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Stroud Duo-Art ?
Welcome! I hope you can help me figure out what's going on here. This is really exciting because I believe I have an original Duo-Art that is not the average Duo-Art. But I need your help deciding a few things. There are some more pictures I will be adding as soon as I get them back.
All the comments e-mailed to me about this piano will be placed on the comments page each night. Please check back every night to see what others think about this Duo-Art layout.
To navigate the site click on the thumbs below. Use the back button to return.
Please send all comments via e-mail and I will post them each night for all to see and read.
Here is the link to the Tracker Bar
This is the best way to see the layout of the complete Tracker
Here is the link to
the early Duo-Art tubing diagram
sent in by Peter Cogins