Spotted Saddle Horse

Performance of Gaits and Judging Criteria:

All horses competing in Spotted Saddle Horse classes must be registered with either the Spotted Saddle Horse Breeders and Exhibitors Association or the National Spotted Saddle Horse Association.
The Spotted Saddle Horse may include a variety of gaited horse breeds that meet the color requirements. They will perform a unique gait depending on their breeding. The horse and rider team should be judged on their performance level of their particular gaits. One type of gait will not have preference over another.

The Show Walk
This is a four-beat natural flat-footed walk with the speed determined by the rhythm and stride of the horse. The four-beat gaits such as the flatwalk, Paso Largo, etc. must be consistent and smooth. The horse should be shown on a light rein with a natural head carriage. A head nod will not be penalized or rewarded.

The Show Gait
This is a smooth intermediate gait with a noticeable increase in speed and flashiness from the Show Walk. Any four-beat gait is acceptable such as: the foxtrot, stepping pace, runningwalk, Paso Fino, saddle gait/singlefoot, rack, etc. The horse should have an extremely smooth and consistent gait and be shown with a light rein and a natural head carriage.

The Lope
This is not a fast gait, but an extremely collected gallop. It is smooth and naturally rolling. The horse should be under control at all times and on the correct lead.

Transitions from one gait to the next must be gradual and smooth.

Either direct reining or neck reining is acceptable in all Spotted Saddle Horse classes at this show. The same rules apply for biting as the NPWHA classes with the exception that direct reining is allowed in SSH western classes.

Western Tack/Attire
Same as the TWH Western Tack/Attire rules.

Same as NPWHA Pleasure Shoe requirements. (3/8" thick by ¾" wide. Caulks must not be thicker than ¾" and the turn back shall not exceed 1".) No use of bondo or acrylic except for minor hoof repair.

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