Trainer's Corner


By Beth Jennings, Trainer
Invicta Farms, Menifee,CA

The most common excuse given by Spotted Saddle Horse owners for not showing their horse is: "My horse doesn't have a running walk." Since a registered Spotted Saddle Horse may be a spotted gaited breed other than a Tennessee Walking horse, the running walk is not the only intermediate gait exhibited in Spotted Saddle Horse classes. A Spotted Saddle Horse judge will be looking for smoothness, flashiness, correctness and consistency in the horse's movement as explained below by Beth Jennings, trainer of soft-gaited breeds including the Spotted Saddle Horse: While a "running walk" may be required in Tennessee Walking Horse classes, the gait rules for the Spotted Saddle Horse do not require a specific running walk, rack, single-foot, etc. Instead, a SHOW GAIT is called for, which is a four-beat, fancy, rhythmic movement that is fast with high knee action. The hind legs travel in a straight, scissor-like motion with no hock action. In this gait the head-shake would not be penalized. Therefore, no head-shake is more desirable. The other required gait is the SHOW WALK, a four-beat walk with some head-shake. As long as your horse is smooth and flowing, you will probably have a good chance and a good time showing. The main thing to remember is don't be afraid. Get your horse into the show ring and give it a try!!!

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