Behind the Scenes of the
- Pittsburgh, PA
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ICQs are: 8334783-(PB) or 18112049-(MB)
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MamaBear's ICQ Home Page
Yet one more way to get in touch with us... Our Answering Machine - What a kick!
Please join us in celebrating the new life of our beautiful miracle family (hint, hint...)...
Randy's Page: More updated digital pictures 7/23/98! Link here!!!
After 16 years of wedded bliss, Midlife Mama has hit the Big 4-Uh-Oh! (Still luv ya, Papa Bears!)
PLEASE sign our guestbooks as a souvenir for Randy!
Still under construction - and always will be... This time brought to you by the Feelin' OldMan!
(Bells and whistles are a collaboration between Feelin'Older and Goinuts... They're coming to take us away, hoho!)

The Wizard...
He was the wizard of a thousand kings... or so the song goes, but as Feelin'Older ByTheMinute has learned in these short 8 months, there is only one wizard, and only ONE king, at least in this very, very, very fine house!!!
We've proabably just about burned John Lennon's "Beautiful Boy, Darling Boy" onto anyone's hard-drives that have visited our page over the last 8 months, and now, I have elected to change all of that and add my own perspective to "our" page... Randy is nothing short of being absolutely beautiful, don't get me wrong, but I think that the theme of the page has to fit the times!!!
Randy is OUR little wizard!
Well, enough of that intro stuff for now then...
I am still reeling from this new addition to our crew of two cats in the lounge, (or underfoot), or wherever they happen to be, that I sometimes find myself forgetting that I am NOW a new MIDLIFE dad, and always will be from now until the time of my death, AMEN! I pray to GOD my soul to keep, etc... It's usually well after our little wizard tucks in his nose for the evening that dad even begins to feel creative and yak out something that even remotely looks like text for our home-page"...New Mom Goinuts spends time browsing our 500+ midi files looking for something suitable, the cats just cozy up against something that isn't moving, and our car just gathers a bit more condensation from the HOT and HUMID air that lurks outside of our small suburban castle...

Nothing ever get's done ---
Well folks, in the course of our first year as new MIDLIFE mommy and daddy, we have already survived our first run-thru of Mother's Day and just a little while back, Father's Day...
Ha! This first year really shouldn't have those caracatures of a holiday label, coz EVERYDAY is Randy's Day!!! This little tiny person has managed to tap his magic wand upside of our heads, and create his own little magic kingdom regardless of whether we like it or not!!! We have no choice in this matter of facts...
Music is the universal language---
He has his OWN theme song, The Wizard, that Papabear (aka Feelin' Older) has elected to have you click on and play if you so desire... Otherwise just let the current page theme play itself into your ears until you get sick of it, or your browser decides to RELOAD when you happen to hit our page in the very near future, aka next visit...
Fact #1
Laundry - Carrots really stain white clothing, and No shout in the world can get it out - Beer doesn't stain, and neither does Breast Champagne... Now that Randy is getting into (almost) full-time jars of Heinz Baby Food, I can't even guess what color zuchinni will show up as - Drying the clothes can really set in a technicolor blizzard - See "Spectrum" in the dictionary...
Fact #2
Kids LOVE to talk on the telephone... Especially just when mom or dad has finally gotten them bedded down for their short afternoon respite...
I've never heard ANYONE cry so long or hard just because we were so totally stupid as to forget to take the phone off of the hook... One thing that the "the Bear" really loves to hear is those neat-o sounds that our modem makes when we dial up to connect to our ISP!!! Dit-daaa-phifff-zizz-ummm...Oh!
Fact #3
Trash never accumulates faster than you can empty it when 3 people live in the same house... Arrrgh!!! We are required by the local ordinances to recycle ALL glass, steel, aluminum, newspaper, etc... Well, I'll tell ya... I've never felt so sorry for a fellow human on a HOT, MUGGY, RAINY, and breeze-less morning than I do for our local collectors. Can YOU imagine
about 75 (or more) empty baby food jars (1/4 filled with rain water) sitting in the recycle bin??? That along with the empty cans of baked beans that mom and dad eat now days??? Ya know, diapers really do-do get expensive!!!
Fact #4
Mid-Life Moms really CAN learn to drive better when the Mid-Life Daddy just closes his eyes and keeps the seatbelt snuggly secured, AND the air-bag in his mouth!!! Tires and brakes can be easily replaced - The "skid-marks" do come out in the laundry - and as far as a full tank of gas, the only "Hot Air" comes out of Papabear... Just change the oil every 3k miles and I'll be okay... ...I think...

