Behind the Scenes of The Midlife Kennellys - Brentwood PA

Still under construction - and always will be...

Kennelly, Kristin Nicole
God must have spent a little more time on you!
Raymond and Bernadette Kennelly, in our 25th year together, are happy to announce the birth of our first daughter, Kristin Nicole, on Thursday April 15th, 1999 at 4:16 P.M. At that time, she weighed 6 pounds 12 ounces and was 21 inches tall. Kristi joins big brother Randy, Mom, and Dad in extending our heartfelt thanks and hugs to the staff of Mercy Women's Health Center and Mercy Hospital of Pittsburgh, and as always we appreciate the continuing prayers and support of all our family and friends. Grandparents are Irene Harris and the late William Harris Sr. and Grace Kennelly and the late Edward Kennelly. Your love is like a river, peaceful and deep. Thank you God!

Links to other sites on the Web

Our last homepage with ALL the links!
Randal Jason Kennelly's New Beginnings
How Mom & Dad usually operate...
Mommy's and Daddy's place of sanity
Yep folks, another link on the Web...
It's not just for WATERMELONS anymore!
Settle in with a COLD brew... I'm stockpilin'!!!

Small Business Keeps America Growing! Please enjoy our links and plan to stop back once in a while as our links could change in an instant! It just depends upon our mood of the moment. Seasonal or Daily, who knows!!! You may just find that you've never been there, or there you've been before...

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