

To: "Strong Family genealogy list"
Subject: RockinghamCo, N.C.
Date: Thu,  1 May 1997 10:37:04, -0500

Dear Robert T. Strong
        I'm very sorry to hear that you did all that research in
Rockingham Co., N.C. and found nothing of value. I wish
you would have contacted one of us from that line, so that
we could have told you about our progress before you
wasted your time. Every single thing you mentioned we've
had for years. If I were to suddenly decide to start further
research on your Isham Strong I would certainly contact
you first to determine where you were at with it. For your 
information,  there is now sufficient information to show
that the Mrs. Elizabeth Strong you mentioned was the
widow of Thomas Strong Sr.. Also, the parents, etc., of
Mrs. Elizabeth Strong are now known. These thing will
not be presented to the Strong List until they meet your
high standards. Also, In the future when you quote my
copyrighted book would you please mention that this
was written 15 years ago. It would be nice if everyone
knew this, because they would understand that I have
made progress in 15 years on some of these points you
mention. I certainly wouldn't drag out your 15 year old
letters. James R. Rolff(

---------- End of message ----------

To: "Strong Family genealogy list"
Subject: Research re RockinghamCo, N.C.
Date: 1 May 1997 15:10:24 EDT

Ouch !
The discussion is getting a little heated, wouldn't you all agree?
Sounds like Jim Rolff and Francie Lane have done some VERY good
research, and are to be commended.  And Bob Strong can't be blamed for
taking a very active interest in the subject... since you are all
Virginia Strongs!  Keep on working on it folks... I'm personally rooting
for a showing of First in the Americas for the Virginians!  Good Luck!
Regards, Dave Strong
LV>Dear Robert T. Strong
LV>        I'm very sorry to hear that you did all that research in
LV>Rockingham Co., N.C. and found nothing of value. I wish
LV>you would have contacted one of us from that line, so that
LV>we could have told you about our progress before you
LV>wasted your time. Every single thing you mentioned we've
LV>had for years. If I were to suddenly decide to start further
LV>research on your Isham Strong I would certainly contact
LV>you first to determine where you were at with it. For your
LV>information,  there is now sufficient information to show
LV>that the Mrs. Elizabeth Strong you mentioned was the
LV>widow of Thomas Strong Sr.. Also, the parents, etc., of
LV>Mrs. Elizabeth Strong are now known. These thing will
LV>not be presented to the Strong List until they meet your
LV>high standards. Also, In the future when you quote my
LV>copyrighted book would you please mention that this
LV>was written 15 years ago. It would be nice if everyone
LV>knew this, because they would understand that I have
LV>made progress in 15 years on some of these points you
LV>mention. I certainly wouldn't drag out your 15 year old
LV>letters. James R. Rolff(

---------- End of message ----------

From: "Jane Nicholas" 
To: "Strong Family genealogy list"
Subject: STRONG of Hampshire, Eng. and Australia
Date: Fri, 2 May 1997 07:43:46 EST

Hello -
I have lurking on the Strong list for a while. Just a brief note on 
my Strong interest.
My ancestor, Frederick Strong was born in Hampshire, England in 1828, 
the son of William Strong and Martha Brown. Frederick married in 1850 
Elizabeth Horn (dau. of Robert and Maria) in Andover, Hampshire.
Frederick and Elizabeth emigrated to Australia (Victoria) between 
1851 and 1853. Frederick lived to a ripe old age, and met his end 
being run over by a tram (do you call them trolley cars?) in 
I'm enjoying all the Strong postings,
Jane Nicholas
---------- End of message ----------

To: "Strong Family genealogy list"
Subject: Rockingham Co., N.C.
Date: Thu,  1 May 1997 22:54:02, -0500

Dear Dave(
        I appreciate the comments you made today, and agree with 
every bit of it. I would welcome any
good and new research anybody cares to do on Virginia Strongs, and in 
fact I wish all of you would help.
However, if Francie Lane's letter is carefully read it can be plainly 
seen that the research in question was neither good nor new. Dave, it 
would be kind of like if I came up there to Canada and researched 
family, probably you wouldn't mind if I found some good stuff for you,
 but if I found the same old stuff, got half of it wrong, and 
presented it to a public forum, you'de probably be a little upset. I 
like this group because we have Strongs from all over the world, and 
we might make connections that could be made no other way. I suspect 
that someday we will find that the New England Strongs and Virginia 
Strongs were from the same England Strong family. I'm Canadian by 
employment and ancestry. I work for Canadian National Railway, and my 
family was from Lindsay, Ontario. For those of you who haven't found 
it yet, try:  James R. Rolff(LVZM23A@prodigy.
---------- End of message ----------

From: Francie Lane 
To: "Strong Family genealogy list"
Date: Thu, 01 May 1997 23:24:17 -0700

Dear Bob, 
I, too, am concerned that correct information be published and
disseminated concerning the parents of Alexander Strong Martin.
(That had been my sole purpose in posting corrections today). I am
devoting all of my spare time this year in a concentrated effort to prove
the family and lineage of Mrs. Elizabeth Strong, my 4th GGM.  I would
hope the subscribers will understand that my time is limited and I prefer
to continue researching at this point, rather than posting disjointed 
bits and pieces to the List where a  majority of the subscribers would 
not be interested; or finding myself distracted from the research at hand 
to post detailed explanations, etc.  I've lost a considerable number of 
hours just in the past 2 days on this matter.  I would assure you that 
when the work has been completed, you definitely will be advised.  
Regarding your specific question re the Deed of Elizabeth Strong to James 
Pratt, I have reached what I believe to be a logical conclusion that her 
witness was her son, John Strong.  Elizabeth's son John was of  legal age 
to serve as a witness, (Census statistics)  The property in question was 
far removed from the residence of John Strong (7) and his John Strong, 
Jr. (Deeds of both families).   Unfortunately, "logic" is all that we 
have available, as no proof of identity or relationship of a witness was 
required on the documents.  

Thank you, Bob, for explaining how you derived at a deceased Robert
Martin.  I will check the Rockingham Wills on my next library trip;
however, in the meantime, I would state that the only Robert Martins that
were legatees of Gov. Alexander Martin were his nephew, Robert, Jr. and
his brother Robert, Sr. who died 1 Jun 1822.  Brother Robert Martin did
not have heirs named Esther, James, Andrew or Walter Martin.  Nephew
Robert Martin, Jr. outlived his father.  I am left at this point to 
assume that the Will Index listing you cited involved an Alexander Martin 
of one of the several unrelated Rockingham Martin families. 

I do wish to advise  that I'm well acquainted with Mrs. Linda Vernon, who
descends from Alexander Strong Martin & his wife Margaret Sharp Martin, 
through their daughter Sallie, the sister of my 2nd GGM Mary Martin.  
Linda and I have shared research through the years, and I've always found 
her work to be highly professional and accurate.  I assume the "articles" 
by Mrs. Vernon referred to were those contained in the "The Heritage of 
Rockingham County, N.C."   I reviewed those articles in my copy of the 
book, and can vouch that in no instance did she report Alexander S. 
Martin's wife to be Elizabeth.  In all cases, she correctly states his 
wife to be Margaret Sharp.  I also checked her article for use of
the name "Alexander Martin Strong".  I could not find where she used that
name.  I will quote her article, "In February 1807, Alexander Strong
appeared before the Pleas & Quarter  Court of Rockingham County and
petitioned the court that he, Alexander Strong, otherwise called 
Alexander Strong Martin, the reputed son of Alexander Martin, Esq. and 
Elizabeth Strong, be allowed to be known by the name of Alexander Strong 

My intention has always been to be a friendly collaborator, and I readily
admit to being overly proud and protective of my Martin family.  Through
the years, I feel intimately acquainted with Gov. Martin's public career 
and private life; each defeat and victory; joy and sorrow; as well as his 
parents, brothers and sisters; aunts, uncles and cousins.  It was a truly 
historic and fascinating family.  But of all the thousands of names I 
have amassed in my database, the ancestor I cherish above all is 
Alexander Strong Martin.   As you know, I am not in the Strong bloodline, 
but maintained my subscription because of Elizabeth's first husband.  As 
far as I am aware, I'm the only Martin descendant on the List and was 
dismayed to find information concerning the Martins posted to the list 
that contained a number of errors, and then seemingly being lectured on 
what further research you feel needs to be done on my family, when in 
fact, I've "Been There - Done That".  Well, enough said - time to hit the 
books, again.
Francie Lane
---------- End of message ----------

To: "Strong Family genealogy list"
Subject: Research Protocols;or"Places Angels Fear to Tread"
Date: 2 May 1997 10:02:56 EDT

Hi Everyone...

This is an effort to pull together several threads which have perhaps
been worn bare recently.  I preface this with the old adage, "Fools Rush
In Where Angels Fear To Tread"... and hope that I do not seem foolish in
leading with my chin on this.

First, recently I floated the idea of creating a common data base of
genealogical data re the various Strong, etc., lineages of which the
group is aware.  Bob Strong, Roger Dellinger, Matt Strong, Tom Weir, and
Jeremy  (sorry Jeremy, I don't have your last name right at
hand as I write this) all jumped in with some useful ideas on how this
needs to be approached and how it could be accomplished.

One salient point is that we all have to be willing to share our
research and put it out there for comment, critique, and further
revision and input from others.   That is part of the time honored
"Socratic Method"... it is a system of researching for the true facts by
testing theories through exposure to questioning by others... if the
theory stands up under questioning, it may be accepted until something
better comes along.  A problem with the method is that we all tend to
take pride in our research and theories, and our feelings get bruised in
the give and take of questioning under fire.  One of the ways of
protecting ourselves is to have sources and details supporting our
theories marshalled and ready to present.

Another question that comes to mind involves willingness to disclose
information and theories "before we are ready", and in a manner with
which we feel comfortable.  In an academic setting, "publication" is the
manner traditionally used to expose our theories... publication in a
recognized periodical or book form.  Most of us have toyed at least with
the thought that we would like to publish a book presenting what we have
developed with our research... I know I have explored this thought.
Modernly, one of the problems with this is the cost of publication...
which must be weighed against the marketability of the "book" once it is
published.   Realistically, the cost probably far out strips the market
for the publication.  That leaves us with alternatives... (1) do
nothing; (2) publish a book any way; (3) share the info with any one who
is interested by what ever other means are out there... and this gets us
possibly to the presentation of this info on the internet.

I rather like the last alternative... but with caveats:
            (1) I think each of us should be able to present our sources
up front.  This is the big problem I personally have with the SFAA
publications... the info is presented with out adequate citation of
sources.  This gets more and more important the further back in time we
go, and the further afield the research.  I am rather suspicious of data
presented conclusively without sources.
            (2) Each of us should be able to gain appropriate credit for
our work and contribution to the overall publication.
            (3) There must be some method for deciding when it is proper
to change the there-to-fore agreed upon or published conclusions... what
springs to mind is either a committee process, or perhaps where only one
or two persons have done research in the area letting them make the
decision... anyway it is something for discussion.
            (4) This is perhaps the most difficult:  Protect the info
from misuse.  One concern is to limit the  info published to deceased
persons only... no living individuals. There are other concerns...
republication by some unscupulous person; etc.   At some point possibly
the limit on these concerns is the thought that much of the data we
would be publishing would be based on or readily acquired through public
records anyway... there is a balancing effort which needs some
            (5) All contibutions must be voluntary... no one has to
participate if they don't wish to, and they alone can decide exactly
what they contibute.

I hope the foregoing discussion will serve as the basis for more
discussion and possible development of a plan we can put into action.
And, I hope it will help put the recent discussions between Bob Strong,
Jim Rolff and Francie Lane into some useful perspective.  I believe some
of the issues discussed above underlie their "kerfuffle".
Perhaps this is the point to ask that those who previously volunteered
to do some research into techniques for publication on the internet
"report".  Also, I hope that Bob Strong, as our "Moderator" is ready to
help pull this discussion along.

Over and out.

Dave Strong

---------- End of message ----------

From: (Robert T. Strong)
To: "Strong Family genealogy list"
Subject: SUBSCRIBERS to STRONG Mail List, FRIDAY, 2 MAY 97
Date: Fri, 02 May 1997 11:38:56 EDT

>From the keyboard of Bob Strong, List Manager

Robert T. Strong, Jr. 
119 Mystic Way, Lori's Landing S/D, Monrovia Community 
Madison, AL 35758-7113


                         ROBERT'S RAMBLINGS

There is only one way to avoid making mistakes:  do nothing!
The Strong Mail List, and Surname LIsts in general, provides
a means of sharing data publicly, rather than privately.  The
major advantage of doing so is in the efficiency of commun-
icating with a wide audience.  We are a DISCUSSION group.
When we share data publicly we expect to receive feedback
regarding our data.  If we made an error or errors they will 
hopefully be corrected.  That is good, both for us personnally
and for the group!  We can learn from one another.  The 
important thing is that criticism or correction be offered in a 
friendly, helpful spirit.  Negativism and attacking others 
rather than offering constructive criticism or corrected data 
will surely stifle the sharing process.  

One of my roles as "List Owner" or "List Manage" or "List
Moderator"--whichever term you prefer--is to intervene 
when "flaming" occurs.  Flames include vulgar or obscene
language and/or personal attacks.  If a person's flames 
become disruptive to the Strong Mail LIst, the person will 
be counseled privately.  If the flaming continues, the person 
will be removed form the Discussion Group.  

Prior to my departure on a one-week trip, there was 
an ongoing discussion of strategies and procedures 
for consolidating our research efforts and sharing our 
knowledge about the Strong(e), Strang(e), Straugh(a)n,
and other related and similar surnames.  Only a 
minority of our subscribers participated in this discussion.
Those that participated were of the consensus  that the
best approach would be through creating a WWW 
homepage on the Internet that would provide a repository 
for GEDCOMs and HTMLs (whatever that it--I am still in the 
horse and buggy days on some of this).   The major issue 
now appears to be how much interest is there in under-
taking and financing such a project?  I have been assured
the costs will be minimal.  Some of our Discussion Group
members are investigating the costs.  How many of you 
would be willing to deposit your data on the Strong, et 
al., families there?  Implicit is a willingness to place data 
in the public domain.  What are the advantanges and 
disadvantages of doing so?  Your opinions are invited.

I will plan to incorporate the several messages on this 
topic together and recirculate them to refresh everyone's 
memory of the discussion.  

Another issue that has re-surfaced is whether the Strong
Mail List should be made available in Digest format.
I am still open to this idea but have asked for further
imput:  What is the advantage of receiving messages in
digest form?  How can Digests assist one to sort out 
personal mail as opposed to other mail?  Since I am not
personally familiar with MAISER Digests I am depending
on those of you who are to inform me and advise me.  

A related issue is traffic on the Strong List.  April was 
an atypical month as I reposted many messages from
DEC 96 and JAN 97.   I still plan to repost messages 
through FEB 97, but there were not many in FEB.  The
month of March was probably more typical:  an average
of two or three messages daily.  I noted that during my 
absence for a week there were even fewer messages.
Would Digest Mode be helpful if there are only two or 
three messages on the Strong List per day?

For reasons I do not yet understand, messages posted to the 
Strong Mail List are no longer being received by Lise Elliott, 
<  >, who is a descendant and 
researcher of the family of Thomas Strong, b. 1766, East 
Sussex, England.  Messages sent individually from me to her 
appear to be going through OK.  So, if you wish for Lise 
Elliott to receive a copy of your message, please send a 
carbon copy to her.

Patt Fulton sent a note that she is making a sojourn to Salt 
Lake City to do research, obviously at the LDS Family History 
Center.  Temporarily, she will not be receiving messages from 
the Strong Mail List.

In the future the Subscriber List will be updated on a 
monthly basis, on the First Friday of the Month.  The next
update is planned for 6 JUN 97.  On a weekly basis I will
attempt to identify new subscribers and send them a 
subscriber list in the interim.


If you know a Strong, etc., researcher who is not already 
subscribed, please send them an invitation to join us, to learn 
about our families, and to share information about their 
families.   A sample or model Announcement has been posted 
to the Mail List which may be used for this purpose.  Contact 
the List Manager is you do not have a copy.

The MAIL SERVER ("MAISER") at Indiana University is now
providing directories of the STRONG Mail List archives.
To obtain the most recent directory send the following message 
to the MAISER E-Mail address, beginning Column 1, Line 1.

send std.dir

The syntax for obtaining archived messages for the STRONG
List from the MAISER List Server address is:

send YY-MM-DD.std


send 97-01-30.std
send 97-03-24.std

                     CURRENT SUBSCRIBER LIST

Members of STRONG Mail List as of FRIDAY, 2 MAY 97

Current number of subscribers:  63

Welcome to New Subscribers Since Last Update: 4
  (Straffen S. Short)

We look forward to our new subscribers introducing
themselves and their Strong, Strang, Strange, 
Straughan, etc.,  family connections in the near future.
Please tell us Who, Where, and When about your 
connections and you are also urged to post a descendancy
chart.  Please also identify yourselves, if you have not 
already done so,  so that a name can be attached to your 
Internet E-Mail address. 


The subscriptions of the following persons have been 
terminated since the last update:
  (GeLee Corley Hendrix) (Lise Elliott) 


Matthew (Matt) Strong:
      Old address:
      New address: 


Not Receiving E-Mail from Strong List (Set to NOMAIL): (Mike Strong) (Patt Fulton) (Matthew James Carman)
To contact the above individuals, send your message directly
to their E-Mail address rather than to the STRONG List.

Please report any corrections or additions to the Subscriber
List below to the List Manager.  A migration route will be 
added to your name and/or E-Mail address if you provide 
that information.

"Descendants," as used below, includes researchers of these 
families who may not be descendants.


