The photos at this site may take a while to load...they're worth waiting for!:) I've another song by Beatles. This Yellow Submarine is specially chosen by my papa. Enjoy!

Welcome to my world. My world is a simple one......My milk-milk, my pampers and my bed. I'm not so good at recognising faces yet but I can hear the same few familiar voices everyday which I think are my papa, my mama, my grandmas, my grandpas and our maid Sri.
I spend most of my time sleeping  . Not that I like to...but I really do not know what else to do!!!! I was like that most of the time for the past 9 months. Lately, I learn a new trick......CRYING.....not the softy type...I mean the SCREAMING CRY!!!! It's pretty fun 'coz everybody around the house will come to me, play with me, sing to me and the best part is to be carried around the house. Well, half the fun is gone when my mama thought I was sick and brought me to the doctor . The stupid doctor told mama to put the horrible tasting liquid into my milk-milk. Yuks! I try to behave thereafter but sometimes I just can't help it 'coz I'm really bored. I think my papa knows 'coz  he always rush home from work   during his lunch break just to play with me.

My other favourite activity is feeding  . My mama is an expert. She knows exactly when I'm hungry by looking at the big round thing on the wall. Grandma and our maid Sri are very good at that too. Drinking is fun but I hate the burping   part! They always pat so hard on my back to make sure that I burp after drinking when I'm already so sleepy! 

I used to hate bathing but I am starting to enjoy it very much. I bathe every morning with the help of my grandmama. She likes talking to me when bathing me. I don't know what she is talking about but must be something good.

I am learning everyday. I am now learning to hold my head up by myself....managed to hold for 3sec this morning. Mummy told me I'm getting better! One other trick that I'm trying to master...... make monkey faces.    I like that!

I am thinking of new things to do everyday. I'm always thinking hard  Well,  I think I'll learn to hold my milk bottle soon. Mummy and Auntie Sri are always dozing off while feeding me at nite. The milk-milk on my face and not my mouth!!!

Visit my world soon and I'm sure I'll have more to share the next time!