Fact #5
Digital photographs... We have THOUSANDS... We only have 10 megabytes of storage here on (Thank GOD it's FREE) GEOCITIES (THAT'S A FULL BLOWN PLUG!) I used to dread taking the film to the local developer because I never knew what sort of "negative" result would be printed, and I certainly didn't want to overburden the trash collector with over-exposed kodachromes - Now we can point, shoot, review, and DELETE!!! If only the ink for our @#$% stupid over-priced printer wasn't so darned @#$% expensive!!! We could wallpaper our entire house (along with the rest of the street) with our inexpensive digital photographs... But for now, we'll just upload (as in FTP) 'em to this
page and let you surf along and view them at your leisure! We really DO have thousands!!! At least they'll seem that way if you've connected here at 28.8k bps... Haha!
Fact #6
We REALLY do have a life (other than editing our WEB page!) This page has become such a hobby, and learning all about this HTML stuff has been such an adventure, that actually, instead of being intimidated as I was 8 months ago, (before Randy taught me everything I know!), I can't wait to spend a few moments alone in front of the computer in the pre-dawn minutes - Just before the "Bear" wakes up...
I could go on and on, and really get factual, but anyone that has "been there, done that" knows the ritual...
So, here it is... Midnight at the... We don't need no harem... Sent the camels to bed... Whew, as I type, it's actually 11:45 PM (EST), and finding the keys with my PapaBear claws gets rather long winded, and just a tad bit awkward. I'm in love, and I love the feeling, and I really want to be that father figure, but I must admit it... I can't take one more note of that 'beautiful' song that Lennon wrote - My carpet crawler will hear enough of
it when the kid next to him in kindergarten (That little brown eyed girl), starts humming it out loud - Then he'll understand what all of the fuss was about... Sigh... Man-o-man... Day-dream believer - Life is what happened to me while I was busy making other diversions... All my lovin's...
Well, as you have most likely seen, since you have read this far down our page, Feelin' Older has been doing some key strokin' on his own - We have added MIDI music, online weather, online chat, real-time clock, new gif's, and if you are a regular visitor to our page, you've seen/heard that the page theme changes on a regular basis. I've elected to (on my own, of course), to add
a new gif to the top right hand of the page, and new MIDI music that loads when you log in depending upon the current topic or theme of the day...
Please - In case you have missed ANY of our earlier pages, click on one of the links below to see where we've been. You'll never follow this story if you jump into it in the middle of our chapter. We keep updating as our little bear grows, and GEOCITIES keeps allowing us more disk space on their server. Life is TRULY what happens to us while we're updating our page...
Stay connected...
'Look at that! There's TWO of them!'
Choose from our favorite music with these links:
I Love You Always Forever (Donna Lewis) ... Randy's Birth Song!
Beautiful Boy - Darling Boy (John Lennon) ... Our Theme Song!
Afternoon Delight (Starland Vocal Band)
All My Lovin' (Beatles)
Coming Around Again (Carly Simon)
I Can't Help Falling in Love with You (UB-40) ... I B 40, 2!
Ladies' Night (Kool and the Gang)
Red Red Wine (UB-40)
Return to Innocence (Enigma)
Sacrifice (Elton John)
Time in a Bottle (Jim Croce)
Truly Madly Deeply (Savage Garden)
Waterfalls (TLC)
We Are Family (Sister Sledge)
You're Sixteen (Ringo Starr)
Your Wildest Dreams (Moody Blues)
Links to other sites on the Web
Graphical Guide to our neighborhood - Stroll along our virtual street!
Our Going Nuts Getaway Resort
Got a little bear? Here's a Web Site with a LOT of ideas to keep them occupied! Check it out!
Name="babybear" Pwd="fefifo1" -- Check out our refrigerator magnets!!! You'll like this!!!
One of PB's Favorite Sites on the Web
So now that we're the experts!... Pregnancy & Parenthood
Midlife Crisis? No, just another Midlife Mommy! Join Us!
Just the "bear" bones midi files on our page...
Dad's Hangout: The beer keg. Join Him!
Prior HomePage: Randy at 6 Months
Prior HomePage: Randy at 4 Months
Prior HomePage: Randy at 12 Weeks
Prior HomePage: Randy is Born!
Small Business Keeps America Growing!
Please enjoy our links and plan to stop back once in a while as our links could change in an
instant! It just depends upon our mood of the moment. Seasonal or Daily, who knows!!! You may just
find that you've never been there, or there you've been before...
If you believe this counter, then I'm a monkey's uncle!
The Chat module will log you off after about 10 minutes of no activity... In other words, ya can't just sit here to see if someone happens to hop on the line... Our solution? Try chatting with yourself about every 5 mins or so, eh???
Da-Bears will try to be online anywhere from 8:00pm (EST) until ??? - PLEASE give us some feedback on this new feature, ok???
If you really want to chat with us, simply send us an E-Mail telling us when to be online, and we'll try our best to be here for you!!! We get bored typing to ourselves too!!!

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© 1998 Email to the Kennelly's

Please send your words of encouragement and Email to NewMom Goinuts! aka Bernie
Feelin'Older needs some Midlife Daddy e-pals, too! Write Ray
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