Strongs in England (Lise Elliott) 
           [Thomas Strong, b. 1766, East Sussex, England]

Strongs of England & Australia (William ("Bill") Strong)
            [Thomas Strong, d. bef. 1918, Oxford?, ENG;
            William Strong b.1880, Oxford?, ENG, 
                    d.1959?,  Bathurst, AUST] (Jane Nicholas)
            [Wm. Strong of Hampshire, ENG, 1800s;
             Frederick Strong of Victoria, Australia, 1800s]

Strongs of Ireland and Australia (Victoria ("Tory") Strong)

Strongs of Ireland and Canada ("Bill" Strong)  [IRE > CAN > MT, USA] (Mike Strong) [IRE > ONT, CAN]
            [ William STRONG of Sligo, IRE, b.1800 > Quebec > 
            d. 1881, ONT, CA] (Dave Strong) [IRE > ONT, CAN]
            [George Strong, (b. Ireland abt. 1825, d. Ontario 1893)]

Other Strongs of Canada
     Descedants of William Strong, b. 1825,  of Newfoundland
  (Barbara Pederson)
  (Gerry Strong) 

Strongs of Scotland and  Ireland and South Carolina
    Charles Strong, b. Scotland, d. 1783 Ireland
          Letitia Strong (b. 1766, Ireland-d. 1837, SC)
          m. 1778 James STRONG, Jr. (b.1749, IRE -d.1829, SC)            
          (Thomas Weir)
          (Roger Dellinger)
           Christopher Strong, b. 1760 IRE; d. 1850, Dickson Co., TN
           (Lowry Betts)
Strongs of Ireland and South Carolina
     James Strong, Sr. b.1709 Ireland; d, 1779 Chester Co., SC
   (Thomas Weir)
   (Roger Dellinger)
John Strong, "Elder", of England, Massachusetts, and

      Descendants of Thomas Strong, son of John Strong
  (Cleta Terrell)
  (Sandi Strong Rowe)
  (Theresa Lang) 
  (Patt Fulton)
  (Jean Louise Savacool Anthony)   

     Descendants of Hannah Strong, daughter of John Strong
  [Sanford B. Hunt)

     Descendants of Return Strong (son of John) and Sarah Warham
           Sarah Strong m. 1696 (Capt.) John Higley in Windsor, CT 

     Descendant of Elizabeth Strong, daughter of John Strong,
     who married Joseph Parsons
          cathyl@TSO.Cin.IX.Net (Catherine (Hover) Lippert)      
     Descendant of Jedediah Strong, 1st, b. May 7, 1637: Hingmam, MA
     d. May 22, 1733: Coventry, Tolland, CT; m.1. Freedom Woodward 
     b. 1642.  of of Dorchester MA. d. May 17, 1681
 (Jeremy T. Franklin)
         (Jean Louise Savacool Anthony)   

Possible descendants of John Strong, "Elder", of Massachusetts
  (Joe Ticknor Breeze) 
           [Tabitha Strong of Salisbury, Litchfield Co., CT 
             m. 1772 John Ticknor (or Tickner)] ( Dick Parker)
           [George Strong of Marblehead, MA]

Strongs of Northeastern U. S. (Karen McKellar) 
          [__?__ Strong of Pennsylvania] (Allan T. Hackney)
          [Charles STRONG, b. 4 Apr 1778 d. 1844 in Leesburg,
                                            Cumberland Co., New Jersey] (Emmett W Bratt)
          [James STRONG b. 1727; d. 1804, York Co., PA: 
          Great Britain ? > PA > OH ] (Kelly Loveall)
          [Mary Isabelle STRONG b. 1855 Sag Harbor, LI, New York,
          d. 1892; m. Everett Alphonso HANCOCK, resided Groton, CT.] (Megan E. Scott)
           [John Strong of Chester Co., PA]    (Russell G. Strong)
           [Samuel Strong, b. 1790/94, m. Sarah __?__; they 
           resided in Snyder, Centre and Mifflin Co., PA]

Strongs of Midwestern U. S. (Mr. Terry Dearborn)     
           [Lysander STRONG. b. 1791 [CT?]; d.1837, Medina, OH]
Strongs of Central U.S. [Teresa L. Edwards]     
           Nancy Jane Strong Fleetwood, d. 1898, Douglas Co., MO (Bill Strong)
           Herman J. STRONG:  OH > IA > NE,  1822 - 1916 (Cindy Prince)
           Melissa STRONG, of Choctaw descent, m. 1855 William J. 
                LOONEY,  MO > OK or TX > MO

John Strong, Sr., of New Kent Co., VA
      Descendants of John Strong, Jr., son of John Strong, Sr.
            Descendants of Martin Strong, 1st
        (Robert T. Strong)
        ("Matt" Strong) 
        (Agness Duncan Koch)
            Descendants of William Strong, Sr., son of John Strong, Jr.
        (R. W. Moss)

            Descendants of John Strong [3rd], son of John Strong, Jr.
                 [VA > GA > LA > TX > NM > NV]
                 Richard Alan Cherry 
                 % (Karen J. Seymour Cherry]
      Descendants of William Strong, Sr., son of John Strong, Sr.     
    (Russell Laird)  
              (James R. Rolff m. Sandra Strong)
    (Thomas Mathews)
                  James Strong, b. KY, about 1844
                  Daniel W. Strong of Gainesville, Ozark Co., MO

Probable descendants of John Strong, Sr., of New Kent Co.,VA

     Probable descendants of William Strong, Sr., son of John, Sr.
          Descendants of Joseph Strong of Jackson/Clay Co., TN     
       (Donald L. Hendrix) 
       (Carl Cason)
       (Dave Strong)
          Descendants of Samuel Strong, b. 1798, of Rockingham 
          Co., NC, m. Mary Sharp.  They resided Lawrence Co., MS.
        (Leanne Dooley) 
          Descendant of Elizabeth [Mrs. Thomas?] Strong of 
          Rockingham Co., NC     
        (Francie Lane) 

     Probable descendant of John Strong, Jr., Hanover Co., VA
          Probable descendant of David Strong of Giles Co., TN
                Susan Strong Haden %
       (Wade R. Watts)
 STRAUGHAN Family researchers: (Norma Straughan Russie)       
          John Wm. STRAUGHAN, b. 20 DEC 1842, ENG > VA (Jim Straughan)
         Straughan/Straughn: VA > KY, ca. 1760s. 

STRAFFEN/STRAFFON/STRAFFAN researchers: (Straffen S. Short)

STRANG Family researchers: (Emmett W. Bratt)
          [STRANG: ENG>PA;1700's] (Matthew James Carman)
          {Daniel STRANG, b. 1661; d. 1707, Rye, Westchester Co., NY]

STRANGE Family researchers:
         [James Strange of London, ENG, abt 1780 & descendants.]
         [Strange:  MD>KY>IN]

L'ESTRANGE researchers: (Dave Strong) (Michael Quin-Conroy)  [Not subscibed yet.]


Lineage unidentified or unknown or not clear. 
Some subscribers have not posted their lineage--
or perhaps I have overlooked it.      (Robert S. Strong)
     LavonnaS (Lavonna Smith)  (Adam Perkins) (Rev. Michael ("Mike") Strong)

---------- End of message ----------

To: "Strong Family genealogy list"
Subject: Digests
Date: 2 May 1997 16:41:30 EDT

This is my 2 cents worth on DIGESTS....
With all the good intentions in the world, I don't see how the subject
line of most of the messages involved on this list can adequately convey
the worth of all of the information contained in the total message... I
read all of them before deciding whether to trash or save them, and
sometimes I get small tidbits out of messages the subject line of which
would at first blush say "trash me"...

It may be unfair to say, but if you are truly interested in research,
you have to be awake and receptive to new information from all sources,
including those you have prejudices against.

Regards, Dave Strong

PS to Lise Elliott:  Be sure to let us know when you start getting your
mail regularily... I have this vision of you being covered with tons of
extra copies of messages!!! {:-)

---------- End of message ----------

From: (Robert T. Strong)
To: "Strong Family genealogy list"
Subject: Common Database, #6
Date: Sat, 03 May 1997 09:09:30 EDT

--------- Begin forwarded message ----------
From: Thomas Weir 
To: "Strong Family genealogy list" 
Subject: Re: Strategies and Procedures for Strong, 
               et al., Research -Reply
Date: Mon, 28 Apr 1997 21:12:21 -0700 (PDT)

I notice on Cyndi's genealogic home page, there is a 
route to GEDClean Home Page where one can 
download a program that will clean up GEDCOMs to
remove the data that one has on their living relatives. 
I haven't tried it yet.

Tom Weir
---------- End of message ----------

From: (Robert T. Strong)
To: "Strong Family genealogy list"
Subject: Strongs during the War Between the States (WBTS)
Date: Sat, 03 May 1997 09:09:29 EDT

--------- Begin forwarded message ----------

From: Thomas Mathews 
To: "Robert T. Strong" 
Subject: You asked for it.
Date: Sat, 05 Apr 1997 15:06:55 +0000
Message-ID: <>
References: <>

Hi Bob,


I enjoyed your recent "What does a Strong look like?" 
piece and would like to suggest another.  My branch of 
the Strongs began in Virginia and, over the centuries, 
migrated westward, always staying in or near the border 
states. As a result, members of our Strong family can 
be found on each side of the fence during the Civil War. 
I would like all of us to share our knowledge about what 
our ancestors were doing during those terrible times.

I've rattled on enough, probably too much. You may 
post this to the list if you wish. 

---------- End of message ----------

From: (Robert T. Strong)
To: "Strong Family genealogy list"
Subject: Common Database, #7
Date: Sat, 03 May 1997 09:09:30 EDT

From: (Matthew D Strong)
To: "Strong Family genealogy list" 
Subject: Re: Strategies and Procedures for Strong, 
              et al., Research -Reply
Date: Mon, 21 Apr 1997 18:39:20 -0500

OK.  Now for my two cents worth. 

I think that this is a great idea.  I would even be
willing to provide what limited financial support
I can.  So, now that the ball is rolling, I guess the 
best way to pursue this is with some serious
research as to the "how" to get it done.  I do think
that the way to go is on to the internet and not a 
bulletin board.  In the long run it could prove to be 
less expensive and definitely more accessible.  
So for my part, I'll see about contacting some of
the families that already have their own searchable
databases on the web.
Does anyone know of a genealogy foundation or 
group that gives grants for such projects?

Well, that's all two cents gets you.

Matt Strong
---------- End of message ----------

From: (Robert T. Strong)
To: "Strong Family genealogy list"
Subject: Common Database, #4
Date: Sat, 03 May 1997 09:09:30 EDT

FROM: "Roger Dellinger" 
Subject: Strategies and Procedures for Strong, 
              et al., Research -Reply
Date: Mon, 21 Apr 1997 09:44:00 -0600 (CDT)


Bob, you bring up some good ideas and some problems that 
would be needed to addressed if there is to be a global 
database of Strong's and the like.

One option would be to store the database on a web server, 
provided by an internet provider.  My internet service 
provider (ISP) allows me to store information on one of there 
servers that would then be accessible via the internet.  This 
information could possibly be stored as GEDCOM files, 
however there would have to be some sort of naming 
convention - we wouldn't want to have 20 files called 
STRONG.GED - so we could differentiate between the 
various lines of Strongs.  Or the GEDCOM files could be 
converted into HTML format - the standard format you see
when surfing the internet - which you could then search 
while on-line.   The problem with the second method it 
wouldn't allow you to download a whole line of people 
that you could then just incorporate into your genealogical 
database.  But the advantage would be that you could do
on-line searches.  Perhaps the best way would be combine 
both GEDCOM files with the HTML format.  That way you 
could search for the right information and then click on 
icon, button, what have you, which would allow you to 
download the associated GEDCOM file.  

Storing the information out on the internet by way of an 
ISP versus on a BBS would have advantage in that  the 
only cost to the person viewing and downloading files 
would be the cost of your ISP and any access time fees 
they charge.  For example AOL now charges a flat fee 
per month with unlimited access time, my provider 
charges $20 a month with 200 hours of access before 
they charge an hourly rate (I have yet to excede 200 hours, 
if I do that is when I realize I need to get a life! ;-) )

The difficulties in any of the above is that it would take 
some time to organize the information, combine related 
databases and the like.  Also as you stated people would 
have to be willing to share there information and any 
copyright they might have and forego the idea of putting 
the information together in a book to copyright and sell.  
You also bring up a good question about the legality of 
posting living persons information.   As long as you didn't 
include their address, phone number, e-mail address, 
social security number and similar items I think there
shouldn't be a problem, not I am not a legal scholar and 
therefore don't know the LEGAL answer.

I can investigate further what it takes to get the information 
stored on the internet, I have been thinking of doing that 
anyway for my own family tree.  Someone I work with 
develops web sites and has expressed interest in helping 
me out.  So I will ask her what is possible and what works 
best and report back.  If you would let me know what your 
ideas are I could get a better idea of how the whole thing 
would work and the difficulties in putting it all together.

Roger Dellinger or
---------- End of message ----------

From: (Robert T. Strong)
To: "Strong Family genealogy list"
Subject: Common Database, #3
Date: Sat, 03 May 1997 09:09:30 EDT

--------- Begin forwarded message ----------

From: (Robert T. Strong)
To: "Strong Family genealogy list" 
Subject: Strategies and Procedures for Strong, et al., Research
Date: Mon, 21 Apr 1997 08:02:37 EDT
Message-ID: <>


What we need is a common genealogical database.  
The rudiments already exist in a fragmented state.  I 
believe Robert S. Strong in Michigan has a genealogical
database for the descendants of John Strong family of 
Massachusetts.  I have an as yet incomplete genealogical 
database of the descendants of Martin and Ann Stanley
Strong of Hanover Co., VA.  There is plenty of data, 
for example in James Robert Rolff's book, to expand 
this to all descendants of John Strong of St. Peter's
Parish, New Kent Co. or James City County, VA, or to 
all Strongs in VA and their descendants.  Then there is
more general data about disparate families in STRONG
FAMILY HISTORIES, VOLUME V.  Part of the problem is 
getting all the data input into a genealogical database.  
This is a slow, time-consuming process initially.  Of 
course, after the data has been input, then it 
becomes a labor saving device for future researchers.

I would like to collect GEDCOMs from all subscribers to the
STRONG, et al., Mail List and integrate then into a single 
database.  Alternately this could be done by family groupings:
for example, there could be a separate database for the 
descendants of Strongs of Chester County, SC.  The latter 
approach would likely be more manageable as the work
would be distributed among several researchers.  Eventually 
these family and/or regional databases could be integrated.
A global database can be conceptualized, but would take
many years to develop and would require a computer  with
a rather huge storage capacity.

This will take a lot of time to assemble and maintain.  The 
other problem is that many people are reluctant to share 
their research data.  

The major hurdle is accessibility.  In order to have the data
online for immediate access would require something like
an electronic Bulletin Board, which would require a dedicated
computer.  That now gets into financing such a project.  Who
would put up the money for a dedicated computer?  Who 
would operate and maintain the database?

With an electronic bulletin board, you can also store electronic
files (for example, GEDCOMS) , which can be retrieved and 
downloaded at will.  Since we are talking about accessibility 
by persons around the nation and even around the world,  how 
could the cost of calling the Bulletin Board be minimized.  
Nationally, a 1-800 telephone number would accomplish that, 
but how would such a wide-area-access number be financed?

One alternative would be to have everyone's GEDCOM 
recorded on a CD-ROM.  How would this be financed?  Who
would be responsible for the logistics of selling the CDs?
There are, of course, several firms engaged in this type of
business, the equivalent of a book publisher, if you will. 

The standard genealogical databases allow one to do searches
by surnames, then given names.  Mine [Family Origins for
Windows, version 4.1] allows you to select individuals for
downloading in a GEDCOM by performing a Query, which 
can include up to six criteria, including place names, but 
this feature is available ONLY when preparing a GEDCOM.
That is, the Query feature is not availabe for viewing on
screen in real time.   

There are database software programs available that would
allow searches via several different criteria, but the data 
downloaded from such generalized relational  databases
would not readily be transportable into most genealogy 
databases.  The GEDCOM standard seems to be a necessity
for portability.  

Then you get into problems of copyright and privacy.  A 
common database would require that persons give up their
copyrights and place their data into the public  domain.
And can we publically post data about living persons without
their written consent without risk of violating their privacy?

Everyone is invited to share their opinions and knowledge
regarding  these issues.  Please post your thoughts and
ideas to the Strong Mail List.  This should include a 
statement about what you, as an individual, would be
willing to do to accomplish such a goal as a common 
genealogical database of Strong(e), Strang(e) Straughan,
Strawn, L'Estrange, etc., surnames. 

Robert T. ("Bob") Strong, Jr., Manager, STRONG Mail List
119 Mystic Way, Monrovia Comm., Madison, AL 35758-7113
(c) 1997.  Permission granted to copy for personal use only.

Date: 20 Apr 1997 01:40:48 EDT
Message-ID: <>

-------------< COMMENTS BY Dbsandmd >--------------


This raises a question... Since it appears no one on 
our list is presently claiming these people... I know 
you are keeping files for list management purposes, 
but shouldn't we have a generally accessable archive 
of descendancy charts like this one, which could be 
called up for review and use as appropriate from time 
to time???  I'm not sure how this could be accomplished 
technically. I'm thinking of something like with an 
index organized by "area in which found", name of 
progenitor, origin if known, etc.   Any thoughts???

Regards, Dave Strong


----------< END OF COMMENTS BY Dbsandmd >----------

These Strongs to my knowledge is not related to my 
Nancy Jane Strong.  I thought I would post it though.  
Source is a secondary source from Ozark Co, MO book.

