This is a picture of Joe Wolter appearing at a clinic in Limerick, Maine at Piper Ridge
Farm. I attended the clinic on Sunday, the last of the three days.
I met Amy Carlson there. (She participates on the good / natural horsemanship mailing
list.) She was there all three days with her horse. (she is the one with the baseball cap)
Here is another picture of Amy and two other participants.
In this picture, the rider is trying to get her horse to cross the "evil puddle". She finally did
it by "making the right thing easy" (sitting still and releasing whenever the horse had its attention on the
puddle) and "making the wrong thing hard" (constantly turning the horse and making it work when it did not
have it's attention on the puddle). This picture shows the horse "working".
This picture shows the horse "released".
The same thing can be applied to trailer loading. Making the horse busy outside of the
trailer and allowing it to relax inside the trailer means...
...that inside the trailer is a nice place for the horse to be.
Since this was the last day and quite warm for Maine, Joe took everyone out on a little trail
ride around the buildings to try out the new riding skills. This made it interesting for the auditors since we
could hear him through the microphone but could not see him. At one point he mentioned that he saw a
bear and then turned off the microphone ;-) . We did not take him very seriously.
For more information on good / natural horsemanship, click on this.
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