HomepageTraditional Ukrainian music from a female vocal trio
from Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada. I understand very little Ukrainian, but enjoy
this group's music immensely, and recommend their CD highly.
- Medievia
- Crime Scene. An ongoing fictitious crime investigation that allows you to view collected
evidence and try to solve the crime!
- Microprose Games -- Magic: The Gathering. Microprose's official link to updates and
other information on this popular computer game title.
- Riddle & Trivia du Jour (prizes!)
- Gamesville. On-line Bingo (with small cash prizes).
- Funster. Compete against others on the Web making words from names.
- Advanced Connect 5. Web version of a popular strategy game.
- The Life Alife Page. Play around with computer generated artificial life.
- Virtual Kitty! Create and maintain your cyber cat or dog.
- Internet Greeting Cards. Create your own e-mail greeting card.
- [Intergreetings] Animated Greeting Cards: Animails(TM). More e-mail greetings, with
animation and sound.
- Hasbro-Kenner home page. Official home page of the company that produces many
toys and games, including Star Wars and Monopoly.
- I can't believe they said that! Humerous quotes that will have you in stitches!
- Wal*Mart Memoirs. Stories from Wal*Mart employees -- the good, the bad, and the
- EachMovie. Having difficulty deciding what movie to rent? Let EachMovie help!
- Beth Israel Web Guide to Good Health. Sign the guestbook for a free gift, then take
the Health Assessment survey for suggestions for a healthier you.
- Longevity Game
- Centre for the Easily Amused
- GardenMart
- The Internet Center for Arts and Crafts
- DMC Corporation. Cross-stitch supplies and ideas.
- DMC floss color chart
- Win-Stitch. Download a free demo copy of a Windows cross-stitch design utility.
- Kick Ass Country Store. Craft supplies.
- Hoffman Distributing Company Inc. "The world's leading cross stitch book distributor."
- Simplicity Pattern Company, Inc. Clothing and crafts.
- Gund's Hompage. Home of Gund stuffed animals.
- BearNet. Stuffed animals of various types, including Steiff.
- Happy Puppy's Front Porch. Download shareware and freeware games.
- Southwest Stinson Club Home Page
- Stinson 108 Voyager Aviation Page

Sites that seemed to be available to Canadians.
Return to Index at beginning of home page.
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