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Cornerstone Baptist Church
What Kind of Church We Are
Cornerstone Baptist Church is an independent, fundamental, autonomous church, subject only to Jesus Christ, the Head of the Church. It has the right to cooperate and associate with other fundamental groups on a voluntary basis.
Where We Are Located and How to Reach Us
Our services are held at thePenbrooke Meadows Community Hall, 6001 8 St SE,. Our telephone number is 293-2937.
Our Services
Services are held every Sunday at 11:00 am and 6:00 pm. Prayer Meeting is held every Wednesday evening at 7:00 pm at the Pastor's house. Please call the church number for the address and directions. Prayer meeting consists of a short Bible
Study followed by corporate (everyone participating) prayer.
Sunday School begins at 10 am. There are classes for little ones (up to about Grade 3), juniors (upper elementary and lower junior high), and adults (15 years and up).
Our Pastor
Pastor Jerry Quattlebaum and his family have recently been called by our congregation from the U.S., having most recently lived in Mississippi. He and his wife Deborah have four children; Daniel, who is living in the U.S. ,and Benson, Peter, and Miriam. They felt God had called them to come to Calgary after having spent six months pastoring here while another pastor went home on furlough. The children are eagerly awaiting the opportunity to go skating!
Our doctrinal statement should help you to understand what we believe in.
We believe in only two, baptism and communion.
If you are looking for a new church home, these are some things you need to know about us.
Why are we here? What do we hope to accomplish?
For more information, please call the church, or go
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