Welcome to my guestbook. Please if you liked or didnt like what you saw on my page, leave me a message. I will answer all e-mails, as well. Thanks, and I'll be seeing you!

12/23/00 01:40:24
Name: jon doe My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Give my page a Rating (1-10): -3

Ithink your webpage is a fucking JOKE. I haven't seen a shittier site since the last time I looked at this site. I did like the transformers and GI Joe but the rest blew ass!!! Oh yeah, I liked star trek and star wars and spider-man was cool until the clone thing came back up that just pissed me off!!! BUT NOT AS BAD AS THIS Shitty-ass piss ant website. Well, that's all for now, I'll take a look at your site again later AND IT BETTER HAVE IMPROVED A HELL OF ALOT BETTER. Have a nice day. SIncerely yours, Jon DOe

11/01/00 16:49:15
Name: lily My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Give my page a Rating (1-10): 10
Do you go to Telnet Chats?: not yet

I love the picture of you on the beach.Areal warm feeling here.Almost enough to warm an old vampires bones.I shall be in the bevy picking flowers.

05/21/00 19:25:48
Name: Petra My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Give my page a Rating (1-10): 10 of course!
Do you go to Telnet Chats?: Nope What is your Favorite chat?: ...

My dear, I am just promoting my Save Jamie page... You don't mind, do you? No? Love ya! So everyone, please visit savejamie.cjb.net!!! It's the page I made for my penpal who is on Death Row...

04/11/00 09:41:47
Name: Lynn
My URL: Visit Me

just a quicky today, telling you I finally am finished with updating my homepage etc. In library again, and I accidentally typed 9128 instead of 9218 in the url, and I ended up on this WHACK danish site, SHEESH !! *heh* That was kinda scary... I didn't un erstand shit of it !! But anyhow, you get your pretty ass up to my page, young man !! ;) Love ya Lynn

04/02/00 19:46:10
Name: Lynn
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Ugh I can't BELIEVE how icky my computer is being.. it won't let me change the monitor settings no matter WHAT I do so I am stuck at watching everything with 16 goddamned colors.. everything looks so tacky in 16 colors !! *pouts* Blegh. I mean.... even yo r wonderful and magnificent page looks kinda icky !! *heh* Kidding hon, I very well know what the picture is SUPPOSED to look like and I have a good imagination... WHOOPS now I said too much *teehee*. Now you do realize that, because I just called your page wonderful and magnificent, you MUST get rid of that so-called witty comment over at my link *grin* Nahh hon you keep it up, it's kinda cute. I will still kill you though for the april fools thing... you really have no idea how I hate that day.... every goddamned year I get fooled again *heh*. I'm bored. I should actually be studying for exams etc but I'm kinda waiting for Kirsty who said she'd be back half an hour ago... Ah there she is !! Yay Now I can go :) Bye hon love ya Lynn

03/28/00 13:40:19
Name: LYNN
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

*pounces on you and lix you all over* HEY YOU !!! Why didn't you leave a message for me that you had left for Florida ? *pouts* I missed ya hon, but I heard you're back already.. I'LL GET MY POOTER BACK TODAY !! Sheesh, these 4 days without have been HELL I tell you. I have actually done my homework !!! *faints out of shock and wakes up 3 days after* Ahem. Anyways... And Petra has a boyfriend !! It is so goddamned hysterically funny !!! Down part is that I'll have to look for someone else to have sex with ow, *teeheehee*. Damn, I need to find me a boyfriend in this country... Oh my I am being rather blunt today... oh well dollie, I'll talk to ye tonight or something... Love ye loads, Lynn

03/24/00 06:41:45
Name: Elky of the Moose Slippers My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Give my page a Rating (1-10): 16 (i can't count)
Do you go to Telnet Chats?: yup What is your Favorite chat?: must i choose just one??

hiiiii notek :) long time no see! i think it's very cool of you to still have bits of me floating around your page! i've started to make a page myself, i'll have to sprinkle some bits of you over it too! miss you lots n lots *hugs*

03/22/00 09:16:51
Name: Jacqueline My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Give my page a Rating (1-10): Hmm a 9.9
Do you go to Telnet Chats?: No What is your Favorite chat?: Le Jardin Sauvage

I had no idea that you had a home page. Very,very nice and I love the pics. You look a lot like my late best friend. It was nice to meet you at the Bower. Perhaps you'll get the chance to stop by my site and let me know what you think.