Generation 1

Henry Harrison Strong's parents are believed to be:
William Strong b: 1768 Scott Co., VA m: Jane Callahan

Generation 2

Henry Harrison Strong from Monroe Co., KY b: c 1814 
m: Polly Hickman
Ch: James Strong
       Martha J. Strong
       Rachel Strong
       Daniel Webster

--------- End forwarded message ----------
--------- End forwarded message ----------
---------- End of message ----------

From: (Robert T. Strong)
To: "Strong Family genealogy list"
Subject: Common Database, #2
Date: Sat, 03 May 1997 09:09:29 EDT

--------- Begin forwarded message ----------
To: "Strong Family genealogy list" 
Subject: List Structure, Mission Statements, per RTS query
Date: 11 Apr 1997 13:04:52 EDT
Message-ID: <>


Every organization has to have structure and rules to 
live by... without them, chaos usually results.  You have 
taken on a big job and have done fine by my reckoning.

I don't think this list should even consider subdividing.  
I know I complain from time to time about having to 
read about some other Strong family's details at great 
length, but in the end, I think it may be worth while.  
As you have previously noted, my interests are primarily
in trying to sort out the earlier history of the Strong 
surname.  I believe that there are several different "roots" 
of the name;  however, the further back in time one 
traces the  name, the more the roots tend to converge 
on two main possible ancestries: L'Estrange and 
Armstrong.  Some of the variants that exist do come from 
misrecording and mispronounciations at differing points 
along the line,  eg., I think most of the Strachan, Strahin, 
Straughan, etc variants that do tie into the Strong and 
Strang(e) lineages, came about in this manner.  The 
real root of these latter names is gaelic in origin, and 
probably out of the "L'Estrange and Armstrong" grouping.   
I could be wrong, but that is how I see it.

Recently, you asked me to repost my January 6, 1997 
message about a sort of grand plan for coordinating 
research in the British Isles.  I did that, and to date 
have received no responses to the reposting.  However,
perhaps this is a good place to pick up on your point 
that it may serve as a basis for a sort of "mission 
statement" for "the list".  It is great to be able to share 
the known research results of various families on this 
list.  But, can we also coordinate our efforts in some 
way to try to tie the earlier roots of the various "trees" 
together back in the "old country"?  If that is possible, 
then I think it is obvious there is a real need to keep 
the list together as it is.  

Over, to you or anyone else who wants to take up the 

Dave Strong
--------- End forwarded message ----------
---------- End of message ----------

From: (Robert T. Strong)
To: "Strong Family genealogy list"
Subject: Common Database:  Cover Letter
Date: Sat, 03 May 1997 09:09:30 EDT

With this message you will receive eight other 
messages that have been forwarded on the topic
of how we can best integrate our research efforts
into a common database and/or repository of
data about Strong(e), Strang(e), Stra(u)gh(a)n, 
and other related and similar surnames.  Please
study these ideas then express your own opinions 
on this issue in an open letter to the Strong Mail

Keep in mind that what is being proposed is a 
procedure aimed at ultimately discovering common 
linkages between our families.  It is also a form of 
publication and preservation of data.  (One method 
of preserving your data is to share it with others.)  
It can be conceived as an alternative to publishing an
article or a book, but can also be conceived as a 
supplement to publishing an article or book.  (Not 
everyone has access to the Internet.)  

It can be anticipated that there will be some who 
are interested in pursuing this project and that there 
will be others who  are not interested.  It is my own 
opinion that those who are interested should proceed,
coordinating their efforts.   A volunteer is needed who
possesses a little technical knowledge in creating and 
operating Web sites and who possesses a lot of motivation  
to keep the project progressing.  Do we need to form a 
committee to work on this project?  Is the project too 
large for one project manager/coordinator?

How would the project be financed?  Would contributors
be willing to pay a small fee to have their data stored 
on the Web site, for example?  There would need to be
some way to pay for storage capacity on the computer of
an Internet Service Provider.  Should we as a group--an
informal association--purchase storage space or should 
the cost be borne by only the persons who submit data?
Do we need to create a formal organization, for example,
with a Treasurer.   In view of the high cost of publication
in print, as mentioned by Dave Strong, I would certainly
have no reservation about paying a small fee to have my 
data available online.  

A vital element in setting up such an operation is making
the data available to people who have Internet E-Mail but
do not have full Internet access.  To me, this means that
individuals should be able to "FREQ" [File Request] files
via E-mail.  Having received a GEDCOM file via E-Mail,
for example, the person can then perform searches offline,
using their genealogy database program.  This is probably 
more economical than performing searches online.  Some
of the "old fashioned" Bulletin Boards apparently had 
software programs that would automatically send files
to those who requested them.  This technology needs to
be explored.   Can it be built into a Web site?

One item that has not yet been mentioned in the discussions 
is that some of the newest versions of genealogical database 
programs include features that are designed to convert data 
into HTML format and also include the capability of integrating
multimedia data, such as scanned images of photographs.  
Does any subscriber to the Strong Mail List have such a 
program and, if so, would you provide a critique of your 
experience in using these features, particularly converting 
data into HTML format?

If you have already created a Web site would you please 
share your experiences.  What were the "Lessons Learned"?  
What advice can you offer to the Strong Mail List regarding 
creating and operating a Web site?

Robert T. ("Bob") Strong, Jr., Manager, STRONG Mail List
119 Mystic Way, Monrovia Comm., Madison, AL 35758-7113
(c) 1997.  Permission granted to copy for personal use only.
---------- End of message ----------

From: (Robert T. Strong)
To: "Strong Family genealogy list"
Subject: Common Database, #1
Date: Sat, 03 May 1997 09:09:29 EDT

--------- Begin forwarded message ----------

Subject: Strong Research In British Isles
Date: 6 Jan 1997 10:26:20 EDT

Hi Bob.  


Perhaps the greatest problem facing genealogists
in the Americas (and I suspect, Australia as well)  is 
how to make the leap back across the ocean, between 
what is known on our side of the ocean, and what is
available in the British Isles.  Generally, we face 
numerous obstacles... Poor or non-existant records, 
illiterate or at least non-communicative ancestors, 
official disinterest (in the records) of prior locations, 
our own ignorance of many nuances of British History
affecting our searches, our lack of knowledge of 
existing, available records in the British Isles.... and 
on and on.

I think what is needed is a coordinated effort at 
compiling known data about the origins of immigrants 
from the British Isles, which is colated with known or 
knowable data about possible points of origins in the
homeland.  The study needs to be sensitive to the 
flow os historical background info affecting the 
impetus for, routes of, and means of transportation.   
Much info is out there... and a lot of work has
already been done by many persons and groups.... 
somehow an effort needs to be made to bring it 
together, organize it and try to build on it.  I know 
the SFAA has done a certain amount of work in this 
regard... but I really think their focus is too limited.  
With respect, The  Elder John Strong  lineage is really 
just one of many.

What is needed is a new, multi-based group, ready 
to try to track the various possible lineage sources 
in Britian:  The Breton-Norman L'Estranges, who can 
be traced from The Battle of Hastings through (I seem 
to recall) Shropshire.. and on to Scotland, THe Isle 
of Man, and Settlements in the Irish Pale;  The 
Armstrong clan of the Borders region,  many of 
whom may have changed their name to Strong to 
avoid hanging or transportation or whatever, 
particularily about the time the Plantations in 
America and Ireland began; The obvious 
concentrations of Strongs in certain localities in 
the IGI... among them, I know or suspect, Dorset, 
Somerset, Cumberlandshire, Fifeshire, Lancashire...
Detailed Input and analysis from genealogists in 
Britian who are knowledgeable about the sources 

Analysis of the various IGI listings to attempt to 
compile charts of known family groups in Britain 
and Ireland; attention to variations in spelling; again 
collation of known data about individuals who
immigrated; tracing the schedules over several 
years of known immigrant ships... (some are 
known to have landed passengers in America at
differing dates, and are known to have sailed from 
Bristol, Liverpool, and a host of other small outports--- 
we know some of the detail, can an analysis fill 
in the blanks?); a process of elimination of data 
points about known individuals; a computerized 
data base... lots of detail, and insightful management.  
Coordinating imput from Britain, Ireland, the
Americas, Australia, and wereever.  And, I think, 
the focus has to be in Britain... NOT in the areas 
emigrated to!

What I am talking about is huge.  It is long range.  
And it might in the end be an exercise in futility for 
many.  But, perhaps some useful genealogical 
evidence can be gleaned and preserved for some 
or all who are interested.  In my own case, the loss 
of Irish records in the Four Courts fire in Dublin ~1920 
probably dooms my inquiry concerning the origins 
of my Strong ancestors to  informed speculation at 
best.  However, I would like to know the history 
surrounding the migration of members of the family 
from, I SUSPECT Cumberlandshire, to Donegal and
Fermanagh, and on.  Did they get "planted" in 1610?  
>From Cumbria, or from Bristol, or where?  Or were 
they soldiers awarded land as pay for service with 
Cromwell?  Or did they immigrate from Scotland 
while fleeing the religious persecutions of 
Presbyterians by Charles II's ministers?  Were 
George, John and William of "where ever" brothers,
cousins, relatives at all?  Who likely went where 
and why?  What Chain Migration might have 
happened?  Who was named after whom?  What
information is available in London that was a copy 
of something lost in Dublin?  Gleanings from any 
and everywhere.  

Rome was not built in a day, nor can we hope to 
build the data base I am talking about in a day... 
but perhaps we can make a start.  The question
is.... how?!

I don't have the solution to this question... I simply 
strive to pose it in hope of stimulating discussion 
and possible movement in some direction.

Dave Strong


---------- End of message ----------

From: (Robert T. Strong)
To: "Strong Family genealogy list"
Subject: Common Database, #8
Date: Sat, 03 May 1997 09:09:30 EDT

To: "Strong Family genealogy list" 
Subject: Research Protocols;or"Places Angels Fear to Tread"
Date: 2 May 1997 10:02:56 EDT

Hi Everyone...

This is an effort to pull together several threads 
which have perhaps been worn bare recently.  I 
preface this with the old adage, "Fools Rush
In Where Angels Fear To Tread"... and hope that 
I do not seem foolish in leading with my chin on 

First, recently I floated the idea of creating a 
common data base of genealogical data re the 
various Strong, etc., lineages of which the
group is aware.  Bob Strong, Roger Dellinger, 
Matt Strong, Tom Weir, and Jeremy [Franklin] 
all jumped in with some useful ideas on how this
needs to be approached and how it could be 

One salient point is that we all have to be 
willing to share our research and put it out 
there for comment, critique, and further revision 
and input from others.   That is part of the time 
honored "Socratic Method"... it is a system of 
researching for the true facts by testing theories 
through exposure to questioning by others... if 
the theory stands up under questioning, it may be 
accepted until something better comes along.  A 
problem with the method is that we all tend to
take pride in our research and theories, and our 
feelings get bruised in the give and take of 
questioning under fire.  One of the ways of 
protecting ourselves is to have sources and 
details supporting our theories marshalled 
and ready to present.

Another question that comes to mind involves 
willingness to disclose information and theories 
"before we are ready", and in a manner with
which we feel comfortable.  In an academic 
setting, "publication" is the manner traditionally 
used to expose our theories... publication in a
recognized periodical or book form.  Most of us 
have toyed at least with the thought that we 
would like to publish a book presenting what 
we have developed with our research... I know 
I have explored this thought.  Modernly, one of 
the problems with this is the cost of publication...
which must be weighed against the marketability 
of the "book" once it is published.   Realistically, 
the cost probably far out strips the market for the 
publication.  That leaves us with alternatives... 
(1) do nothing; (2) publish a book any way; 
(3) share the info with any one who is interested 
by what ever other means are out there... and 
this gets us possibly to the presentation of this 
info on the internet. 

I rather like the last alternative... but with caveats:
            (1) I think each of us should be able to 
present our sources up front.  This is the big problem 
I personally have with the SFAA publications... the 
info is presented with out adequate citation of
sources.  This gets more and more important the 
further back in time we go, and the further afield 
the research.  I am rather suspicious of data
presented conclusively without sources.
            (2) Each of us should be able to gain appropriate 
credit for our work and contribution to the overall 
            (3) There must be some method for deciding 
when it is proper to change the there-to-fore agreed 
upon or published conclusions... what springs to mind is 
either a committee process, or perhaps where only one
or two persons have done research in the area letting 
them make the decision... anyway it is something for 
            (4) This is perhaps the most difficult:  Protect 
the info from misuse.  One concern is to limit the info 
published to deceased persons only... no living 
individuals. There are other concerns... republication 
by some unscupulous person; etc.   At some point 
possibly the limit on these concerns is the thought that 
much of the data we would be publishing would be 
based on or readily acquired through public records 
anyway... there is a balancing effort which needs some
            (5) All contibutions must be voluntary... no one 
has to participate if they don't wish to, and they alone 
can decide exactly what they contibute.

I hope the foregoing discussion will serve as the 
basis for more discussion and possible development 
of a plan we can put into action.  And, I hope it will 
help put the recent discussions between Bob Strong,
Jim Rolff and Francie Lane into some useful perspective.  
I believe some of the issues discussed above underlie 
their "kerfuffle".  Perhaps this is the point to ask that 
those who previously volunteered to do some research 
into techniques for publication on the internet "report".  
Also, I hope that Bob Strong, as our "Moderator" is ready 
to help pull this discussion along.

Over and out.

Dave Strong
---------- End of message ----------

From: "Theresa Lang" 
To: "Strong Family genealogy list"
Subject: Strong Page on Internet
Date: 2 May 1997 20:26:32 U

Hello Everyone,

Sorry to have been so quiet, but have finally had the dust settle on our
whirlwind relocation from San Jose CA to Vancouver WA.  (And whirlwind it was...
house sold in four days, moved 580 miles with a three week notice and so on!)

And even though I haven't posted anything personally, I do enjoy all the
Enough chat :)...

I think a Strong Page on the Internet is a wonderful idea, though I don't have
any specifics as to how it would be managed and how differing information would
be represented on the pages.  I do believe a Strong Page would be an incredible
research tool and give genealogists an incredible overview of the 'entire
family'.  I would also be most willing to share my information.

I strongly agree with Dave Strong, that only deceased individuals should be listed.
 In Dave's discussion, he covers key points and has (I think) good

Anyway, there's my couple of cents.

Vancouver WA
---------- End of message ----------

From: Francie Lane 
To: "Strong Family genealogy list"
Date: Sat, 03 May 1997 13:32:59 -0700

Dear Bob,
Re your post of 1 May 1997 - "Strongs of Rockingham Co., NC"
I checked the Rockingham Co., NC Cross Index of Wills this morning for 
you, to correct the question of Gov. Alexander Martin having a son, 
Robert who was deceased by 1807, leaving heirs of Robert to be: Esther, 
James, Andrews, John and Walter Martin.

The microfilm of the Cross Index available to me, shows the Devisees to
be - Martins: Esther, James, Andrew, John, Walter, Robert, heirs of and 
others.  However, the Devisor was ANDREW Martin, Will Book A, Page 21.
Gov. ALEXANDER Martin's will is found in Book A, beginning on Page 44.
I didn't bother to look up the actual will of  Andrew Martin, because
he has no relationship to Gov. Martin. 
Francie Lane

---------- End of message ----------

To: "Strong Family genealogy list"
Subject: Strongs during the War Between the States (WBTS)
Date: 3 May 1997 09:13:22 EDT

-------------< COMMENTS BY Dbsandmd >--------------

Just a thought related to the Common Data Base idea:

Could this type of material be gathered, and handled or "published" with
in the Web Address as something accessable by a "hot key"?  Along with
various other written materials submitted by various of our
members...(with appropriate attribution, of course!)????

Regards, Dave Strong

----------< END OF COMMENTS BY Dbsandmd >----------

--------- Begin forwarded message ----------

From: Thomas Mathews 
To: "Robert T. Strong" 
Subject: You asked for it.
Date: Sat, 05 Apr 1997 15:06:55 +0000
Message-ID: <>
References: <>

Hi Bob,


I enjoyed your recent "What does a Strong look like?" 
piece and would like to suggest another.  My branch of 
the Strongs began in Virginia and, over the centuries, 
migrated westward, always staying in or near the border 
states. As a result, members of our Strong family can 
be found on each side of the fence during the Civil War. 
I would like all of us to share our knowledge about what 
our ancestors were doing during those terrible times.

I've rattled on enough, probably too much. You may 
post this to the list if you wish. 

---------- End of message ----------

From: (Robert T. Strong)
To: "Strong Family genealogy list"
Subject: Common Database, #5
Date: Sat, 03 May 1997 19:28:44 EDT

From: Jeremy Franklin 
To: "Strong Family genealogy list" 
Subject: Re: Strategies and Procedures for Strong, 
               et al., Research
Date: Mon, 21 Apr 1997 22:14:57 -0500

i think the idea of one commmon database for all 
Strong info is an excellant idea.  As for making it 
accessible to everyone, it would be possible to use
a program like GED2HTML. This would enable the 
posting of data in a format searchable by surname 
or individual.  you can see how this looks and works
at my web page:

One hurdle to overcome with this format is that it is 
not searchable by location or other details.  By using 
this method, the act of actually getting the data onto 
the web is fairly painless, once one has a GEDCOM to
work with.  


Jeremy T. Franklin
---------- End of message ----------

From: Jeremy Franklin 
To: "Strong Family genealogy list"
Subject: My thoughts on a common database
Date: Sat, 03 May 1997 19:33:40 -0500

Regarding a server to on which to post the information, i see two basic

A national server like America Online, Netcom, Compuserve, etc.  
Advantages:  more than one person could easily have access to the account.
General reliability in their hardware and you know they won't go out of
business tomorrow.  

