Marty and Sunny Martinek's Page

Welcome to our home page. We hope to be able to expand our page to let you know all about us and our family.
We are now living the grand life of retirement in Punta Gorda, Florida. After 41 years with American Airlines Marty deserves a rest. But we have found that with retirement comes no rest. With all of our wonderful new friends our lives are busier than ever, but what fun.

Marty is playing golf two or three times a week. Some days he's ready for the pro tour. On other days??? After two years as the vice president on the Burnt Store Lakes Board of Directors he is taking a break from service. Now that gives him more time for golf?

Sunny is spending her days at the gym trying to get back in shape. She is coordinator of the BSL Potluck Group. They have wonderful potluck dinners once a month. Maybe that's why she has to spend so much time at the gym. Her parents are living in North Port, about 30 minutes away. So she and her Mom spend many days at the mall.

In July we had a new addition to our family. Dave was married to Srithiwa Japan (Jeip).

Our lives were again blessed with another new addition. On August 2, 1998, Zoe Marie, our first great grandchild, was born to our grandson, Norm, and Jolene. Zoe is the most beautiful baby in the world, of course. Now "Grandma" Dawn knows why I have always said that being a grandparent was the best. Zoe will never lack for anything with Mommy, Daddy, Uncle Chris, "Grandma" Dawn and "Grandpa" Larry as well as all the great and great-great grandparents to shower her with love and attention. Thanks to Dawn I will have many photos to share with all of you as soon as I learn how to do it.

It is a slow process for me to learn this "web page" stuff, so be patient with me. Please come back again and see if I have finally made any improvements on our page. Thanks.
Read about Dave and Jeip
See our beautiful Zoe
Check out Marty's cousin, John Krausman