03/08/00 19:35:13
Name: Countess Sigula My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Do you go to Telnet Chats?: no
What is your Favorite chat?: Don't have one just now

I love the eyeballs! This place is fascinating, and I'm glad to find another open-minded, fair individual in this world that can display such ugliness at times.

No, you do not look like Kramer!

Where in Missouri do you l ve? The KC area? I'm in St. Louis, and your photos sure look like MO.

03/06/00 03:37:12
Name: Lulu My Email: Email Me
Do you go to Telnet Chats?: Nope What is your Favorite chat?: Dont have one...can you recomend a good one?

Okok..here are the qoutes I said I would leave. "The secret of Life is honesty and fair dealing. If you can fake that you got it made." "I have nothing but confidence in you, and very little of that." Groucho Marx. "Audentes fortuna juvat...Fortune favors the bold"

02/24/00 19:01:19
Name: Adara My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Give my page a Rating (1-10): 10
Do you go to Telnet Chats?: nope What is your Favorite chat?: Aol IM

Hey, there sheesh i never realized you had a page. Where in Fl did you live? i was in Spring Hill for a bit, you know close to tampa little remake for all the old people nothing to do at all. Oh well thats a lot of places. I'm Suppose to be at college so I better run. I'll be back to read some more though. Adara

02/23/00 04:10:49
Name: Rhea My URL: Visit Me
Give my page a Rating (1-10): 9 (no one's perfect?) Do you go to Telnet Chats?: no
What is your Favorite chat?: AOL's IM

Hey love, thought it was time I came by and left my mark...after all, you are one of the family now. I really enjoyed your thoughts...although from reading them, I don't see you as a "simple man" as much as I do a "sensitive" on ~smile~ And the pictures are marvelous too...Handsome dog, aren'tcha? Anyway, I also enjoyed your Schultz tribute, very much. See you in the bower, love!

Yours ever,

01/25/00 10:49:27
Name: Lynn
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Hey hon !! I've 4 minutes left, sitting in the library.. hey it's cheap and it goes a LOT faster than my own pooter.... not that that's so much of an achiefment (spelling ? it doesn't look right.. what the hell) but I'm happy with it anyhow. Ooooohhh 3 mi utes. I'm getting really scared. *heh* Gotta love it. Hmm, Lynn has 2 more weeks to go as a single girl and then I'm gonna get married to Kirsty... CREEPY !! *hehe* I'm weird. Oh, my friend Redmer told me to say hiyah. I gossip aboutcha *winks* Ooh 2 minu es.. better wrap this up hon, I do want to sign it y'know.. *huggles* Love ya loads, Lynn

12/21/99 22:18:58
Name: Ice
My URL: Visit Me

hey love

I have something for your opinions page

but to be one of your tears......to be born in your eyes, to live on your cheeks, to die upon your sweet lips.....would be my greatest accomplishment.


much love.......

12/21/99 22:08:26
Name: Ice Ice Baby My URL: Visit Me
Give my page a Rating (1-10): ummmmmm no need Do you go to Telnet Chats?: nope
What is your Favorite chat?: over ICQ

*blows you a kiss*

go see my page


12/21/99 10:26:18
Name: Da one and only
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Hey baby doll *hug* haven't been here in a while eh ? Ahem, anyhow, I just came to inform you that my new page is up and to demand you go there immediately and sign the friggin' guestbook 'cause that's what it's for *cuddle* silly thing you. Uhmmm... yeah .. well... that's it actually... *mwa ha ha* I'm such a hypocrite... hey what can I say... I'm dutch !! *grins* Love yah babe


11/14/99 15:18:20
Name: Free For Chat My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Just surfing and came accross your page Thanks

10/30/99 19:21:48
Name: Lynn
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Hi cutie !! Doesn't anybody sign your guestbook these days but me ? Gawd dear that's boring ! I confess, a select crowd of for about 5 people signs my guestbook, but I've managed to make the 140 entries already !! *evil laughter* and very rarely somebody omes in that I don't know at all.. woah that's a real surprise !! Anyways.... uhm.... I'm gonna go now, talk to yeh laters sweety *smooch*


10/19/99 14:02:13
Name: Lynn
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