Disadvatages: usually not very fast access.  higher prices.  fewer MB for
our information (usually 5MB, more for a fee). 


A smaller local server, like mine:  World Wide Access, an IL based server.
Advatages: fast access, easier to get connected, more MB (mine has 10MB
standard with more available).  better customer service.  more than the one
local person could still use the account through FTP.  

Disadvantages: it would be slightly more difficult for distant people to
help, since long distance calling gets a little expensive.  one would have
to dial up to their own server, and then log into the Strong server by
telnet, FTP, or other method.  there would be a greater chance of the
company going under or having problems with their hardware or software.  

in my opinion, a small reliable server would be the way to go.  that means
that there has to be one particular person managing the page who has easy
contact with the server.  others could help--if they knew the password they
could do almost as much as the manager.  

my server has been nothing other than great so far.  if you would like to
see what is available in a account like mine (as an example), visit my
server's web page at

there are two different types of accounts (at WWA) worth checking out.  
(1) the personal one, which gives 10 mb (about $25 per month, or there are
available quarterly and yearly payments).  i sent an email to see how much
it would cost to get more space.  

(2) the commercial account.  standard space is 25 MB, which should be
enough for us.  it is $200 start up and $100 per month.  there are more
possiblities with this if we want to get into very detailed statistics,
like number of hits per day, etc. (the same can be accomplished with a

i guess it probably seems like i am pushing WWA!  that would mean that i
would be the site manager.  i am not opposed to that, but in august i may
not have much time because i will be in college.  so then i will need a lot
of help or i might try to delegate a new manager. 

as for financing this, it would probably be pretty inexpensive if we split
it evenly among all those who are interested in participating.  to try to
split it among all list subscribers would likely get some complaints from
those not in favor of posting the page.  I think we could allow any future
person who wants to add their data to do so, for a small fee--to help pay
the bills, since we aren't out to make money.  

as for gedcom to HTML converters, i used GED2HTML.  the web page for this
software is
it is by Gene Stark, creator of the Gendex index.  registration costs $20.
i am pretty pleased with the results.  it is very fast, even for a large
file it works in a couple minutes.  there are several options, so a little
trial and error shows which way will work for your file (you have to get
your links to agree with you documents, etc), and then you have several
thousand HTML files for a good sized GEDCOM.  the quickest way to get these
to the server is to zip them, upload the zip files, and then unzip them
from unix using tar or a similar program.  

besides these files, what else would we put on the page?
a few ideas..

History of the Strong name (variations), Coat of arms
Short biographies on important Strong persons
any body else have ideas?

About file requests:  a good idea, and probably not too time consuming to
do manually in the beginning.  it is difficult to predict how much volume
would be requested.  an automatic file request service sounds great, and i
imagine that it would be possible.  i have no idea on how to go about that.
 a commercial account that includes setup should be able to program that
for you, and would help alleviate our lack of computer programming skills.  

as for lessons learned from creating a web site...
(1)make sure we don't limit ourselves in MB.  if we create a database like
i am picturing, 20 MB will vanish very quickly.  especially with pictures.
50 high quality pictures is 5MB! make sure the account is upgradeable.  

(2)find a server which will work for a very long time.  changing servers is
a VERY large proposition.  it not only requires uploading all the documents
again, but changing all links to our page, which could get to be tricky.  

(3) after we are near completion, spread the word about the web page.
contact search engines, genealogy pages, anyone with the Strong name,
librarys, etc.  the more people who know about it, the more complete the
database will be.  

that is all of my thoughts for now...

----jeremy franklin
Jeremy T. Franklin

"If two men on the same job agree all the time, then one is useless. If
they disagree all the time, then both are useless."  Darryl F. Zanuck

Bumper Sticker of the Week:
"Change is inevitable, except from a vending machine."

---------- End of message ----------

From: (Robert T. Strong)
To: "Strong Family genealogy list"
Subject: Home Pages:  Genealogy, et al. 
Date: Sat, 03 May 1997 21:11:53 EDT

The following contributions are republished from
previous messages, some from the Strong Mail List
and some from other Mail Lists or other sources.

Thanks to those who have contributed information about
useful WWW homepages.


For those of you who haven't found it yet, try:

James R. Rolff ( 

Jeremy's home page:

Jeremy T. Franklin <  >


I cannot tell you from first-hand experience what
a Strong looks like.  But, I can show you. I scanned a
1941 newspaper mugshot of my great-grandfather William
Melvin "Mack" Strong and placed it on a webpage, along
with the text of the story with which his photo was published.
The URL is:

I'd like to invite everyone interested to have a look and
read the accompanying story. The son of Thomas Van Buren
Strong of Greene Co., TN, "Mack" had a few adventures when
he was young and apparently met some interesting characters
in later years as well.

Russell Laird  


Actually, those [Web Site] addresses are all part of the USGenWeb
Project.  You can access similar sites for almost every county in the
United States by going to the main site at:



If you do decide to put up a web page,  go to Geocities and start 
there.  They have an online editor that will build the first page for 
you.  Then you can see how it's done and use it as a pattern to copy. 
That's what I did.  Also, there are a lot of references to HOW TO 
pages on one of my list pages, free graphics, backgrounds, etc.  
Once you see how  the editor set your page up, you get an idea 
of how to do the other pages.  Geocities is totally FREE!!!!!  
REALLLY!!!!!   No catch to it.  They get the money from the sponsers 
who advertise on it.  Look at what all I've got and I've only used 
3/4 of the space they allow me.  I can pay less than $5 a month
and get a whole lot more space.  Won't do it though because I 
haven't use up my space on the local net yet.

Laquita (Caughey) Armstrong


You will note that Jeremy Franklin's WWW homepage is
included on the Subscribers List.  Other hompage addresses will
be added as they are received.

I have several fairly long lists of "favorite" Web sites others 
have posted, mainly sites of interest to genealogists and family
historians.  Anyone interested in having these posted to the 
Strong Mail List?

Also, today I heard of GENDEX, which appears to be short
for "Genealogy Index".  This is apparently an online genealogy
database.  A friend from my church has commented that he 
has discovered a number of "new" cousins through this 
online service.  If anyone knows about it, please inform the rest 
of us.  Otherwise, I will post more after I learn more details.

Robert T. ("Bob") Strong, Jr., Manager, STRONG Mail List
119 Mystic Way, Monrovia Comm., Madison, AL 35758-7113
---------- End of message ----------

From: (Robert T. Strong)
To: "Strong Family genealogy list"
Subject: GENDEX web site info & sample pages for Strong
Date: Sun, 04 May 1997 05:16:03 EDT

The  following explanation of GENDEX was sent to 
me by Wes Colman, a local acquaintance, who has
recently announced his personal home page which
contains data on the Colman family history at this 
WWW site:

My appreciation to Wes Colman for supplying an
example of the  GENDEX index for the Strong 

Robert T. ("Bob") Strong, Jr., Manager, STRONG Mail List
119 Mystic Way, Monrovia Comm., Madison, AL 35758-7113

--------- Begin forwarded message ----------

From: Wes Colman % Sherrie L. Coleman 
          < >
To: "'Strong, Bob'" 
Subject: GENDEX web site info and sample pages
Date: Sat, 3 May 1997 22:43:17 -0500
Message-ID: <>


Welcome to GENDEX    Page 1

Welcome to GENDEX, an enterprise devoted to advancing the 
progress of family history and genealogy research on the World 
Wide Web. 

The following is a list of software and services currently 
available or soon to be available here: 

.GED2HTML [is a] GEDCOM to HTML translator, for producing 
HTML hypertext versions of genealogical data directly from 
GEDCOM files. 

.GenDex [is a] WWW genealogical index, which currently 
indexes over two million names, and which is available for 
online searching. 

.Genealogical web page storage. If your online service 
doesn't supply you with enough storage space for your 
Web genealogy pages, you can rent space on this server
for a modest fee. 

The home of GENDEX is a brand-new server box, 
purchased specifically for the purpose, which has 
been ``co-located'' at Long Island Information, Inc., 
a commercial Internet service provider. 

Gene Stark
GENDEX -- WWW Genealogical Index    Page 2

Welcome to the GENDEX WWW Genealogical Index. 
This server indexes hundreds of World Wide Web 
databases containing genealogical data for over two
million individuals, and gives you the ability to locate 
and view data of interest to you on any of these 
databases, without having to go and visit each of the 
databases separately. 

. Access the index. 
. How to submit your data to this index. 
. How to contact the contributor of a particular piece 
    of information you find in the index. 
. What to do if you don't like something you see in 
    the index. 
. How to log in to GENDEX (you can't, not yet). 
. What to do if you find that a link is broken. 
. What to do if you find that your attempts to 
    access the index always time out.

Searching for Strong:
Index level: 2, individuals: 923

./Strong/ --to-- Joseph Mendenhall /STRONG/
 .Josephine F. /STRONG/ --to-- Zeta Esther /STRONG/
Index level: 1, individuals: 513

/Strong/ --to-- Alice Louisa /STRONG/
Aline /STRONG/ --to-- Charles /STRONG/
Charles /STRONG/ --to-- Dwayne Allen /Strong/ 
Dylan Jacob Mercer /STRONG/ --to-- Elizabeth /STRONG/
Elizabeth /Strong/ --to-- Experience /STRONG/ 
Experience (A) /STRONG/ --to-- Guernsey /STRONG/
HANNAH /STRONG/ --to-- Isaac /STRONG/ 
Isabel /STRONG/ --to-- Jedediah /STRONG/
Jedediah /STRONG/ (2) --to-- John (B) /STRONG/
John /STRONG/ --to-- Joseph Mendenhall /STRONG/

GENDEX -- Surname: STRONG (Sample page of the
lowest level of the GENDEX.  Wes Colman reformatted it 
for e-mail, but the second line, last string is the GEDCOM 
identifier for the entry.  Clicking on the name takes you 
to the web site that actually published and sent their 
index to the GENDEX project.)  GENDEX is about making
connections.  I hope it thrives, Wes Colman stated.

Rebecca  /STRONG/      DEC 7, 1701    
Rebecca  /STRONG/      11 MAR 1812 Philadelphia,Philadelphia     
Rebecca /STRONG/      23 Jun 1821 New Jersey        24 Dec 1896 
Middle Twp., Cape  
    May, Ne         hackney
Rebecca /STRONG/                                                   
Reed Michael /STRONG/             1973
Rely  /STRONG/     Feb 18, 1708                                      
Return  /STRONG/             1641                                APR 9,
1726                     glwarner
Return  /STRONG/      30 DEC 1755 Union,,CT,USA 
Return /STRONG/       9 Apr 1640 Taunton, Bristol, Massach   
11 Feb 1728/29 Northampton,  
    Hampshire, M AlbertBrunsAnce
Return /STRONG/                                                          
Return Lt. /STRONG/ 10 FEB 1668/1669 
Return Lt. /STRONG/      26 FEB 1712 Windsor,Hartford Co.,CT,U       
8 NOV 1776 
Return Lt. /STRONG/ ABT    1640/1641 Taunton,Bristol Co.,MA,US       
9 APR 1726 
    Northampton,Hampshire Co. garyalanparsons
Reuben Ernest /STRONG/                          holmes
Richard  /STRONG/      25 APR 1714 London,,,England  
Richard /STRONG/             1561 Shropshire, England      1613 Taunton, 
    Sommersetshire,  AlbertBrunsAnce
Richard /STRONG/             1561 County of Coernarvon    1613 Taunton, 
    Somersetshire, E          jpfwwa
Rob Roy /STRONG/       3 Nov 1854 Waterford, Erie, Pennsylv              
Robert  /STRONG/             1834 ,,Kentucky                             
Robert /STRONG/             1490 Berminster, Dorset, Engla               
Robert /STRONG/             1490 Berminister, Dorset, Engl               
Robert /STRONG/                              jdomingo
Robert /STRONG/             1560 Dorset, England                         
Robert the /STRONG/, King of F                                           

Rose /STRONG/                                                            
Roswell Deacon /STRONG/      24 FEB 1761 Windsor,,CT,USA                
22 MAR 1837                           
Roxanna  /STRONG/      22 JUL 1797   6 FEB 1846 Norwich,,VT,USA          

Ruby  /STRONG/   
Ruby /Strong/      10 OCT 1889 Parke County,Indiana            
3 SEP 1970 Montgomery County,Indiana          hayden
Ruth  /STRONG/       2 DEC 1744 Windsor,Hartford Co.,CT,U 
Ruth /STRONG/ 
Ruth /STRONG/   
Ruth Isabelle /STRONG/         ABT 1907 , Decatur Co., Iowa      
SARAH  /STRONG/             1656 WINDSOR, CONNECTICUT, USA      
10 FEB 1733                           
Sallie (Sally) /STRONG/       3 APR 1771        15 MAR 1830 
Mohican,Wayne Co.,OH,USA           garyalanparsons
Sally  /STRONG/
Sally  /STRONG/             1846 ,,Kentucky  
Samson  /STRONG/       6 JAN 1816 Willink,Erie Co.,NY,USA        
18 MAR 1863 Camp Pollack,,IA,USA      garyalanparsons
Samuel  /STRONG/      AUG 5, 1652   Oct 29, 1732     glwarner
Samuel  /STRONG/                                                         
Samuel  /STRONG/      16 JUL 1705 Windsor,Hartford Co.,CT,U      
13 JAN 178x  Union,,CT,USA             garyalanparsons
Samuel  /STRONG/       8 JUL 1743 Windsor,Hartford Co.,CT,U              
Samuel  /STRONG/       5 AUG 1652 Windsor,Hartford Co.,CT,U      
29 OCT 1732                               garyalanparsons
Samuel  /STRONG/      ABT    1640                                        
Samuel  /STRONG/      ABT    1682                                        
Samuel  /STRONG/      15 OCT 1721 Woodbury,LITCHFIELD,CT         
14 FEB 1809 
    Southbury,New Haven,CT            Mallett
Samuel (A) /STRONG/      20 MAY 1673        28 JUL 1673
--------- End forwarded message ----------
---------- End of message ----------

From: Bill Strong 
To: "Strong Family genealogy list"
Subject: Strong web page / database
Date: Sun, 04 May 1997 08:52:19 -0700

I have been following with some interest the discussions here regarding
the creation of a Strong Genealogy web page and/or an on-line common
database. Having had experience with both web page and database design,
I thought I'd put in my two cents worth.

I think that an on-line database is certainly a noble idea, but I think
it is a huge undertaking which may be beyond our immediate reach. We
need to consider things like who will define the database structure? We
need a format that fits all possible records from all contributors. Who
will input the records? There will be many contributors and the burden
of data input will likely fall on one or two individuals. Where will we
keep this very large database and how will it be searched? 

I have read suggestions that we use the GENDEX format for the database.
A number of readers, like Jeremy T. Franklin, already have web pages employing
this format. GENDEX web pages are produced from GEDCOM files by a
utility program called GED2HTML. They produce a very structured and
complete genealogical listing from your files, but they consume large
amounts of disk space on your internet provider's server. If we tried to
put everyone's GENDEX files on our server, we would require much more
space than is practical.

My feeling is that the best way to go at this time is to develop a web
page which indexes all Strong family researchers and includes links to
their mailboxes and web pages (if available). A good example of this
type of page is

Please check out the above page. Tom McConnell has links to hundreds of
McConnell researchers, who can be located geographically or by a name
index. Each contributor has agreed to his or her name being posted and
has included a brief (50 words) description of the family. This way, the
individual can decide which way to display his family information, i.e.
GENDEX or another format on his/her own server, and the main Strong web
page does not become too cumbersome.

This serves the purpose of allowing searchers to connect with others who
have a similar interest. It does not take up enormous amounts of space
on the server and it would be quick and easy to set up and maintain.

The on-line database could become a long term project and yes, I think a
committee should be formed if it to proceed.

Just a few ideas for now. 

PS. You can visit my genealogy web page at the URL below.
Bill Strong                  R.R.7, Dunnville, Ont Canada  N1A 2W6
Visit my Home page:
for info on Miniature Horses, Genealogy, Simulators, Web page design
---------- End of message ----------

To: "Strong Family genealogy list"
Subject: Fwd: My thoughts on a common database
Date: Sun, 4 May 1997 10:12:22 -0400 (EDT)

In a message dated 97-05-03 22:26:55 EDT, (Jeremy Franklin)

<< (Strong Family genealogy list) >>

You should consider Geocities. They give you a 2 meg cite free and a ten meg
cite is fairly cheap
Forwarded message:
From: (Jeremy Franklin)

Regarding a server to on which to post the information, i see two basic

A national server like America Online, Netcom, Compuserve, etc.  
Advantages:  more than one person could easily have access to the account.
General reliability in their hardware and you know they won't go out of
business tomorrow.  

Disadvatages: usually not very fast access.  higher prices.  fewer MB for
our information (usually 5MB, more for a fee). 


A smaller local server, like mine:  World Wide Access, an IL based server.
Advatages: fast access, easier to get connected, more MB (mine has 10MB
standard with more available).  better customer service.  more than the one
local person could still use the account through FTP.  

Disadvantages: it would be slightly more difficult for distant people to
help, since long distance calling gets a little expensive.  one would have
to dial up to their own server, and then log into the Strong server by
telnet, FTP, or other method.  there would be a greater chance of the
company going under or having problems with their hardware or software.  

in my opinion, a small reliable server would be the way to go.  that means
that there has to be one particular person managing the page who has easy
contact with the server.  others could help--if they knew the password they
could do almost as much as the manager.  

my server has been nothing other than great so far.  if you would like to
see what is available in a account like mine (as an example), visit my
server's web page at

there are two different types of accounts (at WWA) worth checking out.  
(1) the personal one, which gives 10 mb (about $25 per month, or there are
available quarterly and yearly payments).  i sent an email to see how much
it would cost to get more space.  

