Making things has always been one of my greatest passions.
There is magic when you create something that wasn't there before. It's
an even greater joy when it comes out looking nice! Sewing has always given
me the greatest satisfaction. Then there's crocheting, plastic canvas,
knitting, ribbon embroider, and cross-stitch. All I really need are more
hours in the day and a maid!!
designed and made the bumper pads, the wall hangings and the bassinet covers
for my first daughter. I sewed, crocheted, and knitted until the day she
was born. I had a great time making so many pink things beings it's my
favorite color anyway!!
is the first thing I ever designed and made in plastic canvas. I call it
a "Room with a View" and I worked on it for three months. Now
I still need to chart it all and will have to make another one just to
accomplish that! So it may take a while!!
made the canopy and the balloon curtains. OK, so I did have a pattern for
the canopy! It still took a lot of figuring! Am working on a new set now,
have all the fabric but since this computer came along some four months
ago, everything in the craft department has come to a grinding halt!!!
And I thought computers would be boring and never even wanted one until
my oldest son introduced me to the wonderful world out in cyberspace!!
Things will never be the same now!
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Last Updated 22 - January - 2004 by Heidi
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