Thoughts of a simple man.

The following page is about me and my thoughts. I guess you could say Im kinda proud of it....since I wrote alot of them myself. I dont know how often I will change this page, but it will probably change the most out of all of them. Simply put...this page is going to have my ideas..some funny things...some not so funny things..and even a few poems. Things on the whole will probably not shock anyone and i will do my best not to, but no promises. Im going to try my best to make sure that i give credit where it is due, also. I hope you enjoy this page.

I dont know anyone who has least..not that I know of. I hope to God I never do. Not because I think I will catch it..but because, I dont want a friend of mine dying like that. In fact I wouldn't wish that on ANYONE! So for gods sake people, (whatever your orientation is wrap it up...because their aint no piece worth dying over.)

-Lady Pearl, University Club, Gainesville Florida

Love is not something that we have or find. Love is something we do.

-Country Song (cant rember the tittle or singer)

Sometimes...I just look around me in this wide world, Then I get this sudden urge to run up and down the street screaming this at people.

Definition of Matureity: When you do not place your pleasure over someone else's Pain.


I am 22 years old. I thought I had seen a fair amount of the human race and knew a fair bit about people. But I have come to realise that people, when it strikes them, can be more PETTY then I ever thought possible.


Marriage is the
Beautiful Blending of
Two Lives, Two Loves,
Two Hearts, Its the
Wonderful Magical
Moment When a
Love Story Starts


I didnt write this and its too much to put on my page, so im going to make a link to this page. I think it says alot of important things.


-Author Unknown

Have you heard the song "Everybody's Free to wear Sunscreen"? If you have or haven't, here are the lyrics to it. I think it deserves a spot on my Opinion Page, but thats alot of words so i gave it a page of its own.

I may not be a very smart man, but I know what love is.

-Forest Gump

Why is it when you think of really profound things to say or poems to write, you only have a napkin to write it on?


When you are out and about in the world, if it is real life or on the net, be careful what you do...and what you say. THINK before you act or open your mouth, something you may think is trivial or just not as important as it is maybe the most important thing in the world to someone else. You could hurt someone you love, very much, and things will never be the same again. Recently, I learned this hard lesson...I thought I had learned it long ago. I didn't learn it well enough it seems and now I have hurt the dearest person in the world to me, Arielle. I'm sorry, I know this isn't good enough, but I hope it can be a start.


A word is not a crystal, transparent and unchanging; it is the skin of a living thought and may vary greatly in color and content according to the circumstances and the time in which it is used.

-Supreme Court Justice Oliver Wendell (Jan. 7. 1918)

but to be one of your be born in your eyes, to live on your cheeks, to die upon your sweet lips.....would be my greatest accomplishment.

- thank you Ice/cori from my guestbook:)

I have a question. I work for walmart as some people know and tonight I was working in the Health and Beauty Aids section. I saw some makeup there and it got me to thinking. If anyone can answer it please do.

What is the differnce between buff and nude??????

Ok people all other sites, this one will never be finished ..but this page in particular will always be worked on.

Hello everyone:)...I hope you liked my opinon page. Now i have a surprise for you. Would you like to have any similar opions placed here? Well email them to me or place them on my Guestbook and I will place them on this page or make a page just for all of you:)! and you will get full credit for them:) Hope to be hearing from you soon:).