(2) the commercial account.  standard space is 25 MB, which should be
enough for us.  it is $200 start up and $100 per month.  there are more
possiblities with this if we want to get into very detailed statistics,
like number of hits per day, etc. (the same can be accomplished with a

i guess it probably seems like i am pushing WWA!  that would mean that i
would be the site manager.  i am not opposed to that, but in august i may
not have much time because i will be in college.  so then i will need a lot
of help or i might try to delegate a new manager. 

as for financing this, it would probably be pretty inexpensive if we split
it evenly among all those who are interested in participating.  to try to
split it among all list subscribers would likely get some complaints from
those not in favor of posting the page.  I think we could allow any future
person who wants to add their data to do so, for a small fee--to help pay
the bills, since we aren't out to make money.  

as for gedcom to HTML converters, i used GED2HTML.  the web page for this
software is
it is by Gene Stark, creator of the Gendex index.  registration costs $20.
i am pretty pleased with the results.  it is very fast, even for a large
file it works in a couple minutes.  there are several options, so a little
trial and error shows which way will work for your file (you have to get
your links to agree with you documents, etc), and then you have several
thousand HTML files for a good sized GEDCOM.  the quickest way to get these
to the server is to zip them, upload the zip files, and then unzip them
from unix using tar or a similar program.  

besides these files, what else would we put on the page?
a few ideas..

History of the Strong name (variations), Coat of arms
Short biographies on important Strong persons
any body else have ideas?

About file requests:  a good idea, and probably not too time consuming to
do manually in the beginning.  it is difficult to predict how much volume
would be requested.  an automatic file request service sounds great, and i
imagine that it would be possible.  i have no idea on how to go about that.
 a commercial account that includes setup should be able to program that
for you, and would help alleviate our lack of computer programming skills.  

as for lessons learned from creating a web site...
(1)make sure we don't limit ourselves in MB.  if we create a database like
i am picturing, 20 MB will vanish very quickly.  especially with pictures.
50 high quality pictures is 5MB! make sure the account is upgradeable.  

(2)find a server which will work for a very long time.  changing servers is
a VERY large proposition.  it not only requires uploading all the documents
again, but changing all links to our page, which could get to be tricky.  

(3) after we are near completion, spread the word about the web page.
contact search engines, genealogy pages, anyone with the Strong name,
librarys, etc.  the more people who know about it, the more complete the
database will be.  

that is all of my thoughts for now...

----jeremy franklin
Jeremy T. Franklin

"If two men on the same job agree all the time, then one is useless. If
they disagree all the time, then both are useless."  Darryl F. Zanuck

Bumper Sticker of the Week:
"Change is inevitable, except from a vending machine."
---------- End of message ----------

To: "Strong Family genealogy list"
Subject: Digests
Date: Sun, 4 May 1997 11:32:56 -0400 (EDT)

Hi all, do not understand continued debate re:digests.  If it is turned on,
the only ones affected would be those members to the list who specifically
request that their mail is received in digest format.  All others would
continue to receive their mail as they currently do.  It is a convenience to
those who find it so and of no importance to those who are happy as they are.

Jean Anthony, 
2304 N Justin Ave.
Simi Valley, CA 93065

Searching for:
	Allen, Anthony, Barrett, Bartlett, Bissell, Brown, Brunner, Campbell,
Davidson, Detweiler, Dulmage, Embury, Ford, Foster, Frank, Gaetschalk,
Giesse, Handley, Hankey, Harr/Herr, Hayward, Hiltebeitel, Holton, Knapp, Lee,
Leister, Miller, Moore, Nase, Overholt, Pomeroy, Rockett, Sabelkool/Savacool,
Schieffen, Schultz, Shelly, Snedeker, Stratton, Strong, Switzer, Terry,
Trullinger, Walsh, Wiegner, Woodward, Yeakel...........among others
---------- End of message ----------

From: Thomas Mathews 
To: "Strong Family genealogy list"
Subject: Re: Strong web page / database
Date: Sun, 04 May 1997 09:08:19 +0100

I liked the McConnell web page that Bill Strong presented as an example.
it is well organized but could use some more "genealogist friendly"
capabilities such as what Jeremy has (the pedigree charts et al). Is
there any way to combine the best features of these two pages?

Tom Mathews
Oakley, CA

---------- End of message ----------

To: "Strong Family genealogy list"
Subject: unsubscribe
Date: Sun, 4 May 1997 12:33:46 -0400 (EDT)

---------- End of message ----------

From: "Roger Dellinger" 
To: "Strong Family genealogy list"
Subject: RE: Strategies and Procedures for Strong, et al., Research
Date: Sun, 04 May 1997 12:05:00 -0600 (CST)

Here are some ideas towards putting together a searchable Strong home
page.  Please offer input and suggestions.

I talked with my co-worker about putting together a Strong (could include
other families as well) Home Page that could be used as an acessible
location for the storage of GEDCOM files.  One way it could work is
people upload their GEDCOM file to a site, there the files are then
scanned for viruses (wouldn't want to destroy someone's entire
genealogy database and a lot of hard work with a virus) and then the file
is scanned for names and places.  That information is then stored in a
searchable database.  The advantage here would be that you could then
do a search on either someone's name or a location and perhaps both
and come up with a match (hopefully).  At this point once you have
found a match, you could then view an abbreviated HTML file of that
person and their family to verify whether or not this is the correct person
you are looking for.  If it is a proper match you then could download the
associated GEDCOM file(s) by just clicking on a button or link. 

There would be some administration work needed in operating such a
Home Page after it gets up and running.  Hopefully however it could be
designed to be fairly automated, but a human is still going to have to do
some of the administration work.  My co-worker has graciously
volunteered her services to design the home page.  However most
Internet Providers do not allow database search engines to be stored on
their sites.  This could potentially be a problem but my company would
likely be able to house the database search engine and the GEDCOM files
and the HTML files.  There would be a cost involved here.  I don't know if
it would be an one time charge or an on going charge, and I don't know
what the cost would be, I will have to investigate that further.  Since this
is one aspect of what my company does, there is one stipuation, once
the site is up and running, my company (Barr Engineering) would be able
to use this site as an example of work performed.  And there would likely
be on the site a statement saying the the page was developed by Barr
Engineering and a link to their site.  

Before anything happens on this home page idea, at least the one I just
proposed, I need to find out the cost and if there is anyone that is willing
to kick in the cost of such a project.  I would be willing to perform the
administration work after the site is up, but would also be looking for
someone else to assist in this task.
Tom Weir writes:  "I notice on Cyndi's genealogic home page, there is a
route to GEDClean Home Page where one can download a program that
will clean up GEDCOMs to remove the data that one has on their living
relatives. "

Tom could you let me know what the address for Cyndi's home page is? 
I am curious on how the program identifies people who are alive.  In my
database I leave to date of death line blank for both people who are alive
and for people I don't know when they died, and I suspect that would be
the line GEDClean looks at to decide whether someone is alive or not.

Nothing else to report.  Any suggestions on this home page idea would
be greatly appreciated.

Roger Dellinger
---------- End of message ----------

From: Jeremy Franklin 
To: "Strong Family genealogy list"
Subject: RE: Strategies and Procedures for Strong, et al., Research
Date: Sun, 04 May 1997 18:15:30 -0500

A question/comment about Roger's ideas:

there are some persons about whom visitors are looking for info that will
be common to many of the contributors' GEDCOMS, like Elder John Strong of
MA.  so when the visitor sees all those different GEDCOMS available which
contain info on the indentical person, it might be difficult for him or her
to know which GEDCOM to download.  and it would be a major project to
download all of them.  in addition, this duplicating of persons will tend
to take up more of our space on the server.  also, it is likely that some
of the different GEDCOMs will have slightly different dates or other
factual info.  if we input all data together into one file, then we could
find dates which the majority agree are most accurate.  

regarding the amount of space the database would take up:
to give everyone some idea: the HTML files for my database of about 5100
persons consumes about 3.5MB.  so how many persons will this database be?
20000?  30000?  100000? 20000 would extrapolate to about 15MB, give or take
a few MB.  100000: 75MB, admitadly too large.  my whole genealogy file
(Family Tree Maker file) is 15000 persons, and it is pretty managable,
about 17MB.  of course its creation is not something done overnight, either.  

While Tom McConnell's geographic links are useful and don't take up much
space, it seems to not exactly fulfill our purpose of pursuing the
database.  isn't it to make the actual information accessible to everyone
and coordinate actual data?  if we just wanted a method for contacting one
another, then wouldn't this E-mail discussion group be enough? 

so i guess i agree with Tom Mathews--can we combine methods? 

To Bob Strong...
I am in the process of transferring between universities, so that is why i
do have some time now.  I attended University of Minnesota last year,
majoring in civil engineering.  this fall i am leaving for
as-yet-undetermined university to pursue architecture.  

Jeremy T. Franklin

"If two men on the same job agree all the time, then one is useless. If
they disagree all the time, then both are useless."  Darryl F. Zanuck

Bumper Sticker of the Week:
"Change is inevitable, except from a vending machine."
---------- End of message ----------

To: "Strong Family genealogy list"
Subject: new member
Date: Sun, 4 May 1997 22:36:11 -0400 (EDT)

I'm looking for the ancestors of my grandmother, Cleopatra Strong Beauregard,
New Orleans. Thank you R.E. Krul
---------- End of message ----------

From: "Edwards, Teresa L" 
To: "Strong Family genealogy list"
Subject: The Three STRONG Brothers in Douglas/Ozark Co. MO?
Date: Mon, 5 May 1997 08:32:37 -0400

The folks in Douglas County MO., Mentioned the three brothers that came to 
the Ozark region married three Native American women.  The three I think 
were Alexander, Isaac, and William.  It seemed that the members of this 
list are familiar with the three brothers.  Do anyone know the tribe or the 
heritage of the Native American Women?

I really think that since Nancy Jane Strong was half Native American that 
she would best fit into this family if the this is true of the three men. 

Could anyone send me information on the lineage of these Strongs.  I have a 
very capable e-mail system and can receive large messages or attachments.

Thanks for any help. :-)

Teresa L. Davis Edwards
7012 Dalewood Dr.
Middletown, OH 45042

My Surnames


Husband Surnames:

MCCONAUGHEY - BAILEY - BERRY - DUDLEY --->  William the Conqueror 
---------- End of message ----------

From: Thomas Mathews 
To: "Strong Family genealogy list"
Subject: Re: The Three STRONG Brothers in Douglas/Ozark Co. MO?
Date: Mon, 05 May 1997 19:49:51 +0100

Hi Teresa, 

As I have mentioned previously, Alexander, Isaac and William are three
of the seven sons (and six daughters) of Henry Harrison Strong of
Owlsley County, KY. My source is 40 page genealogy entitled "Family Tree
of Henry Harrison Strong of Kentucky and Missouri", graciously provided
to me by James Rolff. If you confirm the address you want it sent to I
will fire off a copy to you. Be warned. I have already looked for Nancy
here and have not found her.

What separates Isaac, William and Alexander from their siblings is that
their wives were all sisters. Whether the Colstons were American Indians
or not is anybody's guess.

Isaac Strong is the second child and eldest son. He was married twice,
first to Rachel Vanderpool in 1859. She bore him a daughter, Angeline,
before she died in 1861. In 1865 he married Rhodesia Priscilla Colston
and had ten more children, none named Nancy.

After Isaac came William. He married Mary E. Colston. They had four sons
and seven daughters, again no Nancys.

Youngest of the three was Alexander who was married to Martha Colston.
They had seven children, none named Nancy. One was named Ruthie Jane but
she married Monroe Medlock and lived until 1938. 

Each of the three brothers enlisted during the Civil War. Isaac and
Alexander fought for the Union and William joined the Confederacy. He
was twice captured and apparently opted not to report back after being
paroled after the fall of Vicksburg. 

That's it for now.

Tom Mathews 
Oakley, CA
---------- End of message ----------

From: Jeremy Franklin 
To: "Strong Family genealogy list"
Subject: Re: strong family server
Date: Mon, 05 May 1997 22:31:47 -0500

Hi! i would happy to explain a little!  i can't blame you for asking.  

most of us who get to the internet from our homes have to use our modems to
dial the "server." the server is just a big computer on which we have an
account.  by an account i mean we pay per month to the company which runs
the server.  they in return give us the access to the internet through
their server.  so when we dial their server over the phone line with our
modem, we "connect" to their modem and the information (like email or a web
page) is transferred over the phone line from their computer to our
computer.  this is a lot slower than your connection but it works.  

so when we talk about space on the server that we will need for our
documents, we are talking about using our account with the server to store
our web page.  so we set up the web page on our computer and then "upload"
the documents to their computer (just the opposite of when we have to
"download" somebody else's web page to view it), and from there other
people can find it on the internet.  therefore we are taking up space on
their computer with our documents, and that is what the MB limit is that we
have mentioned.  

so what can you do in Australia?  once we have uploaded the documents to
the server computer, you can view them like you would any other internet
page.  you can also participate in putting together the Strong site by
using what is called FTP.  this is what we might use to upload the
documents from our computer to the server.  using FTP, you can log into any
account in the world (if you know the password) and then get access to the
files on that server.  after we make the web page documents on somebody's
computer, we will connect to the server by telling the FTP program where to
connect, the username, and password.  then we can upload the documents so
everybody can find them!  if we decide that all the strong list members
(who wants to participate) can post their GEDCOM on the web page, that
would be the easiest way to get all the files to the server.  otherwise, we
would have to try to attach them to email, or mail disks, or some other
slower way.  but we don't want too many people knowing the password,
either.  that is a long way off, so we will cross that bridge when get

i hope this helps a little!  just yell if you have more questions.  


>Can I be totally ignorant.  I am connected to the internet through my work
>in Australia.  i have absolutely no idea how it works or what subscribing
>to a server would mean.  You are mentioning a cost.  Where would that leave
>those of use outside the States ??
Jeremy T. Franklin

"If two men on the same job agree all the time, then one is useless. If
they disagree all the time, then both are useless."  Darryl F. Zanuck

Bumper Sticker of the Week:
"Change is inevitable, except from a vending machine."

---------- End of message ----------
From: "Roger Dellinger" 
To: "Strong Family genealogy list"
Subject: RE: Strategies and Procedures for Strong, et al., Research -Reply
Date: Tue, 06 May 1997 08:04:00 -0600 (CST)

I like to idea of common database.  It definitely would help facilitate the
research of the Strong family name by everyone involved.  

However, combining each submitted GEDCOM file into one huge
database would be a major undertaking.  A combined database per major
division of Strong's, e.g. descendants of "Elder" John Strong, versus
descendants of the South Carolina Strong's versus the Strong's of
Virginia, could still be a very large file and a large undertaking. 

Is there programs out there that would help merge the various GEDCOM
files and eliminate duplicate names yet potentially keep any conflicting
data for each duplicate person?  Who would be responsible for merging
the various files?  Who would verify that the merging of the files was
done correctly and completely?  How do you eliminate people currently
still alive?  How do you distinguish between people still alive versus
people who are dead but the date is unknown?  Lots of questions to
which I have no answers.  But if we put are heads together we could
probably come up with most of the answers.

I have seen the results from the program GED2HTLM.  I am somewhat
impressed, but the way it organizes people within the files seems to me
to be somewhat like organized chaos.  Is there a way to control how the
program organizes the division of people?  Alphabetically perhaps, or by
family, etc or is it as it seems, random?

I recently bought a new genealogy program.  It is Corel's "Family Tree
Suite" that runs under Windows 95 or Windows NT 4.0.  It claims to
produce HTML versions of your family tree, however it falls very short of
my expectations.  Basically it produces a simple descendary chart. 
There are many things I like about the program, but there are also several
flaws with it as well.  The biggest flaw is that it locks up occasionally
which then locks up your computer.  The only solution to the lock up is to
turn the computer off, and in 95 and NT that is something that should be
avoided at all costs.  So I will probably continue to use Personal
Ancestral File, which I have used for some time now.

Roger Dellinger
Eden Prairie, MN
---------- End of message ----------

To: "Strong Family genealogy list"
Subject: Strategies and Procedures re Web Site
Date: 6 May 1997 13:04:38 EDT

Hi Everyone...
We are getting a lot of info on this subject... I know I am learning a
lot... even if it is taking a while to soak into my understanding (!)
At some point I know Bob will be trying to gather the various points
into some form of "point paper" for evaluation of pros and cons, so I
won't even attempt that at this point.  However, I have a couple of
questions and/or thoughts:

Some of the major concerns seem to be:
(1) size of the data to be compiled if on just one site
(2) cost of site
(3) long-run stability/viability of the site
(4) who will be responsible for compiling and operating the site.

At some point Jeremy asked if there is any grant money available for
this type of thing... I question whether there would be, but the thought
occurred to me that there may be some type of publically funded server
which we could use for the site... such as a university or a major
library.  How, for example is the MAISER operation at the University of
Indiana funded?  I think we should take our time and do a little
exploration of potential servers... there seem to be a multitude of
options out there.  Having in the past had a server go out of business
on me rather suddenly and without notice, I think we should consider the
need to have multiple backups of the files placed on the server, and
look for a server that is likely to remain in operation.

I also think we should consider whether the person(s) who compile the
site(s) should be compensated or expected to work voluntarily.  If
compensated, we need to consider how to organize the funding of the
operation.  This point has been raised before, without answer.  However,
I question the advisability of starting a new organization to fund this
thing.  Maybe we should look for an existing organization which we can
"tack" onto???

