Pam Partow
Email address:
Residence: Cumberland
State: Maine
Country: USA
I live in Southern Maine, moving from
Northern Vermont a couple of years ago. At this rate, I might be in Maryland
by the time I'm 80! I have a little ranch with a barn and a couple of horses
(see my hobbies for more information)
I quit my job in the Semiconductor industry in 2/96. Since then I've becomed involved in several volunteer positions. They all involve horses in one way or another. Briefly, they are: Member of the Maine chapter of the Standardbred Pleasure Horse Organization, Trustee of the Eastern Trail Alliance and Eastern Trail Management District (from Kittery to So. Portland, ME), slight involvement with the Mountain Division Alliance (a rail with trail from Windham to Fryeburg, ME) and board member of the Maine Farm Bureau Horse Council ( emphasis on trails).
I have several animals and enjoy them
all. I spend the most time with my horses. One is named JR and he is a
1987 Quarterhorse gelding. I have owned him for several years and he is
working out very well. We mostly trail ride and work in my arena.
This year we have added massage to our list of things I do with the horses.
It has made a real difference to JR, who may be only 14.2H but has
the body of a 16H horse. To see some pictures of JR getting a massage Click here.
Click here to see that
I do actually ride JR .
The other horse is named Sarah and she is a 1982 Standardbred
mare that I adopted from the Maine State Society for the Protection of
Animals. She is very sweet despite her previous mistreatment from humans.
The Maine chapter of the Standardbred Pleasure Horse Organization has a
web page. This group is
part of a national organization that helps ex-racehorses start a new career.
Jaye Winkel is the owner of this page and I have a few pictures from the
Maine Carriage Days where she drove her Standardbred, Skip. It also includes
a picture of my very tall farrier being pulled by a very strong miniature
horse. Click here for pictures.
Originally, I was going to train Sarah to be a gaited
horse but she is more relaxed at the trot and when she gaits, it is because
she is nervous/stiff. We have worked a lot on walk/trot transitions
and she is becoming quite smooth at it (as long as my balance is there).
One of the things that has helped, I believe, is the backing from the ground
where I release her when she has puts her feet down in correct diagonals.
Click here for pictures. To view a
slide show of Sarah "in action", click here.
In August '98, Sarah and I went in our first horse show. I limited
myself to just the halter classes since I figured she would be a bit nervous.
We won blue ribbons in both the Standarbred only and open classes.
To see us at the show, click here.
I am also extremely interested
in training my horses the most natural way I can. I have attended a few
clinics at Piper Ridge Farm in Limerick, Maine. One was with Joe
Wolter ('97) and I have a web page that has
some pictures from this clinic. The first weekend of August '97,
I attended a clinic given by Leslie Desmond and it was a real eye opener
for me. Click here for a text page of
what went on (WARNING LONG but I think it is worth it).
I have attended Buck Brannaman's
clinics for three years. For 1997's clinic click
here. This is a long summary with lots of details.
For 1998's clinic , click here. At this clinic, I discovered new
details and holes in my training so that is what my report focuses on.
One of my other animals is Pip Squeak
or Pip for short. He is a Shetland Sheepdog (Sheltie) and is quite cute
if I do say so myself. I also have a cat named Frick (domestic short
hair) who keeps the local rodent population under control. I used to have a rabbit named Mr. Bunny but he had an unfortunate accident and is no longer with us. I've added a new dog named, Maggie, who came from the Greater Adnroscoggin Humane Society, high energy but very smart.
here to view Pam Partow's (Non-Horse) Pet Pictures
Weather / News:

read my personal story and see pictures of the ICE STORM of '98, Click
In August '98, we went by boat over to Portland
to see the tall ship USCG EAGLE. To see pictures,Click here.
For Maine weather, Click here
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Changes last made on: Wednesday, January 10, 2001
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