Hello, and welcome to the part of my homepage dedicated to Ultima Online. This is one of the greatest games ever created for the computer...at least i think so. The game is basically a role playing Dungeons and Dragons theme that you play online...with hundreds sometimes thousands of other players. One of the really cool things is, that you dont have to be just a fighter or a thief or even a magician. If you want to you could just be a shop owner, and make your money that way. You can even be a miner or a blacksmith, combining many differnt skills so that your charachter is the best it can be. You can even change your charachters looks to anything you like. including hair color and skin tone. You really should check it out, with the link below. The graphics are supreme.

Below you will find a link to the Glory Row homepage. This is the guild that I belong to within the game. Guilds basically help guildmembers to prosper in whatever way the player wishes his charachter to do so. They do this by bringing people together into a group that will be there for them when they need them. Guildmembers help each other gain skills by having mock fights called "sparing", or defending each other against "REDS" or player killers. Player killers or PK's as they are also known, take their enjoyment from the game by hunting down and killing other players within the game. Often these players are not really Malicious in nature ( though many are) but mearly enjoy that part of the game, i.e. being evil. I think that PK's, however annoying they may be at times, are an important part of the game and add an extra level of danger and fun. In this way helping to keep the game from becoming boring. There are many guilds in the world of Britania, the name of the planet on whichever UO server you use, but so far as I have seen mine is the best. ( So there!:P) But remember not all guilds are good, Pk's also have their own evil guilds. Ok one more thing real quick. Beside the link are two pics of my two main charachters I play. Jareth and Lytol(to be added later), I just thought you might like to see them.

Below is also another link to a very fine guild. The Knights of Sosaria, and a pic of my dear friend and Lytol's UO gf, Cleo. Shes not in the guild, but her "sister" (other charachter) is. Why dont you check them out? I think its always wise to take a look at several guilds before making a choice as to which to join.
The next link, is to a page that has three comic strips on it. Two of them spoof Ultima Online and the third is about a game called Diablo. You may have heard of it, or perhaps not, the game can be played on your home computer or even on the net, with several other players. I recommend it. The reason I am putting up this link, is because I laughed so hard when I read it, that I almost wet myself. True, so I urge you all please go to the bathroom before reading it, hehe. If you play Ultima Online, then you will definatly underatnd every joke and can most likely see many of the situations that have happened to you or could easily do so. If not then you might not understand them all, but I think you can understand many of them. (BTW, Cor Por is a spell that alot of Player Killers on the game use quite frequently to finish off a victim.)

I thought you might like a peek at some of the graphics and an Initiation Ceremony for Glory Row.
Thank you Cleo for help with many of the pictures on this page!!!!!!!!!!