*looks down* uhm.... uhm.... *embarassed* uhm... well uhm, that was Rocky D. (or Doug), my American adoptive father *grin*, uhm, I think he tends to be a little overprotective there *grin* aw well. It is very cute, don't you think ? Anyways, I thin I better be off now, I have to study a little for my history exam tomorrow... and my maths exam *sobs*... damn I hate maths. Ahem, anyways, I'll be seeing ya around *hugs*


10/16/99 03:26:09
Name: RockyD (Doug) My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Give my page a Rating (1-10): 8.25
Do you go to Telnet Chats?: No What is your Favorite chat?: ICQ and hearme.com

Your site was given to me by Lynne from Holland, a Good and Sweet friend. She wanted me to check it out. I tell you man, I like it. I like your sayings most of all, and of course the pics, the ladies are tops, very good taste there, as friends or whatever Don't you think Lynne is great, take good care of her man, she is like a daughter to me. Well, you keep up the good works, I plan to start a page in the future, but I'm in no hurry. Will visit again someday, see ya. RockyD as per ICQ

10/15/99 13:45:27
Name: Lynn My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Give my page a Rating (1-10): Aw don't you know by now ?
Do you go to Telnet Chats?: nope What is your Favorite chat?: LJS

*smiles* Look who's come to bother you again !! Oh gawd I'm so bored. Studying for exams is hell I tell you. Hey I saw Forrest Gump the other night, it's one of the rare movies that make me cry. *giggles* Yeah that's right, even I cry sometimes... but shh dearie, don't tell anyone, it'll ruin my reputation of mean cold bitch *wink*. Hm I'm going to get myself some lunch and then get back to study again. Do not go to my page, I repeat, do not, I've put up some personal stuff and... aw ne'er mind, you won't ead this anyways. Love ya !


10/14/99 20:42:53
Name: it is I !!! My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Give my page a Rating (1-10): big fat 10
Do you go to Telnet Chats?: nope What is your Favorite chat?: LJS

Hey sweety !! *bounces in and hugs ya* I was just bored so I guessed I'd drop by and.. here I am !! It's Lynn you nuthead !! *winks and giggles* Hm well Tall guy I'm off, love ya loads, see ya !!


09/27/99 16:32:51
Name: Linda My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Do you go to Telnet Chats?: yes
What is your Favorite chat?: Lodis Island

How come my picture is not here?

09/18/99 20:42:28
Name: Floortje My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Give my page a Rating (1-10): big 10 !!
Do you go to Telnet Chats?: who ?? What is your Favorite chat?: icq ??

Heeeeyyy you should've told me before you had a homepage !! I would've gone here earlier !! (and I would've found out earlier you were such a hunk and I wouldn't have had a boyfriend right now *lol*) Just kidding ya love.. you're a good friend and I wouldn't wanna lose ya. Now, I'm off, go visit my page once (or twice or three times or something)

All the love + huggles + smooch,

08/20/99 11:39:02
Name: druid My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Do you go to Telnet Chats?: yep
What is your Favorite chat?: ft, eden, lint

the song on your opinion page, is by clint black

04/27/99 01:28:06
Name: Stitch My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Give my page a Rating (1-10): Top marks! :o)
Do you go to Telnet Chats?: Of course! What is your Favorite chat?: TraumaBay

heh, thought I'd better write something 'fore I get my butt kicked!

Where the hell did you find that pic of me??? It's UGERLEEE!!! :o)

04/21/99 09:04:01
Name: Crisis My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Give my page a Rating (1-10): 10
Do you go to Telnet Chats?: Im everywhere... giggle... What is your Favorite chat?: I have to many favorites....

Hiya... nice homapage... It is nice meeting you even though we really havent talked... HuGs... Linda aka Crisis

04/17/99 17:15:21
Name: Genesis My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Give my page a Rating (1-10): 7ish
Do you go to Telnet Chats?: no What is your Favorite chat?: icq, or not so fave mirc

sorry i gave just a sevenish nice site, liked it, improvement necessary (hey this is constructive criticism) ^_^ hope to c lotsa improvement ^_^ if any1 wants to find me my nick stands perminantly ... so msg if u wanna...(i m very self-advertisive, sorry keton)

10/04/98 21:04:20
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Nice page. Very informative. Keep it up.

07/09/98 08:47:29
Name: Mo
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Hi... you were on the Heartland birthday list...thought I would stop by and say....

