Let me start with the three youngest kids. The two oldest have finally moved out on their own although they do return sometimes to do laundry or to use the computer. But we love them just the same!! Now here are those pictures!
First of all there is Sean, our almost 12-year old. He likes
Nintendo, basketball, fishing, and annoying his sisters. Of course
the two of them know only too well how to aggravate him too! He
loves having friends over to spend the night and is on the phone
every Friday to see who can make it that weekend. He loves
animals, most of all dogs. If it were up to him, we would have
them all in the house!
This is Christina, our 9-year old. She is the neatest of the three,
well, at least when the mood strikes her. Likes Barbies, riding
bikes, jumping on the trampoline, and her all-time favorite season
of the year is Halloween. She starts getting ready for it two
months before!!
This is Angelique our 8-year old. Like her sister she likes her
Barbies, riding bikes, basketball, and jumping on the trampoline.
Of the three she seems to be the most diplomatic and manages to
get along with both her sister and brother at times!
Last but not least there are the two of us,
Ken my better half (I'm only being polite
of course!) and me, Heidi. We are not
native southerners but transplants.
Although my husband says that since we
now own a piece of land here, that makes
us genuine Alabamians!! He is totally an
outdoor person, loves fishing, hunting, and
digging to make our pond bigger. I am of
the indoor variety and think that
"roughing it" means spending a night at
the Holiday Inn without cable TV. While
our kids sometimes make us feel like
pulling our hair out, we sure wouldn't
want to be without them now. While they give us headaches at times, they have added so
much joy and happiness to our lives.
Sean at age 17 months. He was apparently puzzled
because the flowers had no smell and he knew they should
have! Those darn silk flowers!!.
Christina at one year. We had just
brought her sister Angelique home from
the hospital. She did not have much hair
then but she was still cute!
This is Angelique at 2 weeks old. She was the smallest of
our five children, weighing only 4lbs. 6ozs. Terry, my
second-oldest son picked out her name. This way when
she comes and complains to me about it later, I will refer
her to him!! Seems no matter how hard you try your kids
are never happy with the choice of their name. But then
calling them "hey, you" until they can decide for
themselves wouldn't be such a good idea either!!
This is Terry, he is now 25 years old and has been going to college
almost four years. He still hasn't quite decided on a major but
does know that he wants to be independently wealthy someday.
He likes singing opera which he must have inherited from his
great-grandmother, certainly not from me. He is a very easy-going kind of person and knows how to get our three younger
ones motivated. They love cleaning when he asks them to. Sure
wish they would do that for me!! He has just now moved out on
his own and we all miss him. Thank God for computers and
On the left is our oldest son, Ronnie. He is
now 30 years old and a bit camera-shy. He
was teaching his brother and sister some of
the basic chess moves! It is because of him
that I have discovered the world of
computers, I always thought computers
were dry and boring! WAS I EVER
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Last Updated 22 - January - 2004 by Heidi Stepp
And then of course, there is my Mom!
Besides being the best mother in the world
(yes, I am a wee bit partial!!) She is also
my best friend and confidante!! She has
been in the US eight times now and was
there for the birth of every child! We
don't get to see her nearly as much as we
would like but enjoy every moment when
she is with us!! Can't wait for the 10-cents-a-minute rate on those calls to
Germany so we can talk for two hours a
week instead of just one!!!
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