Welcome to our home down South! Come on in, pull up a , kick off your
shoes, and pour yourself a cup of
! I'll go see if there is some
in the fridge!
Watch your step, with three kids in the house it's hard to keep all those toys picked up!
But then my mother always told me that too much housework makes
you ugly, and as you know, Mother knows Best!! But let me see if I can find those family
pictures so I can introduce you to the family. Maybe they're in the
bookshelf over there! One of these days I am going to put all of these
pictures into an album, that is if I can still remember then when they
were taken! I could use a new shoe box for them too, this one is worn out!
So are many things around this house but as I always tell my kids:
This is the house we built two years ago.
The "riding lawn-mower" out front is on
loan from the neighbor! Building this
place was a long and tedious process. At
times I didn't think it would ever get
finished. The stairs were the biggest
problem and we didn't build them until
very late in the game. I wanted circular
stairs like the ones in our old house. But
they were very expensive to have built. I
had made a pattern from the ones in the
old house and although my brother-in-law
had a laughing fit, we did finally end up using the pattern and my husband built them
himself. There were other problems such as air-vents right in front of the toilet, windows
that were too high, a bathroom window that would have been right over the sink where the
mirror was to go, you name it!! Luckily I was able to catch some of them before it was too
late and those guys sure hated to see me coming!! We ended up calling the place the "Black
Hole" because it just swallowed up our money without a trace! Why is it that you never
hear words such as "we will be finished much sooner than expected" or "building costs are
going to be much lower than the estimates" from your builder!! You can bet your bottom
dollar you'll never hear anything like that!! But we did finish in the end! We still badly
need some grass in our yard. At the present time it looks more like the Mojave Desert
although before too long most of the sand will end up in my kitchen, I swear!!
The infamous stairs during and after construction. The wrought-iron railing was another
problem and it wasn't constructed until a few days before completion! I know we won't be
building another house anytime soon!!
Enough already withthe construction work!
This is the view off the back porch. We
live almost in the woods. My husband
wanted to move even further out but I
figure one tree looks pretty much like the
This is more like it!
Cool drinks, cool breeze!!
This is the view in front. As you can see
the Christmas lights are still up. It's too
hard to climb a ladder to put them up each
year. I had bought a 100-year light bulb
for the porch light but it burned out two
days ago after only two years. I wonder if
the company that made it is still around or
if they lasted only as long as their light
All the cabinets in the house are this
washed-oak color. After having lived with
dark wood cabinets for so many years, I
was ready for something lighter! And I
finally have an island too, something I had
always wanted. While the architect
wanted to put the cook top or sink on it, I
insisted that I wanted none of that, just a
lot of working space!
Ya'll come back now, you hear!!
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Last Updated 2 - December - 2002 by Heidi Stepp
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