04/06/98 21:16:10
Name: mynxe My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Do you go to Telnet Chats?: yep
What is your Favorite chat?: lintilla

very festive web page. Need more dirty pictures.

12/22/97 22:48:36
Name: Leshem (aka Housing) My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Do you go to Telnet Chats?: mmm nope.. irc
What is your Favorite chat?: closed member channel

just wanted to say HI nice to finally see the face of the person i built a house for! heheheh coolio man.. welps, take care awright and stay sweet.. this world needs more of you =D *hugs* lesh (aka Housing, Journey, etc)

12/13/97 08:55:34
Name: AJ My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Do you go to Telnet Chats?: yes
What is your Favorite chat?: Crystal Forest

Pretty kewl web page

11/29/97 23:15:24
Name: T-Bone My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Do you go to Telnet Chats?: yes as you know
What is your Favorite chat?: CRYSTAL FOREST

well I was just bookmarking your page but for some reason I cant go to the HOT LINKS I'll chat with ya soon

11/13/97 17:17:09
Name: Luna My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Give my page a Rating (1-10): 10!!
Do you go to Telnet Chats?: yeeeessss! What is your Favorite chat?: Crystal Forest

Really nice homepage!! Smiles, smiles, smiles. Luna smiles happily as she walks on her

10/29/97 23:53:10
Name: Arielle My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Give my page a Rating (1-10): 1000 to the 25th power
Do you go to Telnet Chats?: yes What is your Favorite chat?: Belle's Sanctuary

It is a beautiful homepage my beloved. You are doing well. *HUGS* and *KISSES*

10/28/97 20:30:45
Name: Jace My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Give my page a Rating (1-10): 12
Do you go to Telnet Chats?: yeppers What is your Favorite chat?: Fantasia's Island

Heya :-p

10/16/97 20:27:35
Name: tbone My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Give my page a Rating (1-10): 100
Do you go to Telnet Chats?: yes as you know What is your Favorite chat?: who else

hey boy when am I gonna see you on C F ppl will think you died if you do not get on sometime well hope too see yas there

10/14/97 15:07:05
Name: Andre Blanchard My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Give my page a Rating (1-10): 7 (very good)
Do you go to Telnet Chats?: yes

Hi. I like your page. Keep up the good work. Talk to you soon. - Andros

10/12/97 23:34:12
Name: Sarah (Sadie) My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Give my page a Rating (1-10): 10--Only cuz Jerkboy and Ilianna be lookin SO DAMN FINE!!
Do you go to Telnet Chats?: yup What is your Favorite chat?: CRYSTAL FOREST..FOO!!

Jerkyboy wait til I get my hands on you.....*drool*..Great page keton..Love ya

10/06/97 03:34:22
Name: Rani My URL: Visit Me
Do you go to Telnet Chats?: yes What is your Favorite chat?: Street dreams


09/29/97 20:19:24
Name: Elky AGAIN...no my last name is not 'again' My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Give my page a Rating (1-10): see my last entry
Do you go to Telnet Chats?: see my last entry What is your Favorite chat?: i'm still undecided...it's only been a few minutes for pete's sake! stop harassing me! ;)

I just can't stay away! well ummm ok call me crazy, but for some reason the link to the hompage doesn't work properly....maybe cuz i put more than one in? duhhhh...i just wanted to correct it in case any of my million adoring fans wanted to come see me.. i hope it works this time!

09/29/97 20:08:20
Name: Elky of the Moose Slippers My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Give my page a Rating (1-10): 15!
Do you go to Telnet Chats?: you betcha What is your Favorite chat?: ahhh too many to choose from!

o/~ i was here and saw your page la la la la o/~ good job notek! i only have two complaints: 1. you need some mmmmmmilk here 2. where is the mop?? just in case, you know! *bow* ok, i'll shut up now. good work! :)

09/26/97 18:17:30
Name: Tammy (tripmom) My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Give my page a Rating (1-10): 10 :)
Do you go to Telnet Chats?: not yet What is your Favorite chat?: just started so don't have one yet

your page is great! I was just checking out the pages of my neighbors and looked at yours. I'm having a hard time loading my page though so who knows how long it will be. I just can't seem to upload it to the site. any suggestions???? Thanks for sharing you life a little! Tammy aka tripmom

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