That of course raises a "control" issue... we want to be careful not to
abdicate control to someone who may not have the same interest we do in
this project.  That in itself could affect the long-term viability of
the site.

Hope this helps the discussion... we are getting lots of good solid
input from various people and it seems there is a lot of interest in the
project from others as well!

Regards, Dave Strong
---------- End of message ----------

To: "Strong Family genealogy list"
Subject: Digests,again (!)
Date: 6 May 1997 17:48:34 EDT

For what it's worth, I am afraid I did not understand the way the Digest
thing worked... My concern was that we would ALL have to receive the
mail in Digest form.  If it is true that only those who wanted to do so
would receive it that way, I would have no objection. {:-)
Regards, Dave Strong
"Hi all, do not understand continued debate re:digests.  If it is turned on,
the only ones affected would be those members to the list who specifically
request that their mail is received in digest format.  All others would
continue to receive their mail as they currently do.  It is a convenience to
those who find it so and of no importance to those who are happy as they are.

Jean Anthony,
2304 N Justin Ave.
Simi Valley, CA 93065"

---------- End of message ----------

From: Russell Laird 
To: "Strong Family genealogy list"
Subject: RE: Strategies and Procedures for Strong, et al., Research -Reply
Date: Tue, 6 May 1997 19:09:39 -0500

Hello Everyone,

Combining GEDCOMs would, indeed, be a laborious
undertaking, and would require a lot of work from 
everyone involved.  Not to say there's anything wrong
with that, but it would be huge.

Cross-linking and decisions regarding possible
duplications are two BIG topics. GED2HTML? It's
nice in a way, and useful, but it isn't required. We
could web-publish different sorts of reports, with
names indexed.

And, we could use any number of homepages on
any number of servers to accomplish a project. All
we'd have to do is link the sites together, which can
be done on any level of detail we choose. In that 
fashion, we would have one, big, virtual site, which
is what the web is, anyway. Coordination would,
of course, be the key: who has what where? We
could use one homepage as a master index to
all the sites involved, with each page maintainer
submitting relevant info to the keeper of the index.
Imagine it as a mini-USGenWeb project.

Submitters would control content regarding living

GeoCities is free. Any one of us with Web access
can "homestead" a 2MB site there gratis. I have one.
It's easy. One cannot stay within size limitations if
publishing many photos, but two megs of text is a lot
of text. Photos could be sprinkled about, or they could
be concentrated on a server with a larger homepage
space allotment.

All in all, I like the possibilities, and I believe there are
enough of us present who have experience with the
workings of web publishing to make it go. I will be more
than happy to participate, and equally as happy to help
anyone who isn't sure how to go about it. That's one of
the reasons we're here, right? To help one another.

End result, if we do it right, would be a clearer image of
STRONG history and relativity, if you will, on a larger
scale than any one of us currently has, along with one
heckuva resource for our cousins who get interested on
down the road.

About a week late and a megabyte short,

Russell Laird
Mt. Vernon, TX
---------- End of message ----------

From: Russell Laird 
To: "Strong Family genealogy list"
Subject: RE: Digests,again (!)
Date: Tue, 6 May 1997 19:30:29 -0500

Jean is correct. Digest mode from MAISER is user selectable.

How it looks when you receive it depends on which mail reader
you're using. I use Microsoft Exchange on Win95. Upgraded to
Office 97 last week, and Exchange's "Inbox" can be used alone,
as it was prior, or can be accessed from within Outlook. Digests
appear to Exchange as a mailbag: a single container with many
attachments. It helps keep things organized, especially if you're
subbed to many lists.

As to how often you would receive a STRONG-L digest, if you so
chose to set your subscription to digest mode, would depend on
defaults set by Larry Stephens, MAISER Big Boss. The normal
default is, if I remember correctly, 24K or 24 hours, whichever
comes first. Either one of those criteria will trigger a digest
release to the list's digest subscribers. Bob could request
different numbers, if list members wanted something different,
but whatever defaults were decided upon would be the same
for everyone who decided to set their STRONG-L mail to digest.

You could try it, if you like. Digest mode isn't permanent. If
you didn't like it, you could switch back to "normal", or
no-digest mode.

I vote for making it possible, Bob, if it isn't already. In fact,
I think I'll try it... will let you know.

Regards Everyone,
Russell Laird
PO Box 1046
Mt. Vernon, TX 75457

-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent:	Tuesday, May 06, 1997 4:49 PM
To:	Strong Family genealogy list
Subject:	Digests,again (!)

For what it's worth, I am afraid I did not understand the way the Digest
thing worked... My concern was that we would ALL have to receive the
mail in Digest form.  If it is true that only those who wanted to do so
would receive it that way, I would have no objection. {:-)
Regards, Dave Strong
"Hi all, do not understand continued debate re:digests.  If it is turned on,
the only ones affected would be those members to the list who specifically
request that their mail is received in digest format.  All others would
continue to receive their mail as they currently do.  It is a convenience to
those who find it so and of no importance to those who are happy as they are.

Jean Anthony,
2304 N Justin Ave.
Simi Valley, CA 93065"

---------- End of message ----------

From: (Robert T. Strong)
To: "Strong Family genealogy list"
Subject: Distributed vs. Consolidated Database?
Date: Tue, 06 May 1997 22:28:40 EDT

Hello, All Strong (and allied families) Rooters!

I wish to personally thank all the folks who have
contributed their knowledge to disucssing the
idea of establishing a database on the Internet.

When it comes to the Internet, I need one of those
Books for Dummies!  So my contribution to his 
discussion has no more weight than anyone else's
contribution, and much less weight than the contributions
of some who have technical knowedge and experience 
with creating homepages.  

It seems to me that as an informal association--a 
confederation, if you will--of independent family
historians we have four choices before us.

1.  Do nothing.

2.  Link existing homepages into a network and add
     additional links as new homepages are created
     by individual members.

3.  Create a centralized (common) database at one
     location where any member can deposit their 
     data for sharing on the Internet.

4.  Do both 2. and 3. 

It appears to me that the Alternative #2 is the
more achieveable, less expensive in terms of both
labor and cost, and probably the more palatable
to the greatest number of potential participants.
Everyone would control their own data.  Everyone
would create their own WWW homepages.

The third alternative is the more ideal, but it will
be slow to implement, will cost more in terms of 
both labor and funding, and will require ongoing
management by a volunteer or volunteers.  Several
have suggested a committee of editors to approve
data before it is posted to the database.

One of the problems with both approaches is that
persons who do not subscribe to a commercial 
Internet Service Provider cannot access the data.
This leaves out many potential contributors and
also potential persons who wish to access the
data for either online browsing or downloading
of data.  This can be overcome by using the 
U. S. Mails as a supplemental methof of submitting
data or retreive data via diskette.  Of course 
someone must upload the data from diskette to 
computer and vice versa and we would have to 
ask the submittor to pay for return postage. 

My personal vote is to do everything at once!
Each of us needs to work on our personal databases.
By sharing our personal databases with each other,
by sending a GEDCOM via diskette to another 
member of the Mail Group, for example, we  can 
begin building a common database or set of
databases.  By creating our own WWW homepages
and including family history data, we can be linked
together in a distributed database.  And we need 
to continue to explore possibilities and alternatives
for creating that ideal common database of the 

I will insert a separator here as the above is the
gist of what I wished to communicate in this
message.   The next part is more mundane.


How to download data, such as a GEDCOM, from
a WWW site or homepage is something I do not
understand, but assume is possible.  I know that
this can be accomplished with an "old fashioned"
Bulletin Board system and that is why I first 
suggested that solution.  The problem with the 
BBS is that it would require a long distance phone
call to access, but that is probably cheaper for 
some than subscribing to a commercial Internet
Provider with annual costs of $240 or higher.
And the BBS would have to be online, at least
during prescribed hours, which means it would
have to be dedicated, at least for the prescribed
hours of operation.  

Some questions have been asked about the
combining of GEDCOMS and about the deletion 
of living persons.  Yes, some, if not most, good 
genealogy database programs include a merge
feature.  But I find this feature a bear with which 
I do not wish to wrestle.  I accomplish the combining
of databases by pruning the duplicates from the first
database before I link it to the second database. 
And instead of deleting dozens or more of individual
entries, I simply create one or more smaller GEDCOMs
which include only the data I wish to import into and
link to my existing database.  In this case the second 
database is the one I already have and to which I 
am importing additional data supplied to me by 
another researcher.  In this example I am the sole 
editor who makes decisions  about what to keep and 
what to prune.  In a common database that kind of 
decision making becomes more complex.  In the 
Ancestral File, operated by the LDS Family History 
Center, this is handled by simply including everyone's 
data without any editing, so you have everyones' 
opinions in the form of multiple entries for the same 
person; you must evaluate the conflicting data yourself 
and decide which is more accurate.  We can certainly 
do better than that, in my opinion.  

I assume most everyone's genealogy database has
generally the same features.  When I export a GEDCOM
I can choose how many generations of descendants to 
include, or how many generations of ancestors to 
include and from what generation to begin.  (These two 
methods of exporting give very different sets of data.)  
It is quite easy to export a GEDCOM that will exclude 
most, if not all,  persons currently living.  In my family, 
my father and all of his siblings are deceased.  So I 
could include that generation with no concern for
having any living persons in the exported Strong Family
GEDCOM.  Since three siblings and I are still living, my 
own generation and our children and grandchildren 
would not be included in the GEDCOM.  The hard part 
would be in updating the common database periodically 
to add another generation of a person's family.   (But I 
wouldn't be the one having to do that for my family, 
would I?  My children, or one of their cousins, would 
have to submit this data in the future.)

[I am considering purchasing a genealogy database 
program for each of my children, so I can give them a 
copy of my digitalized data.  That's a good way of 
preserving electronic data, incidentally:  having copies 
stored at remote sites.  That's one of the advantages of
sharing your personal database with others.]

One item that has not been addressed in any of the
suggestons thus far concerns which GEDCOM standard
to use.  The older standard, used in Personal Ancestral
File, for example, did not permit the use of Sources
or of individualized event fields.  The newer standard
allows these features.  For a common database to 
work for everyone, the lower or earlier standard would
have to be used to insure compatability.  How will
notes be handled in a common database?  Will they 
be allowed or excluded?  In my own database, my 
sources are entered in the General Notes, as there I 
can export them to someone who uses a genealogy 
database program with the older standard, whereas 
they would not be able to import data in my Source
fields or Source Notes. 

Please join in the discussion and share your thoughts
and ideas with the rest of us.  What would you, 
personally, be willing to do in terms of sharing your
family history data about Strongs, Stangs, Stranges,
etc.?  I would like to hear the thoughts of every 
subscriber to our Mail List.  You don't have to be 
a technical computer expert, Internet geru, or 
professional genealogist to have some ideas and 
feelings about this topic.  How would it affect you, if
at all?  Would you utilize one type of service 
(distributed vs. centralized) but not the other?  Etc. 

Robert T. ("Bob") Strong, Jr., Manager, STRONG Mail List
119 Mystic Way, Monrovia Comm., Madison, AL 35758-7113
(c) 1997.  Permission granted to copy for personal use only.
---------- End of message ----------

From: "Theresa Lang" 
To: "Strong Family genealogy list"
Subject: Strategies & Procedures Re: Web Site
Date: 6 May 1997 19:14:44 U

Hello All,

Came across this idea on another mail list I subscribe to... Web Rings.  Maybe (probably
a big maybe, since it works with multiple home pages) it is an option for the
Strong database?

For those of you not familiar with web rings this is a brief description:

On your home page, usually at the very bottom, there is a small graphic that depicts
a certain interest - in our case the STRONG surname and its origin. There are
also 'forward', 'back' and 'random' buttons. By clicking 'forward' you move to
the next person in the ring where you will find a page with similar genealogy
interests and another web ring link. If you keep going forward through these sites
you eventually get back to your own site. The function of the 'back' and
'random' buttons should be obvious.

There are lots of web-rings about and it is a good way of visiting sites
with common interests (and also getting visitors to your own site).

A gentleman by the name of Brian Lipscom is gauging interest for just such a web
ring for Leister Pro's Reunion enthusiasts.  His homepage address is:

Hope this is helpful.

Theresa Lang
Vancouver WA

---------- End of message ----------

To: "Strong Family genealogy list"
Subject: Re:Strong Family Researchers Coordinated Web Site
Date: 7 May 1997 12:15:18 EDT

Hi Everyone,

I like What Russell Laird has  said (quoted below), and what Bob Strong
said in the Distributed vs Consolidated Database letter.  I think we
should immediately make a start.  I suggest that someone... Russell,
Jeremy, Roger, Bill or who ever, immediately homestead a Geocities
website on behalf of the "Strong Family Researchers Coordinated Web Site
Project", for lack of a better name.   Geocities because it is
apparently free, and not tied to anyone member of the project. I further

            (1) that it include an initial description of the concept of
the site... eg., that it serves as  a master index to the sites
            (2) that it is maintained by the members of the STRONG LIST,
            (3) that the Web Site manager is acting on behalf of the
Moderator of the Strong List, Bob Strong (until he is up and able to act
for himself on the WEB),
            (4) That Bob can be contacted at his email address,
            (5)  that we include instructions on how to subscribe to the
Strong List,
            (6) that we advise that participation in the Web project is
voluntary, and
            (7) that we include a listing of members of the Strong List
(similar to the listing Bob is presently sending out on a monthly basis)
showing their email addresses and URL's with the URL's being hot keyed
to the home pages of those who are presently on the Web, adding those
who get on line in the future.
            (8) that as each of us has text to add to the main index
site, he submit it to Bob for coordination with the site manager.

Those members who presently have home pages should in turn add a
standardized statement to their home pages saying that they are
participants in the project, members of the STRONG LISt including
instructions on how to contact/subscribe to the list, provide a hot key
link to the master index web site, and also include a discussion of what
ever info they are contributing to the project on their web site with
appropriate hot keys to the info.

Lets also set a time line for the project, which is voluntary, of
course, but just to set a goal, lets all try to get linked with web
sites by the end of 1997.

One problem that occurs to me is that some of the List members who may
want to participate are using email servers provided by their
employers... Query how they will be able to set up a web site... could
they maybe also "homestead" one on Geocities??? How is that

This thing will grow, probably like topsy, but that is how the web grew
in the first place!!!  I think we've got something exciting here.  I
intend to spend some time coming up with some input on what I can
contribute to the project on behalf of the "Scots-Irish" and
"Anglo-Irish" Strongs/Stronges/Strangs/Stranges/L'Estranges... I think
for myself that it is a first step in planning my own web page...

Lets Go For It!!!!

Dave Strong
RL>And, we could use any number of homepages on
RL>any number of servers to accomplish a project. All
RL>we'd have to do is link the sites together, which can
RL>be done on any level of detail we choose. In that
RL>fashion, we would have one, big, virtual site, which
RL>is what the web is, anyway. Coordination would,
RL>of course, be the key: who has what where? We
RL>could use one homepage as a master index to
RL>all the sites involved, with each page maintainer
RL>submitting relevant info to the keeper of the index.
RL>Imagine it as a mini-USGenWeb project.

RL>Submitters would control content regarding living

RL>GeoCities is free. Any one of us with Web access
RL>can "homestead" a 2MB site there gratis. I have one.
RL>It's easy. One cannot stay within size limitations if
RL>publishing many photos, but two megs of text is a lot
RL>of text. Photos could be sprinkled about, or they could
RL>be concentrated on a server with a larger homepage
RL>space allotment.

RL>All in all, I like the possibilities, and I believe there are
RL>enough of us present who have experience with the
RL>workings of web publishing to make it go. I will be more
RL>than happy to participate, and equally as happy to help
RL>anyone who isn't sure how to go about it. That's one of
RL>the reasons we're here, right? To help one another.

RL>End result, if we do it right, would be a clearer image of
RL>STRONG history and relativity, if you will, on a larger
RL>scale than any one of us currently has, along with one
RL>heckuva resource for our cousins who get interested on
RL>down the road.

RL>About a week late and a megabyte short,

RL>Russell Laird
RL>Mt. Vernon, TX
---------- End of message ----------

From: (Robert T. Strong)
To: "Strong Family genealogy list"
Subject: What to do ??
Date: Wed, 07 May 1997 23:25:45 EDT

--------- Begin forwarded message ----------

Subject: What to do ??
Date: Thu, 8 May 1997 09:08:40 +1000

Victoria Strong
08/05/97 09:08

As some of you may be aware, I am an Australian Strong.  I currently have
access to the internet via my notes system at work.  At this stage we are
unable to create our own web pages and do much else besides contribute
via notes format.

Therefore, the conversation regaiding what is going to happen leaves me
feeling quite left out.  Being computer illiterate and on the other side
of the world does not help.  I cannot create a web page - and swapping
things via US mail does not help those of us outside the States.

All that being said, I still want to be involved in the project.  For I
sure that somewhere the American branch must connect back to England or
Ireland where we come from.

That my two cents worth.


Tory Strong (
--------- End forwarded message ----------
---------- End of message ----------

To: "Strong Family genealogy list"
Subject: Reply re: What to do ??
Date: 8 May 1997 13:38:50 EDT


This is just one idea of what to do and how this may work to the
advantage of all concerned:  Certain of us have already compiled
computerized data files tracing our family "trees" back and forward as
far as we can.  There is a distinction here which I am alluding to and
perhaps ought to be said...  I don't intend to insult your intelligence
and please excuse me if I am telling you something you already know.
There are two concepts of a family tree.  One is to simply trace your
own ancestry back as far as you can, identifying your parents, their
parents, and so on.   What is compiled can be charted on what is called
an ancestry chart.  The other kind of chart is what is called a
descendancy chart.  In this situation, a researcher starts with the
oldest ancestor known and compiles a listing of all descendants of all
children of that ancestor.  This kind of chart is very useful in the
situation we are talking about, in that if you and I can identify a
common ancestor,  perhaps an individual who is three generations down in
my chart, then you can tack on three additional generations to your
chart.  In some ways, this is a gigantic puzzle, where we are all
working on separate pieces/areas of the puzzle.

