Bob's Antique Radios


Here are the radios that I currently have for sale.


Antique wood, plastic, and metal radios. Check back often, I'm adding new sets every few days!

Click on the thumbnails below for a larger view of the item with information and price.

Philco 46-131


Radioceptor SR. Z-2


Coming Soon!
Sparton 10 Tombstone
Coming Soon!
Stewart-Warner 345

Coming Soon!
Philco 39-180 Console


Definitions: Restored:  Repaired, aligned, cleaned, tubes checked, etc.
           Refinished: Self explanatory.
           r Repaired: Parts replaced by us, radio operates.
           w Working: Radio plays. Generally not a long term test. Problems, If any, (hum, etc) listed.
           ai As is: Pretty much self explanatory. No obvious fatal problems, but the set is NOT thoroughly tested.
           u Untested: Not tested.
           nbm NBM  "Not by me"
           ss   SOLID STATE
           a/f   AM/FM   a/f/s  AM/FM/Stereo

Shipping and handling calculated from Lansing, Kansas (66043 zipcode)

Email me at: for purchases or questions.

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Last Updated

Monday, October 29, 2001