Dedicated to Charles M. Schulz

“It is amazing that they ... think that what I do was good,” -Charles M. Schulz

Fifty years ago, a little known cartoonist by the name of Charles Schulz published his first comic strip. That comic strip was named Peanuts. Little did he realise how long his strip would run or how many lives it would affect. Below is that first strip.

This first strip was soon to be followed by many more, as well as several motion pictures, tv shows, books and even a play. Fifty years later on February 13th, 2000 his last original strip was published. This was thought to be his last strip before a well earned retirement, unfortunately for all, it proved to be the last strip before his death. Below is that last strip.

This page is dedicated to Mr. Charles Schulz, a man who even up until his last days did not understand the depth of love that many people had for his strip, Peanuts, or that little round headed kid, Charlie Brown. Mr. Schulz was able to show each and every one of us that we all have a little bit of Charlie Brown within us. That no matter how much we fail, we should continue on. With every strip he was able to bring laughter and an insight into the human soul, into millions of homes each day.

There is so much I want to say about this man, who gave so much, and yet did not understand the impact of his work. But I am afraid that I can not find the words to express my grief at his passing, and the end of an era. We shall all miss him, and I hope he realizes this, wherever he is. Charlie Brown and all the Peanuts gang will live on in our hearts. God Bless and keep you Mr. Schulz.

There is one more thing, that I would like to add. The following strip appeared in the paper, the same day as the last Peanuts strip. I think it sums up how alot of people feel about Charlie brown, the Peanuts Gang, and their Creator.

I thought this was appropriate and a little funny.

(Below is a link to his Official Peanuts Homepage.)

Dedicated to Charles M. Schulz