You have in the past indicated your mother is doing the genealogical
research in your family (by the way, has she returned from Ireland
yet?);  I assume she has compiled something of a descendancy chart for
your own family.  The question is, has the data been compiled on a
computerized genealogical program?  If it has, then it may be that we
can exchange info about our ancestry to determine whether we have common
ancestors, and forward via email a GEDCOM copy of our respective
descendancy charts which can be used by both of us to expand our
knowledge of our family tree and history.  If, on the other hand, your
mother's info has not yet been computerized, then perhaps you can work
with her in getting that done, so that we can in the future make the
exchange suggested above.   Don't overlook the possibility that I may
have info regarding a different "Irish" Strong family than my own which
may be of use to you.

One of the subjects I think it would be useful to explore on this LIST
is a discussion of what may be the advantages/disadvantages of various
Genealogy programs available on the market.  I have been using a
shareware program called Family HIstory System, which has served my
purposes very well.  It easily facilitates creation of printable
descendancy charts, which can include basic statistical data, plus a
comment section relating to each individual if I so desire.  One problem
is that it is becoming somewhat dated and there seem to be programs out
there with features which are even more flexible than FHS.  I know I can
create GEDCOM files out of my FHS files, and while there will be a need
to closely attend to details to be sure nothing is lost, will be able to
transfer my data to any new program I decide to acquire.  In turn, if,
as I hope, I acquire a new program which will more easily create
complete GEDCOM files, I will be able to export and import data more
easily than I now can.  If you have not yet got a Genealogical Data
Program, perhaps you could benefit from a further discussion of
available programs.

At any rate, we can exchange info by what ever means we now have, and
over time, as we all improve our capabilities we may be able to assist
each other and others on the list even more.  Part of this project is
learning the processes involved and being able to take advantage of new
technology as things evolve.  Perhaps at some later date you may be
independant of your employer, and in the meantime have acquired enough
computer literacy to write your own home page using HTLM or whatever it
is (I'm learning, too!).  Or, perhaps someone on the LIST can either
accomodate your info on their home page, or assist you in creating one
of your own on GEOCITIES (note my last message where I asked how one
"homesteads" a web site).

I hope this helps a bit.  Don't hesitate to ask more questions or
clarify your needs further.  I'm sure there are others out there who can
help if what I am offering above is off the point.  {:-)!

Regards, Dave Strong (of the Anglo-Irish Strongs of Co's Fermanagh and
Donegal, Ireland)
RT>--------- Begin forwarded message ----------

RT>Subject: What to do ??
RT>Date: Thu, 8 May 1997 09:08:40 +1000
RT>Message-ID: <>

RT>Victoria Strong
RT>08/05/97 09:08

RT>As some of you may be aware, I am an Australian Strong.  I currently have
RT>access to the internet via my notes system at work.  At this stage we are
RT>unable to create our own web pages and do much else besides contribute
RT>via notes format.

RT>Therefore, the conversation regaiding what is going to happen leaves me
RT>feeling quite left out.  Being computer illiterate and on the other side
RT>of the world does not help.  I cannot create a web page - and swapping
RT>things via US mail does not help those of us outside the States.

RT>All that being said, I still want to be involved in the project.  For I
RT>sure that somewhere the American branch must connect back to England or
RT>Ireland where we come from.

RT>That my two cents worth.


RT>Tory Strong (

RT>--------- End forwarded message ----------

---------- End of message ----------

From: (Robert T. Strong)
To: "Strong Family genealogy list"
Subject: STRONGs:  Strongsville, Ohio, 1807-1818 
Date: Thu, 08 May 1997 17:27:22 EDT


Thanks to Barbara Pederson for contributing
this information to the Strong Mail List.


--------- Begin forwarded message ----------

From: Barbara Pederson 
To: (Robert T. Strong)
Subject: STRONGs of early Strongsville, Ohio 
Date: Thu, 8 May 1997 15:45:39 -0230 (NDT)
Message-ID: <>

Dear Robert,

I recently came across the enclosed information which I received
from Walter F. Ehrnfelt, the Mayor of Strongsville, Ohio, 
in 1991, in reply to my request for information on how that
city got its name.  He kindly sent me two photocopies 
of information from the Strongsville Library which I think would
be of interest to some members of the STRONG Mail List. There 
was no book title with this information so I don't know the 
source. I will send all of it in the one message; you can do 
any necessary editing before posting it.

[Town of Strongsville, Ohio; first photocopy]


The Connecticut Land Company purchased of the State of Connecticut
a tract of land, paying for it the sum of $1,200,000.  The Company
first divided among its members that part of the Reserve to which 
the Indian title was extinct, the principal draft being made in or
about 1800.  The land lay east of the Cuyahoga River, but in 1807 
a draft was made of most of the land lying west of the Cuyahoga 
and east of the Fire Lands.

Of the land divided in 1807, there were forty-six drafts; each 
draft representing $26,087.   A deed dated April 26, 1807, made 
by Jonathan Brace, John Morgan and John Caldwell of the 
Connecticut Land Company appears on the records of the Draft Book
in Trumbull County.  The deed conveyed to Oliver Ellsworth, 13673
acres; Gov. Caleb Strong, 12,000 acres; John Frost, 400 acres; 
Seth Porter, 14 acres, and included, beside this township, 
Town 5, Range 14, Tract No. 2 in Gore No. 6 in 12th Range, thus 
equalizing the drafts with others of the same date.

John Stoughton Strong of Marlborough, Vt., purchased several 
thousand acres of Township No. 5, 14th Range, and having received 
the agency for the sale of the remainder of the township, came in 
February 1816 to attend to his new affairs.  With him came his 
son, Emory, also Elijah Lyman, Sr., William Fuller, Guilford 
Whitney, John Hilliard and his wife, (who was a daughter of
Mr. Whitney) with their only child, Eliza Hilliard.  The party 
came from Cleveland out to the mouth of Rocky River, from there 
to Columbia, then on to their first abiding place in Township 
No. 5, a little southeast of the center.

[Note: On this page there is a picture -- early photograph?-- 
of a Mrs. Thatcher Avery.]

[Second photocopy]

Organization and Development:

February 25, 1818, the township was organized and named 
Strongsville.  The first township meeting was held at 
J.S. Strong's on Monday, April 6, 1818, Ephraim Strong, a 
Justice of the Peace from Middleburg, presiding.  The first 
judges of election were James Nichols, David Goodwin and 
Chipman Porter.  The officers elected were: Clerk, Seth Goodwin; 
Trustees, John Dinsmore, James Nichols and Seth Goodwin; Fence 
Viewers, James Bennett and Benj. G. Barber; Overseers of the Poor,
James Smith and Joseph H. Nichols; Appraisors, Chipman Porter
and Thaddeus Ball; Supervisors, John Bosworth, John Dinsmore 
and Benj. Barber; Constables, James Nichols and G.F. Gilbert;
Treasurer, Seth Goodwin. 

At a meeting of the trustees, held at the house of Guilford 
Whitney in June, David Goodwin was appointed trustee in the place
of Seth Goodwin, who declined, and Guilford Whitney, treasurer,
for Seth Goodwin also declined to hold this office.  Hollis
Whitney was appointed fence viewer in place of Benj. G. Barber,
and Abial  [as spelled] Haynes assumed the duties of supervisor.
At an election held June 16, 1818, James Nichols and Abijah 
Haynes, Sr., were elected Justices of the Peace.  Soon after the 
township was divided into highway districts and a tax was voted 
as the law directed, i.e. ten cents on all horned cattle above 
three years old, and thirty cents on all horse kind over three 
years old.  A road tax was also voted and Geo. F. Gilbert was 
to be collector of the same.


--------- End forwarded message ----------

---------- End of message ----------

From: (Robert T. Strong)
To: "Strong Family genealogy list"
Subject: Reply re: What to do ??
Date: Thu, 08 May 1997 17:41:16 EDT


ATTENTION:  Victoria (Tory) Strong

--------- Begin forwarded message ----------
Subject: Reply re: What to do ??
Date: 8 May 1997 13:30:04 EDT
Message-ID: <>


This is just one idea of what to do and how this may work to the
advantage of all concerned:  Certain of us have already compiled
computerized data files tracing our family "trees" back and forward as
far as we can.  There is a distinction here which I am alluding to and
perhaps ought to be said...  I don't intend to insult your intelligence
and please excuse me if I am telling you something you already know.
There are two concepts of a family tree.  One is to simply trace your
own ancestry back as far as you can, identifying your parents, their
parents, and so on.   What is compiled can be charted on what is called
an ancestry chart.  The other kind of chart is what is called a
descendancy chart.  In this situation, a researcher starts with the
oldest ancestor known and compiles a listing of all descendants of all
children of that ancestor.  This kind of chart is very useful in the
situation we are talking about, in that if you and I can identify a
common ancestor,  perhaps an individual who is three generations down in
my chart, then you can tack on three additional generations to your
chart.  In some ways, this is a gigantic puzzle, where we are all
working on separate pieces/areas of the puzzle.

You have in the past indicated your mother is doing the genealogical
research in your family (by the way, has she returned from Ireland
yet?);  I assume she has compiled something of a descendancy chart for
your own family.  The question is, has the data been compiled on a
computerized genealogical program?  If it has, then it may be that we
can exchange info about our ancestry to determine whether we have common
ancestors, and forward via email a GEDCOM copy of our respective
descendancy charts which can be used by both of us to expand our
knowledge of our family tree and history.  If, on the other hand, your
mother's info has not yet been computerized, then perhaps you can work
with her in getting that done, so that we can in the future make the
exchange suggested above.   Don't overlook the possibility that I may
have info regarding a different "Irish" Strong family than my own which
may be of use to you.

One of the subjects I think it would be useful to explore on this LIST
is a discussion of what may be the advantages/disadvantages of various
Genealogy programs available on the market.  I have been using a
shareware program called Family HIstory System, which has served my
purposes very well.  It easily facilitates creation of printable
descendancy charts, which can include basic statistical data, plus a
comment section relating to each individual if I so desire.  One problem
is that it is becoming somewhat dated and there seem to be programs out
there with features which are even more flexible than FHS.  I know I can
create GEDCOM files out of my FHS files, and while there will be a need
to closely attend to details to be sure nothing is lost, will be able to
transfer my data to any new program I decide to acquire.  In turn, if,
as I hope, I acquire a new program which will more easily create
complete GEDCOM files, I will be able to export and import data more
easily than I now can.  If you have not yet got a Genealogical Data
Program, perhaps you could benefit from a further discussion of
available programs.

At any rate, we can exchange info by what ever means we now have, and
over time, as we all improve our capabilities we may be able to assist
each other and others on the list even more.  Part of this project is
learning the processes involved and being able to take advantage of new
technology as things evolve.  Perhaps at some later date you may be
independant of your employer, and in the meantime have acquired enough
computer literacy to write your own home page using HTLM or whatever it
is (I'm learning, too!).  Or, perhaps someone on the LIST can either
accomodate your info on their home page, or assist you in creating one of
your own on GEOCITIES (note my last message where I asked how one
"homesteads" a web site).

I hope this helps a bit.  Don't hesitate to ask more questions or
clarify your needs further.  I'm sure there are others out there who can
help if what I am offering above is off the point.  {:-)!

Regards, Dave Strong (of the Anglo-Irish Strongs of Co's Fermanagh and
Donegal, Ireland)

VS>Subject: What to do ??
VS>Date: Thu, 8 May 1997 09:08:40 +1000
VS>Message-ID: <>

VS>Victoria Strong
VS>08/05/97 09:08

VS>As some of you may be aware, I am an Australian Strong.  
VS>I currently haveaccess to the internet via my notes system at 
VS>work.  At this stage we are unable to create our own web 
VS>pages and do much else besides contribute via notes format.

VS>Therefore, the conversation regaiding what is going to happen 
VS>leaves me feeling quite left out.  Being computer illiterate and 
VS>on the other side of the world does not help.  I cannot create a 
VS>web page - and swapping things via US mail does not help those 
VS>of us outside the States.

VS>All that being said, I still want to be involved in the project.  
VS>For  I'm sure that somewhere the American branch must connect 
VS>back to England or Ireland where we come from.  

VS>That my two cents worth.


VS>Tory Strong (

--------- End forwarded message ----------

---------- End of message ----------

From: (Robert T. Strong)
To: "Strong Family genealogy list"
Subject: Re: Distributed vs. Consolidated Database?
Date: Thu, 08 May 1997 21:22:46 EDT

RE-SEND:  This message is being reposted because the
MAISER List Server was offline this morning from roughly
midnight until 11:OO AM, Central Savings Time.  Please
ignore if you previously received this message.


--------- Begin forwarded message ----------
From: rtstrongjr
Subject: Re: Distributed vs. Consolidated Database?
Date: Thu, 8 May 1997 09:33:41 PST
Message-ID: <>

--------- Begin forwarded message ----------

From: "Catherine H. Lippert" 
Subject: Re: Distributed vs. Consolidated Database?
Date: Thu, 8 May 1997 00:04:35 -0400 (EDT)
Message-ID: <>

Dear Bob,

You asked for the opinions of every member of the list, so you'll
get my somewhat disjointed thoughts. I'm involved with another surname
group, so am not volunteering to spearhead anything here. And I 
honestly feel that the people who do the work should have the larger
opinion share. My preference would be a homepage (I can't personally
access one) with brief descriptions of each family group and a link
to another web page with whatever that particular person wanted to
include or to an email address where a searcher could ask more 
questions about a particular line. A communal database is fine, but
would take a lot of extra work and upkeep -- however, if that option
is popular, the people who've been doing the Strong book updates
certainly already have a good start on it and should be asked if
they'll contribute/cooperate.

Cathy Lippert

--------- End forwarded message ----------
---------- End of message ----------

From: (Robert T. Strong)
To: "Strong Family genealogy list"
Subject: Lost Messages?  MAISER Offline Thursday AM
Date: Thu, 08 May 1997 21:22:46 EDT

To ALL Strong Mail List Subscribers:  If you posted 
a message to the Strong Mail List anytime this
morning, Thursday, 8 MAY, between the hours of
Midnight and Noon, Central (US) Savings Time, and
you have not received a copy of your message back
from the Strong Mail List at MAISER, you need to 
repost your message.

Also, Lise Elliot re-subscribed and her messages are
still bouncing.  Consequently I have no recourse but 
to terminate her subscription once again.  I have
attempted to notify her via my alternate E-Mail 
address as my messages sent via JUNO directly to
her also bounced.

Robert T. ("Bob") Strong, Jr., Manager, STRONG Mail List
119 Mystic Way, Monrovia Comm., Madison, AL 35758-7113
(c) 1997.  Permission granted to copy for personal use only.

--------- Begin forwarded message ----------
From: "Larry Stephens" 
To: "List owners@rmgate advisory messages"

Date: Thu, 8 May 1997 13:01:47 GMT-0500 (EST)
Message-ID: <>

We had a power outage last night about 12:30 AM. It must have lasted
longer than our UPS could hold the server. or else it spiked through the

When people came in this morning they had to reload the server then run
utilities to make sure nothing was damaged. That takes an especially long
time on the mail server because of all the archived files.

It came back on line about 11:00.

That means mail while it was down is probably lost.

It's processing mail okay now without much of a backup except for
outgoing; it's backed up and was horrible backed up last night. I'm at a
complete loss about this because this has never been a problem. 100 files
would go out in just seconds. I don't know if this is the result of all
the spammed mail that was run through here or not (and that was an
unbelievable amount of traffic) or a problem with the IU computers making
Internet connections, but I'm keeping an eye on it.

  Larry Stephens  (
  Indiana University Office of Risk Management
  400 E. 7th Room 705, Bloomington, IN 47405
--------- End forwarded message ----------
---------- End of message ----------

From: (Robert T. Strong)
To: "Strong Family genealogy list"
Subject: Strong, et al.,  Families Databases
Date: Thu, 08 May 1997 21:29:08 EDT

RE-SEND:  This message is being reposted because the
MAISER List Server was offline this morning from roughly
midnight until 11:OO AM, Central Savings Time.  Please
ignore if you previously received this message.


--------- Begin forwarded message ----------
From: rtstrongjr
Cc: ,
Subject: Strong, et al.,  Families Databases
Date: Thu, 8 May 1997 11:08:22 PST
Message-ID: <>

                      Robert S. (Bob) Strong
                      James R. (Jim) Rolff

See the message from Catherine H. Lippert, attached.

Hi, Bob S. Strong:

I sure would like to learn  your thoughts about the
discussion of a Strong Database on the Internet, 
either distributed or consolidated or both.

It is my understanding that you already have a 
good start on a consolidated database of the
descendants of John Strong, immigrant to MA.
Is that correct?  I have only heard of this from

I have a database of my own ancestral line and
am willing to expand that to include all 
descendants of John Strong, II (Jr.?), of 
Hanover County, VA.  That will take some time
to expand, though.  It is a slow process as I am 
sure that you are aware.  Hopefully other 
descendants of John Strong, II,  will contribute 
GEDCOMs to me for incorporation.

