My favorite links!

For the Quarter Horse Fan: 
Of course I'm linked to the AQHA
And for the true fan, there is the QH-L page
The Pacific Coast Quarter Horse Assn
The Quarter Horse Directory
Quarter Horse Network
Like QH  pedigrees and  history,  try Premiere Publishing and Victoria Short's pages
 Foundation Horse information
Flenniken Quarter Horses is a great site to visit
Quarter Horse World, online magazine
America's Quarter Horse web site


Some homepages of friends:
Todd's Own Home Page is here
To see a hunk (of man not horse flesh) click here
How about Cindy Young's Quarter Moon Ranch
Be sure to check out  Dickson Stables, home of Country Gents Pride
Of course, there is the 2 Lazy 2 Ranch
Some Border Collie links:
All About Border Collies
Border Collie Society of America;
North American Border Collie Rescue
Border Collie Rescue
Some Rodeo and Western links:
PRCA Homepage
Anyone for some Barrel Racing?
Of course, my own local rodeo, Livermore Pro Rodeo
Gymkhana Rider Online
Be sure to visit Cowboy Hall of Fame
ProRodeo Hall of Fame and Museum of the American Cowboy
Don't forget the ladies: Women's Professional Rodeo Assn
Everything cowboys at
Some cowboy poetry
Some Reining/Cutting/Working Cow Horse links:
Want to chat about cutting horses?
Cutting Horse Online
National Reined Cow Horse Assn
National Reining Horse Assn
National Cutting Horse Assn
Some other odd, fun links:
Serious relationship advice with a humorous twist
Want to do a TB pedigree search?
An addicting on line auction