I have a standing request as part of the Welcome Message 
and Guidelines for the Strong Mail List that people contribute 
GEDCOMs of their Strong families to me to incorporate into 
a general database.  In the roughly six months since the 
Mail LIst began in December, 1996, only one person has 
attempted to contribute a GEDCOM.  That was Marge Gray, 
< > who has now terminated 
her subscription.  Marge descended from "Elder" John
Strong > Thomas, Sr. > Thomas, Jr., > Mary Strong Alvord.
Marge sent her GEDCOM as a four part E-Mail message 
and did not label the parts, so the GEDCOM was scrambled 
in my effort to reassemble the parts.  I have generally been
dissatisfied with efforts to send GEDCOMs via E-Mail
unless they are attached to a message addressed to my 
alternate E-Mail address < >.
(Attached files addressed to me can be compressed, 
using PKZIP 2.04G.)

Since you joined the Mail List, Bob, it would make more
sense for descendants of John Strong, immigrant to 
MA, the church elder, to send their GEDCOMs to you.
I encourage them to do so.  If you do not agree, 
please advise me immediately.

And I hope someone from the William Strong, Sr., 
line of Hanover and Pittsylvania County, VA, will take
the initiative to develop a common electronic database 
of his descendants.

[Incidentally, someone encoded all the data in Jim Rolff's 
book on "Strong Family of Virginia and Other Southern States" 
and submitted it to the LDS Family History Center, where it 
can be accessed via the Ancestral File.   When the Ancestral 
File was originally distributed on CDs, it was possible to download 
data from it to a diskette.  I think that download feature was 
later terminated, but I am not sure.  It might be possible for 
someone to obtain a copy of this database from the person 
who submitted it to the LDS Family History Center.  If this is 
done, the data needs to be edited and updated.  Jim Rolff 
would be the logical person to do that for the descendants 
of William Strong, Sr. of Hanover and Pittsylvania Counties, 
VA, as Jim is the recognized authority on that family. ]

The other major group for which we need someone
to volunteer to develop a common database are the Strongs
of Chester County, South Carolina, and their descendants.

A number of other subgroup databases could be developed.
There are obviously the Straughan/Straughn/Strawn, Strang,
Strange, Straffen et al., L'Estrange surnames, Strongs of Canada,
Strongs of Ausralia, Strongs of England, Strongs of Ireland,
etc.  I think I heard Dave Strong say he would work on
Irish and/or Scotch-Irish Strongs. 

Within the next day or two I will be updating the Welcome
Message and Guidelines for the Strong Mail List.  If 
anyone wishes to be listed as the coordinator for developing
one of these subgroup databases, I need to know immediately
in order to include that information in the Welcome Message

P.S. to Bob S.:  Since I am not familiar with your personal
Strong ancestry, I have been unable to properly place you 
on the Subscriber List.  At minimum I need to know from 
which of John Strong's children you descend.  A more
detailed descendancy chart, posted to the Strong Mail List,
would be appreciated.  A migration route would be helpful.
Do you have a personal WWW homepage yet?

Robert T. ("Bob") Strong, Jr., Manager, STRONG Mail List
119 Mystic Way, Monrovia Comm., Madison, AL 35758-7113
(c) 1997.  Permission granted to copy for personal use only.

--------- Begin forwarded message ----------

From: "Catherine H. Lippert" 
Subject: Re: Distributed vs. Consolidated Database?
Date: Thu, 8 May 1997 00:04:35 -0400 (EDT)
Message-ID: <>

Dear Bob,

You asked for the opinions of every member of the list, so you'll
get my somewhat disjointed thoughts. I'm involved with another surname
group, so am not volunteering to spearhead anything here. And I 
honestly feel that the people who do the work should have the larger
opinion share. My preference would be a homepage (I can't personally
access one) with brief descriptions of each family group and a link
to another web page with whatever that particular person wanted to
include or to an e-mail address where a searcher could ask more 
questions about a particular line. A communal database is fine, but
would take a lot of extra work and upkeep -- however, if that option
is popular, the people who've been doing the Strong book updates
certainly already have a good start on it and should be asked if
they'll contribute/cooperate.

Cathy Lippert

--------- End forwarded message ----------
---------- End of message ----------

From: (Robert T. Strong)
To: "Strong Family genealogy list"
Subject: REMOVE 
Date: Thu, 08 May 1997 22:10:09 EDT

---------- End of message ----------

From: Jeremy Franklin 
To: "Strong Family genealogy list"
Subject: Re:Strong Family Researchers Coordinated Web Site
Date: Thu, 08 May 1997 22:41:36 -0500

Hello all...

I think there a lot of great ideas floating around.  I agree with Russell
Laird and Dave Strong:  one of us should start by getting a Geocities
account.  ordinarily i would, but i feel it would be in the best interest
of the plan if i did not, because of my fall committment to college.  in
august my participatation will still be possible, but to a limited extent.  

Does anyone know how much it costs to get more than the 2 MB of space on
Geocities?  eventually we will need more, so it would be a good idea to
have some idea now.  

for those persons connecting at work without web access, i see no way to
set up a web site.  one would have to have at least an FTP connection, and
even then it would be difficult if you could not view your own pages on the
internet to test them.  

to add my thoughts to Dave's gives us 11 possible items for the web page:

>(1)an initial description 
>(2) that it is maintained by the members of the STRONG LIST,
> (3) that the Web Site manager is acting on behalf of the
>Moderator of the Strong List, Bob Strong (until he is up and able to act
>for himself on the WEB),
>(4) That Bob can be contacted at his email address,
>(5)  that we include instructions on how to subscribe to the
>Strong List,
>(6) that we advise that participation in the Web project is
>voluntary, and
>(7) that we include a listing of members of the Strong List, with email
and URL
>(8) that as each of us has text to add to the main index
>site, he submit it to Bob for coordination with the site manager.
(9)Possibly a place for strong researchers to post queries to ask for help
in finding relatives or information
(10)History of the Strong name, including variations, and coat of arms (?)
(11) If we need more filler...short biographies on important Strongs
(famous or just Strongs who are ancestors to many persons)
Jeremy T. Franklin

"Those who deny freedom to others, deserve it not for themselves."  Abraham
Lincoln  Speech, 19 May 1856

Bumper Sticker of the Week:
"I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it."

---------- End of message ----------

From: (Robert T. Strong)
To: "Strong Family genealogy list"
Subject: Origin of Spelling of Name:  Micheal (not Michael) Strong
Date: Fri, 09 May 1997 01:01:03 EDT


--------- Begin forwarded message ----------

From: Mike Strong [>
To: "Robert T. Strong" 
Subject: Re: Spelling??
Date: Thu, 08 May 1997 21:07:41 -0500
Message-ID: <>
References: <>

Well, here goes>  this may be better asked on another bb, 
but I'll try it here.  

My given name is Micheal.  Please note the spelling.  
"eal" not "ael."   The correct spelling (Hebrew) is "ael," 
but that is the way it is spelled in my family.  I have 
inherited it from my g'father.  In asking why it's spelled 
that way I was told that it was Irish.  I find that
hard to believe, but would like to ask anybody that 
might know and does anybody know anyone else in 
the Strong line who spells it that way?

Jist askin!



Rev. Micheal M. Strong,		
Trinity Lutheran Church,	
220 S. Second			
Springfield, Il	

"There are only two kinds of people in the end:
Those who pray 'They will be done,' and those 	
to whom God says, in the end, 'Thy will be done."
C.S. Lewis
--------- End forwarded message ----------
---------- End of message ----------

From: (Robert T. Strong)
To: "Strong Family genealogy list"
Subject: Digest Mode Option for the Strong Mail List 
Date: Fri, 09 May 1997 01:01:04 EDT

The Digest Mode option is now available for the 
Strong Mail List.  Thanks to Russell Laird who has
tested this feature and reports it is operational.

I requested that the Digests be sent every 24 hours
or whenever the size of the bundle reached 20
KB, whichever occurrs first.

To receive Digests for the Strong Mail List, send a message to:

Beginning on Line 1, Column 1 send this command:


When you wish to return to receiving each message as
it is posted, send this message.


I anticipate that some will like the Digests and others 
will not like them.  If you have any problems in receiving
Digests, please inform me privately.

For Digests to work properly, your message reader must be 
MIME compliant--whatever that means.

Robert T. ("Bob") Strong, Jr., Manager, STRONG Mail List
119 Mystic Way, Monrovia Comm., Madison, AL 35758-7113


--------- Begin forwarded message ----------

From: Russell Laird 
To: "'Robert T. Strong'" 
Subject: Digest has arrived
Date: Thu, 8 May 1997 22:24:46 -0500
Message-ID: <>

Hi Bob,

My first STRONG-L digest arrived today, issued by
MAISER at 3:55 a.m. Thursday, received by my
ISP's mail server at noon. It contains four messages,
beginning with yours re: Distributed vs. Consolidated

My mailreader reports it at 24K in size, and it appears
to my mailreader the same as digests from other
MAISER lists.

So, digest mode is, in fact, a working option for those
who want it. I think I'll leave it set to digest for a few days,
anyway, just to watch and make sure it functions as it
should over an extended period. I don't anticipate any
problem, but the scientific method has a purpose.
Russell Laird
--------- End forwarded message ----------
---------- End of message ----------

To: "Strong Family genealogy list"
Subject: Origin of Spelling of Name:  Micheal (not Michael)
Date: 9 May 1997 07:35:20 EDT

HI Mike!

If you haven't guessed by now, I have quite a bit of info re "Irish"
Strongs/Strangs/L'Estranges, etc.,... including a data base of about
2500 names/events in all the counties of Ireland.   To be honest, while
long ago I "clued in" that there were lots of variant spellings of the
surname, I never thought to look closely at spellings of "given"
names.... I suspect my entries of various "Michael/Micheal's" may have
been corrupted by my own inattention... eg., I probably spelled them all
"Michael".... I will try to keep your situation in mind as I review the
data in the future.... (As I write this, I have something "niggling" at
the back of my mind about this spelling variation... I think I have run
into it before... locating it will be the problem!!!)

Perhaps it would help if you could give us what you know of the origins
of your Strong lineage.  You say you were told that it was Irish.  Do
you know the identity of your immigrant Irish Ancestor?  Do you know his
religion at the time of immigration?  (There aren't too many Irish
Lutherans  {:-)!!, but there are Methodists, Presbyterians, Anglicans
and Catholics, and possibly more;  knowing the religion at time of
emigration can be a clue to locating the origin within Ireland )   Where
did your immigrant ancestor arrive in the Americas?  If you don't know,
but you find you have Strong or other "Irish" ancestry in a northern US
city, you should consider the possibility that your ancestors may have
emigrated first to Canada and then on to the US... tell us what you
know, and perhaps we can help you further.

Regards, Dave Strong

RT>--------- Begin forwarded message ----------

RT>From: Mike Strong [>
RT>To: "Robert T. Strong" 
RT>Subject: Re: Spelling??
RT>Date: Thu, 08 May 1997 21:07:41 -0500
RT>Message-ID: <>
RT>References: <>

RT>Well, here goes>  this may be better asked on another bb,
RT>but I'll try it here.

RT>My given name is Micheal.  Please note the spelling.
RT>"eal" not "ael."   The correct spelling (Hebrew) is "ael,"
RT>but that is the way it is spelled in my family.  I have
RT>inherited it from my g'father.  In asking why it's spelled
RT>that way I was told that it was Irish.  I find that
RT>hard to believe, but would like to ask anybody that
RT>might know and does anybody know anyone else in
RT>the Strong line who spells it that way?

RT>Jist askin!



RT>Rev. Micheal M. Strong,
RT>Trinity Lutheran Church,
RT>220 S. Second
RT>Springfield, Il

RT>"There are only two kinds of people in the end:
RT>Those who pray 'They will be done,' and those
RT>to whom God says, in the end, 'Thy will be done."
RT>C.S. Lewis
RT>--------- End forwarded message ----------
---------- End of message ----------

To: "Strong Family genealogy list"
Subject: Strong Family Databases
Date: Fri, 9 May 1997 11:32:37 -0400 (EDT)

    I think that a comprehensive Strong database would be very beneficial to
a lot of Strongs and others, searching for their ancestral linages.  As there
are many different Strong clans, it may be difficult for a single person to
maintain such a large database.  As I am basically interested in the
Massachusetts Strong contingent, I 
do, however, compile all Strong family data from whoever sends it to me and
maintain such files as required.  That is the way the 5th SFAA update volume
was created.

    Somehow, it seems logical that a split of responsibility of compiling
Strong family data (including all the spelling versions of the name)  would
have to fall on several different individuals.  The problem that occurs with
that concept is that it may hinder the efforts of seekers to locate the
source of their interest through all the ins and outs of the computer world.
 I would suggest that my personal problem is that I am a computer novice and
know that I would have such a difficulty if I did not know whom to contact.
 I have much to learn abour getting around the network.

    Another concern that comes to mind is that there are a lot of different
computer commercial genealogical programs on which people store their data
which would probably have to be converted to the program used by the
compiler.  That may be a problem if it is not compatible with his conversion
program.  It means re typing allot of material which is a lot of work.  I
know as I have almost 150,000 people in my data base and it is all the format
in which the SFAA published their update volumes.  This includes the Dwight

     Bob, as to your question of my personal linage, my descendancy from
Elder John Strong is as follows:  Elder John Strong, Thomas, Adino, Adino,
Adino, Sheldon, Lewis Edwin, Reuben Clemens, and Lewis Billings Strong.  I
anyone is interested in any further details, they can contact me anytime.

      Cathy Lippert is a Elder John descendant and she has graciously
contributed to my files for which I am greatful.

       As this network database solidifies, I would be glad to help out in
any way I can.

                                                               Bob S. Strong,
Historian, SFAA
---------- End of message ----------

To: "Strong Family genealogy list"
Subject: Re: Origin of Spelling of Name:  Micheal (not Mich
Date: 9 May 1997 12:07:52 EDT

Hi Mike...
We all have to start someplace!  Guess I can only suggest that your
family MAY be part of the "New England Strong" grouping under Elder John
Strong... Although I am aware that there are Strongs who settled in New
England who were NOT descended from Elder John.... This may be where the
Irish connection came in!???   Perhaps by circulating this on the LIST
we can get a little input from others who may be able to help!!!!
Good Luck!
Dave Strong
ST>In response to Mike Strong's earlier message, wrote:

ST>> Perhaps it would help if you could give us what you know of the origins
ST>> of your Strong lineage.  You say you were told that it was Irish.  Do
ST>> you know the identity of your immigrant Irish Ancestor?  Do you know his
ST>> religion at the time of immigration?  (There aren't too many Irish
ST>> Lutherans  {:-)!!, but there are Methodists, Presbyterians, Anglicans
ST>> and Catholics, and possibly more;  knowing the religion at time of
ST>> emigration can be a clue to locating the origin within Ireland )   Where
ST>> did your immigrant ancestor arrive in the Americas?  If you don't know,
ST>> but you find you have Strong or other "Irish" ancestry in a northern US
ST>> city, you should consider the possibility that your ancestors may have
ST>> emigrated first to Canada and then on to the US... tell us what you
Mike's reply is:
ST>I know so very little.  My  name is Micheal Melville Strong as was my
ST>g'father's.  I'm told we are somehow related to the Nathan Hale of CT.
ST>(His mother was Elizabeth STrong) That sort of places us
ST>pre-revolutionary war times among the Puritans who had Strongs among
ST>them.  But, I have not made the connections yet.  My g'father was born
ST>in Pennsylvania and we had family in New York - at least one relative in
ST>Palmyra, but I don't know the connection yet.  (I've just started on
ST>this and it is confusing for a newbie.

ST>Lutheran came through my mother's side.

ST>I've checked on Strong elsewhere and there were a lot of Baptists, etc
ST>as well as congregational, Puritans.  But I don't know if I'm related.
ST>I have no knowledge of Strong's from Canada.  I'm believe that I'm
ST>Scotch, Irish, English and German (maybe) from my G'father's side.
Mike Strong
ST>> RT>--------- Begin forwarded message ----------
ST>> RT>From: Mike Strong [>
ST>> RT>To: "Robert T. Strong" 
ST>> RT>Subject: Re: Spelling??
ST>> RT>Date: Thu, 08 May 1997 21:07:41 -0500
ST>> RT>Message-ID: <>
ST>> RT>References: <>
ST>> RT>Well, here goes>  this may be better asked on another bb,
ST>> RT>but I'll try it here.
ST>> RT>My given name is Micheal.  Please note the spelling.
ST>> RT>"eal" not "ael."   The correct spelling (Hebrew) is "ael,"
ST>> RT>but that is the way it is spelled in my family.  I have
ST>> RT>inherited it from my g'father.  In asking why it's spelled
ST>> RT>that way I was told that it was Irish.  I find that
ST>> RT>hard to believe, but would like to ask anybody that
ST>> RT>might know and does anybody know anyone else in
ST>> RT>the Strong line who spells it that way?
ST>> RT>Jist askin!
ST>> RT>Thanks!
ST>> RT>--
ST>> RT>Rev. Micheal M. Strong,
ST>> RT>Trinity Lutheran Church,
ST>> RT>220 S. Second
ST>> RT>Springfield, Il

---------- End of message ----------

To: "Strong Family genealogy list"
Subject: James Strange of London, England
Date: 9 May 1997 12:08:06 EDT

Hello Helen...

I've been meaning to ask whether you are any connection of Robert
Strange the Engraver, who was knighted by King George III in London
circa 1780?  I have some info connecting him to the Balcaskie, Fifeshire
lineage of Strong/Stronge/Strang/Strange...
Have you researched the book "Jacobean Tapestry", by Nora K. Strange,
pub. by Stanley Paul and Co., Ltd, London, c.1946????

There is a gold mine of information relative to this whole lineage which
needs to be dug from several differing sources.... Please share with us
what you can...

Thanks, Dave Strong

---------- End of message ----------
---------- End of Archive ----------

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